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Wilson EDUC 353 Name: ________Rosemary Burti_________ Target Grade Level: ___3rd ___ Date: ____11/1/13__________

Curriculum Topic: Math-Properties of Multiplication

UbD Lesson Plan Template Stage 1: Desired Results

Established Goals: Common Core State Standard(s): Math Standard(s): 3.OA.B.5- Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division 5. Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide (commutative, associative, distributive)

Understandings: Student will understand the different properties of multiplication (i.e. Commutative, Associative, Distributive), Properties are rules about how numbers work

Essential Question(s): 1. What strategies do you use to solve multiplication problems?

Students will know. How to flexibly and fluently use the properties of multiplication to solve multiplication problems,

Students will be able to.. Solve multiplication problems using the different strategies of multiplication, Recognize the different properties of multiplication by looking at different multiplication problems

Academic Language: 1. Associative Property- states that the sum or product stays the same when the grouping of addends or factors is changed. 2. Commutative Property- states that the order of numbers does not matter when you are adding or multiplying numbers.

3. Distributive Property- states that you get the same answer when you multiple a number by a group of numbers added together as when you do each multiplication separately.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Performance Tasks: Students will complete a pre-assessment test before the start of this lesson (to be used for an assessment tool not an actual grade), Students will participate in a properties of multiplication identity game Other Evidence: Students will do multiplication problems in their math notebooks, Students will come up with their own multiplication problems (one for each property) (this will be done for homework.)

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Learning Activities: The teacher will have all students seated at their desks. After each student is seated quietly at his or her desk, hand out the pre-assessment test. Encourage students to try and remember what they learned about the properties of multiplication from prior grades and lessons. Insure students that it is fine if they dont understand. Give students about 5-10 minutes to complete this assignment. When each child has completed their assessment test, the teacher will call students by table to come to the meeting area. (The students should bring their math notebooks with them) Use this time to go over the assessment test. Spend extra time on the problems that students were having trouble with. If students are still having trouble with the different properties than the

teacher will use the smartboard to write different example of each property on the board and have students name which property is being used. (I.e. 10 x 3 = 3 x 10 (commutative property), 17 x 3 = (10 x 3) + (7 x3) (associative property), 8 x (10 + 5) = (8 x 10) + (8 x 5) (distributive property)) When you believe that all students understand the properties of multiplication introduce a game that they will be playing. The teacher will show the students the three laminated signs. Each sign has the name of one of the properties on it. The teacher will then put each sign in one of the corners of the classroom. After the signs are in their appropriate place, the teacher will show the students the index card necklaces. Show that each necklace has a different multiplication problem on it and distribute a necklace to students and tell them to wear their necklaces. Once every student is wearing their necklace the teacher will instruct the students to read their multiplication problem and identify what property he/she is wearing. Once the students believe they have identified their properties they will go to the corner with the corresponding sign. (Allow 2-3 minutes for students to identify their property and find the correct corner they should be in). Once all students believe they are in the correct corner the teacher should tell students to discuss with the rest of the members of their property group why their multiplication problems matches this property. If a student is in the wrong corner then the rest of their group will assist this student in finding the correct corner. When this is completed the teacher should walk around to make sure that each student is in the correct corner. When both students and the teacher have confirmed that everyone is in their correct corners, the teacher will instruct students to write down in their math notebooks the property they are and all of the multiplication problems that is on each necklace in their group. The teacher can then collect each necklace and redistribute them, making sure that each student gets a different property than they had before. Allow for students to participate in 1-2 more rounds of this game and then return to their desk. Once all students have returned to their desk the

teacher will instruct the students to solve every problem that they wrote down in their math notebooks. Students can work with their group members to check answers. (Allow for 10-15 minutes for students to solve these problems) Teacher will collect each students math notebook and check answers and hand them back to the students the next day.

Teacher should assign heterogeneous groups for the game. Have the more advanced students working with and helping students that are below grade level students. For the homework assignment the teacher should not make below grade level learners come up with his or her own multiplication problems. The teacher will assign them multiplication problems and the student will have to name what property is being used in this problem.

Itemized Attachments: 1. Rubric worksheet: 1. Multiplication Properties Pretest

Works Citied: 1. 2. 3. Rubistar Rubric (2013, 11 2). Retrieved from

Category Strategy/ Procedure

4 Typically, uses an efficient and effective strategy to solve the problem(s). Explanation shows complete understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).

3 Typically, uses an effective strategy to solve the problem(s).

Mathematical Concepts

Explanation shows substantial understanding of the mathematical concepts used to solve the problem(s).

2 Sometimes uses an effective strategy to solve problems, but does not do it consistently. Explanation shows some understanding of the mathematical concepts needed to solve the problem(s). Student cooperated with others, but needed prompting to stay on-task.

1 Rarely uses an effective strategy to solve problems.

Working With Others


Mathematical Errors

Student was Student was an engaged an engaged partner, partner but listening to had trouble suggestions of listening to others and others and/or working working cooperatively cooperatively. throughout lesson. The work has The work has been checked been checked by two by one classmates and classmate and all appropriate all appropriate corrections corrections made. made. 90-100% of Almost all (85the steps and 89%) of the solutions have steps and no solutions have mathematical no errors. mathematical errors.

Explanation shows very limited understanding of the underlying concepts needed to solve the problem(s) OR is not written. Student did not work effectively with others.

Work has been checked by one classmate but some corrections were not made. Most (7584%) of the steps and solutions have no mathematical errors.

Work was not checked by classmate OR no corrections were made based on feedback. More than 75% of the steps and solutions have mathematical errors.

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