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AS ON: 4th may 2013

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All praise to ALLAH, the most merciful, kind and beneficent, and the source of all knowledge, wisdom within and beyond my comprehension. He is the only GOD, who can help us in every field of life. All respect and possible tributes goes to my Holy Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W), who is forever guidance and knowledge for all human beings on this earth. With deep gratitude and profound regards to our group members, and Would like to extend our heartiest thanks to the staff of Management Science Department for making this learning experience extremely meaningful and enriching. Without their coordination and corporation, it was not possible for us to complete our report. We are also grateful to our teacher Sir BaseerDurrani It was because of his guidance and supervision that we are able to come this far and complete our report .He not only made our initial apprehensions and fear fade away but also showed us the direction and the path which led to the report completion. We are also thankful to the Brand Manager of Dettol Injila Ahmed who helped us with its vast experience and was always available for assistance even with his load of professional duties. Last but not least, we would like to thank our parents for their endeavoring support and guidance to make this journey worth remembering.

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This report constitutes the audit of the brand DETTOL. The purpose of this brand audit report is to evaluate the health of the brand-DETTOL. It also helps to suggest ways to improve and leverage its equity. The report takes into account maximum relevant aspects that help to make DETTOL a strong brand. The report also incorporates various strategies adopted by the company to maintain and strengthen the image of DETTOL in the minds of customers. The competitor analysis, consumers analysis related to the brand DETTOL, their associations with DETTOL and how they feel about the brand DETTOL and its various products, what brands elements have been used to support the brand and how much they help out to reinforce the brand equity is a part of report. The report also indicates the customer perception for the brand DETTOL and what is the level of equity for the brand in their minds.

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Reckitt Benckiser is considered to be the worlds no.1 household company. RECKITT BENCKISER was founded by JOHANN A BENCKISER in 1823 which was subsequently purchased by ISAAC RECKITT. After his death it was looked after by his three sons. For over 150 years Reckitt Benckiser and its forebears have been delivering innovations that makes a difference to the everyday lives of consumers across the world. Reckit Benckisers home, health and personal care brands are found in millions of consumers home in over 180 countries. Reckitt Benckiser is a global success story: a world leader in the global household, health and personal care sectors. Their offer is simple - bigger, better and more competitive opportunities to develop a rewarding career at the very forefront of FMCG. They are listed on the UK stock exchange and rank 23rd in the FTSE 100. Their success is led by their Powerbrands - big-name brands like Finish, Vanish, Durex, Dettol, Scholl and Veet that aim to achieve global market leadership. Through them they've become No.1 in the vast majority of markets and categories in which they compete. Backing up their Powerbrands is a great portfolio of local hero brands.

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INTRODUCTION: As the worlds leading brand of antiseptics and a trusted champion of family health, Dettol products offer a high standard of germ kill and are recommended by health care professionals for their proven ability to keep families. The brand has stayed contemporary through the launch of new products and offered consumers a breadth of product across categories that can help protect them from germs. HISTORY OF DETTOL:

The brand dettol was launched in 1933 in the antiseptic liquid form as a treatment for cuts and wounds. For almost the first 50 years, dettol was present only as an antiseptic liquid. Although it was being used in hospitals and nursing homes for first aid and disinfectant use. It was also used by consumers for bathing, moping, shaving and other secondary purposes. While it started its journey as the cuts and wounds brand, over the yea rs it had taken over the role of protector from germs in every situation. DETTOL MISSION:

DETTOL mission is fuelled by passion and backed by our expertise in disinfection, hygiene and first aid.From the products we make,to the education we provide, and the causes we champion: we believe that health depends on the choices we make every day at home, in our community and beyond.Thats why we have started a Mission for Health. MISSION FOR HEALTH:

Dettol Mission is divided into the following: 1. New Mother Education: Dettol team with collaboration with Pakistan Pediatric Association is visiting hospitals across the country to spread health and hygiene education among hundreds of thousands of mothers.

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2. Dettol School Program: Dettol team is visiting 3,500 schools across Pakistan to teach hand washing to kids in these schools. The purpose is to spread health and hygiene and habits among these kids.

Dettol ka taarana hay ,Pakistan barhana hay! Dettol ka tarana hai, Pakistan barhana hai. The new, improved soap doesnt only look like every other soap in the world, but in fact has been injected with special non-alcoholic charbi that arms it with super powers never heard or seen before in any of the summer blockbusters. When you use the product toI dont know, wash your hands, the special fumes make the soap so powerful that in only one use, it can wash away Poverty, Corruption, Illiteracy, Unemployment, Terrorism and most importantly, Mobile-Snatching. The cure for all of Pakistans problems: Dettol! Sing with us, Dettol kaTaranahai, Pakistanbarhanahai!


PARAMETER OF DETTOL : Parent Company: Reckitt Benchkiser Category: Personal Care Brad Sector: FMCG Tagline /Slogan: Be 100% sure USP: The first of its kind in Anti-bacterial segment Segment :Anti-bacterial Target: All age groups Positioning: Dettol have always been positioned as a 100% germ fighter with germ fighting and protection as the core value

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The soap market size is of Rs.17 Billion in Pakistan. It is divided in two categories:

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1. Beauty Soap (LUX, Capri, Dove etc) 2. Anti-Bacterial Soap (Lifebuoy, Safeguard, Dettol) The share of Antibacterial soap is 49% .This segment has a value of Rs. 8.3 billion. It has an annual volume turnover of 33,700.Anti-bacterial Soap Market is increasingly by 7%.The overall soap market is growing by 10%. The market share of Dettol soap is 9%.Promotional budget is only Rs.290 Million which is the lowest among their major rival in the anti-bacterial soap segment.

MOTIVATION: For any brand to become a cult brand it is vital to forge a human connection with the consumer by fulfilling their human needs at different levels of Maslows need hierarchy (safety, social, esteem, self-actualization) and leveraging the higher-level needs. So Dettol has to modernize the brand and at the same time keep the core benefit of brand alive ATTITUDE: To capture the essence of this concept the brand line Families that use Dettol, fall ill less often gives an attitude to the brand that drives differentiation. Hence, even though a brand constitute a bundle features that constitute product features and consumer benefits, what finally gives the brand that edge, is none of the above but something that may be called attitude. Regardless of the stage that advertising is in, what makes brands stand out in a crowd what separates good advertising is the attitude it imparts to the brand. Such brands become icons. Segmentation and targeting Dettol's wide range of products cater to the need of a whole family. Everyone from kid to grandfather can use the products for various purposes. Psychographic segmentation

Lifestyle: Dettol has segmented our lifestyle which is more outdoor, unhygienic and bacterial ,So Dettol has come up with hand washes and soaps for personal hygiene, Dettol surface cleaner for house cleaning and antiseptic liquid for wounds , cuts and laundry. Behavioral segmentation

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It appeals to those who expect a solution with very effective antiseptic properties for cleaning wounds, laundry and home cleaning. TARGET MARKET

In case of antiseptic liquid,dettol follows product specialization for target market selection ; a single product for all markets. POSITIONING

All dettol products have a sword on the pack which is a symbol for fighting against germs and infections. 100% Germ fighting and protection is its core value.

There are various competitors who are present in the market that is considered to be a great challenge for dettol. A few prominent market players in the category of antiseptic soaps, who are always in a parallel competition with the brand dettol and its campaigns are mentioned below.


According to a source: Safeguard is the No. 1 antibacterial soap worldwide and is designed to provide excellent germ protection for the whole family. Safeguard got its sole popularity among the younger sector of out society, i.e. the kids. When Commander Safeguard got onboard the Anti-Germ ship, it enabled the company to have its hand painted with pure gold. A source told me:. The complete execution of the Commander Safeguard series was an ice-breaker for the local market. The production capacity building, development of skills and aligning of resources was an innovative concept.

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Once lifebuoy was all we could think about when it came to personal hygiene, Unilever couldnt stand and look at the show just like that. Their antibacterial soap, Lifebuoy, didnt not seem to do well in the market, but when they saw this new image of grasping the young ones, they launched their very own creative campaign focusing on children (kids to be more precise) to be the boss of all. Lifebuoy for its part re-launched its entire range two years ago with a new formulation and better fragrance (to compete with beauty soap) and repositioned itself as the anti-bac that provides protection against 10 infections. Lifebuoy has also invested heavily in engaging with children through its Life Saver program (WaseemAkram is the brand ambassador) which spreads the message of washing hands five times a day as protection against infections. Luring with liquid : In a significant, yet somewhat overlooked development all three brands have extended their portfolios to include liquid hand wash, with Safeguard going one step further with a hand sanitizer. Considering that Pakistan is a bar-soap dominated market, the launch and active marketing of liquid formats is extremely interesting. Jalil says that Lifebuoy introduced hand wash in 2011 in a bid to upgrade consumers to better formats and has already found a good rate of retention. The price of protection Although the anti-bac category seems to be growing by leaps and bounds, germ protection doesnt come cheap and the price of the product is prohibitive to high usage. Anti -bac soaps are priced between Rs 40-43; therefore although the majority of people may use them to wash their hands, heavy usage, especially for bathing purposes, is not widespread. The brands however dont see price as an issue. Dettol is the most expensive of the anti-bac brands (priced at Rs 43) yet Sheikh maintains that when consumers see the value they are getting, they are willing to pay the premium. (Incidentally, at Rs 99, Dettol offers the cheapest hand wash in the category.) Lifebuoy, at Rs 32, is the cheapest anti-bac brand when it comes to bar soap. Jalil admits that it is a struggle to provide customers with an affordable bar, because we are hit by inflation as well as fluctuating exchange rates.

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After the tremendous success of Dettols liquid antiseptic (thanks to our Moms who applied this pain-in-the- head, day and night at our sore cuts to stop it from getting infected), the company planned to launch its antibacterial soap (which was, for obvious reasons, less harsh on our soft beautiful skin). The soap was launched after the companys core competitors were clever enough to launch Injila Ahmed, Brand Manager, Dettol at Reckitt Benckiser says there is huge potential for growth in anti-bac, which is why the brand is investing in new product launches and consumer engagement.

In the last eight months alone, Dettol has launched a new orange variant of its soap bar, the Dettol Warriors campaign (Dettols first-ever attempt to engage children) and the Mission for Health campaign which is the ATL amplification of the brands long-running doctor referral campaign.


In the ten years of Brand Equity's Most Trusted Brand survey, one brand that has consistently maintained its position in the Top 10 is Dettol. And the ranking comes from the fact that every household is familiar with the brand present in the market for more than 70 years. DETTOL is consistent in positioning all its products as having strong antiseptic properties. It is a brand which stands for total family protection. DETTOL has been proactively involved in educating consumers regarding health and hygiene. DETTOL has recently added another message to its overall positioning of mild and skin care with its new soap DETTOL RADIANCE. STRENGTHS: Strong brand equity The brands Germ-kill heritage

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Excellent for treating skin irritations, cuts/bruises and seasonal applications. Brand comes from a reputable (old) company Loyal following of Original Increasing popularity of Dettol soap as a germ ki ller and hygienic soap A strong brand extension having products like antiseptic liquid, soaps, sanitizers, bodywash etc

WEAKNESSES: Despite of excellent product, limited penetration in rural markets. Competition from other similar products means stagnant market share. Lack of awareness of various products.


DETTOLs brand elements have played a key role in strengthening its brand equity. The name, slogan, symbols and the multi sensorial experience help the brand to reiterate its position as a brand that can constantly be trusted. Brand Name: DETTOL Brand URL:

Brand Logo: Brand Tagline: Be 100% Sure Brand Packaging: Antiseptic Liquid Bottle from 50ml. to 5 lit. 50ml 100ml 250ml 500ml to 5 litr. Hand wash liquid 135ml

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250ml Soap 35gm 70gm 120gm Surface cleaner 500ml 750ml JINGLE: dettol ka tarana hai Pakistan bachana hai

Your personal brand sums you up in a nut shell .It determines how others look at you, what they think and fell about you. This can only be acknowledged with the help of Brand Exploratory. For this reason, we conduct research through questionnaires to find out what consumers think and feel about the brand DETTOL and its corresponding product category in order to identify sources of brand equity.

Dettol has made such a deep image in the consumers minds that other brands are hardly consumer knew about it. Therefore, DETTOL is representing a Leader in the anti-septic market. When we heard about whom the best provider of germ protection we go definitely for DETTOL.As DETTOL has a strong and powerful image of germ protection. Dettols brand elements have played a key role in further strengthening its brand equity. The name, slogan, symbols and the multi sensorial experience help the brand to reiterate its position as a brand that can constantly be trusted. The foremost attribute of prospector is Brand Name the dominant brand association can take over their tendencies to buy at a greater line. Another motivation factor on which consumer are strived to use this brand is due to the presence of Disinfectant Elements. It was the first brand that catered to the antiseptic and disinfectant requirements of the common man. It has a monopoly over the market, so much so that it became a generic ide. In 1960 Dettol started advertising. Advertisement was only focused on educated families to protect from germs. From the very first campaign of Dettol, till today, every campaign of the brand has a mother protecting her family. Dettols brand elements have played a key role in further strengthening its brand equity. The name, slogan, symbols and the multi sensorial experience help the brand to reiterate its position as a brand that can constantly be trusted. The Consumer attitude towards

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DETTOL is favorable to others. Thus, when they perceive any brand to the antiseptic aspects according to their personality-they choose DETTOL. They successfully communicate brand by simply being confident .In this way, Brand Recall must be streaming over the pot. Dettol is largely perceived as an antiseptic brand ,used for hygiene and health of the entire family.Trust,Affordable,Antiseptic,Safety,Hygiene,Reliable,Healthy family, Bad Smells and burns on application, quality assurance are the multi purpose dimensions of Dettol .Whenever consumer communicate these elements they considered Dettol. The convenient of availability of Dettol are remarkable. At any stores or other localy you can easily buy Dettol. The strong commitment of trust of Dettol made Dettol as an outstanding stand in the market. Some of the prominent exploratory for DETTOL are mentioned below: Trusted brand High quality and effectiveness Well established brand Less awareness of dettols brand extensions Burning sensation on application of antiseptic liquid A strong image of antiseptic products


FREQUENCY OF USAGE The users of dettol are mostly situational user; consumers saw the need for germ kill only in specific situations like wounds, injury, cuts, resulting in irregular usage and seasonality, as some of them are regular users who are loyal to the brand.
Dettol can be used as an antiseptic liquid to protect the entire family from germs. Dettol can be diluted in water or cleaned using mops to disinfect the floors


Dettol can even be used to disinfect your clothes in washing and laundry. Dettol had expansion in its products category and their product can be used for cuts,

wounds and even for shaving, rinsing as a general disinfectant

As present competitors of DETTOL are very strong therefore DETTOL needs to find ways to Increase buying frequency, usage rate, advertisement and promotion campaigns as well. Most of the buyers go for safeguard and lifebuoy in soap category where as the demand of antiseptic lotion is increasing.

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SPENDING ON BRAND / PRODUCT CATEGORY Dettols growth trend had been slow but steady over the years. Most of the consumers go for beauty and cosmetics products therefore consumers spending on antiseptic products is low as compare to those brands. The spending on antiseptic products is seen in peak in summers and in monsoon months when consumers felt visibly dirt and hence associate the period with the presence of germs. POSITIONING STRATEGY Dettol has been widely accepted and positioned as a 100% germ fighter with complete protection and control for entire family as its core value. The company provides much attention towards promotion of various DETTOL brands. Positioning Against Competitor Dettol is positioned as a premium brand which the mother chooses for 100% protection against all germs and bacteria for her family. The mother of the family is the focal point for Dettol Soap positioning compared to Safeguard and Lifebuoy which focuses on children. Positioning In Relation To Product Attribute: The primary positioning of the product attribute is that Dettol has the essence of Dettol Solution, the no. 1 antiseptic brand in the world trusted by families everywhere for over a century which its competitors do not posses. Hence, it is considered a premium brand in the anti-bacterial segment. Positioning by price and quality As Dettol is a premium brand, it is priced at a premium to its competitors (Safeguard and Lifebuoy). Being premium means there will be no compromise in quality as the link between price and quality exists and customer is always willing to pay more for perceived quality.

Brand Equity consists of all those factors that make up the Customer -Based Brand Pyramid. It identifies the brand, tells the meaning of the brand, response of the brand from customers, and the relationship created between the brand and the consumers. The following image portrays a pyramid, illustrating the ranks and the hierarchal order of brand equity.

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In this section the brand equity of the brand Dettol would be discussed. Each factor will elaborate in the light of the brand and how Dettol has captured its brand equity in the market.

Brand salience relates to aspects of the awareness of the brand, for example, how often and easily the brand is evoked under various situations. Dettol has high very brand awareness and is a preferred product for consumers in this category. This is clearly seen from the survey conducted by us, as all of the 50 respondents are aware of the brand Dettol and many of the products marketed under this brand. Also the company has been trying to increase the brand awareness by reinforcing the germ killing positioning and the tagline "Be 100% sure" which started when Dettol recently completed its 75 years in 2008. The brand had been running a campaign

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highlighting the efficiency and the multi-uses of the product. The brand has also been recently in the process of discovering new uses for the product Dettol trying to increase the visibility of the brand. Brand awareness also includes the depth and the breadth of knowing a brand. Therefore we can say that Dettol is evoked whenever someone is ill, gets hurt, when health becomes a concern or priority.

Brand performance relates to the ways in which product or service attempts to meet customers more functional needs. Five important dimensions or attributes that underlie brand performance for Dettol are: Product Characteristics: Dettol Antiseptic Liquid has some strong, distinct characteristics: First and Foremost is its trademark smell The second characteristic is its amber gold color The third is the clouding effect that appears when it is added to water DETTOLs packaging usually in green and white color In perceived quality brand DETTOL scores high on: Trustworthiness of its products Faith the brand has won, Affordable price Existence for so many years Effectiveness as antiseptic

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Brand imagery deals with the extrinsic properties of the product or service. It is how people think about the brand abstractly, rather then what the brand actually does. Imagery is related to more intangible aspects of the brand, such as: User Profiles: The user profile of a brand consists of all the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the brand. In this case such characteristics of the brand Dettol are: DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: Its a product for the whole family. Everyone from a kid to the grandfather can use the antiseptic products of DETTOL for various purposes. PSYCHOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS: Dettol has segmented our modern days lifestyle which is more outdoors, unhygienic, and bacterial. So for the hygiene seeking consumers, Dettol has come up with the antiseptic liquid for laundry, wounds and cuts, and house cleaning. GROUP PERCEPTIONS: The group perception or rather the popularity of Dettol is among young housewives and mothers who care about the health and well-being of her family. Personality & Values: Consumers see Dettol as an expert, as something which is effective and versatile and guarantees protection from germs. It has been likened to a bodyguard who protects them from the unclean and unhygienic outside world. The brands versatility stems from multiple uses of the antiseptic liquid which offers protection in so many different forms. Usage of the brand gives rise to many emotions in the consumers minds. From making them feel safe and secure about the wellbeing of their family to making the mother feel that she has done the best for her family, the brand evokes positive imageries and emotions. Dettol also has an emotional touch to it in addition to the brand personality aspects stated above. People also see it as a mother of a growing child who needs care and hygiene. Dettol is mainly used in Indian households for cuts and bruises while playing; household cuts while working. So Dettol stands for the safety, surety and hygiene. Other aspects are: 1) Friendly(trust) 2) Unpleasant a bit(sting) 3) Trustworthy 4) Effective Purchase & Usage Situations: There are 2 primary channels of distribution for Dettol soap:Distributors and sub distributors.

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The company sells the products to its appointed distributors and sub distributors (+300 allover Pakistan) that are responsible for the distribution of pre-defined geographical areaswho distribute it further to wholesalers and/or retailers. The retail distribution is further classified into TOP STORES (TSPs) which include all the high profile outlets like alfatah, HKB, Akbari stores etc. and whole sale comprises of categories of diamond, goldand silver divided on the based on their average purchase per month and from here the product reaches the point of sale for the customer.Direct Delivery (Key Accounts)The company provides direct delivery to select large customers like institutional buyersof key accounts which sell directly to the consumer (in case of USC and CSD) or to smallretailers / endconsumer (in case of MAKRO / METRO). The usage of Dettol is for the people who want to fulfill an everyday need (primarily bathing) that providesthem and their family with a 100% anti-bacterial solution complete protection from allgerms/ bacteria and cleanliness from dirt / grime. History, Heritage, & Experiences For each individual, reality is a totally personal phenomenon, based on that persons needs, wants, and personal experiences. Customers everywhere respond to images, myths, and metaphors that help them define their personal identities. Thus, different customers will perceive reality differently.

Brand judgment focuses on customers personal opinions and evaluations with regard to the brand. It is based on the following four dimensions: Quality Credibility Consideration Superiority QUALITY Brand quality talks about the value and satisfaction. Dettol has a high perceived value due to its long heritage and also its perceived efficacy as a product. As stated above, the stinging sensation and cloudiness in water are the two important brand associations with Dettol. These two also contribute to the perceived value. People consider that due to its stinging and cloudiness its highly effective in killing germs and cleanliness as compared to the Savlon or Suphlon. We developed a questionnaire that could gauge the awareness level of Dettol and the awareness of the products that are available in Dettol, the usage and regularity of using the products, satisfaction levels, recommendation levels and competitors.However, the one drawback about customer satisfaction measure is that it does not include non-customers. Those customers who are aware of the brand but cannot use the brand probably because it is expensive.

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CREDIBILITY Expertise:We see that Dettol is the market leader from past many years. Other players are coming up but they have not been able to even touch Dettol and Dettol has been the market leader. Trustworthiness: The brands Germ-kill heritage (brown liquid) is seen as strong and adds ontrustworthiness. CONSIDERATION: Brand consideration depends on how appropriate and meaningful customer finds the brand. Brand consideration also largely depends on how brand association is created. Reckitt Benckiser is a highly respected organization worldwide. As far as their individual brands are concerned, RB is branding each brand individually and not following parent/corporate branding. People recognize Dettol as an individual brand. People who know about RB have positive association about it and same is associated with Dettol but overall the organizational association in RB and Dettol is less. Some of the associations that the consumers have related with Dettol are: effective, antiseptic, germ killer, purifier, cleanser, gold standard, and versatile. SUPERIORITY Superiority relates to the extent to which customer view the brand as unique and better then others. It is basically a differentiation point that gives it the max superiority among others. The characteristic that Dettol has that makes it different from other products in its category. Dettol is largely trust perceived as an affordable antiseptic brand. Used for hygiene and bad smell and burns on Dettol safety health of the entireapplication family healthy hygiene family reliable

Emotional connect of consumers with Dettol is through safety, comfort, and assurance. Although the presence of the brand is for many years and has strong positioning as an antiseptic brand but customers do not connect joy, energy, or pride with the brand.

Brand resonance is the ultimate relationship and level of identification the consumer has with the brand. It is the depth of psychological bond the consumer has with the brand. The dimensions of resonance are the following: Behavioral Loyalty:

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Dettol mostly has hard core loyalty status. Dettol also has very high buyer readiness. Since years it has been used in Pakistani Households for various purposes due to its antiseptic and disinfectant property. Attitudinal Attachment: Attitudinal attachment is when consumers go beyond having positive attitude to viewing the brand as something special. Although many of the users of this brand have a positive attitude towards Dettol, there are hardly any who go beyond viewing Dettol as something special. Due to its high nature of being antiseptic, consumers are open to the idea of using Dettol Soap when they faced extreme dirtconditions. Hence, it was felt that DettolSoap needs to be positioned for occasions that are special, but not rare in everydaylife. These could be based on exposure to dirt and germs, pollution, heat, sweat etc. Sense of Community: There is a high sense of community for Dettol. For nearly a decade, Dettol did not face any competition in this category. This was a very huge benefit for Dettol to gain a high market share and evolve a community around itself. As people always depended on Dettol to provide them with a germ free environment the sense of community started building around people that they all belong to the same category when looking for such a source. Active Engagement: The active engagement that consumers play for Dettol is that they recommend this product to the non-users as well as low profile users (users who rarely use it). They spread the word of mouth through any methods they can, such as: electronically on highly social networks, and even just when meeting each other. But this is only done when asked for advice or see a discussion happening somewhere. They dont start the conversation but dont be hesitant to be a part of one.

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Brand DETTOL has a strong image on the minds of customers as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent for the safety of entire family. DETTOL has come up with many products other than antiseptic liquid like soaps, hand sanitizers, surface cleaners etc to cater various customers needs at various user situations. This strategy of dettol has help the brand to create a strong brand equity In the minds of customers. Their attractive campaigns played an important role in memorizing people about the brand and its benefits. Following are some of the recommendations that may help the brand DETTOL to further improve its position in the market. It should position its brand extension well and increase innovations. Come up with more campaigns that create awareness of their various products which are not known to the people. Leverage the powerful brand equity associate with the Dettol Brand to make it an everyday use proposition. Use of social media to attract more market. Better penetration in rural markets and emerging economies. Visibility will increase the market share further. The company must monitors sources of brand equity. The brand must have to give proper support, and that support is sustained over the long run.

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