Application For Probation

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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT FIRST JUDICIAL REGION Branch 6 La Trinidad, Benguet PEOPLE OF T E P ILIPPINE!

, Plaintiff, CRI"INAL CA!E NO# R$ %%&% -VersusIn)uries ER"AR B# GUER*ON+ Accused. X---------------------------------------X APPLICATION FOR PROBATION The accused, through undersigned counsel, unto this Honorable Court, respectfully states that: ( ! He is of legal age, single, "ilipino citi#en and a resident of $u%ber &' Buyagan, (oblacion, La Trinidad, Benguet) (&! *n +anuary ,, &- , the Honorable Court rendered .udg%ent on the abo/e-entitled case con/icting hi% of the cri%e of serious physical in.uries and sentencing hi% to suffer the penalty of i%prison%ent, the dispositi/e portion of 0hich read as follo0s: Wherefore, judgment is hereby rendered, finding the accused guilty of serious physical injuries defined and penalized under Article 263 of the Re ised Penal !ode, "ho is hereby sentenced to suffer an indeterminate penalty of t"o #2$ months and one #%$ day of Arresto &ayor, as minimum and one #%$ year and four #'$ months of Prision !orreccional, as ma(imum) *n the !i il aspect, accused is hereby ordered to pay the complainant the amount of +e enty ,i e -housand pesos #PhP ./,000)00$as reimbursement for actual e(penses) +o ordered)1 ('! 1n /ie0 of the foregoing .udg%ent, the accused hereby %ost respectfully applies before the Honorable Court for probation) (2! The accused further states that he is not one a%ong those offenders dis3ualified to a/ail of the benefits of probation, as pro/ided under 4ection 5, of (residential 6ecree $o. 578, as a%ended, to 0it: Section 9. 2is3ualified *ffenders) -he benefits of this 2ecree shall not be e(tended to those4 #a$ sentenced to ser e a ma(imum term of imprisonment of more than si( years5 #b$ con icted of any offense against the security of the +tate5 #c$ "ho ha e pre iously been con icted by final judgment of an offense punished by imprisonment of not less than one month and one day and6or a fine of not less than -"o 7undred Pesos5 #d$ "ho ha e been once on probation under the pro isions of this 2ecree5 and #e$ "ho are already ser ing sentence at the time the substanti e pro isions of this 2ecree became applicable pursuant to +ection 33 hereof) #italics supplied$ For' !erious Ph(sical

(,! The accused has not perfected nor does he intend to perfect an appeal fro% the afore%entioned .udg%ent of the Honorable Court) (7! He further underta9es to faithfully and religiously co%ply 0ith the conditions of the probation as pro/ided for under (.6. 5,7 ((robation La0 of 5:7! or as %ay be ordered by the Honorable Court should this application for probation be granted. PRA,ER - EREFORE, pre%ises considered, it is respectfully prayed that this pleading be noted and %ade part of the records of the abo/e-entitled case and that this ;pplication for (robation filed by the accused <r%ar B. =uer#on be granted. *ther relief .ust and e3uitable in the foregoing is li9e0ise prayed for. 6one this &-th day of "ebruary &in La Trinidad, Benguet (hilippines.

ATT,# GLO.ER RAI! !U"AIL !ounsel for the Accused >oo% ' 8 (ine/alley Building, ?%. 2 La Trinidad, Benguet >oll $o. 27,2&) -,--&--& (T> $o. 5887&5,) - --&- ) Benguet 1B( $o. :&':&-) - -' - ) Baguio-Benguet

NOTICE OF PRO!# FRANCI! ALLEN T# PALIGAN+ /R# +ustice Hall, La Trinidad, Benguet =reetings@


(lease ta9e notice that on "ebruary &&, &- at &:-- in the afternoon or soon thereafter as counsel %ay be heard, the undersigned 0ill re3uest the Honorable Court to appro/e the foregoing ;pplication for (robation 0ithout further argu%ent and appearance fro% counsel. ATT,# GLO.ER RAI! !U"AIL

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