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A project

of Volunteers

in Asia

Metal-Sending by : R.D. hann


Pilblished by: Intermediate Technology 9 King Street London WC2E %HN United Kingdom paper copies are 0.95 British



pounds. Publications, Ltd.

Available from: Intermediate Technology 9 King Street London WC2E %HN ljnited Kingdom Reproduced Technology by pezxission Pcblications,

of Intermediate Ltd. in any as those

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Detailed wheel


including with

plans, wood

operating i;lock

instructions, showing




and a plan of an ox-cart in place.


the wheel

and axle design

Exclusive distributor ISBS, Inc. P.O. Box 555 ;r;rv3t Gmve, OR 97116

We are most grateful for the permission giva: by J. ABBEY Cnyineering Nr. Thetford, Norfolk, to !~se the piv% principle design of their Norfolk which this meta!-bending n?e?chine has been b2sed.

Works at Watton, Universal Bender


We also acknowledge the helpful assistance given by staff of the National College of Agriculture at Silsoe and the Tanzania!] Agricultural Machinery Testing Unit in the design, development and construction of the metal-bending machine. Sketches and photographs were provided by Bob Mann and T,+MTU

6% intermediate


Ltd. 1973, 1978.

First published in 1973 by Intermediate Technology Publications 9 King Street, London WCZE EHN.


This new format Printed



1978 Nottingham

by The Russell Press Limited, ISBI\I 0 903031 29 9

Page Foreword Introduction Description Construction Assembly Building Summary a wheel 4 4 5 6 10 11 21

Plans Basic machine Met&bending Machine fittings parts machine plan 7 8 9 (1) (2) wheel 20 14 15

and formers

Wheel axle and jig assembly Wheel axle and jig assembly Ox-cart plan showing integral

and axle design

Research to increase the sum of human knowledge carries with it the double responsibility of recw ng the new information so obtained and of communicating it to others. Too often tht ?v:ng work of extending the frontiers of experience is regarded by the investigator as a co;;:< ~~:,:.;ld worthy end in itself and the cxvxmitant duty to revise and enlarge the chart of establzshed knowledge is neglected. In no ileld of cndeavour is the obligation to record and publish the results of investigation s:i-anger than in the realm of intermediate technology. This is due in part to the general scarcity of publisl-ed information in this already neglected field. It is also due to the fact that the number of human beings in the world which will benefit from silch publications is vastly greater than that of those who stand to benefit from advances at the more sophisticated levels taken for granted in much of Europe and North America. It therefore gives very great pleasure to introduce the accompanying report on the dewopment of a metal-bending machine. This is one of the first of a series published by the Intermediate Techno!ogy Deve!opment Group Ltd. designed to make widely available the results of current progress in its work. At the present time, the Group is engaged in fosrering research and development in intermediate technology in many parts of the world. This report is convincing evidence of the determination to publish the results of such work in a manner well suited to the requirements of the many who stand to benefit from it,



The establishment essential wherever being encouraged.

of hlacksmithing local construction

facilities in rural areas of developing countries is and maintenance of equipment for small farms is

This low-cost pivot-principle hand-operated metal-bending machine has been designed so that it can be constructed locally, since it is fabricated of easi!y available m!ld stee! f!at, angle, bar and pipe materials. The machines main feature is its ability to form wheel rims from cold flat mild steel up to 4 x 3/8 (101 mm x 9.5 mm) cross section, for use on farm carts and other basic agricultural equipment. It can also be used for bending notched angle iron and flat mild steel to whatever angles are required. 4


in brackets

( ! refer to drawings

and photographs

which follow.

The basic machine consists of a fixed arm (A) bolted to two pieces of channel (F), the latter provided with holes at both ends and intended to facilitate mounting of the machine on a bench or other solid surface. The pivoting arw (6) which controls the metal bending operation is fitted with a handle It), and pivot pin (G) which can be placed in any of the nine position holes to fix the arms about the required point according to the bending work involved. The notched angle iron bending former (L) and the material grip/former (Jl were ilitentionally designed with sides angled at 87% to allow for material spring-back when ben:iing angle or flat to 90. The circle bending former (H) was originally built with a bending surface curve of i4 (355 mm) radius. and when bending 4 x 3/8 black mild steel flat this gave a hoop of 33 nominal diameter. Since the aim wes to prcduce a wheel rim of 30 nominal diameter, bring that used ifi a standard ox-cart design (S), a new circle former of 12% (317 mm) radius was built; bending trials were carried out, and after the addition by tack welding of two pieces of 4 x 3i8 (101 mm x 9.5 mm) the then total radius of 13% I336 mm) was found to give a circle of the required 30 nominal diameter. During bending trials it was found that a flat section of up to 3% in length remained a? both ends of the wheel rim and that there was a smaIl amount of stretching of the material during bending: these points are dealt wth in tiw section on 6uildir:g a Wher!.

A 6 C D E F ci

Fixed arm Pivoting arm Fixed arm box Pivoting arm box Handle Mounting supports Pivot pin 5


Circle bending former Material grip/former Cylindrical roller/former An&?-iron bwding former Distance piece/material guide Fixed arm fittings pin Pivoting arm fittings pin

List Part A C F B D E G

of Parts Name


Machine Quantity 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 4 Dimensions (mm)

Fixed arm Fixed arm box Mounting supports Pivoting arm Pivoting arm box Handle Pivot pin Fixed arm bolts Mounting support

12.5 x 76 x 762 M.S. flat 135 x 76 x 76 M.S. angle 76 x 38 M.S. channel (508 long1 12.5 x 76 x 762 M.S. fiat 105 x 76 M.S. angle 35 25 22 20 Dia. Dia. Dia. Dia. M.S. bar (508 MS. bar (229 (190-200 long (length to suit long) long) shanks) mounting



List Part H

of Parts




Farmers Quantity Dimensions (mm)

Circle bending former




Cylindrical roller/former Angle-iron bending former Distance piecelmateriri guide Fixed arm iittings pin Pivoting irm fittings pin

1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

16 x 101 x 340 curved to 311 zZ:c 12.5 x 76 x 279 MS. flat 12.5 x 51 x 101 MS. flat 25 nominal bore pipe (101 long) 101 x 38 x 38 M.S. angle 25 nominal bore pipe (101 longi 25 nominal bore pipe (101 long) 76 x 152 MS. box section (140 long) 12.5 x 76 x 101 M.S. flat 25 Dia. MS. bar (178 long) 25 Dia. M.S. bar (140 long)

Note: 1. 2. All parts of the machine and its fittingslformers are made of ordinary carbon content no higher than that of En 1A Carbon steel. mild steel of

The circle tending former (H) is illustrated exactly as it appeared after modification to increase its radius to that which would provide a 30 (762 mm) nominal diameter rim from 102 mm x 9.5 mm cross section flat black mild steel. The outer curved surface of this former can be made of single piece of 16 mm x 101 mm x 340 mm mild steel flat and will have adequate strength to withstand the bending forces involved. The outer edges of the heads of the fittings pins (NP) can be hammered over so that they will not fall through the arm holes. The 25 nornina! bore pipe used in fittings gaivanised steel water pipe. and farmers is ordinary to splay them

3. 4. 5.

heavy gauge

If on initiat assembly of the machine it is found that the pins (GNP) a? not an eW slide fit. the pivot pin holes and the 25 mm nominal bore pipe pieces can all be lightly reamed or iiled to provide the slight clearance required. 6

_ Basic Machine?&

6 hk% 1 hit, BC 2 ,511 Dlrn

p--30 mm t? -E ,!J I-- 3 ml 4 3w135idia.


-rJ+ I.. I%- ,381

1 I+ r h-----90291 +

I, ml dia.



To constwct the fixed arm (Al), two pieces of 12.5 mm x 76 mm x 762 mm mild steel flat are clamped one on top of the other, and the nine 25 mm diameter pivot pin holes and two 22 mm diamtster bolt holes are drilled through both pieces. Two pieces of angle (C) forming the box are placed in position between the drilled flats (A), 25 mm diameter bars placed through pivot pin holes No. 1 and No. 9; a 135 mm distance piece placed at the outer end and the box-wld 22 mm diameter bolt tightened ensure precise alignment, following which the angles (C) are welded all round and to the flats (A) to form the box.



In builtiing the pivoting arm (82). the two pieces of mild steel flat (6) are clamped together and the nine 25 mm diameter pivot pin holes drilled as described fur the fixed arm. Two pieces of angle (D) are then clamped in box position and welded a!ong their joining edg%, followed by drilling throut;h the angle-iron box a hole of 35 WTn diameter to take the bundle (E). The angle-iron box is theI placed in position between the drilled flats (6). a 105 mm distance piece being inserted at the other end and 25 mm diameter bars placed through pivot pin holes No. 1 and No. 9 to obtain correct alignment, the ancle-box then being welded aii round to the flats (B). One end of the handle (EL?) i5 drilled with a 5 mm diameter hole approx. 15 mm distance from the S~ndle end To t2~e ? retaining pin. The wo machine mounting supports (Fl) are each drilled with one 22 mm diarr:~ S t#ole and two 20 mm diameter holes, the latter to take the mounting support bo:~~:.


To assemble the basic machine the fixed arm (A) is first bolted securely to the mounting supports (FI, t5e latter being then bolted solidly to the mounting surface deck bv 20 mm diameter bolts of the required length. I: is important to note that a distance piece 135 mm long, such as a piece of 25 mm bore pipe, should be used for the 2nd fixed arm bolt to pass through so that it can be tightened and still ensure that the fixed arrr fiats are an equal dis?ance apart throughout their entire length. The assembled basic machine with the pivot pin (Gi inserted through both arms is shown in (3). A small weld nodule can be tacked to the side of the top end of the pivot pin tcs prevent it from falling through the arms or altern~xively the bottom ef the pivot pin can rest on the mounting deck.

The basic machine

The circle bending


in PtXe

TIW circ!e ber~ding former (I+) is placed in position, the pivot pin passing t!>rough holes No. 5 in the machine arms. The cy!indrlcal roller/form@(K) is held in i~.,?le No. 8 position in fhe pivolinq arm by fitrings pin (P). A material grip/former (Jj is _,!:, X1 Centrally on t0P of the disrance piece!material guide (M) both being held in hole Nu. j wsition in the fixed am bv fiirings pin EN). The machine set up as above is now ready i i! the bending operation.

From experimeritation procedure facilitated

during prototype bending trials ii was found that the following the forming of a complete circle: (101 mm x 9.5 mm) blsck mild steel flat and cut it to 101

Take a piece of 4 x 3/8 (2566 mml in length. b.

One operator pushes a 6 (1830 pivoting arm handle (to provide that the fittings are well clear of insetis one end of the mild steel

mm) length of 1% (38 mm) bore pipe over the additional leverage), the pivoting arm is swung bb. i So the circle bending former and the second operate, flat in betwee;i the fittings and the curved formsi.


The mild steel flat is he!d horizontal with iti ;:nd just within the grip between the materia! gripper fitting on the fixed arm and the surface of ihs curved former as the first operator swings the pivotin? arm forwards, the forward movement then being continued by pushing with fuil force on the leverage pipe so that the cylindrical roller on the pivoting arm forces the flat material round until it has curved and is held against the curved former.


The bending then proceeds by the first operator releasing the grip on the material by drawing the pivoting aim backwards, the second operate pushing the material in past the former by about 2 (50 mm) and the cylindrical roller is then forced hard against ?he material once more until it is pushed hard against the curved former. The bending operation continues in this manner by approy. 2 (50 mm) steps until a length of about 12 (305 mm) has been curved. The material is then removed and the same initial bending procedure applied to the other end for ri distance of about 12 (305 mm).



a 0


i / ; /

/ i / j Y 3 2 :

i I I

The wheel rim is replaced in the jig, and the axle is inserted down through the upper axle guide (QRI and the lower axle guide (R), the axle end resting on the axle position adjuster bolt (R9 the latter then being screwed up or down as required to bring the top of the axle in line with the pbme across the upper edge of the wheel rim.

The first six spokes are laid in the spoke guides, their inner ends converging against the axle, as shown. The wheel rim adjuster bolts are used to true the rim, and the spokes are then tack welded to the wheel rim and to the axle.

The whaei_rim adjuster bolts are slackened~ off, the wheel lifted to clear the spoke rest5 and turned 30. then lowered to the jig deck. (Note: the two bolts securlng the upper axle guloe have their heads cut down to 118 (3 mm) in height to avoid their catching on the spokes when the rim is turned 301.

The remaining six alternate wheel spokes are laid in the spoke guides with their inner ends resting on suitably dimensioned distance pieces to position their upper edges at % (12.5 mm) from the end of the axle, followed by tack welding to wheel rim and axle.

The wheel and axle is then removed from the jig and the full fillet welding of all the wheel spokes carried out.

This is the integral wheel and axle design in practical use 6). See detailed overleaf. diagram

I)imensionsin inches


Double vashenearhIi& a, bearing - .mterW.lhW Wld.?d 10fhaft. innerv&w fret to mm Note: The ox-cart can also be designed using the wooden-burh-r,ub.axle rwem. i6fwd 0 two pairs of wooden block bearingson the axle as rllown. BY fhk mefhod, a wooden bush bearing is hard.prerred info a 2% x 8 pipe welded fO the rparer in the centre Of the v&e,. Thir bush bearing. ,brica,ed by one greareCUP,rmefer around a 1% dlaft Whichis welded on two pieces of Plater which are bolted to the two longitudinal members. Tbir sytem reducer the cost conriderabl~ and taker lesstime to comtruct.


The deveilopment of a hand-operated metal-bending machine using common grade mild steel and constructed by fabrication technique has been successfully carried out, bearing in wind the aim to arrive at a design which can be made locally in developing countries and at a cost within the resources of rural craftsmen. It should be noted that separate circle bending farmers hoop diameter as required. have to be built to suit each particular operations in

The machine is versatile in that it can be fitted up to carry out other bending addi?ion to forming hoop iron into circles, for example: a.

To bend notched angle-iron to any angle up to 90. the bending former( Ll is placed at the end of the arms with the pivot pin (G) passing through holes No. 1. two material gripiformers being used. one placed with fittir,gs pin (Nt in No. 3 hole of the fixed arm and the other placed with fittings pin (P) in No. 3 hole of the pivoting arm. The centre of the notch in the angle-iron is positioned precisely against the corner of bending former (Ll and the pivoting arm moved round until the required angle is obtained. In a similar operating position to that described in (a) above, mild steel flat can be bent to any sharp-cornered angle up to 90 using either the bending former (L) or a material grip!former U) op. the pivot pin (G) at holes position No. ? in both machine arms. angle up to 180 by bending roller/former (K) on the pivot pin


Mild steel flat can also be bent to a smooth curve-cornered direct around the pivot pin (G) or by using the cyclindrical (G), using a material grip (.I) in each of the machine arms.

The bending-machine design can & modified to suit the local availability of steel stock sizes. and car? be further developed by addition of other types of farmers and fittings to expand its ilsefulness to other bending operations which may be locally required according to the types of rural/agricu!tuaal toots and equipment which are to be built and maintained in the rural areas.

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