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Rent Receipt

Date: Tenant's Name: Tenant's Address:

Landlords Name: Landlord's Address:


I am requesting a receipt for the rent I have paid you in cash This is a legal requirement of the landlord under section !" #!$ of the Residential Tenancy Act #%TA$ That section of the Act states: &A landlord must provide a tenant 'ith a receipt for rent paid in cash ( )ou can confirm this information *y calling the %esidential Tenancy +ranch #%T+$ at ",-."",./,!, or /.0,,.""1. 0223 I *elieve it is *est to sort this out 'ithout having to go to dispute resolution at the %T+ I loo4 for'ard to receiving my rent receipt from you Than4 you,


Tenant's Name:

Always keep a copy of any correspondence you send to your landlord for future reference. It is also beneficial to have someone (preferably not just a co-tenant or family member) witness delivery of the letter and si n the copy you keep indicatin the date and method of service. This can be used as evidence if you need to pursue further action throu h a dispute resolution hearin .

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