BVR Tactics Dissemination

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Michael R. Houck
University of Dayton Research Institute 300 College Park Avenue Dayton, OH 45469-0110 Leslie A. Whitaker


University of Dayton

of Psychology


300 College Park Avenue Dayton, OH- 45469-0110JU Robert R. Kendall

405 Summerchase Way
Woodstock, GA 30188


4'JL1 5 IM



558 First Street 85240-6457 Williams Air Force Base, AZ

May 1993
Final Technical Report for Period January 1991 - December 1991

T 0 R Y

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This technical report is published as received and has not been edited by the technical editing staff of the Armstrong Laboratory. When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely Government-related procurement, the United States Government incurs no responsibility or any obligation whatsoever. The fact that the Government may have formulated or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication, or otherwise in any manner construed, as licensing the holder, or any other person or corporation; or as conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. The Office of Public Affairs has reviewed this report, and it is releasable to the National Technical Information Service, where it will be available to the general public, including foreign nationals. This report has been reviewed and is approved for publication.

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May 1993


January 1991 - December 1991


An Information Processing Classification of Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercepts



PE - 62205F
PR - 1123 TA - 03 WU - 85

Michael R. Houck Leslie A. Whitaker Robert R. Kendall


University of Dayton Research Institute 300 College Park Avenue Dayton, OH 45469-0110

Armstrong Laboratory (AFMC)

Human Resources Directorate Aircrew Training Research Division 558 First Street Williams Air Force Base, AZ 85240-6457



Armstrong Laboratory Technical Monitor: Wayne L. Waag, (602) 988-6561


Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

This research produced a descriptive classification of the task behaviors and cognitive processing associated with performing a beyond-visual-range (BVR) air combat mission. An F-15C defensive counter air mission scenario was analyzed to identify the critical tactical decisions required of the pilot, the information that must be processed in order to make these decisions, and the overt behaviors associated with pilots' information processing. The goal of this classification scheme was to determine observable behaviors that can be used as overt indicators of cognitive information processing. For future research purposes, the classification will provide a framework for identifying observable task behaviors that may be worthy candidates for developing and testing measures of performance. Such measures are essential for assessing the effectiveness of simulator-based training programs for enhancing the cognitive skills necessary for BVR employment.



Aerial warfare

Combat effectiveness

Information processing


Air Intercepts
Beyond visual range

Decision making
Fighter pilots

Situation awareness


NSN 7S40-01-280-5500



Standard Form 298 (Rev 2-89)
Presicribed by ANSI SidO 139-18 298-102


INTRODUCTION ............................................... APPROACH ...................................................


Subject Matter Experts ................................ Scope of Classification ............................... Mission Analysis ...................................... OVERVIEW OF BEYOND-VISUAL-RANGE AIR COMBAT EMPLOYMENT ...... Cognitive Processing Characteristics ..................... CLASSIFICATION OF BEYOND-VISUAL-RANGE AIR INTERCEPT ........ Phase I; Combat Air Patrol .......................... Phase II: Ingress/Intercept .......................... Phase III: Beyond-Visual-Range Attack .................... Phase IV: Merge and Post-Merge Operations .............. GENERAL SUMMARY ............................................ REFERENCES ................................................. APPENDIX A: APPENDIX B: APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: SOURCES OF INFORMATION ....................... MISSION PLANNING AND BRIEFING ................... CRITICAL PILOT DECISIONS AND ACTIVITIES IN DEFENSIVE COUNTER AIR MISSION ................ SUMMARY OF CLASSIFICATION FOR BEYOND-VISUAL-RANGE AIR INTERCEPT ...............

3 4 4 6 9 11 11 14 19 23 27 28 31 33 35 39




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i |

List of Figures Figure No. 1 2 Starting Conditions for the Defensive Counter Air Scenario ............................... Model of Pilots' Information Processing in BVR Air Combat ..................................... Pace 5 8

List of Tables Table No. 1 2 B1 C1 C2 Phases of Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept: Defensive Counter Air Mission .................... Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept Tasks ............................................... Components of Flight Briefing for Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept ................ Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Decisions ........... Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Activities .......... 3 7 34 37 38



technology represents a portion of the training This effort Research Training objectives of.the Armstrong Laboratory, Aircrew maintain and to develop is One of its goals Division (AL/HRA). and by identifying readiness and combat enhanced job performance new and maintaining of developing ways demonstrating cost-effective Work under conducted was this report in described work The skills. Training Technology Evaluation, Unit 1123-25-11, Multiship Tactical supported by Flying Training Research Support, Contract No. F3361590-C-0005 with the University of Dayton Research Institute (UDRI). monitor for this Dr. Herbert H. Bell (AL/HRA) was the technical project. The authors thank Dr. Wayne L. Waag (AL/HRA), Dr. Gary Thomas Human EdD (USAF, Dr. Bell, and Major Steve Ulosovich, (UDRI), Systems Division) for providing comments on an earlier draft. We also thank Mrs. Marge Keslin for preparing the final manuscript. at pilots to the F-15C instructor we express gratitude Finally, time and who shared with us their Air Force Base (AFB) Nellis expertise in support of this work.



Pilots of modern air superiority fighters, such as the F-15C, must train for an expanded combat environment that demands an even greater repertoire of skills than in the past. With the aid of modern sensors and stand-off weapons such as pulse-doppler radar, electronic identification (EID), and radar-guided missiles, much of air combat is conducted beyond visual range of the adversary. The principal objective of beyond-visual-range (BVR) employment is to successfully complete an air intercept--which begins when the F-15C flight detects a threat and commits to attack and culminates in either the launch of air-to-air missiles or in a within-visualrange (WVR) battle. During the BVR portion of an air combat mission, most of the pilot's knowledge of the enemy is provided by onboara sensors (mainly air-to-air radar) and communications. Using these various sources, an F-15C flight must actively acquire, assimilate, and interpret critical information to be cognizant of the situation and to make appropriate tactical decisions. As a result of its complex information processing demands, BVR employment requires extensive cognitive resource management and decision-making abilities, much like electric power plant operation (Bolt, Beranek, & Newman, Inc., 1981) or military command and control (Stubler, 1990). With simulator technology advancing at a rapid pace, it is often suggested that multiship simulation be used to train pilots' cognitive processing for BVR employment. In fact, F-15C pilots have provided favorable evaluations of such training programs (Houck, Thomas, & Bell, 1989; 1991; Thomas, Houck, & Bell, 1990). While pilot opinion on such matters is persuasive, more objective data are needed to measure the effectiveness of training systems and methods. Scoring procedures are needed that reflect aspects of air combat performance that improve as a result of simulator-based training. Because of the substantial information processing demands of modern air combat, these measures must address cognitive processes such as decision making, situation assessment, problem solving, cognitive resource management, and flight coordination. These measures can then be used to evaluate the efficacy of simulator technologies and training methods for BVR employment. The purpose of the present research was to take the first step in developing measures of performance for BVR air combat. This first step involved a descriptive analysis of the task behaviors and cognitive processing associated with performing a BVR air combat mission. Our analysis classified the critical tactical decisions required of the pilot, the information that must be processed in order to make these decisions, and the overt behaviors associated with pilots' information processing. The virtue of this

classification scheme is that the observed behaviors may be used as For future overt indicators of covert information processing. research purposes, the classification will provide a framework for identifying observable task behaviors that may be worthy candidates for developing and testing measures of performance. Performance measurement research, in particular, has been problems: and fundamental persistent by several troubled (a) determining the covert aspects of cognition that affect complex (b) developing general theories of human human performance, and tasks, to real-world are applicable that performance (c) establishing criteria to assess operational performance under naturalistic task conditions (Jones, Hennessy, & Deutsch, 1985; In response, the National Research Vreuls & Obermayer, 1985). Council has recommended a strong course of action for performance measurement research: "Used in concert, analyses of cognitive processes and knowledge and their expression in human performance models provide a strong mechanism for guiding research on behavioral issues in simulation and translating the results into In the same vein, design practice" (Jones, et al, 1985, p. 45). Vreuls and Obermayer (1985) offered several practical suggestions for measuring complex human performance that we have followed in our approach to the present research: (a) conduct a thorough frontend analysis of behavioral requirements and cognitive processing of the task at hand, (b) specify expected levels of expert performance in the operational environment, and (c) use the expertise of subject matter experts (SME) throughout the research, including measuring performance through the development of structured observational techniques. APPROACH We began by analyzing the BVR intercept portion of a defensive counter air (DCA) mission scenario with the purpose of eliciting the critical aspects of performance required to achieve mission objectives. This mission scenario was selected from those used in the earlier evaluation of simulator-based BVR air combat training A more detailed description of conducted by Houck et al. (1991). the simulator system supporting this mission scenario can be found in McDonald, Broeder, and Cutak (1989). We first Our mission analysis involved a four-step process. partitioned the mission scenario into the four sequential phases shown in Table 1. The phase delineations and definitions that we arrived at are similar to that of Kacena (1985)1 and are based on

'USAF Fighter Weapons Review is

not an authorized source of

official US Air Force policy or procedures.


"Table 1.

Phases of Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept: Defensive Counter Air Mission

Combat Air Patrol (CAP)

CAP orbit formation CAP departure to approximately 20' nmi from the threat Within approximately 20" nmi of the threat to visual range Short-range attack or BVR reattack options



Beyond-Visual-Range (BVR) Attack Merge and Post-Merge Operations


Ranges are notional, based on the specifics of the given simulated scenario (i.e., altitude, weapons, threat types) reported in Houck, Thomas, & Bell, 1991.

the changing goal and task structures over the course of mission execution. Next, we identified the critical tactical decisions required of the pilot to attain the goals within each phase. Finally, we specified the information that is necessary to make each decision and determined the overt behaviors or activities that the pilot performs to obtain this information or to fulfill the mission objectives. As such, the performance of these behavioral activities provides, albeit at a broad level, observable indications of the pilot's decision making and information processing. Subject Matter Experts All aspects of the development of this classification involved extensive interaction with SMEs. The third author of this report, a recently retired USAF fighter pilot, served as the primary SME, and provided the major source of information for the initial analyses and classification. This SME graduated from the USAF Fighter Weapons School, was a former aggressor pilot, and had extensive fighter (2,100 hours in F-4 and F-5) and combat experience (350 F-4 hours). In addition, he has had significant

experience in directing and conducting operational evaluations of advanced tactical weapons and systems.



An additional six SMEs were employed to critique and refine the results of our initial analyses and to verify the accuracy and completeness of the final classification. These SMEs were activeduty USAF F-15C instructor pilots assigned to Nellis Air Force Base. Each SME had over 1,000 fighter aircraft hours and graduated from the USAF Fighter Weapons School. Scope of Classification The F-15C is employed in several types of air superiority missions for both offensive and defensive counter air missions (Shaw, 1985). We focused on the BVR segment of a single DCA mission scenario because it is a primary F-15C mission and it requires most of the offensive and defensive capabilities of the F-15C weapons system. The purpose of the DCA mission is to defend a military asset against enemy air attack. The scenario for the DCA mission analyzed for this effort (see Fig. 1) was a "point defenseR of a surface target involving a two-ship flight 2 of F-15Cs (i.e., flight leader and wingman, supported by either an airborne or ground-based air weapons controller (AWC]). The flight's objective was to defend a ground target against a strike package composed of two MiG-27 fighter/bombers escorted by four MiG-29 or Su-27 fighters. Each F-15C carried a standard combat load of four AIM-7M radar-guided missiles, four AIM-9M infrared missiles, and 940 rounds of 20 mm ammunition; enemy aircraft were supplied with appropriate fuel and weapons stores. The F-15C flight's mission objective was to prevent the enemy from bombing the surface target. This objective could be accomplished by shooting down the bombers, forcing them off course, or forcing them to defend themselves, thus requiring them to jettison their bombs away from the target. The four BVR intercept phases for the DCA mission scenario used in our classification are shown in Table 1. Mission Analysis In order to classify any domain of human performance, it is necessary to first identify and describe the critical activities required of the operator to successfully complete his or her term *flight," in standard Air Force usage, refers to a unit of four aircraft which is composed of two *elements& with two aircraft in each. For the analysis presented herein, however, we refer to the two-ship unit of F-15Cs as a "flight." The main reason for using this terminology is that the two-ship F-15 unit in the given scenario operates independently as would a four-ship flight. Use of the term 4element" throughout this report would erroneously imply that the two-ship unit in question may be subordinate to additional flight-level command.

Legend Land



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Figure I Starting Conditions for the Defensive Counter Air Scenario

mission. Our mission analysis was conducted to serve this purpose. It focused on the eleven critical BVR task categories, shown in Table 2, that in our previous research were rated by F-15C pilots as being most amenable to training in multiship simulations (Houck, et al., 1989, 1991; Thomas, et al., 1990). Based on a review of Air Force air-to-air combat employment (see Appendix A) and interviews of and training documents profile of tasks experienced F-15C pilots, we produced an initial required in a BVR air intercept as specified in a standard DCA mission plan (see Appendix B). This profile served as a starting point for a more extensive analysis of mission performance which For was accomplished with significant input from our primary SME. each mission phase, we identified the significant types of decisions required of the flight, the information required for making these decisions, and the activities performed to acquire The entire set of critical pilot decisions and this information. activities included in this classification are listed in Appendix For the purposes of this classification, we C, Tables C1 and C2. define activities as a broad class of behavior, composed of an interrelated sequence of specific actions performed to achieve a common goal. The activity of *operating onboard sensors," Zor example, would be composed of several specific actions including adjusting the radar controls to acquire the threats, visually monitoring the effect of these adjustments, and locking the radar onto targets. After several iterations of analysis and review, a draft mission analysis description was created and was then submitted for review by additional SMEs to ensure accuracy and completeness.
OVERVIEW OF BEYOND-VISUAL-RANGE AIR COMBAT EMPLOYMENT Throughout the course of a BVR air intercept, the pilot

attempts to comprehend the tactical situation in terms of the spatial and temporal relationships between his 3 flight, other To formulate this assessment of friendly flights, and the enemy. the situation, the pilot must integrate information from sources both internal and external to his aircraft. Furthermore, the pilot must develop and maintain this comprehension of the situation while engaging threat aircraft that are maneuvering to confuse and negate The time constraints his attacks, as well as to counterattack. imposed on the pilot are tremendous given that his aircraft is

masculine pronoun, "his," is used in reference to F-15C pilots throughout this report rather than the non-sexist, "his or her," because at the publication date of this report, women in the USAF are not eligible to be pilots of combat aircraft including the F-15C. Please note that "his or her" is used in reference to air weapons controllers whose numbers include both men and women.


Table 2. Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept Tasks

Mission Planning (pre-mission briefing, tactics, operations, and post-mission debriefing) Intraflight Communications Air Weapons Controller Interface Radar Employment--Search Radar Employment--Sorting and Sampling

Electronic Identification Electronic Countermeasures Tactical Intercept Missile Employment All-Aspect Defense Separation

closing on the threat aircraft at approximately 20 nmi per minute. A model of this BVR information processing, adapted from a generic human performance model developed by Pew and Baron (1978), is depicted in Figure 2. As shown, pilots monitor information sources, assess the tactical situation, coordinate with other pilots in the flight and with air weapons control, and decide on and execute courses of action. All of these processes are guided by the mission plan which has been developed to fulfill the objectives of the mission. The key to effective BVR employment lies in comprehending the three-dimensional spatial layout of the tactical situation. To achieve this state, a pilot must integrate information from various sources within the cockpit: offensive data on the left side (i.e., air-to-air radar display), defensive data on the right side (i.e.,

Control Inputs

Aircraft Systems Flight Controls Sensors Weapons


Cockpit Displays (instruments, alarms, aids) Flight Instruments Radio Vertical Situation Display Head-Up Display Radar Warning Receiver Electronic Identification Aids Aircraft Pilot Monitoring Actions '1 _ Monitoring 4

Situation Assessment

~~Mission Pa

Decision Making

Ac tio n s 1 4O I I

t on Communications

Figure 2 Model of Pilots' Information Processing in BVR Air Combat (Adapted from Pew & Baron, 1978)

radar warning receiver [RWR] and electronic warfare warning system displays), and navigation and aircraft status information spread throughout the cockpit. Of these, pilots consider the air-to-air radar display the most important source of threat-related information. Radar information is provided to the pilot in a twodimensional format (i.e., azimuth and range, along with some digitally presented information such as altitude and closure rate). During the BVR portion of the mission, the radar system represents the pilot's only direct window on the threat. Furthermore, pilots consider it to be the most trusted and reliable source of information, as well as the only system over which they can exert real-time control. The flight lead and wingman perform these activities in parallel, with the flight leader having responsibility for integrating their separately derived, and possibly contradictory, information into a composite representation of the tactical situation. For example, the flight leader may have to evaluate whether the target on his nose at 20,000 ft altitude is the same or a different target that his wingman has at 100 azimuth and 20,000 ft altitude. Additional data are available from the AWC, on the ground or airborne, who provides general information regarding the overall tactical situation. The flight leader's task of integrating AWC information with that from the cockpit is not straightforward because of the difference in update rates of the F-15C radar compared to AWC radar (i.e., the pilot's radar is updated every 2 to 3 s whereas the AWC's radar display is updated only every 10 to 15 s). Cognitive Processing Characteristics The inherent nature of the BVR combat environment places enormous demands on the pilot's cognitive resources because of task saturation, time compression, and incomplete or unconfirmed information. According to Wickens (1984), these resources are limited; when task demands exceed the available resources, the pilot either suffers a decrement in task performance or must prioritize the tasks and execute only those that can be supported by available cognitive resources. Another dimension of Wickens' (1984) model is that there are multiple pools of cognitive resources, such that each pool is specialized for processing different cognitive demands. As a result, when the pilot must perform two tasks simultaneously that draw from the same pool, they will interfere with one another if their joint requirements exceed the available resources. Conversely, when two tasks performed simultaneously draw from different resource pools, they are less likely to have mutual interference and each may be performed as well together as separately. The implication of this model for BVR employment is that, for any given tactical situation, the pilot must learn to prioritize

tasks in terms of (a) their importance for attaining mission objectives and survival, (b) the extent to which they can be performed concurrently, and (c) the total cognitive resources The result of an appropriate for each task. available prioritizatioh strategy is that the pilot will be able to allocate available resources to successfully complete the most critical (and As an overview of BVR employment, highest priority) activities. activities which require one of the following will demand greater integrating and resources to be accomplished successfully: maintaining sources, several from derived interpreting information situation awareness, and adjusting the mission plan in response to the changing threat situation. Information Integration and Interpretation BVR air combat place the Many activities required in responsibility for integrating information with the pilot instead of the information sources themselves. When competing task demands require that the pilot forego some aspect of a task, he can do so by ignoring some sources of information or by using heuristics to expedite the integration of information he does acquire (Klein, and radio (sensors of information The sources 1989). communications) most likely to be ignored are those that usually provide less information, those that are often redundant with other sources, or those that tend to be unreliable under the given The heuristics the pilot may substitute to replace circumstances. more complex integrations are rules of thumb, instances from prior experiences in BVR engagements, two-dimensional instead of threeBoth dimensional analysis, and pattern recognition (Klein, 1989). methods of shedding resource demands--abbreviated information or heuristics--often yield satisfactory results in typical situations. they can be disastrous in novel or unexpected Nevertheless, circumstances. Situation Awareness Maintaining accurate and timely awareness of the ongoing and evolving situation is a critical prerequisite for most of the activities in BVR air combat. Situation awareness has a variety of meanings; it is used here to describe the ability of the pilot to know what is going on with his aircraft, his flight, other friendly Situation awareness is updated as forces, and the threat forces. needed by obtaining and integrating new information and by In the complex monitoring the consequences of one's own actions. BVR combat environment, maintaining sufficient situation awareness can require all the cognitive resources that the pilot can muster. When these resources are not available for this critical function, poor situation awareness results as the pilot misses essential information, forgets critical parameters, or fails to update In the rapidly current knowledge of the situation quickly enough. moving world of the BVR battle, these errors which result from overloading the pilot's available cognitive resources can be fatal. 10

Mission Plan Adjustments Competing activities and time-pressure overwhelm the pilot's limited resources and preclude examining all reasonable alternatives to the current mission plan. Therefore the pilot must rely on streamlined decision-making strategies that can be executed with a limited allocation of cognitive resources. The most common of these strategies is called "satisficing" (Klein, 1989). Satisficing is a means of picking a plan which appears to be good enough to accomplish the goal, without expending the resources necessary to search for the optimal plan. Such satisficing solutions are essential for maximizing limited cognitive resources during the fast-moving BVR battle; however, they must be acquired and refined through previous experience oi training. Typically, pilots specify contingency plans in their pre-mission plan so that adjustments can be made on-the-fly in response to anticipated situations. CLASSIFICATION OF BEYOND-VISUAL-RANGE AIR INTERCEPT The classification is documented in two formats. The format presented in this section provides a detailed description of the BVR air intercept in terms of operational employment aspects as well as the nature of the cognitive information processing in which the pilots engage. A tabular overview of the entire classification is presented in Appendix D. Both formats describe and classify the decisions, information requirements, and activities involved in each phase of the BVR air intercept within the DCA mission scenario. Phase I: Combat Air Patrol

Phase I begins with the enemy strike package located approximately 60 to 80 nmi north of and heading toward its intended target. At this point in the DCA mission, an F-15C flight frequently elects to fly in a formation known as a combat air patrol (CAP) orbit. The CAP formation usually involves a counterrotating "racetrack" orbit (i.e., a circular route with one F-15C pointing toward the threat at all times). As a result, one of the two aircraft is always in a position to monitor the threat with onboard radar. The CAP orbit provides the flight with certain tactical advantages: the aircraft are already deployed in the air, anticipating an attack, and prepared to engage the enemy. It also permits the flight sufficient time to use radar to search for, detect and monitor all targets within the expected attack axis. The location of CAP orbit is usually away and slightly behind the defended point to prevent cuing the enemy as to the target location and to provide additional distance for the F-15Cs to regroup into tactical formation prior to initiating the intercept. The flight may forego the CAP orbit, however, if it has (as in the present mission) AWC coverage and a well-defined axis of threat attack. 11

The relative disposition of the F-15C flight to the threat in Phase I is primarily neutral because neither is within weapons parameters. The considerable distance of the threat allows the flight ample time to process information and make decisions. On the other hand, the distance prohibits the flight from obtaining more than coarse information regarding the threat. Until more specific information is forthcoming as the threats get closer, the F-15C flight's expectations of the situation and its mission plan remain the primary influence on its actions. The foremost decision to be made in this phase is choosing the optimal time to depart the CAP orbit and begin the ingress/intercept phase. This decision is based on the flight's mission plan, which stipulates the tactical criteria for initiating the attack, and on the flight's ability to recognize whether these criteria have been met. Decisions The following are critical decisions that the F-15C flight should make in Phase I: * * * * Perform the mission plan as briefed or make adjustments Use onboard or off-board perform search activities Maintain or depart CAP orbit Communicate or not sources of information to

In order to make these decisions, the flight needs to obtain the following information: * * General threat location(s), Number of threat formations General altitude medium, low) * * of threat formations (i.e., high, relative to a fixed point

General direction of threat movement Differentiation of enemy bomber from fighter formations

Information about the F-15C flight should also be monitored and includes:


Relative location of wingman' formation)


not in visual

General operating status of wingman relative to mission plan Activities Communicate with Air Weapons Controller (AWC). Typically, the AWC alerts the flight regarding the presence of threats and is the principal source of general information for supporting the flight's initial threat observation. While in the CAP orbit, at this considerable range from the threat, pilots rely on AWC for cues to orient their radar search patterns. In addition, AWC provides the initial indications of enemy formations and composition (e.g., low, slow aircraft may indicate bombers). Communicate with Winciman. Initially, .ittle communication between pilots should be necessary because the mission plan governs the flight's activities and AWC provides the primary information. At this point, both pilots are performing radar activities in parallel in accordance with their assigned responsibilities. Communication in this phase should be descriptive, relaying what each pilot discovers while employing onboard sensors to observe and collect data regarding threat aircraft. Directive commentary is required only when adjusting the mission plan, which should not be necessary at this early stage. Operate Onboard Sensors (i.e.. radar. EID). Information collected from onboard sensors is primarily used to determine the current status of the mission and to interpret the threat situation. Initially, the F-15C flight's primary source of threat information is the AWC. Guided by the AWC-provided information, each pilot controls his own radar system to search for threats in his assigned area of responsibility, as specified by the mission plan. To perform this activity, the pilot must select the appropriate modes of radar operation and use search techniques that assure proper coverage of azimuth, elevation, and range. As perform on the threats they search for, detect, and monitor the threats, pilots *scope interpretation, " which involves decoding information radar display to understand the relative positioning of and to infer their intentions. Pilots use a technique

'The term "wingman" is used in two respects throughout this report. When referenced in conjunction with the flight lead, it refers to the specific sense where the wingman is in a subordinate position in relation to the flight lead. In contrast when the term *wingman# is used by itself, as in this example, it simply refers to the general sense where the wingman is the other pilot in the flignt. 13

called "sampling" in order to obtain more detailed information Sampling is conducted by locking the about each threat formation. or aircraft individually to formation threat radar onto each extract more detailed information (i.e., specific altitude, closing EID systems may also be used velocity, and direction of movement). to obtain supplemental information to help clarify the threat situation, such as in discriminating bombers from fighters. Integrate Onboard Data. Interpreting the threat situation requires the pilots to develop and maintain comprehension of the spatial layout of the engagement. To accomplish this goal, they must be cognizant of the modes selected for their systems, observe threat information provided by the sensors, and integrate all this to conceptualize the current threat situation. Correlate Onboard with Off-Board Data. Phase I begins with the F-15C flight using the AWC as a primary off-board source of threat information. Initially, the flight focuses its radar scan patterns to the general threat location provided by the AWC. By the close of Phase I, however, the flight is nearly self-sufficient in terms of obtaining threat information and AWC becomes a secondary information source. Adjust Mission Plan. Phase I should not require substantial changing of the mission plan. The separation between the F-15C flight and the threat is still great enough to minimize time constraints. Any tactical changes affecting the mission plan, however, must be approved by flight lead (e.g., criteria for leaving CAP orbit). Changes that do not affect the overall mission plan (e.g., radar mode selection, EID system selection) need not be approved by flight lead. Fly CAP Orbit. Fly Formation, and Navigate. In Phase I, these activities mainly involve executing routine procedures set forth in the mission plan. Phase II: Ingress/Intercept Phase II begins when the flight leaves the CAP orbit and is characterized by the pilots concentrating on their onboard sensors (i.e., radar, RWR, EID) to understand the composition and intentions of the threat formations. With the increasing level of detail provided by the radar, the flight lead and wingman begin to integrate the results of their individual radar search and sample activities to form a coherent comprehension of the overall threat situation. This process of developing and updating a mutually agreed-upon mental picture of the entire threat situation is called radar sorting. Sorting requires that the flight distinguish all potential targets in terms of azimuth, elevation, range, and velocity. This information should then be used to ensure that the flight targets the maximum number of threat groups or threat aircraft. Proper communication of radar information ensures that 14

both pilots picture of

and the AWC share and maintain an identical the continually changing engagement. This

mental mental

picture of the entire situation is especially important because neither pilot's individual radar screen may display the entire engagement at any given time. The principal decision for the flight in this phase is selecting the threat formation(s) to attack. While attacking, the flight must not only control the attack profile, but must also reevaluate its decisions in relation to the actions of the enemy fighters attacking them. Since the F-15C flight also may be attacked during this phase, the pilots must begin to maintain an optimal balance between offensive (i.e., attack) and defensive (i.e., survival) operations. By the end of Phase III, the flight should be in position to launch BVR weapons. Decisions The following are critical decisions that the F-15C flight needs to make during Phase II: * * Perform current mission plan or make adjustments Use onboard or off-board sources of information perform search activities Select threat formation(s) to attack Commit attack against targeted threat formation(s) Communicate or not Employ electronic countermeasures (ECM) or not


* * * 0 0

Abort attack(s) against targeted formation(s) Defend against enemy attack(s)

Information In order to make these decisions, the pilots must obtain the following general threat information: * * * Changes to previous information Direction of threat movement Number of threat formations Location of threat(s), relative to a fixed point


* More includes: * * * * * *

Geometric threat(s) specific

relationships threat


F-15C be

flight acquired

and and



Range to nearest threat Azimuth of threat(s) Altitude of threat(s) Identity of threat aircraft by type (e.g., Observed threat tactics Weapons launches against F-15C flight flight must also be Flanker)

Information concerning the F-15C This information includes: monitored. * * * Activities General location of wingman (if planned) Tactic being executed (if Operating defensive) status of

different than

different than planned) wingman (i.e., offensive or

Operate Onboard Sensors (i.e.. radar. EID). During Phase II, the flight tries to maintain awareness of the evolving threat situation and the status of the mission. The pilots continue to use radar to observe all threat formations within their area of responsibility. EID systems should be employed to identify the bomber formation and to determine the types of fighters that may be encountered. The flight leader's decision to attack should be based on priorities established in the mission plan (e.g., attack bombers first, attack as far away as possible from defended point) and on information provided by onboard sensors and communications from the wingman and AWC. This decision requires information that is of sufficient detail for employing weapons. Such information is obtained by locking the radar onto individual target aircraft. A final lock is not yet necessary; rather, the pilot should continue to differentiate (i.e., sort) individual aircraft according to their geometric relationships within the targeted formation. Sorting is similar to sampling except that pilots may use different radar modes (e.g., high data-rate track-while-scan mode) to obtain more detailed target-related data.

React to Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). During this phase the F-15C flight's radars may be jammed by the enemy. Because the radar is the flight's most indispensable source of information, the demand on cognitive resources increases dramatically when jamming degrades the radar information. To counter ECM, the pilots must observe the jamming, interpret its effect on their radars, decide what action to take to negate the ECM, and determine if changes to the offensive plan are needed. As a result, the pilot must engage in extensive problem-solving activities which may interfere with the performance of other activities. InteQrate Onboard Data. Detailed information gathered from onboard sources must be integrated to construct a composite threedimensional mental image of the spatial disposition of the threat. This activity is necessary as well as difficult, because no single display contains or combines all information required to identify the status of the mission and interpret the threat situation. Therefore, the flight leader must obtain and interrelate all relevant information from its disparate sources and then communicate an interpretation of the overall situation to the wingman and AWC. Because the flight's knowledge of the tactical situation needs to be periodically updated and verified as the threat situation changes, this activity must be performed on an iterative basis. In general, this type of information integration is among the most resource demanding processes (Rasmussen, 1986). Communicate with Wincman. Since the only means of relaying threat information between flight members is by radio, it is essential that this information exchange remain open. Communications jamming by the enemy may be defeated or reduced through use of briefed brevity codes. The flight's dialogue should center on a descriptive summary of the results of each pilot's information gathering and interpretation. Directive communication may also be necessary if changes to the mission plan are made; if no directive communications are made, the pilots should assume that the existing mission plan remains valid. Communicate with AWC. As the F-15Cs and the threat aircraft converge during this phase, AWC becomes less accurate for threat information and becomes a secondary source of information. Nevertheless, the AWC remains a useful source of information regarding the overall situation, especially since each individual F-15C narrows the focus of its radar to specific assigned areas. The AWC maintains responsibility for providing general information of the entire fight, monitoring untargeted threats, and detecting threats not previously observed. To avoid adding to the pilots' already heavy workload, the AWC should provide only essential information that has not been exchanged between the pilots or updates of previously transmitted data. In addition, AWC should communicate when the flight's communicated information is inconsistent with that on the AWC's scope. Although this activity requires minimal cognitive resources for the pilots, they must 17

and comprehend, detect, to attention sufficient allocate Since humans allocate less acknowledge these communications. attention to infrequently used information sources (Hockey, 1970), needed information provided by the AWC during this phase may be missed, overlooked, or ignored by the pilots. Correlate Onboard with Off-Board Data. Starting in Phase II, correlating information from various sources becomes a demanding This activity represents 'conflict resolution' for the task. pilots, whereby they attempt to determine the validity of their conceptualization of the threat situation and the status of the mission. To accomplish this goal, each pilot compares and contrasts his information with that obtained from sources external to his own sensors (e.g., AWC, wingman, military intelligence). This process is complicated by the human tendency to retain the (Tversky & first hypothesis supported by incoming evidence Kahneman, 1974). The pilot may later have difficulty rejecting this initial view of the world in favor of one more fully supported by subsequent information. The pilot samples information from a continuous stream of potential information being presented by his displays. Sometimes the sample favors one conclusion and sometimes another. For example, the momentary airspeed of a threat aircraft may favor the decision that it is a bomber; however, a later momentary sample indicating a faster airspeed may favor the decision that it is a fighter. In addition, information is stochastic and there is random fluctuation in the accuracy of the This random information sampled by the pilot from his displays. fluctuation, coupled with deliberately falsified enemy information and a changing tactical situation, means that the task of determining reliable information and drawing valid conclusions demands large amounts of cognitive resources. After Fly Offensive Profile (i.e.. intercept. formation). deciding which threat formations to attack, the flight must become Until this more specific in controlling the intercept geometry. point, employing general rules of thumb (e.g., offset west or east, Now, however, controlling stay at high altitude) was sufficient. the intercept geometry of the engagement is crucial for maintaining an offensive posture and achieving advantageous weapons parameters. Proper radar scope interpretation is essential for the accurate and The pilots must timely updating of threat tactics and reactions. also remain aware of their location relative to the defended point. RWR Interpretation. The RWR provides an additional source for threat indications and is the only onboard system which informs the Based on RWR pilot of detection and attack by a BVR threat. information, the pilot can determine the status of the mission in At this point in terms of whether he is offensive or defensive. the mission, the pilot's survival depends on timely detection and correct interpretation of RWR indications. Since, however, the RWR pilots must is passive and does not require pilot control, While only minimal cognitive periodically attend to this system. 1i

resources need be allocated to monitoring the RWR, indication occurs it must be given immediate attention.



Fly Defensive Profile (i.e.. ECM. chaff. and maneuvers). This activity may not be necessary if offensive operations are successful. If the attack is not successful, however, defensive actions may become the only activities that the flight performs for the reiainder of the engagement. Upon determining that he is in a defen ive posture, the pilot must evaluate alternative actions. While performing the selected defensive action, the pilot must assess its effectiveness and decide whether to resume offensive operations. Adjust Mission Plan. In this phase, adjustments center on the execution of the purely offensive plan, the purely defensive plan, or some mixture of the two. For example, the wingman may be forced to become defensive while lead maintains an offensive posture. All flight members and AWC must accurately communicate their perceptions and intentions, if different from the mission plan, so
that the mission plan can be appropriately modified. After the

flight leader determines that adjustments are required, he must decide on what should be accomplished, evaluate alternative courses of action, and formulato a new plan. Usually these adjustments are derived from contingency plans developed as part of previous mission planning. Nevertheless, it is essential that all members of the flight clearly understand and acknowledge these revisions to ensure execution of the same plan. Fly Attack Formation and Navigate. Activities in Phase II must be accomplished within the context of cooperation within the flight. If outside of visual formation, navigation-related communication should be expressed in reference to the "bull's-eye" position (a fixed point on the ground), which is usually set as the defended target or the CAP location. The use of the bull's-eye prevents confusion among the pilots and AWC and avoids additional calculation demands during this period of heavy workload. Phase III: Beyond-Visual-Range Attack In Phase III, the balancing between offensive and defensive operations increases in importance, the sequence of events becomes more rapid, and decision events occur more frequently. As the flight draws within approximately 15 nmi from the threat, determining the precise location of each target is essential for obtaining radar locks and weapons parameters. Weapons employment is the culmination of a decision-making process involving target identification, weapons selection, and attaining optimal weapons parameters. The flight members must coordinate their individual attacks to ensure they respond to all threats and to prevent inadvertently attacking the same threat. Defensive considerations are also important, especially after the pilots have launched AIM-7M radar-guided missiles. 19

The events of this phase are even more difficult to predict and sequence than in the previous phases. The flight's activities may be more dependent on what has transpired in the previous phases than on the original mission plan. If all has gone according to plan, however, the flight will launch AIM-7M radar missiles and then proceed to short-range operations using AIM-9M infrared missiles and guns. Conversely, if radar sorting procedures did not differentiate each individual aircraft, the flight may have to continue sorting into closer range of the threats to improve the ability to isolate targets. As a result the flight may opt to and proceed directly to short-range forego BVR missile employment operations. Decisions The following are critical decisions that the F-15C flight should make during Phase III: * * * * * * * Perform current attack plan or make adjustments Select target(s) from threat formation(s) When to launch selection) AIM-7M missile(s), (i.e., fii t point

Abort attack or not Fly defensive profile or not Reattack or not Communicate or not

Information In order to make these decisions, pilots need to update previously received threat information. This information includes the following: * * * * * * Range, altitude, and azimutV of closest threat (if

Range, altitude, azimuth, and aspect of target(s), target is not closest threat) Untargeted threats Identity of threat fighters Threat tactics Threat reactions to F-15C flight's missile launches 20

Results of F-15C flight's missile launches (i.e., chaff, ECM, maneuvering)

Weapon launches against F-15C flight

Information concerning the F-15C flight must continue being monitored and includes: * * * Activities Operate Onboard Sensors (i.e., radar, ETD). The key to success in this phase is the flight's ability to complete radar sorting prior to reaching maximum missile launch range. In addition, each pilot has responsibility for monitoring his assigned airspace for undetected threats. If the sorting of the threat formation is successful, each pilot should use the radar to select the appropriate target, lock on, and fire AIM-7M missiles after achieving acceptable weapons parameters. Successful target sorting is dependent on the pilot's proficiency in radar scope interpretation and mode selection. Sorting is difficult within 15 nmi of the threat because of the rapid changes in threat azimuth and altitude. The pilot should attempt to attain weapons parameters, achieve proper guidance for the missile's time of flight, and monitor for threat maneuvers that could defeat a missile launch. EID systems are usually not relevant unless previous attempts have been unsuccessful. React to ECM. As in Phase II, an effective reaction to ECM requires the pilot to detect and identify the type of jamming and predict its effect on his systems. Interpret RWR. Accurate and timely RWR interpretation is essential for successful Phase III employment. Information provided by the RWR helps the pilot decide whether to continue offensive actions or to execute defensive actions for survival. The pilot must discriminate whether radar lockt onto his aircraft are by the threat or his own wingman (i."buddy-spikes"). Buddy-spikes must be promptly communicated to avoid fratricide. Monitoring the RWR requires minimal cognitive resources; however, under pressure from competing task demands, this minimal attention may not be allocated. If the pilot does detect an RWR indication, the immediate demands for resources will peak as the pilot decides whether to switch to defensive operations. Location of wingman (if Tactic (if different than planned)

different than planned) or

Status of wingman (i.e., offensive, defensive, reattacking)


This activity is the same as in the Integrate Onboard Data. previous phases except now the rate of change and increased maneuvering of the F-15Cs and threats can cause considerable Klein confusion integrating data to make tactical decisions. contends that this time-pressured decision making is (1989) characterized by heavy reliance on previous experience and very As Klein limited consideration of alternative plans of action. other domains of expert performance, has found in (1989) experienced pilots may be able to use pattern recognition as a Based strategy to integrate the separate sources of information. able to pilotmay be experience, the training and extent of on the avoid extensive analysis by recognizing familiar patterns in the current information that were salient in similar circumstances in Virtually automated application of prior previous missions. solutions allows the proficient pilot to execute mission activities within the conditions of time-pressure and cognitive overload experienced during this phase. During Phase III, Correlate Onboard with Off-Board Data. information from onboard sources is far superior to that from the As a result, little AWC (see "Communicate with AWC" below). Use of correlation of onboard and off-board data is performed. off-board information is likely to be omitted as resources are increasingly required by demands from concurrent activities. Since this information should be used only for confirmatory purposes, it may be relegated to a less important role and may seldom be processed. In Phase III, the primary goal Fly Offensive Attack Profile. of the offensive profile is to obtain valid weapons parameters for Attaining weapons parameters requires a launching BVR missiles. mixture of aircraft control, radar scope interpretation, and knowledge of weapons capabilities. The pilot compares his planned tactics to the threat's tactics and flies his aircraft within the Proper missile guidance involves flying missile launch envelope. the aircraft while maintaining radar lock for the duration of the missile's time of flight. The pilot must also interpret the radar display to determine whether threat maneuvers will defeat his Confusion often missiles and whether a backup shot is required. results in interpreting threat aircraft maneuvering because threat maneuvers and F-15C maneuvers interact as the target symbol moves on the radar display. If successful, prior use of ECM and Fly Defensive Profile. chaff has negated threat attacks long enough for the flight to At the time of the missile missile launch. achieve the first launch, the pilot must also engage procedures to defend against If the RWR possible enemy missiles (i.e., maneuvers and chaff). indicates an enemy missile launch, the pilot must determine whether he is truly defensive by interpreting and integrating relevant information--RWR, radar, wingman and AWC calls. If defensive, the pilot may be forced to abort the attack, along with active 22

missiles, and perform appropriate defensive maneuvers (e.g., beam, drag, S-turn). Communication at this point should Communicate with Winaman. be descriptive commentary of changes or corrections to previously transmitted information--particularly changes to the mission plan. Listening during this intense workload phase is essential, but each pilot's limited cognitive resources may be spread too thin to must be "Buddy-spikes" comprehend important communications. communicated and attended to when in the act of launching missiles to prevent fratricide. Information from AWC can be used as a Communicate with AWC. backup if the pilot fails to properly integrate onboard data; however, with the rapidly changing circumstances, the timeliness of AWC-provided information lags behind the present situation and can Therefore, use of AWC information during this cause confusion. phase is best limited to confirmation of information obtained from onboard sources. As a result, pilots allocate few of their scarce Nevertheless, the AWC resources to monitoring this communication. should continue to update the overall situation, monitor untargeted threats, listen for and correct pilots' confusing or inaccurate comments, and respond to requests for information (e.g., safe areas for evading threats). The mission plan in this phase is Adjust Mission Plan. Time pressure precludes the communication flexible by necessity. of mission plan changes before executing them. Fly Attack Formation and Navigate. After a successful attack (in DCA missions), it is advisable for the F-15C flight to drop back toward the defended position to regroup and assess the situation. Otherwise, if a pilot is defensive (and the aircraft possibly battle damaged), he will need to navigate to a safe area to escape further attack. The AWC has a major role in guiding the pilot under these circumstances. Phase IV: Merge and Post-Merge Operations By the conclusion of Phase III, the flight has entered the merge (10 nmi or less from target) and is within visual range of threat aircraft. At the merge, each pilot must decide whether he is offensive or defensive, and whether he should attack or abort. If deciding to attack at the merge, the pilot must execute shortrange operations which rely on air combat maneuvering and tactics, AIM-9M infrared missiles, guns, and visual contact rather than sensors. On the other hand, a follow-on BVR attack may be attempted if the pilot had previously ceased offensive actions to perform defensive maneuvering (e.g., beam, drag, etc.) to gain In this case, the pilot would sufficient lateral separation. revert to activities described in Phase II or III, depending on the Finally, Phase IV may not occur at all range from the threat. 23

depending on the degree of success of previous phases. If objectives are attained, the flight may suspend offensive Conversely, if one or both aircraft are battle damaged, weapons or fuel, or outnumbered, there may be no choice

mission action. out of but to

abort attacks; During Phase IV, the pilots rely on the mental picture of the threat situation developed in the previous phases, along with updates about the success of friendly attacks and the location of additional threats. This phase is characterized by extreme time compression and maximum uncertainty. All or any of the activities occurring in previous phases may be required; however, the pilot may have as little as 30 seconds to successfully accomplish the same tasks that he previously could perform in three minutes or more. As a result of the extremely dynamic nature of this phase, the following analysis is not as extensive as in the previous phases. Decisions The following are critical decisions that the F-15C flight must make in Phase IV: * * * * * * * Perform attack plan and when to initiate it Use onboard information sources to perform activities (and type, i.e., auto or manual) Use out-the-cockpit search activities visual information to search perform

Launch missile(s) and select type (i.e., AIM-7M or AIM-9M) Defend against attack(s) Communicate or not Employ ECM or not

In order to make following information: * * *

these decisions,

pilots must obtain the

Range, altitude, threat

azimuth, aspect and type of closest

Untargeted threats Results of F-15C flight's attacks 24

* *

Threat reactions to F-15C flight's attacks Weapons launches against F-15C flight flight must also be

Information concerning the F-15C This information includes: monitored. Updated location of wingman, another aircraft. * * Activities

relative to a point or dragging, engaged)

Updated status of wingman (e.g., Tactics, if

different than planned

Communicate with AWC. The role of the AWC is significant in Phase IV because he or she is the only team member likely to comprehend the overall tactical situation. Although each of the pilots may be tracking a threat, chances are that neither pilot will be able to track all threats. Thus, the decision to commit at short range by either or both pilots may depend on AWC-provided information. After the initial BVR attack, the pilot may change priorities and attend to the AWC calls rather than to onboard sensors. Communicate with Wincrman. The primary emphasis on all communication between the pilots should be descriptive information. That is, each pilot communicates his status in relation to the agreed-upon tactical mission plan. It is imperative to transmit and acknowledge whenever one pilot has decided that circumstances dictate that he must change the plan. This acknowledgment must include the new plan and as much supporting descriptive information as possible. InterPret RWR. Effective RWR interpretation determines the direction or flow of short-range operations or the BVR reattack. This system can provide the pilot with the most timely and accurate information used in determining the severity of the threat. In addition, the pilot must discriminate whether radar locks onto his aircraft are by threats or buddy-spikes. Correlate Off-Board with Onboard Data. Prior to entering this phase, pilots may need to rely on off-board target data provided by his wingman and AWC. This situation will occur if the pilot is aimed away from threat aircraft. As the pilot turns toward the threat, onboard data should be used primarily to confirm or deny his perceptions established from off-board sources (e.g., correlation of RWR with AWC-provided threat information). Fly Defensive Plan. Defensive operations in this stage involve coordination of flight lead and wingman, chaff and flare 25

employment, and maneuvering. Flight coordination is more important Flying in visual formation in this phase than in previous phases. not necessarily the only means of achieving coordination; is

rather, the most important aspect is that both pilots understand and adhere to their agreed-upon plan. If either cannot meet these expectations, he must immediately inform his wingman. Depending on the pilot's previous actions, he may be clear of threat aircraft; however, unless absolutely certain that he is not subject to attack, he must initially think defensively during this phase. The pilot should plan on employing all of the all-aspect considerations listed in Phase III. For example, if there are no RWR indications, emphasis should be placed on infrared countermeasures (e.g., use flares and do not use afterburner). If RWR indications are present, then all-aspect defense procedures for countering medium-range missiles should be employed, followed by procedures to counter short-range missiles. During defensive turns, the pilot must think and fly defensively. For example, range to the nearest threat will most likely dictate whether the turn should be a maximum performance turn or an energy conserving turn. In addition, other turn considerations are important such as staying low in the ground clutter and using a good defensive infrared background rather than pitching back and up into a clear blue-sky background. The primary factor in defensive operations, however, is the ability to react to and maneuver against threat missiles anytime during this phase. The planning of these defensive actions must have been completed and practiced extensively prior to this mission; there is no time for the processing of anything but spatial information during these maneuvers. Fly Offensive Attack Plan. The two key elements of an offensive attack plan involve selecting the flow of and controlling the geometry of the engagement. Selecting the flow of the engagement is most often accomplished through combining onboard RWR information with off-board data. The desired flow can be preplanned (e.g., drag southwest into the sun, setting up a reattack with the sun behind) or an adjustment to the overall offensive plan (e.g., dragging any direction away from an undesirable engagement). If the plans for the previous phases were substantially changed, however, the flight may enter this phase without much planning. Once committed to a short-range attack or BVR reattack, there will not likely be time to perform a tactical intercept. Although there may not be a tactical intercept per se, the pilot must still fly his aircraft such as to control the geometry and obtain the best offensive position for follow-on merge and postmerge conditions.


Perform Visual Search. Within the merge, the pilot will probably spend a majority of his time keeping track of threats already visualized or searching for undetected threats (e.g., 75% visual search and 25% radar search). Although the pilot may Operate Onboard Sensors (radar. EID). rely predominantly on direct visual target acquisition, radar search is still important for acquiring targets at short range. Automatic radar modes, such as auto-guns, will most likely be used. If possible, the transition to short-range search should result in the selection of large volume coverage (e.g., 1200 azimuth and 6-bar elevation). Time pressure precludes target sorting and sampling, and the detection and identification of a target should be immediately followed by weapons release. Time compression is obvious throughout this phase, but each pilot is still responsible for searching his area of responsibility to avoid untargeted threats. Also due to time compression, the pilot will most likely be unable to react to ECM, which may prevent successful locking of AIM-7M missiles. Due to the uncertainties inherent in this phase, it is important for the flight to get positive visual or electronic identification of targets prior to missile launches to avoid fratricide. Only when absolutely certain of his wingman's location should a pilot launch a missile without first verifying that the intended target is the enemy. Select and Attain Weapons Parameters. The primary decision for the pilot will be to select the optimal weapon to employ for the given situation. After weapons selection the pilot must attain sufficient weapons parameter as opposed to the best weapons parameters--the time between sufficient parameters and best parameters may be the difference between life and death. Adjust Mission Plan. Owing to the uncertain and rapidly changing circumstances, the plan for this phase is not likely to have much detail. Much of the activity within Phase IV involves reactions to the outcomes of the previous phases, which cannot be predicted, and therefore must be executed on-the-fly.

The objective of this research was to determine observable behaviors that can be used as overt indicators of cognitive information processing. Our approach was to develop a descriptive classification of the task behaviors and cognitive processing associated with performing a BVR air combat mission. An F-15C defensive counter air mission scenario was analyzed to identify the critical tactical decisions required of the pilot, the information that must be processed in order to make these decisions, and the overt behaviors associated with pilots' information processing. For future research purposes, the classification will provide a 27

framework for identifying observable task behaviors that may be worthy candidates for developing and testing measures of performance. Such measures are essential for assessing the effectiveness of simulator-based training programs for enhancing the cognitive .skills necessary for BVR employment.

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CAP comm.

USAF Fighter Weapons Review, Building the big




DCA comm plans:


USAF Fighter WeaDons Review, 33,



Summer). 13-15.

Comm discipline. USAF Fighter Weapons

Thomas, G. (1986, Fall). Four-ship air-to-air communications: Fighters and air weapons controllers. USAF Fighter Weapons Review, 34, 27-31.
Tactical Air Control





Air weapons

27, 33-35.



five." USAF Fighter Weapons Review,

Kacena, N. (1986, Summer). The air weapons controller interface with the six Ss for success. USAF Fighter Weapons Review, 2A, 11-13. Masters, G. (1988, Spring). Review, 36, 28-31. Sheets, P. (1988, Summer).
36, Weapons Review,

Who needs GCI? USAF Fighter Weapons Bogey dope barnyard. USAF Fighter



APPENDIX B: MISSION PLANNING AND BRIEFING Preparation for a combat mission is critical for success. In order to understand the performance of aircrews during a combat mission, it is imperative to know what they had planned to do. The mission plan provides the necessary perspective for observing and evaluating mission performance. The mission plan should provide the overall mission plan and stipulate flight objectives, timing of the mission, and each individual's assignments, responsibilities, and goals. A poorly conceived plan will most likely be doomed to failure; however, a good plan can also fail because of unforeseeable events. Knowledof the aircrew's plan, however, can help differentiate whether po, mission performance was attributable to a faulty plan, errors in employment, or for lack of a better term, bad luck. The flight lead is responsible for planning the mission and conducting the briefing. The tactical flight briefing for the DCA mission should address certain essential information; a concise listing of this information appears in Appendix B, Table B1. During the tactical briefing, flight lead should clearly communicate the elements of the mission plan and each participant's responsibilities (i.e., lead, wingman, and controller). Each participant should thoroughly understand his or her mission role and responsibilities before leaving the briefing. Aircrews view the mission plan as a "contract" among themselves. This contract obliges each member to perform his or her assigned functions in return for the other members performing their assigned functions. Through this process, the trust and confidence necessary in combat is established among the flight members. During an ideal mission, flight lead coordinates the intercept, has primary authority for radar searching and sorting, is the primary source of visual and electronic identification, is the primary shooter, and communicates with the air weapons controller (AWC). The wingman supports flight lead, provides backup radar searching and sorting, and is the secn~iy shooter with lead's authorization. The AWC is responsible for monitoring long-range threats, alerting the flight to new threats, and maintaining radar lookout outside the F-15Cs' radar coverage. Specifics regarding these responsibilities must be worked out in the briefing and understood by all flight members. Whenever these responsibilities cannot be fulfilled, that flight member is obligated to communicate this to the other flight members.


Table 81. Components of Flight Briefing for Beyond-Visual-Range Air Intercept

Responsibilities: Lead Wingman Air Weapons Controller (AWC)

Avionics Setup:

Radar scan
Defernsive systems


Airspeed Turns

CAP Pattern:

Type Location Airspeed

Commit Criteria: Intercept Options: Intercept Flow:

Range from threat Single-side offset, bracket, etc. Radar sample and sort ranges
Airspeed by specified ranges and at the merge Radar search pattern Radar sort profile Altitude Attack formation Target assignments

Abort Point and Criteria:

Lead Lead Lead Lead

and wingman offensive offensive/wingman defensive defensive/wingman offensive and wingman defensive

Merge Options:

Blow through Turn (offensive/defensive) Remaining ordnance load Lead and wingman clues Electronic countermeasure response Communication jamming response Weather strategy Surface-to-air missile (SAM) strategy





I :


Table C1. Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Decisions

Perform mission (attack) plan or make adjustments Use onboard or off-board search Maintain or depart CAP orbit Communicate or not Employ ECM or not Select a threat formation for attack Commit against targeted threat formation Select a target from threat formation for attack Weapon selection (AIM-7, AIM-9) When to launch weapon Abort attack or not Fly defensive profile or not Reattack or not Defend against attack


Table C2. Critical Beyond-Visual-Range Activities

Communicate with AWC Communicate with wingman Operate onboard sensors Integrate onboard data Correlate onboard with off-board data Adjust mission plan Fly CAP orbit formation Navigate Fly offensive (attack) profile (i.e., tactical intercept) Interpret RWR Fly defensive profile Perform visual search Select and attain weapons parameters




Phase I:

Combat Air Patrol (CAP)--CAP orbit





Perform mission

General location



plan as briefed or make adjustments Use onboard or offboard search Maintain or depart CAP orbit Communicate or not

of threats Number of threat formations General altitude of threats General direction of threat movement Differentiation of bomber and fighter formations

with AWC Communicate with wingman Operate radar Operate EID systems Integrate onboard data Correlate onboard with off-board data Adjust mission plan, if


Perform mission plan, as briefed, or make adjustments

General location of wingman General operating status of wingman, i.e.,

offensive or

Fly CAP orbit Fly formation Navigate Adjust mission plan, if




Phase II:







closest threat (Sample, sort, select formation to attack, and commit on formation)

threat threat



Changes to previous information General direction of threat movement Number of threat formations General threat location Geometric relationships Range to nearest threat Specific azimuth
of threats

ACTIVITIES Operate radar Operate EID systems React to ECM Integrate onboard data data Communicate with wingman Communicate with AWC Correlate onboard with offbaddt board data Fly offensive profile, e.g., intercept, formation Interpret RWR Fly defensive profile

Perform current mission plan or make adjustments Use onboard or off-board search Select threat formation(s) to attack Commit against targeted threat formation(s) Communicate or not Employ ECM or not Abort attack(s)
against targeted

threat formation(s) Def end against attack(s)

Specific altitude of threats Specific identity of each threat aircraft, e.g., flanker Observed threat tactics Weapons launches against F-15 flight


Phase II:





plan, if necessary
FlightRelated Perform current mission plan or make adjustments Location of wingman Tactic, if different than planned Operating status of wingman, i.e., offensive or defensive Fly attack formation Navigate

Adjust mission plan, if



Phase III:

BVR Attack--Less than 20 nui from threat (Sort, commit, lock, and launch on individual target)



Range, altitude, azimuth of closest threat Range, altitude, azimuth, aspect of target(s) Untargeted threats Identity of threat fightersCorlt Threat tactics Threat reaction to F-15 flight's missile launches Weapons launches against F-15 flight

Operate radar React to ECM Operate EID systems Interpret RWR Integrate onboard data Correlate onboard with off-board data Fly attack profile: (a) control intercept geometry (b) attain weapons parameters (c) launch missile (d) guide missile Fly defensive profile: (a) operate ECM (b) employ chaff (c) maneuver, e.g., beam, drag, S-turn Communicate with wingman Communicate with AWC

Perform current attack plan or make adjustments Select target(s) from threat formation(s) When to launch AIM7M missile (fire point selection) Abort attack or not Fly defensive profile or not Reattack or not Communicate or not


Phase III:

DVR Attack, Cont'd.



Adjust mission plan, if necessary


Flight Related

Perform currant mission plan or make adjustments

Location of other aircraft in flight

Tactic, if

Fly attack formation

different than planned Operating status of wingman, i.e., offensive or defensive Results of wingman's


Adjust mission plan, if necessary



Phase IV:

Merge and Post-Merge Operations--Within 10 hai of

threat abort)






ThreatRelated If and when to perform attack Use onboard search (auto or manual) UseUntargeted Launch missile and select type (AIM7M/AIM-9M) Defend against attack Communicate or not Employ ECM or not

INFORMATION Range, altitude, azimuth, aspect, and type of closest threat threats Results of F-15 flight's attacks Threat reactions to F-15 flight's attacks Weapons launches against F-15 flight

ACTIVITIES Communicate with AWC


Communicate with wingman Interpret RWR Correlate onboard with off-board data Fly defensive plan: (a) employ chaff/flares (b) maneuver to defeat attack/missiles (c) maintain mutual support Fly attack plan: (a) select direction of attack (flow) (b) control geometry Perform visual search Operate onboard sensors (a) operate radar (b) react to ECK (c) operate EID systems


Phase IV:

Merge and Post-Merge Operations,



Select and attain weapons parameters Adjust mission plan, if necessary FlightRelated Perform current mission plan or make adjustments Updated location and status of wingman, i.e., dragging, engaged Tactics, if different than planned Fly attack formation (planned or adjusted) Fly attack plan, e.g., planned and adjusted flow, geometry, pre-merge, merge Navigate Adjust game plan, if


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