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Future Perfect Exercises. 1.It's late so she ____________(finish) her work by now. 2.

By the end of the year ____________(be) in Madrit for three years. 3.Jane _______________(cook) dinner by 5 o'clock. 4.The play _____________(start) by the time we get to the theatre. brak odpowiedzi 5.It's 8 so he ___________(go) to work by now. brak odpowiedzi 6.Don't worry. You _____________________(get) the money back in a year's time. brak odpowiedzi 7.By the time she gets married I __________(have) a child. brak odpowiedzi 8.My brother ____________(come) back by next Sunday. brak odpowiedzi 9.They____________ ( Build) my house before the end of July. brak odpowiedzi 10.You can phone her as she _____________(wake up) by now. brak odpowiedzi 11.By the end of the month Ken ___________(work) with me for a year. brak odpowiedzi 12.The president ____________(change) by this time next year. brak odpowiedzi 13.I ___________________(save) 500$ by the end of the month. brak odpowiedzi 14.By next year I ______________(know) her for twenty years. brak odpowiedzi 15.I'll be free as I ___________(leave) the office by that time. brak odpowiedzi 16.By the time you get up Jim _____________(eat) all the food from the fridge. brak odpowiedzi 17.I will have written all letters to my friends before Friday. brak odpowiedzi 18.John __________(sell) all his flats by next summer. brak odpowiedzi 19.They ____________(argue) a couple of times by the end of the week. brak odpowiedzi 20.My son ____________(forget) all English by the end of the holiday. Use the right tense: 1. By the time you get here, I _________________________ (finish) watching the movie. 2. By the time he ____________ (graduate), Tom will have taken all the necessary classes. 3. By this time next year, Nancy___________ (move) to a new apartment. 4. By this time tomorrow, we _____________ (put) all the furniture in the basement. 5. By the time my wife ______________ (get) home, I will have prepared supper.

6. By this time next week, we______________ (buy) all the Christmas presents. 7. By this time tomorrow, the teacher _________________ (speak) to her about her grades. 8. By the time you wake up, your brother ___________________ (go) to work. 9. By the time we get to Chicago, we _____________ (drive) for 10 hours. 10. By the time my friends arrive, I _________________ (do) my homework.

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