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Lab 4 (1 3/4 hours): Configuring collections

Part I Working with full text data The first exercise focuses on additional features that can be added to text-based collections such as HTML, Word and PDF. Revision: 1. Start a new collection called tudorX (the X is for extra). Fill out the requested fields with appropriate information. Choose Dublin Core as the metadata set to use with this collection. 2. In the Gather panel, open the html_large folder in test_files on the CD-ROM and copy into your new collection. 3. Build the collection, preview it and check the extracted metadata. Now add some extra features: 4. To add a PHIND classifier (an interactive hierarchical phrase index), switch to the Design panel and choose the Browsing Classifiers item from the left-hand list. Choose Phind from the Select classifier to add menu. Click Add Classifier. A window pops up asking for configuration options: leave the values at their preset defaults (this will base the phrase index on the full text) and click <OK>. For tidiness sake, remove the classifier for Source metadata (included by default) from the list of currently assigned classifiers, because this adds little to the collection. Build the collection again, preview it and try out the new phrases option in the navigation bar. An interesting search term for Phind is king. We now experiment with restricting searching to different areas of a collection: 5. To partition the collection into subcollections, select Partition Indexes from the Design panel. Define the following three filters: Subcollection filter name: monarchs; match against Filename; regular expression monarchs; Include. Subcollection filter name: relatives; match against Filename; regular expression relative; Include. Subcollection filter name other; match against Filename; regular expression (monarchs|relative); Exclude. 6. Move to the Assign Partitions section of Partition Indexes (its a tabbed panel within the Design panel). Add three partitions, one for each partition: monarchs,

relatives and other. This might seem redundant, having already entered these terms in the previous step; but the use of these partitions is connected with multilingual support. 7. Rebuild the collection and preview it to see the changes in the search page. Try searching for documents relating to mary in the relatives partition of the collection. We now manually add metadata that explicitly expresses a subject hierarchy, and build a classifier that exploits it: 8. Switch to the Enrich panel and open the tudor folder in the left-hand panel. 9. Click on the citizens folder and then select dc.Subject from the right-hand side as the value that will be manually assigned. In its value box enter: Tudor Period\Citizens and click Append. An alert appears stating that all documents within this folder will inherit this metadata item. Click <OK>. 10. Repeat the process for the monarchs and relatives folders, assigning the terms Tudor Period\Monarchs and Tudor Period\Relatives respectively. 11. Now switch to the Design panel and add a Hierarchy classifier in the Browsing Classifiers part. Set its configuration option for hfile to dc.Subject.txt, its buttonname to Subject, and its metadata to dc.Subject. 12. Finally rebuild your collection and preview it. There will be a subject button in the navigation bar that presents documents in the citizens, monarchs and relatives folders as a hierarchy under the shared root term Tudor Period. Part II Working with bibliographic data We now turn attention to configuring collections based on bibliographic content. We use MARC as the sample input format: 1. Start a new collection called Beatles Bibliography which will contain a collection of MARC records from the U.S Library of Congress on the Beatles. Enter the requested information. There is no need to include any metadata sets. 2. In the Gather panel, open the sample_marc folder on the CD-ROM and include it in the collection by dragging locbeatles50.marc into the right-hand pane and dropping it there. 3. In the Document Plugins section of the Design panel, add MARCPlug to the list. Leave its options at their preset defaults. 4. Remove the plugins TextPlug to PSPlug (ZIPPlug, GAPlug and MARCPlug remain above the dividing line). It is not strictly necessary to remove these

redundant plugins, but it is good practice to include only plugins that are needed, to avoid unwanted (and unexpected) side effects. [Note: you must delete plugins one at a time. Alt-R is a hot key for this, and you can work faster by clicking on a plugin, deleting it with Alt-R, and continuing in this fashion.] 5. Now select Browsing Classifiers from within the Design panel and remove the default classifier for Source metadata. In this collection all records are from the same file, so Source metadata, which is set to the filename, is not particularly interesting. 6. Switch to the Create panel, build the collection, and preview it. Browse through the titles a-z and view a record or two. Try searchingfor example, find items that include George Martin. 7. Add an AZCompactList classifier for the Subject metadata. Select this item from the relevant menu and click <Add Classifier>. In the popup window, select ex.Subject as the metadata item, activate the mingroup option and set its field to 1. AZCompactList is like AZList, except that terms that appear multiple times in the hierarchy are automatically grouped together and a new node, shown as a bookshelf icon, is formed. Setting mingroup to 1 means that the bookshelf appears even when there is just one item, and is done here to provide a more uniform display. 8. Build the collection and preview the result. 9. Make each bookshelf node show how many entries it contains by appending this to the Format Features for VList format statement in the Design panel: {If}{[numleafdocs],<td><i>([numleafdocs])</td>} Click <Replace Format>, switch to the Create panel, and click <Preview> (no need to rebuild). 10. Next add fielded searching. In the Design panel select Search Types from the left-hand list and activate the Enable Advanced Searches options. 11. Rebuild the collection and preview the results. Notice that the collections home page no longer includes a query box. (This is because the search form is too big to fit here nicely.) To search, you have to click search in the navigation bar. Note that the Preferences page has changed to control the advanced searching options.

To finish the collection off, brand it with an image that will be used to represent the collection on the Greenstone page, and appear at the top of each page of the collection: 12. Using the Windows file manager, open My Computer GSDL Fiji test_files sample_marc (you will need to right-click GSDL Fiji to avoid autostarting it). Then open another window that shows the files in: My Computer Local Disk (C:) Program Files gsdl collect beatlesb Drag beatles_logo.jpeg from the sample_marc folder and drop it into beatlesb. 13. Return to the Librarian Interface, switch to the Design panel, and select General from the left-hand list. In the box for URL to about page icon enter: _httpprefix_/collect/beatlesb/beatles_logo.jpeg Alternatively you can use the browse button to navigate to this file in My Computer Local Disk (C:) Program Files gsdl collect beatlesb and select it. 14. Repeat this process for the URL to home page icon, using the same text (copy and paste it using the edit menu). 15. Now rebuild the collection and preview it. Part III Extra work 1. Add textual documents (downloaded from the web) to your tourism collection

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