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From DNA to protein

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DNA is copied by a process called ______________ which occurs in the _____________ of the cell. Only _____________ strand of DNA is copied, which contains the relevant gene. The copied strand is called ___________________ . Trancription requires two enzymes_________ and _________. In mRNA, the base T is replaced by ______. The pre-mRNA is then ________ to remove non-coding sequences called ________. This requires a complex of enzymes called the ______________. The resulting mature mRNA exits the nucleus via the _______ ______.

The copied strand leaves the nucleus and is decoded at a ____________ which are found in the cytoplasm. This process is known as ____________. Each sequence of three bases, known as a __________, codes for a particular _________________ which is brought to the ribosome by _________________________ molecules. The _________on tRNA binds to the complementary codon on mRNA to ensure the correct amino acid is bought over. The amino acids are joined together using energy from ATP and an __________. When a _________codon is reached, translation is terminated and the resulting amino acid chain folds in to a _________.

Spliced Nucleus Nuclear pore pre- mRNA RNA polymerase

Protein Spliceosome

Translation Amino acid


Stop Messenger RNA

Transcription Ribosome

Transfer RNA Codon Enzyme

Anticodon DNA helicase


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