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Year 9 Semester 2 Geography Assignment

[Town: Gundagai]
By: Willis Lo Teacher: Mr Gibson Due: 29/9/11


The Location of Gundagai

Keys: = Highway = Highway um!ers = Gundagai = "orest#$ood%and

= &a'es#(i)ers#$ater *at+hments

Section B- The Community: Background Information

History Captain Sturt came down the Murrumbidgee River in 1829 where he met a few other white men who went with him to discover wonderful grazing ground which they eventually found along the river which is actually east of where undagai today was situated! "he irrigation that comes from the river still remains an important natural resource for the agricultural industry of undagai to this day! Po ulation undagai has a recorded population of 29#2 people! $Most recent census from the %&S' !acilities undagai provides a variety of facilities that are (uite impressive for a town of its size! )t includes medical facilities such as hospitals* doctors and dentists! )t includes + schools in the entire undagai region $including south undagai'! )t also has caravan par,s* fast food outlets* motels* churches* a library and a ma-or grocery store $.oolworths' opening in the near future! undagai also has many sports facilities including hoc,ey* football* golf* horse racing* rugby* and cric,et and netball courts! The "d#antages of Li#ing in Gundagai /ocal Residents li,e living in undagai mainly because of the small* friendly and peaceful community where 0you don1t miss out on anything2 $local resident'! "here is also an advantage of better security in such a small community which is also a ma-or reason of why they live in undagai! "cti#ities of $esidents "he main activities that the residents are involved in are all based around sport! undagai seems to be very sports themed* possibly due to the e3cellent fields from the natural irrigation of them Murrumbidgee which ma,es it only natural that many residents parta,e in such activities! "he activities that the residents interviewed participated in were cric,et* netball* rugby and soccer! Ma%or &hanges 'n The Past 1( )ears "he town has mainly changed in the past ten years because of the tourism boom! undagai is situated on the 4ume 4ighway $one of the busiest highways in %ustralia' which lead to ma-or cities li,e Sydney Melbourne and Canberra which therefore ma,es undagai easier to be accessed! %lso with the increase of hotels in undagai* tourism has become a ma-or industry in undagai which was not the case 1# years ago! '* ression of To+n My impression of the town itself is that it loo,s li,e any typical country town! "his showed to me the peaceful and easy5going bac,ground that undagai had with its friendly community as no one ever ignored us when we as,ed them something which could not be said the same for other ma-or cities! Ma%or 'ssues &onfronting the To+n 6ne ma-or issue confronting the town is the youth drain which is atypical to such small* rural towns! .ith the lac, of 7niversities and variety of employment opportunities in undagai many young people have gone off to the neighbouring cities of Sydney and Melbourne to pursue a better education* -ob and overall a more promising life! "his would however lead to a loss of support to the population of undagai with lower numbers being able to support the community in the future! %nother ma-or issue is the lac, of specialist services! "he lac, of people available


to perform services in specialist fields such as orthodontics* surgery etc! in such rural areas leads to a less desirable place to live! Land ,sage in &BD Ty e of Building Percenta ge 01d 1 -os itali ty 22345 $esidenti al 6395 $ecreation al 2325 $etail .er#ice s 21365 Go#ern*e nt 2325 /ther



Gundagai Post /ffice7 Pur oses of the Past and Present "he post office was built in the 188#1s and has always been used for postal services although from the past 1# years it has now e3tended its services to digital printing and has also begun to sell stationary supplies and also the creation of advertisements for the entire town of undagai! $See photo and s,etch on page + and 8'

Section C- Photo and Sketch of Building of Interest:

undagai Post !ffice




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