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I$ 2 " ! then $ail to re)ect H I$ 2 3 ! then re)ect H 4nsure the correct sample si5e is ta.


Hypothesis Testing Roadmap

Contingency Table HO : Data is normal HA : Data is not normal

STA5T >>>

Variable or Attribute Data?


1 or 2 Factors?

2 Factor

HO: FA Independent F B HA: FA Dependent F B Stat>Tables>Chi 2 Test

&or at least one is di$$erent*

1e/ene%s Test H O : 1 0 2 0 1 ,,, H A : i ) $or i )

Stat>Basic Stat> ormality Test or Stat>Basic Stat>Descripti/e Statistics &%raphical summar *


1 Factor 1-Proportion Test HO: 2 1 0 2 t H A: 2 1 2 t 1 Sample

t 0 tar%et

Stat>A !"A> #omogeneity o$ "ariance &Test $or '(ual "ariance)

2 or more levels

1! 2 or more levels?

Data not /ormal

Is each level normall distributed?

1 Factor

1! 2 or more Factors?

1 or 2 Samples?

Reject or Fail to Reject Null Hyp


Fail to re)ect HO

Stat>Basic Stat> 1-Proportion 2 or more Factors A/OVA or -ultiple 7e%ression 2-Proportion Test HO: 2 1 0 2 2 H A: 2 1 2 2 Stat>Basic Stat> 2-Proportion Bartlett%s Test H O: 1 0 2 0 1 ,,, HA: i ) $or i )

1 level Data /ormal #est median or si%ma?

2 levels or " 2 levels?

2 Samples

2 levels onl 0ann-.hitney Test HO: - 1 0 - 2 H A: - 1 -2 Stat> on-parametric> 0ann-.hitney #est -edians

#est $or si%mas 1! 2 or "2 levels? -ore than 2 levels

Test HO: 1 0 t H A: 1 t
t 0 tar%et

Chi 2

1 level

1e/els ,e$ine,6 17 8 /alues9 $actor 27 8 samples

Stat>A !"A>#omogeneity o$ "ariance &Test $or '(ual "ariance) *$ sigmas are !T e(ual+ procee, -ith caution or use .elch%s Test+ -hich is not a/ailable in 0initab

&or at least one is di$$erent*

#est $or means

2 or more levels

0oo,%s 0e,ian Test &used 'ith outliers* H O: - 1 0 - 2 0 - 1 ,,, H A: - i - ) $or i )

Stat>Basic Stat>Display Desc> Graphical Summary &i$ tar%et si%ma $alls bet'een (I! then $ail to re)ect H *

2 levels

#est $or mean or si%ma?

#est $or means

Is Data Dependent?

&or at least one is di$$erent*

1-.ay A !"A &assumes e+ualit o$ variances* HO: 1 0 2 0 1 ,,, HA: i ) $or i )

&or at least one is di$$erent*

#est $or mean or si%ma?

#est $or means 1-Sample t Test HO: 1 0 t HA: 1 t

t 0 tar%et

Stat> on-parametric> 0oo,%s test 3rus4al-.allis Test &assumes no outliers* H O: - 1 0 - 2 0 - 1 ,,, H A: - i - ) $or i )

1-Sample .ilco2on or 1-Sample Sign HO: - 1 0 - t H A: - 1 -t

t 0 tar%et

#est $or si%mas

#est $or si%mas

/o! Data is dra'n independentl $rom t'o populations

Stat>A !"A>1-.ay &then select stac.ed or unstac.ed data* ;es! Data is 2aired

&or at least one is di$$erent*

Stat> on-parametric> 3rus4al-.allis

(ourtes o$ 6e$$ 7ailton and And Batt o$ Sea%ate #echnolo% , 7evised: 689 Oct 21! 2:::

Stat> on-parametric> an, either 1-Sample Sign or 1-Sample .ilco2on

Stat>Basic Stat> 1-Sample t Chi 2 Test F Test HO : 1 0 2 HA : 1 2 Stat>A !"A> #omogeneity o$ "ariance HO: 1 0 t HA: 1 t
t 0 tar%et

2-Sample t Test HO: 1 0 2 H A: 1 2 Stat>Basic Stat> 2-Sample t &i$ si%mas are e+ual! use pooled std dev to compare, I$ si%mas are une+ual compare means usin% unpooled std dev*

Paire, t Test HO : 1 0 2 HA : 1 2 Stat>Basic Stat> Paire, t

Stat>Basic Stat>Display Desc> Graphical Summary &i$ tar%et si%ma $alls bet'een (I! then $ail to re)ect H O*

(Test for Equal Variance)

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