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Huawei CX600-X8 Commonly Used Commands for Maintenance Command

dir [ /all ] [ filename ] display alarm { slot-id | all } display bgp [ vpnv4 vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] peer [ ipv4-address ] [ log-info| verbose ]

Displays the information on the specified file or directory in the storage device of the router. Displays alarms. Displays BGP peer. Displays the information on the output port of the LPU reference source and the attributes of the

display clock { config | lpuport | source | line slot-id } clock reference source. display cpu-usage [ slave | slot slot-id ] display current-configuration [ configuration [ configuration-type ] Displays the valid parameters of the router. | controller |interface interface-type [ interface-number ] ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] display fan display fib [ slot-id ] statistics display device [ pic-status | slot-id ] display ftp-server display interface [ interface-type [ interface-number ] [ | { begin | exclude | include ]regular-expression ] Displays the status of the fan. Displays the total number of the FIB entries. Displays the basic information about the router. Displays the parameters of the FTP server in use. Displays the running status and statistics of an interface. Displays IP-related configurations and statistics of an interface such as the packets transceived, display ip interface [ interface-type interface-number ] bytes, multicast packets, and broadcast packets received, sent and discarded. Displays IP-related brief information of an interface such as the IP address, status of the physical display ip interface brief [ slot slot-number [ card card-number ] ] link and protocol, and the description of the interface. Displays IP-related brief information of an interface such as the IP address, status of the physical display ip interface brief [ interface-type [ interface-number ] ] link and protocol, and the description of the interface. display ip routing-table display isis peer [ verbose ] [ process-id | vpn-instance vpn-instanc-name ] display local-user Displays the brief information of IPv4 routing table. Displays the IS-IS peer relationship. Displays the attributes of local users. Displays the statistics and configurations of CPU usage.

display logbuffer [ size value ] [ summary ] [ level severity ] [ slot slot-id ] [ | [exclude | include ] regular-expression ]

Displays the record in the log buffer.

display memory-usage [ slave | slot slot-id ] display ospf [ process-id ] brief display ospf [ process-id ] peer [ interface-type interface-number [ verbose ] | neighbor-id ] display patch-information [ slave | slot slot-id ] display power display saved-configuration [ last ] display startup display switchover state [ slot-id ] display temperature slot slot-id display trapbuffer [ size value ] display voltage slot slot-id display version ping [ ip ] [ -a source-ip-address | -c count | -d | -f | -h ttl-value | -i interface-type interface-number } | -m time | -n |

Displays the CPU usage of the router. Displays the brief information of OSPF. Displays OSPF neighbors. Displays the status of the patch. Displays the status of power supply. Displays the configuration files for next startup of the router. Displays the system software and the configuration files related to the current and next startup. Displays the backup status of the active/standby board. Displays the status of the slot temperature transducer. Displays the record in the alarm buffer. Displays the status of the voltage transducer in the specified slot. Displays the version of system software.

Displays IP network connection and whether the host is reachable. -p pattern | -q | -r | -s packetsize | -t timeout | -tos tos-value | -v | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] * host tracert [ -a source-ip-address | -f first-TTL | -m max-TTL | -p port | -q nqueries | -vpn-instance vpn-instance-name | -w timeout ] * host Tests the gateways through which the packets pass from the host to the destination and checks the network connection to locate the faults.

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