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College of Engineering &

College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013
November 15, 2013 Version

Newest Version

Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Michigan State University
524 S. Shaw Lane, Room 216 Farrall Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-432-2892 (fax)

Industry Liaison / Placement Coordinator
Luke Reese, Ph.D.
524 S. Shaw Lane , Room 103C
East Lansing, MI 48824-1323
[email protected]
Undergraduate Curriculum / ABET Coord.
Brad Marks, Ph.D., P.E.
524 S. Shaw Lane , Room 210
East Lansing, MI 48824-1323
[email protected]

Biosystems and Agricultural
Michigan State University
A.W. Farrall Hall
East Lansing, MI
FAX: 517-432-2892
e-mail: [email protected]

Fall 2013

Dear Potential Employer:

Thank you for your interest in our Biosystems Engineering graduates. This booklet
includes the resumes of our soon to be 2013/14 graduates as well as the resumes of
other students (e.g., juniors, sophomores, freshmen, graduate students, and recent
graduates) looking for summer internships, co-op or part-time work experiences or

In case you are not familiar with our program, the Bachelor of Science in Biosystems
Engineering at Michigan State University is an ABET-accredited engineering
program, emphasizing the integration of biology and engineering principles in
addressing critical societal needs. All of our students complete a common core of
engineering courses, at least five courses in biological sciences, and a group of
courses allowing them to specialize in a particular application area. We are
including a copy of the curriculum at the front of this booklet, for your information.

As you will see from the enclosed resumes, our students interests span a wide
domain, ranging from food processing to biomedical systems to sustainable
ecosystems to bioenergy development. We encourage you to contact any of them
directly if you have suitable opportunities. Also, current student resumes are
available on our website at: (click on Resume Book). If you
have more general questions or comments about our Resume Book or placement of
our students, please contact our Industry Liaison, Luke Reese, Ph.D.
(517-353-3258; [email protected]). We are proud of our students, in terms of both
their accomplishments and aspirations.

If you have questions about the Biosystems Engineering degree program, in terms of
program objectives, coursework, etc., feel free to contact me. We are always happy
to talk with potential employers about our degree program and our students.


Bradley P. Marks, PhD, P.E.
Undergraduate Program Coordinator

Michigan State University | College of Engineering | Engineering Undergraduate Studies
1410 Engineering Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1226 | (517) 355-6616 ext. 1

Biosystems Engineering
Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012 telephone (410) 347-7700.

1. University Requirements: (23)
Writing, Rhetoric and American Cultures (WRA) 4
Integrative Studies in Humanities (IAH) 8
Integrative Studies in Social Sciences (ISS) 8
Bioscience: BS 161 Cell and Molecular Biology 3

2. College Requirements: (30)
CEM 141 General Chemistry 4
EGR 100 Introduction to Engineering Design 2
EGR 102 Introduction to Engineering Modeling 2
MTH 132 Calculus I 3
MTH 133 Calculus II 4
MTH 234 Multivariable Calculus 4
MTH 235 Differential Equations 3
PHY 183 Physics for Scientists & Engineers I 4
PHY 184 Physics for Scientists & Engineers II 4

3. Major Requirements: (67-69)
a. Complete all of the following courses: (47)
BE 101 Introduction to Biosystems Engineering 1
BE 230 Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems 3
BE 332 Engineering Properties of Biological Materials 3
BE 334 Biosystems Engineering Laboratory Practice 3
BE 350 Heat and Mass Transfer in Biosystems 3
BE 351 Thermodynamics for Biological Engineering 3
BE 360 Microbial Systems Engineering 3
BE 385 Egr Design & Optimization for Biological Sys 3
BE 485 Biosystems Design Techniques 3
BE 487 Biosystems Design Project (W) 3
BS 162 Organismal and Population Biology 3
CE 221 Statics 3
CE 321 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 4
CEM 143 Survey of Organic Chemistry 4
CEM 161 Chemistry Laboratory I 1

b. Select one of the following courses: (2)
BS 171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory 2
BS 172 Organismal and Population Biology Laboratory 2

c. Select one of the following courses: (3-4)
MMG 301 Introductory Microbiology 3
PLB 301 Introductory Plant Physiology 3
PSL 250 Introductory Physiology 4
ZOL 341 Fundamental Genetics 4
ZOL 355 Ecology 3

d. Select one of the following courses: (3-4)
BLD 450 Eukaryotic Pathogens 3
CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3
FOR 404 Forest Ecology 3
FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3
MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3
MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3
PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 3
PLB 424 Algal Biology 4
PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3

e. Select four of the following courses: (12)
BE 445 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3
BE 456 Electric Power and Control 3
BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3
BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3
BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3
BE 481 Water Resources Sys Anlys & Modeling 3
BE 482 Diffuse-Source Pollution Engineering 3
CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3
ECE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3

Optional Concentrations
The department offers concentrations for students who
wish to focus on a specific application area in the
discipline. The concentrations are available to, but not
required of, any student enrolled in the Bachelor of
Science degree program in Biosystems Engineering.
Courses completed to satisfy requirement 3. above may
also be used to satisfy the requirements of a
concentration. The concentration will be noted on the
students transcript.

Bioenergy Engineering Concentration
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems
Engineering with a bioenergy engineering concentration,
students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and
the following:

1. All of the following courses: (9)
BE 469 Sustainable Bioenergy Systems 3
CHE 468 Biomass Conversion Engineering 3
CSS 467 Bioenergy Feedstock Production 3

2. One of the following courses: (3-4)
MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3
PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 3
PLB 424 Algal Biology 4

3. One of the following courses: (3-4):
CHE 481 Biochemical Engineering 3
CHE 882 Advanced Biochemical Engineering 3
CHE 883 Multidisciplinary Bioprocessing Laboratory 3
GLG 471 Applied Geophysics 4
MC 450 International Environmental Law & Policy 3
ME 417 Design of Alternative Energy Systems 3
ME 422 Introduction to Combustion 3
MMG 445 Microbial Biotechnology (W) 3
PLB 402 Biology of Fungi 3
PLB 424 Algal Biology 4
Courses used to fulfill requirement 2. in this
concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 3.

Biomedical Engineering Concentration
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems
Engineering with a biomedical engineering concentration,
students must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and
the following:

1. The following course: (3)
BE 445 Biosensors for Medical Diagnostics 3

2. One of the following courses: (3)
ECE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3
ME 494 Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3

3. One of the following courses: (3)
BLD 450 Eukaryotic Pathogens 3
PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3

4. Two of the following: (5-6)
BLD 204 Mechanisms of Disease 3
BLD 430 Molecular Laboratory Diagnostics 2
BLD 434 Clinical Immunology 3
BLD 450 Eukaryotic Pathogens 3
ECE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3
ME 494 Biofluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3
MSE 425 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility 3
PLB 400 Introduction to Bioinformatics 3
PSL 425 Physiological Biophysics 3
Courses used to fulfill requirements 2. and 3. in this
concentration may not be used to fulfill requirement 4.

Ecosystems Engineering Concentration
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems Engineering
with an ecosystems engineering concentration, students must
complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the following:
1. All of the following courses: (9)
BE 481 Water Resources Systems Analysis and
BE 482 Diffuse-Source Pollution Engineering 3
MMG 425 Microbial Ecology 3

2. Two of the following courses: (5-6)
CE 422 Applied Hydraulics 3
CSS 210 Fundamentals of Soil Science 3
CSS 330 Soil Chemistry 2
CSS 360 Soil Biology 3
CSS 442 Agricultural Ecology 3
CSS 455 Pollutants in the Soil Environment 3
FOR 404 Forest Ecology 3
FW 417 Wetland Ecology and Management 3
FW 420 Stream Ecology 3
FW 443 Restoration Ecology 3

Food Engineering Concentration
To earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Biosystems
Engineering with a food engineering concentration, students
must complete requirements 1., 2., and 3. above and the

All of the following courses: (9)
BE 477 Food Engineering: Fluids 3
BE 478 Food Engineering: Solids 3
FSC 440 Food Microbiology 3

Two of the following courses, one of which must be at
the 400-level: (6-7)
BMB 200 Introduction to Biochemistry 4
FSC 211 Principles of Food Science 3
FSC 401 Food Chemistry 3
FSC 430 Food Processing: Fruits & Vegetables 3
FSC 431 Food Processing: Cereals 3
FSC 432 Food Processing: Dairy Foods 3
FSC 433 Food Processing: Muscle Foods 3

Other Electives (Variable)
Total Credits Required for Degree

These requirements are effective for students admitted to the
Biosystems Engineering major beginning Fall 2011. The
Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering (BAE)
constantly reviews program requirements and reserves the
right to make changes as necessary. Consequently, each
student is strongly encouraged to consult with his/her adviser to
obtain assistance in planning an appropriate schedule of
courses. Students who have questions about Biosystems
Engineering should contact the Biosystems Engineering
Advising Office, 103 B Farrall Hall, phone (517) 355-3274. For
scheduling academic advising appointments visit:
Last revised May 2011

Michigan State University | College of Engineering | Engineering Undergraduate Studies
1410 Engineering Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1226 | (517) 355-6616 ext. 1

Biosystems Engineering

Sample Program

Freshman Year

Sophomore Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits Fall Credits Spring Credits
BE 101 1 BS 161 3 BS 162 3 BE 230 3
CEM 141 4 EGR 102 2 IAH 201-210 (A) 4 CE 221 3
CEM 161 1 ISS 2XX 4 MTH 234 4 CEM 143 4
EGR 100 2 MTH 133 4 PHY 184 4 IAH 211 or higher
MTH 132 3 PHY 183 4 BE Choice B 2 MTH 235 3
Total 15 Total 17 Total 17 Total 17

Junior Year

Senior Year
Fall Credits Spring Credits Fall Credits Spring Credits
BE 332 3 BE 350 3 BE 485 3 BE 487 3
BE 334 3 BE 360 3 BE Choice D 3-4 BE Choice E 3
BE 351 3 BE 385 3 BE Choice E 3 BE Choice E 3
CE 321 4 BE Choice C 3-4 Elective 3 Elective 3
ISS 3XX 4 Elective 3 BE Choice E 3 Elective 3

Total 17 Total 15-16 Total 15-16 Total 15


The overall purpose of the MSU Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Program is to prepare graduates who will integrate
and apply principles of engineering and biology to a wide variety of globally important problems. To achieve that purpose, the
primary objectives of the Biosystems Engineering Program are to prepare graduates to:

identify and solve problems at the interface of biology and engineering, using modern engineering techniques and
the systems approach, and
analyze, design, and control components, systems, and processes that involve critical biological components.

Additionally, the Biosystems Engineering Program is designed to help graduates succeed in diverse careers by developing a
professional foundation that includes vision, adaptability, creativity, a practical mindset, effective communication skills for
technical and non-technical audiences, the ability to work in diverse, cross-disciplinary teams, and a commitment to
sustainability, continuing professional growth, and ethical conduct.

Approved by the Biosystems Engineering faculty (26 February 2010), the Biosystems Engineering Industry Advisory Board (15 April
2010), and the Biosystems Engineering Student Group (30 April 2010).

Last revised April 2011

Resumes by year
of graduation








College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected December 2013 Graduates

Nathan Jandernoa
CURRENT: 308 Center Street, East Lansing, MI 48823 (989)640-4258
PERMANENT: 3427 N. Wacousta Rd. St. Johns, MI 48879 (989)593-2224
[email protected]

OBJECTIVE Gain Admission Into Dental School Starting Fall 2014

EDUCATION Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
- College of Engineering Biosystems Engineering/Predental
- Honors College
- GPA 3.98/4.0
Spring 2005 Present Dutch Meadows Dairy Saint Johns, MI
Farm Hand/Heavy Machine Operator
- Oversaw a group of peers while performing daily tasks and maintaining the farm
- Collaborated with a diverse range of age groups and ethnicities
- Executed adaptive decisions due to weather and other factors.
Summer 2009- Present MSU Physical Plant East Lansing, MI
Business & Personnel Data Entry
- Organized large amounts of payroll data and entered them into the accounting system.
- Individually entered and billed coal accounting
- Communicated with customers inquiries over phone, email, and in person.
- Mac OS X
- Microsoft Office
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe InDesign
- Autodesk Autosketch CAD
- Fast learner
- Hard-Working
- Self motivated
- Articulate
- Work well in groups


- Charles & Mary Jane
Spalding Engineering
- Dennis Smith Textbook
- Bainbridge Cobb Scholar
- MSU Alumni Club of Mid-
Michigan Scholar
- Volunteer Chemistry and
Physics Tutor

- MSU Design Day
- Michigan Education
Association Citizenship
- Intramural Volleyball
- MSU Izzone member
- Sunday School Teacher
- Volunteer Track Coach

MSU Tower Guard Honor Society
- Volunteer 120 Hours over the course of Sophomore year to aid Michigan State University
Students with physical handicaps
- Gained better understanding and experience working with physically handicapped peers.

International Experience
- Student Ambassadorship in Italy, France, Monaco, and Spain Summer 2007
- Sustainability Study Abroad in Australia Summer 2011
Jena E. Laur
2104 Johnson Mill Rd North Branch, MI 48461 810.730.1212 [email protected]
Obtain a full-time position starting January 2014
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Biosystems Engineering, B.S.
GPA 3.9/4.0
Academic Scholars; Honors College; Deans List
Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship; DeBoer Family Scholarship
December 2013


Undergraduate Teaching Fellow, Biosystems Engineering Lab, East Lansing, MI
Instructed lab sessions under the guidance of course professors
Prepared sensors and instrumentation for weekly lab sessions
Manufacturing & Engineering Associate Intern, General Mills, Reed City, MI
Led first phase of a capacity study at Reed City Wastewater Treatment Plant, which
involved characterizing wastewater streams and interacting with Michigan Department of
Environmental Quality
Developed team, led operations, and coordinated distribution testing for glue test on
GoGurt packaging, resulting in $100k annual savings
Balanced redundant casepackers by determining baseline performance and designing a
program change, resulting in 3% system performance savings
Rework Leader, Defi Process Co-op, Unilever, Hammond, IN
Project resulted in $116k potential annual savings.
Utilized Total Productive Manufacturing to identify key issues and implement clear actions
Worked with cross-functional teams to design sustainable operator-based solutions to
standardize rework consumption
Led rework education training to reduce annual rework generation by 13% and mixed
rework generation by 75%
Undergraduate Research Assistant, MSU Biosystems Engineering, East Lansing, MI
Researched the ability of iron-coated media to remove phosphorus from onsite wastewater
Investigated the effect of land application of wastewater on metal mobilization
Fall 13; Fall 12

Summer 2013
Jan 12 June 12
Summer 2011

Laur, J. E."Implementation of Microbes with Synthetically Engineered Quorum Sensing" MMG 445 Basic
Biotechnology eJournal [Online], 7 10 Dec 2011.
Laur, J.E., Nussdorfer, E., Hesskamp, B., Saber, L., Julien, R., & Safferman, S. (2011, July). Preventing Spikes
of Phosphorus during the Removal of Phosphorus from Onsite Wastewater. Poster session presented at the
summer University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, East Lansing, MI

Proficient in Microsoft Suite, MATLAB, LabView, ArcGIS, ANSYS Fluent
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point certified

Co-Founder, Phi Sigma Rho, Engineering Sorority; VP of Communications, Fall 2011; VP
of Finance, Fall 2012-Present
Member, Tau Beta Pi, Honors Engineering Society
Member, Biosystems Engineering Student Club; Fundraising Chair, Fall 2011- Spr 2012
Fall 11 Present

Spr 11 Present
Spr 11 Present

Kristin E. Sanburn
Permanent Address: [email protected] Phone Number:
1245 Olympia Dr. (248) 860-0895
Rochester Hills, MI 48306

Objective To obtain an internship or work experience in biosystems engineering.

Education Bachelors Degree in Biosystems Engineering 12/13
Minor in Spanish
Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
College of Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 3.56/4.0

Experience Packaging Intern, Nestle Nutrition Gerber, Fremont, MI 5/12 8/12
Conducted a full qualification of new package sterilization equipment in the Pilot
Plant including testing, documentation and presentation.
Enhanced the documentation process for qualifying equipment in the pilot plant.
Performed FDA validation testing on package sterilization equipment
Organized and presented a training session on how to use package sterilization

Informational Systems Intern, Federal Mogul Corporation, Southfield, MI 5/11 8/11
Arranged and managed four major projects.
Scheduled and hosted professional meetings to review the status of projects.
Simplified inefficient ways of record keeping by creating well-organized, user
friendly spreadsheets.
Administered daily communication among employees in order to ensure projects
were completed in an efficient and timely manner.

Sales Associate, Victorias Secret Somerset, Troy, MI 6/10 12/10
Managed cash registers and cash transactions.
Administered fast and friendly help to the customers.
Marketed the product by designing store set layouts.
Leadership Co-Founder and VP of Finance, Phi Sigma Rho (new to MSU) 9/11 to Present
Developing and strengthening relationships among women engineers.
Fundraising Co-Chair, Biosystems Engineering Club 9/11 5/12
Generating revenue to further fund events and activities.
Activities Volunteer, Engineering Expo Ambassador 5/11 to Present
Volunteer, Michigan State University Food Bank 9/09 12/09
Volunteer, Haiti Relief Program 3/10

Computer -Microsoft Word -Microsoft PowerPoint
Skills -Microsoft Excel -MATLAB

Languages -Conversational in Spanish
Stacey Stark
1684 E. Grand River Ave. Apt. 110 East Lansing, MI 48823
(810) 986-0913 [email protected]
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Bachelor of Science Biosystems Engineering Expected Dec. 2013
Food Engineering Concentration
3.2/4.0 GPA
Relevant Coursework
Heat and Mass Transfer
Electric Power & Control
Engr. Design & Optimization
Fluid Mechanics
Water Systems Analysis & Modeling
Microbial Systems
Food Microbiology
Food Engr. Fluids
Lab Assistant, MSU Biosystems Engineering Dept., East Lansing, MI May 2012-Present
Measure COD, pH, total solids, nitrogen, phosphorus in storm water samples
Identify and solve hardware malfunction
Calibrate dissolved oxygen and pH meters
Perform chemical analysis from bioretention basin and wetland samples
Engineering Aide, USDA Agricultural Research Service, East Lansing, MI J an. 2012-Dec. 2012
Design and build processes relating to food engineering (confidential)
Produce 3D images to facilitate the building of prototypes
Generate C++code used for an Arduino
Create ARS Sugarbeet and Bean Unit newsletter and brochure
UG Assistant, MSU Food Science and Human Nutrition Dept., E. Lansing, MI J an. 2012-J une 2012
Researched literature articles about parameter estimation
Organized information in Excel for easy access and readability
Lab Assistant, MSU Animal Science Dept., East Lansing,MI May 2011-May 2012
Used LabView to calibrate gas analyzers such as the 450i and 55i
Processed gas emissions data using macros in Excel
Operated gas chromatograph and analyzed gas samples
Stepped out of comfort zone to work with steers for a gas emissions project
Crew Trainer, McDonalds, Brighton, MI Apr. 2007-Aug. 2011
Supervised and trained incoming employees on correct procedures
Excelled under pressure by keeping a constant pace regardless of the task
Established outstanding customer relations
Learned new procedures and concepts quickly
Excel, Word, and PowerPoint expertise
Basic LabView, C++, ArcGis, and Google Sketchup skills
Basic Spanish
Acti vities
MSU Biosystems Engineering Club Sept. 2011-Present
Treasurer Sept. 2012-Present
Manage club checking account and help with fundraising
Women In Engineering Sept. 2012-Present
Peer Mentor
Assist and encourage a freshman engineer to succeed academically
Girl Scout Day Volunteer
J acob Michael St. Louis
672 Gunson, East Lansing, MI, 48823
(313) 971-3319 - [email protected]

To obtain an internship position in the field of Biosystems Engineering utilizing the skills I have learned
in engineering classes and in cross functional teams.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Pursuing: Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering
GPA 3.36/4.0
Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Delivery Driver
Delivered sandwiches in a timely manner
Worked 35 hours a week
Gained valuable working experience
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Single X-Ray Diffraction Laboratory
Work closely with graduate students performing laboratory tests on proteins of interest.
Preformed Gram stain test to determine gram positive and negative organisms.
Modeled proteins in 3-D using a computational modeling tool.
Hope and Help, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Landscape Supervisor
Supervised a team of landscapers and gardeners working on homes in the Grosse Pointe area.
Quickly learned skills necessary for up-keep of many estates.
Helped teammates learn necessary skills for operation of tools that are pivotal to pristine lawn
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems
Worked in a team consisting of four members to develop a stream lined life cycle analysis of the
transportation costs of coal vs. uranium milling.
Analyzed carbon dioxide and methane emissions of tractor trailers and trains.
Presented findings to a number of companies and professors at the Biosystems Engineering
Showcase at MSU.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
South Neighborhood Dining Halls
Worked as a GKW at Case Hall, served food on the line and helped in food preparation.
Balanced work with 18 credits.
Microsoft Excel and Project
Activities and Honors
Deans List spring semester of 2011
Member of the Biosystems Engineering Club
Member of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Race for the Cure 2007-2011
Summer 2010 & 2011

August 2009 -December 2013
Spring Semester 2011
Fall Semester 2010
February 2012 May 2012
May 2012 August 2012

College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected May 2014 Graduates

Ashley Andreski
9346 Denton Hill Rd, Fenton, MI 48430 [email protected] (810) 287-1396

Seeking a full time position pertaining to product development or continuous improvement in a
research or manufacturing environment to apply and enhance my problem-solving skills.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Biosystems Engineering, B.S. Expected: May 2014
GPA: 2.8/4.00 Deans List (1/8 semesters)

Work Experience
Chrysler Sterling Stamping Plant, Sterling Heights, MI May-August 2013
Unit Leader Intern (Environmental and Facilities Engineering Department)
Learned and applied World Class Manufacturing principles and lean manufacturing tools to
continuously improve performance while striving for zero waste
Identified and calculated $4.3M in losses while developing SSPs first Environmental Cost
Deployment to stratify and prioritize losses for chemical, waste, water, and gas usages
Saved $80k in identifying unnecessary planned expenses for the facility
Performed weekly Environmental Management Audit Training and coordinated mandatory
Environmental training sessions, to encourage ownership and accountability of employees
MSU Culinary Services, East Lansing, MI April 2011-December 2012
General Kitchen
Contributed to preparation, serving, restocking of food; and startup/close of work station
Annually completed MIOSHA-outlined Safety in the Workplace Training regarding
chemical and hazardous waste safeties to ensure health and safety standards are met
Interpreted product dating, and appropriately labeled/stored according to FDA regulations
In-Home Tutor, Holly, MI June-July 2012
Taught and provided assistance to two high school students in algebra and pre-calculus
Introduced practical applications of mathematics pertaining to students interests to improve
concentration and retention of materials
Prepared practice exams for students to test their proficiency prior to actual exams
Sagebrush Cantina Mexican Restaurant, Fenton, MI August 2008-July 2009
Hostess promoted to Carryout
Greeted and strategically seated customers in fast-paced environment
Maintained cleanliness and presentability of lobby area
Trained staff of four in Hostess and Carryout positions
Placed and prepared orders in an organized fashion, prepared bills and accepted payments
Answered telephone, recorded reservations, supplied requested information

Proficient in Microsoft Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Project, and Outlook programs
Basic knowledge of MATLAB, Labview, Microsoft Access

Activities and Honors
Member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers October 2012-present
Member of Biosystems Engineering Club September 2011-present
Mentor in Women in Engineering Connect Program September 2012-May 2013
place at Engineering Design Day for design of solar water heater April 2011 6
Evan Austin

Address: 440 Park Lane, Cell Phone: (734)660-2373
East Lansing, MI 48825. Email: [email protected]

Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Major: Biosystems Engineering
Current Grade Level: Senior
Current GPA: 3.8/4.0
Deans List: F10, S11, F11, S12, F12, S13
Member of the Michigan State
Honors College
Member of Delta Chi Fraternity

Pioneer High School, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Graduated with Honors, June 2010 with a 4.0 GPA.
Awarded a full scholarship from the U.S. State Department to study abroad in China for a semester

Lab Work: Michigan State Department of Biosystems and Chemical Engineering Summer 2013
East Lansing, Michigan
Assisted a professor in the running and maintenance of a pyrolysis reactor.
Tested a variety of feedstocks, including switchgrass and poplar, which were used for the production of
bio-oil, char, and methane.

Intern: Paint Rock Canyon Enterprises Summer 2012
Hyattville, Wyoming
Worked 10-14 hours a day doing a variety of jobs, from daily tasks to specific ranch needs.
Daily tasks included:
Irrigating assigned grass fields
Feeding and moving livestock
Building and repairing fence.
Operation of various machinery and tractors.

Teaching Assistant Fall 2012-Current
Michigan State College of Engineering
Assist in teaching EGR 102 lab, a freshman/sophomore engineering class
Assist students in solving mathematical and engineering-based problems using MatLab and Microsoft Excel

Research Assistant Summer 2011
University of Michigan, Department of Psychiatry
Worked as a Research Assistant for a University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry research team.
Duties included proof reading grants, conducting interviews and follow-ups with research participants, and
data entry using Microsoft Access.

Honors Research (unpaid) Fall 2011-Spring 2012
Michigan State University, Honors Research Seminar
Assisted a Michigan State professor with research projects in the field of social media marketing.
Read and collected data from research papers published by other authors in the field.
Presented our project at the University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum.

Have intermediate to advanced knowledge in using Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Matlab, and LabView.
I love to travel; I have been across the U.S., spent half a year in China, and a summer backpacking across
Europe. I will also be doing NDE research at the Indian Institute of Technology in Chennai, India this

Ricky Avery

Biosystems Engineering


2178 Huntington Drive
Lake Orion, MI 48360

[email protected]

Obtain a position of part-time employment working with others to help fund educational expenses, while expanding
my experience.
Currentl y At tendi ng Mi chi gan State Uni versi ty
Biosystems Engineering, Biomedical Concentration
Recent Course Work:
Thermodynamics, Microbial Engineering, Heat and mass Transfer, Biological Properties, Fluid Dynamics, System
09/2012- Current | Mei j er Cust omer Servi ce
Customer Service
06/2012 | Kmart Cust omer Servi ce
Retail, Customer Satisfaction
Communication Skills, Friendly, Quick Learner
Works well under pressure and Time Constraints
Windows and Office
St. Marys Orthopedic RN Assistant Volunteer
Red Cross Blood Drive Worker (Certified)
Habitat for Humanity
Sparrow Volunteer
Mechanical Engineering Society

Oliver Bloom
8040 East Holly Road Holly, MI 48442
(248) 534-9261 [email protected]

Objective: To obtain an internship in the field of Biosystems Engineering before attending Biomedical
Engineering Graduate School
Michigan State University, East Lansing Michigan Expected Graduation Date: J une 2014
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering
Concentration in Biomedical Engineering
3.33 GPA
Holly High School, Holly Michigan Graduated: J une 2010
3.7 GPA AP Math and English programs
Tri To Finish Internship J une 2013 September 2013
Interned as an Event Coordinator
Helped to plan and execute triathlons around Michigan
Biosystems Engineering Junior Design Project at MSU J anuary 2013 - May 2013
Worked in a team to create various solution algorithms to biological problems
Strived to solve logistical problems related to food disposal and energy creation on campus
Engineering Residential Experience at MSU September 2010 May 2011
Member of this engineering student organization promoting academic/professional growth
Quality Lawn Care Service April 2010 August 2012
Self created business which performed landscape and lawn care services for several clients
Heather Highlands Charity Golf Outing J uly 2010
Led a group of students in the creation of a charity golf outing for a struggling cancer patient
Raised $1200 dollars to benefit the patient and her family
Excellent planning, interpersonal and communication skills
Working knowledge of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Publisher
Basic knowledge of MATLAB and LabVIEW engineering software systems
Biosystems Engineering Club Member J anuary 2013-Present
Active member in this group dedicated to the professional and academic success of Biosystems
Membership includes touring various facilities and actively engaging with industry members
ASME Junkyard Wars April 2013
Organized a team of peers to compete in a design and build competition and won second place
Volunteer Tutor March 2009 May 2012
Donated time to help students of several age groups who struggled in their classes
HHS Environmental Club September 2009 August 2010
Served as president of this group dedicated to preserving the environment and growing produce
for the needy
National Honor Society October 2009 May 2010
Active group member benefiting the community while taking AP and Honors classes
4024 Worthington Dr.
Troy, MI, 48085
(248) 720-8251
[email protected]
Objective: To obtain a full-time position for a company/organization specializing in sustainability where I can obtain
novel skills, explore my interests, and gain experiences in a professional setting.


Activities/ Outreach

MSU Department of Biosystems Engineering, Undergraduate Research Assistant-East Lansing, MI May 2012- present
Assist in the maintenance and development of an animal air quality feedings operation facility the supervision of
Dr. Wendy Powers.
Generated, entered, organized, and modeled air flow data on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for careful analysis.
Gained basic understanding in the function and troubleshooting of FieldPoint device modems, orfice meters, and
temperature probes.
Women in Engineering High School Camp (WIE2@MSU), Project Facilitator-East Lansing, MI July 2012 (5 days)
Mentored and supervised a group of twenty-eight 11
grade high school girls throughout the week.
Collaborated with other project facilitators to arrange and execute projects that promote creativity and learning.
Presented and explained different engineering specializations and job functions to the participants.
W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Undergraduate Research Apprentice- Hickory Corners, MI May 2012-July 2012
Assisted with setting up an experiment to study how legume-rhizobium mutualistic interactions among a plant
community influences succession and ecosystem functioning.
Collected and organized data by a census of plant species to study the biodiversity and biomass of different plant
species resulting from multiple treatments.
Cultured rhizobium bacteria for plant interactions by generating media.

Michigan State University- East Lansing, MI
B.S.Biosystems Engineering
Cumulative GPA: 2.96 /4.00
MSU Study Abroad San J ose, Costa Rica Winter Break 2012
Collaborated with a team to design a floating wetland mat prototype with efficient phytoremediation capabilities.
Interacted and communicated with a diverse base of students and faculty from Universidad de Costa Rica.
Examined energy production, water systems, and ecology impacts of agriculture production and assessed their
ecosystem services, social impacts, and lifecycle analysis.

Alternative Spring Break Participant Spring Break 2013
Volunteered and collaborated with a team of students to rebuild the exterior of a home
Women In Engineering Sept. 2012- present
Mentoring a freshman engineering female student
E2H: Haitian at Heart Service Trip August 2012 (1 week)
Provided relief from the 2010 Earthquake through various activities
Students Today Leaders Forever (STLF) Participant Spring Break 2012
Participated in various community service activities throughout the week
Student Engineering Council (SEC) Sept. 2011- May 2013
Communications Chair (April 2012-present)
Biosystems Engineering Club Sept. 2010- present
Vice President (Sept. 2013-present), Secretary (Sept. 2012-May 2013),Webmaster ( J an. 2012-May. 2013)

Computer: Experienced in Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Onenote, Adobe Photoshop
Geroge & Betty Merva Scholarship Recipient 2013-2014

Expected Graduation:
May 2014
James Wallace Burns
229 Division St. East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 599-0034 [email protected]

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Expected May 2014
Bachelor of Science; Biosystems Engineering GPA: 3.84/4.0
Minor in Horticulture, Specialization in Beverage Science and Technology
Honors College

Operations Management Trainee Intern, Nestle USA Bakersfield, CA Summer 2013
Developed runtime based preventative maintenance plans
Analyzed machine operation and implemented improvements for optimized performance
Assessed plant wide safety hazards and addressed machine access risks
Led training on safety and maintenance procedures
Product Development Intern, ConAgra Foods Grand Rapids, MI Summer 2012
Worked on cost savings reformulations projects
Created new modeling system
Evaluated the validity of data and enhanced the accuracy of test results
Presented project results to the senior leadership team with recommendations for production
Assistant Distiller Red Cedar Spirits East Lansing, MI September 2013 Present
Assist in mashing, proofing, distilling, and other distillery operations
Ensure sanitation of plant and equipment
Engineering 100 Course Mentor, MSU College of Engineering East Lansing, MI August 2012 Present
Lead introductory engineering class activities
Facilitate learning in open lab sessions
Provide feedback to enhance learning
Research Assistant, MSU Biosystems Department East Lansing, MI October 2010 May 2013
Coauthored two journal articles pertaining to research projects
Calibrate computer model to analyze results
Prepare chestnut samples and evaluate chestnut quality
Sterilization, preparation of media, sample inoculation, and other lab work
Research Assistant, MSU Horticulture Department East Lansing, MI J une 2010 December 2011
Constructed and published map of statewide wine growing regions
Processed soil samples and other lab work
Worked with irrigation and drainage systems
Prepared video and power point presentations

Activities & Awards
Biosystems Engineering Club September 2012 Present
Honors Times Two Mentoring September 2010 Present
Sparty Escort Program September 2010 Present
Spartan Ski Club September 2010 Present
Galen & Ann Brown Scholarship 2013
Clarence & Thelma Hansen Scholarship 2011, 2012, 2013
Challenge Mt. volunteer ski instructor for visually impaired February 2011
E.B. Hill Endowed Scholarship 2011
Michigan State University Kaminga Scholarship 2010

Microsoft Office
Final Cut Pro and Pinnacle editing software
Adobe CS 5.5
Basic lab techniques

Zach Carter
709 Tanbark Dr Dimondale MI
(517)331-9336 [email protected]

Objective: To gain experience and further my understanding of Biosystems Engineering, and Wildlife Biology.


Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Fall 2008-May 2014
Bachelor of Science: Biosystems Engineering (Bioenergy Engineering), Fisheries and Wildlife (Wildlife Biology)
GPA: 3.5/4.00; Deans List

Professional Experience

Research Assistant for Yingqian Lin PhD Michigan State University 5/2013-Present
Mentored by Dr. Fei Pan
Field research establishing and collecting samples throughout Michigan
Independently prepare and analyze samples with dryers, grinders and bomb calorimeters

Research Assistant for Breeding Bird Survey Michigan State University 7/2012-Present
Mentored by Dr. Gary Roloff
Independently collect data on breeding bird flight paths using ARCGIS
Speculate further areas of research for survey throughout Michigan

South Africa Study Abroad- Conservation & Biodiversity of Natural Parks 5/2012-7/2012
Studied the importance of biodiversity to ecosystems and local cultures
Integrated into the daily life of South African culture

Biological Science Technician- Baldwin Ranger Station, USFS 5/2011-8/2011
Endangered species transect set-up and inventory
Vegetation habitat surveys, conduction of regional forester sensitive species surveys
Data entry in Microsoft Excel

Biological Science Technician- Huron Shores Ranger Station, USFS 5/2010-8/2010
Raptor and Kirtland Warbler Surveys
Massasauga rattlesnake wrangling
Timber marking
Removal of invasive species, construction of fish habitat and erosion control structures
Water impoundment inspection

Student Timber Marker- Shingleton Forest, Minerals, and Fire Management Division, DNR 5/2009-10/2009
Mark timber
Manager of state prisoners in the planting of tree seedlings
Forest GPS mapping
Logging consulting

Speedway Super America CSR- Eaton Rapids Rd. Delhi Township MI 6/2008-3/2009
Customer Service, cashier, minor maintenance

Personal Experience
Member: Michigan State University Spartan Marching Band 5/2008-12/2010
Participate in football halftime shows and community events around Michigan
Keely Chandler
400 Hillside Ct. Apt. 100 East Lansing, MI 48823
(248) 303-7000 [email protected]

Objective: To obtain an engineering job and begin my career in the biomedical or automotive industry with a focus on
research and sustainability.


Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 8/2011-5/2014
Bachelor of Science: Biosystems Engineering
GPA: 3.94/4.00; Deans List, Howard and Esther McColly Scholarship (2013-2014), Ray Giffels Memorial
Engineering Scholarship (2013-2014), Nominated and selected as member of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 8/2009-12/2010
Biology (Pre-Med)
GPA: 4.00/4.00; Deans List
Professional Experience

Ford Motor Company Dearborn, MI 5/2013 8/2013
Supplemental Research Engineer: Fuel Cell Research Supervisor: Falko Berg
Contributed to the Fuel Cell System Research Team towards the advancement of hydrogen fuel cell vehicle research
and development. Aided in completing assignments that consisted of setting up tests and their procedures, testing fuel
cell components and systems, and analyzing data. Used software such as Excel, CANalyzer, LabVIEW and dSPACE
to complete these tasks. Utilized skills of problem solving to trouble shoot daily arising issues.
Selected by the Pulse Committee to receive multiple Peer Recognition Awards: Exceptional Demonstration of
Teamwork (6/2013) and Outstanding J ob Performance and Exceptional Demonstration of Teamwork
Recognized for Going Further by the Ford Motor Company Recognition Award Program (7/2013)

Research Assistant on Biosensor Technology Michigan State University 5/2012-4/2013
Mentored by Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja
Developed gold nanoparticles for the detection of harmful agents. Created and analyzed data using Excel,
transmission electron microscope, UV spectrophotometer, nanosizer, potentiostat (cyclic voltometry) and fluorescents
Keely Chandler, Hannah Miller, Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja. Optimization of Dextrin Capped Magnetic Gold
Nanoparticles. Poster presented at the TechConnect World 2013 - Nanotech, Microtech, Biotech, Cleantech Joint
2013 Conferences, May 14, 2013.
Keely Chandler, Hannah Miller, Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja. Fe3O4@Au
Nanoparticles for the Detection of Escherichia
coli O157:H7. Poster presented at the Summer Undergraduate Research Forum, Michigan State University, J uly 24,

Club Soccer - Michigan State University 8/2011-Present
Team Member, Captain and Treasurer
Manage team operations such as funds, travel, hotel reservations, and field reservations
Assisted in leading a team to a League Championship (2011), Regional Championships (2011 & 2012), National
Quarterfinals (2011), and National Championship (2012)

Phi Sigma Rho Michigan State University 9/2011-9/2012
Co-Founder and Standards Board Member
Organized a new Chapter of the Phi Sigma Rho Engineering Sorority on the Michigan State University campus
Created Chapter Bylaws and ensured all Chapter and National Laws are upheld by Sorority members

Varsity Soccer - Bowling Green State University 8/2009-11/2010
Voted CoSIDA/ESPN Academic All-District IV University Division Women's Soccer Team (2010)
Named to the All MAC (Mid-American Conference) Freshmen Team (2009)
Identified as future team leader to participate in the Bowling Green State University Athletic Leadership Program
Matthew Dylan Coleman
231-649-4393/[email protected]
2135 Coventry Trail, Traverse City, MI 49686
To work in an engineering career in which I am able to design and optimize biological-based solutions.
Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI September 2010-May 2014
o B.S. Biosystems Engineering
o Concentration: Biomedical Engineering
Work Experience
Usher/Ticket Taker-Wharton Center; East Lansing, MI September 2010-Present
o Direct and communicate with hundreds of patrons any given night.
o Respond to and assist with any needs the patrons may have.
Research-Biomedical Engineering Building; Ann Arbor, MI May 2013-August 2013
o Worked on a plug for atrial septal defect patients
o Designed plugs in NX8.5 modeling programs, optimized synthesis process, synthesized and cured polymer material
Host/Busser-Mackinaw Brewing Company; Traverse City, MI May 2012-September 2012
o Welcomed customers and assisted them to tables.
o Collaborated with co-workers to problem solve issues in the restaurant
o Learned the importance of communication in a large system of people
o Efficiently relayed information to customers as well as dealt with stressful situations
Self-Employed-Beach/Yard Cleanup; Traverse City, MI June 2008-June 2012
o Worked with various customers to improve their beach/yard landscape
o Negotiated prices with various employers
o Gained time management and organization skills in planning projects
Crew Member-McDonalds; Traverse City, MI May 2011-September 2011
o Participated in a teamwork atmosphere
o Assisted co-workers in order to streamline the production process
o Gained experience with stressful working conditions and learned how to effectively eliminate them

Intern-Tellurex Corporation; Traverse City, MI June 2009-August 2009
o Analyzed and remedied test results of products
o Designed a floor layout for the warehouse
o Provided an introduction to both an engineering and professional environment
o Biosystems Engineering Club 2012-Present
o Traverse City Ultimate Frisbee league 2010-Present
o MSU Mens Glee Club 2010-2011
o Varsity tennis, golf, sailing in high school 2006-2010
o Sci-Ma-Tech in high school 2006-2010

Steven J. Cumming
16562 Monticello Drive, Clinton Township, MI 48038
(586) 506-0803
[email protected]
Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI (8/2009 - Present)
Bachelors of Science Biosystems Engineering with Focus on Bioenergy Expected May 2014
Overall GPA 2.71/4.0; Engineering GPA 2.89/4.0
Professional Experience
Student Intern East Lansing, MI (3/2012 Present)
Create and Maintain Program Websites
Developed an Energy Audit Calculator
Work on various Farm Energy Audit Programs
Certified Greenhouse Energy Auditor
Certified Dairy Energy Auditor
Install Solar Water Heater and Collect Data

CEO / Co-Founder VenDia - Clinton Township, MI (7/2010 - Present)
Develop several iPhone applications
Release and Support Equations All-In-One, Evil Eddy, and others to the App Store

Level II Student Cook - East Complex Dining Services - East Lansing, MI (8/2009 - 3/2011)
Prepared meals for the future
Taught and trained Level I Cooks and Level II Trainees.
Cooked meals for around 250 people.
Great people skills and a very good speaker
Proficient Excel, Matlab, and MS Word skills
Computer languages Objective C, Python, C, and HTML/CSS/J avascript
Basic Spanish
Superb writing and organization
Hard worker and active learner
Learning LabView programming
Acti vities
MSU Biosystems Engineering Student Club (2011 - Present)
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) (2011 - Present)
Reading and Writing
Playing lacrosse
Computer Programming
Matthew Gammans
217 River Street East Lansing, MI 48823 616-204-4506 [email protected]

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering and Economics Expected Graduation: May 2014
Cumulative GPA: 3.70/4.0, Honors College member

Work Experience
Undergraduate Research Assistant MSU Biosystems Engineering Department, Dr. Jade Mitchell May 2013-present
Worked on an interdisciplinary project with MSU Department of Criminology to develop a
procedure for determining what manufacturing facilities to inspect for environmental violations.
Utilized SPSS software to create statistical models to predict the risk of environmental violations
based on over 5 years of EPA data on oil, paper, and steel manufacturing facilities.
Undergraduate Research Assistant MSU Agriculture, Food, and Resource Economics Department January 2013-present
Worked for faculty member Dr. Roy Black developing an Excel cost estimation tool to assist tart
cherry farmers capital investment decisions.
Developed detailed breakdown of capital and process costs for two distinct production strategies
and performed basic engineering economic analysis of future earnings.
Used Monte Carlo software to analyze risk resulting from future uncertainty of weather,
equipment life, and market prices. I presented these findings at the Mid-SURE research conference.
Global Engineering Intern Kellogg Company July 2012-December 2012
Performed a thorough cost analysis of a potential alternative puffed snack product including
ingredient, capital, and manufacturing costs.
Collaborated on a process design for a potential new product launch. Interacted with sensory,
product development, and supply chain professionals.
Worked with senior engineers and vendors to procure quotes, execute testing, and organize
testing results for potential equipment purchases.

Volunteer and International Experience
MSU Engineers Without Borders General and Executive Board Member September 2010-present
MSU Engineers Without Borders International Project Leader May 2012-present
Planning, leading, and executing a trip to install 10-15 composting latrines in a rural village in
El Salvador (planned for December 2013).
Developing and managing a project budget of over $30,000 for travel costs, materials, and labor.
Travelled to a rural community in El Salvador to assess needs through a community household
survey and planned for the implementation of composting latrines (May 2012).
Led a multidisciplinary team of engineers in designing composting latrines to be installed in El Balsamar.
Toledo Coffee Farm Volunteer, Atenas, Costa Rica August 2013
Learned about organic agriculture and coffee processing and packaging.
Operated coffee processing and packaging equipment, including: peeling, roasting, and
bag-sealing machines.
Chairperson and Student Ambassador International Student Summit on Agriculture October 2012
Collaborated with group of 20 MSU students and 15 students from the Tokyo University of Agriculture to
organize and host a student conference on agricultural issues.
Edited research presentation submissions from students at over 30 agricultural universities worldwide.
Chairperson for the presentation session on Energy and Food Issues.
Turkey Study Abroad Anadolu University, Eskiehir, Turkey Summer 2011
Completed Engineering Statics and Engineering Hydrology classes.
Visited cultural and historical sites throughout Western Turkey.

Academic Honors
MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Distinguished Scholarship (2010-2013), MSU Honors College Scholarship (2010-
2013), Biosystems Engineering Departmental Scholarships (2012-2013), MSU College of Engineering Scholarships (2010-2012),
National Merit Commended Scholar (2010), AP Distinguished Scholar with Honors (2010)
Michael Gisler
4965 Campus Hill Drive Apt. E204 [email protected]
Okemos, MI, 48864 (248) 631-6406

Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI Fall 09 - Present
B.S. Biosystems Engineering, Overall GPA 2.969/4.0 Expected May 14
Food Engineering concentration
Relevant Courses
Engineering Food Science Biosystems
Heat and Mass Food Microbiology Prop of Bio Materials
Fluid dynamics Fermented Beverages Optimize Bio Sys
Thermodynamics Principles of Food Sci. Microbial Systems

Professional Experience
Quality Assurance Intern, Dominos Pizza, Ann Arbor, MI Summer 13
Identify key attributes relative to customer complaints
Develop an initiative for suppliers to comply with statistical process control
Evaluate product quality and performance

Floor Worker, MSU Dairy Plant, East Lansing, MI Fall 11 - Present
Prepare products according to production schedule
Perform quality checks on products
Organize products by code

Level III Student Supervisor, South Neighborhood Dinning, East Lansing, MI Fall 09 - Present
Supervise 10-20 students
Schedule breaks for student employees
Communicate information with managers
Promotion to Level III Student Supervisor Fall 12

Crew Leader, TAs Home and Lawn, Royal Oak, MI Summer 10, 11
Communicated billing information to 50-60 customers
Catalogued billing information and company expenses
Maintained and repaired equipment
Designed transportation route

Crew Member, Highlander Lawn, Chesterfield, MI Summer 09, 10, 11, 12
Coordinated with other members to efficiently complete work
Organized and maintained equipment

Additional Experience / Skills
Experience with Microsoft Office, MATLAB, NX 7.5, AutoCAD 2010
Career Gallery Ambassador Fall 12

Acti vities / Awards
Biosystems Engineering Club Fall 11 - Present
place (AutoCAD) Spring 09
Kirk Gowen [email protected]
959 Woods Lane, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (586)-216-8733
To obtain a professional experience in the food industry working in food product development, research or
processing that will challenge my problem solving, design, communication, and analytical skills.
Michigan State University, College of Engineering East Lansing, MI
Biosystems Engineering, B.S.
Food Engineering Concentration
Projected Graduation Date: May, 2014
3.10/4.0 Cumulative GPA
Grosse Pointe North High School Grosse Pointe Woods, MI
Graduation Date: June, 2010
National Honors Society, Graduated with Honors
3.45 GPA
Nestl USA Dreyers Grand Ice Cream Division, Ft. Wayne, IN (May 2013-August 2013)
Operation Management Trainee Intern
Applied 5S principles to organize an on-site outside storage unit utilized for housing spare parts in
preparation for NMA.
Used logical spreadsheeting techniques to develope a Stockroom Metrics Calculator using GFI standards for
Stockroom performance.
Developed Stockroom SOPs for performing cycle counts, weight-based counts for specified UNBW materials,
and exporting part label database.
Managed community service project partnered with Kingston Healthcare to provide an Ice Cream Social for
Coloma Frozen Foods, Coloma, MI (May 2012-August 2012)
Engineering Intern
Created and implemented a Sanitary Equipment Design Standards Policy according to BRC guidelines
Designed a Preventative Maintenance program for equipment of main production and juicing operations
Worked closely with Quality Assurance department to monitor facility conditions, operations, and GMP
compliance in preparation for AIB and USDA Food Safety audits.
Trained by Lakeshore Environmental to retrieve wastewater samples
Maintained testing of pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, and conductivity for lined wastewater lagoon while
monitoring change in BOD5 on a biweekly basis.
Russell Investments, St. Clair Shores, MI (May 2011-August 2011)
Repaired apartment complexes including painting units, installations, lawn and garden care.
Responsibly complied with tenants work order requests
Activities and Achievements
Michigan State University Biosystems Engineering Club President (Elect) (May 2013-Present)
Michigan State University Engineering Residential Experience
Grosse Pointe North Most Dedicated Athlete Scholarship recipient
Grosse Pointe North Orchestra Treasurer (2009-2010)
Various community service and outreach programs
Technical Skills
MS Office proficiency: Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint (Versions 1997-2011)
Experienced GFSI Webinar Training Program
Experience with: MATLAB, AutoCAD, TurboCAD
Proficient with Macintosh and Windows operating systems
Experience with HACCP and SOP formatting
Conversant in Spanish

Vu Minh Hoang
Current: 5120 Wardcliff Dr. East Lansing, MI 48823
Permanent: 1503 J olly Road, Okemos, MI 48864
Phone: (517)303-5856 ~Email: [email protected]

Objective: To obtain an engineering internship or co-op that will challenge my problem solving, communications,
design, and analytical skills.

Education: Bachelor of Science- Biosystems Engineering Expected Graduation: May 2014
Food Engineering Concentration
Michigan State University
College of Engineering
GPA: 3.46/4.0

Work Experience:

Army Corps of Engineers: Internship Summer 2013
Risk Assessment Department Assistant Vicksburg, MS
Performed literature searches and reviews
Participated in coastal protection meetings
Compiled and graphically analyzed data used in a journal publication

The Gallery: Michigan State University 2010 to Present
Level III Senior Student Cook East Lansing, MI
Delegated jobs to general workers and trained new hires in kitchen safety and work cleanliness in the
work environment
Promoted and executed outstanding customer service
Executed shifts efficiently and smoothly with emphasis on keeping a high level of morale among all
Coordinated tasks and directed workers in order to ensure a safe work environment and to promote a
learning atmosphere
Responsible for ensuring Food Safety and Health Code policies and requirements were met and

Meridian Parks and Recreations: 2007 to 2010
Soccer Referee: K-8
Grade Okemos, MI
Oversaw and ensured fair play and mutual respect among players
Inspected player equipment and field equipment for safety
Maintained a professional environment with respect to coaches, players, and parents

United States Soccer Federation 2007 to 2010
Level 7 Soccer Referee: U10-U16 Leagues East Lansing, MI
Oversaw equipment and professionalism among home and away teams
Recorded scores officially and reported to the United States Soccer Federation in follow up paperwork
Oversaw fields during large tournaments as a head official

Fluent in Vietnamese and English
Proficient with Windows and Macintosh operating systems
Proficient in Microsoft Office programs
Experienced with: MatLab, Labview

Member: Biosystems Engineering Club 2012 to Present
Member: MSU Breakdance Club 2010 to Present
Charl sey Hoehn
4341 Van Atta, Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 449-3421 [email protected]
Professional Objective
To obtain full-time employment in a challenging and engaging global manufacturing environment that utilizes my
enthusiasm, academic abilities and communication ability to lead people and develop innovative processes.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2009-May 2014
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2014
GPA: 3.74/4.0; Deans List FS09, SS10, FS11, SS13
Process Engineering Intern, Procter & Gamble, Iowa City, IA May 2013-Aug. 2013
Worked on cross-functional teams of technical resources to understand equipment stops; reduced unplanned
downtime through preventative maintenance and cleaning procedures.
Streamlined changeover process to reduce planned downtime; effectively implemented new procedures through
clear communication and training plans.
Led line validation to reduce planned downtime between specific products by 33%.
Research Ai de, MSU Food Science, Dolan Lab, East Lansing, MI Sept. 2012-May 2013
Organized customer information for process authority based on product type and pH.
Managed classification of FDA acid/acidified foods for approval of thermal process authority.
Technology Management Intern, Nestle Nutrition, Fremont, MI J an. 2012-Aug. 2012
Worked closely with engineers, product developers, and technicians on projects relating to retort and aseptic
processing of foods.
Developed, and executed pilot plant trials of 2400-pound batches, managed trial requests, ordering of ingredients,
equipment layout, and design of experiment.
Participated in the design phase of a future factory processing line through the development of trials and assessment
of equipment capabilities.
Researched and designed experiments relating to new food processing technologies.
Course Production Assi stant, MSU Global, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Sept. 2009-Sept. 2011
Compiled information related to food safety, agriculture, and sustainability used in the AFRICA LEAD program and
the Feed the Future Initiative.
Projects included the Food Safety Knowledge Network, AFRICA LEAD, and My Horse University.
Programed format for online courses and critiqued previous formatting errors.
Proficient in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, and MATLAB
Better Process Control School Certified
Written and verbal communication experience with technical writing
Student Employee of the Year Nominee Spring 2011
Ingham County 4-H Amanda Awalt Scholarship for outstanding achievement and leadership skills Summer 2010
4-H Community Golden Feedbag Award for leadership and dedication Fall 2009
Academic Integrity Board 2012-present
MSU Biosystems Engineering Club 2011-present
Ingham County 4-H Horse J udging Team Coach 2008-present
Summer Intern, De Dahoeve & HCM Muiderberg (Netherlands) Summer 2010
uanlel Polmes
403 PlllcresL (231) 631-0939
LasL Lanslng, Ml 48823 holmes91[

"#$%&'()% *'+'%,%-'
1o obLaln an lnLernshlp or full Llme [ob ln Lhe blosysLems englneerlng fleld where l can lmprove my Lechnlcal skllls as
an englneer whlle worklng dedlcaLed ln a Leam envlronmenL.


2(&3(4+- *'+'% 5-()%67('8 - LasL Lanslng, Ml
9+&3%:167 1; *&(%-&%< 8losysLems Lnglneerlng LxpecLed 3/2014
=>?: 3.13/4.00

>61;%77(1-+: .@A%6(%-&%

*A+6'+- *(4-+'06% B+'%6(-4 - LasL Lanslng, Ml 10/2012 - resenL
Washed dlshes for Lhe MSu 2012 fooLball season, responslble for cleanlng Lhe klLchen aL Lhe end of Lhe day
and preparlng lL Lo be ready for use Lhe nexL
romoLed Lo llne cook by work eLhlc, lnLeresL ln learnlng, and approval of deparLmenL head chef

*%-/ C%&%()(-4 *'+'(1- DDB - SuLLons 8ay, Ml 6/2013 - 8/2013
Culckly learned Lo effecLlvely operaLe a forkllfL for cherry harvesL, a very hlgh-pressure and crlLlcal aspecL of
Lhe recelvlng sLaLlon process
ulllgenLly worked wlLhouL regular dlrecL managerlal supervlslon as parL of a Leam LhaL malnLalned Lhe
everyday operaLlons of Lhe sLaLlon as well as equlpmenL and machlnery
Cbserved Lhe regulaLlons and safeguards requlred Lo provlde a safe and quallLy frulL producL under
Mlchlgan AgrlculLure LnvlronmenLal (MALA) guldellnes

C+(-#1E C%3+#(:('+'(1- - Leland, Ml 6/2010 - 8/2012
MalnLalned mulLlple properLles, lnclude Lhe esLaLes of Lhe company CLC and chalrwoman
CoordlnaLed malnLenance on Lhe appearance and funcLlonallLy of Lhe house lnLerlor and exLerlor, and Lhe
surroundlng grounds
Supervlsed Lhe dally operaLlons and Lask llsL of Lhree workers whlle seLLlng an example of Lhe proper
behavlor and work eLhlc necessary for Lhe [ob

G6()%-HC%:(+#:% - Lager Lo Lake on responslblllLy, requlre llLLle dlrecL supervlslon and know when Lo reach
ouL for help
B1,,0-(&+'(1- - Able Lo convey myself well, always wllllng Lo make myself avallable
B1,A0'%6 *F(::7 - Skllled ln MlcrosofL Lxcel, Word, ro[ecL. Capable of baslc codlng ln MA1LA8
.-4(-%%6(-4 *F(::7 - versed ln Lhermodynamlc calculaLlons, heaL and mass Lransfer

Co-capLaln of men's and co-ed lnLramural soccer Leam whlle aL MSu (2011-13)
CapLaln of SuLLons 8ay Plgh School soccer and baseball Leams, voLed on by coaches and LeammaLes (2010)
Alexa E. Jones
2700 Hannah Blvd., Apt. 4335, East Lansing, MI, 48823 (810) 338-7965 [email protected]
Michigan State University, Honors College, East Lansing, MI GPA: 3.3 out of 4.0
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Specialization Graduation: May 2014
Deans List; Von Ehr Scholar; A.W. Farrall Faculty Award Recipient
Summer Analyst: Securities Operations, Foreign Exchange Operations Summer 2012, Summer 2013
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Salt Lake City, UT
Mitigated financial and reputational exposure by maintaining accuracy in trade positions with 100+ counterparties.
Exhibited strong problem solving skills and the ability to work under market-driven time constraints while monitoring,
prioritizing, and resolving positional discrepancies of over 300 FX trades per day.
Facilitated the flow of shorted shares between Goldman Sachs and 100+ counterparties while leveraging broker relationships.
Collaborated with a diverse team to introduce the firms industrialization initiatives to current workflow procedures.
Federal Reserve Collegiate Challenge Team Contributor April 2013-Present
Department of Economics, Michigan State University
Researched and analyzed current economic conditions in order to create a suggested course for monetary policy to the
Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) at a regional and national level.
Career Peer September 2010-Present
The Center for Spartan Engineering, East Lansing, MI
Worked in a team of 10+ Career staff members to develop professional programs to prepare students for their future careers.
Strategized and implemented weekly career event marketing for 4,000+ students in the College of Engineering.
Collaborated in a team of MSU career staff and students to direct large events such as: Career Gallery, Engineering Expo,
National Engineers Week events, Fall and Spring Design Day.
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Biosystems Engineering August-December 2012
Michigan State University Department of Biosystems Engineering, East Lansing, MI
Assisted with an introductory level Biosystems Engineering course, offering academic and career mentorship to 77 students.
Knee Research and Development Co-op Summer 2010, Fall 2011
DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc., Warsaw, IN
Assisted in hands-on surgical cadaver labs to provide continuing medical education about DePuys knee replacement product
lines and innovative surgical techniques to leading orthopedic surgeons.
Marketed current knee systems to competitor surgeons, focusing on design features and technology unique to DePuy.
Performed comprehensive literature reviews of common failure modes for competing Knee Replacement systems.
Aided in the design and development of a device to recreate knee joint movement with a trial implant and artificial bone.
Created and edited CAD 3D models of implants, medical devices, and bone resection using Unigraphics NX 5.0 software.
Research Assistant, Orthopedic Biomechanics Lab July-August 2011
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
Primary student researcher for the study of the Characterization of commercially available, cisplatin-infused bone cement.
Performed three-point bending and compression tests on bone cement samples with the Instron Materials Testing System.
Worked with High-Performance Liquid Chromatography testing to assess elusion of chemotherapy drug Cisplatin.
Resident Mentor (RA), Engineering Residential Experience August 2010-May 2011
Department of Residence Life, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Served as leader, role model, and conflict mediator for 38 undergraduate Engineering residents living in the residence hall.
Collaborated with a team of 40 staff members to coordinate weekly educational programs for 1,100+ students.
Leadership and Activities:
Society of Women Engineers August 2009-Present
President- (Present), Vice President- (12-13), Industry Banquet Chair (11-12), Community Service Chair (10-11)
Provided strategic direction and leadership for a group of nearly 100 women in engineering.
Mentored younger members by providing personal, professional, and academic guidance and inclusion in SWE events.
Engineers Without Borders August 2009-Present
Secretary- (12-13), College Representative (11-12), Vice President (10-11)
Collaborated with a board of 10 students to plan a 5-year project with a village in El Salvador, focusing on water sanitation.
International Exchange Mentor August 2012-Present
American Semester Program, Office of International Students and Scholars, Michigan State University
Mentored international exchange students from Brazil, Spain, and Australia, acting as a guide and support in a new culture.

Robert Kraemer

[email protected]
525 M.A.C., East Lansing, 48823

Michigan State University, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Aug 2010-Present
BS, Biosystems Engineering; GPA 3.21/4.0; Expected May 2014
Honors College Deans List Spring 2011
Renewable Bioenergy Systems Study Abroad in Germany & Sweden Summer 2012
Ecological Engineering in the Tropics Study Abroad in Costa Rica Winter 2012

Holt High School Aug 2006-2010
AP Calc, Chemistry, World History
3.761 GPA

Research Experience
MSU Undergraduate Research East Lansing, MI Fall '10 Present
Co-author on Anaerobic treatment of lignocellulosic material to co-produce methane and
digested fiber for biorefining December 2012

Professorial Assistantship under Wei Liao
Analyze samples of anaerobically digested fibers
Perform ADF/NDF fiber analysis procedure to analyze the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
contents of AD fibers
Gain practical lab skills and insight into cutting edge bio-energy research that utilizes waste
products to create ethanol.

MSU Engineering Summer Research Experience Summer 2011
Investigate algae growth in different conditions
Investigate fungal production of lactic acid for use in biodegradable plastics
Use autoclave, centrifuge, HPLC, spectrophotometer

Honors Times Two Program (Mentor a local gifted student) 2011- Present
MSU Slam Poetry Team member 2011- Present

Proficient in Excel, MATLAB & Visual Basic
Life cycle analysis, ecosystem services analysis

Timothy S. Lauth
Current: 260 Milford, East Lansing, MI
Permanent: 14727 Old Town Ct., Riverview, MI
(734)308-0267 [email protected]


Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Expected graduation date: May 2014
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering
Biomedical concentration
GPA: 2.8
Job Experience

United Therapeutics Corporation, Durham, NC May-Aug 2013
Medical Device Development Intern

Composed and edited project design documents
Performed verification tests on the Optineb and Tyvaso Inhalation System (ON-100 and
TD-100 nebulizers)
Active role in the Optiwin 2.1 calibration software project
Active role in the PAH Risk Score Prognostic Calculator App project

ITC Holdings Corp., Belleville, MI May-Aug. 2011-2012
Supply-Chain Intern, Assistant Stock Clerk

Cataloged items by stock number and bin location using PeopleSoft program
Performed periodic and routine inventory counts of stock items
Performed regular shipping and receiving tasks daily
Participated in the Macomb Orchard Trail Vegetation Management Project in 2011

Gee & Missler Heating & Air Conditioning Inc., Wyandotte, MI J une-Aug. 2008- 2010
Heating and Cooling

Machined and performed metal working tasks using sheet metal
Assembled and installed duct work
Installed heating and cooling systems in residential and commercial locations
Made supply deliveries and orders following time constraints

Experience with hand tools and heavy machinery and proper safety protocols involved.
Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, Word; Working knowledge of Matlab and Project
Cody S. Matthews
2411 E. Jolly, Apt 4, Lansing, MI 48910 (517)242-3630 [email protected]

To obtain employment to utilizing my engineering academic coursework, work on
projects that will provide me valuable real world experience.

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Biosystems Engineering. Bachelors of Science Expected May 2014
3.25/4.00 GPA

Lansing Community College Lansing MI
Transfer Studies - 3.18/4.00 GPA Spring 2011

Computer Skills
Develop reports, create/edit documents using Microsoft Word, and Excel
Basic computer programming using C++
Communication Skills
Articulated customer needs through intensive listening skills
Utilized efficient and courteous customer service in a retail setting
Answer telephone, direct and route calls
Able to take accurate phone messages and communicate messages promptly
Team Work Skills
Flexible team player who thrives in environments requiring the ability to
effectively prioritize and organize multiple concurrent tasks
Resourceful team player who excels at building trusting relationships with
customers and colleagues
Problem Solving Skills
Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
unconventional solutions to problems
Identifying unique problems and reviewing related information to develop
and evaluate options and implement solutions
Considering the relative costs and benefits of potential actions to choose the
most appropriate one

Biomass Energy Program Student Assistant, (7/12 Present)
Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Lansing, MI

Electrical Team Member, Menards Inc., Lansing, MI (06/08 7/12)

Waiter/Cook, Kens Buffet, Lansing, MI (01/08 06/08)

Lisa Moncznik
28754 Kirkside, Farmington Hills, MI 48334
(248)-633-6462 / [email protected]

Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
Bachelors of Science in Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2014
Food Engineering concentration
GPA: 3.49 / 4.00; Deans List

Cashier May - August 2013
Kroger; Farmington Hills, MI
Processed sales using a cash register
Assisted customers with applying for store rewards card
Maintained a clean and orderly checkout area

Undergraduate Research Assistant May - J uly 2012
Bioenergy Research Lab, East Lansing, MI
Mentored by Dr. Yan Liu
Researched and designed experiments to study the starch yield effects of industrial
enzymes on wet milling corn starch production
Presented preliminary results at MSU Summer Undergraduate Research Forum

Food Service Student Assistant J anuary 2011 - J anuary 2012
MSU Residential Dining Services; East Lansing, MI
Provided customer service to students at various food stations
Positioned in the dish room, a fast paced environment that requires high levels of

Sales Associate May - J une 2011
Leslies Pool Supplies; Farmington Hills, MI
Provided outstanding customer service with unique solutions for pool and spa needs
Processed sales and returns
Performed pool water diagnostics for customers
Involved in inventory control and stocking merchandise

Technical Skills
Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel
Experience working with MATLab, NX, and LabVIEW

Acti vi ties
MSU Biosystems Engineering Student Club September 2012 - Present
Fundraising Co-Chair

MSU Career Gallery October 2012
Volunteer Student Ambassador
Jessica Palmer

(248) 390-8587 | [email protected] 9915 Reese Rd, Clarkston MI 48348
To obtain an internship or work experience that will use my integrated knowledge of engineering and
biology, while gaining more exposure to Biosystems and Biomedical Engineering.
Sanitation Supervisor Sept 2009-Present
MSU Brody Cafeteria | East Lansing, MI (~20 hours/week)
Supervise teams of 5-15 workers during daily operation
Collaborate with other area heads to refine cafeteria procedures
Perform general repair and maintenance on dish room machinery
Head of House
E.V.E. | Lansing, MI (~15 hours/week) Sept 2010-Present
Provide extensive customer service to customers of varying temperaments
Train and assist in interviewing new and potential employees
Keep track of client records
Office Assistant May 2007-Present
The Artist's Apprentice | Clarkston, MI (Correspondent Position, ~5 hours/week)
Manage advertising campaigns through a variety of mediums, including print ads, email, and
Oversee transportation of company supplies to multiple locations
Construct and maintain company website
Michigan State University | East Lansing, Mi
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2014
Biomedical Engineering Concentration
GPA 3.0
Deans' List, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
Related Projects:
Performed a semester-long analysis of the optimal biofluid mechanics and potential side effects
of artificial lungs
Completed life cycle assessment and sensitivity analysis on the environmental and health
impacts of palm oil and soybean biodiesel
Optimized a campus system involving the transport of pre- and post-consumer food waste to
an anaerobic digester
Related Courses:
Biofluid Mechanics &
Heat Transfer
Microbial Systems
Sustainable Bioenergy
Clinical Immunology Microbiology Heat & Mass Transfer
Eukaryotic Pathogens Thermodynamics Statics & Fluid Mechanics
Familiarity with C++, AutoCAD, MATLAB, HTML, Microsoft Office
2 Years of Supervisor Experience
Fluent in French and English
Andrew W. Plouff
3023 N. Blair - Royal Oak, MI 48073 - [email protected]

Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
Senior with a GPA 3.2848/4.0 2010-Present
Dean's list with GPA 3.7/4.0 Spring 2011
Undergraduate in Biosystems Engineering
Completed many classes dealing with Bio-systems and engineering design/programming
including: team projects, programming functions for multiple purposes, and systems

High School; Royal Oak, MI
3.619/4.0 GPA 2006-2010
3 years varsity soccer and senior captain
Received academic awards of excellence for soccer all 4 years of high school
Belonged to National Honors Society for 2 years
Engineering Excellence Award

Busser/Cook/Server at Leos Coney Island Summer 2013-Present
Understands all floor operations, maintenance, and time management
Experience in training new employees

In-shop employee at J immy J ohns 2011-Summer 2013
Facilitated the sandwich making process to minimize output time
Trained new employees

Cashier/Bagger at Holiday Market in Royal Oak Michigan Nov 2007-J uly2010
Delegated closing procedures of the store
Understanding of how to handle cash and customers

Job Shadows/Skills:
J ob shadowed GE's private power plants on the coast of Barcelona
Constructed an electric powered one man car, more specifically the chassis
Tutored High school and Middle school students in math and sciences
Coached summer soccer camps
Programmed multiple pieces using master cam and CNC machining
Functions extremely well with others and a team player
Kelly Rossi
23513 Gloria Dr. Brownstown, MI 48183
(734) 377-4158 [email protected]
To obtain a full-time position where my leadership skills and engineering background can be used to effectively solve
problems in a demanding corporate environment.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Graduation 2013
Biosystems Engineering, B.S. GPA 3.37/4.0
Biomedical Engineering Concentration

MSU Study Abroad, Entrepreneurship and Development Dec. 2010-J an. 2011
Agriculture and Environmental Studies in Belize
Analyzed the impacts of agriculture and tourism in a developing country
Experienced diverse agricultural production practices
Interacted with native Creole and Garifuna people, gaining an understanding of their unique cultures

College of Engineering Mentor, Michigan State University J anuary 2013-Present
EGR 100: Introduction to Engineering Design
EGR 102: Introduction to Engineering Modeling
Provide guidance and mentorship to first year students
Work with students in solving engineering based problems using Microsoft Excel and MATLAB.
Assist professor with grading assignments and classroom activities

Food Technologist Intern, Kellogg Company J uly-December 2012
Main Project: comparing the weight variability between three different wire-cut technologies
Supported pilot plant trials of Kellogg product
Supported plant trials and startups of Kellogg product
Tested Kellogg product for percent moisture, water activity, and weight
Created job aides in Adobe Captivate: How To(s) for SharePoint
Enhanced technical writing skills by creating test plans and technical reports

Environment, Health, and Safety Intern, Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) J anuary-J uly 2012
Tracked environmental sustainability for BMS sites
Created motor vehicle incident trends
Monitored Industrial Hygiene including: swab sampling , noise monitoring, and fit testing
Developed a risk model for third party manufacturing companies collaborating with BMS
Assisted with the implementation of the EHS Orientation Training program using Adobe Captivate

Golf Course Operations Staff Member & Caddy, Grosse Ile Country Club J une 2003-Present
Organize and manage golf tournaments and events
Manage Pro-Shop
Develop working relationships with members
Guide inexperienced caddies

Biosystems Engineering Student Club Member, Society of Women Engineers Club Member

Grosse Ile Golf and Country Club Scholarship, Deans List Spring 2010, Michigan Promise Scholarship, UAW Scholarship

Proficient in Microsoft Office and Adobe Captivate, Experience with CAD, MATLAB, and SharePoint
Alex McAleer Rowland

210 Railroad Ave. Traverse City, MI 49686 | Phone: 248-977-8838 | Email: [email protected]

To work alongside professionals using biological systems engineering principles to improve ecological
systems and create sustainable solutions that advance the quality of social and environmental health.

Home Depot
Auburn Hills, MI | May 2011 August 2011
Management of front end, customer service, heavy item loading

Pine Knob Ski Resort
Clarkston, MI | November 2006 March 2010
Ski/Snowboard rentals, equipment maintenance/repair

Davey Expert Tree Co.
Clarkston, MI | May 2008 August 2008
Golf course maintenance of Oakhurst Country Club and country club member service

Strong mathematical and analytical skills
Proficient in Windows and Macintosh computer operating systems
Proficient with all Microsoft Office programs, LabVIEW, ArcGIS, and MATLAB
Minor Spanish grammar skills

Michigan State University
Major in Biological Systems Engineering | August 2010 May 2014
3.8 Cumulative GPA, Deans Honors List- College of Engineering
Life Cycle Assessment of algal cultivation for biodiesel
Renewable Bioenergy Systems Study Abroad
Bio-based energy systems in Sweden and Germany held in conjunction with the Lule University of
Notable Courses
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Properties of Biological Materials, Heat & Mass Transfer,
Engineering Design & Optimization, Sustainable Bioenergy Systems, Physiology, Biophysics
Clarkston High School
Clarkston Senior Scholar Award
National Honor Society
Transferred 27 AP credits to MSU and entered as a Sophomore
5 years Clarkston Schools Lacrosse Team

Spartan Ski Club/Michigan State Outdoors Club
Camp Daggett Summer Camp service aide volunteer
Two year elementary tutor for Clarkston Community Schools
Christmas in Action volunteer, an organization helping to repair homes for the elderly
Backpacking, Camping, Climbing, Skiing/Snowboarding. Biking, Health/Fitness, Nutrition,
Travel/Exploration, Cooking, Gardening, Musical Creation, Reading
Rachael K. Sak [email protected]
11890 Creekside Lane, Brighton, MI 48114 810-986-5033

To foster stewardship of the Earth and develop technology and methods to help humanity.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Bachelors Degree: May 2014
Biosystems Engineering GPA 3.4/4.0
South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, WA - Associate of Arts Degree

Employment History
Undergraduate Research Assistant, Michigan State University August 2012-Present
Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, East Lansing, MI
Work with software program that monitors temperature, flow, and electrical inputs throughout a fast
pyrolysis reactor, electrostatic precipitator and a flame calorimeter.
Work with a hammer mill and knife mill to grind biomass.
Perform lab work associated with assessing the properties of the biomass and the bio-oil generated; including
TGA analysis, gas chromatography, bomb calorimetry, Karl Fischer and electrocatalysis.
Wrote the Standard Operating Procedure for the pyrolysis reactor and precipitator.

Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, Michigan State University Summer 2013
Worked on methodology for successful fast pyrolysis of poplar through a pyrolysis reactor.
Used thermogravimetric analysis to help determine optimal pyrolysis temperatures.
Calibrated a bomb calorimeter and performed heating value analysis on poplar, bio-oil and bio-char.

Patient Services Assistant, University of Michigan Health Systems, Ann Arbor, MI February 1998-July 2010
Staffed any one of approximately 38 different hospital units within the adult, childrens, psychiatric, and birth
center hospitals.
Processed physician and nurse orders and ensured they had all supplies and equipment to care for patients.
Coordinated internal and external patient appointments, meals, blood draws, therapies, etc.
Maintained medical charts, answered patient call lights, and the unit telephones.
Assisted patient families as needed.
Assessed new computer programs before they were implemented.
Represented the Patient Services Assistants on a panel created to develop an on-line order entry system.

Secretary III, Food Procurement Group, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI February 1997-February 1998
Provided full range of administrative skills and expertise.
Position required extensive customer service, product purchasing, and payment and delivery coordination.

Tractor Trailer Operator, Burlington Motor Carriers, Daleville, IN September 1996 December 1996
Over-the Road/Long Haul driver hauling loads primarily between the United States and Canada.
Drove a condominium cab over tractor and pulled, exclusively, 53 foot trailers.

Trained in Minitab, LabView, MATLAB, ArcGIS, EPA Basins, and NRCS Win TR-55 (one semester each)
Experience performing Life Cycle Analysis
Holder of a commercial drivers license
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2010-May 2014
B.S. in Biosystems Engineering, Concentration in Bio-energy
GPA: 3.6/4.0, Deans List
Member of the Honors College
Undergraduate Research Assistant, MSU Nov. 2011-Current
Worked with graduate students and faculty advisors Dr. Yan Liu, and Dr. Wei Liao on the effects of multiple
cultures of bacteria, select fungal strains, and both natural and transgenic algae and their effects on biofuel
production, gene expression, water treatment, and carbon sequestration
Gained valuable experience with HPLC, GCMS and DNS analysis
Headed enzymatic corn wet milling project for Dr. Yan Liu
Designed and researched experiments to test industrial enzyme characteristics, as well as their effective-
ness in several different steeping and grinding procedures to simulate industrial wet mills
Lab Assistant, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI Jan. 2008-Aug. 2010
While in High school, I helped to managed and organize electronic components in Dr. Gordon Parkers
Advanced Systems Control Lab
Familiarized myself with C programing, internet protocols, and analog signals

I was able to learn about the research process and gain early insight about the requirements and expecta-
tions of research, and experiment design
Teaching Assistant, MSU Aug. 2011-Dec. 2011
Worked with incoming freshman and students new to the Biosystems Eng. Major for Dr. Bradley Marks
Assisted students in learning the engineering process as well as the types of engineering problems they
would be expected to solve, specically those associated to dynamic biological systems
Teaching Assistant, MSU Jan. 2013-May 2013
Assisted in the teaching and grading of Food Engineering course for Dr. Yan Liu
Course work focussed on the denition and measurement techniques of food properties, thermodynamics,
uid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, and their relation to food processing
Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Hancock, MI Dec. 2004-Dec. 2009
Helped to set up, and operate annual Christmas parties for youth and their families in my local community
Designed, built, and ran several of the games and activities for the younger children at the parties
Big Brothers, Friends of the Elderly, Hancock, MI April 2004-April 2010
Arranged meal deliveries and helped deliver meals to the elderly and disabled members of my community
Helped to set up and cook at picnics for the elderly and disabled
Member of ASABE Aug. 2011-Current
Member of National Society of Collegiate Scholars Jan. 2010-Current
Appointed member of Hall Government at MSU Aug. 2010-May 2011
Member of the Boy Scouts of America Aug. 2002-April 2007
Pat Sheridan
Tel: (906) 281-1388
Email: [email protected]
Royce W. Sperry
1040 Pelican Place, Mason, MI 48854
(517) 604-1399
[email protected]

Seeking employment in the field of Food Engineering

Michigan State University
Currently enrolled 4
year student, GPA =2.98/4.0
Expected Major: Biosystems Engineering with Food Engineering concentration, 2014
Mason High School
Mason, MI, J une 2010, High School Diploma, GPA =3.87

Work Experience
Internship with Great Lakes Packing Company (J une 2013 August 2013)
Member of the Quality Control Team
Implemented multiple environmental monitoring programs
Toured cherry, apple, wine, and hard cider harvesting/production facilities

MSU/USDA Student Assistant (J anuary 2013 J une 2013)
Manufactured components for an apple sorting prototype
Assisted in testing manufactured equipment

MSU Dairy Plant Worker (August 2012 - present)
Packaged and inventoried multiple dairy products
Maintained and sanitized equipment and facility

Student Lab Assistant IR-4 Project (Summer Position: April 2012-August 2012)
Prepared laboratory equipment and trained in safety procedures
Transported lab samples and worked with chemicals

Accomplishments & Activities
Michigan State University
Member of Engineers Without Borders, Biosystems Engineering Student Club, and
Food Science Club (2011-2012)
Volunteer at multiple community events including Boy Scout Day, Recycle-rama,
E-waste Recycling Event, and Lansing Chili cook-off

Volunteer Work
Ingham County Animal Shelter (Over 30hrs)
Habitat for Humanity Restore (2010)
Adopt-a-River (2008-2011)
Healthy Michigan, Voters Forum, & Reading People (2007)
David Joseph Stromberg
(248) 891-3777 - [email protected]

Michigan State University, College of Engineering, 3.5/4.0 GPA
Biosystems Engineering.

Research Experience
Undergraduate Research Assistant at M.S.U. College of Engineering
Working towards optimizing the electrocoagulation process to obtain clean liquid from Anaerobic
Digestion effluent and food waste.
Administrative Intern at Terumo Cardiovascular Systems, Summer 2012
Observed manufacturing process of surgical devices to brainstorm more efficient ways of processing
Helped determine the magnification of a vision system
Research Student at William Beaumont Hospital, Summer 2012
Updated the lung cancer database with patient information
Research abstract submitted to 2013 ASTRO meeting for presentation: "Clinical outcomes after central
versus peripheral stereotactic lung radiotherapy (SBRT): A Propensity Score Matched-Pair Analysis. By
VS Mangona, AM Aneese, O Marina, RV Hymas, D Stromberg, D Ionascu, D Yan, and IS Grills.

Volunteer Experience
Volunteer at Beaumont Hospital; Troy, MI, Wilson Cancer Resource Center, Data Entry, 2011-Present
Volunteer, Troy Tennis Academy; Tennis instructor for kids; Troy, MI, Summer 2011
Costa Rica Mission Trip, Kensington Community Church, Summer 2010
Responsibilities included construction work at a local church outside San J ose and running a kids camp
(with sports, arts and crafts).
Teen Service Team, Spring Hill Camps; Indiana, Summer 2009
Responsibilities included serving food in the cafeteria and cleaning up before and after meal times.
Volunteer at Holiday Events, People Movers Organization
Assisted in running holiday activities for a local neighborhood in Detroit
Volunteer at the Cancer Survivors Picnic, Beaumont Hospitals, 2007-2009
Assisted in running kids activities.
Project LEAD, Troy High School

Leadership Experience
Spartan Marching Band and Spartan Brass, Michigan State University
Participant, National Society of Leadership and Success, M.S.U. chapter, 2012 Present
Member, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2012-Present
National Student Leadership Conference, Washington D.C. and NYC, 2009
Studied international diplomacy and developed leadership and team-building skills.

Extracurricular Activities
Michigan State University Marching Band, 2010-Present
Member, Kappa Kappa Psi band service organization, 2012-Present
Spartan Brass Member, 2010, 2012
Golf and Tennis Player

Additional Skills
Proficient in Spanish; Four Years of High School Spanish
Tested Proficient for Two Terms College-level Spanish at M.S.U.
Computer Skills: Proficient at Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access

Additional Experiences
Shadowed a biomedical engineer at Beaumont Hospital, March 2012
Toured the production facilities of Grobbels and Garden Fresh Gourmet with Biosystems Engineering Club


4834 Duvernay Drive 756 Blue J ay Circle
Lansing, MI 48910 Elk Grove Village, IL, 60007
(847) 840-2512 (847) 895-4726
[email protected] [email protected]

OBJECTIVE To bring to your organization enthusiasm, dedication, responsibility, and good work ethic, combined with a desire
to utilize my skills obtained through education, research, and work experience in Biosystems Engineering.
EDUCATI ON Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2014
GPA: 2.9

COURSE WORK Food Engineering: Fluids Interpersonal Communications
Food Engineering: Solids Forest Ecology
Electric power and control Survey of Organic Chemistry
Diffuse-Source Pollution Engineering Thermodynamics for Bio Engineering
Mechanical Engineering: Graphic Communications Heat and Mass Transfer
EXPERIENCE Wastewater Research, East Lansing, Michigan Summer 2013
Ecological/Environmental Engineering Research Assistant
Developed a method using poplar trees to expose of a food companys wastewater without having a
negative effect on the ecosystem
Conducted studies on varies scales ranging from: 2 acre plots of land, to 3ft by 5ft columns, to small
laboratory study
Tested wastewater samples for COD, PH, Nitrate, and Phosphorus
Gathered test results and conducted data analysis as I compared controlled areas to experimental areas.
Built and applied sensors to experimentation such as thermocouples and ORP Probes
Collaborated with other universities such as Purdue and Ohio State to determine the optimal mixture of
plants to implement to two-stage agricultural ditches
Designed and created a prototype to represent two-stage ditches, then used the design in
Determined the soil mixture needed in the lab to replicate two-stage ditches
Used excel to calculate the amount of runoff (make-shift wastewater) needed to feed the plant mixtures
Biosystems Engineering Club, East Lansing, Michigan 2013-Present
Track club expenses, income, and cash flow
Develop club budgets
Assist in running club activities and building fundraisers
Help find professional guest speakers to educate and inspire club members
Student Engineering Council Representative 2012-2013
Provide insight on future improvements in the College of Engineering
Organize Engineers Week (E-Week) such as plan catering and activities
Run and represent the Biosystems Engineering Department in the Impressions 5 Museum event
Top Golf, Wooddale, Illinois Summer 2012
Barback, Busser, Runner
Served patrons a variety of different beers, mixed drinks, and food while getting to know them while
doing it
Prepared bloody mary mix and restocked the fridge with new kegs
Developed a keg labeling system to prevent confusion when tapping kegs
Worked on a team with others from several different backgrounds to work at a fast efficient and fun
SKI L L S MATLAB, NX, LabView, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)

ADDI TI ONAL SKI L L S Conversational Spanish

ACTIVITIES MSU Engineering Design Day
Detroit Free Press and Chicago Half Marathon
Intermural Basketball
Varsity Baseball, Golf, Cross Country and Track Athlete

Matthew John Walch

Permanent Address
4851 CR-KW
Port Washington, WI 53074
Cell Phone: (262) 689-8871
Current Address
1701 Garden City Rd
Apt 103A
East Lansing, MI 48823
Email: [email protected]

To secure a challenging and rewarding senior design project, while having experiences that will help me in my future medical


Michigan State University, Honors College, East Lansing, Michigan May 2014
Biosystems Engineering, B.S.
GPA 3.7/4.0

Port Washington High School, Port Washington, WI June 2012
GPA 3.8/4.0, National Honors Society, Student Council President, Varsity Swim & Dive


MSU Food Processing and Safety Laboratory, Research Assistant, East Lansing, MI Sept. 2010 - Present
Operates at Biosafety Level 2 protocol
Perform safe and quality laboratory procedures involving food-borne pathogens (Salmonella, E. Coli, Listeria)
Helped Design and Test a four chamber Water Activity Conditioning Chamber
Collaborate with team members to provide accurate and precise experimental data
University Lutheran Church, Student Associate, East Lansing, MI April 2011 - Present
Work in teams to plan and execute weekly events
Plan service trips to Costa Rica, North Carolina and New York
Port Washington Saukville Summer School, Paraprofessional, Port Washington, WI Summers of 2010-2012
Gardening class with 15-20 elementary and middle school children
Coordinated with a licensed teacher
Afterglow Farm, LLC, Farm Hand, Belgium, WI March 2008 October 2009
Grew, Harvested, Packed, Sorted and Sent Out approx. 150 boxes of organic produce weekly
Clients from several counties across Southeastern Wisconsin.


Golden Key International Honour Society Member 2013-14
National Merit Finalist, 201014
Alumni Distinguished Scholarship Commended Semi-Finalist, 201014
Honors College Non-Resident Tuition Grant, 201013
Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship, 2010
AP Scholar with Distinction, 2010
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine, Chicago, IL 2009 Attendee


Effect of Water Activity on Salmonella Inactivation during Thermal Pasteurization of Almonds
University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum 2012 Poster Presentation


Alternative Spring Break to South Carolina, March 2012
Biosystems Engineering Student Club, Member, January 2012 Present
Alternative Spring Break to Costa Rica, March 2011
Liturgical Deacon at University Lutheran Church, September 2011 Present
Mason/Abbot Hall Government, Member, September 2010 12
Port Washington High School Student Council, President, 2009 2010
Jessica Warvel
5093 Amsterdam Ave, Holt, MI 48842 517.525.6059 [email protected]

To obtain a position in the field of engineering or food science where I can utilize my education and practical
knowledge to further develop my engineering and managerial experience.
Superior knowledge and experience in LabView, Matlab, and Excel
Management and leadership skills working as a full time manager
Calibration and upkeep of air quality gas emission analyzers
Outstanding verbal and written communication skills
Hard working, detail oriented, and able to multi-task effectively
Creative, responsible, and inventive individual
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI May 2009-Present
B.S. Biosystems Engineering 2.73/4.0 Expected May 2014
Lyman Briggs CollegeBS. Premedical Track 3.5/4.0 Aug. 2008- May 2009
Awarded on Deans List Dec. 2008
Lansing Community College, Lansing, MI
Certified Phlebotomist Technician 4.0/4.0 J uly 2008
Work Experience
Electronics Engineer Research Assistant, Animal Air Quality Facility, MSU, E. Lansing, MI April 2013-Present
Designed LabView program for continuous air quality gas emission for USDA studies
Install, maintain, and fix air quality gas emission analyzers
Create new and trouble shoot old macro codes in Excel
Process gas emission data from FDA broiler study and USDA heifer studies
Calibrate analyzers using high pressurized gas tanks
Perform weekly air flow checks at manifold and outgoing ducts
Butcher, Michigan State University Meat Laboratory, E. Lansing, MI Oct. 2012-Present
Perform zero tolerance inspections on all carcasses for USDA approval
Trim, package, and label fresh meat
Sanitize instruments and rooms
Utilizing equipment such as the VEMAG, tumbler, smokehouse, and grinder
Processed meats such as sausages, jerky, smoked hams, or flavored snack sticks
Assistant Manager Dollar General, Cavanaugh Road, Lansing, MI J une 2009-October 2012
Managed nightly deposits, tills, change fund and daily bank deposits
Security and theft control
Administer shifts, authorize vendors, match invoices
Screen Printing, self-employed, Holt, MI Aug. 2007-Aug. 2008
Screen printed and emulsion on anything customer needed a creative design on
Demonstrated to volunteers the emulsification process
Landscape, Yardmakers, Okemos, MI Summers 2006, 2007, 2008
Snow and leaf removal along with major yard maintenance
Drove commercial lawn equipment
Volunteer Experience
Sparrow Emergency Room, Lansing, MI Aug. 2008-Dec. 2008
Sparrow Pediatric Center, Lansing, MI J an. 2009-May 2009
High School Tutor, Holt, MI Aug. 2007-May 2008
Holt Food Bank, Holt, MI May 2007
Michigans Science Olympiad official logo creator for the entire state of Michigan May 2008
Wilson Yee
239 Bogue Street Apt. #132, East Lansing, MI, 48825
[email protected]

To develop a strong background in the food industry through an internship or full-time opportunity
dealing with aspects in food engineering and development.

Michigan State University, East Lansing MI
year Senior undergraduate, Biosystems Engineering with concentration in food engineering.
Cumulative GPA: 3.02

Post Foods, Battle Creek, MI May 2012-August 2012
Environmental Intern
Lead projects that reduced cost and landfill. Had opportunities to coordinate with multiple
departments and vendors to improve sustainability and reduce cost in plant. Managed company slug
logs, spill kit system, and monthly compliance inspections.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI April 2013
Junior Design Project
Worked in a team to develop a more efficient process to reduce labor and improve waste transfer.
Displayed leadership skills by organizing team milestones and goals and worked well with peers
while implementing concepts from previous classes and design class. The team was able to reduce
labor by 208 hrs/yr and had economic savings of $1664/yr.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI May 2013-August 2013
MSU Meat Lab
Assisted in cleaning and sanitation responsibilities on a daily basis in a pilot meat
processing plant with a team. Contributed to the processing and packaging of many meat
products from start to finish. Able to come into a completely new environment and able to
adapt quickly.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI August 2013-Present
MSU Dairy Plant
Participated in production of popular MSU Dairy Store ice cream. Experienced small-scale
dairy plant processing and sanitation procedures.

MSU Biosystems Engineering Student Club, ex-Fundraising Co-Chair
MSU Food Science Club, Member

High School Cross Country Team
High School Track and Field Team

Paul Zeltzer
208 Beal Street Apt 5 [email protected]
East Lansing, MI 48823 248-227-7053
Career Objective
To acquire an internship or a fulltime engineering related job with a food or agricultural
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI August 2009 Present
o B.S. Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2014
o Food Concentration
o 2.82/4.0 GPA
o Capstone engineering design project - Evaluation and Modeling of a Plastic Bottle Rinser
o Relevant courses:
General and organic chemistry
General and cell biology
Microbial processes
Engineering statistics
Heat and mass transfer
Food science principles
Fluid mechanics
Fluid food engineering
North Farmington High School, Farmington Hills, MI J une 2009
o Honors
Employment Experience
Student Worker, MSU Meat Laboratory, East Lansing, MI May 2012 Present
o Slaughter, butcher, and process pork, beef, lamb, goat, chicken and turkey
o Clean slaughter, butchery, and process equipment with chlorine based cleanser
o Sharpen knifes and vacuum package product
o Work on slaughter floor cleaning and preparing animals post-slaughter
o Grind and mix meats for sausage and other processed products
Lifeguard, Willoway Day Camp Wixom, MI Summers 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011
o Lifeguarded about 200 kids and adults at any one time
o Instructed large group swimming for kids ages 5-12 years old
o Worked 40 hours per week
TV Intern, Farmington Public Schools September 2007 J une 2009
o Directed, filmed, and produced news stories weekly as a team
o Directed and assisted in televised weekly district news productions
o Edited short movies and commercials (Avid Media Composer)
o Camera operator, basics for filming a commercial or presentation
o Coordinating camera shots and timing for a news production
o Prepared the news set before every broadcast
Professional Affiliations
National Honor Society May 2008 J une 2009
Extracurricular Acti vities
Michigan State University Marching Band August 2009 Present
Michigan Meat Processors Cured Meats Show J udge March 2013

College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected December 2014 Graduates

Danielle Brickner
3179 Kenicott Drive, Walled Lake, MI 48390 | [email protected] | (248) 880-6010
To obtain an engineering internship that utilizes my knowledge and skills in Biosystems Engineering to positively contribute to a team.

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI September 2010 - Present
Bachelor of Science Biosystems Engineering: Biomedical and Bioenergy Concentrations Expected Graduation December 2014
GPA: 3.3/4.0
Engineering Leadership Advantage Program
Awarded the Howard & Esther McColly Scholarship, 2012
Deans List two terms
Walled Lake Central High School GPA: 3.74/4.0 September 2006 - June 2010
Work Experience
Research Assistant
Engineering Undergraduate Research, Michigan State University East Lansing, MI June 2013 Present
Research for Dr. F. Pan
Independently testing the higher heating value of woody biomass using a bomb calorimeter
Computing and statistically analyzing the moisture content of the higher heating value in Microsoft Excel
Drying and grinding samples of biomass to be used for the research

Research Assistant
Engineering Undergraduate Research, Michigan State University East Lansing, MI February 2013 July 2013
Research for Dr. C. Saffron
Conducted electrocatalysis of bio-oil from fast pyrolysis

Research Assistant Intern
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI Summers 2011 and 2012
Shadowed an Interventional Cardiologist.
Observed Catheterization Laboratory Procedures: angioplasty, valve replacement, ASD and PFO
Observed Stress Tests EKGs and Ultrasounds.
Research project wrote rationale, created spreadsheet and extracted data for project.
Observation of Electophysiologist
Michigan Heart Group, Troy, MI June 2012

Camp Counselor
YMCA, Farmington Hills, MI Summer 2010

Nature Specialist
Camp Tamarack, Ortonville, MI Summer 2009

Microsoft Visual Basic Communication Skills Social Media
MATLAB Leadership Analysis
Microsoft Office Suite Team player Organization
Clubs and Activities
Biosystems Engineering Club 2010 Present
Social Chair 2013 2014
Hasbara Fellow 2011 2012
Planned advocacy and humanitarian programs for students, staff, and the East Lansing community
Team Israel Advocacy Chair of the Jewish Student Union 2011 2012
Supervised seven interns, planned and executed programs, and wrote grant proposals
Future Leaders Hillel 2011
Learned leadership skills, organizational skills, and performed community service
Walled Lake Central Marching Band 2006 - 2010
National Honor Society Walled Lake Central High School 2009 - 2010
Nichole Erickson___________________________ [email protected]
10776 Sunfield Rd 616.460.1146
Sunfield, MI 48890

Career Objective
Upon graduation, to obtain employment with a company within the energy sector that
will further my engineering knowledge and gain the four years experience in the pursuit
of becoming a licensed, professional engineer.

Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI J an. 2011-Present
Bachelors of Science, Biosystem Engineering expected Dec. 2014
Deans List 3.86/4.00

Work Experience
Research Assistant, Michigan State University: Sept. 2012-Mar. 2013
Conducting electrocatalysis of bio-oil from fast pyrolysis.
Performing a techno-economic analysis for the electrocatalysis model.

Financial Account Rep., HSBC-Consumer Lending Division: Feb. 2009-Apr. 2009
Assisted HSBC customers with loans that fit their personal and financial
goals within the consumer lending branch located in Lansing, MI.
All employees were laid off due to HSBC closing all of their one thousand
consumer lending branches across the United States.

President, Clarigo Financial: Aug. 2006-Sept. 2008
First mortgage broker agent of record with the State of Michigan operating
within Grand Rapids, MI.
Progressively built a mortgage company from the ground up while
structuring programs for economically challenged individuals.

Finance Manager, East Imports Acura and Mazda: Feb. 2006-Mar. 2008
Managed all business transactions that occurred within the company.
Collected and evaluated appropriate customer information in order to
secure financing and collect stipulations set forth from the lender in order
to obtain approvals.

Design Manager, Eagle Rock Home and Garden: Mar. 2005-J an. 2006
Managed and motivated a design team while running front and back
systems of a retail operation in Bend, OR.
Delivered high standards of sales goals and successfully achieved them on
a monthly basis.

Sales Associate, Toyota of Bend: Sept. 2003-Nov. 2004
Worked as a sales associate and assistant in the Finance Department
located in Bend, OR.
Was responsible for sales, customer service, and customer retention.
John T. Venn
145 Collingwood Dr. Apt. 40
East Lansing, MI 48823
262-914-9070 [email protected]

Obtain a summer job/research in an Engineering or a Science field.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Aug 2010-December 2014
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering, Biomedical Concentration
GPA 3.63/4.0
Deans List five out of six semesters
The Prairie School, Racine, WI September 2006-J une 2010
Achieved honor roll all four years
Research Assistant, East Lansing, MI Summer 2013
Tested effects of Low Impact Development Sites on stormwater
Studied past experiments written on stormwater cleansing
Pettibones Home Service, Racine, WI Summers 2011 & 2012
Assisted owner in home improvement projects
Accommodated clients needs for specific yard services
Interned at the Pleasant Prairie RecPlex, Pleasant Prairie, WI Spring 2010
Organized teams, prepared fields, and scheduled umpires
Racine Youth Sports, Racine, WI Summer 2010
Umpired youth baseball games
Interned at Kenosha Water Utility, Kenosha, WI Summer 2009
Collected data from water mains after rainstorm
Monitored proposals for water and sewage lines
High School Captain, Basketball and Baseball, The Prairie School 2009-2010
Invigorated team members through positive reinforcement
Directed practices and out of school events
Volunteer Experience
Kenosha Public Baseball Parks, Kenosha ,WI 2008-Present
Groomed and maintained several baseball fields
Moose Lodge, Kenosha, WI 2006-Present
Encouraged underprivileged children during many charity events
Extracurricular Activities
Michigan State Club Baseball Team September 2010-Present
Played, recruited and judged talent for our baseball team
Coordinated fundraisers to financially support the organization
Biosystems Engineering Club 2010-Present
Engineering Student Ambassador 2013-Present
Physicians, Southeastern WI 2012
Observed numerous physicians with different specialties
Kenosha Bobcats Baseball team, Kenosha, WI Summers 2011 & 2012
Played on a semi professional baseball team
Honors and Awards
Edward W. Weidner Scholastic Award 2010
Honored with Male Career Athlete for the Class of 2010 2010

College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected 2015 Graduates

Robert Bruhn
[email protected] / (248) 877-3198
Campus: T38 W. Shaw Hall, East Lansing, MI 48825
Permanent: 67 Cherryland Ave, Auburn Hills, MI 48326

To work at a profession which I am passionate about and which will improve the quality of life of those in need; I
intend to use my degree to improve the accessibility and sustainability of quality food and water to those who lack it.
Michigan State University | East Lansing, MI Expected May 2015
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering. Concentration in Food Engineering
GPA: 3.88/4.00
Oakland Community College | Bloomfield Hills, MI Sep 2011-Aug 2012
GPA: 3.98 / 4.00
Work Experience
Michigan State University Extension | East Lansing, MI May 2013- August 2013
Agriculture and Agri-Business Institute Intern
Collaborated on a technology adoption article, a robotic milkers webinar series, and a tractor safety program.
Assisted in tree irrigation, fertigation, planting density, pruning, fruit quality, insect pest, and disease trials.
Expanded my experience with and understanding of agronomy and the adaptation of biological systems.
East Neighborhood Dining Services | East Lansing, MI Aug 2012-Present
Level I Student Employee
Train new employees on proper trade techniques freeing full-time employees to work more efficiently.
Collaborate with co-workers to provide positive dining experiences to over 1500 customers per day.
Give the cafeteria its moneys worth by arriving and leaving on time for shifts and working with full attention.
Acquire even more end-user knowledge of usability and popularity of processed food products.
Oakland University Physics Department | Rochester Hills, MI May 2012-Jul 2012
Summer Research Intern
Analyzed the temperature- related transition of nano-particle Titanium Nitride into micro-particle TiN.
Presented the findings before the public and Oakland University professors; published an abstract of the same.
Furthered my supervisors research into, and our understanding of, what conditions nano properties work in.
Designed and began assembly of a pellet press with off-the-shelf parts, potentially saving my boss over $2400.
Certified to use an x-ray diffractometer, as well as other laboratory equipment.
City of Auburn Hills | Auburn Hills, MI Feb 2012, Aug 2012
Election Inspector
Created positive voting experiences and likelihood of voter return through respectful, helpful, and friendly
contact with voters.
Additional Activities/Skills
MSU Biosystems Engineering Club; Secretary Jun 2013-Present
Spartan Christian Fellowship; member Sep 2012-Present
Volunteer regularly at MSU Student Food Bank, occasionally with other organizations. Sep 2012-Present
Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, Power Point, MATLAB, and Origins graphing software.
Alumni Distinguished Scholars Competition Semi-finalist Award (Michigan State University)
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (Oakland Community College)
Brendan Cloonan
239 Bogue St. Apt 115
East Lansing, MI 48823
Home #: (248) 477-0194
Cell #: (734) 255-4862
[email protected]

Looking for a summer internship in Biosystems Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Expected Date of Graduation
GPA: 2.9

Caddy Masters Assistant
Knollwood Country Club West Bloomfield, MI
Accommodated golfers in the pro shop and general
maintenance duties
Set up tee times for golfers wanting to play the
following day
Champion Caddy


General Kitchen Worker
Brody Cafeteria-Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Assisted in the kitchen
Worked at various stations preparing food

Classroom experience with these engineering software packages:
Autodesk Architectural Drawing & Design
NX software
Member of BE and BAE Club

Career Fair Ambassador for Engineering Expo

Member of ASME at Michigan State University

Selected to participate in LINKS, a freshman mentoring program



Won 3
place in a state wide engineering design competition
(invented a device for a handicapped person)

Home Address
36909 Aspen Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48335

____________ _____Travis Collings__ __ ______________
3275 Glassburner Road, Bad Axe, MI 48413
(989)-975-2708 - [email protected]
To obtain an internship position for the summer of 2014, where I can improve my skills and
maximize my technical experience while working alongside engineers and other team members.

Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering Bioenergy East Lansing, Michigan
Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering Expected Graduation: Spring 2015
College of Engineering, College of Natural Science
Michigan State University GPA 3.54 / 4.0 scale

Ford Motor Company Dearborn, Michigan
Research and Advanced Engineering May August, 2013
Systems Analytics and Environmental Sciences
Implemented test plans for aging biodiesel blends with and without antioxidants
Examined oxidation stability and fuel degradation products including Rancimat and
PetroOxy stability time, Peroxide Value, Total Acid Number, and FAME composition
Investigated effects of adding fresh fuel to aged fuel at biodiesel fuel system temperatures

Ford Motor Company Dearborn, Michigan
Research and Advanced Engineering May August, 2012
Engine Development through Dynamometer Evaluation
Developed and executed test plan for analysis of ethanol-gasoline blended fuels
Examined dynamometer data for effects from various fuels and compression ratios
Co-author of SAE Technical Paper Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions of Ethanol-
Gasoline Blends in a Turbocharged DI Engine

Michigan State University College of Engineering East Lansing, Michigan
Cornerstone and Residential Engineering Peer Leader 2011-2013 academic years
Communicated information to students about resources, opportunities, and engineering
Developed conceptual programs that provided helpful insight about engineering concepts
Managed engineering team members in designing innovative and creative ideas

Experienced in Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and NX 8.0 modeling
Experienced with woodworking, machine shop, laboratory and experimental research
Proficient with multi-tasking, problem solving, communicating, technical writing, and
working in a fast-paced team environment
Speak, read, and write Mandarin Chinese at a beginner/intermediate level

Awarded to the Deans List at MSU Spring 2011, Fall 2012
Member of National Honor Society and National Society of Leadership and Success
Spartan Excellence Scholarship recipient, Gordon W. and Loyse B. Hueschen
Scholarship recipient, Steven Kuyzac Golf Scholarship recipient

References available upon request

Kyl e Guyer
5892 Shadowlawn Dr, East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 285-5752 [email protected]


To obtain a growth opportunity, in the form of an internship or co-op, to gain valuable experience, develop
leadership skills in a professional setting, and build upon my current knowledge of the biosystems engineering field.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Sept. 2011- Current
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering
Food Engineering Concentration Expected May 2015
Academic Scholars Program (Honors courses)
GPA: 3.2/4.0
East Lansing High School, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2007 J une 2011
GPA: 3.8/4.0
Graduated Magna Cum Laude

Internship Neogen Corporation Lansing, MI Summer 2013
R&D division, testing food-borne pathogen detection technology
Immersion into microbiology field and lab setting
Learned and performed advanced laboratory practices

Undergraduate Research Assistant Dr. Kirk Dolan Michigan State University Summer 2013
Food Engineering research
Estimation of thermal properties of low moisture foods
Investigation of microbial deactivation temperatures, such as Salmonella

Intramural and Recreational Sports Supervisor Michigan State University J an. 2012 Current
Management and work at a facility that does more than 1 million dollars in sales a year
Strive to maintain the facility so as to provide patrons with the best possible experience
Utilize communication skills and diverse background to quickly and respectfully solve problems

College of Engineering International Corporate Tour England, Italy, Switzerland, Germany May 2013
Unique and valuable experience abroad observing how global business and production are conducted
Companies: Nestle, BP, Whirlpool, Bosch, Eaton, Fiat, Procter & Gamble
College of Engineering Spring Break Corporate Tour Omaha, NE & Iowa City, IA March 2013
Valuable insight into the corporate world and processes of engineering companies
Companies: ConAgra, Kelloggs, Union Pacific, Gallup, Procter & Gamble
Biosystems Engineering 230 Honors Option Laboratory Experience J an. 2013 May 2013
Out of class laboratory experience involving experiments covering all aspects of Biosystems Engineering
Biosystems Engineering Club Sept. 2012 Current
Participate in meetings with engineering companies, peer networking, and professional development
Intramural Sports Sept. 2011 Current
Participated in basketball and softball with fellow engineers

Basic knowledge of the Spanish language
Proficient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel
Experience with MATLAB and AutoCAD
Dimitrius G. Innis
(231)742-0295 / [email protected]
PO Box 803, Hart, MI 49420

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2012 -- Present
GPA - 3.55/4.0 Dean List Expected Spring 2015
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems Engineering
Biosystems Club, Triangle Fraternity, Student Engineering Council
Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, MI Aug. 2010 May 2012
GPA - 3.5/4.0

Undergraduate Assistant, Anaerobic Digestion Research and Education Center May. 2013 Present
Help oversee process of 250,000 gallon plug flow anaerobic digester
Conduct daily lab analysis of digestate samples
Collect efficiency test data on 4 dairy plate cooler biweekly for dairy water project
Engineering Mentor, College of Engineering Jan. 2013 May 2013
Engaged in development of basic engineering skills by team building exercises
Shared personal experiences for mentee growth
Assisted 30 students with programing, conduction and radiation heat transfer projects
Undergraduate Research, Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Science Dec. 2012 May 2013
Researching synergistic effects of catanionic surfactant mixture of nanoparticles
Extending knowledge of the cutting-edge research in the treatment of ground water
Klotz Auto Parts, Sales, Shelby, MI May 2006 Aug. 2013
Communicate weekly to twelve businesses to maintain professional relations
Inventory stock quantity daily to establish product availability
Arrange delivery service for customer convenience
Ecological Engineering Study Abroad, Costa Rica Dec. 2012
Analyzed sustainability of anthropogenic systems to produce water, energy, and food
Designed bioenergy and ecosystem system to filter biomass waster
Traced and accounted for biomass, water, and energy footprint from start to finish
Studied the process for an efficient biodigester and evaluated the materials flow
Supported faculty with the daily schedule and promoting student involvement
Plummers Septic Service, Labor, Shelby, MI June 2007 Aug. 2008
Assisted with installation of new septic systems under code specifications

Honors and Extracurricular
Stryker Challenge Participant biomedical, mechanical and electrical challenges Oct. 2013
Kapadia Scholarship from National Triangle Education Foundation Aug. 2013 May 2014
Sophomore Baseball Captain -Two years Collegiate Baseball June 2011 May 2012
President of Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Club - Scholarship Aug. 2010 May 2012
Triangle Fraternity an engineering, science major, professional, social fraternity Oct. 2012- Present
o Althletic Chair- managed six intramural sport and nutrition advisor Dec. 2012 May 2013
o Rush Chair organized a week for 100 people brought in largest group May 2013- Present
Biosystems Engineering Club touring facilities and guest presentation Sept. 2012 Present
o Student Engineering Council Liaison communicate between organization Sept. 2013
Math Tutor Algebra-Calculus II Oct. 2010 May 2012

Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, Word
C, C++ Programming
NXT Programming
Project management
Stephen Jones
616-309-8064 / [email protected]
Campus: 219 Wilson Rd, #119 E. Wilson Hall, East Lansing, MI 48825
Permanent: 532 Gladstone Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506

To gain experience in the engineering field with an emphasis on the Biosystems Engineering discipline.
Bachelor of Science, Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering
Concentration in Bioenergy Engineering
GPA 2.86/4.0
Summer Undergraduate Research Academy; Summer 2011
Deans List MSU College of Engineering, The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Phi
Sigma Theta National Honors Society
Graduated June 2009
Varsity Letter, Academic Honors (per semester), National Honors Society, Beta Club, Key Club,
Varsity Wrestling, Varsity Rugby, Varsity Soccer
Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
Objective of research entailed analyzing and identifying vortex patterns of Micro-Air-Vehicles
airfoils to determine wind-speeds for drag and acceleration during practical application
Drew and utilized material from Fundamentals of aerodynamics, Vortical Patterns in the Wake of
an Oscillating Airfoil, and The hydrogen-bubble, flow-visualization technique.
Presented Characterizing Vortex Patterns in the Wake of a NACA 0012 Airfoil at the CIC/SROP
conference at The Ohio State University
Accelerated my knowledge of higher level engineering to envision other designs for airfoil
Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
Conducts individualized tutorial sessions for students with academic deficiencies
Designs and implements exercises and activities to facilitate students academic improvement
Maintains all records required to document students attendance and academic progress
Diversity Programs Office, Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
Administered and collaborated programs to integrate incoming freshman to life on campus.
Ascertained and attested to the academic and social progress of the freshman participants with
special emphasis on technical courses.
Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI
RESIDENT ASSISTANT August 2012-Present
Building and sustaining a safe, secure and open community for residents.
Engineering and allocating events to show residents campus and ways to interact with other
Microsoft Office, MATLAB, NX 8.0 Modeling Software
Ability to communicate effectively and to present and speak publicly

Mitchell W. Kelley
7262 Buckthorn Dr. West Bloomfield MI 48324
MitchWAKelle!" 248$3%&$&8'(
Objective: )o o*t#in +ork e,-erience in the en"ineerin" field th#t m#, m educ#tion #nd #d/#nces m
kno+led"e of en"ineerin".
Michigan State University0 1#st 2#nsin"0 MI
3olle"e of 1n"ineerin" Biosstems 1n"ineerin" B.4. Decem*er 2&%'
2m#n Bri""s 5esidenti#l 3olle"e 6um#n Biolo" B.4. Decem*er 2&%'
College of Human Medicine Bioethics, Humanities, and Society Specialization
College of Education Health Promotion Specialization
Work Experience:
i!eguard #t West#cres 3ommunit Be#ch M# 2&&8 $ Au"ust 2&%2
2ife"u#rd M#n#"er 7osition M# 2&%& 8 Au"ust 2&%2
M#ke schedule #nd le#d re"ul#r meetin"s +ith other life"u#rds
1nsure the s#fet of -#trons #t the *e#ch
3ertified in 9irst Aid #nd 375
"ight #eceptionist #t Michi"#n 4t#te :ni/ersit 4e-tem*er 2&%& 8 A-ril 2&%%
5e"ul#rl monitor securit in dormitories throu"hout the ni"ht
4creenin" of #ll indi/idu#ls enterin" the dormitories #fter hours
Mentor incomin" em-loees #nd tr#in them of their duties
Service Experience
;olunteer #t 6enr 9ord 6os-it#l West Bloomfield
o <#stroenterolo" De-#rtment ='& 6ours> M#$Au"ust 2&%%
Assist nurses +ith -#-er+ork #nd cle#nin" duties
Inter#ct +ith -#tients #fter sur"er to kee- them com-#n
;olunteer #t Mc3l#ren <re#ter 2#nsin" 6os-it#l
o 7#tient 1scort =3& 6ours> ?#nu#r$M# 2&%%
1scort -#tients #round 6os-it#l #fter sur"er
o 1mer"enc De-#rtment =6& 6ours> 4e-tem*er 2&%% $ Decem*er 2&%2
1nsure th#t -#tients #nd their f#milies #re h#/in" # comfort#*le /isit
Aid nurses * -erformin" t#sks the #re too *us to #ccom-lish
Acti/e mem*er #nd -#rtici-#nt in nei"h*orhood communit ser/ice
o ;olunteer #t m#n nei"h*orhood e/ents 2&&' $ 7resent
o ;olunteer #t communit ser/ice d#s 2&&' $ 7resent
$ctivities and Me%berships
Mem*er of Biosstems 1n"ineerin" 3lu* 2&%3 $ 7resent
Mem*er of 2m#n Bri""s 5esidenti#l 3olle"e 2&&( $ 2&%3
Mem*er of Michi"#n 4t#te 7re$7hsici#n Associ#tion 2&%& 8 2&%3
Nicole Kruse
424 Michigan Ave., Apt. W24 Cell: (248) 756-6923
East Lansing, MI 48823 [email protected]

Objective: Internship or co-op in Biosystems Engineering related field.

Education: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Major/Minor: Biosystems Engineering/Computer Science
Expected Graduation: May 2015
GPA 3.5/4.0

Relevant Courses
Prior to Fall 2013: Differential Equations, Programming in
C++, Programming in Visual Basic & Java, Statics
Fall 2013: Engineering Properties of Biological Materials,
Biosystems Engineering Lab, Thermodynamics for Engineers
Spring 2014: Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Design &
Optimization for Biological Systems, Engineering Analysis of
Biological Systems, Microbial Systems Engineering

High School: Churchill High School, Livonia, MI
Graduated Summa Cum Laude GPA 4.3 / 4.0
Rank 16 / 468

Experience: MSU Greenline, East Lansing, MI Aug. 2013 present
Telemarketing MSU alumni as the student-led voice for
MSUs Annual Fund
Performing cold calls to past graduates seeking donations
to the college or department of their choice
Working in a professional, team-oriented environment
Papa Romanos Pizza, Livonia, MI June 2013 Aug. 2013
Progression of responsibilities from basic kitchen work to
managing/ordering inventory, opening and closing the
store, and writing employee work schedules
Subway Sandwich Shop, Livonia, MI June 2013 Aug. 2013
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)01'/&' *0#) .&4$#%&. %.01#0*%$,1#2 .&#3,1#$5/& 6,.
*/,#$14 #%,.& 01' *0/*+/0%$14 '0$/7 .&*&$3%#

Computer Skills: Experience in programming with Visual Basic, Java, C++
Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Quick to learn new computer applications

Honors & Awards: Alumni Distinguished Scholarship (ADS) Commendable Semi-
Finalist Award (MSU)
Agricultural Engineering Scholarship (MSU)
William C. Ford, Jr. Scholarship
Rachel Kurzeja
[email protected] 3697 Edinborough Drive, Rochester Hills, MI 48306 248-568-8555
Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI Expected May 2015
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering; Biomedical Engineering Concentration
GPA: 3.92/4.0; Deans List; Member of the Honors College
Study Abroad in Australia: Sustainable Food, Environment, and Social Systems July- Aug. 2012

Professional Experience
Shoulder Product Development Co-op, DePuy Synthes, Warsaw, IN Aug. 2013- Present
Support projects led by Project Engineers related to Shoulder Product Development and act as an active
member of the Project Core Team for three different implant and instrument development projects
Acquire knowledge of relevant surgical techniques, instruments, and various types of implants by
performing hands-on shoulder replacement surgery on artificial "sawbone" humerus and glenoid bones
Enhance understanding of surgical techniques and procedures through various surgical guides and videos
of total shoulder arthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty

Production Engineering Intern, Perrigo Company, Allegan, MI May 2013- Aug. 2013
Worked with Production Engineers in a Tablet Manufacturing Value Stream that produces over 7.5 billion
tablets annually in a cGMP environment
Led a continuous improvement project from creation through implementation aimed at reducing waste and
improving efficiency in the consumable materials supply
Supported projects led by Production Engineers related to: quality, safety, production, maintenance,
process validation, cleaning validation, and continuous improvement

Career Peer, The Center for Spartan Engineering, MSU Jan. 2013- Present
Provide services in practice interviewing, resume critiquing, and network advice to engineering students in
order to assist them with career preparation
Collaborate with a team of engineering students and specialists to develop and implement professional
development programs to prepare engineering students for career related events
Support specialists in organizing and facilitating career fairs, interviews, and networking events

College of Engineering Student Ambassador, MSU Aug. 2011- Present
Recruit students through tours, e-mail communication, events, and presentations
Organize and facilitate STEM outreach programs such as LEGO and VEX Robotics, Engineering Summer
Camps, and Women in Engineering events
Co-founder and active leader of the Women in Engineering Committee which plans, coordinates, and
facilitates various events aimed at encouraging women to study engineering and pursue STEM careers

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Nano-Biosensors Lab, MSU Oct. 2011- May 2013
Designed and conducted experiments to explore various properties of nanoparticles to be used in biosensor
applications and analyzed experimental data primarily using Microsoft Excel
Generated experimental data using lab equipment including, but not limited to a: Potentiostat, Zetasizer,
Nanodrop, and Transmission Electron Microscope
Independently led projects including: Antibody Attachment to Gold Nanoparticles through Covalent
Binding, Functionalization of Gold Nanoparticles, and Optimization of Methods for Rapid DNA
Extraction and Recovery
Michigan State Universitys Chapter of Phi Sigma Rho Sorority Sept. 2011- Present
Co-Founder Sept. 2011
Vice President of Communications Dec. 2011- J an. 2013
Recruitment Chair Sept. 2011- Dec. 2011
Michigan State Universitys Biosystems Engineering Club Sept. 2011- Present
Michigan State Universitys Women in Engineering Program Sept. 2011- Present
Jonathon Lust

20482 B Dr. S (248) 804-8795
Marshall, MI 49068 [email protected]

To obtain an internship or job experience in bio systems engineering

Michigan State University (Aug 2012 Present) East Lansing, MI
College of Engineering- Biosystems Engineering
GPA: 2.83/4.0

Oakland Community College (May 2012) Auburn Hills, MI
GPA: 3.6/4.0

Stoney Creek High School (May 2012) Rochester, MI
GPA: 3.6/4.0

Professional Experience
Student Maintenance
Michigan State University (May 2013 present) East Lansing, MI
-Maintain building
-Clean afeteria
-Assist various students in need
Student Cook
Michigan State University (Aug 2012 Nov 2012) East Lansing, MI
-Follow precise measurements to prepare student meals
-Maintain cooking area
-Clean equipment
Crew Trainer
Rochester McDonald's (Sep 2011- Aug 2012) Rochester, MI
-Train new crew members
-Assist customers.
-Cook and prepare food
-Clean and maintain the grills
Great Oaks Country Club (May2010- Aug 2010) Rochester, MI
-Assist various golfers
-Maintain the caddy area

-Knowledge of Basic C# and Java
-HTML web programming
-Microsoft Office
-Knowledge of basic Lab Equipment

National Honor Society
Volunteering and raising money for multiple organizations around Rochester
Gina M. Masell
23870 Hull Prairie Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551
[email protected]
To obtain an engineering internship or co-op that will further my career goals as well as develop my technical
Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI August 2011 Present
College of Engineering
Pursuing Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering
GPA 3.26/4.0
Garden Fresh Gourmet Internship: Ferndale, MI May 2013-July 2013
Work in all aspects of company focusing on quality control
Generate a business plan
Collaborate on a project to reach a final goal
Jimmy Johns Gourmet Sandwiches: East Lansing, MI September 2012 May 2013
Serve customers in an efficient and timely manner
Make sandwiches and answer phones
20 25 hours per week while in school
Chuck E. Cheeses: Rochester, MI August 2009 August 2012
Birthday party coordinator and hostess, game room attendant
Solved complex issues with mechanical games
Make pizza and sandwiches
Resolve consumer complaints and issues
Michigan State University Services: East Lansing, MI September 2011 March 2012
Cashier and general kitchen worker
Worked as a team in order to complete daily tasks
Michigan State University Varsity Rowing January 2012 May 2012
30 40 hours per week
Crittenton Hospital Internship February 2011 March 2011
North Hill Pediatrics Internship April 2011 May 2011
Hard worker, organized, work well in teams, good communication, leader
Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Matlab, Photoshop
Kristine J. Nguyen

University: 343 N. Harrison, E. Lansing, MI 48823 734.560.2479
Permanent: 48806 Castleford Dr., Canton, MI 48187 [email protected]

To obtain an internship or research position that will provide advanced knowledge,
experience and skill in Biosytems Engineering with a Food Concentration.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
B.S. Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2015
Specialization: Food Engineering
GPA: 3.33

Canton High School, Canton, MI
Graduation Date: June 2011
GPA: 3.98

Organic Chemistry I and II, Thermodynamics for Biosystems Engineering,
Engineering Properties of Bio Materials, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics,
Biosystems Engineering Lab

Yazaki North America- Testing Center May 2013-August 2013
Failure Analysis Intern
Instructed test schedules and implementing tests according to specifications and/or
customer requirements
Suggest and apply solutions to problems encountered with different testing
Evaluate and interpret results and create test reports for customers.
Analyze Failed Test Automotive Electrical Components
Assisted performing tests with Scanning Electron Microscope, Wavelength Dispersion X-
Ray, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer

Levan Internists Medical Center May 2012-August 2012
Medical Records Assistant

Pi Beta Phi Michigan Gamma- Chapter President December 2012-Present
BE Student Club September 2013-Present
Alpha Sigma Pi-Member December 2012-Present
Pi Beta Phi - Assistant to Philanthropy Chair December 2011-December 2012

Julia L. Otwell [email protected]
525 Washington Street, Traverse City, MI 49686 (231) 392-2070

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Expected June 2015
B.S. Biosystems Engineering. Honors College, GPA: 3.82/4.0
Varsity Womens Track and Cross Country

USAC Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic Summer 2013
Study Abroad Program
Cultural Studies

Traverse City Central High School, Traverse City, MI June 2010
National Honors Society, GPA: 3.94/4.0 2007-10
Student Council 2010
Varsity Cross Country/Track/Skiing 2006-10

Work Experience
Cook and Customer Services, Switches Deli, Traverse City, MI 2012
Cooked pizzas, sandwiches
Collaborated with coworkers
Bussed tables

Public Access Station Intern, Land Information Access Association, Traverse City, MI 2011
Taught College For Kids class
Directed Video
Facilitated public access recordings
Scheduled station events

Hostess and Customer Services, Bubbas Restaurant and Bar, Traverse City, MI 2010
Accommodated customers
Assisted in bussing tables/food expo

BE Club-Biosystems Engineering student-run organization 2012/2013
ASABE Representative-connected BE club with ASABE 2012/2013
WIE-Women in Engineering Connect Program 2012/2013
SASS- volunteer, student athlete community events Fall 2012
Onsite Relief Foundation-Painted houses in New Orleans Spring 2010
Math Tutor-Aided at-risk High school students Spring 2010

Capital One Academic All-District second team Track and Field 2013
Clarence and Thelma Hansen Scholarship 2013
Deans List, Varsity Letter in Cross Country 2010-13
Academic All-Big Ten honoree 2011-2012
First-Team Big Ten/All-region in Cross Country 2011-2012
High school Varsity Letter: Cross Country, Track/All state and Academic All-state 2006-10

140 Collingwood [email protected]
East Lansing, MI 48825 248-762-0997

Biosystems Engineering Michigan State University (Currently
Pursuing until 2015)
o GPA 3.33
Stoney Creek High School (2006-2010)
o GPA 3.62

Michigan State University East Campus Dining Services
Jan 2011- May 2011
Level 1 employee
Waltonwood Assisted Living Complex
Jun 2012 Aug 2012
Dishwasher and server
The Marquette Independent Living Complex
Kitchen assistant
Jan 2013 - Present

Experienced in transporting goods and loading materials

Efficiently managed recycling and waste management detail

Presented visually pleasing displays

Overseen preparation of goods to be fitting for consumer needs

Managed multiple positions throughout the workday seamlessly

Maintained clean facilities for customers and fellow employees

Handled potentially dangerous machinery safely and

Varsity Cross Country Stoney Creek High School

Greenpeace Club Michigan State University

Microsoft Office Proficiency Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Green Economic Leadership Training Solar UV Panel Assesment
Brian Smith

To obtain a rewarding internship/ job in my field during the school
semesters or summer.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
BS in Biosystems Engineering |Expected Graduation May 2015 | GPA: 3.54
Stoney Creek High School, Rochester Hills, MI | Sep 2007 - J un 2011 | GPA: 3.8

Employment Experience
Food Engineering Intern | T.A Forsberg Development Company Okemos, MI | May 2013-Present
Work alongside a team creating a proposal for a Food Innovation District
Measurement and create CAD floor plans for the proposed building
Research on various topics and wrote professional summaries for the associates to read

Production Staff | Jack Breslin Student Events Center, East Lansing, MI | May 2013-Present
Provide internal security as well as customer service during events at the Breslin Center.
Supervise sensitive, nonpublic portions of the building, inspect the incoming patrons and offer assistance to guests and

Government Relations Intern | The Nature Conservancy, Lansing, MI | Dec 2011 April 2013
Provided support for the Government Relations Department of the Michigan Chapter, including research, writing,
editing, outreach to Legislative and Congressional offices, participation in conference calls, meetings and hearings.
Learned how to create databases and partner macro documents and templates that are adaptable to facilitate a great
variety of useful documents and activities; including call lists, letters, labels, fact sheets, and spreadsheets.

Teacher | Beths Imagination Station, Rochester, MI | May 2012-August 2012
Spoke with parents on a daily basis to keep them updated on their childs education and behavior.
Dealt with problems between children and relay the information in a professional way to the parents of the involved

Michigan State University Dean's List | 2011-2013
Graduated Magna Cum Laude | Stoney Creek High School | J une 2011
National Honor Society, Key Club and French National Honor Society | Stoney Creek High School

Delta Gamma National Fraternity | Philanthropic and Social Sorority affiliated with The Delta Gamma Foundation,
service for sight, a national charity dedicated to fundraising and awareness | September 2012-Present
Biosystems Engineering Club | September 2012-Present
Spartans for the Cure| Michigan State Breast Cancer Awareness club | September 2011-Present

Interpersonal and communication skills | Able to multi-task | Skilled with several software applications, including; iWork
and Microsoft Office Professional Suite. Very skilled in excel and MATLAB | Willing and interested to learn new
information, skills, activities and applications.

Available upon request
[email protected] | (248) 978-2463

1736 High Meadows Blvd
Oakland, MI 48363
Allison Anne VanderKolk
1702 Wayne St. Traverse City, MI 49684 ! [email protected] ! (231) 645-1658

Objective Seeking an engineering internship experience to challenge and strengthen my problem
solving, design, communication and analytical skills.
Michigan State University (MSU), East Lansing, MI 2010 to Expected May 2015
! B.S. Biosystems Engineering; Honors College; Spanish Minor; GPA = 3.4/4.0
! Study Abroad: Ecological Engineering in the Tropics, Alajuela, Costa Rica Dec. 2012
! Explored the design and performance of energy and food production systems in the context of
ecological sustainability
! Participated in the design and construction of an integrated solar biodigester and wetland system
! Deans List (five semesters)
! W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Scholarship (2013); Howard and Esther McColly Scholarship (2012-13);
Hansen Study Abroad Scholarship (2012); Women in Engineering Evening with the Industry Scholarship
(Spring 2011); Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship (freshman year scholarship)
! MSU Design Day December 10, 2010 Poster Presentation: EGR 100 Group Project, Solar Water Heater
! Designed, constructed and analyzed solar water heater project and presented poster and prototype
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Summer 2009
! High School Summer College Earned 9 college credits; GPA = 3.70/4.0
Biosystems Engineering Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, MSU, East Lansing MI Fall Semester 2013
! Participate as a member of the teaching team for BE 101, course planning, mentoring student
project teams, holding office hours, teaching in the course, and grading
Student Assistant, Office of the President and Board of Trustees, MSU, East Lansing, MI April 2012 to Present
! Perform wide variety of office tasks as needed draft selected correspondence from MSU President
and/or BOT, completed computerization of 1902 BOT meeting minutes, type, print, copy, deliver
meeting materials, interact with multiple departments on campus, etc.
! Exposure to executive level correspondence
Lab Assistant, Biosystems Engineering Research Lab, MSU, East Lansing, MI Jan. 2013 April 2013
! Constructed treatment wetlands for water reclamation from anaerobic digestate - developing the
use of wetlands to treat bioenergy wastes in the U.S. and Latin America
Volunteer Lab Assistant, Nano-Biosensor Lab, MSU, East Lansing, MI Summer 2012
! Performed aspects of lab research and maintained personal lab records/logs in Dr. E. C. Alocilja s
field-operable nano-biosensor lab
! Plated specimens, evaluated response to experimental conditions, cleaned equipment, etc.
Hostess, Trattoria Stella, Traverse City, MI June 2008 to Sept. 2011
! Established extraordinary customer service, professional image, organization, teamwork & leadership
skills in upscale restaurant- took phone reservations; set up tables; determined seating arrangements
! Greeted and seated guests ensuring guest satisfaction and equality among servers
! Worked with all 40 members of the restaurant team, including owners, managers, cooks, servers, bar
staff and support personnel
Reservation Specialist, Sunset Water Sports, Traverse City, MI Summer 2010
! Enhanced communication and organization skills- answered 8 telephone lines and accessed
computer orders to organize reservations
! Prepared rental contracts and explained contracts to renters
! Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization; National Society of Leadership and
Success, Sigma Alpha Pi; National Society of Collegiate Scholars
! Biosystems Engineering Club; Women in Engineering- mentee, general member and mentor for
freshman student.
! Alpha Chi Omega Phase C: Recruitment Chair 2012; Vice President Intellectual Development 2013
! Michigan State University Synchronized Skating Team July 2010 to March 2013; State, Regional,
Midwestern Sectional, & National Competitions. Team Captain 2012-2013; Executive Board: President
(April 2012--April 2013); Vice President (Spring 2011--Spring 2012)

Samantha Walby [email protected]
323 Village Dr. Apt 511, East Lansing, MI 48823 248-837-5416

To obtain an internship that applies both the biological and engineering components of my education while offering
room for growth and experience.

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI May 2015
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering, Food Engineering Concentration
GPA: 3.64/4.0
Relevant Courses: Engineering Analysis of Biological Systems, Engineering Properties of Biological Materials,
Biosystems Engineering Lab Practice, Thermodynamics, Statics, Fluid Mechanics, Introduction to Engineering
Design and Modeling, Cells and Molecular Biology and Lab, Organismal and Population Biology, Microbiology
Bishop Foley Catholic High School Madison Heights, MI June 2011
GPA: 3.9
Graduated Summa Cum Laude

MSU Department of Biosystems Engineering East Lansing, MI Aug 2012present
Undergraduate Teaching Fellow
Provide guidance and mentorship to ~80 students in an introductory level Biosystems Engineering course
Assist professor with grading papers and in-class assignments
Hold weekly office hours in order to help students with homework assignments
MSU Food Quality and Safety Lab East Lansing, MI Jan 2013present
Undergraduate Research Assistant Dr. Bradley Marks
Prepare stock media for use in lab procedures focused on decreasing activity of food-borne pathogens, such
as Salmonella and E. Coli
Maintain a clean work environment, operate autoclave to sterilize equipment and media previously used in
experiments, and wash supplies for future use
Observe and assist senior members of the lab perform experiments
DSW Designer Shoe Warehouse Troy, MI Oct 2010Aug 2012
Sales Associate/Cashier
Applied product knowledge and selling skills in order to match specific merchandise to the customers needs
Collaborated and effectively communicated with fellow employees to execute tasks, such as organizing
incoming shipments and executing customer-convenient floor plans
Completed transactions in a timely manner to ensure customer satisfaction
Meijer Warren, MI June 2009Oct 2010
Utility Worker
Demonstrated ability to perform a variety of manual labor tasks
Able to give assistance to co-workers for the completion of specific tasks
Gained experience working in a fast paced environment

Microsoft Office proficiency: Excel, Word, and PowerPoint
Experience with MATLAB

MSU Biosystems Engineering Student Club Member Fall 2013present
MSU Women In Engineering Email Buddies Summer 2013
o Offered advice and encouragement to incoming female freshman in the College of Engineering
Girls Basketball All Academic Award and All Catholic League Honorable Mention 2011
National Honors Society Member 20102011
Alexis Wloch
[email protected]

Campus Address Permanent Address
2501 Abbot Road 25094 Peach Tree Ct.
East Lansing, MI, 48823 Brownstown, MI, 48134
cell: 734.365.1694

Career Objective
Seeking a Biosystems Engineering internship/co-op that will further my knowledge and give me practical
engineering experience outside of the classroom.

Michigan State University, East Lansing MI Expected Graduation: May 2015
Bachelors of Science, Biosystems Engineering
GPA =3.8 Deans List =4/4

Gabriel Richard High School, Riverview, MI August 2007-May 2011

Work Experience
MSU Dairy Plant--Production Assistant J anuary 2012-Present
Monitor the multiple steps in production of dairy products to ensure steady production
Maintain the cleanliness of machinery through disassembly and reassembly
Verify the safety and progression of dairy products through measurements and quality tests
Kroger--Cashier J une 2013- August 2013
Provided quality customer service
Reduced check-out time for customers
McDonalds May 2012-August 2012
Provided quality customer service
Performed a variety of crew member tasks at a high volume store
Soup Kitchen Trips
Prepared and served food to those in need
3 Million Pound Challenge
Organized and weighed donated books, clothing, and food in the hopes that 3 million pounds would be

Computer Skills
Proficient with Excel
Experience with Matlab

Panama Study Abroad Program May 2013-J une 2013
--Tropical Biodiversity and Conservation
Women in Engineering Group, Member and Mentor August 2011-Present
Biosystems Engineering Club September 2013-Present

The MSU Biosystems Engineering Freshman Scholarship
MSU Honors College
National Honors Society

College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected 2016 Graduates

Christine Isaguirre
234 Wilson Rd. R 431 East
East Lansing, MI 48825

Cell Phone: (616)780-5019
Email: [email protected]
3998 Clearview NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

Objective Obtain an engineering-related co-op or internship to enhance my experience in the
engineering field and allow me to apply what I have learned in my college coursework.

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI Expected May 2016
Bachelor of Science Degree in Biosystems Engineering GPA 4.0/4.0
Michigan State University Honors College J an 2013-Present
Deans List J an 2013-Present
Forest Hills Northern High, Grand Rapids, MI GPA 4.126/4.0 May 2012

Undergraduate Research Assistant, Bioenergy Lab, Michigan State University May 2013-Present
Engineering Summer Undergraduate Research Experience, mentored by Dr. Wei Liao
Assisted in the development of a process to extract lipid from fungi to be used as a biofuel
Operated lab equipment including a centrifuge, autoclave, fermenter and an automatic
atmospheric chamber
Created a research poster presented at the MID-SURE Poster Symposium Presentation at the
MSU Breslin Center J uly 2013
Level 1 Student Employee Sept 2012-May 2013
Residential and Hospitality Services, Michigan State University
Provided excellent customer service; prepared and served food to customers
Work in fast paced environment; the cafeteria served over 1,000 patrons per meal
Developed leadership and communication skills by working with other employees
Forest Hills Northern Yearbook Staff J une 2011-May 2012
Senior Section Editor
Collaborated with classmates to collect information and lay out yearbook pages
Publicized yearbook fundraiser and sold $900 in ads
Proficient in Adobe InDesgin Software

Society of Women Engineers Aug 2013-Present
Biosystems Engineering Club Aug 2013-Present
Women in Engineering Mentoring Program Aug 2013-Present
Humane Society of West Michigan 2009-2012
Parks and Recreation Dept., Ada Township, MI 2008-2009

Academic Scholar Program at Michigan State University Sept 2012-Dec 2012
Summa Cum Laude, Forest Hills Northern May 2012
Biosystems Engineering Scholarship April 2012
Winner of Gildas LaughFest High School Essay Competition, Grand Rapids, MI March 2012
National Honor Society 2010-2012

Jacqueline Thelen
12870 Near Lane Caledonia, MI 49316
(616) 322-5590 [email protected]

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Graduating Spring 2016
Honors College Bachelors Degree in Biosystems Engineering

Caledonia High School Caledonia, MI Class of 2013
Cumulative GPA of 4.2 Ranked in the Top Ten

Michigan State University Undergraduate Research September 2013 present
Investigated regulatory guidelines in the food processing industry to supplement Dr. Saffermans proposal for
creating a decision tree for industry nutrient management.
Assisted my research team with the maintenance and data collection for an experiment called the Phosphorous
Project. We coordinated the long hours of testing and device calibration with each of the team members course
schedules to maximize efficiency of task completion.
T.J . Maxx 3525 28
Street SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 J une 2012 August 2013
Promoted the companys ideals of customer service with a diverse community of ambitious Sales Associates.
Expedited several projects while our store switched locations in March 2013: restructured departments at the old
store site as stock sold out; constructed new displays for featured merchandise at the new location; ensured that
the new department layout and merchandise presentation abided by corporate guidelines.
Trained new employees in sales floor maintenance, merchandise exhibition, loss prevention and customer service.
Leadership Advantage Program August 2013
Collaborated with other freshman engineering majors to design, build, and test a medieval-style trebuchet, a
weight-bearing bridge made of newspaper, and a protective cage for an egg dropped from a height of 50 feet.
Presented an innovative lawn chair design to a panel that assessed its feasibility, creativity and cost-effectiveness.
SpartaNature Freshman Research Seminar at Kellogg Biological Station J uly 2013
Applied critical thinking and problem solving skills to specific research workshops that explored different fields
in natural science, from biomechanics to ecosystems and biodiversity.
Discovered a statistically-supported example of natural selection in the flower coloration of milkweed plants.

Honors and Activities
National Merit Scholarship Finalist
Michigan State University Special Merit Award winner
Michigan State University Von Ehr Scholar
Awarded invitation to Michigan States Alumni Distinguished Scholarship Competition
Advanced Placement Scholar award winner
National Member of the Society of Women Engineers
Treasurer of the Key Club International branch at Caledonia High School

College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Expected 2017 Graduates

Nathan M. Majeski
219 Wilson Road, Room 317 231-286-3181 [email protected]
East Lansing, MI 48825

To secure an internship or part-time work for summer 2013 in the Biosystems Engineering field that
will enrich and expand my career based experience
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Aug. 2013 -Present
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering Expected May 2017

Mona Shores High School Norton Shores, MI June 2013
GPA: 3.9/4.0
Advanced Placement classes: World History, Calculus, American Gov., Biology and Chemistry
Century Foundry, Norton Shores, Summers 2012; 2013
Engineered smooth transfers from production lines to packaging
Cleaned machines and improved production of product
Handled dangerous machinery to help complete the tasks in hand
Increased production rate
Minimized breakdowns
Link Crew, Norton Shores, MI 2011-2013 School year
Organization ran to enhance the production of positive grades of freshman in high school

Red Cross Blood Drive, Norton Shores, MI March 2012
National Honor Society run program
Co-organized blood drive staffs schedules
Experience with CAD/AutoCAD and Revit
Microsoft 2010 proficient
Spanish basic proficiency (3 years) 2009-2012 School year

Activities/ Honors
Biosystems Engineering Student Club Aug. 2013-Present
IM Soccer Sept. 2013- Present
National Honors Society Mar. 2010- May 2013
MVP Varsity Soccer 2012


College of Engineering &
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

Resume Book
Fall 2013

Recent Graduates / Graduate Students

29620 Gaylord Ct. Steven M. Archer [email protected]
(734) 536-9399 Livonia, MI 48154
Obtain an internship or full-time position to assimilate and apply personal experience of production and management
involving biological and environmental engineering components to larger, overall processes.
Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI Aug. 2009 - May 2013
B.S. Biosystems Engineering- GPA: 3.5/4.0
Relevant Coursework: Microbiology, Thermodynamics, Heat/Mass transfer, Statics, Fluid dynamics, Microbial
systems engineering, Properties of biological materials, Biomass conversion engineering
Biosystems Engineering Senior Capstone Project Sept. 2012 May 2013
Optimized DNA obtained from dried blood spot filter paper sample
Conducted DNA rehydration, isolation, and purification in biomedical lab
Organized team meetings and delegated tasks between team members utilizing strengths
Performed economic analysis of several alternative methods
Documented research, process, methods, solution and economic results in final report
Undergrad Research Assistant BAE Dept. - East Lansing, MI Sept. 2011- May 2013
Involved in the following projects:
Cultured and fermented yeast and fungi for production of ethanol and biodiesel
Analyzed the efficiency of sugar yields from enzymatic hydrolysis of different feedstocks
Modified and maintained solar integrated anaerobic digester for use with food waste and manure
Optimized biodiesel production of lipid oil extraction utilizing co-hydrolysis
Examined different conditions for pyrolysis of switchgrass
Collected and evaluated point source water samples from bioretension basin
Experience with COD, pH, total solids, thermo gravimetric analysis, liquid chromatography & cell culture growth
Lab Intern - The Environmental Quality Company Belleville, MI J une - Aug.; Dec. 2011
Assessed thermal desorption unit samples, oil, waste water, and other industrial waste materials
Assigned tracking numbers and fingerprinted incoming samples
Operated and calibrated bomb calorimeter to evaluate heating values of recycled oil
Tested samples for total organic carbon, mercury, cyanide and sulfur concentrations
Managed manifests for incoming shipments
Prepared and kept inventory of chemical reagents for lab tests
Intern - Orchard, Hiltz, &McCliment (OHM) - Livonia, MI J an.2009 - J une 2009
Environmental Water Resource Group & Transportation Group
o Analyzed water main and river flow data on Arc GIS
o Delineated models and composed graphs of storm data on Excel
o Learned fundamentals of AutoCAD
o Participated in bridge inspections monitoring bank erosion and tracking rust and concrete stress fracture
Memberships & Certification
Fundamentals of Engineering Dec. 2012
ASABE Member Aug. 2010 - Present
MSU Biosystems Engineering Club Aug. 2010 May 2013
HAZWOPER 24 hour certified J uly 2011
Proficient with Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint
Experienced with LabVIEW, MATLab, Nx
Rui Chen
Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering
Michigan State University
[email protected] 517.896.1937

To obtain a position enabling engineering, project management and utilizing the academic
knowledge, research skills and ability of a biosystems engineer to contribute to an organization that
develops innovative and sustainable industries and products.

Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Doctor of Philosophy January 2011 December 2014 (expected)
Biosystems Engineering (GPA 3.9/4.0)
Master of Science September 2008 - December 2010
Zoology (GPA 3.9/4.0)
Zhejiang University Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Bachelor of Science August 2004 - June 2008
Biological Sciences (GPA 3.8/4.0)

Self-Sustaining Wastewater Treatment System for Forward Operating Bases

May 2012 current U.S. Department of Defense
Develop an integrated system combining solar energy, biological digestion and nano-filtration to
clean up wastewater while generating energy
Leading researcher of designing and operating systems for anaerobic and aerobic digestions
Solar-Bio Power Generation in Rural Central America
September 2011 current U.S. Department of State / Central America
Develop and deploy an integrated, small-scale, self-sustained, waste-to-clean energy generation
system that produces value-added by-products and reclaims water
Designed, built, and monitored a pilot-scale thermophilic anaerobic digester empowered by solar
energy and biogas which is produced by the digester itself
Effect of Algae on Cellulosic Enzymatic Hydrolysis

May 2010 September 2011 Michigan State University
Maximized the efficiency of biofuel production from algal biomass by improving the condition of
hydrolysis using dilute acid method
Significantly improved the efficiency of enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials by
applying neutralized algal hydrolysate as reaction medium
Impacts of Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure on Algal Growth

November 2009 January 2011 Michigan State University
Discovered an optimized operation of algal cultivation to clean up the waste stream from
anaerobic digestion as well as to increase the production of algal biomass
Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers

February 2009 March 2010 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Processed fresh water samples containing algae (soft and diatoms) to assess the nonpoint source
pollution impacts on water quality
Resume Rui Chen Page 2 of 2

Analysis and Regulation of the Homeostatic Robustness in Neurons

January 2007 May 2008 Zhejiang University
Statistically modeling the robustness of cell response after exposed to certain medicines

Graduate advisor for Senior Design

2009-2010, 2011-2013 Michigan State University
Advised senior design teams from the Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering on
background information, current research update, and equipment installation
Research advisor
August October 2012 Michigan State University
Advised visiting scholars from University of Costa Rica on anaerobic digestion of food waste and
analysis of microbial community from various anaerobic digesters
Teaching assistant, PLB 424: Algal Biology
September December 2008 Michigan State University

Student delegate, Global Center for Food System Innovation, USAID
November 2012 Washington, D.C.
Coordinator/Interpreter, Sinobios Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, China) & Fluid-Quip, Inc. (Springfield, OH)
October 2011 Chicago, IL
Volunteer, the U.S. Society of Ecological Economics annual conference
June 2011 East Lansing, MI
Committee member, Black & White Drama Club
April 2006 June 2008 Zhejiang University
Co-director, Students Association at College of Life Sciences
September 2005 February 2007 Zhejiang University
Co-fellow, Crimson China Cultural Exchange Foundation
March August 2007 Hangzhou, China
Bill and Rita Stout Scholarship, 2013. Michigan State University
Scholarship for Graduate Summer Research, 2011. College of Agriculture & Natural Resources,
Michigan State University
Fellowship, Summer Institute on Sustainability & Energy, 2013. University of Illinois at Chicago
Publications and selected presentations are available at:
Kelsey M. Downey [email protected]
1522 Taylor St., Joliet, IL 60435 (815) 409-8823

To obtain a full-time position in the scientific field which will build on my current skills and provide valuable experience.

Michigan State University; East Lansing, MI Aug. 2013
B.S. in Biosystems Engineering, Emphasis in Bioenergy and Ecosystems
GPA: 3.4/4.0
Senior Design Capstone Project Oct. 2012 May 2013
First place at MSU Design Day in the Biosystems Engineering Department
Optimized ConAgra Foods hydroponic system for mung bean sprout production. Major focus was
on improving sprout quality which resulted in an annual profit increase of $164,000.
Study Abroad: Ecological Engineering in the Tropics; Costa Rica Dec. 2012
Examined engineering design, performance, installation and long term carbon and water footprints for
biomass energy installations in a tropical environment.
Study Abroad: Renewable Bioenergy Systems; Germany and Sweden May 2012 June 2012
Studied the implementation of renewable bioenergy systems at an industrial level.

Michigan State University Biosystems Engineering Department; East Lansing, MI May 2013 Aug. 2013
Research Assistant
Designed methodology and apparatus for assessing seed mixtures to reduce the environmental impacts of
agricultural runoff in two-stage ditch systems
Aided in research focused on utilizing various wetland plant species for treating anaerobic digestate
Constructed an irrigation system to growing columns that reduced human exposure to wastewater
Residential Dining Services; East Lansing, MI Aug. 2009 May 2013
Cook Supervisor
Managed preparation, execution, and cleanup of kitchen operations that served up to 3000 customers daily
Oversaw and appointed tasks to a staff of 20+
Instructed new employees on kitchen protocol through hands on training
Engineers Without Borders Oct. 2010 May 2013
Coordinated general meetings and assisted President with their duties
Organized an annual 5K fundraiser which sought a profit of $900
Attended international and regional meetings for new educational experiences
Sigma Alpha; Professional Agriculture Sorority Oct. 2010 May 2013
Promoted agricultural education and women in agricultural vocations through philanthropy and
community development
Raised over $2500 where proceeds were divided between the sorority and a non-profit organization
Michigan State University Biosystems Engineering Department; East Lansing, MI Aug. 2012 Dec. 2012
Undergraduate Teaching Fellow for BE 101: Introduction to Biosystems Engineering
Provided guidance and mentorship to first year students in biosystems engineering
Assisted professor with grading assignments and classroom engagement
CenUSA Bioenergy Internship Program; Ames, IA June 2012 Aug. 2012
Research Intern for the USDA-ARS
Completed an independent research on the kinetics of a thermochemical conversion
Developed a scientific method for a pyrolysis study to determine kinetic variance in switchgrass samples
Aided coworker with collecting data on non-condensable gases after pyrolysis
Presented findings to department and program affiliates
Alternative Spring Break; Bayboro, NC March 2012
Partnered with National Relief Network and N.C. Baptist Men to help rebuild the community
Assisted ASB coordinator with trip logistics and daily activities

Microsoft Office, ArcGIS, BASINS, WinTR-55, LabView, MATLAB, Visual Basic
Thermogravimetric Analysis, Gas Chromatography, Ion Chromatography, Biological Microscope

Activities and Volunteering
American Ecological Engineering Society; General Member May 2013 Present
Engineers Without Borders; Vice President & Head of Spartan Splatter Committee Oct. 2010 May 2013
Sigma Alpha; Fundraising Committee Member Oct. 2010 May 2013
Alternative Spring Break; ASB Trip Advisor March 2012

[email protected]
3055 Trappers Cove Trail,
Lansing, MI 48910
(308) 641-7874

To obtain a position that would further develop my skills as a biological systems engineer with an emphasis
in food process engineering.

Masters of Science in Biosystems Engineering
Michigan State University
Expected Graduation May 2014

Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Graduated May 2012, GPA 3.79

Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan
Graduate Research Assistant August 2008-Present
Researching effects of changing water activity on thermal resistance of Salmonella in low-moisture
Constructing prototype and performing bench top trials
Collecting and analyzing data
Reporting progress and results weekly to project manager and interdisciplinary team

Iowa State University Ames, Iowa
Undergraduate Research Aide June 2011-August 2011
Performed literature searches on biodegradable polymers
Improved mechanical strength of soy plastic formulation
Studied sustainable biomass production practices

United States Department of Agriculture Lincoln, Nebraska
Biological Science Aide May 2010-May2012
Assembled and labeled gas vials for sampling of greenhouse gas emissions
Prepared syringes, stopwatches, and recording equipment for gas sampling
Restored soil maps and scanned into PDF format

Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences Lincoln, Nebraska
Research Aide May 2010 May 2012
Received $2000 grant to work on faculty research related to biofuels
Performed data analysis on data using Excel
Created graphs and charts representing data

University Honors Program
Phi Sigma Pi Honors Fraternity
Regents Scholarship
Jamie Yeung
[email protected]
4197 3 Oaks Dr. Apt. 4A, Troy, MI 48098 (732) 207-3039

To pursue a challenging and rewarding engineering related position in a growth-orientated organization, which
will utilize my engineering skills.
General Motors G-TECH, Warren, MI June 2013 Present
Validation Engineer Bumper, Fascia, Grill and Exterior Trim Accessories
Created, managed, and executed internal vehicle level and supplier component validation test plans
Developed new component validation testing procedures
Produced and maintained test related and regulatory compliance documentation
Performed lab and field validation testing
Active on 2 Design for Six Sigma projects developing taped-on spoilers and proper wet-out
HTI-Heat Transfer International, Kentwood, MI August 2012 May 2013
Senior Design Project
Completed full engineering design process, analysis, design, modeling, and economics
to improve HTIs torrefaction process
Designed and fabricated working wood chip classification prototype
Produced a direct drop-in replacement for coal and increased production and energy yields
Hu-Friedy - Dental Instrumentation Manufacturer, Chicago, IL June 2012 August 2012
Quality Engineering Intern
Completed 120 full dimensional analyses on components for 3 product
families, to ensure consistency, clear reference points and proper shape of blades
Created a dimensional analysis and testing on Swivel Ultrasonic 30k inserts in
order to eliminate or reduce leakage issue at the cone and junction
Investigated the heat treatment of the Ultrasonic Nickel Stacks to eliminate
heat treatment and added variation while maintaining consistent inductance
Michigan State Formula Racing Team, East Lansing, MI August 2007 June 2010
Data Acquisition, Powertrain Member
Designed with UGS-NX and fabricated parts for powertrain, suspension, cockpit, and wireless telemetry.
Represented Michigan State Formula Racing Team at North American International AutoShow
Participated in the Formula SAE Competition East at Michigan International Speedway and
manufacturing process presentation during static event.
Lexus of Monmouth, Oakhurst, NJ May 2008 January 2009
Delivery Consultant/Product Specialist
Assisted customers with the automobile capabilities, characteristics and features.
Provided customers with an off-site delivery of their new vehicles
Handled all documentation in a new vehicle purchases
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Bachelor of Science in Biosystems Engineering May 2013
Biosystems Engineering Student Club, East Lansing, MI Dec 2010 Present
Chinese Student Coalition, East Lansing, MI September 2007 Present
Executive Board Member August 2008 2009
Machine: Lathe, Mill, Comparator, Force Gauge, Digital Microscope, Arc Welder, Solar Exposure Chamber
Computer: UGS-NX, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, MS Excel, MS Outlook, LabVIEW
Languages: Highly proficient in Mandarin and Fuzhounese

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