Calla Lesson Plan 504

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CALLA LESSON PLAN OBJECTIVES stated for content, language, and learning strategies CONTENT is essential, aligned with

school curriculum. California State Standards for 12th grade English classes. LANGUAGE activities develop vocabulary, listening, reading, speaking, writing skills. Key vocabulary words: vain, prejudice, disapprobation, convey, enquire, repressed, ardent, avowal, eloquent, exasperate, obligation, endeavor, caprice, tranquility, conciliate, ridicule, scruples, abhorrence, unalloyed, incredulity, mortification, conceit, agitating LEARNING STRATEGIES are taught explicitly (named, modeled, practiced). Think, Pair, Share; graphic organizers; textbooks PREPARATION PHASE elicits students prior knowledge, identifies objectives, teaches vocabulary. Four Corners activity. Sample questions: Who has heard of Jane Austen? Who knows when Jane Austen wrote most of her works? Where is Pride and Prejudice set? PRESENTATION PHASE provides context through visuals, graphic organizers, realia, etc. Discussion of the history of Jane Austens world and the setting of Pride and Prejudice. Visual aids depicting Pemberly and the English countryside. Graphic organizer for students to complete while I lecture. Group reading of the first few pages of Pride and Prejudice, stopping to go over key passages and terminology. Think, Pair, Share activity for reading comprehension. PRACTICE PHASE includes cooperative learning and practice with learning strategies. The Think, Pair, Share activity will allow students to have time in small groups to go over reading comprehension. SELF-EVALUATION PHASE includes student self-evaluation activity. As I observe my students doing the Think, Pair, Share activity, I will be able to hear their answers and opinions, which will help me gauge their comprehension and decide what ideas may need a little extra time the next day. Activity: Paint Strip Vocabulary words teaches all the students the vocabulary from the chapter.

EXPANSION PHASE provides real-life applications/connections to students background. Applications to Realism and the history of Romanticism in literature. Examination of a family unit. Study and understanding of Jane Austens writing style and key lessons we can emulate from her, i.e., descriptions. ASSESSMENT of lesson is based on objectives. I will assess their knowledge when we go over their answers for the Think, Pair, Share activity. This will allow me to see what they have learned thus far and what I might need to go over again the next day.

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