Ecology Lesson Plan 1

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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Essential Elements Title: Introduction to Ecology Subject: Biology Grade

Level: 9th and 10th Time Allotted: 70 Minutes

aterials !e"uired: House hold plant, flashlight, rock (medium si e!, plant seed, indi"idual #hite $oards, markers, pro%ector, &o#er &oint, $iology $ook, %ust the facts hand out, plain #hite paper, tape, analogies hand out' ##################################################################################### ichigan $urriculum %rame&or': ()*+()* Ecosystems, +he chemical elements that make up li"ing things, pass through food #e$s and are com$ined and recom$ined to in different #ays (t each link in an ecosystem, some energy is stored in ne#ly made structures, $ut much is dissipated into the en"ironment as heat' *ontinual input of energy form sunlight keeps this process going' ,bjective-s.: 1' ,ecogni e ho# energy is stored in an ecosystem' -' .escri$e energy transfer through an ecosystem, accounting for energy lost to the en"ironment as heat' /' .ra# the flo# of energy through an ecosystem' 0' &redict changes in the food #e$ #hen one or more organisms are remo"ed' 1' Identify $iotic and a$iotic elements of an en"ironment' ##################################################################################### Time Essential Element Allotted 2 min /* Anticipatory Set: &lace the house plant, flashlight, plant seed, and rock on the demonstration ta$le' (llo# the students to gather around the demonstration desk' (sk the students to try to compare and contrast $et#een the o$%ects on the ta$le' (sk the student to come #ith as many possi$ilities in the allotted time' +he students #ill record their o$ser"ations on the #arm up #ork hand out' (fter fi"e minutes open class discussion on their o$ser"ations' - min +* State Purpose and ,bjective-s. of Lesson: 3+oday #e are s#itching gears from unit one to unit t#o' &ersonally, I lo"e this unit and I hope that you #ill en%oy it as #ell' +here are many fascinating things that #e #ill learn a$out today, including ho# energy is stored in an en"ironment and ho# energy tra"els from one organism to another'4 35e #ill also $e a$le to construct food #e$s and predict changes in an en"ironment if #e remo"e organisms from that en"ironment' If #e are really moti"ated #e #ill $e a$le to get to a$iotic and $iotic factors or elements of an ecosystem'4 )* Plan for 0nstruction: odel and Lecture Begin presentation #ith po#er point' 6pening 7uote) 3.on8t $lo# it 9 good planets are hard to find4' :;uoted in +ime 6pen up for discussion on ecology and define the root <atin meaning' Ha"e students pull out the =ust the facts sheet and $egin filling out important facts from the te>t and po#er point presentation' &age ?- through 7/ in the Michigan Biology $ook

00 min

@6E Aaculty, -B-?B10

(Milliler and <e"ine -010 p' ?-)7/! +hree parts of ecology the science, economics, and organi ation' .efine species, population, community, ecosystem and $iome' +#o factors t#o en"ironments, a$iotic and $iotic factors' ,efer to demonstration ta$le for e>amples' (sk students to #rite on the #hite $oards other e>amples they can think of' Implement first assessment informal formati"e assessment' o I #ill ask students to think of another $iotic e>ample from any type of ecosystem that is not displayed on the $oardC o @tudents #ill then ha"e time to think and #rite do#n either an animal or plant of other li"ing thing and hold the indi"idual #hite $oard facing me' (fter mentally recording that each student ans#ered the 7uestion I #ould then ask for a$iotic e>amples' (nd follo# the same procedure' o (ll correct ans#ers should $e recorded on the $oard and discussed #ith the class' o (ll correct ans#ers could $e recorded in the %ust the facts note taking strategy' o If needed refer $ack to the o$%ect on the ta$le and re)point out $iotic and a$iotic e>amples' Introduce primary organisms, &roducer, *onsumer and relationship' Identify #hat a consumerBproducer does' <ist e>amples' .istri$ute the analogy hand out for students to fill in as discussion opens up on the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers' (llo# opportunity for students to share analogies that they find helpful' o @tudents should find this analogy #ork sheet helpful in identifying similarities to the su$%ect matter and relate it to another topic that they ha"e prior $ackground kno#ledge in' o @tudents #ill use this for their reference only and #ill not $e a#arded any points' Energy in $onds, $urn the plant seed sho# release of chemical energy' Energy is stored in $onds' Most matter is made of chemical $onds' 5hen $onds are $roken and formed energy is released' Energy is either produced or transferred through organism and the food #e$' (sk students to name their fa"orite animal' +o think a$out its en"ironment and think a$out possi$le producers, consumers in that en"ironment' Ha"e students record this on the $ack of the #arm up #ork at the end of class' +hey may use additional resources if necessary to locate as many organisms as possi$le' 5hat are decomposersC 5hat role do they play in our en"ironmentC Ha"e students independently complete the %ust the facts sheet' +ransition to the group #ork of story $oard or comic strip construction' +eam the students up into groups of no more than four' (ssign the task of creating a story #ith pictures the flo# of energy through a food chain' o +he story $oard or comic strip must contain energy source, primary producer, and at least one primary consumer in order to recei"e full points' o +he students after completion #ill present their story or comic to the class' o +his #ill $e a performance $ased assessment'

0 min

1* 2ifferentiation $onsiderations -accommodations.: .uring group #ork assess and address students #ho #ere not performing at e>pected le"el' Dse additional e>amples and ha"e the student try to e>plain topic to me' Dse additional reading sources' @tudents may also $e allo#ed to #ork indi"idually on the comic strip or story $oard assessment' +hey #ill still $e re7uired to complete the task in the re7uired tine and make a "alid presentation to the class' 1* Assessment: 1' ( Aormal Aormati"e assessment #ill $e administered through the group #ork that students #ill com$ine to complete a story $oard or comic strip of the transfer of energy through a food #e$'

11 min

@6E Aaculty, -B-?B10

@tudents #ill $e in groups of three and #ill $e asked to complete a story $oard or comic strip of a food #e$' @tudents #ill $e asked to dra# a step $y step representation of the flo# of energy from one organism to another ,emind the students that they are not allo#ed to $e graphic #ith the illustrations' +he groups of students #ill then come to the front of the class and present their story or comic strip to the class'

-' Informal formati"e assessment' @tudents #ill $e assessed $ased on the ans#ers they record on the #hite $oard' +he educator #ill keep a mental note of students #ho are not grasping the o$%ecti"e' 1 min 3* $losure: +hank the students for their attention for the class period, ask for any other 7uestions' Ha"e the students turn in the formal formati"e assessment so that a grade may $e assigned to each group mem$er' Aeed$ack #ill $e pro"ided on the assessment and #ill $e returned $y the follo#ing class period'

@6E Aaculty, -B-?B10

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