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{ Republic Of The Philippines }

CITY OF _____________

The taking and preparation of this affidavit was conducted and supervised
by Atty.__________ at his law office located at ____________________.
I, Erlinda Daguit, 23 years old, single, Kindergarten teacher in SMART Pre-school,
resident of Unit 1408 The Towers Condominium, Manila City, fully aware and conscious that I
am under oath, and with full knowledge that if my answers are false, I can be subjected to
criminal liability for false testimony or perjury, hereby deposeth and sayeth:
That I can read and understand English.
1. Q: Are you a native of Barangay San Miguel, Manila?
A: No, sir. I come from Libis, Quezon City.
2. Q: How come you became a teacher of SMART Pre-school?
A: After college sir, I applied for a teaching position and they accepted me.
3. Q: Where were you on December 7, 2013?
A: I was in my condominium sir.
4. Q: Where is your condominium located?
A: At Unit 1408 The Towers Condominium, Manila City.

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