Governor of Kentucky

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Governor of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Governor of Kentucky
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky is the head of the executive branch of government in the U.S. state of Kentucky. Fifty-six men and one woman have served as Governor of Kentucky. The governors term is four years in length; since 1992, incumbents have been able to seek re-election once before becoming ineligible for four years. Throughout the states history, four men have served two non-consecutive terms as governor, and two others have served two consecutive terms. Kentucky is one of only five U.S. states that hold gubernatorial elections in odd-numbered years immediately before the United States Presidential Election. The current governor is Steve Beshear, who was first elected in 2007 and was re-elected in 2011. He is term-limited, and cannot seek re-election in 2015.

Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Seal of Kentucky

The governors powers are enumerated in the state constitution. There have been four constitutions of Kentuckyadopted in 1792, 1799, 1850, and 1891 Incumbent respectivelyand each has enlarged the governors Steve Beshear authority. Among the powers appropriated to the governor since December 11, 2007 in the constitution are the ability to grant pardons, veto legislation, and call the legislature into session. The The Honorable Style governor serves as commander-in-chief of the states Kentucky Governors Mansion Residence military forces and is empowered to enforce all laws of Four years, renewable once Term length the state. The officeholder is given broad statutory Inaugural holder Isaac Shelby (1792) authority to make appointments to the various cabinets Kentucky Constitution Formation and departments of the executive branch, limited Website somewhat by the adoption of a merit system for state employees in 1960. Because Kentuckys governor controls so many appointments to commissions, the office has been historically considered one of the most powerful state executive positions in the United States. Additionally, the governors influence has been augmented by wide discretion in awarding state contracts and significant influence over the legislature, although the latter has been waning since the mid-1970s. The history of the office of Governor is largely one of long periods of domination by a single party, though different parties were predominant in different eras. Federalists were rare among Kentuckians during the period of the First Party System, and Democratic Republicans won every gubernatorial election in the state until 1828. The Second Party System began when the Democratic-Republicans split into Jacksonian Democrats (the predecessor of the modern Democratic Party) and National Republicans (later to become Whigs). Beginning with the election of Thomas Metcalfe in 1828, the Whigs dominated the governorship until 1851, with John Breathitt being the only Democrat elected during that period. With the collapse of the Whig Party in the 1850s, Democrats took control of the governorship for the duration of the Third Party System, with Charles S. Morehead of the Know Nothing Party being the only exception. The election of Republican William OConnell Bradley in 1895 began the only period of true two party competition for the governorship; from Bradleys election through 1931, five Republicans and six Democrats held the office of governor of Kentucky. Since 1931, only three Republicans have served as governor of Kentucky; Ernie Fletcher, who served from 2003 to 2007, was the most recent.

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Governor of Kentucky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 Powers and responsibilities 1.1 Convening and adjourning the legislature 1.2 Veto 1.3 Budget 1.4 Administration and appointments 1.5 Unofficial powers 2 Qualifications and term 3 Election 4 Succession 5 Compensation and residence 6 History of the office 7 See also 8 Notes 9 References 10 External links

Powers and responsibilities

In all four Kentucky constitutions, the first power enumerated to the governor is to serve as commander-in-chief of the states militia and military forces.[1] In 1799, a stipulation was added that the governor would not personally lead troops on the battlefield unless advised to do so by a resolution of the General Assembly.[1] Such a case occurred in 1813 when Governor Isaac Shelby, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, was asked to lead a band of Kentucky troops to aid William Henry Harrison at the Battle of the Thames.[2] For his service, Shelby received the Thanks of Congress and the Congressional Gold Medal.[3]

The governors office

Among the other powers and responsibilities of the governor that appear in all four constitutions are the power to enforce all laws, the power to fill vacancies in elected offices until the next meeting of the General Assembly, and the power to remit fines and grant pardons.[4] The power to pardon is not applicable to cases of impeachment, and in cases of treason, a gubernatorial pardon is only effective until the end of the next session of the General Assembly, which can grant a full pardon for treason.[5] The 1891 constitution further required that, with each application for a pardon, the governor file "a statement of the reasons for his decision thereon, which ... shall always be open to public inspection."[6] This requirement was first proposed by a delegate to the 1850 constitutional convention, but it was rejected at that time.[7] Historically, power in Kentuckys executive has been split amongst a variety of elected positionsincluding Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Auditor of Public Accounts, Treasurer, and several commissionersbut in the late 20th century, political power has centralized in the office of Governor.[8]

Convening and adjourning the legislature

The power of the governor to adjourn the General Assembly for a period of up to four months if the two houses cannot agree on a time to adjourn appears in all four constitutions.[9] The governor is also empowered to convene the General Assembly "on extraordinary occasions".[9] Since the 1799 constitution,

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