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Robert L. Rowan, Jr.
Robert L. Rowan & Associates, Inc.


The key to rotating and reciprocating machinery reliability is the foundation. One of the main functions of foundations is to support the machines at a precise elevation, thus allowing the original precision alignment to be maintained over the life of the machine. Besides the critical task of maintaining the alignment of the machine, the foundation must supply enough mass to absorb the unbalanced forces that the operating machine produces. Good engineering input from the manufacturer of the machine is essential to the designer of the foundation, but equally as important is a geotechnical analysis of the soil on which the foundation will rest.


Types of Foundations

Reciprocating and centrifugal compressors can be packaged or unitized on a fabricated skid (Fig. 22.1), block mounted (Fig. 22.2), or set on a pile cap foundation (Fig. 22.3). Large centrifugal machines are also sometimes set on table top foundations, which are shaped much like a kitchen table with multiple legs (Fig. 22.4). This style is popular for larger machines and allows the space underneath to be used for long radius, large diameter piping and auxiliary equipment. The above types represent practices in the United States. No review, though, would be complete without mentioning a new option that is starting to be seen in the United States because of successful installations in Europe. This option in the type of compressor foundations, is the use of spring supports. The advantages of this option include good isolation of the dynamic forces, good denition of support properties and additional possibilities for future modications or corrections. Spring support systems for compressor applications will typically have vertical natural frequencies in the range of 3 to 5 Hz. Horizontal frequencies usually are slightly less than the vertical frequency. As these values are less than comparable frequen22.1



FIGURE 22.1 Assoc., Inc.)

Skid mounted / packaged compressor. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan &

FIGURE 22.2 Block mounted compressor. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)




Pile cap foundation. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)




Table top foundation. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)

cies for soil or pile supported systems, the spring system typically provides better isolation of the dynamic forces of the compressor. The springs themselves, usually steel coil designs, provide well dened stiffnesses both horizontally and vertically. This advantage simplies the dynamic analysis of the foundation eliminating the need to incorporate a range of soil properties in this analysis. By including viscous dampers in the design, the complete dynamic system can be put together with great condence. Finally, the discrete nature of the spring support system permits easy replacement of the elements if a change to the stiffness or damping characteristics becomes necessary. Similarly, misalignment from settlement and similar sources can be corrected at the spring support level.
22.1.2 Design

The detailed design of any of the above foundations is beyond the scope of this chapter. Unfortunately, there are no established building codes at this time (1996), but under the auspices of the American Concrete Institute, a committee is working to develop a report that could eventually become a foundation design guide document. Major engineering rms, operating companies, and equipment manufactur-



ers that have their own in-house guidelines are represented on the committee. Additionally, under the sponsorship of the Pipeline Compressor Research Counsel, Southwest Research Institute, along with interested industry users of compressors, much needed data on both dynamic and thermal stresses in foundations is being developed. With such input data, along with the work of ACI, the design of foundations in the future can be more precise.
22.1.3 Soil Frequency and Vibration

While there have been many technical articles written on theories of foundation design and vibration, a very comprehensive reference is the work of Prakash and Puri, Foundations for Machines: Analysis and Design.1 With a good background in geotechnical engineering, the authors tie together very well the interaction between the cyclic vibrations caused by the machine with the natural frequency of the soil-foundation system. Foundations must be designed to avoid the dreadful consequences of harmonic resonance, which occurs when the frequency of the vibrating machine matches the natural frequency of the foundation (block and soil). Prakash and Puri teach that by applying the principles of soil engineering and soil dynamics with theories of vibration, low tuned or high tuned foundations can be designed so as to avoid resonance. Their work leads the way to designing foundations for dynamic machines which will have acceptable levels of vibration. Good engineering at this stage will pay off with a smoother running machine, better maintenance of alignment, and lower maintenance costs for the replacement of wear parts (bearing, seals, etc.).
22.1.4 Collection of Data for the Design Step*

While readers of this handbook may not ever be called on to design a foundation, they may very well be asked to supply data to an engineering design rm working under its direction. While the work of ACI committee is incomplete at this stage, probable recommended data collection steps will be as follows: 1. Data gathering a) Design goal b) Site factors c) Sub-soil data d) Machine data 2. Design criteria a) Static loads
*Based on preliminary draft of ACI 351-2 Sub-Committee




4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

b) Dynamic loads Concrete strength/stresses a) Compressive b) Flexural c) Tension d) Bearing e) Fatigue Concrete deection/deformation Soil strength/stresses Soil deformation/settlement Vibration limits Psychological factors


Materials of Construction

Portland Cement Concrete: Reinforced portland cement concrete is the usual material of construction for either the foundation proper, or for the mat under a fabricated steel skid. A mix design, based on locally available ingredients, can be developed that yields a compressive strength of 4,000 psi in 28 days. The amount of steel will depend on the tensile and bending loads, as well as thermal stresses. Many foundations designed over the past 30 years have been under-reinforced, as evidenced by cracking. Cracking can lead to deterioration of the alignment condition and even catastrophic failure. Extra steel, to increase exural and tensile strength is very prudent. Steel, put in initially, does not cost very much, but a foundation repair later, because of an under-reinforced foundation, is very costly. Figures 22.5 and 22.6 show a modern design with extra rebar vs. a design done twenty years ago. Polymer Modied Concrete: While reinforced portland cement concrete is almost universally used today, many older foundations have been repaired using a more technologically advanced material called Polymer Modied Concrete. Substituting a polymer for the usual water in portland cement concrete, produces an improved concrete. The polymer, along with ber reinforcing, produces a very dense product with low heat of hydration, stronger physical properties in tensile and exure, and cures in 24 hours2.


Anchor Bolts

Anchor bolts are a vital link between the compressor and the foundation. Unfortunately, designers often overlook important points concerning anchor bolts, such as how long and strong they should be and the amount of preload. Anchor bolts, as well as other parts of the support system, such as sole plates and chocks (to be




Typical perimeter steel reinforcingera 1960s.

discussed in section 22.1.7), can be one of the principle points of failure on new construction projects. Failure usually occurs during the rst year of operation. While the number and size of the anchor bolts are set by the equipment manufacturer, their length, conguration, and material of construction are in the hands of the foundation designer. Figure 22.7 shows good and bad designs.

FIGURE 22.6 Dense steel reinforcing based on current design practices.



FIGURE 22.7 Evolution of anchorbolt designs. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)

Length: Short anchor bolts have historically caused problems in compressor foundations. Horizontal cracks in the foundation often result. The best practice today is to make them as long as possible, terminating them in the concrete mat under the concrete foundation. In this manner, they do not contribute to horizontal cracking and have the added benet of adding a post-tensioning effect. Material: Anchor bolts for any dynamic machine cannot be too strong. Today, anchor bolts made from steel, conforming to ASTM A-193 with a yield strength of 105,000 psi, are not much more expensive than steel half as strong. As the need for high clamping forces for compressors is being recognized, alloy steel bolts to ASTM A-193 provide the necessary capacity without going to a larger anchor bolt. Preload: While some compressor manufacturers will specify an initial torque value for the initial installation, often eld experience will show a much higher (maybe two to three times) clamping force will be required to lower frame movement/vibration. Unless the anchor bolts put into the foundation to start with have extra capacity, the machine will not perform as it should, or a costly retrot will have to be done.
22.1.7 Support Systems

Figure 22.8 shows a range of options on how to support a gas compressor from the older method of full bed grouting, to the latest technology of adjustable support



FIGURE 22.8 Types of compressor frame support systems. (Illustrations courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)

systems. Adjustable supports are the system of choice today, because they eliminate a potential problem of poor initial alignment which happens from time to time with full bed grouting. Adjustable systems also allow the optimum hot running condition to be achieved as the frame can be re-aligned to correct for the alignment changes that occur as the machine heats up during its rst 100 hours of operation.



Since the introduction of epoxy grouts for gas compressor grouting in 1957, the use of cementitious grouts mixed with water has virtually stopped. Epoxy grouts are stronger, resist oil and many chemicals, and perform well in dynamically loaded situations. While grout need not be stronger in compressive strength than the concrete underneath, a good grout will be tough enough to take impact and cyclical loads from the dynamic machine it supports. For that reason, compressive strengths above 5,000 psi and tensile strength above 1,000 psi are all that are required. Higher compressive strengths are not necessarily better if the product is brittle and cracks excessively in service. Almost all good machinery grouts can crack, so expansion joints are required. The expansion joints should be strategically placed so cracks will not develop in the prime load transfer area adjacent to the anchor bolts.



FIGURE 22.9 Section view, looking from the ywheel end towards the oil pump end. (Illustration courtesy of Robt. L. Rowan & Assoc., Inc.)


Repair of Foundations

Almost every foundation 20 twenty years old and designed with only minimal steel reinforcing is a candidate for replacement or repair. Common repair techniques include removing the top 24 inches to 30 inches of grout and concrete, cutting off and up-grading the anchor bolts, adding a heavy rebar layout in the excavated area and post-tensioning the repair to old remaining concrete. What to use for the post-tensioned repair described above is extremely important. If the job schedule will allow 21 to 28 days, portland cement concrete is the best choice. If a 24-hour curing product is needed, then a polymer modied concrete should be used. Either product will have a modulus of elasticity of at least 4,000,000 psi, and will have negligible creep at typical compressor foundation temperatures. What should not be used as a deep pour repair material to replace the removed concrete is the epoxy grout material that is used as the nal cap on top of the foundation. Epoxy grouts are just thata grout designed to be used in 2 to 4 inch thicknesses. Epoxy grouts, as a class of material, have a modulus of elasticity ranging from under 1,000,000 psi up to 2,500,000 psi, with the lower range being the most prevalent. This means epoxy grout will compress under load, two to ve times more than concrete. Additionally, some epoxy grouts creep enough at typical foundation temperatures to cause equipment misalignment. There have



been catastrophic machine failures as a result of deep pours of epoxy grout. A new compressor foundation should not be designed with a 14-inch thick upper pour of epoxy grout nor should an older concrete foundation be repaired that way. Besides up-grading the anchor bolts, an adjustable support system is also added to allow easier realignment. Figure 22.9 shows a typical foundation repair design.


1. Prakask, Shamsher, and Vijay K. Puri, Foundations for Machines: Analysis & Design, Wiley Series in Geotechnical Engineering. 2. Rowan, Robert L. & Associates, Inc., Re-Grouting Reciprocating Gas Compressors, 5 Year Repairs vs. 20 Year Reliability Criteria, 1:12 Grouting Technology Newsletter.

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