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Rafeek Was sef H ann a E-mail: rafekano@yahoo.

Cu rri cul um V ita e :

Age: 23 Home Phone: 0224851962

14 Ezzat El Zorkanee st. - Hadayek El-Kobba Cell Phone: ++2-0172228235
Cairo, Egypt 13311 Work Phone: 0224174549

Car ee r I would prefer a job in sales that will give me the opportunity to further my already experience ,
with a view later advancement to a more senior-level position , Ask for more responsibility or
Obj ec tiv e more clients , Feel energized by work and Be nice to people I work with develop relationship
with clients or co-workers .

Perso na l Na ti on al ity : Egyptian

Bi rth da te : 27/4/1986
Inform at io n Ge nd er : Male
Mar it al st at us : Single
milit ary st at us : Postponed

Exp er ie nc e Key A ccou nt Sa le s R ep res ent ati ve .

Egyptian International Beverage Company (EIBCO), Egypt, Cairo, Dec 2008 - Present
Job de scr ip tio n :
Iam working as sales representative for all Egypt ian Int ern ati ona l B ev er age C omp an y
products and responsible for Giza , 6 th of octo ber h ot el s , resorts , boats and restaurants .
Establish and maintain current client and potential client relationships .
Prepare action plans and schedules to identify specific targets and to project the number of
contacts to be made .
Identify and resolve client concerns .
collections .

Sa le s R ep rese nta ti ve
Nestlé Egypt, Egypt, cairo, Sep 2007 - Dec 2008
Job de scr ip tio n :
Iam worked as salesperson for all Ne st le dry goods and responsible for Nasr cit y at retail
section .
weekly visits to my customer .
The development of vertically and horizontally sales .
Preparation of daily reports .

Edu ca ti on Ain Shams University, Bac he lor, Co mmer ce A ccou nt in g , Sep 2003 - Jun 2007
Majo r : A ccou nt in g , Gr ade : Go od .
Esmaeel El Kabanee , High Sc ho ol, g en er al ce rt if icat ion , Sep 2000 - Jun 2003
Gr ade : 80 % .

Summ ary L an gu ag e: - Ar abi c : Mother-tongue , Eng lish : Good .

C ompu ter s kil ls: - Good .
of F iel d o f ex peri en ce an d ot her qu al ifica ti on s: -
Skill s 1- Training at Cr ed it Agr icole Egy pt in the field of sales ( pe rs ona l loa ns ) during the
study period .
2- FMP B ( field management best practice ) from HR division . Trai ni ng c ente r o f Ne st le
Egypt & H orn o f A frica .
Pre vi ous cou rses : - Courses in English conversation from ( AXON ) .

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