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AP Biology 2014

Instructor: Mr. Thomas Meeting Location/Times: Room 520, Period 4 Tutoring Availability: 2nd hour planning and Wed/Fri AB Work phone: 520-879-1859 Front Office: 520-879-2802 Teacher Email Address: [email protected] School Moodle Main Page:

Welcome Back Bobcats!

Were going to have a lot of fun this year and Im really looking forward to studying the natural world with you. Together, we will explore the diversity and complexity of life on Earth from organic macromolecules to energy flow in ecosystems.

I received a Bachelors degree in biology from Prescott College in 2006. I have 8 years of experience working as a field biologist in places like the cloud forests of Costa Rica, Gulf of California, Pacific Northwest rainforest, Sonoran Desert, Colorado River basin, and the meadows of the High Sierra Mountains. I began a Masters of Education program at the University of Arizona in 2012. I have a cat named Kitty and enjoy backpacking, rock climbing, bird watching, snorkeling, and bike commuting in the city. A combination of Indiana Jones and the Goonies inspired me to become a biologist.

Mr. Thomass Research Background: Intertidal ecology, Gulf of California, Mexico Nesting habits of common passerines in the Pacific Northwest Clutch Variability of red-faced warblers, Catalina Mountains, Arizona Population biology of willow flycatchers, Colorado River Basin, Arizona Biological Assessment, Tastiota Estuary, Sonora Mexico

ABOUT AP Biology will require a high degree of dedication. work on a daily basis. Please keep absences difficult to replicate at home. Knowing that encouraged ask questions. This can be in class, during and parents may request a conference at any

Students are expected to review notes to an absolute minimum! Many activities this class is challenging, students are my planning period, lunch, or AB. Students

Information learned during the first semester will be applicable during spring semester; especially cellular processes such as mitosis & meiosis, DNA photosynthesis, & cellular respiration. Im looking forward to working with you and your this semester and in order to make things run smoothly, please acknowledge that you received information by reading through the following guidelines and signing the last

Course objective: AP Biology is an opportunity for students to learn about the importance of science related issues in society. Students need to be educated & critical thinkers for future policy-making decisions. I emphasize teaching students to examine the observations that have been used and are being used to develop scientific ideas. Students w i l l gain a sense of science as a continual process rather than a static relic. I hope to awaken their interest and enthusiasm for studying the world around them. Course Description: The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course taken by biology majors during their first year. This course differs significantly from the usual high school biology c l a s s with respect to the kind of textbook used, the range and depth of topics covered, the kind of laboratory work done, and mostly the time and effort required of students. Our textbook is the seventh edition of Campbell and Reeces Biology. This is the same textbook used by college biology majors. AP Biology is intended for students that have already completed high school biology and chemistry. It aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. Signing up to take the class implies you will take the AP test in May. Course Overview: The class will be a combination of lecture, group work, projects, and labs. A calendar detailing a ss ign men ts , readings, and due dates can be found on the class Moodle page. It is imperative that the assigned readings be completed before coming to class. If students come prepared, the quality of discussions, lecture, and laboratories will be improved. This course will also require students to write frequently and draw conclusions based on data collected from labs. There will be regular homework, a great deal of reading, and large leaps of faith with complex lab reports and projects. There will not be a comprehensive second semester final for anyone who takes the AP exam and has an 85% in the class. The AP exam itself is taken in May. Registration for the exam begins in February. Expect registration costs to be at least $80. The class will make extensive use of Moodle. I expect you to check it weekly to keep current

AP Biology is based on 4 big ideas: Big idea 1: The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life. Big idea 2: Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis. Big idea 3: Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes. Big idea 4: Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.

These 4 big ideas are supported by the investigative laboratory component The course is also structured around l abora tory inquiry and the use of the seven science . Students are given the opportunity to engage in laboratory investigations throughout the course for a minimum of 25% of instructional Students will conduct a minimum of eight inquiry-based investigations (two per big idea the course). Additional labs will be conducted to deepen students conceptual understanding and reinforce the application of science practices within a hands-on, discovery based environment. levels of inquiry will be used and all seven-science practice skills will be applied by students on regular basis in formal labs as well as activities outside of the lab The course will provide opportunities for students to develop, record, and communicate the of their laboratory Within the big ideas and labs, students should master 7 Science Practice 1. The student can use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and scientific The student can use mathematics appropriately (mean, standard deviation, Chi-Square, Weinberg, water potential, The student can engage in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations within the context of the AP The student can plan and implement data collection strategies appropriate to a particular scientific The student can perform data analysis and evaluation of The student can work with scientific explanations and The student is able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, c o n c e p t s representations in and across The Te The AP Test is graded on a 1 to 5 scale and is curved. Most colleges accept credit for 4 and grades. The test is 3 hours in length split into two Section I: 90 Minutes-Knowledge Framework Questions, 50% of test a) 63 Multiple Choice questions (A-E multiple b) 6 Grid-in or calculation questions (bubble in correct mathematical Section II: 80 Minutes-Free Response, 50% of test c) 10 minute mandatory reading d) 2 long free response questions (several e) 6 short free response questions (2-3

Expectations and Requirements

Class Attendance: AP Biology is a rigorous class that requires an extensive commitment from you if you plan to be successful. Attendance in class is essential. Missing class will create problems, especially during laboratories. The fewer days missed, the better your chance of success. Throughout the year I will offer after school study sessions at times convenient to the class. I encourage you to come! Moodle: Class resources will be posted to Moodle. This will include classwork, homework, labs, activities, and due dates.

Chapter CPEs (Content Picture & Essay) are used to help students process readings and make connections with the 4 big ideas listed above. Students also are expected to include pictures, diagrams, or time lines to support their essay. I try to simulate FRQ and short answer formats for CPEs. There are two parts to CPEs: 1. A student generated page of work in their science notebook 2. A post to a class CPE Google Doc. This will provide a collective understanding while highlighting weaknesses and strengths.

Formal lab write-up includes: All handwritten pre-lab and raw data in their class science notebook PLUS data, graphs, & conclusions typed and submitted. A sample lab report is on Moodle and students are expected to follow that format. Well practice this and you will get better. Informal lab write-up includes: answering questions, data collection, and conclusion similar to formal lab write-up, but in your science notebooks. Labbench will often be used as a pre/post lab activity. Relevant links will be posted to Moodle. Lectures include class discussion and students also have the opportunity for content clarification and problem solving practice sessions. Field Trips: Im unsure of any field trips at this time as budgets have been severely limited. The last two years we have attended Tummamoc Hill ecology trips in the spring. Required supplies: Each class students will need: 100 page composition graph paper notebook Highlighter/Red Pen for grading Non-programmable calculator Google Drive account/USB Flash drive Recommended supplies: Not required, but useful: Pack of 12 colored pencils Glue stick Personal Dry Erase Marker

Class Procedures:
Together we will cover class procedures several times during the first weeks of school. I expect you to know how to handle yourself and want my goals to be as transparent as possible. Beginning of class: Students promptly find their seats and begin bellwork within one minute of the bell ringing. Often I will not introduce bellwork, so know where to find it and be responsible. Your Bellwork should be in your composition book every day. Ill randomly collect these.

During class: Come prepared. While Im teaching is NOT A GOOD time to throw away trash or sharpen a pencil. Follow along with the lesson/activity and be prepared. The Science Notebook: Students will be utilizing an interactive science notebook throughout the year. This process closely replicates what scientists perform in a lab setting. The notebook will become a useful tool, as ALL assignments will be kept in the notebook with glue or tape. Students can then look back on their work throughout the year, and use it as a reference. All students will keep a notebook, and each will be organized according to a class table of contents that we will set up in class. The notebook will be a significant portion of each students grade. Keeping the notebook is an exercise in responsibility and organization. Notebooks may be kept in the science classroom if necessary, but any lost notebooks must be re-created by the student in order to keep up with the course and maintain the notebook grade. Guidelines for the notebook will be handed out in class, reviewed during class, and posted on the class Moodle. Mr. Farr will keep an example notebook in the classroom for students to refer to.

Passes: Trips to the restroom or to see another teacher will be allowed during an appropriate time. Do not ask during lecture, in the middle of a lab, or any other time when Mr. Thomas, or any other teachers (including subs, guest speakers, or student teachers), are directly teaching. There will be plenty of time you are individually working on class work that may be an acceptable time to leave. When leaving, only one person will be allowed out at a time and they MUST sign out, have the hall pass, and sign back in upon returning. Be prompt. End of class: Clean up desk and work area, and work on any closure activities as directed. This is an important time to solidify what we did that day. We will move around a lot in class so you will be required to help rearrange seats, clean up utensils, and prepare the room for the next class. Lastly, the teacher dismisses the students, NOT the bell. Late Work: Late work will be accepted for up to 70% of assignment total. All late work must be turned into the homework tray and stamped in red with the word LATE on the top. I will model this in class. You do not need to let me know about the work; simply put it in the back of the room in the corresponding period tray.

Absent Work: Similar to late work, you do not need to discuss the assignment with me. Write ABSENT on top of the assignment, and turn it into the corresponding tray. I aim to get all work back to you within one week. Questions about grades or assignments: The beginning and ending of each class is busy as a teacher. I am happy to discuss grades with you and you may set up an appointment with me to do so. Come prepared with your agenda and write down the time we agree on. I will not discuss grades or assignments during class. Just like with going to the doctor, set up an appointment with me and follow through on your commitment.

You Have Many Resources at Your Disposal: Class Textbooks: Please check out a book through the bookstore. We may not have enough books for everyone in class which means you will be sharing often. I encourage you to use multiple texts: I have a lot of great college references and different textbooks. Class Moodle: You may find downloadable copies of several assignments for class as well as lectures and project rubrics. I may record some of my lectures and put them on the website. I will not print out copies of my lectures, but feel free to do so if you wish. Login at The library: You are allowed to print out 40 pages of work per year in the library. I will not print work for you. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements ahead of time. Exceptions and extensions will not be given to students who do not plan ahead. Mrs. Genovese has multiple print and electronic resources that rarely get used. Your teacher: I like what I do. Make an appointment to talk with me about anything that needs clarification or if you are just curious. I also have a lot of resources.

Grade Scale 100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59 and below A B C D F Assignment or work Makeup Grade INDEPENDENT PRACTICE *Bellwork and notes (usually collected on Fridays) *Homework, typically CPEs, labbench, etc. ASSESSMENTS *Practice Quizzes (typically weekly, in class & online) * Projects, labs/reports (usually one per unit) *Tests *Extra credit may be possible of Total ~30% 10% 20% ~70 20% 30% 20%

Mr. Thomass Grading Policy: Percentages are approximate. Grade trackers are available for each student if they want to keep up with their grades in an old school fashion. PowerSchool is also available for students and parents. Use it; be responsible because they are your grades, not mine! Absence/Makeup Work Policies: * Students who reach 7 non-school-related absences in any one course, per semester, will lose credit in that class. Absence appeals can be made to administration. Refer to student handbook for more details on the absence policy. * For every excused absence you have that many days to make up the work for full credit -1 ex. absence = 1 day to make it up, etc. *Late work will be accepted for up to SEVENTY % CREDIT. 7/10 is better than 0. * Long term excused absences require individual discussion with me while excessive absences may result in removal from class. * Students should exchange phone numbers or email addresses with several students in class. There will be ample collaboration between peers so be ready to work with others. * Tests and Quizzes are to be made up on a prompt basis. Individual concerns may be discussed. * Missed labs are to be made up on a case-by-case basis. Make an appointment with me in AB.

Tardy Policy: For each tardy, 5 points will be deducted from a monthly participation grade (5 points provided per day). Each month will equal ~50 points making each tardy roughly a 10% deduction for this individual grade (and roughly 1% effect to the overall grade). These points will make a difference in the students overall grade. Excessive tardies will result in lower Citizenship/Top Cat grades. Discipline Policies: *Cheating: Automatic zero on assignment. If a student is found cheating on a major assignment, a referral and call home will result. Cheating includes plagiarism, copying off a students paper for , test, AND homework, and using or turning in another students work as your own. For further descriptions, see pages 16-17 of the Cienega High School agenda. *Excessive tardies and unexcused absences will result in parent and administrator contact. For each tardy, 1% will be deducted from the students semester grade. Loss of credit will result after the 13 violation. For further information regarding attendance policies, see pages 19-20 in the Cienega High School agenda. *Negative Disruptive behavior is any action that interferes with other students learning (including bullying in class or online) and will not be tolerated. A list of consequences for such behavior: 1. An initial warning will be given 2. Parent phone call 3. Referral and parent phone call

4. Meeting with administrator 5. After school ACE/Suspension 6. Potential removal from class

*On the other hand, positive behavior may be rewarded -Extra credit option(s) -Permission to conduct special lab activities of the students interest, -Students demonstrating great positive behavior and above average achievement on assignments may be nominated for student of the month...and I always nominate someone from my classes!

Finally Mr. Thomass Five Classroom Rules 1. Participate with enthusiasm! 2. Respect every individual. 3. No horseplay in class or lab. 4. Start Bellwork within one minute of the bell. 5. HAVE FUN!

Student Honor Pledge and Class Contract for Mr. Thomass Class

Class Period:



This is an advanced class and I expect a certain level of classroom conduct. Lets both come to class ready to learn something and enjoy the day. Lets start with a quick getting to know you survey: What makes you laugh the hardest? What would you love to find at a yard-sale? If you could have lunch with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Below are a few points I want you (the student) and your parents to acknowledge. This is a contract between you, your parents, and Mr. Thomas. Please initial each statement below and accept responsibility for yourself and to make our class one of a kind!

I will participate enthusiastically, maturely, and most importantly SAFELY. I will do my own work and not copy or plagiarize anyone elses.

I understand that there will be labs all year long and will give 100% effort to my group to complete the tasks at hand. I will act in a mature and respectful manner while performing labs and activities. I realize we use chemicals reagents, glassware, and multiple organisms in class and will respect Mr. Thomass guidance on proper use. Any special accommodations or assistive devices that I need in order learn I will let Mr. Thomas know ASAP, or if something comes up, because he wants me to succeed. I have read and understand the rules and expectations set out by Mr. Thomas. If I ever need to discuss matters one on one with Mr. Thomas, I will set up an appointment with him outside of our class time. I know his office hours, school phone number, and email address.
Print student name Signature Students school email

Parent(s) Name(s)

Parent(s) Signature

Parent(s) preferred method of communication (phone or email)

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