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Drug name

Mechanism of Action Tetanus antitoxin neutralizes the toxin roduced !" Clostridium tetani



Side effect/Adverse effect )D*+ )difficult" of s(allo(ing )hives )itching' reddening of s,in' s(elling of the in#ection site )mild fever )inflammation of #oints )rash )severe dizziness

Nursing Considerations )Do s,in testing !efore giving this medication )Assess atient for an" adverse effects )inform atient that mild fever' itching' reddening of the s,in and s(elling of the in#ection site ma" occur

Generic Name: Tetanus Antitoxin Classification: Immunizing agent

Toxoid is indicated for !ooster in#ection onl" for ersons $ "ears of age or older against tetanus% This vaccine is not indicated for rimar" immunization

&atients that is su!#ected to allergic disease such as asthma or infantile eczema' or (as allergic to an" revious antiserum in#ections

Drug name

Mechanism of Action &rovides immunit" to those individuals (ho have lo( or no immunit" to the toxin roduced !" the tetanus organism' Clostridium tetani



Side effect/Adverse effect )slight soreness' itching and s(elling at the site of in#ection )slight tem erature elevation ma" !e noted at times )difficult" of !reathing )s(elling of the throat' toungue or li s

Nursing Considerations )as, the atient if he has !leeding ro!lems )assess atient if he has immunoglo!ulin IgA deficienc" )inform the atient that slight of !od" tem erature elevation ma" occur

Generic Name: Tetanus immunoglo!ulin Classification: Immunizing agent

Indicated to manage (ounds contaminated (ith dirt' soil or feces' uncture (ounds and trauma (ounds%

In atients (ho have severe throm!oc"to enia or an" coagulation disorder that (ould contraindicate intramascular in#ections

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