Title: Special Senses

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Title: Special Senses

Introduction/Principles: The general senses include somatic senses (tactile, thermal, pain, and proprioceptive) and visceral sensations. Receptors for the general senses are scattered throughout the body and are relatively simple in structure. Receptors for the special senses are smell, taste, vision, hearing, and equilibrium. These receptors are anatomically distinct from one another and are concentrated in specific locations in the head. They are usually embedded in the epithelial tissue within complex sensory organs such as the eyes and ears. Neural pathways for the special senses are also more complex than those for the general senses. Objective: To identify the microscopic structure of the special sense. Materials: H & E mounted slides, microscope, colour pencils and drawing materials Procedure: Using the appropriate technique of using the light microscope, you are required to individually observe, identify, hand-draw out and label the structures of the special senses. Results: Compile your results in a neat, labeled, complete and serially organized format. Discussion: Compare your drawings with that from literature and discuss why there are differences (if any?). Conclusion: What are your conclusions based on the objective identified above?

Questions: 1. Compare the olfactory and gustatory pathways. 2. What are the components of the fibrous tunic and vascular tunic? 3. What are the three subdivisions of the bony labyrinth? 4. Describe the equilibrium pathways. References: Any reference materials, in the likes of books, journal articles, websites and other citations must be listed here in details.

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