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Answer all questions.

1. Round off 782 634 to the D 6500 mm

nearest ten thousand. 5. 36 x 250 =
A 800 000 A 7 500
B 790 000 B 8 000
C 783 000 C 8 500
D 780 000 D 9 000

2. Find the sum of 146 325, 4 063 6. 3.5 kg – 1 452 g =

and A 2 048 kg
7 580. B 204.8 kg
A 147 868 C 20.48 kg
B 147 968 D 2.048 kg
C 157 868
D 157 968
7. 6 300 boxes of orange juice are
distributed equally to 12
3. 750 000 is equal to supermarkets. Each box has 24
A 0.075 million bottles of orange juice.
B 0.75 million Calculate the number of bottles
C 7.5 million of orange juice received by
D 75 million each supermarket.
A 12 006
B 12 600
4. Which of the following lengths C 16 002
is the longest? D 16 200
A 0.065 km
B 650 cm
C 650 m

A 8.52 ℓ
8. Table 1 shows the age of two B 8.25 ℓ
pupils at a certain time. C 8.205 ℓ
Name Age D 8.025 ℓ

Nisha 11 years
12.(15 ÷ 60) x 480 =
12 year 3
Aleya A 80
B 120
Table 1
C 240
Nisha’s date of birth is 20 June
D 360
1995. In which month does
Aleya’s date of birth fall?
A March
13.210 x 1.99 =
B April
A 41.79
C August
B 417.9
D September
C 4179
D 41 790

9. Puan Norsiah uses 910 kg flour

to bake a cake. She needs 35
14.57 x 6 =
kg less flour to bake some
A 227
cookies. How much flour, in kg,
B 247
does she need for cookies?
C 427
A 310 C 110
D 447
B 12 D 45

15.Diagram 1 shows the selling

10.Calculate the average of 1 ℓ,
price of a computer.
0.65 ℓ and 750 mℓ, in mℓ.
A 272
B 605
C 500
D 800
Diagram 1
11.8 ℓ 5 mℓ + 20 mℓ =

After a discount, Mr Lim pays a A 50 cm
sum of RM2 975. How much B 125 cm
was the discount on the price C 150 cm
of the computer? D 175 cm
A 5% C 15%
B 10% D 20%
18.Saufi is 10 years 4 months old.
His older brother Hasril is 15
16.In which of the following years 8 months. What is the
diagrams is 60% of the whole difference age between Saufi
diagram unshaded? and Hasril?
A A 5 years 4 months
B 5 years 8 months
C 25 years 13 months
B D 6 years 4 months

19.A school has 639 male pupils

C and the number of girls is 127
more than the number of boys.
What is the total number of
D pupils in the school?
A 512
B 766
C 1 151
D 1 405
17.The total length of three pieces
of wood is 300 cm. The length
of the first piece is 50 cm. The 20.Table 2 shows the three items
length of second and third that Mrs Saviyah bought from a
pieces of wood are the same. shop.
Find the length, in cm, of the Quant Unit
Item Price
third piece of wood. ity Price

4 Biscui RM1.4 RM5.6
boxes ts 0 0 22.Diagram 4 shows the weigth of

? Salt RM1.8 two apples.

packet 0

Flour RM2.2 RM13.

6 kg
0 20

Total RM24.
Diagram 4
The price of 500 g apples is
Table 2
RM2.20. How much does the
How many packets of salt did
two apple cost?
she buy?
A RM4.40
A 3 C 10
B RM6.60
B 4 D 18
C RM6.80
D RM8.60

21.Diagram 2 shows two

containers, X and Y, each filled
23.Farhan and three of his friends
with some water.
bought 8 boxes of biscuits, and
each of them receives the same
number of boxes. Each box has
24 pieces of biscuit. How many
biscuits does each person
Diagram 3
A 72
The water from container X is
B 64
used to fill 9 bottles of the
C 56
same size. How many bottles
D 48
of the same size are needed to
hold the water from container
A 35 C 53
B 44 B 62

correct sum. How much is the
24.Diagram 5 shows the start actual amount of his telephone
time and end time of a cinema bill?
show. A RM32.00
B RM21.00
C RM9.80
D RM5.60

26.Ahmad buys 60 limes. He finds

that 25% of the limes are
rotten. How many limes are still
Start A 6
B 15
Diagram 5
C 45
For 20 minutes of the End
D 85
advertisements were
screened. How long, in
minutes was the actual film
A 112 C 140
B 120 D 168

25.Table 3 shows Haidi’s Diagram 6 shows a quadrilateral

electricity and telephone bills. KLMN.
Quantity Item

Electricity RM28


Haidi pays for the two bills
with RM48. He finds that the
Diagram 6
payment is RM12 less than the

The side LM is 6 cm.The side
MN is three times longer than
the side LM. Find the
perimeter of the quadrilateral
A 40.6 cm
B 46.6 cm4
C 50.6 cm
D 56.6 cm

28.Diagram 7 shows a straight

road WXYZ.
112 km
400 m


Diagram 7
The distance of WX is 500 m.
How long, in km, is it from W
to Z?
A 240
B 24
C 2.4
D 0.24

29.Diagram 8 shows three

cylinders containing syrup.

31.Diagram 10 shows a rectangle

8 cm

4 cm
Diagram 8
Find the volume, in mℓ, of N M

syrup in three cylinders. Diagram 10

A 2550 The are of the shaded region is
B 1425 34 of the are of the whole
C 301.5 diagram. Calculate the
D 1.55 perimeter, in cm, of the
shaded area.
A 20
B 24
30.Diagram 9 shows the total C 32
weight of 2 durians and 4 D 40
jackfruits. 32.Hannah buys 50 blue, red and
black pens. 20% of the pens are
blue and 10 of the pens are red.
How many black pens are
A 10 C 30
B 12 D 37

Diagram 9
The weight of the 2 durians
33.Diagram 11 shows the number
are 1.25 kg and 1.5 kg
of marbles in three boxes.
respectively. Calculate the
total weight, in kg, of the 4
85 97 148
A 3.5 C 4.75
Diagram 11
B 4.85 D 7.25

What is the average number of Find the total surface area of a
marbles in each box? cube R and a cuboid S.
A 100 A 208 cm2
B 110 B 210 cm2
C 115 C 218 cm2
D 125 D 220 cm2

34.A class has 25 Malay pupil, 10 36.Table 4 shows the lengths of

Chinese pupil and 5 Indian four pieces of ropes, P, Q, R and
pupils. What percentage of the S.
class are Chinese pupils? Rope Measurement
A 20% P 200 cm
B 25%
Q 750 cm
C 36%
25 of the length of
D 45% R
rope Q

10 cm shorter than
rope P
35.Diagram 12 shows a cube R
and a cuboid S. Table 4
Calculate the difference in
length, in cm, between ropes S
and Q.
A 300
B 400
C 460
D 560
37.Diagram 13 is a pictograph
showing the number of loaves

3 cm of bread sold at four stalls.


10 cm Q
Diagram 12

R class W, X, Y and Z who scored
a Grade A for the subject
stands for 250 loaves
Number of pupils
of bread
Diagram 13
The number of loave sold at
stall S is 25 the total sales of
stalls Q and R. How many
loaves were sold at stall S?
A 500 C 700
Diagram 14
B 600 D 900
The total number of pupils in
the four classes is 140.
Calculate the number of pupils
38.Table 5 shows the prices of
who did not get a Grade A.
two types of fish sold an
A 75 C 90
Maniam’s stall.
B 80 D 107

Type Ikan Keli
40.Diagram 15 shows a cuboid.
RM 7 RM18
per kg

Table 5
Shida buys 2 kg ikan Keli and
4 kg ikan Parang. She pays
with a RM100 note. How much Diagram 15
change does she receive from What is the volume of the
Maniam? cuboid?
A RM14 C RM24 A 556 cm3
B RM20 D RM30 B 566 cm3
39.Diagram 14 is a bar graph C 576 cm3
showing the number of pupils in D 586 cm3

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