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Prof. Dr.

Christian Conrad

Heidelberg University Winter Term 2013/14

1. The Linear Regression Model 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Review: The Linear Regression Model with One Regressor 1.3 The Classical Multiple Linear Regression Model 1.4 Least Squares 1.5 Statistical Properties of the Least Squares Estimator 1.6 Inference and Prediction 1.7 Functional Form 1.8 Specication Analysis 1.9 The Generalized Regression Model and Heteroscedasticity 2. Models for Panel Data 2.1 Panel Data 2.2 Fixed Effects Regression 2.3 Assumptions for Fixed Effects Regression and Standard Errors 2.4 A General Modeling Framework for Analyzing Panel Data 3. Instrumental Variables Regression 3.1 Motivation 3.2 IV Estimator with a Single Regressor and a Single Instrument 3.3 The General IV Regression Model 3.4 Checking Instrument Validity 4. Experiments and Quasi-Experiments 4.1 Idealized Experiments and Causal Effects 4.2 Potential Problems with Experiments in Practice 4.3 Regression Estimators of Causal Effects Using Experimental Data 4.4 Quasi-Experiments 1

4.5 Estimates in Heterogeneous Populations 5. Microeconometrics 5.1 Regression with a Binary Dependent Variable 5.2 The Linear Probability Model 5.3 Probit and Logit Regression 5.4 Other Limited Dependent Variable Models 6. Time Series 6.1 Serial Correlation 6.2 Models with Lagged Variables 6.3 Time Series Models

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