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UNIT TITLE: Family Law




REG. NUMBER: 1010562

DATE: 29th September 2009

QUESTION: Using decided cases, outline the manner in which

one may change one’s family law system and
discuss what difficulties, if any are triggered by
such change.

In a social context a family may refer to a man and a woman who share a common
household. In another, it is defined as all persons who share blood relations.
Legally, the term family is a restricted concept. There are certain formal pre-
requisites that have to be met and the main one is a marriage ceremony. In law a
family is created when families enter into a legally recognized marriage. The law
also restricts the right to terminate that legal status. The family is registered
because it serves a number of purposes in society.

A family law system refers to the laws, procedures and rules governing family
matters as well as the authorities, agencies and groups which participate in or
influence the outcome of private disputes or social decisions involving family law.
Such a view of family law may be regarded as assisting the understanding of the
context in which the law works and to indicate the policy areas where
improvements can be made.

There are four main types of family law systems available in Kenya; they are
different legal effects in Kenya.

The issue is whether one can change from one system of family law to another for
example; can one change from English Statutory Law to Customary Law or vice
versa. Our constitution under Section 76 of the Constitution of Kenya 1 provides for
the freedom of religious belief , this is protected and guaranteed and following from
this constitutional guarantee it follows that the moment you change from your
religion, your family law will automatically change as ones family law is determined
by ones religious beliefs. Also Section 76 of the same Act guarantees freedom of
association; thus enabling one to marry within one’s family system or outside their
family system. ( Ndanu Mutambuki & 119 others v Minister for Education &
12 others2 this case clearly shows how freedom of worship is emphasized in Kenya.

English law started with a situation of non-tolerance of other family law systems
other than their own family law system and you find cases like Re Bethel 3; in this
case an English man married a Botswana Woman under Botswana customary law
and they had a child, the husband died and left property in England. The issue was
whether this daughter was legitimate and could therefore inherit the property in
England and the court held that that marriage was not recognized under English law
because it was potentially polygamous and the daughter was therefore not
legitimate and could not inherit the property. And they quoted Hyde’s case that
marriage was the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the
exclusion of all others. Also in the Re Amkeyo case, the courts termed the wives
in those marriages as concubines and refused to recognize them as wives

1 Cap 1, Laws of Kenya.

2 eKLR 2007

3 1888, ALL E.R. 543

English courts came up with the following methods of changing one’s family law
system in order to enable Africans to conform and accept to their legal system,
morals and religious beliefs:


This is probably the most widely used method for changing one’s family law
systems; this is so because in Kenya most community usually undergo a ceremony
of dowry offering and acceptance4 and then later undergo a church ceremony or
through the Attorney General’s chambers thus changing one’s family system. Under
our own Christian Marriages Act 5 it is your religion that determines whether you can
change your category of marriage. Where there is a second ceremony of marriage
that is designed to change one status from polygamous to monogamous union then
this is the kind of situation which one would find themselves under the African
Marriage and Divorce Act.

In the Estate of Ruenji case; the deceased a Kikuyu by tribe and domiciled in
Kenya, died leaving a gross estate of about 53,000 shillings. It is not disputed that
he was married to one Loise Murugi Mbiri under the African Christian Marriages Act
in 1941. It is also alleged that the deceased subsequently married two other ladies,
namely Mary Waithira and Mary Wanjohi according to the Kikuyu customary law and
had children by them. The public trustee and the lawyer for Loise submitted that
the first question that must be decided is whether in view of the deceased’s first
marriage under the African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act the deceased could
enter into one or more other lawful marriages. Marriage under the African Christian
Marriage and Divorce Act is meant to be a Christian marriage and that parties
become legally bound to each other as man and wife so long as both of them shall
live and their marriage cannot be dissolved during their lifetime except by a valid
judgment of divorce and that if either of them (before the death of the other) should
illegally contract another marriage while their marriage remained un-dissolved, the
offender would be guilty of bigamy, and liable to punishment for that offence. It is
apparent that the deceased had not divorced Loise during his lifetime, and that,
consequently, any subsequent marriage would be illegal. The question arose
whether both wives could benefit from the husband Estate. The court held that the
second wives were not recognized under statutory law because the man did not
have capacity to contract a second marriage and them therefore they and their
children could not inherit from the man’s estate. The court is saying that the man
could not convert from a statutory way of life that he had committed himself to.
The second wives were not recognized.

In the case of Ohochuku V. Ohochuku6; the parties had been married under
Nigerian Customary Law and then underwent a Christian Marriage. Under English
law which created a monogamous marriage

4 This is usually considered the marriage ceremony in most communities,

5 Cap 150, Laws of Kenya.

6 1960, 1 All E.R. 253

Also in the case of Parkasho v. Singh 7a statute converted Sikh marriage from
being polygamous marriage to monogamous marriage and it was held that it was
out of these religion changes that family law of Sikhs was changed. The legislation
must be full legislation that deals with all marriages in that category.

In the Ayoob case8 ; the parties were Muslims and they got married under the
Marriage Act as the statutory law marriage. On the same day they were married
under Muslim Law. Subsequently the husband divorced the wife by way of tarak a
Muslim form of divorce. He then went to court seeking a declaration that his
marriage had been lawfully resolved. It was held that the husband by performing
the tarak was able to divorce the Muslim marriage but if he wanted to divorce the
statutory law marriage he would have to file for divorce under the Matrimonial
Causes Act9. The court is saying that the act of contract of a Muslim marriage after
the statutory law marriage does not convert the statutory law marriage so that the
statutory law marriage was still persisting and had to be divorced by following court

In S.o V L.a.m10 the court was of the opinion that once one has changed one’s
family law system from Kikuyu customary law to be defined by statute law, the
latter ceases to apply. In this case, the judge held that since the parties had
transferred from customary law family system to statutory family system, the way
by which the judge would decide which party was to get custody would be by
statutory law.

The Kenyan situation is very much like the English one. Kenya statutes do provide
for the change from one system to the other. Section 11(b) of the Marriage Act 11
implies that one can change their customary or Islamic law marriage into a Christian
marriage. When you apply for a marriage certificate there must be an Affidavit
stating that neither party is married under customary or Islamic law to any other
person they intend to marry.

Section 9 of the African Christian Marriage and Divorce Act12 provided for parties
who are married under customary law to marry under the Act if they wish to do so.
The Islamic law under section 5 (6) also in any way does provide of conversion of
customary law marriages to Islamic marriages, though not directly. The section
makes it an offence for one to convert to Islamic marriage from other marriages
unless there is a divorce.

7 1967, 1 All E.R.

8 1968, E.A. 72.

9 Cap 152, Laws of Kenya.

10 2009, eKLR

11 Cap 150, Laws of Kenya.

12 Cap 151, Laws of Kenya.


In Kenya religion, and in ,many other countries, a family is deeply rooted in religion
and one’s beliefs, thus family systems change drastically in relation to the different
types of religious beliefs.

One can take into consideration the example of Islamic and Christian marriages, in
the former a man is allowed to have utmost four wives and divorce to some extent
is permissible; in the latter however marriages are strictly monogamous and divorce
is a rarity.

In the Sinha Peearage Case13 : the parties changed their Hindu Sect from one
practicing polygamous marriage to one practicing monogamous marriage. It was
held that changing their religious beliefs changed their marital status and the
polygamous marriage was changed to a monogamous one.

n the Gambia in Manjany vs. Ndongo 14the courts recognized you could change
from statutory to Islamic law marriage by contracting an Islamic marriage ceremony
after the statutory marriage ceremony


The legal definition of the term domicile is ‘the residence where one has a
permanent home or principal establishment and to where, whenever one is absent,
one intends to return: every person is compelled to have one domicile at a time.’
Domicile is essentially ones permanent home or the place that one intends to set up
their permanent residence. According to this if one were to change where one were
to change one’s permanent home to a different jurisdiction then the family law
system present In the new jurisdiction automatically binds them.

Ali v. Ali; this case provides authority for the proposition that, if a husband
changes his domicile from a country that permits polygamy to one which does not,
this change of domicile renders the marriage monogamous. In this case the parties
had contracted a polygamous marriage in India but the marriage had remained a de
facto monogamous marriage. They then changed their Domicile to England which
changed their marriage into a de jure monogamous marriage.


Where one marries someone practicing another family law system: for example if a
person practicing a customary law system marries a person practicing Islamic law
normally the implication is that that marriage will bestow upon the parties a new
family law system and normally the operating law system will be that of the man;
since ours is a patriarchal society.

13 1946, 1 All E.R. 263 P.C

14 1967, JAL 13

1. Conflict between statutory and other systems of family law because of the
reluctance by the court to recognize that one can change from statutory
to other family law system. E.g. parties will get married under statutory
law and continue to live their customary way of life and in the process
contract customary law marriages and the issue is to what extent will that
customary law apply to people married under statutory law?

2. There are situations such as Re Ogola, arising or stories of people having

gotten married under statutory law and then getting married under
customary law and later to realize that they have committed an
offence.Different Customary Law systems especially African customary
law system. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that the Kenyan
population is becoming urbanized and when we say that the Kenya
customary law applies, which is the customary law and especially for
people who live in urban areas and do not practice any customary law.
Secondly there is the multiplicity of tribes in Kenya thus becoming difficult
when one were to through marriage change their family law system.

3. Conflict between the different statutes in Kenya applying to the same

issue but still contradict each other, for example between the Marriage
Act and the Law of Succession Act whereby under the Marriage Act
marriages are strictly monogamous and it is an offence to conduct a
second marriage but the Law of Succession gives recognition to
potentially polygamous marriage and that they can inherit under this law.
Under the Matrimonial Causes Act there is no provision for application of
customary law in determining the fate of the children. Under the
children’s act the act provides that in matters determining custody of
children one of the matters to be taken into account are the customs
affecting that child. So in an attempt to accommodate African system of
law the children are brought in a concept not present in other Acts.
Unless there is a total overhaul of the statutes in the family law arena
where they are harmonized and put on the same wavelength we shall
continue having these conflicts of four different family law systems.

4. If one were to change from a customary system of family law and adopt
the statutory system and one for example was in a polygamous marriage
with several children all the children who their mothers are the second,
third, fourth, e.t.c. wives are likely to be labeled as illegitimate children as
the union between the parents is not recognizable under statute law as a
marriage. Thus matters such as succession become a problem. Phyllis
Njoki Karanja & 2 Others V Rosemary Mueni Karanja & Another 15
the issue here was whether children from another woman who was no the

15 2009, eKLR
wife could legally inherit property left behind by the deceased, the court
was of the opinion that unless expressly stated in the will that they were
to inherit, the law considered them illegitimate and thus had no right to

5. If one does not change their family law system, one cannot be expected
to rely on another for reliefs in courts. This is however highly unfair as was
seen in Re Bethel 16. In this case an English man married a Botswana
Woman under Botswana customary law and they had a child, the husband
died and left property in England. The issue was whether this daughter
was legitimate and could therefore inherit the property in England and the
court held that that marriage was not recognized under English law
because it was potentially polygamous and the daughter was therefore
not legitimate and could not inherit the property. And they quoted
Hyde’s17 case that marriage was the voluntary union for life of one man
and one woman to the exclusion of all others. Also in Ex Parte Mir-
Anwarrudin 18had a similar ruling as in the Re Bethel


Just as many other laws in Kenya, the branch of family law is in jumbles. The
multiplicity of various laws (that is in the various statutes) only leads to confusion
and thus rendering them impractical. the Marriage Bill of 1976 was unconstitutional
and for that reason could not be upheld19. The Bill sought to harmonise different
family law systems by introducing one law. Here are two reasons why the bill was
1. Historically it could not stand because it assumed that sociologically and
politically the Kenyan people were one entity which they were not and his
historical argument is the argument of the different law systems which
was along racial lines and Kenya was still a very racially divided society;
2. The Kenyan constitution guarantees a right to freedom of conscience and
this includes freedom of religion and worship. Part of that freedom and
worship is found in our different family laws. He argues that the statutory
law is found on Christian norms and therefore it is the Christian’s choice to
marry under Christian law, Muslims choice to marry under the Muslim Law
likewise Africans were free to practice their customs under their customs

16 1888, ALL E.R. 543

17 Hyde vs Hyde

18 1917.

19 One of the arguments which was put forward very strongly by Dr. Gibson Kamau Kuria
when he was teaching family law.
and that to legislate under one uniform law for all would be

Under the Draft Bill20 to alter the Constitution this argument was put forward it
provides that Parliament enacts legislation that will recognise marriages concluded
under any tradition or under any system of religious, personal or family law. A
single system of family should be formed and given the various differences it should
be devoid of religion; religion being at the root of every family law system. but
since Kenya is a a state based on religious beliefs, we still have a long way to go
before a comprehensive branch of family law is actually formed.

20 Article 38 clause 5 the Bill

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