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Newspaper : Write a short newspaper article

Teacher Name: Ms. Lohsen

Student Name:


CATEGORY Who, What, When, Where & How

All articles adequately address the 5 W\'s (who, what, when, where and how).

90-99% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\'s (who, what, when, where and how).

75-89% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\'s (who, what, when, where and how).

Less than 75% of the articles adequately address the 5 W\'s (who, what, when, where, and how).


Graphics are in focus, are wellcropped and are clearly related to the articles they accompany. No spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper. 90-100% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. The details in the articles are clear, effective, and vivid 80-100% of the time.

Graphics are in focus and are clearly related to the articles they accompany.

80-100% of the graphics are clearly related to the articles they accompany.

More than 20% of the graphics are not clearly related to the articles OR no graphics were used.

Spelling and Proofreading

No more than a couple of spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper. 85-89% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 90-100% of the time.

No more than 3 spelling or grammar errors remain after one or more people (in addition to the typist) read and correct the newspaper. 75-84% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. The details in the articles are clear and pertinent 75-89% of the time.

Several spelling or grammar errors remain in the final copy of the newspaper.

Articles Purpose

Less than 75% of the articles establish a clear purpose in the lead paragraph and demonstrate a clear understanding of the topic. The details in more than 25% of the articles are neither clear nor pertinent.

Articles Supporting Details

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