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Universal Design Learning

Spanish Lesson Plan Genevieve White


The plan
1. Review verbs, what they are, what they do, and how they change for different people in English. 2. Introduce the concept of verb endings for each subject in Spanish, and compare to English patterns. 3. Activate students prior knowledge of subject pronouns in Spanish through oral review and flashcards on the television. 4. Teach the verb endings that match each of the pronouns (take notes). 5. Fill out several verb charts together to practice the pattern for the varying verb endings for different subjects.


Hand out cut-up sentences: Verb stems of various verbs with different meanings (students already know this information), and the verb endings to attach to the end of the stems. 7. Put English sentence on screen (I walk, we eat, they talk for example). Say sentence in English out loud. Students will then prove their knowledge and practice the concept in one of five ways: 1. For the average learner, arrange the paper sentence components on their desk. They will write down what they believe to be the correct answer. They will then check their answers when the correct Spanish answer is put on the screen. If there are errors, they will rearrange their sentence, then write the correct answer on a piece of lined paper.

The plan

The plan
2. For the learner who requires a little bit more assistance, those students will be paired up, and the two people will follow the same procedure above, but while talking about the concept together and reading aloud to one another. 3. For the above-average learner, they will follow the model in number one, but will eliminate the paper sentence arrangement component, and will go straight to writing the sentence down correctly on the lined paper.

The plan
4. For those students who require a large amount of assistance, dont learn well in this high-production format, or have accommodations that must be met, they will be allowed to work on the computer, alone or in pairs, and receive the extra support of the online dictionary in which they may type the answer they think is correct, and receive either confirmation or what the actual translation is. This allows for additional trial-and-error that will not adversely effect them. F 5. or those in need of a great amount of extra help, students may type in the English sentence and receive the Spanish translation. They must then write the correct answer on their lined paper, and explain in English WHY that is the correct answer.

Student progress will be monitored individually by the instructor as she circulates the room and checks individual students sentences. Students will monitor their own progress as after each sentence the correct answer is put on the screen, and students check their answers and ask questions if they are uncertain as to why an answer is or isn't correct. Student progress will also be monitored and their participation checked when they submit their lined paper with their original guess at the correct answer, and the rewritten correct answer.


Classroom Data

Selected Content Area: Spanish Level I Age & Grade Level: 9th12th grade mixed classes, ages 13-18

1.2- Communication Students read and interpret written overhead and timbre worksheet 1.3-Presentational communication Student recite homework sentences and in-class work answers 3.1-Connections to other disciplines Students compare grammatical concepts to those in the English language 4.1-Comparisons to English Students compare English sentence order and construction to English

Learning Objectives
Students will be able to: Correctly identify and apply the six Spanish personal pronouns Correctly arrange Spanish words into sentences using the accurate AR verb endings Correctly arrange Spanish sentences using prior knowledge of the verbs esuchar, hablar, bailar, cantar, estudiar, trabajar, viajar, visitar, ganar, tocar, nadar and mirar

The Learners
Students in Spanish One are generally comprised of the following: *About boys and girls *Majorily caucasian, with about of the classroom comprised of Black, Asian, Hispanic, or Arabic learners. *Zero or one non-native English speaker. *5-15 students with 504 or IEP plans which require accomodations *Mixed grades and ages; students are permitted to take the class as desired *Mixed amounts of prior knowledge: Students come from other districts with knowledge in the subject from 6th grade onward, some students take World Languages in the middle school (of which Spanish is 1 of 3 languages), and some take Intro to Spanish in 8th grade. Some students have no prior knowledge of the subject or the concepts to be learned at all.


Student Needs: Assessed by instructor circulating the room and checking the sentences on each students desk as she circulates. Those in need of additional assistance will be struggling to form the sentence or have the answer incorrect. Prior knowledge and learning: None of the students have exposure to this higher-level process of verb formation. It is much different than English. As for prior knowledge, prior knowledge about the identification of and functioning of verbs in English will be discussed. Spanish use of verbs will then be introduced and compared to English. Misconceptions: Intercepted as the instructor circulates the room and checks student work, as well as when the answers are displayed on the screen and students check their own work.

Understanding of Students prior knowledge: The class will review verbs, verb structure and usage to test and reinforce students prior knowledge of verbs and their functions. Verbal questions regarding knowledge of Spanish verbs. Also, during guided practice, it will become clear what prior knowledge a student may or may not have based upon whether they are quickly and accurately completing the verb chart with the class as we go along. Connection to prior knowledge: Review of the same concept in students native language, review by flashcard of the Spanish pronouns and Spanish verb definitions.

Differentiated instruction: There are five ways that students may choose or be assigned to complete the task. For the five opportunities, please see slides three through five. Also, the sentences appeal to learners of different styles because they may listen to the sentence as it is read, see it on the television, or have a personal interaction regarding the sentence. Also for students who are visual and spatial learners, they have the option of manipulating the physical pieces of the sentences by arranging them on their desks. This involves a mental, visual, listening, and physical component in the lesson. How the data collected will be used and will impact lesson design: The frustration level of students (or lack thereof) during the activity will inform the instructor of whether or not students have successfully adopted the material. Additionally, by having students record their original responses and the correct responses then collecting these sheets, the instructor may very accurately measure the level of comprehension of the class, and whether or not extensive further review is necessary. The amount of understanding will affect the number of lessons and activities focusing on the topic in future lesson plans.


Type of technology assistance: Students will have sentences read to them in English as they appear in English on the screen. Also, students whose needs dictate it will have computers will multilingual dictionaries that they may use to explore their answers and their knowledge.


I have implemented this activity previously in a much more limited format. The activity works marvelously well for many different learning groups and styles. While explaining or showing the lesson plans to others, the almost constant feedback that I received is that this activity requires more work of me than it does of the students; I am working harder than they are. This is accurate as I have to design the lesson, the materials, cut out the sentences, make the powerpoint presentation, check student answers, and make certain that all the individual pieces are cleaned up and put into baggies afterwards. This reflection will encourage me to amend the design of my lesson only slightly. I will still perform the activity in the manner specified, but will find ways to rest more of the responsibility and labor on the students.

The changes I will make before delivering this project include: determining the number of paper pieces each student should have, and forcing them to count the pieces before beginning the activity. Having students cut out the paper pieces and place them in baggies instead of myself. Anticipate students leaning on one another more during the activity so that the instructor is not responsible for checking every single students sentence every time. The design of the lesson plan seems solid; I simply need to find ways to make the plan feasible and enjoyable for myself as well as the students.

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