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Help on the General DLL Block

Help on the General DLL Block in PSIM

Powersim Inc. October 2004

Unlike the simple DLL blocks with fixed number of inputs and outputs (such as the DLL Block with 3 inputs and 3 outputs), the general DLL block provides more flexibility and capability in interfacing PSIM with custom DLL files. This file describes the convention and basis of the general DLL block. The general DLL block allows users to write code in C or C++, compile it as a Windows DLL, and link to PSIM. There are four exported functions. PSIM simulation engine uses three of them, and one is used by the user interface. The three simulation functions are: RUNSIMUSER, OPENSIMUSER and CLOSESIMUSER. The user interface function is: REQUESTUSERDATA. They are described as below.

void RUNSIMUSER( double t, double delt, double *in, double *out, void ** ptrUserData, int *pnError, char * szErrorMsg) This function is the only function in the DLL routine that is mandatory. All other functions are optional. This function is called by PSIM at each time step. The DLL routine receives values from PSIM as inputs, performs the calculation, and sends results back to PSIM. The node assignments are: the input nodes are on the left, and the output nodes are on the right. The sequence is from the top to the bottom. Each parameter is explained as follow. double t : (Read only) Time in seconds double delt : (Read only) Time step in seconds double * in : (Read only) Array of input values. If the DLL block has three inputs, they are accessed by in[0], in[1], and in[2] double *out : (Write only) Array of output values. After calculations are performed, outputs should be written to this array. If the DLL block has four outputs, they would be accessed by out[0], out[1], out[2], and out[3] void ** ptrUserData: (Read, Write) Pointer of the user-defined data. For more information, refer to the function OPENSIMUSER.

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int *pnError: (Write only) On successful return, set pnError to 0. On error, set it to 1. Example: *pnError = 0; //success char * szErrorMsg: (Write only) If there is an error, copy the error message to this string. Example: strcpy(szErrorMsg, "input 2 can not exceed 50V");

void OPENSIMUSER( const char *szId, const char * szNetlist, void ** ptrUserData, int *pnError, LPSTR szErrorMsg, void * pPsimParams) This function is optional. It is called only once at the beginning of the simulation. It receives information from the DLL routine, and allows the DLL routine to allocate memory for its own use. The parameters are explained as below. const char *szId: (Read only) string ID of the DLL block const char * szNetlist: (Read only) Netlist string of the DLL block. The netlist can be viewed from PSIM by choosing Simulate -> Generate Netlist file -> View Netlist File. The netlist string is a series of parameters separated by space. The netlist format for the general DLL block is as follows: DLL_EXT Element name Number of input nodes Number of output nodes Node names of the input nodes Node names of the output nodes Full path and file name of the DLL file for this DLL block Parameters defined and set in the user interface (if exist) Full path and file name of Input data file (if exist) The following is an example of the DLL block netlist string with the name as DLL1 and two input nodes and two output nodes. DLL_EXT DLL1 2 2 1 2 3 4 C:\psim\pfc_vi_dll.dll The following is another example of the DLL block netlist string with the name as DLL2 and two input nodes, three output nodes, three extra parameters, and an input data file. DLL_EXT DLL2 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 C:\PSIM\TestBlock.dll 1000 10 90 "C:\Text1.txt" void ** ptrUserData : (Read, Write) This is a pointer to the user-defined data. The memory must be allocated in the function OPENSIMUSER and freed in CLOSESIMUSER. It is passed to RUNSIMUSER on every call. It allows the DLL to manage its own data during the simulation.

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Note: This pointer is not the same as the user- defined pointer in the function REQUESTUSERDATA. It is not possible to pass a pointer from REQUESTUSERDATA to any of the simulation functions. They communicate via Netlist line only. int *pnError: (Write only) On successful return, set pnError to 0. On error, set it to 1. Example: *pnError = 0; //success char * szErrorMsg: (Write only) If there is an error, copy the error message to this string. Example: strcpy(szErrorMsg, Input 2 can not exceed 50V"); void * pPsimParams: (Read only) A pointer to the following structure: struct EXT_FUNC_PSIM_INFO { char m_szPsimDir[260]; char m_szSchDir[260]; char m_szSchFileName[260]; }; where each structure member is defined as follows: char m_szPsimDir[260] : PSIM folder char m_szSchDir[260] : Folder containing the schematic file (*.sch) char m_szSchFileName[260] : Full path and file name of the schematic file

void CLOSESIMUSER( const char *szId, void ** ptrUserData) This function is optional. It is called only once at the end of the simulation. Its main purpose is to allow DLL to free any memory or resources that it has allocated. const char *szId : (Read only) String ID of the DLL block void ** ptrUserData: (Read, Write) Pointer to the user-defined data. For more information, refer to the function OPENSIMUSER.

void REQUESTUSERDATA( int nRequestReason, int nRequestCode, int nRequestParam, void ** ptrUserData, int * pnParam1, int * pnParam2, char * szParam1, char * szParam2) This function is optional. It handles the user interface with PSIM. It is called by PSIM when the general DLL block element is created, or its properties are modified in the property box. The parameters are described as follows.
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int nRequestReason : It describes the user action when this function is called. The possible values are: A new DLL block is placed on the schematic and this DLL is selected. ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD A schematic file with DLL blocks is being loaded, or being pasted as part of the copy/paste operation. ACTION_ELEMENT_SAVE A schematic file with DLL blocks is being saved or a buffer (Copy/paste operation) ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED A new input file is selected. ACTION_PARAMETERS_CHANGED Parameters are changed in the property dialog box. ACTION_ELEMENT_DELETE An element is being deleted or a file is being closed. Example: When a user places a DLL block from the library on to a schematic, after the DLL file name is defined for this block, the function REQUESTUSERDATA will be called and the parameter nRequestReason will be set to ACTION_DLL_SELECTED. int nRequestCode : It describes the information that is being requested from DLL. The possible values are: REQUEST_BEGIN: A new request is initiated. The values of pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, and szParam2 depend on the value of nRequestReason. REQUEST_END: Request is finished. pnParam1: Ignored pnParam2: Ignored szParam1: Ignored szParam2: Ignored REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT: Request the number of parameters that will be displayed on the right side of the property box, between 0 and 10. pnParam1(Read, Write): Number of parameters. pnParam2(Read, Write): If an input data file is required, set it to 1, otherwise set it to 0. szParam1(Read, Write): File open dialog filter for the input data file. It must conform to the file open dialog filter format. The following is a properly formatted filter string:"All Files|*.*|Image files|*.jpg;*.bmp;*.gif|Text Files|*.txt||". The default value for the filter is: "All Files|*.*||" szParam2(Read only): String ID associated with the element. Example: The following code is a possible response to this request. It asks for three parameters and the input file with extension aaa. *pnParam1 = 3; // 3 parameters *pnParam2 = 1; // Input Data File is required strcpy(szParam1, "MyProgram Files|*.aaa|All Files|*.*||"); //File Filter REQUEST_DATAFILE_INFO: Request information of the input data file.
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pnParam1(Read, Write): If set to 1, a check box will be displayed in the property box. When the check box is checked, the file path will be displayed in the schematic. pnParam2: Ignored szParam1(Read, Write): Label that is displayed in the property box. The length is 20 characters maximum. The default value is "Input Data File". szParam2(Read Only): Full path and file name of the selected file. Example: The following code changes the label from the default value of "Input Data File" to "MyProgram data File", and requests a check box for the data file. strcpy(szParam1, "MyProgram data File"); *pnParam1 = 1; // Show Display check box REQUEST_PARAM_INFO: Request information on each parameter. nRequestParam(Read only): Zero based parameter index pnParam1: If set to 1, a check box will be displayed in the property box. When the check box is checked, the parameter value will be displayed in the schematic. pnParam2 : ignored szParam1(Read, Write): Label that is displayed in the property box. The length is 20 characters maximum. szParam2(Read, Write): The parameter value. The length is 50 characters maximum. Example: The following code sets the labels of 3 parameters and ensures that Parameter 1 is an integer between 3 and 10. switch(nRequestParam) { //Three Parameters expected case 0: strcpy(szParam1, "Moving Avg. Samples"); *pnParam1 = 1; // Show Display check box //verify the value nVal = atoi(szParam2); if( nVal < 3 ) { nVal = 3; } if( nVal > 10 ) { nVal = 10; } itoa( nVal, szParam2, 10); break; case 1: strcpy(szParam1, "Multiplier"); *pnParam1 = 1; // Show Display check box if( strlen(szParam2) == 0 ) { strcpy(szParam2, "3.14"); } break;
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case 2: strcpy(szParam1, "Title"); *pnParam1 = 0; // Do not Show Display check box break; default://Only expecting three parameters break; } REQUEST_IN_OUT_NODES: Get and set the number of input and output nodes pnParam1(Read, Write): Number of input nodes. pnParam2(Read, Write): Number of output nodes. szParam1: Ignored szParam2: Ignored These values can be modified at any time and the changes will be reflected immediately in the schematic window. Example: The following code sets the number of input nodes to 1 and the number of output nodes to 2: *pnParam1 = 1; // one input node *pnParam2 = 2; // two output nodes REQUEST_INPUT_NODE_INFO: Request information on each input node. nRequestParam: Zero based node index pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read, Write): Node label. The length is 20 characters maximum. szParam2: Ignored Example: The following code sets the label of the first input node. switch(nRequestParam) { //One input node case 0: strcpy(szParam1, "in1"); break; default: break; } REQUEST_OUTPUT_NODE_INFO Request information on each output node. nRequestParam: Zero based node index pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read, Write): Node label. The length is 20 characters maximum. szParam2: Ignored For each output node you may change its label at any time.

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Example: The following code sets the label for two output nodes. switch(nRequestParam) { //two output nodes case 0: strcpy(szParam1, "o1"); break; case 1: strcpy(szParam1, "o2"); break; default: break; } int nRequestParam : This value depends on the parameter nRequestCode. void ** ptrUserData: This is a pointer to the user-defined data. It is included in every function call and allows users to manage ones own data. Memory is allocated and freed by the user. Memory can be allocated, reallocated or freed at any time. However, the logical choice for allocating the memory is at REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_BEGIN,) and REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_BEGIN, ) If data is loaded from an input file, one may also choose to allocate the memory at REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_BEGIN,) The memory is generally freed at REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_DELETE, REQUEST_BEGIN,) Example: The following code demonstrates how to use this value. Struct MyStruct { int myInteger; } //Allocate memory *ptrUserData = new MyStruct(); // Use your internal data MyStruct * pData = (MyStruct)(*ptrUserData); PData-> myInteger = 10; // Free memory if( *ptrUserData != NULL ) {
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delete (MyStruct)(*ptrUserData); *ptrUserData = NULL; } int * pnParam1, int * pnParam2 , char * szParam1, char * szParam2: These arguments depend on the values of nRequestReason, nRequestCode and nRequestParam.

Call Sequences
To write a DLL that works with PSIM, It is essential to understand the way PSIM interacts with the DLL. The parameter nRequestReason of the function REQUESTUSERDATA describes the user action. The following is a description of the REQUESTUSERDATA function calls, organized based on the value of nRequestReason. ACTION_DLL_SELECTED The user places a general DLL block on the PSIM schematic, double clicks on the image to bring up the property box, and defines the DLL File. At this point, PSIM loads the DLL and looks for the function RUNSIMUSER. If this function does not exist, DLL will be rejected. The RUNSIMUSER function is mandatory for the general DLL block. Next, PSIM will look for the function REQUESTUSERDATA in the DLL. If DLL exports this function, PSIM calls it several times to gather information on the DLL. Here is the description of each of these calls: REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read only): Full path and file name of the DLL. szParam2(Write only): Full path and file name of the default input data file. This is a good place to allocate memory for ptrUserData. For example, *ptrUserData = new Internal_DLL_RuntimeData(); If a default file for the input data file is required, copy its full path and file name to szParam2. The file must exist, otherwise it will be ignored. Also, at the next call REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT, the input data file must be requested. If a file path is set at this point, after this sequence ends, a new sequence with ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED will be executed. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_DATAFILE_INFO, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_PARAM_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): This function is called several times with the value of nRequestParam set from 0 to number of parameters 1 (the number of parameters was set in previous calls). For each parameter you may change its label or value at any time. For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode.
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REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_IN_OUT_NODES, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): This function is called to get and set the number of input and output nodes. You may change the number of nodes at any time. In some cases, number of nodes depends on the input data file. In that case you can ignore this call here and handle it at ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED. For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_INPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode and REQUEST_INPUT_NODE_INFO. This function is called several times with the value of nRequestParam set from 0 to number of input nodes 1. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, EQUEST_OUTPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): This function is called several times with the value of nRequestParam set from 0 to number of output nodes 1. For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_DLL_SELECTED, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): For more information, refer to the section on nRequestCode. ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD There are two situations where this sequence of calls would be executed. One is when a schematic file is being loaded and a general DLL block is present in the file. Another is during a copy/paste operation when a general DLL block is being pasted. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): pnParam1(Read only): Number of valid bytes in szParam1 pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read only): Binary data that is provided by DLL at save time. Refer to ACTION_ELEMENT_SAVE for more information. szParam2(Read, Write): Selected input file path. One may modify the file path here. This is a good place to allocate memory for ptrUserData. For example, *ptrUserData = new Internal_DLL_RuntimeData(); This is the first call to the DLL from PSIM for each DLL block. If the DLL block is new (selected from the Elements menu and placed in the schematic window), the sequence of calls with ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD would not be executed. Instead, the sequence of calls with ACTION_DLL_SELECTED is executed. You may decide to ignore the rest of this sequence, in which case the values that were selected in the previous session and saved in a file, or values that are copied (in case of copy/paste operation) would be used. The following calls are the rest of this sequence. For more information, refer to the nRequestCode section. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2);

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REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_DATAFILE_INFO, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_PARAM_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_IN_OUT_NODES, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_INPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_OUTPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); ACTION_ELEMENT_SAVE This sequence is called when saving an element to a file or copying an element as part of a copy/paste operation. A buffer with the maximum size of 100 bytes is provided for saving the DLL specific information. This could be the DLL version or any additional parameter that is not one of the displayed parameters. This buffer will be passed back to the DLL during the sequence ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_SAVE, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): pnParam1(Write only): Number of valid bytes in szParam1 pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Write only): Copy binary data to be saved in the .sch file (DLL version, File Version, ...) (maximum 100 bytes) szParam2(Read only): Selected input file path For example, the following code copies 25 bytes of user defined binary data: //copy 25 bytes of binary data. memcpy(szParam1, mydata, 25); *pnParam1 = 25; REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_SAVE, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED This sequence is executed every time a new input data file is selected in the DLL blocks property box. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): pnParam1(Write only): By setting pnParam1 to 0, you can reject this file. If the file is rejected, REQUEST_END is called immediately and the value of input file path is reverted back to the previous value. pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read, Write): Full path and file name of the selected input file. This parameter is both readable and writeable. You may modify the path and file name. szParam2: Ignored.
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The following calls are the rest of this sequence if the file is not rejected. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_DATAFILE_INFO, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_PARAM_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_IN_OUT_NODES, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_INPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_OUTPUT_NODE_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2); ACTION_PARAMETERS_CHANGED This sequence is executed every time the data in the property box is modified. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_PARAMETERS_CHANGED, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. zzParam1: Ignored. szParam2: Ignored. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_PARAMETERS_CHANGED, REQUEST_PARAM_INFO, nRequestParam, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): This function is called several times with nRequestParam set from 0 to 'number of parameters 1' nRequestParam: Zero based parameter index. pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. szParam1(Read Only): Parameter label. szParam2(Read, Write): Parameter value. The value can be changed, but it can not be rejected and the message box can not be popped up in this function. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_PARAMETERS_CHANGED, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2): ACTION_ELEMENT_DELETE This sequence is executed when an element is being deleted or the schematic file is being closed. Any memory or resources that have been created must be freed. REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_DELETE, REQUEST_BEGIN, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2):
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pnParam1: Ignored. pnParam2: Ignored. zzParam1: Ignored. szParam2: Ignored. This is the proper place to free any allocated memory. For example, delete (Internal_DLL_Block_RuntimeData *)(*ptrUserData); *ptrUserData = NULL; REQUESTUSERDATA(ACTION_ELEMENT_DELETE, REQUEST_END, 0, ptrUserData, pnParam1, pnParam2, szParam1, szParam2);

Three examples are provided to illustrate the use of the general DLL block, as described below. TestBlock (Files: general_dll_block_test1.sch, TestBlock.dll) In this example, the number of input/output nodes and the node labels are read from an input data file. When the DLL block is loaded from the schematic file (ACTION_ELEMENT_LOAD) or the input file is changed (ACTION_INPUTFILE_CHANGED), the DLL loads the file and reallocates the memory for its internal data. The general DLL block has ten parameters. It sets the number of parameters when a new element is created by handling ACTION_DLL_SELECTED: REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT. It ignores all other calls to REQUEST_PARAM_COUNT , thus retaining the original value of the number of parameters through the life of the element and through multiple simulation sessions. TestBlock2 (Files: general_dll_block_test2.sch, TestBlock2.dll) In this example, the general DLL block has one input node and two output nodes. It has an input data file and three parameters (an integer, a floating-point value, and a string). The string parameter is used as the output file name. During the simulation, the DLL opens and reads the input data file. It performs calculations using the values from the input data file and the parameters. The DLL writes results to the output data file. TestBlock3 (Files: general_dll_block_test3.sch, TestBlock3.dll) In this example, the DLL does not export the user interface function REQUESTUSERDATA. The property box of the element allows the user to enter the number of input and output nodes. There are also five parameters and an input data file. This example demonstrates how the DLL obtains the parameter values and the input data file path from PSIM. These parameters and the input data file, however, are not used inside the DLL and are left blank. The example assumes that the general DLL block has at least one input node and one output node.

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