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##RTFHeader ##HelpLanguageID=0x0409 Date Version, Reason Log: v0 09!00900, "leaned up all tags# v0 $%!00900, Fonts standardi&ed# v0 !%!

00900, Re'oved super(luous s)'*ol (ont# v$0!!!00900, Lo+ali&ation tas,s# v$0!9!00900, -odi(ied #.4!, Verti+al and Hori&ontal (or #.4., #.44 ##HelpTopi+ID=0x0999 Help topi+ unde(ined ##HelpTopi+ID=0 T/is Properties 0indo0 allo0s )ou to personali&e )our pointing devi+e settings# 1se t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t to a++ess t/e +usto'i&a*le (eatures# Using the Properties Window "li+, on a (eature in t/e 'enu tree to see a page o( settings (or t/at (eature# 2o'e (eatures /ave several pages o( settings# "li+, on t/e + 3plus sign4 next to a (eature to see all its related pages# T/e settings 0ill appear in t/e 0indo0 to t/e rig/t o( t/e 'enu tree# In(or'ation a*out t/ese options and instru+tions on /o0 to +/ange t/e' 0ill appear /ere in t/is in(or'ation *ox# 5ou +an use t/e s+roll *ar to vie0 t/e +ontents o( t/e in(or'ation *ox# Defaults Button T/e Defaults *utton returns all t/e settings on t/e +urrent page *a+, to t/eir (a+tor)6set values# OK Button T/e OK *utton saves )our +/anges and +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0# Cancel Button T/e Cancel *utton +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0 0it/out saving an) +/anges and reverts to all t/e previous settings# Apply Button T/e Apply *utton saves )our +/anges, *ut ,eeps t/e 7roperties 0indo0 open so )ou +an 'a,e 'ore +/anges# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ T/e Enable buttons +/e+, *ox ena*les t/e 8'ouse8 *uttons (or t/is pointing devi+e# To +on(igure t/e a+tion per(or'ed 0/en )ou press a *utton, sele+t t/e na'e o( t/e *utton (ro' t/e 'enu tree# For exa'ple, )ou +ould de(ine t/e rig/t *utton to 8go to a 0e* page in )our de(ault *ro0ser#8 9a+/ ti'e )ou +li+, t/e rig/t *utton on )our pointing devi+e, )our 0e* *ro0ser 0ould auto'ati+all) open and load t/e spe+i(ied page# :/en Enable buttons is not sele+ted, t/e *uttons are disa*led and pressing t/e' /as no e((e+t; tapping is t/e onl) 0a) to +li+, 0it/ )our pointing devi+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=! croll ite! under pointer 2ele+t t/is option i( )ou 0ant to s+roll t/e 0indo0 or ite' t/at is under t/e pointer# :it/ t/is option )ou do not need to +li+, on a 0indo0 (irst in order to s+roll it# ##HelpTopi+ID=. 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list a*ove to assign it to t/e sele+ted *utton# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou press t/e *utton# I( )ou are una*le to sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list, ensure t/e *uttons are ena*led# To ena*le t/e *uttons, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t Buttons in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable buttons +/e+, *ox# .# 2ele+t t/e *utton (ro' t/e Buttons 'enu tree to return to t/is page#

##HelpTopi+ID=4 T/is *utton *rings up a +on(iguration dialog *ox pertaining to t/e a+tion sele+ted in t/e list *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID= T/e Press"to" elect (eature allo0s )ou to use tapping and pressing 'otions to per(or' 8'ouse8 +li+,s# Tapping or pressing on t/e tip o( t/e pointing sti+, is t/e sa'e as +li+,ing t/e le(t 'ouse *utton# Ho0ever, tapping or pressing +an *e <ui+,er and 'ore +onvenient t/an using t/e 'ouse *utton# 8Tapping8 'eans <ui+,l) stri,ing and t/en releasing )our (inger (ro' t/e top o( t/e pointing sti+,# = lig/t, <ui+, tap 0or,s *est# Ver) /ard or slo0 taps are less e((e+tive# Tap on+e (or a single +li+,, or t0i+e in rapid su++ession (or a dou*le6+li+,# 87ressing8 'eans s0i(tl) pus/ing do0n on t/e top o( t/e pointing sti+, 0it/ )our (inger# = lig/t, deli*erate press 0or,s *est# 7ress straig/t do0n to si'ulate +li+,ing and /olding t/e 'ouse *utton# 7ress straig/t do0n and t/en to t/e side to +li+,6and6drag in an) dire+tion# Release t/e pressure 0/en )ou 0ant to release t/e 'ouse *utton# 2ele+t t/e Enable Press"to" elect +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# T/e p/)si+al *uttons +an also *e used to +li+,; i( )ou +lear t/is +/e+, *ox, t/e p/)si+al *uttons are t/e onl) 0a) to +li+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=% T/is 'enu tree lists t/e options (or )our pointing devi+e# To +on(igure an option, +li+, on t/e entr) +orresponding to t/e option# ##HelpTopi+ID=> T/e Pointer #otion settings pages allo0 )ou to spe+i() /o0 t/e 8'ouse8 pointer on t/e s+reen 'oves in response to )our pointing a+tions# ##HelpTopi+ID=? T/e Constrained #otion (eature allo0s )ou to (or+e purel) /ori&ontal or verti+al 'otion o( t/e pointer on t/e s+reen# T/is (eature is 'ost use(ul 0/en using a dra0ing progra'# 5ou a+tivate "onstrained -otion *) pressing and /olding a spe+i(ied ,e) 0/ile 'oving t/e pointer# :/en t/e ,e) is pressed, t/e initial dire+tion o( )our pointer 'otion deter'ines t/e allo0ed dire+tion o( 'ove'ent (or as long as )our (inger re'ains on t/e Tou+/7ad# To ena*le t/e "onstrained -otion (eature: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable constrained !otion +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/e options in t/e list *ox# !# "/oose a ,e) (ro' t/e list *ox (or a+tivating "onstrained -otion# .# 7ress and /old t/e sele+ted ,e) 0/enever )ou 0ant to +onstrain pointer 'otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=9 Press"to" elect !eans left clic$ T/is option produ+es a le(t 'ouse +li+, 0/en )ou tap or press on t/e pointing sti+,# = rig/t 'ouse +li+, is generall) used to displa) a +ontext pop up 'enu# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0 T/ese ,e)s +an *e used to a+tivate t/e "onstrained -otion 'ode# 2ele+t t/e ,e) o( )our +/oi+e *) +li+,ing on t/e entr) in t/e list *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$ T/e Edge#otion@ (eature is designed to si'pli() long6distan+e pointer 'otions# :/en )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e pointer 0ill +ontinue to 'ove in t/e sa'e dire+tion until )ou li(t )our (inger# 2ele+t one o( t/e 9dge-otion options# T/e Virtual 2+rolling (eature also supports 9dge-otion# To +ontrol 9dge-otion during s+rolling, sele+t %ong Distance crolling under &irtual crolling in t/e 'enu tree#

##HelpTopi+ID=$! Perfor! Edge#otion only when dragging :/en t/is option is sele+ted, 9dge-otion o++urs onl) during a tap6and6drag gesture# 9dge-otion 0ill not o++ur during ordinar) pointer 'ove'ent# Tapping 'ust *e ena*led (or t/is (eature to 0or,# ##HelpTopi+ID=$. Perfor! Edge#otion when dragging and pointing :/en t/is option is sele+ted, 9dge-otion o++urs 0/enever )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4 'o Edge#otion To 'ove t/e pointer a long distan+e 0it/out 9dge-otion, )ou 'ust 'a,e repeated (inger stro,es on t/e pad or in+rease t/e pointer 'otion speed in t/e -ouse "ontrol 7anel# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ A) sele+ting t/e Enable (ap )ones +/e+, *ox, )ou +an +on(igure ea+/ o( t/e (our +orners o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e to a+t as di((erent *uttons 0/en tapped# T/ese +orner regions are +alled (ap )ones# Tapping in t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad al0a)s produ+es a le(t +li+,# I( )ou +lear t/e Enable (ap )ones +/e+, *ox, t/en a tap an)0/ere on t/e Tou+/7ad produ+es a le(t +li+,# = variet) o( a+tions +an *e assigned to t/e tap &ones# To ena*le Tap Bones: $# 9nsure t/at Enable (apping is sele+ted on t/e (apping page# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable (ap )ones +/e+, *ox a*ove# .# 2ele+t t/e na'e o( a Tap Bone in t/e 'enu tree to assign an a+tion to t/at &one# ##HelpTopi+ID=$% 2ele+t an a+tion (or taps in t/e *otto' le(t +orner &one o( )our Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t #iddle Clic$, t/en a tap in t/e *otto' le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as a 'iddle +li+,# 2ele+t 'o )one to disa*le t/is tap *one 3t/en taps in t/e &one a+t li,e a le(t +li+,, Cust as on t/e rest o( t/e pad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$> 2ele+t an a+tion (or taps in t/e top le(t +orner &one o( )our Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t #iddle Clic$, t/en a tap in t/e top le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as a 'iddle +li+,# 2ele+t 'o )one to disa*le t/is tap *one 3t/en taps in t/e &one a+t li,e a le(t +li+,, Cust as on t/e rest o( t/e pad4# ##HelpTopi+ID=$? 2ele+t an a+tion (or taps in t/e top rig/t +orner &one o( )our Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t +ight Clic$, t/en a tap in t/e top rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e rig/t 'ouse or Tou+/7ad *utton# 2ele+t 'o )one to disa*le t/is tap *one 3t/en taps in t/e &one a+t li,e a le(t +li+,, Cust as on t/e rest o( t/e pad4# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9 2ele+t an a+tion (or taps in t/e *otto' rig/t +orner &one o( )our Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t +ight Clic$, t/en a tap in t/e *otto' rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e rig/t 'ouse or Tou+/7ad *utton# 2ele+t 'o )one to disa*le t/is tap *one 3t/en taps in t/e &one a+t li,e a le(t +li+,, Cust as on t/e rest o( t/e pad4# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0

7ress t/is *utton to see t/e 7roperties dialog (or t/e sele+ted a+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$ T/e diagra' a*ove represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross6/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e a+tive Tap Bone regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerDs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive Tap Bone region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding Tap Bone area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e Tap Bone regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e +orners o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed areas# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering a Tap Bone a+tion, tr) 'a,ing t/e Tap Bone region larger# I( a Tap Bone a+tion triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e Tap Bone region s'aller# I( t/e Tap Bones are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, ensure t/at (apping and (ap )ones are sele+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=!! T/is se+tion allo0s )ou to +usto'i&e )our Tou+/7ad *uttons# ##HelpTopi+ID=!. Defaults Returns all settings on t/is page to t/eir de(ault values# ##HelpTopi+ID=!4 9dge-otion speed +an *e +on(igured to *e pressure6sensitive or (ixed# Control speed with finger pressure 2ele+t t/is option i( )ou 0ant t/e 9dge-otion speed to in+rease as )ou press )our (inger /arder on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ,i-ed speed 2ele+t t/is option to 'a,e t/e 9dge-otion speed t/e sa'e all t/e ti'e# Ad.ust Edge#otion peed T/is slider +ontrols t/e speed o( t/e 9dge-otion 0/en t/e ,i-ed speed option is sele+ted# 5ou +an +/oose t/e 9dge-otion speed *) adCusting t/e slider *et0een low and ,ast# I( t/e +ontrols on t/is page are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, ensure t/at 9dge-otion is ena*led# To ena*le 9dge-otion, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t Edge#otion in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t one o( t/e Perfor! Edge#otion options# .# 2ele+t Edge#otion peed (ro' t/e 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=! :/en t/e Control speed with finger pressure option is sele+ted, 9dge-otion speed is deter'ined *) /o0 /ard )ou press )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad# :/en t/e ,i-ed speed option is sele+ted, t/e pointer 'oves at t/e spe+i(ied speed 0/en t/e (inger is in t/e 9dge-otion region# ##HelpTopi+ID=!% 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox (or +onstant 9dge-otion speed# ##HelpTopi+ID=!> Tapping on t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad is t/e sa'e as +li+,ing t/e le(t Tou+/7ad 8'ouse8 *utton# Ho0ever, tapping is usuall) <ui+,er and 'ore +onvenient t/an using t/e 'ouse *utton# 8Tapping8 'eans <ui+,l) tou+/ing and t/en li(ting )our (inger o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# = lig/t, <ui+, tap 0or,s *est# Ver) /ard or slo0 taps are less e((e+tive# Tap on+e (or a single +li+,, or t0i+e in rapid su++ession (or a dou*le6+li+,#

2ele+t t/e Enable (apping +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# T/e Tou+/7ad *uttons +an also *e used to +li+,# I( )ou +lear t/is +/e+, *ox, t/e Tou+/7ad *uttons are t/e onl) 0a) to +li+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=!? &irtual crolling (utorial T/is si'ple 'a&e 0ill /elp )ou learn /o0 to use t/e Virtual 2+rolling (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9 :/en t/e (ap to Clic$ +/e+, *ox is not sele+ted, )ou 'ust press t/e a+tual Tou+/7ad *uttons to produ+e +li+,s# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0 (ap again and hold to drag 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to drag o*Ce+ts and sele+tions *) tapping t/e Tou+/7ad# To drag, tap t0i+e on t/e o*Ce+t and ,eep )our (inger do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad on t/e se+ond tap# -ove t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t *) sliding )our (inger a+ross t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and li(t )our (inger to drop t/e o*Ce+t# T/is a+tion produ+es t/e sa'e e((e+t as pressing a 'ouse *utton, 'oving t/e 'ouse, and releasing t/e 'ouse *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$ %oc$ing drags T/e %oc$ing drags (eature allo0s o*Ce+ts to *e dragged long distan+es a+ross t/e s+reen using several (inger stro,es# :/en %oc$ing drags is sele+ted, a drag a+tion persists a(ter )ou li(t )our (inger (ro' t/e Tou+/7ad# Tap t/e Tou+/7ad again or +li+, on an) *utton to drop t/e o*Ce+t and end t/e drag# To use %oc$ing drags, t/e (ap again and hold to drag (eature 'ust also *e sele+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=.! T/e Pal!Chec$@ (eature guards against operating t/e Tou+/7ad 0it/ a++idental +onta+t# 7al'"/e+, allo0s t/e Tou+/7ad to re+ogni&e 0/en )our pal' is resting on it or *rus/ing its sur(a+e 0/ile )ou are t)ping# T/is 0ill /elp to prevent un0anted pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s# I( t/e Tou+/7ad ex/i*its undesired pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s, in+rease t/e 7al'"/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard #a-i!u!# I( t/e Tou+/7ad 'isses intended 'otions or taps, de+rease t/e 7al'"/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard #ini!u!# 5ou are 'ore li,el) to experien+e 'issed 'otions or taps i( t/e slider is in t/e red &one# ##HelpTopi+ID=.. T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied *e(ore t/e Tou+/7ad responds# I( )our pointer is 'oving or +li+,ing errati+all), or )ou 0or, in an area 0it/ /ig/ /u'idit), de+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y (ouch# I( )ou /ave to press too /ard to operate t/e Tou+/7ad or i( t/e Tou+/7ad does not al0a)s respond to )our taps, in+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard %ight (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4 croll selected ite! 2ele+t t/is option i( )ou 0ant to s+roll t/e +urrentl) a+tive 0indo0 or ite'# T/is is usuall) t/e last 0indo0, part o( a 0indo0, or ite' t/at )ou +li+,ed on# ##HelpTopi+ID=. 2ele+t t/e Enable Edge#otion when scrolling +/e+, *ox i( )ou 0ant s+rolling to +ontinue 0/en )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=.% Press"to" elect !eans right clic$ T/is option produ+es a rig/t 'ouse +li+, 0/en )ou tap or press on t/e pointing sti+,# = rig/t 'ouse +li+, is generall) used to displa) a +ontext pop up 'enu# ##HelpTopi+ID=.> T/e Coasting (eature /elps )ou to s+roll easil) t/roug/ long do+u'ents# :it/ "oasting, Virtual 2+rolling

+ontinues a(ter )ou /ave li(ted )our (inger (ro' t/e Tou+/7ad# To use "oasting, 'ove and li(t )our (inger in one s'oot/ 'otion# To stop t/e "oasting 'otion, pla+e )our (inger *a+, on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=.? Enable hori*ontal scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le /ori&ontal Virtual 2+rolling on 0indo0s t/at /ave /ori&ontal s+roll *ars# 2liding )our (inger *a+, and (ort/ along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=.9 Enable /ertical scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le verti+al Virtual 2+rolling# 2liding )our (inger up and do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' verti+all)# ##HelpTopi+ID=40 T/e diagra' a*ove represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross6/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e Virtual 2+rolling regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerDs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive Virtual 2+rolling region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding Virtual 2+rolling area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e Virtual 2+rolling regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e edge o( t/e +ross6 /at+/ed area# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering Virtual 2+rolling, tr) 'a,ing t/e Virtual 2+rolling region larger *) 'oving t/e edges o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed area in0ard# I( )ou (ind t/at Virtual 2+rolling triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e Virtual 2+rolling region s'aller# I( t/e Virtual 2+rolling regions are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, ensure t/at Virtual 2+rolling is ena*led# To ena*le Virtual 2+rolling, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t &irtual crolling in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e desired Enable crolling +/e+, *oxes# .# 2ele+t crolling +egion (ro' t/e 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=4$ Practice Button "li+, t/e Practice *utton to run t/e &irtual use Virtual 2+rolling#

crolling tutorial# T/is si'ple 'a&e 0ill /elp )ou learn /o0 to

EFT9: 9nsure t/at t/e Enable hori*ontal scrolling and Enable /ertical scrolling +/e+, *oxes are sele+ted# 2urve) t/e 'a&e *e(ore )ou *egin to lo+ate t/e *eginning and ending points# 5ou +annot see t/e entire 'a&e *e+ause it is larger t/an t/e 0indo0 t/at displa)s it# 1se Virtual 2+rolling to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e in t/e 0indo0# Hold do0n t/e "trl ,e) and use Virtual 2+rolling to &oo' t/e 'a&e larger or s'aller# = )ello0 dot in t/e upper le(t +orner o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e entran+e to t/e 'a&e# = *lue dot on t/e rig/t side o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e exit# To Aegin: $# "li+, on t/e red s<uare in t/e )ello0 dot to *egin# !# 1se t/e =rro0 ,e)s or tap )our Tou+/7ad to navigate t/roug/ t/e 'a&e# .# 1se Virtual 2+rolling to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e# 4# "li+, t/e +lose *utton on t/e Virtual 2+rolling 7ra+ti+e 0indo0 a(ter )ou rea+/ t/e *lue dot in t/e lo0er rig/t +orner# ##HelpTopi+ID=4! T/is slider allo0s )ou to +ontrol t/e &irtual s+rolling#

crolling speed# Drag t/e slider to t/e rig/t (or (aster

##HelpTopi+ID=4. 1se t/is se+tion to +usto'i&e t/e pointer 'otion# 2ele+t /elp on spe+i(i+ areas (or 'ore in(or'ation# ##HelpTopi+ID=44 Press"to" elect and drag 2ele+t t/is option i( )ou 0ant pressing to per(or' a sele+t and drag, and tapping to per(or' Cust a sele+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=4 T/e low #otion (eature allo0s )ou to redu+e t/e speed o( t/e pointer to i'prove pointing a++ura+) (or (ine positioning# 5ou a+tivate 2lo0 -otion *) pressing and /olding a spe+i(ied ,e) 0/ile 'oving t/e pointer# To ena*le t/e 2lo0 -otion (eature: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable slow !otion +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/e options in t/e list *ox# !# "/oose a ,e) (ro' t/e list *ox (or a+tivating 2lo0 -otion# .# 7ress and /old t/e sele+ted ,e) 0/enever )ou 0ant 2lo0 -otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=4% T/is (eature auto'ati+all) 'oves t/e pointer to t/e De(ault Autton 0/en a dialog *ox appears on )our s+reen# ##HelpTopi+ID=4> =t ti'es )ou 'a) 0ant to restri+t t/e pointer to 'ove onl) /ori&ontall) or onl) verti+all)# 5ou +an spe+i() a +onstrained pointer ,e), t/en press and /old t/is ,e) as )ou 'ove t/e pointer# T/e initial pointer dire+tion 0/en /olding t/is ,e) deter'ines 0/et/er t/e pointer is +onstrained to 'ove onl) /ori&ontall) or onl) verti+all)# ##HelpTopi+ID=49 2ele+ting t/e ,ast pointer re(res/ rate option generall) produ+es ver) s'oot/ pointer 'otion# Ho0ever, i( )our pointer appears unstead) or (li+,ers on t/e s+reen, tr) sele+ting t/e low pointer re(res/ rate# ##HelpTopi+ID= 0 T/e 2)napti+s Tou+/7ad properties pages allo0 )ou to +on(igure )our Tou+/7ad# T/ese pages are lo+ated in t/e -ouse 7roperties "ontrol 7anel# ##HelpTopi+ID= $ "li+, /ere to run )our Internet *ro0ser and to go dire+tl) to t/is lin,# ##HelpTopi+ID= ! 7anning 'eans to s+roll +ontinuousl)# 5ou +an pan /ori&ontall), verti+all), or diagonall) in *ot/ dire+tionsG Eote t/at panning onl) 0or,s in appli+ations t/at support t/e -i+roso(t Intelli'ouse and t/at 'an) o( t/ose appli+ations li'it t/e dire+tions t/at )ou +an pan in 39xa'ples: -i+roso(t :ord onl) lets )ou pan verti+all); -i+roso(t 9x+el 0ill let )ou pan verti+all) and /ori&ontall), *ut not diagonall)4# ##HelpTopi+ID= . Boo'ing 'eans to +/ange t/e 'agni(i+ation o( )our do+u'ent# Boo' in to in+rease t/e 'agni(i+ation and &oo' out to de+rease t/e 'agni(i+ation# Eote t/at &oo'ing onl) 0or,s in appli+ations t/at support t/e -i+roso(t Intelli'ouse# ##HelpTopi+ID= 4 T/is a+tion auto'ati+all) 'oves t/e pointer to t/e 2tart *utton in t/e tas, *ar and opens t/e start 'enu# ##HelpTopi+ID= 1u!p to the #enu of the Current Window T/is a+tion auto'ati+all) 'oves t/e pointer to t/e le(t'ost entr) in t/e +urrent 0indo0Ds 'enu 3usuall) t/e 8File8 'enu4, and opens it# T/is (eature 'ig/t not 0or, 0it/ so'e 0indo0s t/at /ave non6standard 'enus# ##HelpTopi+ID= % T/is a+tion 'ini'i&es t/e +urrent 0indo0#

##HelpTopi+ID= > T/is a+tion 'axi'i&es t/e +urrent 0indo0 so t/at it +overs t/e entire s+reen# I( t/e +urrent 0indo0 is alread) 'axi'i&ed, t/en t/is a+tion restores it to its original si&e and position# ##HelpTopi+ID= ? T/is a+tion restores a 'ini'i&ed or a 'axi'i&ed 0indo0 to its original si&e and position# ##HelpTopi+ID= 9 T/is a+tion auto'ati+all) runs a progra' t/at )ou spe+i()# =(ter sele+ting t/is a+tion )ou +an +/oose t/e progra' to run *) +li+,ing on t/e 7roperties *utton *eside t/e +o'*o *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=%0 T/is a+tion allo0s )ou to use t/e entire Tou+/7ad sur(a+e to +ontrol Virtual 2+rolling# To resu'e nor'al Tou+/7ad operation, si'pl) per(or' t/e asso+iated gesture a se+ond ti'e# ##HelpTopi+ID=%$ I( t/e a+tive appli+ation is a 0e* *ro0ser, t/is a+tion visits t/e previous page in t/e *ro0serHs /istor) *u((er# ##HelpTopi+ID=%! I( t/e a+tive appli+ation is a 0e* *ro0ser, t/is a+tion visits t/e next page in t/e *ro0serHs /istor) *u((er# ##HelpTopi+ID=%. T/is a+tion starts t/e de(ault 0e* *ro0ser and visits a 0e* page# =(ter sele+ting t/is a+tion )ou +an +/oose 0e* page to visit *) +li+,ing on t/e 7roperties *utton *eside t/e +o'*o *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=%4 I( t/e a+tive appli+ation is a 0e* *ro0ser, t/is a+tion +auses t/e +urrent 0e* page to *e reloaded (ro' its sour+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=% I( t/e a+tive appli+ation is a 0e* *ro0ser, t/is a+tion +auses t/e *ro0ser to stop loading t/e +urrent 0e* page# ##HelpTopi+ID=%% 7la+ing t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and 'oving t/e' in a parti+ular dire+tion is +alled a t0o6(inger 2esture# 5our Tou+/7ad +an dete+t su+/ 'ove'ents in ea+/ o( t/e eig/t +o'pass points# T/is page allo0s )ou to +usto'i&e t/e a+tion t/e Tou+/7ad per(or's 0/en a 2esture is dete+ted# To ena*le 2esture pro+essing, +/e+, t/e *ox la*eled Enable# T/en +/oose an a+tion (ro' t/e drop6do0n list (or ea+/ 2esture dire+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=%> 2ele+t t/e a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e upper le(t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=%? For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up Key, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=%9 2ele+t t/e a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e upper region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=>0 For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?0 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e upper le(t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e

a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?$ 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e le(t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?! 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e lo0er rig/t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?. 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e lo0er region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?4 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e lo0er le(t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=? 2ele+t an a+tion to *e per(or'ed (or a t0o6(inger 2esture in t/e le(t region o( t/e Tou+/7ad# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t Press the Page Up $ey, t/en gesturing in t/is 'anner per(or's t/e sa'e a+tion as pressing t/e 7age 1p ,e) on t/e ,e)*oard# ##HelpTopi+ID=?% +ecord and Play a Keyboard #acro T/is a+tion pla)s a pre6re+orded se<uen+e o( ,e)stro,es# =(ter sele+ting t/is a+tion )ou +an re+ord t/e se<uen+e o( ,e)stro,es to pla)# ##HelpTopi+ID=?> Keyboard #acro +ecording Dialog T/is dialog allo0s )ou to re+ord a se<uen+e o( ,e)stro,es (or su*se<uent pla)*a+,# 2u+/ a re+orded ,e)stro,e se<uen+e is o(ten +alled a ,e)*oard macro# To *egin re+ording a 'a+ro, press t/e tart *utton# T/e top *utton 0ill t/en *e ena*led and t/e tart *utton disa*led indi+ating t/at re+ording is in progress# 2in+e all ,e)stro,es 0ill *e inter+epted during re+ording, t/e onl) 0a) to exit (ro' t/e re+ording 'ode is to press t/e 2top *utton using t/e 'ouse# :/en not re+ording, t/e Clear *utton +an *e used to e'pt) t/e re+orded ,e)stro,e *u((er# :/en re+ording, t/is *utton serves t/e (un+tion o( t/e *a+,spa+e ,e)# 7ressing t/e Bac$ *utton re'oves t/e last entr) (ro' t/e re+orded ,e)stro,e *u((er# Eote t/at during re+ording, t/e Bac$ *utton 'ust *e pressed 0it/ t/e 'ouse# =s t/e) are re+orded, ,e)stro,es also appear in t/e re+ording dialogHs text 0indo0# =lp/a*eti+, nu'eri+, and pun+tuation ,e)s appear in t/e text 0indo0 Cust as t/e) 0ould appear in a t)ped do+u'ent# Eon6 printa*le ,e)s are represented in t/e text 0indo0 *) 'ne'oni+ tags en+losed in *ra+es# To 'a,e t/e text 0indo0 easier to read, 'ost ,e)s are onl) pla+ed into t/e text 0indo0 as t/e) are pressed# Ho0ever t/e 'ode ,e)s 3su+/ as hift, Ctrl and Alt4 are entered into t/e text 0indo0 *ot/ 0/en t/e) are pressed and 0/en t/e) are released# T/is 'a,es it possi*le to lo+ate ,e)*oard 'ode +/anges *) IreadingJ t/e text 0indo0#

7lease note t/at t/e text 0indo0 is not dire+tl) edita*le# For instan+e, it is not possi*le to insert a ,e) in t/e 'iddle o( a previousl) re+orded se<uen+e# To do t/is, )ou 'ust +lear t/e re+orded *u((er and re6re+ord t/e desired ,e)stro,e se<uen+e# Fn+e a re+ording is +o'pleted, press t/e OK *utton to save or t/e Cancel *utton to dis+ard )our re+ording# 7ressing eit/er *utton 0ill exit t/e dialog# ##HelpTopi+ID=?? 2ele+t an a+tion (or t/is Tou+/7ad *utton# 5ou +an +usto'i&e t/e *utton to produ+e one o( t/e a+tions in t/e drop6do0n list# ##HelpTopi+ID=?9 =dCusts t/e a'ount o( ti'e t/at +an pass *et0een +li+,s to 0/en )ou dou*le6+li+, )our pri'ar) 'ouse *utton# I( )ou are an inexperien+ed 'ouse user, dou*le6+li+,ing 'a) *e easier i( )ou drag t/e slider to0ard slo0# 5ou +an test t/e dou*le6+li+, speed *) dou*le6+li+,ing t/e i'age in Test area# ##HelpTopi+ID=90 7rovides a pla+e (or )ou to test t/e dou*le6+li+, speed o( )our 'ouse# I( t/e Ca+,6in6t/e6*ox e'erges or disappears, )our dou*le6+li+, 0as re+ogni&ed# ##HelpTopi+ID=9$ =dCust t/e speed at 0/i+/ t/e pointer 'oves on )our s+reen# ##HelpTopi+ID=9! 2pe+i(ies /o0 <ui+,l) t/e 'ouse pointer a++elerates to its 'axi'u' speed# =++eleration 'a,es t/e 'ouse pointer 'ove (art/er 0/en )ou 'ove t/e 'ouse <ui+,l)# Eo a++eleration 'a,es t/e 'ouse pointer 'ove at t/e sa'e speed as t/e 'ouse# ##HelpTopi+ID=9. =dds a trail to t/e 'ouse pointer, 0/i+/ 'a,es it easier to see on Li<uid "r)stal Displa) 3L"D4 s+reens# To +/ange t/e lengt/ o( t/e pointer trail, drag t/e slider# ##HelpTopi+ID=94 "/e+, t/is *ox to turn on t/e 1niversal 2+rolling (eatures# "li+, on t/e settings *utton to +on(igure t/e s+rolling (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=9 "li+, on t/is *utton to +on(igure t/e s+rolling (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=9% "li+, on t/is *utton to +on(igure t/e t0o6(inger gesture (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=9> "li+, on t/is *utton to +on(igure t/e t/ree6(inger gesture (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=9? "li+, on t/is *utton to +on(igure t/e tap &one (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=99 "li+, on t/is *utton to +on(igure t/e 9dge-otion (eatures# ##HelpTopi+ID=$00 :/en Disable de/ice is sele+ted, t/e +urrent pointing devi+e 0ill no longer provide +ursor 'ove'ent, s+rolling, or ot/er (un+tionalit)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0$ 7la+ing t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and 'oving t/e' in a parti+ular dire+tion is +alled a t0o6(inger 2esture# 5our Tou+/7ad +an dete+t su+/ 'ove'ents in ea+/ o( t/e eig/t +o'pass points# To ena*le t0o6(inger 2esture pro+essing, +/e+, t/e *ox la*eled Enable (wo",inger 2estures# T/en

+li+, on t/e t0o6(inger settings *utton to +usto'i&e t/e a+tion t/e Tou+/7ad per(or's 0/en a t0o6(inger 2esture is dete+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0! 7la+ing t/ree (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and 'oving t/e' in a parti+ular dire+tion is +alled a t/ree6 (inger 2esture# 5our Tou+/7ad +an dete+t su+/ 'ove'ents in ea+/ o( t0o +o'pass points# To ena*le t/ree6(inger 2esture pro+essing, +/e+, t/e *ox la*eled Enable (hree",inger 2estures# T/en +li+, on t/e (hree ,inger settings *utton to +usto'i&e t/e a+tion t/e Tou+/7ad per(or's 0/en a t/ree6 (inger 2esture is dete+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0. 7la+ing t0o or t/ree (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and 'oving t/e' in a parti+ular dire+tion is +alled a (inger 2esture# 5our Tou+/7ad +an dete+t su+/ 'ove'ents in ea+/ o( t/e eig/t +o'pass points# 5ou +an ena*le an) +o'*ination o( t0o6 or t/ree6(inger Kestures# To ena*le Kesture pro+essing, +/e+, t/e appropriate *ox la*eled Enable# T/en +li+, on t/e settings *utton to +usto'i&e t/e a+tion t/e Tou+/7ad 0ill per(or' 0/en a t/ree6(inger Kesture is dete+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=$04 T/is is a s'all 'ap o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0it/ t/e tap &ones denoted *) t/e +ross6/at+/ed area# Tap &ones +an *e 'ade larger or s'aller *) dragging t/e *la+, resi&e /andles# =rro0s on ea+/ side o( t/e 'ap 'ar, )our (inger position on t/e a+tual Tou+/7ad# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive tap &one area on )our Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding tap &one on t/e 'ap 0ill turn a solid +olor# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0 Press"to" elect only 2ele+t t/is option i( )ou 0ant tapping or pressing t/e sti+, to per(or' a sele+tion 0it/out dragging# T/is is t/e sa'e as a single 'ouse +li+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0% T/is is a list o( all t/e ,e)s t/at +an a+tivate slo0 'otion 'ode# 2ele+t t/e ,e) )ou 0is/ to use *) +li+,ing on appropriate entr) in t/e list *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0> Ad.ust Edge#otion peed :/en t/e ,i-ed speed option is sele+ted, )ou +an use t/is slider to adCust t/e speed o( 9dge-otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=$0? 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list *ox to assign it to t/is *utton# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# Ho0ever, i( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange t/e +on(iguration o( t/e a+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=$09 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list *ox to assign it to t/is tap &one# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# Ho0ever, i( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange t/e +on(iguration o( t/e a+tion# = variet) o( a+tions +an *e assigned to Tap Bones# =dditional a+tions 'ig/t *e availa*le i( )ou /ave t/ird6 part) Tou+/7ad 7lug6In so(t0are installed# (ap )one Actions 1u!p to the tart Button T/is a+tion +auses t/e pointer to Cu'p to t/e t/e tart #enu#

tart *utton in t/e :indo0s tas, *ar and auto'ati+all) open

1u!p to the current application3s !enu T/is a+tion +auses t/e pointer to Cu'p to t/e le(t'ost entr) in t/e appli+ationHs 0indo0 'enu 3usuall) t/e ,ile 'enu4 and auto'ati+all) displa) t/e su*'enu options#

#ini!i*e the current application T/is a+tion 'ini'i&es t/e +urrent appli+ationHs 0indo0# I( t/e +urrent appli+ationHs 0indo0 is alread) 'ini'i&ed, t/is a+tion 0ill restore it to its nor'al si&e and lo+ation# #a-i!i*e the current application T/is a+tion 'axi'i&es t/e +urrent appli+ationHs 0indo0 3expands it to +over t/e (ull s+reen4# I( t/e +urrent appli+ationHs 0indo0 is alread) 'axi'i&ed, t/is a+tion 0ill restore it to its nor'al si&e and lo+ation# +un a progra! of your choice T/is a+tion allo0s )ou to spe+i() t/e na'e o( an) progra' )ou 0ant to run auto'ati+all) 0/en )ou +li+, t/e *utton or tap in t/e tap &one# I( t/e list *ox options are gra) and +annot *e sele+ted, ensure t/at (apping and (ap )ones are ena*led# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$0 7atent Eoti+es 2+rolling 2ele+tion 2)ste' 2ettings Devi+e 2ettings on 2ti+,) Aorders 9na*le 2ti+,) *orders 7er(or' 9dge-otion onl) 0/en Ldragging 7er(or' 9dge-otion 0/en dragging and Lpointing Eo 9dge-otion Virtual 2+rolling Fixed 2peed 7ress to sele+t onl) 7ress to sele+t drag 7ress to 2ele+t =+tion 7ress to sele+t 'eans Le(t +li+, 2ele+t an ite' Auttons 9na*le *uttons Tap and Drag Long Distan+e 2+rolling ##HelpTopi+ID=$$$ ##HelpTopi+ID=$$! T/e (ap and Drag (eatures dupli+ate t/e (un+tionalit) o( t/e 8'ouse8 *uttons# (ap again and hold to drag 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to drag o*Ce+ts 0it/out pressing t/e 'ouse or Tou+/7ad *utton# To drag, tap t0i+e on t/e o*Ce+t and ,eep )our (inger do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad on t/e se+ond tap# -ove t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t *) sliding )our (inger a+ross t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and li(t )our (inger to drop t/e o*Ce+t# %oc$ing Drags T/e %oc$ing Drags (eature allo0s o*Ce+ts to *e dragged long distan+es a+ross t/e s+reen using several (inger stro,es# :/en %oc$ing Drags is sele+ted, a drag a+tion persists a(ter )ou li(t )our (inger (ro' t/e Tou+/7ad# Tap t/e Tou+/7ad again to drop t/e o*Ce+t and end t/e drag# To use %oc$ing Drags, t/e (ap again and hold to drag (eature 'ust also *e sele+ted# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$. T/e &irtual crolling (eature allo0s )ou to s+roll 0it/ a single stro,e o( )our (inger# Virtual 2+rolling operates t/e s+roll *ars auto'ati+all) so t/ere is no need to 'ove t/e pointer a0a) (ro' )our 0or,# Virtual 2+rolling 0or,s 0it/ 'ost s+rolla*le 0indo0s su+/ as 0ord pro+essing do+u'ents, spreads/eets, and large digital i'ages# It also 0or,s 0it/ ot/er s+rolla*le ite's su+/ as (ile lists and (ont lists# Virtual 2+rolling provides t/e easiest and s'oot/est s+rolling (or all appli+ations# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll and slide )our (inger up and do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad to s+roll verti+all)# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable /ertical scrolling or Enable hori*ontal scrolling +/e+, *ox#

I( Virtual 2+rolling does not respond, ensure t/at t/e desired Enable scrolling +/e+, *ox is sele+ted and t/at t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou /ave +li+,ed on is s+rolla*le# I( )ou still /ave pro*le's, +/e+, )our crolling +egion settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$4 T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e Tou+/7ad responds to )our tou+/# To adCust t/e 2ensitivit) settings, sele+t an ite' (ro' t/e ensiti/ity 'enu tree# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$ ##HelpTopi+ID=$$% ##HelpTopi+ID=$$> T/e diagra' a*ove represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross6/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e 9dge-otion regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerDs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive 9dge-otion region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding 9dge-otion area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e 9dge-otion regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e edge o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed area# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering 9dge-otion, tr) 'a,ing t/e 9dge-otion region larger *) 'oving t/e edges o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed area in0ard# I( )ou (ind t/at 9dge-otion triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e 9dge-otion region s'aller# I( t/e 9dge-otion regions are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, ensure t/at 9dge-otion is ena*led# To ena*le 9dge-otion, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t Edge#otion in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t one o( t/e Perfor! Edge#otion options# .# 2ele+t Edge#otion +egion (ro' t/e 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$? Patent 'otices T/is so(t0are and related input devi+e /ard0are are prote+ted *) one or 'ore o( t/e (ollo0ing patents: United tates Patent 'o4 ,.>4,>?>; ,49 ,0>>; , 4., 90; , 4., 9$; ,?$!,%9?; ,?%$, ?.; ,??0,4$$; ,9$4,4% ; ,9!%, %%; ,94.,0 !; %,0!?,!>$; %,0!?,9 9; %,$4?,$04; %,$??,.9$; %,!.9,.?9; %,.?0,9.$; %,4$4,%>$; %,%$0,9.%; %,%4!,? >; %,> 0,? !; >,$09,9>?; >,!0!,? 9; >,.?!,.%0; Europe Patent 'o4 >4!$. MD9, FR, KA, ITN; >>>?> MD9, FR, KA, ITN; >>>??? MD9, FR, KA, ITN Korean Patent 'o4 !%4%40; !>4>>!; !>>$4>; (aiwan 5n/ention Patent 'o4 09>09$; $ !0?! China Patent 'o4 BL9 $9 ?$$#9; BL9>$90!>?#O; 1apan Patent 'o4 . !% >>; .9!0?..; 40.$>9%; ingapore Patent 'o4 4 9% as 0ell as ot/er 1#2# and International patents pending# (rade!ar$s

"/iral-otion, "/iralRotate, "/iral2+rolling, 9dge-otion, -o'entu', 7al'"/e+,, Tou+/7ad, Tou+/2t),, 2)napti+s, t/e "/iral-otion Logo, and t/e 2)napti+s Logo are trade'ar,s o( 2)napti+s In+orporated, registered in t/e 1#2#=# andPor ot/er +ountries# =ll ot/er produ+t, servi+e, or +o'pan) na'es 'entioned /erein are +lai'ed as trade'ar,s and trade na'es *) t/eir respe+tive +o'panies# Copyright "op)rig/t Q $99%6!0$0 2)napti+s In+orporated# =ll rig/ts reserved# ##HelpTopi+ID=$$9 T/e tic$y Borders (eature restri+ts t/e pointer to sta) inside t/e a+tive 0indo0# :/en )ou tr) to 'ove t/e pointer outside t/e 0indo0, it stops at t/e edge# I( )ou tr) a se+ond ti'e, t/e pointer is (ree to leave t/e 0indo0# 2topping t/e pointer at t/e 0indo0 *orders 'a,es it eas) to a++ess +ontrols t/at lie around t/e edges o( a 0indo0# For exa'ple, to +lose or resi&e a 0indo0, )ou +an <ui+,l) 'ove t/e pointer in t/e general dire+tion o( t/e +lose *ox or t/e edge o( t/e 0indo0, and t/e pointer 0ill stop exa+tl) 0/ere )ou 0ant# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable stic$y borders +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!0 T/e *uttons on t/is page +ontrol /o0 t/e 7ress6to62ele+t (eature operates# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!$ crolling peed 1se t/is slider to +ontrol /o0 (ast t/e 0indo0 s+rolls in response to (inger 'otion in t/e Virtual 2+rolling region# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!! T/is slider deter'ines /o0 <ui+,l) )ou need to press t/e pointing sti+, to per(or' an a+tion t/at +orresponds to a 8'ouse8 +li+,# I( )ou experien+e unintentional +li+,s, adCust to a (aster pa+e# "onversel), i( )ou experien+e di((i+ult) using t/e pointing sti+, to +li+,, adCust to a slo0er pa+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!. T/e pa+e slider +an *e adCusted (ro' 82lo0 7ress8 3le(t4 to 8Rui+, 7ress8 3rig/t4# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!4 T/is +ontrols 0/et/er pressing on t/e pointing sti+, 0ill a+t as a rig/t +li+, 3+ontext 'enu a+tion4 instead o( a le(t +li+, 3nor'al sele+t a+tion4# ##HelpTopi+ID=$! Press (o elect +ontrols t/e 7ress To 2ele+t (eature o( t/e pointing sti+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!% T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e pointing sti+, responds to )our tou+/# To adCust t/e 2ensitivit) settings, sele+t an ite' (ro' t/e ensiti/ity 'enu#

##HelpTopi+ID=$!> T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to +ontrol /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure is re<uired to 'ove t/e pointer at a parti+ular speed# I( errati+ pointer 'ove'ent is experien+ed, tr) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!? T/is +ontrols 0/et/er pressing on t/e pointing sti+, +an *e used to drag o*Ce+ts on t/e s+reen# ##HelpTopi+ID=$!9 T/is *utton 0/en pressed *rings up t/e Virtual 2+rolling tutorial# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.0

T/is se+tion +ontrols t/e *e/avior o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0/en an external 72! devi+e is atta+/ed# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.$ =llo0 t/e Tou+/7ad and t/e external 72! devi+e to operate si'ultaneousl)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.! Disa*le t/e Tou+/7ad 0/en an external 72! devi+e is atta+/ed# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.. De(ines /o0 (ar a page s+rolls 0/en )ou roll t/e 0/eel one not+/# 5ou +an s+roll a spe+i(i+ nu'*er o( lines or an entire s+reen# T/e nu'*er o( lines 'eant *) t/e ter' 8a s+reen8 is di((erent depending on t/e si&e o( )our 0indo0 and t/e progra' )ou are using# It is e<uivalent to using t/e 7=K9 17 or 7=K9 DF:E ,e)s on )our ,e)*oard, or to +li+,ing t/e s+roll *ar# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.4 "li+, to set t/e nu'*er o( lines t/at )ou s+roll 0it/ ea+/ not+/ o( t/e 0/eel# 5ou 'a) need to +lose and reopen )our appli+ations (or t/is setting to ta,e e((e+t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$. "li+, to s+roll one s+reen (or ea+/ not+/ o( t/e 0/eel# 5ou 'a) need to +lose and reopen )our appli+ations (or t/is setting to ta,e e((e+t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.% T/ese options allo0 )ou to spe+i() 0/i+/ 0indo0 or ite' is s+rolled 0/en )ou use Virtual 2+rolling# 2ele+t t/e Virtual 2+rolling options )ou 0is/ to ena*le# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.> Press"to" elect Action 5ou +an +on(igure t/e pointing sti+, to per(or' a rig/t or le(t 8'ouse8 +li+, a+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.? (hree",inger 2estures 2liding t/ree (ingers (ro' t/e top to t/e *otto' o( t/e Tou+/7ad in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion, t/en si'ultaneousl) li(ting all t/ree (ingers o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e is +alled a t/ree6(inger gesture# 5ou +an use a t/ree6(inger gesture to per(or' an a+tion su+/ as 8go to a 0e* page in )our de(ault *ro0ser#8 9a+/ ti'e )ou per(or' t/at t/ree6(inger gesture, )our 0e* *ro0ser 0ould auto'ati+all) open and load t/e spe+i(ied page# 2ele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# T/ere are t0o possi*le dire+tions o( 'otion (or a t/ree6(inger gesture: top6to6*otto' and *otto'6to6top# ##HelpTopi+ID=$.9 5ou +an +on(igure an a+tion (or t/e (ollo0ing t/ree6(inger gestures t/at displa) in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t: (op: 2liding t/ree (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e *otto' and ending at t/e top, in an up0ard, verti+al 'otion# Botto!: 2liding t/ree (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e top and ending at t/e *otto', in a do0n0ard, verti+al 'otion# To +on(igure an a+tion (or a t/ree6(inger gesture: $# 9nsure t/at t/e Enable (hree",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox is sele+ted# !# 2ele+t an option (ro' t/e 'enu tree on t/e le(t# 2ele+t t/e option t/at 'at+/es t/e ending point (or t/e dire+tion o( 'otion# For exa'ple i( )ou 0ant to +on(igure a t/ree6(inger gesture t/at *egins at t/e *otto' and ends at t/e top, sele+t (op4 .# 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list a*ove to assign it to t/e sele+ted gesture# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou per(or' t/at t/ree6(inger gesture# 4# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# Ho0ever, i( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure

*utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange t/e +on(iguration o( t/e a+tion# I( )ou are una*le to sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list, ensure t/e options are ena*led# To ena*le t/e options, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t (hree",inger 2estures in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox# .# 2ele+t t/e ending6point (or t/e 'otion (ro' t/e 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=$40 (wo",inger 2estures = t0o6(inger gesture is pla+ing t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e and sliding t/e' (ro' one side 3or +orner4 o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side 3or +orner4 in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion, t/en si'ultaneousl) li(ting *ot/ (ingers o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 5ou +an use a t0o6(inger gesture to per(or' an a+tion su+/ as 8go to a 0e* page in )our de(ault *ro0ser#8 9a+/ ti'e )ou per(or' t/at t0o6(inger gesture, )our 0e* *ro0ser 0ould auto'ati+all) open and load t/e spe+i(ied page# 2ele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# T/ere are eig/t possi*le dire+tions o( 'otion (or a t0o6(inger gesture# 2o'e o( t/e gesture dire+tions 'a) not *e availa*le on all 'a+/ines# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4$ 5ou +an +on(igure an a+tion (or t/e (ollo0ing t0o6(inger gestures t/at displa) in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t: (op6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e *otto' and ending at t/e top, in an up0ard, verti+al 'otion# Upper"+ight Corner6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e lo0er6le(t +orner and ending at t/e upper6rig/t +orner, in a diagonal dire+tion o( 'otion# +ight6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e le(t side and ending at t/e rig/t side, in a /ori&ontal dire+tion o( 'otion# %ower"+ight Corner6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e upper6le(t +orner and ending at t/e lo0er6rig/t +orner, in a diagonal dire+tion o( 'otion# Botto!6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e top and ending at t/e *otto', in a do0n0ard, verti+al 'otion# %ower"%eft Corner6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e upper6rig/t +orner and ending at t/e lo0er6le(t +orner, in a diagonal dire+tion o( 'otion# %eft6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e rig/t side and ending at t/e le(t side, in a /ori&ontal dire+tion o( 'otion# Upper"%eft Corner6 2liding t0o (ingers a+ross t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad, *eginning at t/e lo0er6rig/t +orner and ending at t/e upper6le(t +orner, in a diagonal dire+tion o( 'otion# To +on(igure an a+tion (or a t0o6(inger gesture: $# 9nsure t/at t/e Enable (wo",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox is sele+ted# !# 2ele+t an option (ro' t/e 'enu tree on t/e le(t# 2ele+t t/e option t/at 'at+/es t/e ending point (or t/e dire+tion o( 'otion# For exa'ple i( )ou 0ant to +on(igure a t0o6(inger gesture t/at *egins at t/e *otto' and ends at t/e top, sele+t (op4 .# 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list a*ove to assign it to t/e sele+ted gesture# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou per(or' t/at t0o6(inger gesture# 4# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# Ho0ever, i( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure

*utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange t/e +on(iguration o( t/e a+tion# I( )ou are una*le to sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list, ensure t/e options are ena*led# To ena*le t/e options, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t (wo",inger 2estures in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger 2estures +/e+, *ox# .# 2ele+t t/e ending6point (or t/e 'otion (ro' t/e 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4! T/is Properties 0indo0 allo0s )ou to personali&e )our pointing devi+e settings# 1se t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t to a++ess t/e +usto'i&a*le (eatures# Using the Properties Window "li+, on a (eature in t/e 'enu tree to see a page o( settings (or t/at (eature# 2o'e (eatures /ave several pages o( settings# "li+, on t/e + 3plus sign4 next to a (eature to see all its related pages# T/e settings 0ill appear in t/e 0indo0 to t/e rig/t o( t/e 'enu tree# In(or'ation a*out t/ese options and instru+tions on /o0 to +/ange t/e' 0ill appear /ere in t/is in(or'ation *ox# 5ou +an use t/e s+roll *ar to vie0 t/e +ontents o( t/e in(or'ation *ox# +estore All Defaults Button T/e +estore All Defaults *utton returns all t/e settings on all pages *a+, to t/eir (a+tor)6set values# +estore Page Defaults Button T/e +estore Page Defaults *utton returns all t/e settings on t/e +urrent page *a+, to t/eir (a+tor)6set values# OK Button T/e OK *utton saves )our +/anges and +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0# Cancel Button T/e Cancel *utton +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0 0it/out saving an) +/anges and reverts to all t/e previous settings# Apply Button T/e Apply *utton saves )our +/anges, *ut ,eeps t/e 7roperties 0indo0 open so )ou +an 'a,e 'ore +/anges# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4. T/e &irtual crolling (eature allo0s )ou to s+roll :e* pages, do+u'ents, and ot/er ite's 0it/ a Tou+/7ad# Sust pla+e )our (inger in t/e 2+roll Bone6t/e outer edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad6and slide )our (inger around in +ir+les# = s'all ridge e'*ossed in t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad /elps guide )our (inger# Ho0ever, )ou donHt /ave to +on(ine )oursel( to t/e outer area on+e )ouHve started to s+roll# Sust starting in t/e 2+roll Bone is enoug/6)ou +an allo0 )our (inger to 'ove to0ards t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad and s+roll in tin) +ir+les in t/e 'iddle i( )ou pre(er# To stop s+rolling, si'pl) li(t )our (inger up# Virtual 2+rolling options in+lude: verti+al s+rolling 3do0n and up4, verti+al s+rolling and /ori&ontal s+rolling 3do0n, up, rig/t, and le(t4, s+rolling audio 3sound e((e+ts4, or no s+rolling at all# ##HelpTopi+ID=$44 Enable &ertical crolling 2ele+t t/is option to *e a*le to s+roll do0n or up# To s+roll do0n, pla+e )our (inger an)0/ere in t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +lo+,0ise +ir+les# To s+roll up, pla+e )our (inger an)0/ere in t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +ounter6+lo+,0ise +ir+les# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4 Enable &ertical and 0ori*ontal crolling 2ele+t t/is option to *e a*le to s+roll do0n, up, rig/t, or le(t# T/e rig/t side o( t/e 2+rollBone +ontrols verti+al s+rolling# T/e *otto' part o( t/e 2+roll +ontrols /ori&ontal s+rolling#

To s+roll do0n, pla+e )our (inger in t/e rig/t part o( t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +lo+,0ise +ir+les# To s+roll up, pla+e )our (inger in t/e rig/t part o( t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +ounter6+lo+,0ise +ir+les# To s+roll rig/t, pla+e )our (inger in t/e lo0er part o( t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +ounter6 +lo+,0ise +ir+les# To s+roll le(t, pla+e )our (inger in t/e lo0er part o( t/e 2+roll Bone and 'ove )our (inger in +lo+,0ise +ir+les# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4% Enable scrolling audio 2ele+t t/is option (or sound e((e+ts to a++o'pan) )our s+rolling a+tions# EFT9: 5ou 'ust also sele+t &ertical crolling or &ertical and 0ori*ontal crolling#

##HelpTopi+ID=$4> Disable scrolling I( )ou do not 0ant to use an) o( t/e Virtual 2+rolling (eatures, sele+t Disable scrolling# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, t/e 2+roll Bone +an still *e used (or pointing and tapping rat/er t/an s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=$4? 5llu!ination Options T/e Lux7ad pointing devi+e /as a variet) o( illu'ination options# 2ele+t t/e Enable 5llu!ination +/e+, *ox to personali&e )our Lux7adDs lig/t e((e+ts# ##HelpTopi+ID=$49 Brightness 5ou +an sele+t di((erent levels o( *rig/tness (or 0/en )our note*oo, +o'puter is plugged into a po0er sour+e and (or 0/en it is running on *atter) po0er# 2ele+ting di((erent settings is use(ul i( extending *atter) li(e is extre'el) +riti+al to )ou# T/e *rig/tness options (or E-ternal Power and Battery are %ow, #ediu!, and 0igh# I( t/e options on t/is page are di''ed and unavaila*le (or use, )ou +an ena*le t/e' *) +li+,ing 5llu!ination Options in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# "li+, t/e Enable 5llu!ination +/e+, *ox to sele+t it and t/en return to t/e Brightness page# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ 0 5llu!ination (i!e T/e 5llu!ination (i!e page provides a variet) o( lig/t6e((e+t options# 2ele+t t/e Always On +/e+, *ox i( )ou 0ant )our Lux7ad to glo0 +ontinuousl) a(ter )ou /ave logged on# T/e 5llu!ination (i!e After %og On and t/e 5llu!inate When (ouched options are onl) availa*le 0/en t/e Always On +/e+, *ox is +lear# I( t/ere is a +/e+, 'ar, in t/e Always On +/e+, *ox, )ou +an +li+, on it to +lear it# T/e 5llu!ination (i!e After %og On slide *ar allo0s )ou to spe+i() /o0 long )ou 0ant )our Lux7ad to glo0 a(ter )ou /ave logged on# -ove t/e slider to t/e le(t (or a s/orter a'ount o( ti'e or to t/e rig/t (or a longer duration# 2ele+t t/e 5llu!inate When (ouched +/e+, *ox i( )ou 0ant )our Lux7ad to glo0 0/en )our (inger is on t/e Lux7adDs sur(a+e# T/e Lux7ad 0ill glo0 ea+/ ti'e )ou tou+/ it# I( t/e options on t/is page are di''ed and unavaila*le (or use, )ou +an ena*le t/e' *) +li+,ing 5llu!ination Options in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# "li+, t/e Enable 5llu!ination +/e+, *ox to sele+t it and t/en return to t/e 5llu!ination (i!e page#

##HelpTopi+ID=$ $ To use t/e pointing sti+, or Tou+/7ad to 'ove t/e +ursor, sele+t t/e appropriate Enable option# 5ou +an ena*le *ot/ t/e pointing sti+, and t/e Tou+/7ad# I( )ou do, )ou +an tou+/ eit/er one to 'ove t/e +ursor# To use t/e pointing sti+, *uttons, Tou+/7ad *uttons, or *ot/, sele+t t/e appropriate Enable options# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ ! 2ele+t t/e Disable option (or t/e devi+e, or devi+e *uttons, t/at )ou do not 0is/ to use; t/is 0ill prevent )ou (ro' a++identall) a+tivating t/e' 0/en t)ping or pointing# Eote: 5ou +annot disa*le *ot/ t/e pointing sti+, and t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ . To +/ange t/e a+tion assigned to pressing a %eft Button, Both Buttons, or +ight Button, +li+, t/e do0n arro0 in t/e drop6do0n list to displa) t/e options# 2ele+t t/e desired a+tion# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired (or t/e sele+ted a+tion, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ 4 I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired (or t/e a+tion sele+ted in t/e drop6do0n list, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led# "li+, t/e Configure *utton and enter t/e re<uested in(or'ation in t/e dialog *ox t/at displa)s# "li+, t/e OK *utton to save )our setting and +lose t/e dialog *ox# 5ou +an vie0 or +/ange )our settings at an) ti'e *) +li+,ing t/e Configure *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ To restore t/e de(ault settings (or all t/e ite's in t/e 0indo0, +li+, t/is *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ % To use a (inger tap to per(or' a pri'ar) +li+,, sele+t t/e (ap to Clic$ +/e+, *ox# = (inger tap is a <ui+, do0n6up 'otion# :/en t/is +/e+, *ox is +lear, t/e onl) 0a) to per(or' a pri'ar) +li+, is to press a *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ > To drag o*Ce+ts 0it/out pressing a Tou+/7ad *utton, sele+t t/e (aps and Drags +/e+, *ox# To use t/is (eature, tap on an o*Ce+t to sele+t it and <ui+,l) put )our (inger *a+, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad and slide )our (inger in t/e dire+tion )ou 0is/ to drag t/e o*Ce+t# Li(t )our (inger o(( t/e Tou+/7ad to release t/e o*Ce+t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ ? To drag o*Ce+ts a+ross t/e s+reen using several (inger stro,es, sele+t t/e %oc$ing Drags +/e+, *ox# To use lo+,ing drags, tap on an o*Ce+t to sele+t it# 1se as 'an) (inger stro,es on t/e Tou+/7ad as ne+essar) to 'ove t/e o*Ce+t to t/e desired lo+ation# 5ou donHt /ave to ,eep )our (inger do0n# T/e sele+ted o*Ce+t is not released until )ou tap on t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$ 9 5ou +an use t/is slider to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied (or t/e Tou+/7ad to respond# I( )ou experien+e errati+ pointer 'ove'ent, 'ove t/e slider to t/e rig/t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%0 To /elp prevent un0anted pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s 0/ile t)ping, sele+t t/e Enable Pal!Chec$ +/e+, *ox# T/is (eature /elps t/e Tou+/7ad re+ogni&e 0/en )our /and is resting on it or *rus/ing its sur(a+e 0/ile )ou

are t)ping# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%$ To adCust 7al'"/e+, sensitivit), use t/is slider# I( t/e Tou+/7ad ex/i*its undesired pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s, in+rease t/e 7al'"/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t# Ho0ever, i( )ou 'ove t/e slider to t/e (ar rig/t, near t/e #a-i!u! setting, )ou are 'ore li,el) to experien+e 'issed taps or 'otions# I( t/e Tou+/7ad 'isses intended taps or 'otions, de+rease t/e 7al'"/e+, sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%! 9dge-otion allo0s t/e pointer to +ontinue to 'ove 0/en )ou rea+/ t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# :it/out 9dge-otion, )ou 'ust 'a,e several (inger stro,es on t/e Tou+/7ad or in+rease t/e pointer 'otion speed on t/e Pointer Options ta* to 'ove t/e pointer long distan+es easil)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%. To use EdgeMotion (or drag gestures 3tap6and6drag and lo+,ing drags4, sele+t t/e When Dragging +/e+, *ox# 9dge-otion allo0s t/e pointer to +ontinue to 'ove 0/en )ou rea+/ t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, 9dge-otion 0ill not o++ur during ordinar) pointer 'ove'ent# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%4 To use EdgeMotion 0/enever )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad, sele+t t/e When Pointing +/e+, *ox# 9dge-otion allo0s t/e pointer to +ontinue to 'ove 0/en )ou rea+/ t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$% To use EdgeMotion 0/en using t/e &irtual

crolling (eature, sele+t t/e When

crolling +/e+, *ox#

9dge-otion allo0s t/e pointer to +ontinue to 'ove 0/en )ou rea+/ t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%% T/is diagra' represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e 9dge-otion regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerHs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive 9dge-otion region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding 9dge-otion area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e 9dge-otion regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e edge o( t/e +ross/at+/ed area# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) a+tivating 9dge-otion, tr) 'a,ing t/e 9dge-otion region larger *) 'oving t/e edges o( t/e +ross/at+/ed area in0ard# I( )ou (ind t/at 9dge-otion triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e 9dge-otion region s'aller# I( t/e 9dge-otion regions are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, sele+t one o( t/e 9dge-otion options and t/en )ou +an resi&e t/e regions# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%> To use pressure6sensitive speed, sele+t t/is +/e+, *ox# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, pressing /arder 0ill 'a,e t/e pointer 'ove (aster# For +onstant speed, +lear t/e Control Edge#otion speed with finger pressure +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%?

To adCust 9dge-otion speed 0/en t/e Control Edge#otion speed with finger pressure +/e+, *ox is +lear, use t/is slider# Drag t/e slider to t/e rig/t (or (aster 9dge-otion or to t/e le(t (or slo0er 9dge-otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=$%9 To +on(igure a Tap Bone to per(or' an a+tion 0/en tapped, sele+t t/e Enable (ap )ones +/e+, *ox# 9a+/ +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e +an *e +on(igured as a Tap Bone# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>0 To assign an a+tion to a Tap Bone, sele+t an option (ro' t/e drop6do0n list# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired (or t/e sele+ted a+tion, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>$ T/is diagra' represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross/at+/ed areas on t/e diagra' s/o0 t/e a+tive Tap Bone regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerHs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive Tap Bone region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding Tap Bone area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e Tap Bone regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e +orners o( t/e +ross/at+/ed areas# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering a Tap Bone a+tion, tr) 'a,ing t/e Tap Bone region larger# I( a Tap Bone a+tion triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e Tap Bone region s'aller# I( t/e Tap Bones are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, sele+t t/e Enable (ap )one +/e+, *ox and t/en )ou +an resi&e t/e'# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>! To use a s0ipe gesture to per(or' t/e (un+tion o( a ,orward or Bac$ arro0 *utton in a :e* *ro0ser 0indo0, sele+t t/e Enable bac$7forward gestures +/e+, *ox# To use a (or0ard or *a+, gesture, pla+e )our (inger along t/e upper edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad and 'ove )our (inger to t/e rig/t or le(t# -oving )our (inger to t/e le(t is li,e +li+,ing t/e *a+, arro0 *utton# -oving )our (inger to t/e rig/t is li,e +li+,ing t/e (or0ard arro0 *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>. To use t/e Virtual 2+rolling (eatures, sele+t t/e Enable

crolling +/e+, *ox#

:it/ Virtual 2+rolling ena*led, sliding )our (inger up and do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' verti+all)# 2liding )our (inger a+ross t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>4 To displa) t/e Virtual 2+rolling options and adCust )our settings, +li+, t/is *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=$> To s+roll t/e a+tive 0indo0 or ite', sele+t t/e croll selected ite! option# T/e a+tive ite' is usuall) t/e last 0indo0, part o( a 0indo0, or ite' on 0/i+/ )ou +li+,ed# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>% To s+roll an ite' t/at is under t/e pointer in an a+tive appli+ation, sele+t t/is option# T/is option allo0s )ou to s+roll t/e ite' under t/e pointer 0it/out +li+,ing on t/e ite' (irst# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>> To s+roll easil) t/roug/ long do+u'ents, sele+t t/e Enable coasting +/e+, *ox# :it/ +oasting, Virtual 2+rolling +ontinues a(ter )ou /ave li(ted )our (inger o(( t/e Tou+/7ad# To use +oasting, 'ove and li(t )our (inger in one s'oot/ /ori&ontal or verti+al 'otion# To stop +oasting, tou+/ t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>? T/is diagra' represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e

Virtual 2+rolling regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerHs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive Virtual 2+rolling region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding Virtual 2+rolling area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e Virtual 2+rolling regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e edge o( t/e +ross/at+/ed area# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering Virtual 2+rolling, tr) 'a,ing t/e Virtual 2+rolling region larger *) 'oving t/e edges o( t/e +ross/at+/ed area in0ard# I( )ou (ind t/at Virtual 2+rolling triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e Virtual 2+rolling region s'aller# I( t/e Virtual 2+rolling regions are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, sele+t a Virtual 2+rolling option and t/en )ou +an resi&e t/e regions# ##HelpTopi+ID=$>9 To run t/e Virtual 2+rolling tutorial, +li+, t/e Practice *utton# T/is si'ple 'a&e 0ill /elp )ou learn /o0 to use Virtual 2+rolling# Eote: 9nsure t/at *ot/ t/e 0ori*ontal crolling and &ertical crolling +/e+, *oxes are sele+ted#

2urve) t/e 'a&e *e(ore )ou *egin to lo+ate t/e *eginning and ending points# 5ou +annot see t/e entire 'a&e *e+ause it is larger t/an t/e 0indo0 t/at displa)s it# 1se Virtual 2+rolling to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e in t/e 0indo0# Hold do0n t/e Ctrl ,e) and use Virtual 2+rolling to &oo' t/e 'a&e larger or s'aller# = )ello0 dot in t/e upper le(t +orner o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e entran+e to t/e 'a&e# = *lue dot on t/e rig/t side o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e exit# To Aegin: $# "li+, on t/e red s<uare in t/e )ello0 dot to *egin# !# 1se t/e Arrow ,e)s or tap )our Tou+/7ad to navigate t/roug/ t/e 'a&e# .# 1se Virtual 2+rolling to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e# 4# "li+, t/e Close *utton on t/e &irtual crolling Practice 0indo0 a(ter )ou rea+/ t/e *lue dot in t/e lo0er rig/t +orner# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?0 To use Virtual 2+rolling on 0indo0s t/at /ave /ori&ontal s+roll *ars, sele+t t/e 0ori*ontal crolling +/e+, *ox# 2liding )our (inger *a+, and (ort/ along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?$ To use Virtual 2+rolling on 0indo0s t/at /ave verti+al s+roll *ars, sele+t t/e &ertical crolling +/e+, *ox# 2liding )our (inger up and do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' verti+all)# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?! T/is slider allo0s )ou to +ontrol t/e Virtual 2+rolling speed# Drag t/e slider to t/e rig/t (or (aster s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?. To use tapping and pressing 'otions to per(or' a spe+i(ied a+tion, sele+t t/e Enable Press"to" elect +/e+, *ox# =+tions are assigned in t/e (apping Action drop6do0n list# Tapping is a rapid do0n6up (inger 'otion on t/e top o( t/e pointing sti+,# = lig/t, <ui+, tap 0or,s *est# Ver) /ard or slo0 taps are less e((e+tive# Tap on+e (or a single +li+,, or t0i+e in rapid su++ession (or a dou*le6+li+,# Pressing 'eans s0i(tl) pus/ing do0n on t/e top o( t/e pointing sti+, 0it/ )our (inger# = lig/t, deli*erate press 0or,s *est# 7ress straig/t do0n to si'ulate +li+,ing and /olding a 'ouse *utton# 7ress straig/t do0n and t/en to t/e side to +li+,6and6drag in an) dire+tion# Li(t )our (inger to release t/e o*Ce+t *eing dragged#

:/en t/e Enable Press"to" elect +/e+, *ox is +lear, )ou 'ust press a *utton to per(or' a pri'ar) +li+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?4 To /elp prevent un0anted +li+,s 0/ile t)ping, sele+t t/is +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=$? To assign an a+tion to tapping on t/e pointing sti+,, sele+t an option (ro' t/e (apping Action drop6do0n list# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?% To adCust /o0 <ui+,l) )ou 'ust tap t/e pointing sti+, (or +li+,s and dou*le6+li+,s, 'ove t/is slider# I( )ou set t/e pa+e too slo0, )ou 'ig/t noti+e unintended +li+,s, a pointer dela), or a dragging dela)# Ho0ever, i( )ou set t/e pa+e too (ast, )ou 'ig/t noti+e t/at it is /ard to use 7ress6to62ele+t# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?> To ena*le Virtual 2+rolling, sele+t t/e Enable crolling +/e+, *ox# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, t/e pointing sti+, +an onl) *e used (or /ori&ontal or verti+al Virtual 2+rolling# 5ou 'ust use t/e Tou+/7ad or an external 'ouse to 'ove t/e +ursor# To use Virtual 2+rolling, press t/e pointing sti+, in t/e dire+tion )ou 0is/ to s+roll# To stop s+rolling, li(t )our (inger o(( t/e pointing sti+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=$?? To adCust t/e speed o( &irtual to t/e le(t (or slo0er s+rolling#

crolling, use t/is slider# -ove t/e slider to t/e rig/t (or (aster s+rolling or

##HelpTopi+ID=$?9 To adCust t/e (or+e re<uired (or *ot/ +ursor 'ove'ent and 7ress6to62ele+t on t/e pointing sti+,, use t/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider# To de+rease t/e a'ount o( (or+e re<uired, 'ove t/e slider to0ard %ight (ouch# To in+rease t/e a'ount o( (or+e re<uired, 'ove t/e slider to0ard 0ea/y (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=$90 To ,eep t/e pointer inside t/e a+tive 0indo0, sele+t t/e top Pointer at Window Borders +/e+, *ox# 2topping t/e pointer at t/e 0indo0 *orders 'a,es it eas) to a++ess +ontrols near t/e edges o( a 0indo0# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, t/e (irst ti'e )ou tr) to 'ove t/e pointer outside t/e 0indo0, it stops at t/e edge# I( )ou tr) a se+ond ti'e, t/e pointer leaves t/e 0indo0# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9$ To i'prove pointing a++ura+) (or (ine positioning, sele+t an option (ro' t/e list# T/is (eature allo0s )ou to redu+e t/e speed o( t/e pointer#

low #otion Key drop6do0n

To use slo0 'otion, press and /old t/e sele+ted ,e) 0/ile 'oving t/e pointer# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9! To auto'ati+all) 'ove t/e pointer to t/e de(ault setting 0/en a dialog *ox appears on )our s+reen, sele+t t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9. To (or+e purel) /ori&ontal or verti+al 'otion o( t/e pointer on t/e s+reen, sele+t an option (ro' t/e Constrained Pointer Key drop6do0n list# To use +onstrained pointer 'otion, press and /old t/e spe+i(ied ,e) 0/ile 'oving t/e pointer# :/en t/e ,e) is pressed, t/e initial dire+tion o( )our pointer 'otion deter'ines t/e dire+tion o( 'ove'ent (or as long as )our (inger re'ains on t/e Tou+/7ad#

##HelpTopi+ID=$94 To re+eive (eed*a+, a*out )our pointing a+tions, sele+t t/e Ani!ated +/e+, *ox# T/e ani'ated i+on 0ill displa) in t/e :indo0s tas,*ar# Dou*le6+li+, on t/is i+on to a++ess t/e #ouse Properties 0indo0# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9 To /ave ver) s'oot/ pointer 'otion, sele+t t/e ,ast pointer re(res/ rate option# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9% I( )our pointer appears unstead) or (li+,ers on t/e s+reen, tr) sele+ting t/e ##HelpTopi+ID=$9> T/is is t/e version nu'*er o( )our 2)napti+s Tou+/7ad driver# ##HelpTopi+ID=$9? To o*tain t/e latest in(or'ation on 2)napti+sH patents, visit our :e* site at: /ttp:PP000#s)napti+s#+o'# ##HelpTopi+ID=$99 Dual #ode T/e Dual -ode (eature allo0s )ou to s0it+/ (ro' "ursor -ode to Autton -ode# In Autton -ode, t/e virtual *uttons on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e provide +onvenient s/ort+uts to (re<uentl) used appli+ations and t/ere is a volu'e +ontroller (or <ui+, and eas) a++ess to in+reasing or de+reasing sound volu'e# To ena*le Dual -ode, sele+t t/e +/e+,*ox# To use Autton -ode: witch to Button #ode by tapping in the upper"right corner

low pointer re(res/ rate#

Tap on t/e #ode witch *utton# T/is *utton is in t/e upper rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad a*ove t/e volu'e +ontroller# Tap on t/e virtual *utton (or t/e appli+ation )ou 0is/ to laun+/# T/e Tou+/7ad auto'ati+all) returns to "ursor -ode a(ter t/e appli+ation opens#

Eote: 5ou +an use Autton -ode 0/en an external pointing devi+e, su+/ as a 'ouse, is +onne+ted i( )ou sele+t t/e Always in Button #ode when an e-ternal de/ice is plugged in +/e+,*ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=!00 Button #ode Options T/ere are six virtual *uttons 0/i+/ +an *e +on(igured to 'eet )our pre(eren+es# T/e upper t/ree virtual *uttons /ave de(ault settings and t/e ot/ers are un6+on(igured# T/e de(ault settings (or t/e +on(igured virtual *uttons are listed *elo0:

= tap on t/e upper le(t virtual *utton opens t/e assigned e'ail appli+ation# = tap on t/e upper 'iddle virtual *utton opens t/e "on(igFree appli+ation# Re(er to t/e Tos/i*a online Help (or additional in(or'ation# = tap on t/e upper rig/t virtual *utton sends t/e ite' in t/e a+tive 0indo0 to t/e printer#

##HelpTopi+ID=!0$ Button #ode Options T/ere are six virtual *uttons 0/i+/ +an *e +on(igured to 'eet )our pre(eren+es# Four o( t/e virtual *uttons /ave de(ault settings and t/e ot/ers are un6+on(igured# T/e de(ault settings (or t/e +on(igured virtual *uttons are listed *elo0:

= tap on t/e upper le(t virtual *utton opens t/e assigned e'ail appli+ation# = tap on t/e upper 'iddle virtual *utton opens t/e assigned :e* *ro0ser# = tap on t/e upper rig/t virtual *utton opens t/e AeatSa' appli+ation# Re(er to t/e Tos/i*a online Help (or additional in(or'ation# = tap on t/e lo0er le(t virtual *utton opens t/e Tos/i*a online Help#

##HelpTopi+ID=!0! T/e Button Chec$ (eature guards against operating t/e Auttons 0it/ a++idental +onta+t# Autton "/e+, allo0s t/e Auttons to re+ogni&e 0/en )our pal' is resting on t/e' or *rus/ing t/eir sur(a+e 0/ile )ou are t)ping# T/is 0ill /elp to prevent un0anted *utton a+tivation# I( t/e *utton ex/i*its undesired a+tivation, in+rease t/e Autton "/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard #a-i!u!# I( t/e *utton 'isses intended a+tivations, de+rease t/e Autton "/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard #ini!u!# 5ou are 'ore li,el) to experien+e 'issed *uttons i( t/e slider is all t/e 0a) to t/e rig/t# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0. To +on(igure t/e a+tion per(or'ed 0/en )ou tou+/ a *utton, sele+t t/e *utton (ro' t/e 'enu tree# For exa'ple, )ou +ould de(ine Autton $ to 8go to a 0e* page in )our de(ault *ro0ser#8 9a+/ ti'e )ou tou+/ Autton $, )our 0e* *ro0ser 0ould auto'ati+all) open and load t/e spe+i(ied page# ##HelpTopi+ID=!04 T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e devi+e responds to )our tou+/# To adCust t/e 2ensitivit) settings, sele+t an ite' (ro' t/e ensiti/ity 'enu tree# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0 T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied *e(ore t/e devi+e responds# I( t/e response o( t/e devi+e is errati+, or )ou 0or, in an area 0it/ /ig/ /u'idit), de+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y (ouch# I( )ou /ave to pus/ too /ard to operate t/e devi+e, in+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard %ight (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0% 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list a*ove to assign it to t/e sele+ted *utton# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou tou+/ t/e *utton# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0> T/e Enable sounds +/e+, *ox ena*les pla)ing a user +on(igura*le sound 0/en a *utton is tou+/ed# :/en Enable sounds is not sele+ted, t/e sounds are disa*led and tou+/ing t/e *uttons does not pla) an) sound# ##HelpTopi+ID=!0? T/e Enable illu!ination +/e+, *ox ena*les illu'inating t/e *uttons 0/en t/e) are ina+tive and a+tive# :/en t/e Enable illu!ination +/e+, *ox is not +/e+,ed, illu'ination is disa*led and tou+/ing t/e *uttons does not +/ange t/e *rig/tness o( t/e *uttons# ##HelpTopi+ID=!09 T/e 5nacti/e Brightness slider allo0s )ou to adCust t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons 0/en t/e) are not tou+/ed# I( t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons is too /ig/ 0/en t/e) are not tou+/ed t/en 'ove t/e slider to0ards t/e #ini!u! setting# I( t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons is too lo0 0/en t/e) are not tou+/ed t/en 'ove t/e slider to0ards t/e #a-i!u! setting# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$0 T/e Acti/e Brightness slider allo0s )ou to adCust t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons 0/en t/e) are tou+/ed# I( t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons is too /ig/ 0/en t/e) are tou+/ed t/en 'ove t/e slider to0ards t/e #ini!u! setting# I( t/e *rig/tness level o( t/e *uttons is too lo0 0/en t/e) are tou+/ed t/en 'ove t/e slider to0ards t/e #a-i!u! setting# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$$ Button #ode Options T/ere are six virtual *uttons 0/i+/ +an *e +on(igured to 'eet )our pre(eren+es# T/e upper t/ree virtual *uttons /ave de(ault settings and t/e ot/ers are un6+on(igured# T/e de(ault settings (or t/e +on(igured

virtual *uttons are listed *elo0:

= tap on t/e upper le(t virtual *utton opens t/e assigned e'ail appli+ation# = tap on t/e upper 'iddle virtual *utton opens t/e "on(igFree appli+ation# Re(er to t/e Tos/i*a online Help (or additional in(or'ation# = tap on t/e upper rig/t virtual *utton opens :indo0s 7/oto Kaller)#

##HelpTopi+ID=!$! To +on(igure t/e a+tion per(or'ed 0/en )ou slide )our (inger over a slider, sele+t t/e slider (ro' t/e 'enu tree# For exa'ple, )ou +ould de(ine 2lider $ to 8=dCust t/e Volu'e on )our s)ste'#8 9a+/ ti'e )ou slide )our (inger over 2lider $, t/e volu'e 0ould in+rease or de+rease# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$. 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e a*ove set o( a+tions to assign to t/e sele+ted slider# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou slide )our (inger up or do0n on t/e slider# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$4 Ad.ust Pointer #otion peed T/is slider +ontrols t/e speed o( t/e pointer# 5ou +an +/oose t/e pointer speed *) adCusting t/e slider *et0een low and ,ast# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$ Button #ode Options T/ere are six virtual *uttons 0/i+/ +an *e +on(igured to 'eet )our pre(eren+es# T/e upper t/ree virtual *uttons /ave de(ault settings and t/e ot/ers are un6+on(igured# T/e de(ault settings (or t/e +on(igured virtual *uttons are listed *elo0:

= tap on t/e upper le(t virtual *utton opens t/e assigned e'ail appli+ation# = tap on t/e upper 'iddle virtual *utton opens t/e "on(igFree appli+ation# Re(er to t/e Tos/i*a online Help (or additional in(or'ation# = tap on t/e upper rig/t virtual *utton opens -) 7i+tures (older#

##HelpTopi+ID=!$% "ontrol Aar T/e +ontrol *ar allo0s )ou to +on(igure *uttons to laun+/ )our (avorite appli+ations# 5ou +an personali&e t/e loo,6and6(eel o( t/e +ontrol *ar t/roug/ t/e illu'ination, (adeout ti'ing, and tou+/ sensitivit) settings# T/e +ontrol *ar also provides eas) a++ess to volu'e +ontrol (or so(t0are sound e((e+ts# 2ele+t t/e Enable option to a+tivate t/e +ontrol *ar (or use# I( )ou do not 0is/ to use t/e +ontrol *ar, )ou +an sele+t t/e Disable option# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$> L9D Illu'ination 5ou +an use t/e %ED 5llu!ination slider to adCust t/e *rig/tness o( t/e L9Ds in t/e +ontrol *ar# To in+rease *rig/tness, 'ove t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard Bright# To de+rease *rig/tness, 'ove t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard Di!# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$? Fadeout 2peed 5ou +an use t/e ,adeout peed slider to set /o0 <ui+,l) t/e L9Ds in t/e +ontrol *ar (ade out a(ter )ou /ave tou+/ed t/e +ontrol *ar and li(ted )our (inger up o(( o( it# To (ade out slo0l), 'ove t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard low#

To (ade out <ui+,l), 'ove t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard 8uic$# ##HelpTopi+ID=!$9 Tou+/ 2ensitivit) T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied *e(ore t/e +ontrol *ar responds to )our tou+/# I( t/e +ontrol *ar does not respond to )our tou+/ or )ou /ave to press /ard to operate it, in+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard %ight# I( )ou inadvertentl) operate t/e +ontrol *ar 0it/ a lig/t tou+/, de+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!0 2ound 9((e+ts To assign a sound e((e+t to a spe+i(i+ a+tion, enter a sound (ile or Aro0se and sele+t a sound (ile# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!$ Volu'e T/e &olu!e slider provides an eas) 0a) to +ontrol t/e volu'e o( t/e sound e((e+ts# To in+rease t/e volu'e, 'ove t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard %oud# To de+rease t/e volu'e, 'ove t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard 8uiet# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!! =ppli+ations To assign a *utton to laun+/ an appli+ation, enter an exe+uta*le (ile or Aro0se and sele+t an appli+ation to laun+/# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!. T/e (ouchPad Disable )one (eature allo0s )ou to ena*le or disa*le t/e Tou+/7ad *) tou+/ing t/e +orner and /olding )our (inger still (or a *rie( ti'e# I( t/e Tou+/7ad is ena*led, tou+/ t/e +orner to disa*le it# I( t/e Tou+/7ad is disa*led, tou+/ t/e +orner to ena*le it# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!4 T/e #ini!u! (ouch (i!e slider allo0s )ou to +/ange /o0 long )ou 'ust tou+/ t/e +orner *e(ore t/e Tou+/7ad 0ill *e ena*led or disa*led# ##HelpTopi+ID=!! Virtual 2+rolling provides an innovative alternative to +onventional s+rolling 'et/ods# Virtual 2+rolling operates t/e s+roll *ars auto'ati+all) so t/ere is no need to 'ove t/e pointer a0a) (ro' )our 0or,# Virtual 2+rolling 0or,s 0it/ 'ost s+rolla*le 0indo0s su+/ as 0ord pro+essing do+u'ents, spreads/eets, and large digital i'ages# It also 0or,s 0it/ ot/er s+rolla*le ite's su+/ as (ile lists and (ont lists# "/iral-otion s+rolling, a uni<ue ,ind o( Virtual 2+rolling, allo0s )ou to s+roll +ontinuousl) 0it/ one, s'oot/ +ir+ular 'otion# 2+rolling speed is +ontrolled *) t/e speed o( (inger 'otion# To s+roll rapidl), 'a,e s'all <ui+, +ir+les# To s+roll slo0l), 'a,e large +ir+les and 'ove )our (inger slo0l)# T/e dire+tion o( s+rolling +an *e reversed *) +/anging t/e dire+tion o( 'otion# To 1se Verti+al 2+rolling: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable /ertical scrolling +/e+, *ox#

!# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# .# 2lide )our (inger up or do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling# To 1se "/iral-otion to 2+roll Verti+all): $# 2ele+t t/e Enable /ertical scrolling +/e+, *ox and t/e Enable Chiral#otion scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# .# 7la+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad near t/e +enter o( t/e rig/t edge# 4# 2lide )our (inger up or do0n in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling and t/en *egin 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# 5our (inger +an dri(t to0ards t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0/ile 'a,ing a +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise 'otion# To 1se Hori&ontal 2+rolling: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable hori*ontal scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# .# 2lide )our (inger le(t or rig/t along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling# To 1se "/iral-otion to 2+roll Hori&ontall): $# 2ele+t t/e Enable hori*ontal scrolling +/e+, *ox and t/e Enable Chiral#otion scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# .# 7la+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad near t/e +enter o( t/e lo0er edge# 4# 2lide )our (inger le(t or rig/t in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling and t/en *egin 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# 5our (inger +an dri(t to0ards t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0/ile 'a,ing a +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise 'otion# I( Virtual 2+rolling does not respond, ensure t/at t/e desired Enable scrolling +/e+, *ox or *oxes are sele+ted and t/at t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou /ave +li+,ed on is s+rolla*le# I( )ou still /ave pro*le's, +/e+, )our crolling +egion settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!% T/e #o!entu!9 (eature delivers s'oot/, (ast, tra+,*all6li,e 'ouse 'ove'ent# Fne <ui+, (li+, o( t/e (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e +an 'ove t/e +ursor a+ross t/e entire +o'puter s+reen# -o'entu' redu+es t/e repetitive 'otion and (atigue asso+iated 0it/ 'oving t/e +ursor long distan+es, 0/ile providing a s'oot/ and natural (eel si'ilar to using a tra+,*all# -o'entu' is ideal (or Real Ti'e 2trateg) 3RT24 ga'es, First 7erson 2/ooter 3F724 ga'es, and Role 7la)ing Ka'es 3R7K4# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!> T/e 2lide distance slider ena*les )ou to adCust /o0 (ar t/e +ursor travels in response to t/e (li+, o( a (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad# To stop t/e +ursor, tap on+e or pla+e )our (inger do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 2ele+t t/e Enable bounce off s+reen edge +/e+, *ox to ,eep t/e +ursor 0it/in t/e *oundaries o( t/e +o'puter s+reen# T/e bounce off screen edge (eature 'a,es it eas) to a++ess 'enu options and +ontrols t/at are near t/e edges o( t/e s+reen# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!? T/e 7in+/ gesture delivers &oo'ing (un+tionalit) in 'an) appli+ations# T/e 7in+/ gesture +an *e used to per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tion as a s+roll 0/eel on standard :indo0s appli+ations t/at support "TRL62"RFLL :H99L &oo' (un+tionalit)# To per(or' a pin+/ gesture, pla+e t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# -ove t/e' +loser toget/er or (urt/er apart# To &oo' in, pla+e )our (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e near to ea+/ ot/er and t/en slide t/e' apart# To &oo' out, *egin *) pla+ing )our (ingers apart and t/en 'oving t/e' +loser toget/er# T/e *est &oo'ing experien+e results 0/en t/e (inger tips o( t/e t0o (ingers are used (or t/e gesture# ##HelpTopi+ID=!!9 T0o6(inger "/iral-otion s+rolling provides an innovative alternative to +onventional s+rolling 'et/ods# 5ou +an s+roll up0ards or do0n0ards *) si'pl) pla+ing t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad and 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# T/ere is no need to ,eep *ot/ (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad a(ter s+rolling /as *egun# 2+rolling 0ill +ontinue (or as long as one (inger re'ains on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion#

Finger speed +ontrols t/e speed o( s+rolling# To s+roll rapidl), 'a,e s'all +ir+les and 'ove )our (inger <ui+,l)# To s+roll slo0l), 'a,e large +ir+les and 'ove )our (inger slo0l)# T/e dire+tion o( s+rolling +an *e reversed *) +/anging t/e dire+tion o( 'otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.0 =n Ad/anced gesture is an a+tion t/at t/e user 'a,es on a 2)napti+s Tou+/7ad sensor 0/i+/ is re+ogni&ed *) t/e /ost devi+e to per(or' a spe+i(ied (un+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.$ = ,lic$ gesture is pla+ing t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e, slig/tl) separated, and sliding t/e' a+ross t/e Tou+/7ad in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion, and t/en si'ultaneousl) li(ting *ot/ (ingers o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# T/e a+tion initiated *) t/e Fli+, gesture is appli+ation spe+i(i+; (or exa'ple, in Internet 9xplorer a le(t (li+, is 8Aro0se Aa+,#8 ##HelpTopi+ID=!.! T/e Chiral+otate gesture rotates t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t in 90 degree in+re'ents, in eit/er +lo+,0ise or +ounter6+lo+,0ise dire+tions# T/e "/iralRotate gesture 0or,s onl) in supported appli+ations# To initiate "/iralRotate, pla+e one (inger in t/e le(t verti+al &one on t/e Tou+/7ad and 'ove )our (inger in a +ir+ular 'otion# In supported appli+ations, t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t 0ill *e rotated in 90 degree in+re'ents# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.. 2ele+t t/e Enable Pinch +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.4 2ele+t t/e Enable Chiral+otate +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=!. 2ele+t t/e Enable ,lic$ +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.% To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use t/e 7in+/ gesture, sele+t t/e Pinch +/e+, *ox#

how &ideo *utton, under t/e Enable

##HelpTopi+ID=!.> To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use t/e "/iralRotate gesture, sele+t t/e Enable Chiral+otate +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=!.? To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use t/e Fli+, gesture, sele+t t/e ,lic$ +/e+, *ox#

how &ideo *utton, under t/e

how &ideo *utton, under t/e Enable

##HelpTopi+ID=!.9 To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use t/e -o'entu' gesture, sele+t t/e Enable #o!entu! +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=!40

how &ideo *utton, under t/e

Virtual 2+rolling provides an innovative alternative to +onventional s+rolling 'et/ods# Virtual 2+rolling operates t/e s+roll *ars auto'ati+all) so t/ere is no need to 'ove t/e pointer a0a) (ro' )our 0or,# Virtual 2+rolling 0or,s 0it/ 'ost s+rolla*le 0indo0s su+/ as 0ord pro+essing do+u'ents, spreads/eets, and large digital i'ages# It also 0or,s 0it/ ot/er s+rolla*le ite's su+/ as (ile lists and (ont lists# Linear s+rolling, one o( Virtual 2+rolling, allo0s )ou to do +onventional s+rolling# "/iral-otion s+rolling, a uni<ue ,ind o( Virtual 2+rolling, allo0s )ou to s+roll +ontinuousl) 0it/ one, s'oot/ +ir+ular 'otion# 2+rolling speed is +ontrolled *) t/e speed o( (inger 'otion# To s+roll rapidl), 'a,e s'all <ui+, +ir+les# To s+roll slo0l), 'a,e large +ir+les and 'ove )our (inger slo0l)# T/e dire+tion o( s+rolling +an *e reversed *) +/anging t/e dire+tion o( 'otion#

To 1se Linear Verti+al 2+rolling: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable /ertical scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, t/e &irtual crolling i+on or dou*le +li+, t/e &irtual crolling# .# 2ele+t t/e %ong Distance crolling# 4# "li+, t/e %inear scrolling radio *utton# # "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# %# 2lide )our (inger up or do0n t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling# To 1se "/iral-otion to 2+roll Verti+all): $# 2ele+t t/e Enable /ertical scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, t/e &irtual crolling i+on or dou*le +li+, t/e &irtual crolling# .# 2ele+t t/e %ong Distance crolling# 4# "li+, t/e Chiral#otion scrolling radio *utton# # "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# %# 7la+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad near t/e +enter o( t/e rig/t edge# ># 2lide )our (inger up or do0n in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling and t/en *egin 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# 5our (inger +an dri(t to0ards t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0/ile 'a,ing a +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise 'otion# To 1se Linear Hori&ontal 2+rolling: $# 2ele+t t/e Enable hori*ontal scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, t/e &irtual crolling i+on or dou*le +li+, t/e &irtual crolling# .# 2ele+t t/e %ong Distance crolling# 4# "li+, t/e %inear scrolling radio *utton# # "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# %# 2lide )our (inger le(t or rig/t along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling# To 1se "/iral-otion to 2+roll Hori&ontall): $# 2ele+t t/e Enable hori*ontal scrolling +/e+, *ox# !# "li+, t/e &irtual crolling i+on or dou*le +li+, t/e &irtual crolling# .# 2ele+t t/e %ong Distance crolling# 4# "li+, t/e Chiral#otion scrolling radio *utton# # "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# %# 7la+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad near t/e +enter o( t/e lo0er edge# ># 2lide )our (inger le(t or rig/t in t/e desired dire+tion o( s+rolling and t/en *egin 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# 5our (inger +an dri(t to0ards t/e +enter o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0/ile 'a,ing a +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise 'otion# I( Virtual 2+rolling does not respond, ensure t/at t/e desired Enable scrolling +/e+, *ox or *oxes are sele+ted and t/at t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou /ave +li+,ed on is s+rolla*le# I( )ou still /ave pro*le's, +/e+, )our crolling +egion settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=!4$ To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use Virtual 2+rolling, sele+t t/e ##HelpTopi+ID=!4! To see a de'onstration o( /o0 to use t/e ,lic$ gesture, sele+t t/e

how &ideo *utton#

how &ideo *utton#

##HelpTopi+ID=!4. To use verti+al (li+, gestures, sele+t t/e Enable &ertical ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# 7la+e t0o (ingers, slig/tl) separated, on t/e Tou+/7ad and slide up or do0n# :/en done, li(t t/e' to per(or' an appli+ation6spe+i(i+ (un+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!44 To use /ori&ontal (li+, gestures, sele+t t/e Enable 0ori*ontal ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# 7la+e t0o (ingers, slig/tl) separated, on t/e Tou+/7ad and slide rig/t or le(t# :/en done, li(t t/e' to per(or' an appli+ation6spe+i(i+ (un+tion#

##HelpTopi+ID=!4 "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see it in a+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!4% T/is Properties 0indo0 allo0s )ou to personali&e )our pointing devi+e settings# 1se t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t to a++ess t/e +usto'i&a*le (eatures# T/ese in+lude single6(inger pointing and s+rolling options, plus 'ulti6(inger gestures to 'anipulate do+u'ents, o*Ce+ts, and appli+ations# Using the Properties Window "li+, on a (eature in t/e 'enu tree to see a page o( des+riptions and settings (or t/at (eature# 2o'e (eatures /ave several pages o( settings# "li+, on t/e T 3plus sign4 next to a (eature to see all its related pages# T/e settings 0ill appear in t/e 0indo0 to t/e rig/t o( t/e 'enu tree# In(or'ation a*out t/ese options and instru+tions on /o0 to +/ange t/e' 0ill appear /ere in t/is in(or'ation *ox# 5ou +an use t/e s+roll *ar to vie0 t/e +ontents o( t/e in(or'ation *ox# Defaults Button T/e Defaults *utton returns all t/e settings on t/e +urrent page *a+, to t/eir (a+tor)6set values# OK Button T/e OK *utton saves )our +/anges and +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0# Cancel Button T/e Cancel *utton +loses t/e 7roperties 0indo0 0it/out saving an) +/anges and reverts to all t/e previous settings# Apply Button T/e Apply *utton saves )our +/anges, *ut ,eeps t/e 7roperties 0indo0 open so )ou +an 'a,e 'ore +/anges# ##HelpTopi+ID=! 0 T/e Pointing settings pages ena*le )ou to spe+i() /o0 t/e +ursor responds to )our pointing and sele+tion a+tions# ##HelpTopi+ID=! $ 2ele+t t/e Enable #o!entu! +/e+, *ox to use t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=! ! T/e Constrained #otion (eature allo0s )ou to (or+e purel) /ori&ontal or verti+al 'otion o( t/e pointer on t/e s+reen# T/is (eature is 'ost use(ul 0/en using a dra0ing progra'# 5ou a+tivate "onstrained -otion *) pressing and /olding a spe+i(ied ,e) 0/ile 'oving t/e pointer# :/en t/e ,e) is pressed, t/e initial dire+tion o( )our pointer deter'ines t/e allo0ed dire+tion o( 'ove'ent (or as long as )our (inger re'ains on t/e Tou+/7ad# To use "onstrained -otion: $# 2ele+t t/e 9na*le "onstrained -otion +/e+, *ox to ena*le t/e options in t/e list *ox# !# "/oose a ,e) (ro' t/e list *ox (or a+tivating "onstrained -otion# .# 7ress and /old t/e sele+ted ,e) 0/enever )ou 0ant to +onstrain pointer 'otion# ##HelpTopi+ID=! 4 crolling T/e s+rolling (eatures allo0 )ou to operate t/e s+roll *ars o( t/e sele+ted 0indo0 auto'ati+all); t/ere is no need to 'ove t/e pointer a0a) (ro' )our 0or,# T/e s+rolling (eatures 0or, 0it/ 'ost s+rolla*le 0indo0s su+/ as do+u'ents, spreads/eets, large digital i'ages, and ot/er s+rolla*le ite's su+/ as (ile lists and (ont lists# ##HelpTopi+ID=! +e/erse crolling T/e +e/erse crolling Direction (eature allo0s )ou to +/ange standard s+rolling *e/avior# 2tandard s+rolling 'oves t/e s+roll *ar in t/e dire+tion o( (inger 'ove'ent# T/e Reverse 2+rolling Dire+tion (eature 'oves t/e do+u'ent or o*Ce+t in t/e dire+tion o( (inger 'otion#

To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable re/erse scrolling direction +/e+, *ox# ##HelpTopi+ID=! % T/e crolling speed slider allo0s )ou to adCust t/e speed o( s+rolling# Drag t/e slider to t/e rig/t (or (aster s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=! > Chiral crolling T/e "/iral2+rolling@ (eature ena*les )ou to s+roll +ontinuousl) 0it/ one, s'oot/, +ir+ular 'otion# 2+rolling speed is +ontrolled *) (inger speed# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable Chiral crolling +/e+, *ox# To use "/iral2+rolling: $# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e target &one# To s+roll up or do0n, t/e target &one is t/e rig/t side o( t/e Tou+/7ad# To s+roll le(t or rig/t, t/e target &one is t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# !# -ove )our (inger in t/e dire+tion )ou 0ant to s+roll, and t/en *egin 'oving )our (inger in +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise +ir+les# Fn+e "/iral2+rolling is initiated, )our (inger +an dri(t an)0/ere on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e 0/ile 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# EFT9: To +/ange t/e dire+tion o( s+rolling, si'pl) reverse t/e dire+tion o( (inger 'otion# 5ou 0ill *egin s+rolling in t/e opposite dire+tion# .# To stop s+rolling and return to pointing 'ode, li(t )our (inger up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=! ? One",inger crolling 5ou +an s+roll verti+all) and /ori&ontall)# "li+, on t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll and slide )our (inger up0ards or do0n0ards along t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad to s+roll verti+all)# 2lide )our (inger to t/e le(t or rig/t along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad to s+roll /ori&ontall)# I( s+rolling does not respond, ensure t/at t/e appropriate +/e+, *ox is sele+ted and t/at t/e 0indo0 or ite' on 0/i+/ )ou /ave +li+,ed is s+rolla*le# I( )ou still /ave pro*le's, +/e+, )our crolling +egion settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=! 9 T/e diagra' a*ove represents t/e sur(a+e o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e +ross6/at+/ed area on t/e diagra' s/o0s t/e s+rolling regions on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# :/en )ou pla+e )our (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad, arro0s appear along t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad diagra' to s/o0 )our (ingerDs position# I( )our (inger is in an a+tive s+rolling region on t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e +orresponding s+rolling area on t/e diagra' 0ill turn a solid +olor# 5ou +an 'a,e t/e s+rolling regions larger or s'aller *) dragging one o( t/e s'all *la+, s<uares on t/e edge o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed area# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) triggering s+rolling, tr) 'a,ing t/e s+rolling region larger *) 'oving t/e edges o( t/e +ross6/at+/ed area in0ard# I( )ou (ind t/at s+rolling triggers too easil), tr) 'a,ing t/e s+rolling region s'aller# I( t/e s+rolling regions are gra) and +annot *e adCusted, ensure t/at t/e s+rolling (eature is ena*led# To ena*le s+rolling: $# 2ele+t crolling in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e desired 'et/od o( s+rolling, and ena*le verti+al or /ori&ontal s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%0

Enable hori*ontal scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le /ori&ontal s+rolling on 0indo0s t/at /ave /ori&ontal s+roll *ars# 2liding )our (inger to t/e le(t or rig/t along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%$ Enable /ertical scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le verti+al s+rolling# 2liding )our (inger up or do0n along t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' verti+all)# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%! (wo",inger crolling T/e T0o6Finger 2+rolling (eature allo0s )ou to s+roll verti+all) or /ori&ontall) and initiate s+rolling (ro' an)0/ere on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 2i'pl) pla+e t0o (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad and t/en slide t/e' in t/e desired dire+tion# 5ou do not need to *e in a s+rolling region to s+roll# To use T0o6Finger 2+rolling: $# 7la+e t0o (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# T/e (ingers s/ould *e slig/tl) separated# !# 1sing a straig/t +ontinuous 'otion, slide *ot/ (ingers in t/e desired dire+tion# .# Li(t *ot/ (ingers up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e to stop s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%. Enable hori*ontal scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le /ori&ontal s+rolling on 0indo0s t/at /ave /ori&ontal s+roll *ars# 2liding )our t0o (ingers to t/e le(t or rig/t on t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%4 Enable /ertical scrolling 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le verti+al s+rolling# 2liding )our t0o (ingers up or do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad s+rolls t/e sele+ted 0indo0 or ite' verti+all)# ##HelpTopi+ID=!% T/e Coasting (eature /elps )ou to s+roll easil) t/roug/ long do+u'ents# :it/ "oasting, s+rolling +ontinues a(ter )ou /ave li(ted )our (inger up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# To use "oasting, 'ove and t/en li(t )our (inger in one s'oot/ 'otion# To stop t/e +oasting 'otion, pla+e )our (inger *a+, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%% Pinch )oo! T/e 7in+/ Boo' gesture delivers &oo'ing (un+tionalit) in 'an) appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e 7in+/ Boo' gesture to per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tions t/at a s+roll 0/eel per(or's on standard :indo0s appli+ations t/at support "TRL62"RFLL :H99L &oo' (un+tionalit)# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable Pinch )oo! +/e+, *ox# To use a 7in+/ Boo' gesture: $# 7la+e t0o (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# 2lide t/e (ingers (urt/er apart to &oo' in or slide t/e (ingers +loser toget/er to &oo' out# For t/e *est &oo'ing experien+e, use t/e tips o( )our (ingers# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%> T/e +otating (eatures provide +onvenient gestures (or rotating p/otos and ot/er o*Ce+ts# ##HelpTopi+ID=!%9 (hree",inger Press T/e T/ree6Finger 7ress gesture provides a s/ort+ut (or laun+/ing a spe+i(ied appli+ation or appli+ations# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger Press +/e+, *ox# To +usto'i&e t/e appli+ations t/at laun+/, +li+, t/e Configure *utton#

To use t/e T/ree6Finger 7ress (eature: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 9nsure t/at t/ere is a s'all gap *et0een t/e (ingers# !# Hold )our (ingers still until t/e appli+ation or appli+ations *egin to laun+/# .# Li(t )our (ingers up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>0 (hree",inger ,lic$ T/e T/ree6Finger6Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T/ree6 Finger6Fli+, gesture (or *ro0sing t/e Internet or s+rolling t/roug/ p/otos in a p/oto vie0er 0indo0# 5ou +an also use t/e T/ree6Finger6Fli+, gesture to enter or exit slides/o0 'ode# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e T/ree6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Fli+, )our (ingers in a linear, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion, 'oving (ro' one side o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side# .# Hori&ontal (inger 'otion, sliding )our (ingers to t/e rig/t or le(t 0ill page (or0ards or *a+,0ards in a p/oto vie0er or an Internet *ro0ser 0indo0# To use t/e T/ree6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or slides/o0 'ode, slide )our (ingers verti+all)# 2lide )our (ingers up0ards to laun+/ slides/o0 'ode# 2lide )our (ingers do0n0ards to exit slides/o0 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>$ Pal! on Pad T/e 7al'6on67ad gesture ena*les )ou to +lear )our des,top *) 'ini'i&ing all open 0indo0s# Repeating t/is gesture restores t/e 0indo0s# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable Pal! on Pad +/e+, *ox# To use t/e 7al'6on67ad gesture: $# 7la+e t/e heel o( )our t/u'* do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Hold )our /and still until )our des,top 0indo0s /ave *een 'ini'i&ed or restored# .# Li(t )our /and up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>! Practice crolling "li+, t/e Practice *utton to run t/e s+rolling tutorial# = si'ple 'a&e 0ill /elp )ou learn /o0 to use s+rolling# 2urve) t/e 'a&e *e(ore )ou *egin to lo+ate t/e *eginning and ending points# 5ou +annot see t/e entire 'a&e *e+ause it is larger t/an t/e 0indo0 t/at displa)s it# 2+roll to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e in t/e 0indo0# Hold do0n t/e "trl ,e) and use s+rolling to resi&e t/e 'a&e# = )ello0 dot in t/e upper le(t +orner o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e entran+e to t/e 'a&e# = *lue dot on t/e rig/t side o( t/e 'a&e 'ar,s t/e exit# To pra+ti+e s+rolling: $# "li+, on t/e red s<uare in t/e )ello0 dot to *egin# !# 1se t/e =rro0 ,e)s or tap )our Tou+/7ad to navigate t/roug/ t/e 'a&e# .# 1se t/e desired s+rolling 'et/od to 'ove )our vie0 o( t/e 'a&e# 4# "li+, t/e "lose *utton on t/e s+rolling pra+ti+e 0indo0 a(ter )ou rea+/ t/e *lue dot in t/e lo0er rig/t +orner# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>. 0P #edia !art #"2esture

T/e H7 -edia2'art appli+ation +an *e laun+/ed *) per(or'ing an -6s/aped gesture on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable 0P #edia !art #"2esture +/e+, *ox# To use t/is gesture: $# Tap t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e, t/en i''ediatel) pla+e t/e' *a+, do0n# !# 2lide t/e (ingers in a large M s/ape pattern# .# T/e H7 -edia2'art appli+ation 0ill laun+/# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>4 T/e Pointing Enhance!ents (eatures ena*le )ou to spe+i() /o0 t/e +ursor responds to )our pointing a+tions# ##HelpTopi+ID=!> =ppli+ation gestures provide s/ort+uts to (re<uentl) used appli+ations or (un+tions# T/e +o'puterHs response to t/ese gestures +an *e appli+ation6spe+i(i+# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>% T/e Edge#otion9 (eature is designed to si'pli() long6distan+e pointer 'otions# :/en )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e pointer 0ill +ontinue to 'ove in t/e sa'e dire+tion until )ou li(t )our (inger# 2ele+t one o( t/e 9dge-otion options# T/e s+rolling (eatures also support 9dge-otion# To use 9dge-otion 0/ile s+rolling, sele+t t/e Enable Edge#otion when scrolling under One",inger crolling or (wo",inger crolling under crolling in t/e 'enu tree# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>> 2ele+t t/e Enable Edge#otion when scrolling +/e+, *ox i( )ou 0ant s+rolling to +ontinue 0/en )our (ingers rea+/ t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>? T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e Tou+/7ad responds to )our tou+/# ##HelpTopi+ID=!>9 T/e Coasting (eature /elps )ou to s+roll easil) t/roug/ long do+u'ents# :it/ "oasting, s+rolling +ontinues a(ter )ou /ave li(ted )our (ingers up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# To use "oasting, 'ove and li(t )our (ingers in one s'oot/ 'otion# To stop t/e +oasting 'otion, pla+e )our (ingers *a+, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?0 Pi/ot +otate T/e 7ivot Rotate gesture allo0s )ou to rotate o*Ce+ts su+/ as a p/oto, a 7orta*le Do+u'ent For'at 37DF4 (ile, or ot/er sele+ted o*Ce+t, in 90 degree in+re'ents# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable Pi/ot +otate +/e+, *ox# To use a 7ivot Rotate gesture: $# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e lo0er le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad, and ,eep it stationar)# !# 7la+e anot/er (inger do0n near t/e 'iddle o( t/e Tou+/7ad# .# 2lide t/e se+ond (inger in a +ir+ular 'otion around (irst (inger# 9nsure t/at t/e spa+e *et0een t/e t0o (ingers re'ains t/e sa'e 0/ile 'a,ing t/e +ir+ular 'otion# 2lide +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise to rotate t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t in t/e desired dire+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?$ +ight Corner Pi/ot To use t/e 7ivot Rotate (eature in t/e lo0er rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad, sele+t t/e +ight Corner Pi/ot +/e+, *ox# 1sing t/e rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad 'a) *e 'ore +o'(orta*le 0/en per(or'ing t/is gesture 0it/ t/e le(t /and#

##HelpTopi+ID=!?! Chiral+otate T/e "/iralRotate@ gesture rotates t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t in 90 degree in+re'ents# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e 9na*le "/iralRotate +/e+, *ox# Eote t/at t/e "/iralRotate gesture 0or,s onl) 0it/ supported appli+ations# To use t/e "/iralRotate gesture: $# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e le(t target &one o( t/e Tou+/7ad# !# 2lide )our (inger do0n0ards or up0ards and *egin 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# To rotate t/e o*Ce+t in a +lo+,0ise dire+tion, 'ove )our (inger in +lo+,0ise +ir+les# To rotate t/e o*Ce+t in a +ounter+lo+,0ise dire+tion, 'ove )our (inger in +ounter+lo+,0ise +ir+les# .# Li(t )our (inger up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e to return to pointing 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?. witch (ouchPad Off I( )ou do not 0is/ to use t/e Tou+/7ad, )ou +an s0it+/ it o((# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e upper le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad and /old )our (inger still (or a 'o'ent# T/e Tou+/7ad 0ill *e s0it+/ed o((# T/e Tou+/7ad i+on in t/e tas, *ar 0ill +/ange to indi+ate t/at t/e Tou+/7ad is unavaila*le (or use# To s0it+/ t/e Tou+/7ad *a+, on, tou+/ t/e upper le(t +orner again# T/e i+on in t/e tas,*ar 0ill return to t/e ena*led state# To spe+i() /o0 long t/e Tou+/7ad 0ill re'ain o((, sele+t t/e desired option# T/e witch (ouchPad off option 0ill ,eep t/e Tou+/7ad o(( until )ou restore it (or use *) tou+/ing t/e upper le(t +orner# T/e witch (ouchPad off for one session option 0ill s0it+/ t/e Tou+/7ad o(( (or one logon session# T/e Tou+/7ad 0ill auto'ati+all) *e restored (or use t/e next ti'e )ou log on# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?4 (wo",inger ,lic$ T/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T0o6Finger6 Fli+, gesture (or *ro0sing t/e Internet or s+rolling t/roug/ p/otos in a p/oto vie0er 0indo0# 5ou +an also use t/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture to enter or exit slides/o0 'ode# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t0o (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Fli+, )our (ingers in a linear, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion, 'oving (ro' one side o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side# .# Hori&ontal (inger 'otion, sliding )our (ingers to t/e rig/t or le(t 0ill page (or0ards or *a+,0ards in a p/oto vie0er or an Internet *ro0ser 0indo0# To use t/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or slides/o0 'ode, slide )our (ingers verti+all)# 2lide )our (ingers up0ards to laun+/ slides/o0 'ode# 2lide )our (ingers do0n0ards to exit slides/o0 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!? (wo",inger ,lic$ T/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T0o6Finger6 Fli+, gesture (or *ro0sing t/e Internet or s+rolling t/roug/ p/otos in a p/oto vie0er 0indo0# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger 0ori*ontal ,lic$ +/e+, *ox#

To use t/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t0o (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Fli+, )our (ingers /ori&ontall) in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion, 'oving (ro' one side o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side# .# 2lide )our (ingers to t/e rig/t or le(t to page (or0ards or *a+,0ards in a p/oto vie0er or an Internet *ro0ser 0indo0# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?% (wo",inger ,lic$ T/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T0o6Finger6 Fli+, gesture to enter or exit slides/o0 'ode# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger &ertical ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e T0o6Finger6Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t0o (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# 2lide )our (ingers verti+all) in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion# .# 2lide )our (ingers up0ards to laun+/ slides/o0 'ode or do0n0ards to exit slides/o0 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?> (hree",inger 0ori*ontal ,lic$ T/e T/ree6Finger Hori&ontal Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T/ree6Finger Hori&ontal Fli+, gesture (or *ro0sing t/e Internet or s+rolling t/roug/ p/otos in a p/oto vie0er 0indo0# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger 0ori*ontal ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e T/ree6Finger Hori&ontal Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Fli+, )our (ingers /ori&ontall) in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion, 'oving (ro' one side o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side# .# 2lide )our (ingers to t/e rig/t or le(t to page (or0ards or *a+,0ards in a p/oto vie0er or an Internet *ro0ser 0indo0# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?? (hree",inger &ertical ,lic$ T/e T/ree6Finger Verti+al Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e T/ree6Finger Verti+al Fli+, gesture to enter or exit slides/o0 'ode# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (hree",inger &ertical ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e T/ree6Finger Verti+al Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers, slig/tl) separated, do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# 2lide )our (ingers verti+all) in a straig/t, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion# .# 2lide )our (ingers up0ards to laun+/ slides/o0 'ode or do0n0ards to exit slides/o0 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!?9 Circular crolling T/e "ir+ular 2+rolling (eature ena*les )ou to s+roll +ontinuousl) 0it/ one, s'oot/, +ir+ular 'otion# 2+rolling speed is +ontrolled *) (inger speed# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable Circular crolling +/e+, *ox#

To use "ir+ular 2+rolling: $# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e target &one# To s+roll up or do0n, t/e target &one is along t/e rig/t edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# To s+roll le(t or rig/t, t/e target &one is along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# !# 2lide )our (inger in t/e dire+tion )ou 0ant to s+roll, and t/en *egin 'oving )our (inger in +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise +ir+les# Fn+e "ir+ular 2+rolling is initiated, )our (inger +an dri(t an)0/ere on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e 0/ile 'a,ing a +ir+ular 'otion# EFT9: To +/ange t/e dire+tion o( s+rolling, si'pl) reverse t/e dire+tion o( (inger 'otion# 5ou 0ill *egin s+rolling in t/e opposite dire+tion# .# To stop s+rolling and return to pointing 'ode, li(t )our (inger up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=!90 T/e Auto crolling (eature /elps )ou to s+roll easil) t/roug/ long do+u'ents 0it/ a single stro,e o( t/e (inger# 2+rolling +ontinues a(ter )ou /ave li(ted )our (inger up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# To use =uto 2+rolling: $# "li+, on t/e 0indo0s or ite' )ou 0is/ to s+roll# !# 2lide one (inger, along t/e s+rolling region o( t/e Tou+/7ad, in t/e dire+tion )ou 0ant to s+roll# To s+roll up or do0n, t/e s+rolling region is t/e rig/t edge# To s+roll le(t or rig/t, t/e s+rolling region is t/e lo0er edge# I( =uto 2+rolling does not respond, +/e+, )our crolling +egion settings# I( )ou still /ave pro*le's using =uto 2+rolling, ensure t/at t/e 0indo0 or ite' )ou /ave +li+,ed on is s+rolla*le# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9$ T/e +otate (eatures provide +onvenient gestures (or rotating p/otos and ot/er o*Ce+ts# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9! #y ,a/orites gesture T/e -) Favorites gesture provides a s/ort+ut (or laun+/ing a spe+i(ied appli+ation or appli+ations# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable #y ,a/orites gesture +/e+, *ox# To +usto'i&e t/e appli+ations t/at laun+/, +li+, t/e Configure *utton# To use t/is gesture: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 9nsure t/at t/ere is a s'all gap *et0een t/e (ingers# !# Hold )our (ingers still until t/e appli+ation or appli+ations *egin to laun+/# .# Li(t )our (ingers up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9. ,lic$ T/e Fli+, gesture en/an+es navigation (or a variet) o( appli+ations# 5ou +an use t/e Fli+, gesture (or *ro0sing t/e Internet or s+rolling t/roug/ p/otos in a p/oto vie0er 0indo0# 5ou +an also use t/e Fli+, gesture to enter or exit slides/o0 'ode# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable ,lic$ +/e+, *ox# To use t/e Fli+, gesture (or navigation: $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# 9nsure t/at t/ere is a s'all gap *et0een t/e (ingers !# Fli+, )our (ingers in a linear, +ontinuous 'otion in t/e desired dire+tion, 'oving (ro' one side o( t/e Tou+/7ad to t/e opposite side# .# Hori&ontal (inger 'otion, sliding )our (ingers to t/e rig/t or le(t 0ill page (or0ards or *a+,0ards in a p/oto vie0er or an Internet *ro0ser 0indo0#

To use t/e Fli+, gesture (or slides/o0 'ode: $# 2lide )our (ingers up0ards to laun+/ slides/o0 'ode# !# 2lide )our (ingers do0n0ards to exit slides/o0 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=!94 0o!e 2esture T/e Ho'e Kesture ena*les )ou to +lear )our des,top *) 'ini'i&ing all open 0indo0s# Repeating t/is gesture restores t/e 0indo0s# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable 0o!e 2esture+/e+, *ox# To use t/e Ho'e Kesture: $# 7la+e t/e heel o( )our t/u'* do0n on t/e Tou+/7ad sur(a+e# !# Hold )our /and still until )our des,top 0indo0s /ave *een 'ini'i&ed or restored# .# Li(t )our /and up o(( t/e Tou+/7ad# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9 )oo! )one :it/ t/e Boo' Bone (eature, )ou +an use t/e le(t side o( t/e Tou+/pad to &oo'6in on or &oo'6out o( t/e ite' in t/e a+tive 0indo0# T/e Boo' Bone (eature per(or's t/e sa'e &oo'ing (un+tionalit) as a s+roll 0/eel on standard :indo0s appli+ations t/at support "TRL62"RFLL :H99L# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable )oo! )one +/e+, *ox# (o )oo! 5n6 $# 7la+e a (inger on t/e Tou+/pad near t/e lo0er le(t +orner# !# 2lide t/e (inger up0ards to0ard t/e upper le(t +orner# .# Repeat until t/e desired level o( 'agni(i+ation is rea+/ed# (o )oo! Out6 $# 7la+e a (inger on t/e Tou+/pad near t/e upper le(t +orner# !# 2lide t/e (inger do0n0ards to0ard t/e lo0er le(t +orner# .# Repeat until t/e desired level o( 'agni(i+ation is rea+/ed# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9% T/e (ouchChec$ (eature guards against operating t/e Tou+/7ad 0it/ a++idental +onta+t# Tou+/"/e+, allo0s t/e Tou+/7ad to re+ogni&e 0/en )our pal' is resting on it or *rus/ing its sur(a+e 0/ile )ou are t)ping# T/is 0ill /elp to prevent un0anted pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s# I( t/e Tou+/7ad ex/i*its undesired pointer 'ove'ent or +li+,s, in+rease t/e Tou+/"/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard #a-i!u!# I( t/e Tou+/7ad 'isses intended 'otions or taps, de+rease t/e Tou+/"/e+, setting *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard #ini!u!# 5ou are 'ore li,el) to experien+e 'issed 'otions or taps i( t/e slider is in t/e red &one# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9> +otate T/e Rotate gesture allo0s )ou to rotate o*Ce+ts su+/ as a p/oto, a 7orta*le Do+u'ent For'at 37DF4 (ile, or ot/er sele+ted o*Ce+t, in 90 degree in+re'ents# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable +otate +/e+, *ox# To use a Rotate gesture: $# 7la+e one (inger do0n on t/e lo0er le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad, and ,eep it stationar)# !# 7la+e anot/er (inger do0n near t/e 'iddle o( t/e Tou+/7ad# .# 2lide t/e se+ond (inger in a +ir+ular 'otion around (irst (inger# 9nsure t/at t/e spa+e *et0een t/e t0o (ingers re'ains t/e sa'e 0/ile 'a,ing t/e +ir+ular 'otion# 2lide +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise to rotate

t/e sele+ted o*Ce+t in t/e desired dire+tion# ##HelpTopi+ID=!9? +ight Corner +otate To use t/e Rotate (eature in t/e lo0er rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad, sele+t t/e +ight Corner +otate +/e+, *ox# 1sing t/e rig/t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad 'a) *e 'ore +o'(orta*le 0/en per(or'ing t/is gesture 0it/ t/e le(t /and# ##HelpTopi+ID=!99 )oo! +ate T/e Boo' Rate slider +ontrols /o0 <ui+,l) t/e 0indo0 &oo's in response to (inger 'otion in t/e &oo'ing area# To &oo' slo0er, 'ove t/e slider to0ard low# To &oo' (aster, 'ove t/e slider to0ard ,ast# ##HelpTopi+ID=.00 "li+,Bones per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tion as p/)si+al *uttons# T/ere are t0o "li+,Bones along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e "li+,7ad# 7ressing a "li+,Bone is li,e +li+,ing a le(t or rig/t *utton# To use "li+,Bones, sele+t t/e Enable Clic$)ones option# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones, )ou 'ust ena*le (apping or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) *utton +li+,# T/e le(t "li+,Bone per(or's a pri'ar) +li+,# T/e rig/t "li+,Bone per(or's a se+ondar) +li+,# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t %eft Clic$ or +ight Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0$ "li+,Bones per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tion as p/)si+al *uttons# T/ere are t/ree "li+,Bones along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e "li+,7ad: le(t, 'iddle, and rig/t# 7ressing a "li+,Bone per(or's t/e sa'e (un+tion as +li+,ing a *utton# To use "li+,Bones, sele+t t/e Enable Clic$)ones option# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones, )ou 'ust ena*le (apping or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) *utton +li+,# T/e le(t "li+,Bone per(or's a pri'ar) +li+,# T/e rig/t "li+,Bone per(or's a se+ondar) +li+,# T/e 'iddle "li+,Bone per(or's t/e sa'e (un+tion as a 'iddle *utton# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t %eft Clic$ , #iddle Clic$ , or +ight Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0! 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e le(t "li+,Bone# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear# 5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0. 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e 'iddle "li+,Bone# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear# 5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.04 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e rig/t "li+,Bone# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear#

5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0 "li+,Bones per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tion as p/)si+al *uttons# T/ere are t0o "li+,Bones along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e "li+,7ad# 7ressing a "li+,Bone is li,e +li+,ing a le(t or rig/t *utton# To use "li+,Bones, sele+t t/e Enable Clic$)ones option# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones, )ou +an ena*le t/e p/)si+al *uttons to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) +li+,# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones or t/e p/)si+al *uttons, )ou 'ust ena*le (ap )ones 3under t/e (apping 'enu tree4 or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) +li+,# T/e le(t "li+,Bone and p/)si+al *utton per(or' a pri'ar) +li+,# T/e rig/t "li+,Bone and p/)si+al *utton per(or' a se+ondar) +li+,# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t %eft Clic$ or +ight Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see /o0 to use "li+,Bones#

##HelpTopi+ID=.0% "li+,Bones per(or' t/e sa'e (un+tion as p/)si+al *uttons# T/ere are t/ree "li+,Bones along t/e lo0er edge o( t/e "li+,7ad: le(t, 'iddle, and rig/t# 7ressing a "li+,Bone per(or's t/e sa'e (un+tion as +li+,ing a le(t, 'iddle, or rig/t *utton# To use "li+,Bones, sele+t t/e Enable Clic$)ones option# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones, )ou +an ena*le p/)si+al *uttons to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) +li+,# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Bones or p/)si+al *uttons, )ou 'ust ena*le (ap )ones 3under t/e (apping 'enu tree4 or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) *utton +li+,# T/e le(t "li+,Bone and *utton per(or' a pri'ar) +li+,# T/e rig/t "li+,Bone and *utton per(or' a se+ondar) +li+,# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t %eft Clic$ or +ight Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# ##HelpTopi+ID=.0> 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e le(t "li+,Bone# T/e option t/at )ou sele+t (or t/e le(t "li+,Bone is auto'ati+all) assigned to t/e le(t *utton# For exa'ple, i( )ou 0ant to s0ap t/e a+tion (or t/e le(t and rig/t "li+,Bones, )ou +an sele+t econdary Clic$# Ae sure to +/ange t/e a+tion (or t/e rig/t "li+,Bone to 'a,e it a Pri!ary Clic$ to +o'plete t/e +/ange# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e "on(igure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see a le(t "li+,Bone in use#

##HelpTopi+ID=.0? 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e 'iddle "li+,Bone# T/e option t/at )ou sele+t (or t/e 'iddle "li+,Bone is auto'ati+all) assigned to t/e 'iddle p/)si+al *utton 3i( t/ere is a 'iddle p/)si+al *utton4# For exa'ple, i( )ou sele+t 1u!p to the tart Button, t/en a 'iddle +li+, 0ill +ause t/e pointer to Cu'p to t/e tart *utton in t/e :indo0s tas, *ar and auto'ati+all) open t/e tart #enu# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# "li+, t/e 2/o0 Video *utton to see a 'iddle "li+,Bone in use# ##HelpTopi+ID=.09 5ou +an sele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t/e rig/t "li+,Bone# T/e option t/at )ou sele+t (or t/e rig/t "li+,Bone is auto'ati+all) assigned to t/e rig/t p/)si+al *utton# For exa'ple, i( )ou 0ant to s0ap t/e a+tion (or t/e le(t and rig/t "li+,Bones, )ou +an sele+t Pri!ary Clic$# Ae sure to +/ange t/e a+tion (or t/e rig/t "li+,Bone to 'a,e it a econdary Clic$ to +o'plete t/e +/ange# -an) a+tions do not re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton

0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a +on(iguration dialog *ox 0ill appear# "li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see a rig/t "li+,Bone in use#

##HelpTopi+ID=.$0 T/e "li+,Auttons (eature trans(or's t/e entire "li+,7ad sur(a+e into one *ig IvirtualJ *utton# 5ou +an press an)0/ere on t/e "li+,7ad to per(or' a pri'ar), se+ondar), or 'iddle *utton +li+,# 2ele+t t/e Enable Clic$Buttons option to use t/is (eature# 7ressing one (inger do0n per(or's a pri'ar) +li+,# 7ressing t0o (ingers do0n per(or's a se+ondar) +li+,# 7ressing t/ree (ingers do0n per(or's a 'iddle *utton +li+,# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t One",inger Clic$, (wo",inger Clic$, or (hree",inger Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Auttons, )ou 'ust ena*le (apping or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar), se+ondar), or 'iddle *utton +li+,# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$$ To per(or' a one6(inger +li+,, press one (inger do0n on t/e "li+,7ad sur(a+e until )ou (eel it des+end# A) de(ault, a one6(inger +li+, is e<uivalent to +li+,ing a pri'ar) *utton# I( )ou 0is/ to +/ange t/e de(ault setting, sele+t an option (ro' t/e list# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear# 5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$! To per(or' a t0o6(inger +li+,, press t0o (ingers do0n on t/e "li+,7ad sur(a+e until )ou (eel it des+end# A) de(ault, a t0o6(inger +li+, is e<uivalent to +li+,ing a se+ondar) *utton# I( )ou 0is/ to +/ange t/e de(ault setting, sele+t an option (ro' t/e list# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear# 5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$. To per(or' a t/ree6(inger +li+,, press t/ree (ingers do0n on t/e "li+,7ad sur(a+e until )ou (eel it des+end# A) de(ault, a t/ree6(inger +li+, is e<uivalent to +li+,ing a 'iddle *utton# I( )ou 0is/ to +/ange t/e de(ault setting, sele+t an option (ro' t/e list# 2o'e a+tions re<uire additional +on(iguration# I( 'ore in(or'ation is re<uired, t/e Configure *utton 0ill *e+o'e ena*led or a dialog *ox 0ill appear# 5ou +an +li+, t/e Configure *utton at an) ti'e to vie0 or +/ange )our settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$4 T/e "li+,Auttons (eature trans(or's t/e entire "li+,7ad sur(a+e into one *ig IvirtualJ *utton# 5ou +an press an)0/ere to per(or' a pri'ar), se+ondar), or 'iddle *utton +li+,# 2ele+t t/e Enable Clic$Buttons option to use t/is (eature# 7ressing one (inger do0n per(or's a pri'ar) +li+,# 7ressing t0o (ingers do0n per(or's a se+ondar) +li+,# 7ressing t/ree (ingers do0n per(or's a 'iddle *utton +li+,# To +/ange t/ese settings, sele+t One",inger Clic$, (wo",inger Clic$, or (hree",inger Clic$ and +on(igure it as desired# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Auttons, )ou +an ena*le t/e p/)si+al *uttons to per(or' a pri'ar) or se+ondar) +li+,# I( )ou do not ena*le "li+,Auttons or t/e p/)si+al *uttons, )ou 'ust ena*le (ap )ones 3under t/e

(apping 'enu tree4 or use an external 'ouse to per(or' a pri'ar), se+ondar), or 'iddle *utton +li+,# To 'odi() )our *utton settings, sele+t Physical Buttons in t/e 'enu tree and t/en +on(igure t/e %eft Clic$ and t/e +ight Clic$ as desired# "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see /o0 to use "li+,Auttons#

##HelpTopi+ID=.$ (wist+otate T/e T0istRotate gesture ena*les )ou to rotate ite's su+/ as p/otos, 7orta*le Do+u'ent For'at 37DF4 (iles, or ot/er ite's# To ena*le t/is (eature, sele+t t/e Enable (wist+otate +/e+, *ox# (o perfor! a (wist+otate gesture6 $# 2ele+t t/e o*Ce+t )ou 0is/ to rotate# !# 7la+e t0o (ingers on t/e Tou+/7ad# T/ere s/ould *e a slig/t gap *et0een )our (ingers# .# 2lide )our (ingers in a +lo+,0ise or +ounter+lo+,0ise dire+tion# T/e 'otion is si'ilar to turning a ,no*# 4# Repeat t/e rotating 'otion as needed# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$% T/e "li+,6and6Drag (eature allo0s )ou to use "li+,Bones to 'ove t/ings# $# 1se )our +ursor to /ig/lig/t t/e ite' )ou 0ant to 'ove# !# 7ress do0n on t/e "li+,Bone t/at per(or's a pri'ar) +li+,# A) de(ault, t/is is t/e le(t "li+,Bone# .# Ueep t/e "li+,Bone do0n 0/ile using a se+ond (inger to drag t/e sele+ted ite' to t/e desired lo+ation# 4# Li(t )our (inger o(( t/e "li+,Bone 0/en )ou 0ant to release t/e ite' *eing dragged# I( )ou /ave di((i+ult) per(or'ing a "li+,6and6Drag gesture, ensure t/at )our "li+,Bones are ena*led and ensure t/at )ou are pressing on t/e "li+,Bone t/at is +on(igured to per(or' a pri'ar) +li+,# 2ele+t Buttons and Clic$)ones in t/e 'enu tree to +/e+, )our "li+,Bone settings# ##HelpTopi+ID=.$9 5ou +an +li+,6and6drag 0it/ one (inger to 'ove a sele+ted ite'# 5ou +an +li+,6and6drag 0it/ t0o (ingers to per(or' t/e e<uivalent o( a rig/t6p/)si+al6*utton +li+,6and6drag# (o perfor! a One",inger Clic$"and"Drag 2esture6 $# 1se )our +ursor to /ig/lig/t t/e ite' )ou 0ant to 'ove# !# 7ress one (inger do0n on t/e "li+,7ad# .# Ueep t/e "li+,7ad pressed do0n 0/ile dragging t/e sele+ted ite' to t/e desired lo+ation# 4# Li(t )our (inger o(( t/e "li+,7ad 0/en )ou 0ant to release t/e ite'# (o perfor! a (wo",inger Clic$"and"Drag 2esture6 $# 1se )our +ursor to /ig/lig/t t/e ite' )ou 0ant to 'ove# !# 7ress t0o6(ingers do0n on t/e "li+,7ad# .# Ueep t/e "li+,7ad pressed do0n 0/ile dragging t/e sele+ted ite' to t/e desired lo+ation# 4# Li(t )our (ingers o(( t/e "li+,7ad 0/en )ou 0ant to release t/e ite'# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!0 T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied *e(ore t/e 2+roll 7ad responds# I( )our 2+roll 7ad responds errati+all), or )ou 0or, in an area 0it/ /ig/ /u'idit), de+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y (ouch# I( )ou /ave to press too /ard to operate t/e 2+roll 7ad, in+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard %ight (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!$ T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e 2+roll 7ad responds to )our tou+/# To adCust t/e 2ensitivit) settings, sele+t an ite' (ro' t/e ensiti/ity 'enu tree#

##HelpTopi+ID=.!! T/e Pal!Chec$@ (eature guards against operating t/e 2+roll 7ad 0it/ a++idental +onta+t# 7al'"/e+, allo0s t/e 2+roll 7ad to re+ogni&e 0/en )our pal' is resting on it or *rus/ing its sur(a+e 0/ile )ou are t)ping# T/is 0ill /elp to prevent un0anted s+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!. T/e Enable button +/e+, *ox ena*les t/e *utton (or t/is devi+e# To +on(igure t/e a+tion per(or'ed 0/en )ou press t/e *utton, sele+t t/e na'e o( t/e *utton (ro' t/e 'enu tree# :/en Enable button is not sele+ted, t/e *utton is disa*led and pressing it /as no e((e+t# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!4 2ele+t an a+tion (ro' t/e list a*ove to assign it to t/e sele+ted *utton# T/e sele+ted a+tion 0ill o++ur ever) ti'e )ou press t/e *utton# Eote t/at t/e *utton 'ust *e ena*led to assign an a+tion to it# To ena*le t/e *utton, per(or' t/e (ollo0ing steps: $# 2ele+t Button in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable button +/e+, *ox# .# 2ele+t t/e *utton (ro' t/e Button 'enu tree to return to t/is page# ##HelpTopi+ID=.! T/ese options allo0 )ou to spe+i() 0/i+/ 0indo0 or ite' is s+rolled 0/en )ou use 2+rolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!% 2o'e appli+ations allo0 )ou to spe+i() t/e degree o( rotation# T/e option )ou sele+t in t/e Enable Degree of +otation (ield 0ill *e applied i( t/e appli+ation supports it# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!> "li+, t/e how &ideo *utton to see /o0 to per(or' t/is gesture# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!? :it/ t/e 9na*le edge tap (iltering option sele+ted, in+idental (inger tapping along t/e edges o( t/e Tou+/7ad 0ill *e ignored# T/e edge region is denoted *) t/e +ross6/at+/ed area s/o0n a*ove# 5ou +an adCust t/e si&e o( t/e edge region *) dragging t/e *la+, resi&e /andles# 7lease note t/at pointer 'otion, area sele+tion, s+rolling region, and gesture input are not a((e+ted *) t/is setting# ##HelpTopi+ID=.!9 T/e 2tarting &one (eature /elps to 'ini'i&e unintentional pointer 'otion and area sele+tion# :it/ t/is option sele+ted, )our (inger 'ust initiall) +onta+t t/e Tou+/7ad in t/e 2tarting &one (or pointer 'otion or area sele+tion to o++ur# I( pointer 'otion or area sele+tion is atte'pted 0it/ initial +onta+t outside o( t/e 2tarting &one, t/e +onta+t 0ill *e ignored# =s long as pointer 'otion or area sele+tion *egins (ro' 0it/in t/e 2tarting &one, areas o( t/e Tou+/7ad t/at are outside o( t/e 2tarting &one 0ill 0or, nor'all) until t/e 2tarting &one is reset# A) adCusting t/e slider a*ove, )ou +an spe+i() /o0 soon t/e 2tarting &one 0ill reset 0/en no +onta+t o++urs on t/e pad# Tapping, s+rolling regions, and gestures are not a((e+ted *) t/e 2tarting &one option# For *est results, ena*le t/e 7al'"/e+, (eature in addition to t/is (eature# ##HelpTopi+ID=..0 T/e (ouch ensiti/ity slider allo0s )ou to adCust /o0 'u+/ (inger pressure 'ust *e applied *e(ore t/e 2+roll 2ensor responds# I( )our 2+roll 2ensor responds errati+all), or )ou 0or, in an area 0it/ /ig/ /u'idit), de+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e rig/t to0ard 0ea/y (ouch#

I( )ou /ave to press too /ard to operate t/e 2+roll 2ensor, in+rease sensitivit) *) 'oving t/e slider to t/e le(t to0ard %ight (ouch# ##HelpTopi+ID=..$ T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e 2+roll 2ensor responds to )our tou+/# To adCust t/e 2ensitivit) settings, sele+t an ite' (ro' t/e ensiti/ity 'enu tree# ##HelpTopi+ID=..! :/en T0o6Finger Dou*le Tap is ena*led, )ou +an si'ultaneousl) tap t0o (ingers t0i+e on t/e Tou+/7ad to laun+/ t/e appli+ation o( )our +/oi+e# 39nsure t/ere is a s'all gap *et0een )our (ingers#4 "li+, "on(igure to sele+t 0/i+/ appli+ation )ou 0ant t/is gesture to laun+/# ##HelpTopi+ID=... T/e 2tarting &one is denoted *) t/e +ross6/at+/ed area s/o0n a*ove# 5ou +an adCust t/e si&e o( t/e 2tarting &one *) dragging t/e *la+, resi&e /andles# ##HelpTopi+ID=..4 What is a Clic$Pad: = 2)napti+s "li+,7ad@ is si'ilar to a 2)napti+s Tou+/7ad@# = "li+,7ad +an *e used (or s+rolling, pointing, and sele+tion, Cust li,e a Tou+/7ad# = "li+,7ad, /o0ever, des+ends 0/en pressed# 7ressing do0n on a "li+,7ad (eels si'ilar to pressing a p/)si+al *utton# T/is 'a,es t/e "li+,7ad a +onvenient alternative to p/)si+al *uttons or a 'ouse# 5our "li+,7ad /as one or *ot/ o( t/e (ollo0ing (eatures: V "li+,Auttons V "li+,Bones 2ele+t t/e (eature in t/e 'enu tree to t/e le(t to learn 'ore a*out it# ##HelpTopi+ID=.. #agnify #ode :it/ t/e 'agni(ier option ena*led, t/e pointer +an turn into a 'agni()ing glass and used to 'agni() an) part o( t/e s+reen# Input t/e 'agni(ierHs si&e 3*et0een $00 and 400 pixels in ea+/ dire+tion4, and t/e de(ault &oo' level# (o Enter and Use #agnify #ode6 7la+e one (inger on t/e Tou+/7ad and dou*le tap 0it/ a se+ond (inger# = re+tangle 3'agni(ier4 0ill displa)# :/ile in 'agni() 'ode, 'ove t/e 'agni(ier as )ou 0ould 'ove a pointer to +/ange position# 5ou +an use t/e pin+/ &oo' gesture to in+rease or de+rease 'agni(i+ation level# (o E-it #agnify #ode6 "li+, t/e le(t 'ouse *utton, tap t/e Tou+/7ad, or press 9s+ on t/e ,e)*oard to return to nor'al pointer 'ode# ##HelpTopi+ID=..> (wo",inger ingle (ap A) ena*ling t/e t0o (inger single tap, )ou +an +on(igure t/e Tou+/7ad to a+t as a *utton 0/en it is tapped 0it/ t0o (ingers# 2ele+t an+tion (ro' t/e list to assign it to t0o (inger single tap and +on(igure i( re<uired# ##HelpTopi+ID=..? (hree ,inger &ertical tro$es T/e T/ree Finger Verti+al 2tro,e provides s/ort+uts to -) "o'puter and t/e Tas, 20it+/er# To ena*le T/ree6Finger stro,e up, +li+, t/e I-) "o'puterJ +/e+,*ox# To 9na*le T/ree Finger 2tro,e Do0n, +li+, t/e I20it+/ a'ong 0indo0sJ +/e+,*ox# (hree",inger tro$e Up6 $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers 3slig/tl) apart4 at t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad#

!# 2lide )our (ingers to0ard t/e top edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# .# T/e -) "o'puter 0indo0 0ill open# (hree",inger tro$e Down6 $# 7la+e t/ree (ingers 3slig/tl) apart4 near t/e top edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# !# 2lide )our (ingers do0n to t/e lo0er edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad# .# Li(t )our (ingers o(( t/e Tou+/7ad# 4# T/e Tas, 20it+/er 0ill laun+/# # 1se T/ree Finger /ori&ontal stro,es to t/e le(t or rig/t to s0it+/ appli+ations# %# :/en t/e desired appli+ation is /ig/lig/ted, li(t all )our (ingers o(( t/e Tou+/7ad to s0it+/ to it# ##HelpTopi+ID=..9 T/e Edge#otion9 (eature is designed to si'pli() long6distan+e pointer 'otions# :/en )our (inger rea+/es t/e edge o( t/e Tou+/7ad, t/e pointer 0ill +ontinue to 'ove in t/e sa'e dire+tion until )ou li(t )our (inger# To ena*le 9dge-otion, ensure t/at tapping is ena*led, and t/en sele+t t/e desired 9dge-otion options# T/e s+rolling (eatures also support 9dge-otion# To use 9dge-otion 0/ile s+rolling, sele+t t/e desired s+rolling options# ##HelpTopi+ID=.40 T/e (ouchPad Disable )one (eature allo0s )ou to ena*le or disa*le t/e Tou+/7ad *) dou*le tapping on t/e +orner &one o( t/e Tou+/7ad# I( t/e Tou+/7ad is ena*led, dou*le tap on t/e +orner to disa*le it# I( t/e Tou+/7ad is disa*led, dou*le tap on t/e +orner to ena*le it# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4$ "/e+,ing t/is *ox turns on t/e dou*le tap to ena*le t/is (eature# 1n+/e+,ing t/is *ox turns o(( t/e dou*le tap to disa*le it# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4! 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le verti+al and /ori&ontal s+rolling# 2lide )our (inger up or do0n on t/e Tou+/pad to 'ove t/e sele+ted ite' or 0indo0 verti+all)# 2lide )our (inger le(t or rig/t on t/e Tou+/pad to 'ove t/e sele+ted ite' or 0indo0 /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4. 2ele+t t/is +/e+, *ox to ena*le verti+al and /ori&ontal s+rolling# 2lide )our t0o (ingers up or do0n on t/e Tou+/pad to 'ove t/e sele+ted ite' or 0indo0 verti+all)# 2lide )our t0o (ingers le(t or rig/t on t/e Tou+/pad to 'ove t/e sele+ted ite' or 0indo0 /ori&ontall)# ##HelpTopi+ID=.44 :/en T0o6Finger Dou*le Tap is ena*led, )ou +an si'ultaneousl) tap t0o (ingers t0i+e on t/e Tou+/7ad to laun+/ t/e appli+ation o( )our +/oi+e# 39nsure t/ere is a s'all gap *et0een )our (ingers#4 "li+, "on(igure to sele+t 0/i+/ appli+ation )ou 0ant t/is gesture to laun+/# To ena*le T0o6Finger Dou*le Tap: $# 9nsure t/at Enable (apping is sele+ted on t/e (apping page# !# 2ele+t t/e Enable (wo",inger Double (ap +/e+, *ox a*ove#

##HelpTopi+ID=.4 witch (ouchPad Off I( )ou do not 0is/ to use t/e Tou+/7ad, )ou +an s0it+/ it o((# Dou*le tap t/e upper le(t +orner o( t/e Tou+/7ad# T/e Tou+/7ad i+on in t/e tas, *ar 0ill +/ange to indi+ate t/at t/e Tou+/7ad is unavaila*le (or use# To s0it+/ t/e Tou+/7ad *a+, on, dou*le tap t/e upper le(t +orner again# T/e i+on in t/e tas,*ar 0ill return to t/e ena*led state# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4% T/e witch (ouchPad off option 0ill ,eep t/e Tou+/7ad o(( until )ou restore it (or use *) tou+/ing t/e

upper le(t +orner# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4> T/e witch (ouchPad off for one session option 0ill s0it+/ t/e Tou+/7ad o(( (or t/e rest o( t/e +urrent session# T/e Tou+/7ad 0ill auto'ati+all) *e restored (or use t/e next ti'e )ou log on# ##HelpTopi+ID=.4? T/e ensiti/ity settings allo0 )ou to personali&e t/e 0a) t/e 2+roll 2ensor responds to )our tou+/# ##HelpTopi+ID=.49 T/e s+rolling (eatures also support 9dge-otion# To use 9dge-otion 0/ile s+rolling, sele+t t/e Enable Edge#otion when scrolling under One",inger crolling or (wo",inger crolling under crolling# ##HelpTopi+ID=. 0 :/en ena*led, t/is (ilter /elps to predi+t 0/en )ou are intentionall) using t/e one6(inger s+rolling region# I( )ou noti+e )ou a++identall) trigger s+rolling, ena*le t/is (ilter# ##HelpTopi+ID=. $ :/en ena*led, t/is (ilter /elps to predi+t 0/en )ou are intentionall) using 7in+/ Boo', T0o6Finger 2+roll, Rotate, and =ppli+ation Kestures# T/e area o( t/e pad t/at 0ill allo0 gesture use is denoted *) t/e +ross6/at+/ed area s/o0n a*ove# 5ou +an adCust t/e si&e o( t/is area *) dragging t/e *la+, resi&e /andles# I( initial +onta+t o++urs outside o( +ross6/at+/ed area, t/e gesture 0ill *e ignored# I( )ou a++identall) trigger 7in+/ Boo', T0o6Finger 2+rolling, or Rotate, ena*le t/is (ilter# ##HelpTopi+ID=. ! #ultifinger gestures provide s/ort+uts to (re<uentl) used appli+ations or (un+tions# T/e +o'puterDs response to t/ese gestures +an *e appli+ation6spe+i(i+# "li+, on t/e /elp (or t/e individual gestures to (ind out 0/at t/e) do# ##HelpTopi+ID=. .

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