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Speciql Assumpsll

United Kingdom of Greql Briloin ond Norlhern lrelond Porlioment (Arrest)

Heirs of Creotion, Court of Ages



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WHEREAS clouse ten of the Armistice & Accordn of November 22,2013 stotes: "Armistice iniiiotes oscended reorientotion to intro- ond inler-personol relotionships within the heorts ond minds of ALL Heirs of Creotion upon receipt;" ond WHEREAS the conditions set forth by the Heirs of Creotion, ihrough courl order, in the Armisiice & Accord hove been breoched; ond

WHEREAS clouse six of the Armistice stoies: "Breoches of ihese clouses sholl result in

reprisols;" ond

occording to lnternotionol Low. o reprisol


on oct of restorotion, short of wor,

for domoge or loss suffered; ond

WHEREAS "THE EVENT" ** describes

the oction or reprisol chosen for this time; ond


through the Letlers Potent of December the Court of Ages, wqs estoblished;ond

20'13, o wholly

indemnified court.

the will of eoch Heir of Creotion

is ossured

by the low of noture,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the Court of Ages on beholf of ALL Heirs of Creotion thot the willof the Heirs of Creotion be fulfilled ond immediote oction token to trigger "THE EVENT" ** to include the qrresl of Att MEMEBERS of the Unlted Kingdom ot Greol Briloin qnd Norlhern lrelond Porliomenl (Queen Elizobelh ll, House of lords, House of Commons, Lord Speoker Boroness D'Souzo ond Speoker of lhe House of Commons John


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K. Currier,



lsl Cindy

Ombudsmon qnd Porlementoire

Adopted ot Court of Ages, session Jonuory 22,2014

Los Angeles. Colifornio

* http ://




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