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Primary funding is provided by

The SPE Foundation through member donations and a contribution from Offshore Europe
The Society is grateful to those companies that allow their professionals to serve as lecturers Additional support provided by AIME

Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Lecturer Program

LNG Basics for Petroleum Engineers

Michael Choi

Present an Overview of LNG Plant

Oman LNG Plant

Why LNG? Typical Multi-Trains Plant Pre-Treatment Required Unique Auxiliary Facilities Natural Gas Liquefaction Thermodynamics Commercial Liquefaction Processes Equipment for Liquefaction Novel Plant Concepts Concluding Remarks

Stranded Gas Looking for Markets

LNG Proved to be Most Economic for Distances >1,500 Mile Transported in Insulated Tankers @ -162C & 1 atm. Volume Reduction of 600:1

Supply Demand

LNG Process & Equipment ?

Big Refrigeration System

Compressor/Driver Refrigerant Condenser Evaporator (Process Heat Exchanger)

Similar to the AC System in Our Home!

Typical 2-Train LNG Plant

Gas Gathering Inlet Gas Reception 1.7 Bcfd Liquid Train 2 NGL Fractionation Propane Storage Gas MakeUp Fuel Train 1 Inlet Gas Treating NGL Recovery Liquefaction Fuel

LNG Storage
LNG 9 Mtpa (1.2 Bcfd)

Propane .73 Mtpa (27 Mbpd) Butane .5 Mtpa (17 Mbpd) Condensate 1.2 Mtpa (34 Mbpd) 6

Condensate Stabilization

Butane Storage
Condensate Storage

Typical 2-Train LNG Plant

Gas Gathering Inlet Gas Reception 1.7 Bcfd Liquid Gas MakeUp Fuel Train 1 Inlet Gas Treating NGL Recovery Liquefaction Fuel

LNG Storage
LNG 9 Mtpa (1.2 Bcfd)

Inlet Gas Reception NGL Recovery Inlet Gas Treating Pipeline Manifold for Scrub Column/KO after C3 Pre-Cool Amine CO H2S Removal NGL 2& Train 2 NGL Fractionation Fractionation Pig Receivers Primarily C4+ to Prevent Freezing <50 ppm & < 4 ppm Deethanizer Inlet Separator LNG Heat Value Important for US & Compression Sulfur Recovery Unit if H 2S Vapor Condensate European Markets Slug Catcher Mol Sieve Dehydration* DepropanizerStabilization & Treating 1,070 btu/scf Max < 100 ppb 95% & 200 psig VP Condensate Stabilization Need Turbo-Expander for High Mercury Vapor Removal* <.5ppm H S & <15ppm S Multi-Stage Column 2 C3+ Removal Activated Carbon Adsorber Debutanizer & Treating Vapor Compressor 95% & 70psia psigRVP VP @100F 10-12 <.5ppm H2S & <15ppm S De-Odorized

Propane Storage

Propane .73 Mtpa (27 Mbpd) Butane .5 Mtpa (17 Mbpd) Condensate 1.2 Mtpa (34 Mbpd) 7

Butane Storage
Condensate Storage

180,000 M3 LNG Tank

Full-Containment Tank to Reduce Impound Area & Improve Safety Approx. 75M Dia x 40M H Insulated for <.05%/D of Boil-off

Total Capacity Based on Tanker Size (135,000 M3) Plus 4+-Days Production Top Entry In-Tank Pumps

Inside the Tanks



Tank with Pump Caissons


LNG Loading System

16 Chiksan Type 3+1 LNG Arms 3,500 M3/Hr/Ea. 10,500 M3/Hr 140K M3 Tanker 4+1 Systems 14,000 M3/Hr Qmax & Qflex 200K+ M3 1 Vapor Return

Cost of Refrigeration
Methane or Nitrogen

Cost/Btu Removed

Ethylene -162C


Air/Water 25C


Natural Gas Liquefaction Processes

25C Gas Cooling

Condensation Temperature
Min. DT

Liquid Sub-cooling
-162C H (Enthalpy - Heat Removed)

Cascade LNG Process


Most Straight Forward of All Processes Kenai Plant Continuous Operation 1969 CoP License, Plant Build by Bechtel


Propane Refrig. 1st Stage 2nd Stage 3th Stage 1st Stage Ethylene Refrig 2nd Stage 1st Stage 2nd Stage Methane Refrig. . 3th Stage CoP Optimized Cascade Refrigerant Cycle


H (Enthalpy - Heat Removed)

Kenai, Alaska


C3 Precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process

Most Widely Used Licensed by APCI 1st Plant in Algeria Operating Since 1972 Plants Built by KBR, Chiyoda, JGC, FW
Propane Refrig. 1st Stage 2nd Stage 3th Stage

Propane PreCooled Mixed Refrigerant Cycle


Mixed Refrigerant


H (Enthalpy - Heat Removed)

QatarGas LNG Plant


APCI AP-X Process

Largest Train Capacity @ 8 Mtpa Overcome Spiral Wound MCHE Limit First Unit Started in 2009 (QG-II) No Plants Outside of Qatar APCI Supplies
Process Design Cold Boxes Spiral Wound Exchanger Turbo-Expanders


All Processes Use Similar Equipment

GE MS7001 FB Gas Turbine

Most New Plants Use Large Gas Turbine (& Combined Cycle) to Drive Refrigerant Compressors Some Older & Smaller Trains Have Steam Turbine Drives Many Peak Shaving Plants on Electric Drives Use Large Process Type Centrifugal Compressors Main Difference is in the Cryogenic Heat Exchangers

Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger Use by Mixed Refrigerant Process

Air Products & Chemicals & Linde: Spiral Wound Ex. Max. Diameter: 5,030mm Height: ~55m Stainless Steel Core 25mm Aluminum Tubing Externally Insulated Chill & Liquefy Gas From 34C to 152C At 55 to 69 Barg


APCIs MR Main Cryogenic Heat Exchanger (MCHE) Spiral Wound Design


Heat Exchanger for Cascade Process

Plate Fin Exchanger

Many Manufacturers Use Extensively in Air Separation Cascade & Other LNG Processes Cold Box Configuration

Advances in LNG Plants

Onshore Conventional Design Near-shore GBS Design

Offshore Steel or Concrete Floater


LNG Liquefaction Process Same as AC System in Our Home Pre-Treatment Facilities Can Dwarf Liquefaction System Mole Sieve Dehydration & Mercury Removal Required Gas Treating & NGL Extraction May be Needed Stabilized Condensate & Fractionated NGL Add Value LNG Exchangers, Storage & Loading Systems Are Unique Commercial Liquefaction Processes Well Proven, Robust & Can be Optimized for Plant Size, Gas Composition, Sales & Commercial Needs Novel Near-Shore & Offshore Floating Concepts Are Developed




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Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Lecturer Program


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