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Van Diest 1 Reflection of Physical Education

EmmaLee Van Diest

Introduction to Physical Education Jaime Tigue April 5, 2011

Van Diest 2 Reflection of Physical Education Physical education has always been a part of my life and I couldnt ever see myself giving it up for anything. The history and philosophies are intriguing and have always left myself wanting more. I wanted to know more because I love to know as much of the history and mindsets behind the things that I enjoy most. As you will see physical education is highly important to myself and should be a part of everyones life to provide a healthy lifestyle.

Historical Practices, Philosophies, and Trends In any field of study there is always a vast history behind the way that a certain study has come to be, the most important part how you can apply it to your career. This historical aspect of physical educations history is important to me because women werent always aloud to participate in physical education. Siedentop stated that Only Greek male citizens were given the opportunity to be educated. Women were generally not educated and were permitted only modest involvement in physical activity and sport (p. 24). If I was alive in the time of the ancient Greeks, I would be a highly restless woman. I feel as if I can do anything a man can and no one can hold me back from achieving that. To jump ahead from the times of the ancient Greeks, its safe to summarize Siedentop that in 1893 a new wave of physical education came into play. This new physical education wouldnt be looked at as simply a form of education but as a form of physical training that you in the end use to complete an education (p. 37). I think that the new physical education was beneficial because when you train a persons body to perform a certain task, they can better understand the way that their body responds to physical stimulus and how they can obtain

Van Diest 3 different results for themselves. I have used this technique many times in my own work out regimens and it has educated me highly.

Changing Philosophies in Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport Muscular Christianity is a philosophy that I never knew had a distinct name until taking this Introduction to Physical Education. According to Siedentop Muscular Christianity is the label given to the philosophy that physical fitness and sporting prowess were important avenues through which mental, moral, and religious purposes were developed and sustained (p. 60). I feel that the biggest part of this philosophy is the moral aspect. Athletes are looked up to and a majority of the time represents a whole student body or community. The better moral that a team or athlete has the more that they are applauded and a school or community will be held in a higher prowess. Ive experience this because when I was in high school about five of the star football player got busted at a party right before playoffs and it made the whole school look bad and not just themselves. This is why I believe that muscular Christianity is a good philosophy to have.

Past Experience in Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport Ever since kindergarten I have always been involved in some form of physical education. I was always outdoors climbing trees, riding bikes, etc. no matter what I was always staying active, physical activity has always been a large part of my life. My favorite experience had to of been in my senior year of high school. My senior year I was a part of the varsity track and bowling team, and was in a fitness weight lifting class that I excelled in.

Van Diest 4 My senior year of bowling I helped lead my team to a 7th place finish at the state championship, which is a competition between around 30-50 teams from all over the state. This was my best year because I had my personal best in my average and was team captain. I also helped to coach the others on my team for we had a new coach who was new to the world of bowling. Track and field was the other organized sport I was involved in and I was a thrower and was the second best on the team. I didnt make it to state because of the lack of a few inches, but I created great memories.

My worst experience in physical education would have to be the time from 7th grade to about my sophomore year in high school. I say this because in this time period I could care less about PE. I had no desire to participate which in the end only cause problems for me until the day I found enjoyment in P.E. and sports. Because of my lack of participation I only caused myself unneeded stress and annoyance. My favorite experience has to be from my womens fitness class, which was based on the bigger faster stronger program. I was the most fit I have ever been when I was in that class. Through excelling in that class I achieved student of the year award for fitness and made it into the 500 pound club, a weight lifting club. Because of my achievements in this class and all the enjoyment I got out of it pushed me to want to become a physical educator. I want to be able to share all the good experiences that I have had through physical activity with others.

Professional Opportunities My field of interest is the physical-education teacher. Siedentop stated Physical education in schools is taught by trained professionals who hold certificates indicating that they

Van Diest 5 have passed the requirements to be licensed as teachers in their states (p. 270). I want to be involved in this profession because I want to be able to share my knowledge of how you can better yourself through physical education. This profession requires transferable skills such as communication/people skills and computer skills. You also need to have leadership to be able to conduct a successful class and have a good knowledge of the material you will be teaching. Luckily though I feel as if I already have these traits so I will be well prepared to enter this professional field.

Professional Goals The main goal I want to achieve in my chosen field is I want to be able to impact someones life. Impact someone in the way that I help them with their health, athletic skills, or overall happiness or motivation. My short term goals are to get the best education I can to be able to be a successful teacher. I will achieve this by getting a good college education. My long term goal is to become a high profile teacher/personal trainer and will be able to educate all sorts of people. This goal will be achieved by first achieving my short term goal and then to continue onto a career and make progress through that. Physical activity holds a place in everyones life even if it isnt acknowledged. There are many philosophies and histories behind how our modern day physical education has come to be and its important to know its roots to fully understand the importance of it in our daily lives. It keeps our bodies and minds healthy, and leaves our emotions positively heightened. I feel that the joy of physical activity should be spread so everyone would want to obtain it.

Van Diest 6 Work Cited

Siedentop, Daryl. Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness, and Sport. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print.

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