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1. POTENTIAL HAZARD: ELECTROCUTION Can occur if the equipment has not been totally de-energized prior to maintenance work and remain isolated for the duration of the maintenance process.

PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN: Supervi !r "#$ re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t p&"#t "#$ e(uip)e#t '" %ee# i !&"te$ %e*!re +!r, c!))e#ce "#$ t"y i !&"te$ *!r t'e $ur"ti!# !* t'e -!%. Supervi !r '"&& e# ure t'"t " Per)it t! W!r, i i)p&e)e#te$ "#$ per !##e& "re "+"re !* t'e +!r, pr!ce$ure . A&& per !##e& '"&& e# ure t'"t "&& p&"#t "#$ e(uip)e#t i .ive# vi u"& e/")i#"ti!# pri!r t! u e.
0. POTENTIAL HAZARD: TRAPS AND1OR ENTAN2LEMENT Can occur if equipment and/or plant have not been totally de-energized prior to maintenance work and remain isolated for the duration of the maintenance process.

PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN: Supervi !r "#$ re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t p&"#t "#$ e(uip)e#t '" %ee# i !&"te$ %e*!re )"i#te#"#ce +!r, c!))e#ce "#$ t"y i !&"te$ *!r t'e $ur"ti!# !* t'e +!r,. Te t '"&& %e c"rrie$ !ut !# p&"#t t! e# ure t'"t "&& p&"#t "#$ e(uip)e#t '" %ee# t!t"&&y $e3e#er.i4e$ %e*!re +!r, c!))e#ce . Supervi !r "#$1!r re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t " Per)it t! W!r, i i# p&"ce $uri#. t'e )"i#te#"#ce pr!ce "#$ $!cu)e#te$. N! +!r, '"&& %e c"rrie$ !ut !# &ive e(uip)e#t.
5. POTENTIAL HAZARD: 6IRE AND1OR E7PLOSION It can occur during maintenance work if all sources of ignition have not been adequately controlled around plant containing flammable material (i.e. diesel condensate etc!.

PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN: Supervi !r "#$1!r re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t " Per)it t! W!r, i i# p&"ce $uri#. t'e )"i#te#"#ce pr!ce "#$ $!cu)e#te$. Per !##e& '"&& e# ure t'"t "&& *&"))"%&e1c!)%u ti%&e "#$ +" te )"teri"& '"ve %ee# re)!ve$. Su**icie#t *ire *i.'ti#. "pp&i"#ce '"&& %e &!c"te$ "r!u#$ t'e p&"ce !* +!r, "#$ per !##e& "re tr"i#e$ i# t'e u e "#$ "+"re#e !* *ire e)er.e#cy pr!ce$ure .
8. POTENTIAL HAZARD: HUMAN ERROR "ccidents can occur if personnel undertaking the maintenance task are not suitable trained or have sufficient knowledge to enable them to complete the task safely.

PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN: Supervi !r "#$1!r re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t per !##e& u#$ert",i#. "#y )"i#te#"#ce t" , "re "$e(u"te&y tr"i#e$ "#$ '"ve u**icie#t ,#!+&e$.e t! e#"%&e t'e) t! "*e&y c"rry !ut t" ,. Supervi !r "#$1!r re p!# i%&e per !# '"&& e# ure t'"t per !##e& +'! "re #!t 9c!)pete#t9 "re #!t per)itte$ t! c"rry !ut "#y )"i#te#"#ce +!r,.

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