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November 14, 2013 The Honorable Mark Dwyer Supreme Court of the State of New York County of Kings

320 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Re: People v. Baruch Lebovits Ind. No. 11393-2008

Dear Justice Dwyer: We the undersigned friends of the Court, victims of child sexual abuse, friends and relatives of victims, clergy, professionals, advocates and concerned citizens respectfully submit as follows. We are united in our determination to reverse the mounting toll of abuse within the Orthodox Jewish community and elsewhere, which includes: suicides, substance abuse, family disruption, marital discord, and other damage to the spiritual, physical, intellectual and mental health of both the victims, those close to them and society as a whole. Our aim is to encourage victims to seek justice within the criminal justice system. Considerable progress has been made in spite of widespread attempts by some to deter reporting of these crimes to the authorities through threats, harm to the livelihood of victims and their families, expulsions of children from schools and families from synagogues, and other extreme forms of ostracism and shunning. We believe a just outcome in the case against Rabbi Baruch Lebovits is crucial to signal to victims and their families that the heavy sacrifices they endure when they report abuse are not in vain, but will rather lead to diligent and committed prosecution of their cases.

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We are deeply concerned by the troubling irregularities in the prosecution of Lebovits by the Office of the Kings County District Attorney (KCDA). It is now over five and a half years since the father of a victim of Rabbi Lebovits reported his sons abuse to the KCDA, in early 2008. 1 Criminal charges followed in relation to this complainant, Complainant #1, and also led to other victims coming forward including Complainant #2 and Complainant #3. Lebovits is a notorious serial molester whose misdeeds have been widely known for decades. Prominent rabbis supported the decision of victims to report their abuse by Lebovits to the authorities. 2 The impact Lebovits has had on his victims and the community cannot be exaggerated. Some other examples: Meir Dascalowitz, who pleaded guilty to being a child rapist, told law enforcement investigators that Lebovits sexually abused him when he was a teenager. Motty Borger jumped to his death the night after his wedding, after tearfully telling his bride that he couldnt go near her because he was molested.3 Borger had earlier disclosed that Lebovits had molested him. Police and the KCDA are aware of additional time barred victims of Lebovits. In 2008, Lebovits was charged with multiple felonies related to his abuse of complainants #2 and #3. Complainant #2 was alleged to have been subjected to horrific abuse by Lebovits, including numerous acts of anal rape. His case was on the verge of trial in late 2009, when attorney John A. Lonuzzi informed the DAs office that his client, Complainant #2, was no longer cooperating with the prosecution. Despite evidence that this victim had been intimidated

See: 2 See: indicted.html?_r=0 3 See:

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and bribed into withdrawing his cooperation, the KCDA failed to investigate and simply abandoned Complainant #2s case. 4 The KCDA proceeded with Complainant #3s case. Detective Steve Litwin arranged a supervised police recording of a conversation between Complainant #3 and Lebovits in which Lebovits makes incriminating statements. While the tape was not introduced at trial, it was also not turned over to the defense, a violation of discovery rules. There is now strong reason to believe that the tape has gone missing. Lebovits was convicted after trial on eight counts of Criminal Sexual Act in the Third Degree, a Class-E Felony. On April 12, 2010, he was sentenced to the maximum sentence on each count, one-and-a-third to four years, to run consecutively, for a total of 10-and-two-thirds to 32 years. Subsequently, the misdemeanor charges related to Complainant #1 were dropped. In April 2012, the Second Department reversed the conviction of Lebovits based on a Rosario violation by the KCDA. The violation involved notes concerning the sole defense witness, Rabbi Berel Ashkenazi. The notes detail witness statements by Complainant #3 that Rabbi Ashkenazi offered him money not to testify at trial. The indictment stood and the appellate court ordered a new trial. In September 2012, Attorney Michael Ross met personally with District Attorney Charles Hynes and delivered a letter on behalf of Complainant #3 indicating he had reached a financial settlement with Lebovits but was still willing to testify against Lebovits at a criminal trial.


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However, multiple sources have reported that the settlement is being held in escrow in Israel subject to Complainant #3 not testifying at trial. There is no indication that the KCDA has investigated the possibility that this settlement constitutes witness tampering. A full year and half after DA Hynes publically stated that the KCDA was prepared to retry this case, it has not been brought to trial. Worse still, it seems possible that after this Court imposed the maximum sentence, the KCDA--whose mistake caused the reversal of the conviction--is now prepared to set Lebovits free. We would respectfully ask Your Honor to compel the KCDA to justify its decision to go from recommending the maximum sentence, to now offering little or no jail time to a dangerous repeat offender who has shown no remorse for his crimes and will likely continue harming children. We also respectfully urge Your Honor to seek the truth about what steps have been taken by the KCDAs office to ensure that any agreement by Complainant #3 to a plea bargain is not the result of coercion, intimidation or witness tampering. We also respectfully ask Your Honor to seek the truth about the missing recording of Lebovits making incriminating statements. Respectfully, we submit that Your Honors scrutiny is essential to the interests of justice in this case. More than that, this case is important to the overall struggle against child sex abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community. Indeed, Lebovits is just one of many child molesters roaming free within the Orthodox Jewish community and the outcome of this case will shape communal attitudes about whether reporting abuse is worth enduring the intimidation and ostracism that follows.

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We are on the cusp of great change in the Orthodox Jewish communitys response to child sex abuse. The outcome of this case will heavily impact the aspirations for justice of victims and their families. Respectfully submitted,

Israel T. Appel J.D. Candidate Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Elisheva Avital Fair Lawn, NJ Family Member was sexually abused Friend was sexually abused Mrs. Rachel Bass B. Sc. Manchester, Lancashire, UK Survivor of Sexual Abuse Friend was sexually abused Doctor Peter Baum DDS University Heights, OH Survivor of Sexual Abuse Cherie Benjoseph LCSW Executive Director, Cofounder KidSafe Foundation Coral Springs FL William Bennison PhD NYS Licensed Psychologist Port Jefferson, NY Sally Berenzweig MEd MA Cofounder, KidSafe Foundation Coral Springs FL Rabbi Yosef Blau Senior Spiritual Advisor Rabbi Issac Elchanan Theological Seminary New York, NY

Rabbi Joseph S. Bloch Maale Adumim Israel Judy Braun author of Hush (novel about child sexual molestation in the Orthodox Jewish community) Brooklyn, NY Michael Brecher Jessup, MD Survivor of Sexual Abuse Gneshe Bron Spring Valley, NY Mrs. Y Bruck Monsey, NY Mr. Avi Burstein Footsteps South Fallsburg, NY Family Member was sexually abused Friend was sexually abused David Clohessy Executive Director Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests St. Louis MO Kathleen Conti Stockton, CA

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Mr. Hershy Deutsch Brooklyn, NY Survivor of Sexual Abuse Family Member was sexually abused Friend was sexually abused Ms. Rivky Deutsch Victim of Nechamya Weberman Brooklyn, NY Rabbi Mark Dratch Founder, Jsafe Haim Dweck Victims' Advocate Brooklyn, NY Rivka A. Edery MSW, LCSW Dr. Joel Ehrenfeld PT, DPT Brooklyn, NY Family Member was sexually abused Friend was sexually abused Joel Engelman Brooklyn, NY Survivor of sexual abuse Rev. Anthony Evans President National Black Church Initiative Washington DC Mrs. Etty Feder Suffern, NY Friend was sexually abused Rabbi Benyomin Forer JD Supporter and Advisor to Jewish Community Watch, Brooklyn NY Los Angeles CA Heshy Fried Proprietor of San Jose, CA

Mrs. Chana Friedman - Katz Zaakah Suffern, NY Friend was sexually abused Ilanit Gluckowsky Mrs. Bracha Goetz MA Baltimore, MD Rabbi Laurence Goetz Baltimore, MD Family member was sexually abused Yehudis Goldsobel BSc Chief Executive of Migdal Emunah Edgware United Kingdom Shimra Greenes Denver, CO Miriam Grunhaus Boca Raton, FL Friend of survivor of abuse Professor Marci A. Hamilton JD Paul R. Verkuil Chair in Public Law Benjamin N. Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University New York, NY Rabbi Eli Hammerman Brooklyn, NY Ben Hirsch Co-founder, Survivors for Justice New York, NY 10001 Robert M. Hoatson Ph.D. Co-founder and President Road to Recovery, Inc. Livingston, NJ Rabbi Joshua Yehoshua Kaganoff Passaic, NJ

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Ms. Luciena Kardonsky Brooklyn, NY Dorron Katzin Chicago, IL Rabbi Maury Kelman Member of NY Bar New York, NY Rivkie Kitay Lakewood, NJ Survivor of sexual abuse Leah Kleim Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Chaya Rochel Kushner Cleveland Heights, OH Chana Landau Monsey, NY Friend was sexually abused Mrs. Batsheva Layman Pomona, NY Mr. Berl Lichtenstadter Brooklyn, NY Friend was sexually abused Ms. Matty Lichtenstein Brooklyn, NY Asher Lipner Ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist Brooklyn NY Survivor of Rabbinic Sexual Abuse Marvin Littman Professor of Mathematics, Westchester Community College, Valhalla, NY Spring Valley, NY Friend was sexually abused

Rabbi Asher Lopatin President Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Riverdale, NY Yerachmiel Lopin blogger/anti-abuse activist (nom de plume) Proprietor Frum Follies blog c/o Y. Blau New York, NY Survivor of sexual abuse Asher Lovy Brooklyn, NY Malkie Lundner Brooklyn, NY Shoshana Lutwak Englewood, NJ Ms. Davii Mandel Zaakah Spring Valley, NY Friend was abused Mr. Eli Mandel Zaakah Spring Valley, NY Friend was sexually abused Shay Maor Chicago, IL Survivor of Sexual Abuse Rabbi Harry Maryles Chicago, IL Terence McKiernan President Waltham, MA Ms. Annette Nestler SNAP Bridgeton, NJ Survivor of Sexual Abuse Friend was abused

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Ms. Brochie Neugarten Family member was abused John K. O'Hara Esq. Brooklyn, NY Elliot B. Pasik Esq. President, Jewish Board of Advocates for Children, Inc. Mark Pelta Atlanta, GA David Pittman Executive Director, Together We Heal Support Group Leader, South FL Area, SNAP Vicki Polin M.A., LCPC Founder/Director of The Awareness Center (International Jewish Coalition Against Sexual Assault) Skokie, IL Jennifer Ray MSW Forest Hills, NY Survivor of Sexual Abuse Mr. Adam Rosenberg Miami, FL Ms. Miriam Rivka Rosenberg New York, NY Survivor of Sexual Abuse Friend was Sexually Abused Rabbi Nathan [Nuchem] Rosenberg Proprietor of for protection of children from sexual abuse Brooklyn, NY Michael J. Salamon PhD FICPP Senior Psychologist/Director ADC Psychological Services, PLLC Hewlett, NY

Mr. Mordechai Schleider Passaic, NJ Mr. Meyer Seewald Jewish Community Watch Brooklyn, NY Survivor of Sexual Abuse Friend was abused Relative was abused Mrs. Sharon Shapiro Chicago, IL Friend was sexually abused Vivian Skolnick PhD Chicago, IL Lonnie Soury Soury Communications, Inc. New York, NY Rabbi Gil Student Brooklyn, NY Abraham Walzer Advocate for sexually abused children Author of Beis Frida, Yiddish translation of the Pentateuch and commentary Brooklyn, NY Malky Wigder Brooklyn, NY Relative of survivor Mark Weiss Executive Committee, Jewish Board of Advocates for Children Highland Park NJ Survivor of Avrohom Mondrowitz Ben Weisz Staten Island, NY

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