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Matt Rizzotti School: Date: Grade(s): 1st Period: Number of Students: 30 Time:

Unit: Various Games/Soccer Dribbling and Trapping Lesson focus: The students will continue to learn how to play two games today, Rock, Paper, Scissors Relay and Builders and Bulldozers. The focus of this lesson is to have the kids learn how to move around in free space, work as a team, and learn different locomotor movements. The students will also learn how to dribble and trap a soccer ball. Equipment: 40 Cones, 40 Soccer Balls Location: Gymnasium Objectives:
Learning Domain(s) Psychomotor Objectives Students will be able to demonstrate a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors relay and Builders and Bulldozers Students will be able to demonstrate simple loco-motor movements (walking, running, skipping, galloping, and hopping) Students will be able to demonstrate dribbling a soccer ball properly Students will be able to demonstrate trapping a soccer properly Students will be able to safely engage in activity by being aware of their personal space and other students around them NYS Standards 1A



Psychomotor Psychomotor Cognitive

1A 1A 2

Assessment: Student self-assessment Students will be able to identify and move about free space while following the rules of the games.

Informal teacher observations/Check for understanding questions o How do we move about in free space? o How do we work as a team? o How do we walk? Run? Skip? Gallop? o What is dribbling in soccer? o What is trapping in soccer? o What are the two ways to trap a soccer ball?

Link to previous lesson (pre-requisites): Last lesson, the students learned some basic games that help build to these new games. Lesson structure and progression: Instant Activity: The students will go right into a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors relay Game: The students will then play a game of Builders and Bulldozers Introduction: The teacher will briefly go over todays lesson. The teacher will then introduce the Soccer unit. Today we will be learning how to dribble and trap a soccer ball. Activity: The students will then practice how to dribble and trap a soccer ball. Game: The students will then play a game of Freeze Soccer. Game: The students will go right into a game of Soccer Marbles. Closing: The teacher will go over and reiterate what was learned in todays lesson. Teaching Styles: Instant Activity: Practice style practice of previously learned skill Game: Practice style - kids will play two games and practice different locomotor movements Activity: Practice style students will learn dribbling and trapping by practicing Safety: Shoes are tied/fastened Be aware of your surroundings look around Keep your hands to yourself Remember not to touch any equipment that is set up Eyes and ears on me while I am talking

Rules of Rock, Paper, Scissors Relay: Four cones, one is each corner of the gym, will be setup. Students will be divided into two groups to start and go to different cones. When the whistle blows students will partner up and play one game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. The winner of that game will get to move on to the next cone and partner up with another player and play another game. This will continue till the whistle blows and the coach calls out a different locomotor movement. Rules of Builder and Bulldozers: The teacher will randomly set throughout the gym and will explain to the students that there will be two groups (Boys and Girls) moving around the general space during this activity. One group, the Bulldozers, their job is to go around tipping over as many buildings (cones) as they can. The Builders are to rebuild the fallen cones by standing the fallen cones back up. All students will have to travel from cone to cone using a pre-determined locomotor movement (walk, hop, jump, etc.). Have the students switch groups midway through the instant activity. Dribbling a Soccer Ball: students will be asked to dribble a soccer ball by walking and using the insides of their feet to move the ball back and forth as they move forward. Keeping control is the most important part of dribbling a soccer ball because if the ball travels too far the defender will steal it. Trapping a Soccer Ball: students will be asked to trap a ball by using two different methods. One, students will use the inside of their foot and slowly cradle and stop the ball. Two, students will put their foot directly on top of the ball to stop it. Trapping the ball is the best way to ensure the other team doesnt get control of the ball. Freeze Soccer: students will stay spread out all over the gym floor. The class will then be divided into boys and girls. The boys will be asked to remain frozen, widen out their feet, and hold their soccer ball. The girls will then try and dribble their soccer ball through as many of the frozen boys legs as they can while keeping count. The teams with switch on the whistle. Soccer Marbles: students will stay spread out all over the gym floor. Students will dribble the ball around the gym floor, trying to kick their ball into another students ball. If a student successfully hits another students ball and that ball goes out of the perimeter of the basketball court, that student will have to go retrieve their ball and do a certain amount of jumping jacks.

5 mins

Instant Activity: The students play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors Relay to start the lesson off

Students will stay on the outside perimeter of the basketball court.

Listen up Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Listen up Builders Bulldozers Two fingers Do not kick the cone Do not slap the cone Insides of the feet Stay in control Not to far Trap Stop Top of the ball Insides of the feet Control the ball Control your body Stop the ball Top of the ball Walking Insides of the feet Control the ball Control your body Stop the ball Top of the ball Walking Wide open legs Kick ball into ball Do not kick another ball Out of bounds 5 jumping jacks

Challenges/ Modifications
Run Walk Skip Hop Gallop Walk Run Skip Hop Gallop


Game: The teacher will go over the rules of Builders and Bulldozers. The students will then play a game

Students will spread out in free space on the gymnasium floor

5 mins

8 mins

Introduction: students will be told to sit on the yellow lines (boys on one, girls on the other). The teacher will then briefly go over todays lesson. The teacher will demonstrate dribbling and trapping. Main: students will now practice dribbling and trapping. They will keep control of the soccer ball while walking around the gymnasium in free space.

Students will be seated on the yellow lines

Students will stay spread out on the gymnasium floor

5 mins

Freeze Soccer: students will play a game of freeze soccer. They will divide into two teams, boys vs. girls.

Students will stay spread out on the gymnasium floor

Count how many times the ball got away from you If the ball goes outside perimeter, 5 jumping jacks Pick up the pace Not as wide

8 mins

Soccer Marbles: students will play a game of soccer marbles. If the ball travels outside of the court, 5 jumping jack

Students will stay spread out on the gymnasium floor

7 mins

Closing: The teacher will go over and reiterate what was learned in todays lesson. The students will also be given time for water.

Students will sit inside the circle. Students will then line up for water

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