The 7 Principles of Effective Evangelism - GL

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The 7 Principles of Effective Evangelism

CELL Ministry Orientation @ BFHCM

January 20, 2010, 6:30 8:30 pm.

God wants us to turn others to righteousness. (Daniel 12:3)
God wants us to win souls. (Proverbs 11:30)

Text: Acts 17:16ff/ 2 Tim. 3:15-17

Principle 1: Effective evangelism always begins with a _____________. (vv. 16, 17)

Principle 2: Effective evangelists needs to know their ______________. (vv. 17-18)

a. Epicureans believed the world to happen by random. Hedonism is good.
Pursuit of pleasure is okay.
b. Stoics goal in life was to reach a place of indifference to pleasure or pain.

Principle 3: Effective evangelism must be culturally ______________. (v. 28)

Paul build bridges to contrasting beliefs... Epicureans vs. Stoics
The objective of effective communication is to build a bridge, not burn one.

Principle 4: Effective evangelism must be ______________. (2 Tim. 3:15-17)

Principle 5: Effective evangelism must focus on ________, crucified and risen. (1Cor. 1:17,18)
Cf. > 1 Cor. 2:2

Principle 6: Effective evangelism presents the whole ______________. (vv. 30-31)

Paul used a word that rarely heard today: _______________
Three reasons why Paul told them why they need to repent:
1. There is a day of judgment coming (v. 30)
2. There is an unchallengeable Judge (v. 31).
3. There is an irrefutable fact (v. 31).

Principle 7: Effective evangelism leaves the results in the hands of ________. (vv. 32-34)
God will hold us responsible for proclaiming the truth and being faithful.
Conversion is the work of God and God alone.
D.L. Moody >
I would a great deal rather see a hundred men thoroughly converted, truly born of God,
than to see a thousand professed conversions where the Spirit of God has not convicted
of sin.

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