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Don Sparling

According to * According to me, he should leave. * According to me, hes crazy. * According to his opinion, it was Johns fault. Anglitina pouv according to, kdy jde o informaci zskanou z cizho zdroje. Takov informace nen ov !en a nemus "#t tedy sprvn. $roto anglitina tuto vaz"u nespojuje s prvn oso"ou jednotn%ho ani mnon%ho sla a nepouv ji ani s v#razy view a opinion. In my opinion, he should leave. In my view, theyre crazy. According to him, it was Johns fault. &hce'li mluv vyjd!it sv(j nzor ne"o mn n n koho jin%ho, m(e tak% pout slovesa believe, think, say, claim ap. I think he should leave. )e thinks*says*"elieves*claims it +as ,ohn-s fault.

Acquaintance Toto slovo je zcela sprvn% . nen v/ak tak " n% jako jeho esk# ekvivalent 0znm#1. Anglian mnohem ast ji uije v#raz friend, pod kter#m rozum daleko /ir/ okruh lid ne 2ech slovem 0p!tel1. 3dy nem zrovna chu4 nazvat n koho friend, !ekne nap!.5 Shes someone I went to school with. eorge! "es a chap I met#knew in the army. 6 p!pad , e slovo ac$uaintance pouije, n jak#m zp(so"em ho "le ur . "es a business ac$uaintance 7lov k, se kter#m jsem se seznmil slue"n 8 . ne"o ho umst do zporn%ho konte9tu5 "es not a friend, really % &ust an ac$uaintance.

Action * The school organizes many interesting actions every year. * At the camp there were a lot of actions such as canoe trips and hiking expeditions. $oitateln% podstatn% jm%no action znamen p!edev/m 0in1, 0skutek15 Actions speak louder than words. &hceme'li vyjd!it esk% slovo 0akce1, tj. innost zam !enou k n jak%mu cli, pouijeme v#razy event ne"o activity. 'he school organizes many interesting events every year. At the camp there were a lot of activities such as canoe trips and hiking e(peditions.

Actual * oung people are interested in actual pro!lems such as air pollution. 7:8 * "ecause of the famine in Africa, the #uestion of improvements in farming methods has !ecome very actual. 7:8 * $ncreasing crime is a very actual pro!lem in many !ig cities. 7:8 * The articles on the notice !oard should !e more actual. 7:8 1 Anglick% slovo actual znamen 0skuten#1, p!padn 0sm*vlastn1. 'he actual cost 7skuten cena8 was much higher than we had anticipated. )e were told to come at *.+,, but the actual e(am 7zkou/ka sama8 began at -.,,. 2 &hcete'li mluvit o zleitostech, kter% se v souasnosti t / zjmu spolenosti, tj. jsou aktuln, pouvejte slova current, topical,, pressing 7naznauje nutnost jednn8 ne"o frze typu of current concern a of immediate interest.

/oung people are interested in pressing problems#problems of immediate interest such as air pollution. 0ecause of the famine in Africa, the $uestion of improvements in farming methods has become very topical. Increasing crime is a current problem#problem of current concern in many big cities. 'he articles on the notice board should be more

Addressing people 7;sloven8 * %&rofessor, could we invite you out for a coffee'( the pupils asked. 7l8 1 ;so"y, jejich jm%na znme, oslovujeme nejast ji dv ma zp(so"y5 a8 k!estnm jm%nem 7ty, kter% do"!e znme a ke kter#m mme p!telsk# vztah< je v/ak t!e"a dodat, e v anglosask#ch zemch je zcela " n%, e si lid% stejn% v kov% skupiny ne"o p!i"lin stejn% =rovn spoleensk%, pop!pad od"orn%, !kaj, "yli'li si p!edstaveni, k!estnmi jm%ny8. "ello, 1eter % how are you! "8 p!jmenm s v#razy 2r, 2rs, 2iss ne"o 2s 7ostatn85 There-s a call for you from $aris, >r ?ro+n. 2s @miz, m zA je ensk o"do"a 2r5 z n toti nen patrn%, jde'li o enu vdanou ne"o svo"odnou. 6 psemn%m i mluven%m projevu je toto osloven dnes zcela " n% v Americe a zdomcBuje i v ?ritnii. Titul C p!jmen se m(e pout p!i osloven univerzitnch profesor( a doktor( filozofie 7$hD8. 7Eezapomnejte v/ak, ze ani "ritsk#, ani americk# titul $hD neodpovd esk%mu $hDr. Fchazei o titul $hD mus a"solvovat n kolik specilnch kurs( a napsat a o"hjit disertan prci o rozsahu nejm%n GHH stran. To o"vykle trv I.J let.8 3ould I discuss something with you, 1rofessor#4octor Smith! Tot% plat i o l%ka!ch< dnes se ov/em l%ka!i a tak% zdravotn sestry jako jedin mohou oslovovat i jinak . pouh#m podstatn#m jm%nem oznaujcm jejich povoln. Is it serious, doctor#4octor Stewart! I cant swallow this pill, nurse. 6e /kolch ci oslovuj uitele 2r 5 7v#raz sir p(so" u pon kud zastarale8 a uitelku 2rs 5 ne"o 2iss 5 7miss se dnes nesly/ u asto8. 63ould we invite you out for a coffee, 2r Jones#sir!7 the pupils asked. $okud nejde o p!pad, kdy chceme upoutat n pozornost, klademe osloven a na konec v ty. 6/imn te si tak%, ze p!m% osloven oso"y p!i rozhovoru nen v anglitin tak ast% jako v e/tin . 6#/e uveden v ta "y mohla t% znt5 63ould we invite you out for a coffee!7 the pupils asked. 2 ;so"y, jejich jm%na neznme, je nejl%pe nijak neoslovovat . v anglitin to nep(so" nezdvo!ile. &hceme'li oslovit n koho, koho neznme, je vhodn% zat rozhovor frz 8(cuse me 9please:. 8(cuse me, please. 3ould you tell me the way to the station! ;sloven sir, madam a miss sly/me dnes m dl tm m%n , a to pouze v n kter#ch o"chodech, hotelech atd. 7zam stnanci tak oslovuj zkaznky8 ne"o na ve!ejnosti 7osloven o"an( policisty8. Kapamatujte si, e osloven )aiter; je sly/et z!dkakdy a m(e dokonce p(so"it i urliv < rad ji ho proto neuvejte.

Adjective + infinitive 7$!davn% jm%no C infinitiv8 * The lectures too !oring to sit through it. * )e wasnt rich enough for her to marry him. * The town was #uite impossi!le for the invaders to capture it. * *he was too short for me to dance with her. $o vaz" too#enough#$uite + p!davn% jm%no 7C for + p!edm t8 C infinitiv nep!idvejte na konec v ty zjmeno shodn% s podm tem v ty. 'he lectures too boring to sit through.

"e wasnt rich enough for her to marry. 'he town was $uite impossible for the invaders to capture. She was too short for me to dance with. 'he room isnt big enough for all of us to fit in.

Advise * )e advised to do it right away. 6 p!pad , e po slovese advise v rodu inn%m nsleduje infinitiv, je t!e"a uv%st tak% oso"n p!edm t. Ten mus "#t uveden i v souv tch s vedlej/ v tou s that. "e advised me to do it right away. "e advised me that I should do it right away. 3dy nechceme ne"o nem(eme oso"n p!edm t vyjd!it, pouijeme gerundium. "e advised doing it right away.

After * +eading my diary after years, $ could only smile. 7l8 * *hes after an operation. 7:8 * $m ,ust after dinner. 7:8 * *he inherited some money after her parents. 7:8 Ee v/echna idiomatick spojen s p!edlokou 0po1 se mohou do anglitiny p!ekldat pomoc after. ,sou zvl/t dva p!pady, kdy e/t mluv uvaj after nevhodn 5 1 $o "le neuren%m asov%m o"do" 70po letech1, 0po m scch1, atd.8. Anglitina zde vyaduje spojen months, years, etc. later. <eading my diary years later, I could only smile. =ater lze v/ak pout i s p!esn#m asov#m =dajem. )hen I met him ten years later, he had changed a great deal. 2 0$o zkroku, udlosti1 ap. 6 t chto p!padech pouv anglitina r(zn% opisy. Shes had an operation. ,e po operaci. Shes &ust had the operation. F m po operaci. Shes recovering from an operation. Kotavuje se po operaci. Ive had my dinner. ,sem u po vee!i. She inherited some money from her parents. Kd dila n jak% penze po rodich. Ive done my e(am. F mm po zkou/ce.

Age 76 k8 * $ had a!out ten years at the time. 7l8 * )e is fifteen years. 7:8 * They have a -.months.old daughter. 7I8 1 6e v tch vypovdajcch o st! oso" >oravan% asto nesprvn p!ekldaj 0mt1 anglick#m to have. Anglitina vyaduje sloveso to be. I was about ten at the time. 2 6elmi asto se stv, e studenti pod vlivem e/tiny dodaj p!eklad slova 0let*rok(1 a zapomenou p!itom na p!davn% jm%no old ne"o spojen of age. Anglicky je tedy mon% !ct "e is fifteen years old ne"o pout pon kud knin vaz"u "e is fifteen years of age. Eej" n j/ je v/ak prost% "e is fifteen. Llovo years se vynechv i v jin#ch p!padech5 0yron was then a handsome young man of twenty. 7Eikoli * of twenty years:. 3 Ltoj'li uren v ku p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem, uvdme asov% jednotky v jednotn%m sle 7viz t% lJM8.

'hey have a >.month.old daughter.

Agree!ent 7Lhoda8 Lhoda mezi podstatn#m jm%nem a slovesem ve v t m(e "#t v n kter#ch p!padech velmi o"tnou gramatickou o"last . vzpomeBte jen na podstatn jm%na, kter maj pouze tvary mnon%ho sla, jejich slovesa jsou v/ak v sle jednotn%m 7news, mathematics:? ne"o na ta, kter jsou v jednotn%m sle a slovesa maj v sle mnon%m 9police, cattle:? a na dal/, kter se poj se slovesy v jednotn%m i v mnon%m sle 7committee, team8. 6 t%to p!ruce se ne"udeme za"#vat v/emi t mito zvl/tnostmi . ne"ylo "y to mon%. Kam !me se v/ak na pravidla, kter nejsou p!li/ znm, a na p!pady, kdy o"te p(so" vliv e/tiny. 1 * Another reason for keeping a diary are the impressions you have from a theatre performance or concert. * The !est opportunity $ have for spoiling myself are the holidays. 6e v tch s podm tem v jednotn%m a s p!sudkov#m jm%nem v mnon%m sle m v e/tin spona tvar sla mnon%ho. 6 anglitin se spona !d podm tem, tj. podstatn#m jm%nem, kter% ji p!edchz. Another reason for keeping a diary is the impressions you have from a theatre performance or concert. 'he best opportunity I have for spoiling myself is the holidays. 'he holidays are the best opportunity I have for spoiling myself. 2 * They shook their head and said no. * The sailors were only interested in one thing/ saving their life. Anglitina respektuje skutenost, e jedna oso"a m jednu hlavu, jeden nos a jedno srdce, dv oso"y maj dv hlavy atd. To znamen, e je nutn shoda mezi podm tem a p!edm tem, a to nejen jde'li o sti t la, ale i o o"ecn% pojmy jako ivot, smrt atd. 'hey shook their heads and said no. 'he sailors were only interested in one thing@ saving their lives. 3 * 0hen are those fifty pounds going to !e paid to me' * Ten miles are too far to walk. * $ didnt see my cats for other two weeks. * )es !een gone good twenty minutes. 6#razy, kter#mi vyjad!ujeme do"u, vzdlenosti, o"nosy atd., se povauj za jednotky a poj se se slovesem v jednotn%m sle. Tak% zjmena a leny p!ed nimi stojc jsou v jednotn%m sle. )hens that fifty pounds going to be paid to me! 'en miles is too far to walk. I didnt see my cats for another two weeks. "es been gone a good twenty minutes. 6iz t% lGJ.

All * They all were feeling very happy. 7l8 * 0e all can help you. 7l8 * $t seemed that all agreed. 7:8 * All is ready. 7:8 * )e wanted all for himself. 7:8 * $t was a wonderful 1hristmas party, and all children were given presents. 7I8 * 0e all didnt go to the play. 7G8 * Almost all kids dont like cooked vegeta!les. 7G8 1 Ltoj'li all za podm tem, zaujm ve v t stejn% msto jako p!slovce typu always, also, certainly atd.5 a8 p!ed prost#m slovesn#m tvarem< "8 po prvnm pomocn%m slovese ve slovesn%m tvaru sloen%m< c8 po slovese to be? d8 po modlnch slovesech.

'hey all got up and left. /ou would all be dead by now if I hadnt arrived. 'hey were all feeling very happy. 'he pictures were all in colour. )e can all help you. 2 All m(e "#t podm tem, p!edm tem ne"o doplBkem v ty. a Tuto platnost m zpravidla jen tehdy, nsleduje'li po n m vztan v ta< all znamen potom "ud-everything, ne"o the only thing . o"a dva v#razy mohou v odpovdajcch konte9tech all nahradit. All that Ive said#8verything 9that: Ive said is true. /ou can have all#everything 9that: you want. 'hats all#the only thing 9that: I can tell you. 6e smyslu everybody se all nepouv asto5 p(so" toti knin . >sto All who were present agreed "ychom sp/e !ekli All those who were present agreed ne"o All the people who were present agreed. " All, po n m vztan v ta nensleduje, o"vykle nahrazujeme zjmeny everybody ne"o everything. It seemed that everybody agreed. 8verything is ready. "e wanted everything for himself. 6 otzce a zporu se slovesem to "e v/ak all ve smyslu 0v/echno*v/e1 " n pouvme. Is this all! I dont think thats all. 3 Kapamatujte si5 stoj'li all p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem "ez urit%ho lenu, oznauje v/echny leny n jak% skupiny 7t!e"a v kov%8. All children must attend school between the ages of > and AB. ,de'li o skupinu n jak vymezenou, i kdy to nen slovy vyjd!eno, je t!e"a pout urit# len. It was a wonderful 3hristmas party, and all the children 7tj. v/echny d ti, kter% tam "yly8 were given presents. 4 Kjmeno all jako podm t se " n nevyskytuje p!ed zporem. >sto n j pouvme not all ne"o n kter% dal/ o"raty. Cot all of us went to the play. )e didnt all go to the play. "ardly any kids like cooked vegetables. 6iz t% lJG.

Alone * They have no friends, and often feel alone. Eezam Bujte v#razy alone 7sm8 a lonely 7osam l#8. Jane fell ill, so I had to travel to 1rague alone. 'hey have no friends and often feel lonely.

Aloud# loudl$ * %0hos angry'( he shouted aloud. 7l8 * 2irst look through this passage, and then read it loudly. 7:8 * 1ould you speak loudly, please' $ cant hear you. 7I8 2esk% 0nahlas*hlasit 1 lze v anglitin vyjd!it n kolika zp(so"y. 1 6ypovdte'li o sle zvuku, pouvejte p!slovce loudly. 6)hos angry!7 he shouted loudly. 2 &hcete'li sd lit, e n co m "#t !eeno nahlas, a ne pouze v duchu, zvolte slovo aloud 7v t/inou se vyskytuje se slovesy think a read:. Dirst look through this passage, and then read it aloud.

3 0>luvte nahlas1 p!ekldejte anglick#m speak up. 3ould you speak up a bit, please! I cant hear you.

Alread$ * Already in l345 people were afraid there might !e a war. * Already ten years ago he !egan to work on the pro,ect. Already se nepoj s p!sloven#m urenm asu. 7$ov/imn te si asov%ho posunu tvar( sloves d jov#ch, nikoli stavov#ch.8 In A-+E, people were already afraid there might be a war. 'en years ago, he had already begun to work on the pro&ect. 6iz t% ::.

Also# as %ell# too * 0e spent some time last summer also in )ungary. 7l8 Tato t!i p!slovce maj vlastn stejn# v#znam. 6 hovorov% anglitin se v/ak too a as well vyskytuj ast ji ne also a naopak v psemn%m projevu se sp/e pouije also. Ni/ se od se"e i jinak. 1 Ltar/ gramatiky v t/inou uvd j, e se also klade p!ed ty v tn% leny, kter% zd(razBuje. 6e skutenosti to v/ak nen pravda. $!slovce also "#v umst no uvnit! v ty, ve stejn% pozici jako tzv. 0krtk p!slovce1< too a as well stoj a na konci v ty. )e also spent some time last summer in "ungary. )e spent some time last summer in "ungary too#as well. 2a 'oo a as well mohou zd(razBovat nejen podm t, ale i jin% v tn% leny< z konte9tu je v t/inou z!ejm%, kter#ch st v ty se zd(razn n t#k. 6 mluven%m projevu to nazna intonace. 6 psemn%m projevu lze umstit too "ezprost!edn za podm t, chceme'li jej zd(raznit. )e, too, spent some time last summer in "ungary. " Also se sice m(e vztahovat na v/echny v tn% leny, ale o"vykle zd(razBuje jen ty sti v ty, kter% stoj za podm tem 7nikoli podm t sm8. * John and &eter were there, and 6ike also came. Takovou v tu lze o"as sly/et, av/ak nen p!li/ idiomatick. ? n forma zn5 John and 1eter were there, and 2ike came too#as well.

And 1 * 7ast year we visited "ulgaria, +umania, )ungary. * They did their work well, did not waste any time. 6ypotvte'li ve v t oso"y, msta, udlost, innost atd., m jte na pam ti anglick# vzorec A and 0 ne"o A, 0 . . . and 5. Toto and, kter% stoj p!ed posledn jmenovanou jednotlivinou, jasn naznauje, e v#et j kon< kdy je vypu/t no, anglick# ten! ct, e ve v t n co chy". =ast year we visited 0ulgaria, <umania and "ungary. 'hey did their work well and did not waste any time. EezapomeBte na toto pravidlo ani p!i uvd n v#tu v rmci jin%ho v#tu, a tak% si pamatujte, e stoj'li ve v t as well as, m funkci rozd lovac, take v#ty po o"ou jeho stranch mus mt sv% and. "e walked into the shop, bought some milk, bread and cheese, and tried to pay with a A,,,, crown note. Ive seen a lot of films from Drance, 0ritain and Italy as well as a few from ermany and Sweden. 2 And % or * $ wasnt allowed to do gymnastics, swim and play foot!all. ,e'li v#et v c p!edm tem, v zporn% v t e/tina asto pouv 0a1 msto 0ani1 Anglitina v takov%m p!pad vyaduje or.

I wasnt allowed to do gymnastics, swim or play football.

Apologi&ing 7;mluvy8 Oormulovn omluv p(so" 2ech(m znan% pote, p!edev/m proto, ze sprvn nerozli/uj slovesa e(cuse, apologize a e(cuse oneself. Eejd!ve se podvejme na v#znam uveden#ch v#raz(, dle pak na pouit p!davn%ho jm%na sorry a nakonec na r(zn% druhy omluv. 1a Apologize * $ apologized myself for causing so much trou!le. Llovesem apologize se omlouvme za n co, co jsme uinili . p!iznvme svou chy"u, kter n komu zp(so"ila n jak% nep!jemnosti. 6 anglitin to nen sloveso zvratn%. I apologized for causing so much trouble#being absent. 'he least you can do is apologize. 'he airline apologized to the passengers for the delay. " 8(cuse * Anne wanted to excuse from &T classes. Lloveso e(cuse m t!i zkladn v#znamy. a8 odpustit*prominout n komu n co I found it hard to e(cuse his behaviour#him#his coming late. "8 prominout* omluvit n ne=ast ne"o zaned"n povinnosti 1lease e(cuse Johnnys absence from school yesterday. Anne wanted to be e(cused from attending 1' classes. c8 omluvit . jako sloveso uvd jc konkr%tn omluvu "e e(cused his absence by saying that he had been ill. c 8(cuse oneself Lloveso e(cuse oneself m t!i zkladn v#znamy. 6e dvou z nich omluva p!edchz innost, za n se omlouvme. a8 podat o dovolen vzdlit se She e(cused herself from the party and left. "8 p!edem se omluvit za poru/en etikety "e e(cused himself to the guests and began reading the letter. c8 omluvit se . jako sloveso uvd jc konkr%tn omluvu "e e(cused himself by saying that his train had been late. 2 Sorry * *orry for ringing you up so late, !ut $ need the answer now. 6 omluvch se asto vyskytuje hovorov# v#raz sorry. 3dy se omlouvme za n co, co d lme ne"o hodlme d lat, pouijeme sorry C infinitiv. Sorry to ring you up so late, but I need the answer now. ;mlouvme'li se za n co, co jsme ud lali, pouijeme minul# infinitiv ne"o for C gerundium ne"o vedlej/ v tu s that. Sorry to have forgotten to mail that book to you. Im sorry for having woken you up so early yesterday. Im sorry that I wasnt ready when you came to pick me up. 3 ,ak se omlouvatP ;mlouvme se mnoha zp(so"y, je v/ak pot!e"a rozli/ovat mezi omluvami oso"nmi a zprost!edkovan#mi. a ;mlouvme se oso"n 5 a8 za n co, co se u stalo ne"o co hodlme ud lat ne"o !ct I should like to#must apologize for behaving so badly yesterday. 7Should like to a must jsou pon kud knin.8

Id like to apologize for all the trouble Ive caused you. Dorgive me for losing my temper. 91lease: 8(cuse my shouting at you. 91lease: 8(cuse me for not writing sooner. 8(cuse me for saying this, but I think youre $uite wrong. 1lease e(cuse the mess in the room. Im sorry for my behaviour yesterday. Sorry for having made such an awful nuisance of myself. "8 za n co, co se stane 3an I 9please: be e(cused from attending the meeting tomorrow! 3ould you e(cuse me from coming to the rehearsal this afternoon 9please:! Im sorry, but I wont be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow. Id like to e(cuse myself from the meeting tomorrow. 3ould you e(cuse me for a minute, please! I have to make a phone call. " Qdme n koho, a"y ns omluvil5 * 1ould you excuse me at the meeting tomorrow' Takto eskou v tu 0>ohl "ys m omluvit na zt!ej/ sch(ziP1 p!eloit nelze. 6#znamy slovesa e(cuse v l " jasn ukazuj pro. ;mluvy tohoto typu tvo!me jinak5 3ould you tell 5/ Im sorry I cant come to the meeting tomorrow! 3ould you ask 5/ to e(cuse me from attending the meeting tomorrow! 3ould you ask 5/ to e(cuse me for not coming to the meeting tomorrow! 1lease tell them tomorrow that I apologize for not coming#having come to the meeting. At the meeting tomorrow, tell 5/ Im sorry I couldnt come. 3ould you make my apologies at the meeting tomorrow! c ;mlouvme n koho n komu jin%mu5 John says hes sorry he cant#couldnt come to the meeting. John apologizes for his absence#for not being here. John sends his apologies 9for not being here#for not coming:. John asks you to e(cuse him for not being here today.

Appreciate * The fans appreciated the performance !y wild applause. 7l8 * )is efforts should !e appreciated in some way. 7G8 Kd se, e e/t mluv nesprvn chpou zsady uvn slovesa appreciate. 6 souasn% anglitin m toto sloveso p!edev/m t!i v#znamy5 a8 "#t oso"n za n co vd n# I really appreciate all the help you gave me. "8 sprvn odhadnout, p!zniv p!ijmout a ocenit do"r% vlastnosti n koho*n eho )ithout a lot of e(perience, its hard to appreciate a really good wine. c8 uv domovat si a chpat podstatu ne"o vlastnosti n eho I dont think you really appreciate the dangers involved. I can appreciate your point of view, but I still think youre mistaken. $ot spov v tom, e 2e/i rdi pouvaj sloveso appreciate jako o"ecn# ekvivalent sloves 0cenit1, 0ocenit1, 0oceBovat1, 0cenit si1 ap. ?ohuel toto sloveso odpovd uveden#m esk#m v#raz(m jen n kdy. A protoe anglitina appreciate pouv p!edev/m v smyslu a8, na"#v anglick# mluv dojmu, e 2ech je asto vd n# i za dost "izarnch okolnost. ,ak "y se tedy m lo sloveso 0cenit1 a jeho varianty p!ekldatP Kde je p!i"lin# nvod5 1 6e smyslu 0zhodnotit1 a 0posoudit kriticky1 lze sloveso appreciate "ez o"av pout. Dew laymen can appreciate the works of that painter. ,edn'li se o projev takov%ho ocen n, volme jin% prost!edky.

'he fans showed their appreciation of the performance by wild applause. 'he fans rewarded the performance with#by wild applause. 2 6e smyslu 0cenit si n koho ne"o jeho vlastnost1 je mon% ut slovesa respect, admire, think highly of. )hat $uality do you admire#respect most in him! I admire#respect his courage. I admire#respect him very much. I think very highly of him. &enme'li si n jak% v c ne"o innost, monosti vyjd!en jsou rozmanit j/5 "is boss thinks highly#a great deal of his work. "is boss has a high opinion of his work. "is boss finds his work valuable#helpful#useful. "is boss values his work. 3 ,estlie jde o =stn ne"o psemn% ocen n n eho, lze to vyjd!it v#razy speak highly of ne"o praise. At the meeting they spoke highly of#praised his speech. 4 Trpn% vaz"y se p!ekldaj r(zn 5 'he results of improved environmental protection must be welcomed#commended. "is efforts should be recognized in some way. 'he film was well.received#praised#regarded very highly abroad.

Articles 72leny8 $ravidly, jimi se !d uvn len( v anglitin , se tato p!ruka za"#vat nem(e< upozorn v/ak na dva p!pady, ve kter#ch se chy"y vyskytuj nejast ji. 1 $odstatn jm%na nepoitateln * )ow difficult the life can !e. * 8o you think the history teaches us anything' ,sou 'li takovto jm%na mn na o"ecn , leny se p!ed nimi nepouvaj. "ow difficult life can be. 4o you think history teaches us anything! It was an important step for mankind. Cature can be cruel. Lrovnejte5 "e teaches history, and specializes in the history of Corth America. 2 $!ivlastBovac pd * $ en,oy listening to the *metanas opera '(e )artered )ride* * )e asked if $ had read a 9reenes novel. * $ saw a great !allet production last night at the Jan:;eks <pera )ouse. $!ed vlastnmi jm%ny v p!ivlastBovacm pd leny nestoj. I en&oy listening to Smetanas opera The ?artered ?ride. "e asked if I had read a novel by reene#any of reenes novels. Kapamatujte si, e p!ed podstatn jm%na oznaujc "udovy, instituce a pamtky pojmenovan% podle v#znan#ch oso"nost klademe urit# len C vlastn jm%no 7ne v p!ivlastBovacm pd 8. I saw a great ballet production last night at the JanFGek Hpera "ouse. "e works at the "erGIk Institute. 6iz t% ll.I.

As +,a-o. * This tale, as all his stories, ends in tragedy. 7l, :8 * $ saw films as /aturda$ 0ig(t 1ever and 2idnig(t 3o%"o$.7l, I8 * Tommy sings as you. 7l8

* $t looks as he wont come. 7:8 * )e looked as he was worried. 7:8 * 6any professional people, as lawyers, doctors and teachers, were present. 7I8 E kdy nastvaj pro"l%my p!i p!ekldn esk%ho 0jako1 ve smyslu 0podo"n jako1, 0jako "y*kdy*e1. Anglitina toti disponuje v#razy like, as, as if#though a such as a asto se stv, e cizinci nevy"erou sprvn . 1 =ike 6e spisovn% anglitin je like p!edloka, a jako takov se poj s podstatn#m jm%nem ne"o zjmenem. 'his tale, like all his stories, ends in tragedy. I saw films like Laturday Eight Oever and >idnight &o+"oy. 'ommy sings like you. 6 hovorov% anglitin se like pouv asto jako spojka, po n nsleduje vedlej/ v ta. "es a superb athlete, like his father used to be. It looks like he wont come. "e looked like he was worried. 2 As, as if#though 6e spisovn% anglitin se za spojky povauj jen as a as if#though 7ve v#znamu 0jako e1 ne"o 0jako "y18. "es a fine athlete, as his father used to be. 'he tale ends in tragedy, as do all his stories. It looks as if#though he wont come. "e looked as if#though he was worried. 6 souv tch s hlavn v tou v p!tomn%m ase mohou po spojkch as if#though stt slovesa v ase minul%m ne"o p!edminul%m, kter# naznauje, e p!irovnn je nereln%. Lrovnejte5 "e sounds as if hes e(hausted. "e sounds as if he was e(hausted, but I think hes &ust a bit drunk. /ou look as if youve had a good time. /ou look as if you had &ust won a million dollars. 6 nereln#ch p!irovnnch lze msto was pout tvar were, p!edev/m v nehovorov%m stylu. She always speaks about the political situation as if she were an e(pert on it. 3 Such as $!ed v#tem p!klad( se pouv such as ne"o 7hovorov j/8 like. 2any professional people, such as lawyers, doctors and teachers, were present. I saw films like Laturday Eight Oever and >idnight &o+"oy.

As +4d$5. * 0e were amazed as we saw him for the first time. 6e v#znamu 0kdy1 se spojka as pouv jen tehdy, uvd'li v tu, jej sloveso vyjad!uje d j v pr(" hu, nikoli d j jednorzov#. As I was leaving, I saw him for the first time. ,inak se pouv spojka when. )e were amazed when we saw him for the first time.

As . . . as * 0e didnt get as far as to the "lack *ea. 7l8 * As early as in the =>th century, ?ngland was a great power.7l8 * )e came as late as midnight. 7:8 * $t !ecame common as late as the last decade. 7:8 *As early as the l3@As, railway passenger traffic !egan to decline. 7:8 *As late as August l343, ?ngland was not expecting war. 7:8

1 6az"a as . . . as se v anglitin nepoj s p!edlokou. )e didnt get as far as the 0lack Sea. As early as the AJth century, 8ngland was a great power. 2 $okud jde o p!sloven uren asu, as . . . as se poj pouze s letopoty a jin#mi seln vyjd!en#mi asov#mi =daji< vyskytuje se v/ak z!dka a p(so" znan okzale. >nohem vhodn j/ jsou formulace s v#razy already, still, only atd. "e didnt come till midnight. It only became common in the last decade. 0y the A-K,s, railway passenger traffic had already begun to decline. In August A-+-, 8ngland was still not e(pecting war.

As for 4id you all en&oy the show! % * As for me, $ was #uite satisfied. 7:8 1 6#razy as for, as to a as regards se pouvaj k propojen dvou my/lenek, kter% spolu n jak souvisej< nevyskytuj se proto na zatku projevu. As for uvd protiklad k tomu, co u "ylo !eeno< asto vyjad!uje nezjem ne"o neli"ost ze strany mluvho. I agree with the choice of 2ike and 4ave for the team. 0ut as for John, Id prefer it if we found someone else. 'he adults can go by car, but as for the kids, theyll have to walk. As to upoutv nestrann pozornost posluchae na to, co p!ijde. And what about our plans for e(pansion! )ell, as to that, Im afraid youll have to wait till our ne(t meeting. As regards o"vykle signalizuje zm nu t%matu hovoru. . . . So that should take care of the accommodation. Cow as regards meals . . . As far as . . . is#are concerned je velmi o"ecn uvd c frze a lze ji ut ve v/ech dan#ch p!padech. 2 ,estlie chceme vyjd!it oso"n stanovisko, uvd c frze typu as to#for o"vykle nepouvme. 4id you all en&oy the show! % I was $uite satisfied. &tme'li, e je t!e"a n/ oso"n postoj v konverzaci uplatnit. pouijeme v#razy well, in fact, actually, personally, myself, as far as Im concerned atd. )ell, in fact# Actually, I was $uite satisfied. 1ersonally, I was $uite satisfied. Speaking for myself, I was $uite satisfied. As far as Im concerned, it was great.

At all * )e had a feeling for 6oravian folk songs, and the local folklore at all. 7:8 * This is the !est wine $ve drunk at all. 7:8 * )es one of the most famous painters at all. 7:8 06("ec1 se v e/tin vyskytuje dosti asto, a proto se 2e/i sna najt n jak# anglick# prot j/ek. 1 6 zporn#ch v tch, otzkch a ve v tch s if, whether a hardly je o"vykle mon% at all pout. I dont know anything at all about it. Are you still interested in studying 8nglish at all! Shes sure to answer your letter soon % if she answers at all, of course. I hardly know him at all. Ale pozor . je'li 0v("ec1 v otzce, kter naznauje =plnou neznalost okolnost, d(vod(, zm r( ap., je t!e"a najit jin% zp(so"y p!ekladu. )here on earth are we going! 3am v("ec jedemeP

)hat ever are you doing! &o v("ec d l/P )hat possible use is it! )hat possible use can#could it have! 3 emu je to v("ec uiten%P 2 Tak% v kladn#ch v tch je nutn% volit jin% prost!edky. "e had a feeling for 2oravian folk songs, and for the local folklore in general. 'his is by far the best wine Ive ever drunk. "es one of the most famous painters of all time. At all lze v/ak pout tam, kde vyjad!uje neoekvanost ne"o nepravd podo"nost. )e had a big $uarrel last week, so I was surprised he came to the meeting this evening at all.

At last * 0e should take down the 1hristmas decorations at last. * &ull yourself together at last and tell me what happened. 03onen 1 ve v#znamu 0je na ase n co ud lat1 se p!ekld spojenm its time s minul#m tvarem slovesa. Its time we took down the 3hristmas decorations. Its time you pulled yourself together and told me what happened.

At once * ou think you have lots of time, and then at once you realize its too late. * )e found himself at once in front of the cathedral. Eezam Bujte at once 7ihned*najednou8 s all at once#suddenly 7nhle*najednou8. 4o your homework at once; 4ont all speak at once. /ou think you have lots of time, and then suddenly its too late. All at once he found himself in front of the cathedral.

Aut(or * $ts not known who the author of the paintingB composition was. Llovo author v t/inou oznauje n koho, kdo p/e knihy, lnky, hry, "sn ap., tj. slovesn%ho tv(rce. Tak% m(e znamenat p(vodce my/lenky, npadu ne"o plnu5 "e was the author of a proposal for a zone. Takov% pouit v/ak nen p!li/ " n%. 6 ostatnch p!padech je t!e"a p!esn uv%st, o jak% dlo se jedn. Its not known who this painting was done by. Its not known who painted this work. )e dont know the name of the man who painted this#the painter. Its not known who the composer of this piece was. Its not known who composed this piece.

A%ard a re%ard . . * 0ed like to award him for all the help hes given us. * 2or his work with refugees he was rewarded the Co!el &eace &rize. 2e/i asto zam Buj v#razy reward a award. Lloveso to reward znamen odm nit n koho za vykonanou prci ne"o za poskytnutou slu"u, za pomoc policii p!i hledn zloinc( ne"o za vrcen nalezen#ch v c 7ve dvou poslednch p!padech se jedn o"vykle o pen n odm nu8. )ed like to reward him for his kindness. She rewarded him 9with LE: for returning the purse she had lost.

Lloveso to award znamen ud lit cenu, medaili atd. ne"o soudn p!i!knout od/kodn%. Dor his work with refugees, he was awarded the Cobel 1eace 1rize. 'he 0eatles were awarded 208s. 'he &udge awarded him LA,,,,, for the in&uries he had received in the accident. Ltejn# v#znamov# rozdl je i mezi podstatn#mi jm%ny reward . 0odm na, nhrada1 a award . 0cena, vyznamenn1.

A%a$ * 0hen $ discovered this my good mood was away. * our !us is away. 0$ry1 se p!ekld o" ma anglick#mi ekvivalenty away i gone v p!pad , e jde o oso"u, kter je pry, ale o n se p!edpokld, e se vrt5 Ill be gone#away for three days. 'he boss is away#gone this week. ,inak pouijte gone ne"o slovesa typu leave, depart ap. )hen I discovered this, my good mood vanished#was gone. /our bus has gone#is gone#has left.

)ac-side * ou can find some information a!out the picture on the !acksideB!ack side of the postcard. Llovem backside se oznauje ta st t la, na kter% lov k sedR ;dvrcen% stran ne"o zadn sti p!edm tu se anglicky !k jednodu/e back. /ou can find some information about the picture on the back of the postcard.

)eco!e * The waiter !ecame to !e nervous. 7l8 * ?nglish !ecame to !e influenced !y 2rench. 7:8 1 K jak%hosi d(vodu p!idvaj e/t mluv z"yten# infinitiv to be mezi sloveso become a p!davn% jm%no ne"o p!est trpn%. 'he waiter became nervous. 2 ,e to mon zp(so"eno zm nou s vaz"ou to come C trpn# infinitiv, kter naznauje, e k d ji dochz samovoln , postupn#m v#vojem. 8nglish came to be influenced by Drench.

)efore * "efore sixty years, things were very different. 6e v#znamu asov%m pouvme v anglitin p!edloku before pouze s uritou hodinou, dnem, t#dnem, datem, rokem ne"o v#razem oznaujcm uritou udlost 70efore A-BE#the Second )orld )ar, things were very different.8. &hce'li anglick# mluv vyjd!it esk% 0p!ed 9 hodinami*t#dny, apod.1, pouije stici ago kladenou za v#raz vyjad!ujc do"u, kter uplynula od minulosti do p!tomn%ho okamiku. 0efore ne"o previously ve spojen s p!edminul#m asem oznauje do"u, kter uplynula do urit%ho okamiku v minulosti. Cowadays the town is very prosperous, but si(ty years ago, things were very different. 0y A->, the town was very prosperous, but si(ty years before#previously, things had been very different.

)elong * Dapek !elongs toB among the !est.known 1zech writers. * To the main points of interest !elong the castle and the cathedral. * $ dont !elong to those people who like cele!rating Cew ears ?ve. &hy"n% pouvn slovesa belong pat! k 0nejo"l"en j/m1 chy"m esk#ch mluvch. 7Tato v ta "y v jejich p!ekladu s velkou pravd podo"nost zn la * The misuse of the ver! %to !elong( !elongs to the favourite mistakesE: Anglick% belong m p!edev/m t!i v#znamy5 a8 p!slu/et*pat!it n kam 7mstn 8 'he desk belongs over there by the window. 4oes his name belong on this list! "8 nleet n komu I think this book belongs to 1eter. c8 "#t lenem skupiny, organizace ne"o pat!it do n jak% kategorie 4o you belong to the choir! 3ats and lions both belong to the same family of mammals. $ro"l%my nastvaj p!i pouit slovesa ve v#znamu t!etm. Anglitina neuv sloveso belong, kdy se jedn o skupinu lid 7v c, zv!at8, kter nen nijak p!esn vymezen 7nap!. nejznm j/ e/t spisovatel%< lid%, kte! rdi oslavuj Lilvestr, atd.8< zde si vy"r jin% zp(so"y vyjd!en5 Mapek is one of the best.known 3zech writers. 'he castle and the cathedral are among the main points of interest. 'he main points of interest include the castle and the cathedral. Im not one of those people who like celebrating Cew /ears 8ve. 6#znamov# rozdl mezi monostmi p!ekladu esk%ho 0pat!it1 je patrn# z nsledujcch p!klad(5 NubiOta belonged to 'he 8ight, a group of avantgarde 3zech artists founded in A-,J. NubiOta was one of the leading 3zech avantgarde artists in the first decade of the twentieth century.

)esides * The town has three theatres and two concert halls. "esides there are more than twenty cinemas. 7:8 1 $ouijete'li besides jako p!slovce na zatku v ty, nesmte zapomenout, e se za nm p/e rka a e naznauje zporn# postoj k v ci, o kter% mluvte, ne"o ospravedln n jist%ho ponn. John always brings uninvited guests to our parties. 0esides, hes usually drunk. Im too tired to go for a walk. And besides, its awfully hot outside. 2 &itov neza"arven%mu 0krom toho1 asi nejl%pe odpovd pon kud knin in addition ne"o ast% and . . . also. 'he town has three theatres and two concert halls. In addition, there are more than twenty cinemas. 'he town has three theatres and two concert halls, and there are also more than twenty cinemas. 6 tomto p!pad je mon% pout i besides % ov/em jako p!edloku s p!edm tem. 'he town has three theatres and two concert halls. 0esides these 9facilities:, there are more than twenty cinemas.

)e so -ind * &lease !e so kind and give this letter to Jane. * $ wanted to ask you if youd !e so kind and take care of my !udgie. * 0e hoped you might !e so kind and lend us your flat for a week. $ozor . frze be so kind v anglitin sice e9istuje, ale s vedlej/ v tou ji nepoj spojka and, n#"r as to? dnes v/ak p(so" tak zastarale a knin , e m asto sarkastick% za"arven. I wonder if you would be so kind as to take your feet off the desk! Eejl%pe ud lte, kdy tuto frzi p!estanete uvat a rad ji zvolte vaz"y jako5

)ould you mind giving the letter to Jane! I wanted to ask you if you could take care of my budgie. )e hoped you might be kind enough to lend us your flat for a week. 3ould you please put out the light! 4o you think you could ask him if its ready! I wonder if you could ring me up on 2onday. )e would appreciate an early reply. ?uSte tak laskav a "rzy nm za/lete psemnou odpov S.

* "etterB!etter to say B!ettar said * )e didnt come F or !etter to say, he didnt come in time. Takto se 0l%pe 7!eeno81 do anglitiny p!ekldat nem(e. Anglitina pouv spojen or rather. "e didnt come % or rather, he didnt come in time.

)it6 a "it * $t was a !it dull lecture. * *he has a !it curved !ack. A bit je hovorov# v#raz, kter# v kladn% v t znamen 0do jist% mry1, 0pon kud1, 0trochu1 a v zporn% 0ani trochu1 ne"o 0v("ec1. 'hat coats a bit too e(pensive for me. I dont like it a bit. $!ed podstatn#mi jm%ny rozvit#mi jm%ny p!davn#mi se v/ak pouvaj v#razy a bit of ne"o slightly a rather. It was a bit of a dull lecture. It was a rather dull lecture. Shes got a slightly curved back.

)ranc( * )es one of the most influential people in that !ranch. Llovo branch se v anglitin ve v#znamu 0o"or innosti1 samostatn nevyskytuje. $amatujte si, e znamen 0odv tv1, tj. st celku, a proto je t!e"a uv%st, o jak# celek jde . branch ofstudies, branch of industry % ne"o pout slovo field, kter% vyjad!uje samostatnou, nezvislou jednotku. "es one of the most influential people in that#his field. 'herell be a lot of people in your branch#field of studies at this conference.

)rigade * 7ast summer $ was on a !rigade in *outhern "ohemia. * The school went on a hop.picking !rigade. * $ worked on a !rigade at the post office. * 0e need some people for a !rigade this *aturday. Llovo brigade anglick# mluv pouv jen v souvislosti s armdou ne"o k oznaen stl% organizovan% skupiny 7nap!. fire brigade:. $ro slovo 0"rigda1 nem odpovdajc v#raz. $!i p!ekldn je pot!e"a "rt v =vahu situaci, o kter% lov k vypovd. =ast summer I had a &ob in Southern 0ohemia. )hat did you do in the holidays! % I had#got a summer &ob in Southern 0ohemia. 'he school went hop.picking. I had a temporary &ob 9during the 3hristmas holidays#summer: at the post office. )e need some people to help clean up the park this Saturday.

)usiness partner * That firm is our newest ?nglish !usiness partner. A business partner je spolumajitel podniku. 'hough John and <obert are business partners, they have very few interests in common outside their firm. 2esk% spojen 0o"chodn partner1 lze podle situace vyjd!it v#razy customer, supplier, client ne"o hovorov business contact. 'hat firm is our newest 8nglish customer#client#supplier. 'ed )illiams is a very reliable business contact.

3an * The man in the picture can !e a pensioner. 7:8 * *he can !e a!out =G or =3. 7:8 * *omeone can o!,ect that it isnt true. 7:8 Ltudenti n kdy chy"uj, kdy slovesem can cht j !ct, e 0n co je mon%1. 6 takov%m p!pad je toti nutn% rozli/ovat, jedn'li se o monost teoretickou ne"o relnou. 1 Teoretick monost se o"jevuje ve v tch, kter% vyjad!uj o"ecn platn% tvrzen. 6 nich lze sloveso can pout. Anyone can become 1resident. 'eachers can always fail pupils whose work isnt good enough. 2 6 ty naznaujc relnou monost, e n co je ne"o "ude pravda, "y se mohly p!ekldat pomoc p!slovce perhaps. Nze tak% ut slovesa may, might, could ne"o hovorov# v#raz maybe. 1erhaps#2aybe the man in the picture is a pensioner. 'he man in the picture could be a pensioner. Shes perhaps#maybe A* or A-. She may#might be about A* or A-. 1erhaps#2aybe someone will ob&ect that it isnt true. Someone may ob&ect that it isnt true.

3an sa$ * $ can say that it was very expensive. 7:8 * 0e can say that its cheaper to travel in "ulgaria than in +umania. 7:8 * This year we have far too many lectures, and $ can say that $ have no free time. 7:8 1 6az"a I#we can say je v anglitin velmi neo"vykl a je o"tn% p!esn popsat situace, v nich se vyskytuje< velice t% zle na sprvn% intonaci. Eejl%pe tedy "ude ji v("ec neuvat. 2 3dy anglick# mluv hovo! o o"jektivn skutenosti, nevid d(vod, pro "y m l pout jakoukoli uvd c frzi. It was very e(pensive. Its cheaper to travel in 0ulgaria than in <umania. 'his year we have far too many lectures, and so I have no free time. &hcete'li v/ak p!ece jen naznait, e se jedn o va/e oso"n stanovisko 7e ostatn mohou mt jin# nzor8, pouijte jin uvd c slovesa ne"o frze. I thought that it was#I found it very e(pensive. Id say#In my opinion its cheaper to travel in 0ulgaria than in <umania.

3are * )e had to take care for his nephew. 7T8 * *omeone else will have to take care a!out the children. 7T8 * $ want the house to !e properly cared a!out while were away. 7T8 $!i pouit slova care v r(zn#ch spojench je nutno mt na pam ti toto5 1 'ake care of znamen dohl%dnout, a"y se n komu 7ne tak asto n emu8 dostalo !dn% p%e. "e had to take care of his nephew. Someone else will have to take care of the children. 'he typewriter should work fine now, as long as you take proper care of it. Tak% m(e znamenat vzt na se"e za n co odpov dnost 7p!i plnovn, placen =t( ap.8. "er father said hed take care of the childrens education. 6 o"ou uveden#ch v#znamech je mon% pout sloveso look after, kter% je v/ak o"vyklej/, mluvme'li o v cech. 3an you look after Johnny while I pop down to the shop! Ill look after any other e(penses you might have. I want the house to be properly looked after while were away. 6az"a take care of m(e tak% znamenat vypo!dat se s n m, odstranit ne"o !e/it n co 7o"vykle pote8. Kde nen mon% pout look after. 'hose new measures should take care of the problems weve been having. 2 'ake care znamen "#t opatrn#, dvat si pozor, snait se, a"y. 'ry to take more care when you do your homework. 'ake care not to say anything controversial. 0e careful 9of: se m(e pout v t%me v#znamu. 'ry to be more careful when youre doing your homework. 0e careful of asking him about his wife. 0e careful not to ask him about his wife. 0e careful with znamen "#t opatrn# p!i manipulaci s n jak#m p!edm tem, a"y se nepo/kodil ne"o a"y nedo/lo ke zran n. 0e careful with that knife#a(e. I wish youd be more careful with the dishes when youre doing the washing.up. 3 3are 9about: znamen, e p!ikldte n emu d(leitost, e mte o n co zjem. About se klade p!ed p!edm t< p!ed spojkou se o"vykle vynechv. I dont care about other peoples opinions. I dont care what other people think about me. "e said he hates you. % I dont care. 4o you think he cares 9about: whether we pass or fail! She cares a great deal about her students. 4 3are for je pon kud knin. $ouv se ve t!ech v#znamech5 a8 mt rd, stt o 7zvl/t v zporu a v otzce8 /ou dont really care for her, do you! I &ust dont care for that kind of film, thats all. Tyto v ty v/ak p(so" znan upjat , a proto ud lte nejl%pe, kdy v hovoru nahradte care for slovesy like, love ap. "8 rd si vzt*chtt 7p!i na"dkch ve form otzek8 )ould you care for some tea! U tato vaz"a u zn pon kud zastarale, a je tedy l%pe !ct )ould you like some tea! c8 peovat, starat se o, o/et!ovat, mt odpov dnost za 7tak% p(so" pon kud knin 8

'he state should care for the old and sick. 6 hovorov% anglitin je vhodn j/ ut take care of.

3ase 1 0est case * $n the !est case, they only get a flat after ten years. 06 nejlep/m p!pad 1 se nejl%pe p!elo spojenm at best. At best they only get a flat after ten years. 2 Dor the case * This is for the case when you wont have any money. * 0e took some food for the case there wouldnt !e any shops there. 3dy hovo!me o opat!ench, kter inme, a"ychom se vyhnuli o"tm ne"o a"ychom se proti n emu za"ezpeili, pouivme vaz"u in case se slovesem v p!tomn%m ase 7kdy je sloveso v hlavn v t v "udoucm, p!tomn%m ne"o p!edp!tomn%m ase8 ne"o v minul%m je'li sloveso ve v t hlavn v podmiBovacm zp(so"u, v minul%m ne"o p!edminul%m ase8. 'his is in case you dont have any money. )e took some food in case there werent any shops there. Nze tak% pout vaz"u should + infinitiv, ale ta je pon kud knin. 'his is in case you should have no money. 3 In 9the: case * $n case it isnt too late, the kids are allowed to watch TH. * $n the case the weather is !ad, you should take an um!rella with you. Lprvn% pouit v#razu in case viz odstavec :. >'li 0v p!pad 1 stejn# v#znam jako 0jestli7e81, pouijte spojku if. If it isnt too late, the kids are allowed to watch 'P. Kapamatujte si, e v souv tch se spojkou if mluvme o innosti ne"o stavu, kter% podminuj rozhodnut 7jde o v tu podmnkovou8, zatmco ve v tch s v#razem in case rozhodnut p!edchz. Lrovnejte5 If the weather is bad, you should take an umbrella with you. 'ake an umbrella with you in case it rains#should rain. 4 In case of Toto spojen p(so" velice knin a v kadodenn konverzaci je neo"vykl%< vyskytuje se p!edev/m ve vyhl/kch, upozorn nch a pokynech a znamen p!i"lin if 9there is:. In case of accident, break the glass and leave the bus.

3ause * This caused that the tower fell. 7T8 * $t causes that you lose your frends. 7:8 * 0hat caused that he said something so silly' 7:8 * )e caused that they were put to death. 7:8 * This causes that people are una!le to work very hard. 7:8 * )is !ehaviour caused that we disliked him more and more. 7:8 * The accident caused that $ couldnt play any more hockey. 7:8 1 6az"a * cause that v anglitin nee9istuje. ,e'li ve vedlej/ v t podm t neivotn#, je mon% pout spojen to cause st to happen. 'his caused the tower to fall. 2 Tam, kde je podm tem vedlej/ v ty oso"a, je situace sloit j/. 6 kladn% v t lze pout vaz"u to cause sb to do st. 'his causes you to lose your friends. )hat caused him to say something so silly!

"e caused them to be put to death. Takov% v ty v/ak p(so" pon kud archaicky a okzale a v zporu sloveso cause nelze v("ec pout. 6e v tch se ivotn#m podm tem tedy "ude nejl%pe nahradit ho jin#mi slovesy. 'his results in your losing your friends. )hat made him say something so silly! "e had them put to death. 'his leads to people being unable to work very hard. "is behaviour made us dislike him even more. 'he accident kept me from playing any more hockey. 'he accident meant that I couldnt play any more hockey.

3(ief * $ dont like my hus!andIs chief. 3hief je nelnk skotsk%ho klanu ne"o n jak%ho domorod%ho kmene . nap!. ve ren 'here are too many chiefs and not enough Indians. L p!edlokou of oznauje asto vedoucho n jak% instituce . chief of police, chief of staff in the armed forces. 0V%f1 se o"vykle p!ekld v#razem boss. I dont like my husbandQs boss.

3lass!ate * $m going there with one of my classmates. $!estoe slovo classmate e9istuje, neoznauje se jm " n n kdo, s k#m k prv tedW chod do t!dy. 7Tot% plat i o v#razech schoolmate, fellow.student, fellow.pupil.: Qk o sv%m spolukovi mluv jako o someone#a boy#a girl in my class a student !k someone#a girl#a boy#a fellow I study with, a student in my year atd. Hne of the boys in my class stole it. Im going there with one of the students in my year#a girl I study with. $ouze mluv'li o "#val#ch spolucch ne"o o studentech, s nimi studoval, !k a schoolfriend 9of mine:, someone I was at school#university with atd. ne"o m%n asto i my classmate. 2ikes an old schoolfriend of mine. 'his is 1eter % we were at school#university together.

3olleague * *tudents are often guided !y their colleagues opinions. 7:8 1 3olleague je zcela sprvn% anglick% slovo, ale jeho uit je do urit% mry omezen%. ;znauje pouze spolupracovnky ne"o lidi pracujc ve stejn%m o"oru, t!e"a i na jin%m pracovi/ti, se kter#mi se st#kme slue"n , a vztahuje se p!edev/m na lidi s vy//m vzd lnm . doktory, prvnky, uitele, v dce ap. Lprvn je v ta5 'he book was written by a colleague of mine from 0rno Rniversity. Ltejn tak " n% jsou i hovorov j/ ekvivalenty5 'he book was written by a friend of mine from 0rno Rniversity. 'he book was written by a man who teaches#whos on the staff with me at 0rno Rniversity. ,de'li o spolupracovnky s ni/m vzd lnm ne"o "ez vzd ln, pouvejte frze typu Shes a girl#woman from the office ne"o "es a man I work with. 2 >luvte'li o sv%m spolukovi z vysok% /koly, !ekn te "es a student in my year. "es someone I study with ap. Lhora uvedenou chy"nou v tu "y "ylo vhodn% opravit t!e"a takto5 Students are often guided by the opinions of other students. 6iz t% GX.

3ollective vs individual 73olektiv a jednotlivec8 Lmysl pro kolektivnost m v esk%m jazyce a kultu!e hlu"ok% ko!eny a projevuje se z hlediska anglick%ho mluvho neo"vykle hojn#m uvnm v/ech forem oso"nho a p!ivlastBovacho zjmena 0my1 a 0n/1. Anglian se naopak "uS zam !uje na vlastn oso"u a nazr na sv t z hlediska jedince, ne"o zaujm ke skutenostem odtait j/ a analytit j/ postoj. Esledujc p!ehled "y vm m l pomoci vyhnout se nesprvn%mu uvn zjmen we a our. 1 ;"ecn sd len * 0e mince the meat twice in the mincer. * 0hat do we see in the picture' * $n the s#uare we can see a !eautiful fountain. 6 e/tin "#vaj o"ecn sd len asto v T. oso" mnon%ho sla< v anglitin "#vaj ve :. oso" ne"o jsou vyjd!ena neutrln . 2ince the meat in the mincer. )hat can you see in the picture! In the s$uare you#one can see a beautiful fountain. 'heres a beautiful fountain in the s$uare. EezapomeBte, e na otzku )hat can you see in the picture! reaguje Anglian v tou 'heres a mountain meadow . . . ne"o /ou can see a mountain meadow . . ., v n zjmeno you je pouito o"ecn , ve smyslu 0lov k1. 2 Yodina * <ur family went to the theatre last night. * <ur mother usually !akes a cake for my !irthday. * <ur parents came to visit on *unday. 3 vlastn rodin zaujm anglick# mluv stanovisko jednotlivce. 'he 9rest of the: family went to the theatre last night 9but I stayed at home:. 2y family and I went to the theatre last night. I went to the theatre last night with my family. 2y mother usually bakes a cake for my birthday. 2y parents came to visit on Sunday. 2y wifes#husbands parents#2y in.laws came to visit on Sunday. Hur place#house#flat 7u ns, k nm atd.8 je pravd podo"n jedin% spojen, ve kter%m se vyskytuje zjmeno our@ /ou can sleep at our place, if you like. Ltejn " n% je v/ak i spojen my place#house#flat. 6iz t% ZX. 3 Lpolen% akce * 0e dont usually #uarrel with my sister. * 0e went with my girlfriend to the Tatras. * 0e spent three hours in the pu! with 6irek and )onza. 6e v/ech uveden#ch p!kladech poukazuje mluv na se"e a na n koho dal/ho . sestru, p!telkyni, >irka a )onzu. Anglick% we v/ak z!eteln naznauje, e krom sestry, p!telkyn atd. je na sc%n vce ne jedna oso"a. ,e tedy op t nutn% pouit zjmeno T. oso"y jednotn%ho sla. I dont usually $uarrel with my sister. 2y sister and I dont usually $uarrel. 2y girlfriend and I went to the 'atras. I spent three hours in the pub with 2irek and "onza. 4 Hur country, our town * ou should visit our country some day. * $ think hes en,oying himself in our country. * There are a lot of old castles in our country. * )e wanted to see people in costumes from various parts of our country. * $n our town theres a lovely "aro#ue church.

* *he especially wanted to see our town, "rno. Tyto v#razy pat! k nejast j/m echism(m. $!estoe v anglitin e9istuj, vyskytuj se jen z!dka . p!edev/m v r%torick#ch frzch. ? n knin i hovorov anglitina vyjad!uje stejn% pojmy jinak. /ou should visit 3zechoslovakia some day. I think hes en&oying himself here 9in 3zechoslovakia:. 'here are a lot of old castles in this country. "e wanted to see people in costumes from various parts of the country. $okud Anglian mluv o m st , ve kter%m ije, zaujm op t k n mu stanovisko jednotlivce< n kdy se v/ak vyjd! zcela neutrln . ,e tedy t!e"a !ci5 'heres a lovely 0aro$ue church in my hometown#the town I live in#the town where I live#the town I come from. She especially wanted to see 0rno. 5 Hur century * The worlds population has increased greatly in our century. Anglitina na/emu stolet !k this#the present#the twentieth century. 'he worlds population has increased greatly in this#the present#the twentieth century. 6 6 anglitin se samoz!ejm kolektivn 0my1 tak% vyskytuje, ov/em jen tehdy, kdy jde o jasn vymezenou skupinu lid, nap!. we % 8nglish speakers 9)e dont use the word in that sense.:, we % 8nglishmen jako protip[l you % foreigners 9)e won the match against ermany.:, we % representatives of a firm 9)e have received your order of K+ January.: ne"o we % students#pupils of a class 9)e dont like your teaching.:. 6e v/ech t chto p!padech "y 2e/i pouili tak% zjmeno 0my1. 6lastn i v n kter#ch v tch ze G. odstavce "y zjmeno we mohlo "#t pouito . ov/em jen kdy je z!ejm%, jakou skupinu lid oznauje. )e have a lovely 0aro$ue church in NStiny. )e have a lot of old castles in 3zechoslovakia.

3ollege * $ dont like living in the college. Anglick college m(e "#t "uS vysok /kola . nap!. 3ollege of Agriculture 6ysok /kola zem d lsk . ne"o samostatn korporace vyuujcch a student( p!i univerzitch v ;9fordu, &am"ridgi apod. . nap!. =incoln 3ollege, H(ford. 3ollege o9fordsko'cam"ridgesk%ho typu tvo! samostatn# komple9 "udov s prostorami pro vyuovn, s knihovnou, spoleensk#mi mstnostmi, jdelnou, kapl a studentsk#mi pokoji . o anglick%m studentovi se tedy d !ct, e "ydl in 9the: college. 2esk 0kolej1 oznauje n co =pln jin%ho< anglitina m n kolik odpovdajcch v#raz(. I dont like living in the hall9s: of residence#in hall#in the hall9s:. )hatll I do! 'heyve &ust told me I wont be able to stay in the hostel ne(t year. 'heyre building a lot of new student#students hostels. 'heres not enough room in the dormitory. 7americk anglitina8

3olour * *he was dressed in pink colour. 7T8 * 0e decided to redecorate the room in green colour. 7T8 * $ had everything $ needed F colours, !rushes, rollers. 7:8 1 ,menuje'li Anglian "arvu, vynech slovo colour. She was dressed in pink. )e decided to redecorate the room in green. 6 mnon%m sle se slovo colour d pout5 'he blue colours in the painting are lovely. Ale i v tomto p!pad je vhodn j/ vy"rat si n jakou jinou formulaci. 'he blues in the painting are lovely. 'he 9various: shades of blue in the painting are lovely.

2 $ro v/echny druhy nt r( se " n pouv slovo paint. I had everything I needed % paints, brushes, rollers.

3o!e a go * *uddenly she saw him going towards her. 7T8 * 0e wont come there !efore noon. 7:8 * $ must go now or $ wont come home !efore midnight. 7:8 Ltudenti zpravidla "ez o"t rozli/uj v#znam sloves come a go % e/tina m toti tak% 0p!ijt1 a 0jt1. 3ome vyjad!uje pohy" sm rem k mluvmu ne"o posluchai . go pohy" v opan%m sm ru. 3ome here at once. o away. 4ont be impatient. Im coming. Im &ust going to my parents. 7do telefonu8 3an I come and see you right now! =etQs go to Johns. 6 n kter#ch situacch v/ak nastvaj nesnze. 1 3dy oso"a, o n se mluv, je pokldna za v#choz "od, a proto v#" r slovesa zvis na sm ru pohy"u vzhledem k n. Suddenly she saw him coming towards her. 2 3dy vypovdme o okamiku, kdy n kam dorazme< tady uvme get. )e wont get there before noon. )hen will you be getting to 1rague! I must go now or I wont get 9back: home before midnight. $ov/imn te si rozdlu mezi get a come. Ill ring you up when I get to 1rague. If I come to 1rague ne(t week, Ill ring you up.

3o!forta"le * $ts very comforta!le living so close to the shops. 3omfortable znamen poskytujc pohodl, p!edev/m t lesn%. 'hats a very comfortable chair. &hcete'li v/ak !ct, e n co uspokojuje va/e poadavky a pot!e"y . je to tedy vyhovujc, v#hodn%, pouijte p!davn% jm%no convenient. Its very convenient living so close to the shops.

3o!!on# usual# ordinar$ * $t is usual for parents nowadays to spoil their chi$dren. 7T8 * At the !eginning of the century, this was not a usual thing to do. 7T8 * $ know how to cook some usual dishes. 7T, :8 * *he was a common woman who lived a common life. 7:8 * *hould common people !e allowed to carry guns' 7:8 * $t was a common sweater, nothing special. 7:8 * Thats the ordinary way of getting there. 7I8 Lprvn% pouvn p!davn#ch jmen common, usual a ordinary nen "ez pro"l%m(. $ro pochopen rozdlu mezi nimi "ude nejlep/ uv%st jejich hlavn v#znamy. 3ommon a8 pat!c, spolen# atd. dv ma, vce ne"o v t/in lid, zem, organizac5 a common language common knowledge common land "8 p!ichzejc ne"o vyskytujc se asto ne"o na mnoha mstech5 a common e(perience a common flower the common cold

Its common nowadays for parents to spoil their children. At the beginning of the century, this was not a common thing to do. I know how to cook some common dishes. c8 vulgrn 7hanliv 85 a common accent common behaviour Hrdinary % 0nev#jimen#1, 0nijak zvl/tn15 an ordinary day 7normln den8, an ordinary man 7o"yejn# lov k8. Kmatek asto zp(so"uje spojen the common man, oznaujc pr(m rn%ho, o"yejn%ho o"ana. ,e to v/ak velmi idiomatick% spojen 7pouv se vdy s urit#m lenem a jen v jednotn%m sle8. 3ommon se jinak ned v tomto v#znamu 7tj. pro oznaen o"yejn#ch, pr(m rn#ch lid8 ut. I know how to cook some ordinary dishes. She was an ordinary woman who lived an ordinary life. Should ordinary people be allowed to carry guns! It was an ordinary sweater, nothing special. 3 Rsual % 0o"vykl#1 'hats the usual way of getting there. )orking is the usual way of making money. 6/imn te si, e unusual je mon% pout jako opak nejen k usual, ale i k n kter#m jin#m z v#/e uveden#ch p!davn#ch jmen5 T" a : 9unusual people v/ak v uveden% v t !ct nelze . v#znam 0neo"vykl#1, 0v#jimen#1 se do konte9tu nehod8.

3o!paratives 7:. stupeB p!davn#ch jmen8 * )es !een taking the medicine for a longer period of time. * The university consists of several older !uildings. * )er fathers a taller man. $ouijeme'li v anglitin komparativ, musme s n m srovnvat5 druh# stupeB toti neznamen, jako n kdy v e/tin , pouze 0pom rn znanou mru vlastnosti1. 6#razy, kter% " n v tomto smyslu pouvme, jsou rather ne"o fairly. "es been taking the medicine for a rather long time. 'he university consists of several fairly old buildings. 6 hovorov% anglitin se n kdy vyskytuj p!davn jm%na s p!ponou .ish 7mohou je mt pouze p!davn jm%na, kter se stupBuj koncovkami .er, .est:. "er father is a tallish man. 6iz t% TG\.

3onditional 7$odmiBovac zp(so"8 2asto se stv, e e/t mluv pouvaj podmiBovac zp(so" tam, kde ho anglitina nep!ipou/t. D je se tak v t/inou ve vztan#ch v tch a o n co m%n asto v !enick#ch otzkch. 1 ]9istenn v ty * 8o you have any other shoes' F Cone that would !e any !igger. * Theres not a single person here who wouldnt have read that !ook. * Theres no woman in the world who wouldnt love ,ewellery. * $ dont know anyone who would like that kind of music. * $ve never had a teacher who would use those kinds of methods. * $s there anyone here who would help me' * )ave you seen anything that would interest you' Fveden% oznamovac v ty vypovdaj o nee9istenci v c ne"o lid s jist#mi vlastnostmi a rysy< otzky se ptaj na jejich e9istenci. Anglitina v takov#ch p!padech nepouv sloveso v podmiBovacm, n#"r v oznamovacm ne"o tzacm zp(so"u. 76/imn te si, e v e/tin je v t chto v tch prost# tvar p!tomn%ho, minul%ho ne"o "udoucho asu tak% mon#, ale nen tak idiomatick# jako podmiBovac zp(so".8 4o you have any other shoes! % Cone that are any bigger.

'heres not a single person here who hasnt read that book. 'here isnt a woman in the world who doesnt love &ewellery. I dont know anyone who likes that kind of music. Ive never had a teacher who used those kinds of methods. Is there anyone here who can#will help me! "ave you seen anything that interests you! 2 6 ty vyjad!ujc urit# cl ne"o zm r * They wait for willing victims to whom they would tell their stores. * At school you usually try to find someone who would share your interests. 6 takov#ch souv tch je vhodn% nahradit vedlej/ v ty infinitivem. 'hey wait for willing victims to tell their stories to. At school you usually try to find someone to share your interests. 3 )ypotetick% situace * $d like to meet a man who would !e cleverer than me. * 1an you imagine a country where no one wouldlike music' Tady jsou dv monosti< uit tvary p!tomn%ho ne"o 7spisovn ji8 minul%ho asu. Id like to meet a man who is#was cleverer than me. 3an you imagine a country where no one likes#liked music! 4 ^enick% otzky * JohnJpdike' 0ho wouldnt have heard of him' 6 podo"n#ch !enick#ch otzkch, kter% poukazuj na e9istujc, nikoli monou ne"o teoretickou situaci v souasnosti, pouv anglitina prost# p!tomn# ne"o p!edp!tomn# as. Lrovnejte5 John Rpdike! )ho doesnt en&oy his work! 9T 8veryone en&oys it.: John Rpdike! )ho hasnt heard of him! 9T 8veryone has heard of him.: John Rpdike! )ho wouldnt like to meet him! 9T 8veryone would like to meet him.:

3onsult * $ consulted these mistakes with my 2rench teacher. Lloveso to consult 9sb#st about st: znamen 0poradit se1 7o"vykle s od"ornkem . p!edev/m l%ka!em ne"o prvnkem8 ne"o 0ptrat po informacch1 7hlavn ve spisech8. $!edm tem je oso"a, na kterou se o"rtte, ne"o v c, kterou prostudujete. If I were you, Id consult a doctor about those pains. If you dont know what it means, you should consult a dictionary. 3dy v/ak chcete s n k#m n co prodiskutovat, prohovo!it, pouijte sloveso discuss 9st with sb: ne"o ask 9sb about st:. I discussed these mistakes with my Drench teacher. I asked my Drench teacher about these mistakes.

3ounta"le and uncounta"le nouns 7$oitateln a nepoitateln podstatn jm%na8 Eepoitateln podstatn jm%na nemaj mnon% slo a nemohou se pouvat s neurit#m lenem a#an. 6 t/ina nepoitateln#ch podstatn#ch jmen nep(so" dn% pote, protoe odpovdajc esk% v#razy se v mnon%m sle rovn nevyskytuj. E kde jsou v/ak mezi o" ma jazyky rozdly a zde 2e/i pod vlivem mate!/tiny n kter jm%na nesprvn pouvaj jako poitateln. 1 advice % nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 2y father was always giving me advice. e$uipment % nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 'heyve bought a lot of new e$uipment recently. e(perience % nepoitateln% i poitateln% E kdy lze jen t ko urit hranici mezi poitateln#m a nepoitateln#m podstatn#m jm%nem e(perience. $oitateln% vyjad!uje konkr%tn udlost 70zitek18 a je asto n jak "le determinovno.

2eeting the 1resident was an e(perience I shall never forget. I had many interesting e(periences during my holiday in <umania. ,ako nepoitateln% znamen zku/enost7i8 jako v#sledek n jak% innosti. 'o get the &ob youd need five years teaching e(perience. "es had a lot of e(perience 9with handicapped children:. fun % nepoitateln% It was really great fun to see him so drunk. At first the &ob seemed to be fun. It was good fun going to the fair with Jerry. gossip % nepoitateln% i poitateln% Eepoitateln% znamen 0klep*klepy1 7viz odst. :8. All that gossip about 1eter and 2ary spread like wildfire. $oitateln% znamen 0klepna1 ne"o popovdn o n kom 7sklepnout si . to have a gossip:. ossips should be fined for the unhappiness they cause. =ets drop in on Jane and have a good gossip. homework % nepoitateln% 'he teacher gave us a lot of homework today. &hceme'li vyjd!it p!esn# poet =loh, !kme5 )eve got homework in four sub&ects tonight. )eve got four lots of homework tonight. information % nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 'hey wanted some information from me. knowledge . zvl/tn p!pad nepoitateln%ho podstatn%ho jm%na5 n kdy se pouv s neurit#m lenem a p!edlokou of, ale nikdy v mnon%m sle. "is knowledge was amazing. 2ary has a good knowledge of Drench. luck . nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 She always has good luck. luggage, baggage . nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 1ut all my luggage over there. news . nepoitateln% 7viz odst. :8 )hats the news! 'hats surprising news. nonsense Ltar/ lid% o"as pouvaj podstatn% jm%no nonsense s neurit#m lenem a oznauj jm n co nesmysln%ho. 6 t/ina rodil#ch mluvch s nm v/ak zachz jako s podstatn#m jm%nem nepoitateln#m, a protoe se ve v/ech ostatnch p!padech chov rovn jako nepoitateln%, "ude nejjist j/ je pouvat jen jako takov%. 'hat e(planation, my dear, is complete nonsense. shopping . nepoitateln% =ucy is in town, doing her shopping. spaghetti, macaroni atd. . nepoitateln 'his spaghetti of yours is delicious. toast . nepoitateln% i poitateln% Eepoitateln% znamen 0topinka opeen "ez omastku1 7viz odst. :8. 8veryones hungry, so lets make a lot of toast. Kapamatujte si, e esk# 0toast1 7op%k se na oleji8 nen tot%, co anglick# toast< anglick# ekvivalent 0toastu1 je fried bread. )ould you like some fried bread with garlic rubbed on! $oitateln# znamen 0p!pitek1. =ets drink a toast to the newlyweds. wallpaper . nepoitateln%

Im going to take off all the wallpaper in the flat. work . nepoitateln% 7ve smyslu 0prce18 Its hard work to stop smoking. ranny does all the easy housework. 2a Le v/emi uveden#mi nepoitateln#mi v#razy s odkazem na tento odstavec lze pout slovo piece. Eejast ji se o"jevuje s podstatn#mi jm%ny, kter vyjad!uj n co hmotn%ho 7a piece of toast#luggage8, ne"o s v#razy, kter% jsou n jak "le vymezeny 7a fascinating piece of information8. Tvar mnon%ho sla pieces se vyskytuje jen z!dka, pouze s podstatn#mi jm%ny vyjad!ujcmi n co hmotn%ho ne"o s v#razy poetn vymezen#mi 7two pieces of information8. " >sto piece ne"o pieces se v/ak " n s nepoitateln#mi podstatn#mi jm%ny uvaj v#razy some ne"o hovorov j/ a bit, p!estoe o"a mohou signalizovat nejen jednotn%, ale i mnon% slo. =et me give you some advice#a bit of advice. I found out some 9useful: information about his background.

3ouple * *tudents should work together in couples. 7T8 * ?va and $ first met at nursery school and we soon !ecame an insepara!le couple. 7T8 1 >luvte' li o lidech, nezapomnejte, e couple oznauje enu a mue, mezi nimi je zvl/tn vztah 7nap!. a married#an engaged couple . manel%*snou"enci8, ne"o dvojici, kter spolu tan. 6 jin#ch p!padech je t!e"a pout slovo pair. Students should work together in pairs. 8va and I first met at nursery school and we soon became an inseparable pair. 2 EezapomeBte, e " n# v#znam anglick%ho a couple je 0dva*dv 1, a ne 0n kolik1, jako esk% 0pr1. A couple of people znamen dva lid%< a couple of months jsou p!i"lin dva m sce, ale rozhodn ne t!i. 6#raz a couple of minutes lze ut v pon kud /ir/m v#znamu< protoe jde o pom rn krtk# asov# =sek, m(e oznaovat do"u a ty! p ti minut.

3r$ * The swimming instructor cried at us a lot. 7T8 * $ was so surprised that $ wanted to cry, !ut $ couldnt. 7:8 1 6 " n%m hovorov%m projevu znamen sloveso to cry 0plakat1. )hen she learned she had failed the e(am, she burst out crying. 6e smyslu 0k!iet1 uvme sloveso to shout. 'he swimming instructor shouted at us a lot. 2 6e spisovn%m projevu je mon% pouit cry ve v#znamu 0k!iet1, ale v t/inou pouze jako uvozen p!m% !ei. 72ike; "es trying to kill you;7 she cried. 3ry out oznauje hlasitou reakci na p!ekvapen, hr(zu ap. . 0vyk!iknout1. I was so surprised that I wanted to cry out, but I couldnt.

3usto! a (a"it * )e has a custorn of !linking his eyes when hes nervous. 7T8 * The,ve started reviving some of the old ha!its. 7T8 * ?nglish theatres have a ha!it of putting on special 1hrstmas plays for children. 7T8. 1 Yozdl mezi custom a habit "#v v t/inou jasn#5 custom oznauje vit# zp(so" chovn velk% skupiny lid, tedy n co, co tito lid% u dlouho d laj, a habit n co, co po dlouhou do"u d l jedinec. "e has a habit of blinking his eyes when hes nervous. 3heating in e(ams is a bad habit to get into.

'heyve started reviving some of the old customs. 8nglish theatres have a custom of putting on special 3hristmas plays for children. 2 3dy v/ak jedinec n co d l p!i pravideln se opakujc p!leitosti, je tak% mon% pout podstatn% jm%no custom. It was his custom#a custom of his to give small presents to all his employees at 3hristmas. "e has a custom of drinking a small glass of whisky before going to bed every night.

3&ec( a""reviations 72esk% zkratky8 * The +<) at the JK8 decided to cele!rate 68L !y going on a D?8<M excursion. Takov v ta "y anglick%mu ten!i "yla zcela nesrozumiteln. Eepochopil "y, o koho se jedn, ani kdy, kde a za jak#ch okolnost se d j odehrv. 2esk% zkratky "y se m ly p!ekldat ne"o parafrzovat. 'he trade union organization at the cooperative farm decided to celebrate International )omens 4ay by going on an e(cursion organized by the M84HN travel agency. ;"jevuje'li se urit zkratka asto, je vhodn% ji p!i prvnm v#skytu v te9tu uv%st p!eloenou ne"o parafrzovanou a zkratkov# tvar p!ipojit v zvorce. 6 dal/ch stech te9tu sta uvd t u jen zkratku samotnou.

*8am.lake * 7etIs go swimming at the N"rnoO dam.lake. Llovo * dam.lake nee9istuje< 0p!ehradn hrz1 je dam a nej" n j/ ekvivalent esk%ho 0p!ehrada1 je reservoir. =et Qs go swimming at the 90rno: reservoir. ,de'li o opravdu velkou ndr, asto uvme jen slovo lake. =ipno is one of the countrys most beautiful lakes.

7a$s6 *$n these days * *he thought a divorce would !e no pro!lem in these days. Lpojen *in these days nee9istuje. Anglick# ekvivalent esk%ho 0dnes1 vyjad!ujcho kontrast k n jak%mu o"do" v minulosti je nowadays ne"o these days. She thought a divorce would be no problem nowadays#these days. 6 hovorov% anglitin se asto vyskytuje i v#raz today. /oung people today have a lot of money to spend on themselves. 6az"a in those days v anglitin e9istuje, ale oznauje o"do" v minulosti 70tehdy18. In those days women wore very long skirts.

7escri"e * )e wanted me to descri!e him the performance. * 8escri!e us what she looked like. ,e'li ve v t uveden nep!m# oso"n p!edm t, mus "#t se slovesem describe spojen p!edlokou to? nep!m# p!edm t lze v/ak asto vypustit. "e wanted me to describe the performance to him. 4escribe what she looked like.

7irector * ou have to ask the director of the school for permission. Llovem director oznauje anglitina "ud, lena sprvn rady 9board of directors: podniku 7asto ve

spojen s "le urujcm v#razem, nap!. managing director:, ne"o vedoucho n jak% instituce 7thee director of a research institute:. 6 divadle je to reis%r. Terminologie uvan ve /kolch v zemch, kde se mluv anglicky, nen jednotn< dokonce i v samotn% Anglii se setkme na r(zn#ch typech /kol s r(zn#mi v#razy pro oznaen 0!editele1. $!i p!ekldn vm snad pom(e nsledujc nvod. 1 ?ritsk% /koly !d headmaster ne"o headmistress. Dnes se nm v/ak tyto v#razy zdaj "#t do znan% mry knin a pon kud zastaral%. ,ednm z d(vod(, pro tomu tak je, je v poslednch letech p!evldajc tendence uvat v anglitin slova, kter nejsou se(ist, tj. slova neutrln, kter neoznauj pohlav oso"y, o n se hovo!. A4 u je p!ina jakkoli, dnes se nejvce uv slovo head ne"o headteacher. /ou have to ask the head 9of the school: for permission. Kstupce !editele je deputy head. 2 ^editeli jazykov% /koly se o"vykle !k principal a jeho zstupci vice.principal ne"o deputy principal. 3 ^editel /koly v Americe je principal a jeho zstupce vice.principal.

7o a !a-e * $ll have to make some shopping after work. 7I8 * )e always does the same mistakes. 7G8 Eauit se sprvn pouvat slovesa make a do nen zdaleka tak jednoduch%, jak si cizinci p!edstavuj. ,e t!e"a si zapamatovat tyto hlavn "ody. 1 Lloveso make asto naznauje, e jde o vytvo!en ne"o sestrojen n eho. "e made a resumU of the novel for me, but I lost it. John has made a superb sailboard. 2 4o vyjad!uje innost "le neurenou, mn nou o"ecn . )hat are you planning to do this summer! Ill have to do something about my Drench or else Ill fail. 3 Lloveso do pouvme, kdy mluvme o n jak% 7pracovn8 innosti. Ill have to do some shopping after work. "ave you done your homework yet! % Co. 2um told me to do the washing.up first. 4 6 ostatnch p!padech nee9istuj "ohuel p!esn pravidla . vldne v nich idiomatika. "e always makes the same mistakes. ,ako nepatrn pomoc poslou snad jen skutenost, e jste'li na pochy"ch, "ude l%pe, kdy zvolte sloveso make? vyskytuje se toti ve vce o"ratech ne sloveso do. ,edin% a =inn% !e/en v/ak "ude zapsat si a nauit se r(zn idiomatick spojen, a navc mt do"r# slovnk. 6iz t% lI\.

7ress * The !oys need some new dresses. 7:8 1 Yodil# Anglian m n kdy dojem, e se mui v 2eskoslovensku podivn o"l%kaj. $!inou je zm na v#znam( poitateln%ho a nepoitateln%ho podstatn%ho jm%na dress 7/aty8. $oitateln% podstatn% jm%no dress znamen 0dmsk% /aty1. Susan had on a lovely summer dress. Eepoitateln% podstatn% jm%no dress "uS zn knin 7a jako takov% se ani p!li/ nepouv8, ne"o je soust r(zn#ch sloenin, nap!. formal dress, evening dress. It was an old photograph, with people in the dress ofthe A*-,s. 'hey were e(pected to wear evening dress to the reception. 2 0Vaty1 ve smyslu 0o"leen, o"lek1 se p!ekldaj jako clothes ne"o m%n hovorov , a mluv'li se pov/echn , clothing. 'he boys need some new clothes. She loves buying e(pensive clothes. 'he basic necessities are food, clothing and shelter.

7run-en * $ was drunken and lost control of the car. 7T8 1 4runken se ve smyslu slova 0opil#1 vyskytuje jen ve funkci p!vlastku, kdeto drunk lze pout v p!vlastku i v p!sudku. I was drunk and lost control of the car. Several drunk9en: men started shouting at me. 2 4runken se v anglitin t% " n pouv ve v#znamu 0pijck#1 ne"o 0propadl# alkoholu1. )e had a great time at a rather drunken party. Its not her fault@ she comes from a drunken home. 3 Kapamatujte si, e podstatn% jm%no drunk oznauje n koho, kdo je opil# 7p!echodn# stav8, zatmco drunkard 7hanliv 8 a alcoholic oznauj lov ka navykl%ho pt. Several drunks started shouting at me. "is fathers an alcoholic.

7uring * 8uring thirty minutes the !ottle was empty. * )e went mad during one week. 4uring odpovd esk%mu 0" hem1. Eaznauje, e se n co odehrv " hem cel%ho o"do" ne"o v pr(" hu n jak% udlosti 9Ill be working hard during the summer: ne"o e jde o jist# okamik*okamiky urit%ho o"do" ne"o udlosti 7)e had a terrible e(perience during the summer#performance:. ,estlie v/ak vypovdme o n em, co je v#sledn#m stavem ne"o situac na konci urit%ho o"do" ne"o udlosti, musme pout v#raz within. )ithin thirty minutes the bottle was empty. "e went mad within one#a week.

8ducate * After his parents died, he was educated !y his grandfather. Lloveso to educate se omezuje na v#chovu a vzd ln poskytovan% /kolou a jin#mi ve!ejn#mi institucemi. "is teachers found it hard to educate him. 6ychovvat dt a peovat o n j v rodin , dokud nevyroste, se vyjd! slovesem to bring up. After his parents died, he was brought up by his grandfather.

e*g* * +omantics such as e.g. "yron and *helley deli!erately set out to shock the pu!lic. 7T8 * The !est films of l3GG were e.g.P and . 7:8 * 6y favourite 1zech composers are e.g. 8voQ:k and *metana. 7:8 * $mportant 1zech writers !etween the wars were e.g. Dapek andHan;ura. 7:8 * After the war there was a sudden rise in the !irthrate. ?.g. in l3R> . . . 7I8 * &eople should try to get rid of their !ad #ualities, e.g. pride, envy, stinginess, and develop !etter ones. 7G8 2ast% pouvn e.g. nen sprvn%. ,eho v#skyt se omezuje hlavn na v deck% te9ty a p!pady p!esn% argumentace. >nohdy esk% pouit zkratky 0nap!.1 v("ec neodpovd anglick%mu e.g. 1 6#razy such as a like samy uvd j p!klady< e.g. je proto p!e"yten%. <omantics such as#like 0yron and Shelley deliberately set out to shock the public. 2 2esk% 0je*jsou nap!. . . .1, tj. v ty, v nich p!klady tvo! jmenn# p!sudek, p!elome jin#m zp(so"em. 'he best films of A-** were#included 5 and /. 4vorFk and Smetana are among my favourite 3zech composers.

Mapek and PanGura were among the important 3zech writers between the wars. 'he important 3zech writers between the wars included Mapek and PanGura. 3 Kkratkou e.g. v ty nezanme< " n forma je v tomto p!pad for e(ample. After the war there was a sudden rise in the birthrate. Dor e(ample in A-BJ . . . 4 6 ostatnch situacch lze nezkrcenou formu for e(ample pout, av/ak " n ji, zvl/t je'li v#et strun#, se vyskytuje vaz"a such as ne"o vysv tlen, pro "yly uveden% p!klady vy"rny. 1eople should try to get rid of such bad $ualities as pride, envy, and stinginess and develop better ones. 1eople should try to get rid of their bad $ualities, especially pride, envy, and stinginess, and develop better ones.

8lse * Thats something completely else. 6 ta 'hats something else je samoz!ejm zcela sprvn< p!ed p!davn#m jm%nem else v/ak nemohou stt p!slovce completely, totally, very atd. Ta se pro dan# v#znam poj s p!davn#m jm%nem different. 'hats something completely different. 'hats a completely different matter.

8na"le * This invention ena!led to do twice as much work a day. $o slovese enable mus nsledovat p!edm t jmenn# 7'hat enabled better results: ne"o spojen# s infinitivem 7'hat enabled him to get better results:. Een'li ve v t druh%ho typu !eeno, komu ne"o emu "yla jist v c umon na, musme pout infinitiv trpn#. 'his invention enabled twice as much work to be done a day. ,sou mon% i jin% formulace5 'his invention made it possible for twice as much work to be done a day. 'his invention made it possible to do twice as much work a day. 'his invention allowed twice as much work to be done in a day.

8nd * $n the end Nof the meetingO they stood and sang the national anthem. * At the end, they decided to go and see a film. Teoreticky "y nem lo k zm n frz at the end a in the end dochzet, protoe odpovdaj esk#m vaz"m 0na konci1 a 0nakonec1. $!esto si je e/t mluv asto pletou. At the end 9of the meeting: they stood and sang the national anthem. In the end, they decided to go and see a film.

8njo$ * $ en,oy to listen to their arguments. Lloveso to en&oy se pouv s gerundiem, nikoli s infinitivem. I en&oy listening to their arguments.

8noug( * 0ill $ have time enough to get to the station' 7T8 * )es clever enough. 7:8 1 L podstatn#mi jm%ny5 v souasn% anglitin stoj enough p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem. Ltoj'li za nm, v ta zn pon kud archaicky a asto i legran . )ill I have enough time to get to the station!

2 L p!davn#mi jm%ny5 enough stoj za p!davn#m jm%nem. Takov% spojen v/ak v t/inou naznauje v#znam 0dost, a"y . . .1, i kdy to nen v#slovn !eeno. "es handsome enough to play the part % but is he any good as an actor! 4id he do it! % Co, hes not clever enough. Tam, kde nznak takov%ho v#znamu nen, uvme fairly, $uite, rather 7hovorov pretty: % a toto po!ad odpovd rostouc intenzit v#raz(. "es fairly#$uite#rather#pretty clever.

8nvirons# environ!ent# surroundings * 0e need to protect the living environment from pollution. 7:8 * This kind of work re#uires #uiet environs. 7I8 * The environment at the housing estate is very depressing. 7I8 1 Llovo environs oznauje =zem kolem n jak%ho msta . m sta, vesnice ap. ,eho synonymem je surroundings. 'here are a lot of interesting things to see in the environs#surroundings of 0rno. 2 8nvironment se vztahuje k lidem*zv!at(m, ne k mst(m. 6 nejo"ecn j/m smyslu znamen p!rodn podmnky, ve kter#ch lid%*zv!ata ij 70ivotn prost!ed18< uv se s urit#m lenem. )e need to protect the environment from pollution. 6 u/m smyslu oznauje environment prost!ed, kter% je nazrno z hlediska mravnho p(so"en na lov ka, schopnosti formovat jeho my/len, ovlivnovat jeho chovn ap. She grew up in a very happy home environment. 3 Llovo surroundings se d v tomto smyslu tak% n kdy pout. 'he surroundings you grow up in can affect your whole life. ;"vykle se v/ak pouv tam, kde zd(raznujeme vn j/ aspekty prost!ed . tedy v neutrln j/m smyslu. 'his kind of work re$uires $uiet surroundings. 'he surroundings at the housing estate are very depressing.

9ern * $ve !een to many countries in0est ?urope. * 6y father went on a !usiness trip to 0estern "erlin. 6/eo"ecn lze !ct, e p!davn jm%na utvo!en z nzv( ty! hlavnch sv tov#ch stran koncovkou .ern pouvme p!ed vlastnmi jm%ny st v t/ch celk(, jde'li o polohu zem pisnou 7p/ se o"vykle, nikoli vdycky, mal#mi psmeny8. $!ed jm%ny urit#ch politick#ch a sprvnch =zem stoj p!davn jm%na "ez koncovky. Ive been to many countries in )estern 8urope. 2y father went on a business trip to )est 0erlin. 0rno is the largest town in South 2oravia#the South 2oravian <egion 7,ihomoravsk# kraj8. "e has a wine cellar somewhere in southern 2oravia. ,e pravda, e v n kter#ch p!padech se zd, e pravidlo odporuje pouiti< tak nap!. termnem 8ast Africa oznaujeme =zem 3eni, Tanzanie a Fgandy. ;"vykle se v/ak n jak# d(vod podo"n%ho v#jimen%ho oznaen najde< zde jde o poz(statek z koloniln %ry, kdy tyto stty tvo!ily administrativn jednotku v rmci ?ritsk%ho imp%ria.

8speciall$ * $d like to thank especially my wife. 7T8 * ?specially men and !oys en,oy this kind of work. 7:8 * $ remem!er especially one of them. 7:8 1 8specially je p!slovce. 6 anglitin se pouv v t/inou p!ed p!edlokovou vaz"ou ne"o p!ed spojkou 7v/imn te si tak% rky, kter se o"vykle p!ed especially p/e8, m%n asto u slovesa ne"o p!ed p!davn#m

jm%nem. I like holidaying, especially in the 'atras. "e doesnt like visitors, especially when theyre relatives. Id especially like to thank my wife. 'his is an especially hot curry. 2 ,akoto p!slovce nem(e urovat podstatn jm%na a zjmena 7tak jak to d l esk zd(razBovac stice 0zejm%na18. 6 tomto p!pad je v anglitin nejvhodn j/ pout in particular. 2en and boys in particular en&oy this kind of work. I remember one of them in particular.

etc* * 0e saw the town hall, main church, market s#uare, etc. Kkratka etc. se v anglitin pouv mnohem m%n ne jej esk% ekvivalenty 0apod.1 a 0atd.1 v e/tin . ,e v t/inou omezena na v deck pojednn, vysv tlivky ap. 2ast# v#skyt v jin#ch konte9tech anglick%ho ten!e znan popouz. Eap!. ve v#/e uveden% v t v n m vz"uzuje pocit, e autor ji pouil z lenosti, a"y se nemusel p!esn vyjd!it. E kdy je mon% etc. prost vynechat. Ee"ojte se, e se dopou/tte chy"y, kdy neuvdte v/echny eventuality. 6 dan% v t "y snad stailo !ct5 )e saw the town hall, main church and market s$uare. Ee"o "y "ylo vhodn% naznait, pro jste si vy"rali prv tato msta5 _e sa+ many places of interest, "ut the most fascinating architecturally*oldest*most "eautiful +ere the to+n hall, main church and market s`uare. Tak% "y "ylo mono ut vaz"u among them a etc. pak vynechat5 _e sa+ many places of interest, among them the to+n hall, main church and market s`uare.

8ven * 6any people keep diaries, and even $ once tried to start one. 7:8 * They worked harder so that even they could !uy a new car. 7:8 1 6 anglitin se even pouv ve v#znamu 0dokonce1, kter#m se naznauje, e n co je p!ekvapujc, e to p!ekroilo oekvn atd. Lhe even told me a"out her affair +ith >ike. "es been everywhere % even to Albania. Cobody believes her, not even her mother. 2 ,estlie v#rok tento smysl nem, pak "y se m lo ut too ne"o as well. >any people keep diaries, and once U tried to start one as +ell. They +orked hard so that they too could "uy a car. 6iz t%. TJ.

8ven if:t(oug(:%(en * ?ven if it was cold, they had two windows open. * $ prefer summer to winter, even if $ en,oy the latter too. * )e helped her even if he found out she was married. 2eskou spojku 0i kdy1 lze do anglitiny p!eloit jako even if, even though ne"o even when podle toho, co vyjad!uje. 8ven if znamen 0i v p!pad , e1< o"jevuje se hlavn v konte9tu p!tomn%m ne"o "udoucm. ]ven if U-m late, U never hurry. 8ven if he passes the e(am, he wont necessarily get a place at university. 8ven though znamen 0akoli*p!estoe1< uv se p!edev/m v konte9tu minul%m ne"o p!tomn%m. ]ven though it +as cold, they had t+o +indo+s open.

I prefer summer to winter, even though I en&oy the latter too. 8ven when znamen 0i pot%, co1 ne"o 0i v do" *situaci, kdy1< vyskytuje se v konte9tu minul%m, p!tomn%m i "udoucm. )e helped her even +hen he found out she +as married. 6/imn te si, e v n kter#ch situacch lze ut dv z uveden#ch monost5 8ven if#though you dont want to thank her, you should. 6 hovorov% anglitin to vede k ned"alosti p!i v#" ru vhodn% spojky. Eejl%pe "ude !dit se v#/e uveden#mi v#znamov#mi rozdly, protoe se m(e stt, e v dan% situaci lze ut pouze jednu, jindy zas dv z dan#ch spojek, ov/em s v#znamov#m rozdlem. Lrovnejte5 8ven if he drinks a lot, he never gets drunk. U kdy se hodn napije, nikdy se neopije. 8ven though he drinks a lot, he never gets drunk. $!estoe hodn pije, nikdy se neopije.

8;cept * ?xcept the lions, we saw some tigers and monkeys at the zoo. 7T8 * The room was empty except a !eautiful wardro!e. 7:8 Ltudenti maj asto pote, kdy p!ekldaj esk% 0krom 1. Kapamatujte si5 1 Tam, kde 0krom 1 znamen 0navc1, 0vedle1, v anglitin je besides 7pozor5 nikoli * !esides of8. ?esides the lions, +e sa+ some tigers and monkeys at the zoo. 3dy 0krom 1 znamen 0s v#jimkou1, 0a na1, anglitina pouije e(cept 9for:. ]9cept 7for8 the lions, +e didn-t see anything interesting at the zoo. 2 6yvstv v/ak otzka, kdy zvolit e(cept a kdy e(cept for. >ohou se uvat ve stejn%m smyslu, po e(cept for v/ak mus nsledovat podstatn% jm%no ne"o zjmeno. Tak nap!. o"m nou I cant tell you anything e(cept that hes dead "y "ylo I cant tell you anything e(cept for the fact that hes dead. $odo"n ekvivalentem Ill be at home e(cept in the morning je Ill be at home e(ceptfor the morning. 8(cept for je nutno pout, nsleduje'li po n m podstatn% jm%no ne"o zjmeno, k n mu nen v druh% sti v ty paralela. 'here was nothing in the room e(cept 9for: a beautiful old wardrobe. 'he room was empty e(cept for a beautiful old wardrobe.

8;pect a %ait * 0e took our seats and expected the teacher to come. * $m waiting for a letter from my parents any day now. 2asto se stv, e 2e/i nedovedou v#znamov rozli/it slovesa wait a e(pect. )ait znamen stt, chodit ne"o jen sed t a ekat, dokud n kdo nep!ijde ne"o se n co nestane . jde vlastn o innost fyzickou. )e took our seats and waited for the teacher to come. I had to wait forty minutes for a tram this morning. 8(pect znamen myslet si, oekvat, e se n co stane ne"o e n kdo p!ijde . jedn se o stav mysli. Im e(pecting a letter from my parents any day now. )ere e(pecting them 9to come for dinner: at J o Vclock.

8;plain * 7et me explain you what to do. ,e'li ve v t uveden nep!m# oso"n p!edm t, mus "#t se slovesem e(plain spojen p!edlokou to. =et me e(plain to you what to do. ;so"n p!edm t lze v mnoh#ch p!padech vynechat ne"o p!emstit. Net me e9plain +hat to do. =et me e(plain what you should do.

1a!il$ !e!"ers 72lenov% rodiny8 * )e gave it to !rother. 7T8 * 1ome and look at this, !rother. 7T8 * <ur grandmother !aked the cake. 7:8 1 6 rmci vlastn rodiny a >luv'li dt o sv% matce a otci ne"o "a"ice a d dekovi, nepouv p!ivlastBovac zjmena. 6 psemn%m projevu se podstatn jm%na oznaujc tyto p!"uzn% asto p/ s velk#m psmenem. Kdro"n liny 92ummy, 4addy, ranny, randpa: pouvaj v t/inou jen mal% d ti. )heres 4addy#4ad#Dather! I think 2ummy#2um#2other is angry with you. randpa# randad# randfather is coming to visit tomorrow. 3e slov(m aunt a uncle se o"vykle p!ipojuj jm%na. )hen were you born, Aunt Anne! ?ratrovi ne"o sest!e se !k k!estnm jm%nem< vzdlen j/ p!"uzn se tak% naz#vaj jm%ny, ale n kdy se pro v t/ p!esnost uvede i p!"uzensk# vztah. "e gave it to John 7tj. "ratrovi8. 3ome and look at this, 1eter. "ave you seen 9cousin: Nen! " Yodie a prarodie mluv s mal#mi d tmi o p!"uzn#ch stejn#m zp(so"em, av/ak jak d ti vyr(staj, zanaj pouvat u slov oznaujcch p!"uzensk% vztahy p!ivlastBovac zjmena. 6 psemn%m projevu se velk% psmeno po p!ivlastBovacch zjmenech nep/e. "ave you written to your brother#2ike lately! 7rodi dt ti8 /our mother said you should pick her up at work. 7rodi dt ti8 c 6zdlen j/ p!"uzn pouvaj o"vykle tvary s p!ivlastBovacmi zjmeny, pokud ov/em nemluv s mal#mi d tmi. /our fathers certainly fit for a man of eighty. 2 3dy Anglian mluv o lenech sv% rodiny mimo rodinn# kruh ne"o o lenech jin% rodiny, p!ivlastBovac zjmena " n uv. 'hat car belongs to my Aunt =ola. )hys your father so angry! EezapomeBte, e p!ed lidmi hovo!me o lenech sv% rodiny z hlediska sv%ho p!"uzensk%ho vztahu k nim, nikoli na zklad jejich postaven v rodin . Tak na p!klad, kdy "a"ika pee kol, jej d ti popisuj tuto udlost trochu jinak ne jej ze4, vnouata ap. 2y mother#2y wifes mother#2y husbands mother#2y grandmother baked the cake. 6iz t% GM.:.

1antas$ * The trou!le with you is that you have no fantasy. 7T8 1 ? n anglick o"do"a esk%ho slova 0fantazie1 je imagination. 'he trouble with you is that you have no imagination. 2 Dantasy se v anglitin tak% vyskytuje, a to jako poitateln% i nepoitateln% podstatn% jm%no. ,ako poitateln% podstatn% jm%no vyjad!uje podivn ne"o neo"vykl p!n, o jejich vypln n snme, snad a"ychom uspokojili n jak% sv% touhy. "e had a weird fantasy about sitting in a hot bath and eating a whole roast goose. She has these fantasies about meeting a rich foreigner wholl sweep her away to a life of lu(ury. 'hat magazine caters to the worst kind of se(ual fantasies. ,ako nepoitateln% podstatn% jm%no o"vykle naznauje, e jde o v#st!edn, =nikov% p!edstavy, a asto mv hanliv# p!dech. Its hard to believe her % she lives in a world of fantasy.

"e cant make any plans without indulging in fantasy. ,ako nepoitateln% m(e "#t tak% pouito ve smyslu jemn%, hrav% a pon kud v#st!edn neskuten% fantazie. Hscar )ilde was a master of fantasy. 6 tomto v#znamu se v/ak slovo fantasy vyskytuje jen mlokdy.

1ar * The cottage is 4 km far Nfrom the nearest villageO. 7T8 * The post office' $ts far from here. 7:8 * )e lives in a far village. 7I8 1 3dy udvme p!esnou vzdlenost msta od jist%ho "odu, v#raz far nepouvme. 'he cottage is + km from the nearest village#from here. ,estlie ve v t neuvdme, odkud je dan% msto vzdleno, o"vykle je t!e"a dodat p!slovce away. 'he cottage is only + km away. 2 6 hovorov% anglitin se far vyskytuje v oznamovacch v tch jen z!dka 7viz t% TGJ8. $ouvme v nich v#razy a long way ne"o n kdy a long way away. 'he post office! Its a long way from here. 'he post office! Its a long way away. Dar je sprvn% v zporn#ch v tch a v otzkch. Is it 9very: far to the theatre! "ow far is it to the station! % Cot 9very: far % about a five.minute walk. Dar se " n uv v kladn#ch v tch se slovy too, enough a so a ve vaz"ch far from a as far as. Its too far to walk. I think its far enough that we should take a ta(i. Its so far between pubs; Im far from satisfied with your work. As far as I know, he was there all afternoon. 3 6 souasn% anglitin se far z!dka klade jako p!vlastek p!ed podstatn% jm%no. ;"vykle "#v nahrazeno p!davn#m jm%nem distant. "e lives in a distant village.

1ault a !ista-e * Co one is perfect.. everyone has his mistakes. 7T8 * ou should correct every fault the pupils make. 7T8 * $ recognized my fault very soon. 7T8 1 Dault vyjad!uje v souvislosti s lidmi ne"o jejich iny /patn% strnky jejich povahy. Hne of my worst faults is that I talk too much. Co one is perfect@ everyone has his faults. &hy"a, kter% se lov k dopou/t v jednn i !ei, se v anglitin !ekne mistake. /ou should correct every mistake the pupils make. I recognized my mistake very soon. 2 To, e e/t mluv zam Buj mistake a fault, je pravd podo"n zp(so"eno frz to be somebodys fault, kter znamen, e se n co p!ihodilo 0kv(li n komu1 . v d(sledku chy"y, kter% se dopustil. Its my fault we got there late % I ran out of petrol.

1avourite * ( ellow *u!marine( is my most favourite "eatlessong. 7T8 * Dapek is one of my most favourite authors. 7T8 * The film starred the favourite actor 9ary 1ooper. 7:8

1 $!davn% jm%no favourite vyjad!uje v anglitin t!et stupeB. ,e tedy ekvivalentem esk%ho 0nejo"l"en j/1 a nem(e "#t proto "le vymezeno p!slovcem most. 7/ellow Submarine7 is my favourite 0eatles song. Mapek is one of my favourite authors. 6/imn te si v/ak, e ve v t 'hats a favourite 3zech mistake 7To je typick esk chy"a8 m v#raz favourite =pln jin# v#znam. 2 3dy hovo!me o n kom ne"o n em v/eo"ecn o"divovan%m a o"l"en%m, pouvme p!vlastek popular. 'he film starred the popular actor ary 3ooper. 'hats a popular 3zech book.

1eel * 7iving alone for the first time in his life, he felt himself very lonely. 7T8 * *he feels to !e humiliated. 7:8 * 0hen $ was there, $ felt like in a fairy tale. 7I8 1 Kvratn% sloveso feel oneself se vyskytuje opravdu jen v#jimen < proto se mu rad ji vyh#"ejte. =iving alone for the first time in his life, he felt very lonely. 2 6az"u feel + infinitiv anglitina nezn. 2esk vaz"a 0ctit se1 C trpn# infinitiv se p!ekld slovesem feel C p!est. She feels humiliated. 3 Deel like znamen 0p!t si1, 0chtt1. Its awfully hot. Ifeel like having a beer#a shower. 2esk vaz"a 0ctit se jako1 se p!ekld to feel as if#though 7viz :H. :8. )hen I was there, I felt as if I was in a fairy tale.

1e% a little * <nly few people can afford it. 7:8 1 6 t/ina esk#ch student( anglitiny se !d zkladnm pravidlem, e few se poj s podstatn#mi jm%ny poitateln#mi a little s podstatn#mi jm%ny nepoitateln#mi a e o" tyto slovky se pouvaj sp/e v zporn%m smyslu 7ne tolik, kolik se oekv, kolik "y lov k cht l . jen mlo8. Dew places are as beautiful as Penice. 'he students had little real interest in their sub&ect. 2 ?ez neurit%ho lenu jsou slovky few a little v hovorov% anglitin neo"vykl%. 0,en mlo1 vyjad!uje idiomatick% spojen only a few, not many ne"o only a little, not much. Hnly a few#Cot many places are as beautiful as Penice. 'he students didnt have much real interest in their sub&ect. 'heres not much#only a little time left. 3 Kapamatujte si, e "ez p!slovce only maj v#razy a few a a little sp/e kladn# v#znam 7vce, ne se oekv, alespoB trochu, n jak%8. Hh great . theres a little whisky left in the bottle. /es, I know 1rague a bit % Ive been there a few times. Lrovnejte5 'here was 9only a: little water, so they had to ration it. 'heres a little water, so we can all have a drink.

1irst * At first she went to the !utchers and then to the greengrocers. 7T8 * 2irst he was in a !ad mood, !ut after a while he cheered up. 7T8

1 Dirst a at first se nedaj zam Bovat. Dirst ne"o first of all 7za prv%, nejd!ve, nap!ed8 uvd prvn jednotlivost v !ad po so" nsledujcch =daj(. Dirst she went to the butchers and then to the greengrocers. Oirst of all, let me +elcome our guest. At first uvd opak k tomu, co nsleduje pozd ji. At first he was in a bad mood, but after a while he cheered up. "e thought at first he was heading north, but he soon realized he had made a mistake. 2 2e/i asto nev d, maj'li p!i v#tu v c ut first ne"o firstly, second ne"o secondly atd. Dnes se nejast ji uvaj v#razy first, second, third atd.< pon kud zastarale p(so" firstly, secondly, thirdly atd.

1ood 7,dlo8 1 * $t was an informal party, and you could help yourself from several different meals. * 7unch consisted of three dishes, including the sweet. * 0e had roast duck for the main dish. * 1zech kitchen is delicious, !ut not very healthy. Anglick terminologie z o"lasti stolovn a va!en se mnohdy odli/uje od esk%. Eej" n j/ v#raz pro jdlo, tj. n co k sn dku, je food? toto slovo je "uS nepoitateln%, ne"o 7z!dka8 poitateln%. /ou didnt buy enough food for the weekend. It was an informal party, and you could help yourself to a wide variety of different foods. A meal je jedno z dennch jdel. aou should eat three meals a day. ,ednotliv% chody se naz#vaj courses. =unch consisted of three courses, including the sweet. )e had roast duckfor the main course. ,dlo p!ipraven% urit#m zp(so"em i uveden% v kucha!ce je a dish. 2y favourite 3zech dish is plum dumplings. 6 t%me v#znamu lze pout i slovo food. )hats your favourite food! A kitchen je mstnost, kde se jdla p!ipravuj< 0kuchyB1 jako zp(so" =pravy pokrm( je cooking ne"o elegantn ji cuisine. 3zech cooking is delicious but not very healthy. Drance is famous for its superb cuisine. 2 Kvyklosti pojc se s podvnm pokrm( nejsou v anglofonnch o"lastech jednotn%< dokonce ani v samotn% ?ritnii nejsou v/ude stejn%. $!evn v t/ina o"yvatel anglofonnch o"last mimo Lpojen% krlovstv a rovn v t/ina o"yvatel 6elk% ?ritnie 7st!edn vrstvy a v/ichni lid% ijc na jihu8 v/ak povauje za hlavn jdlo dne vee!i< slovo dinner tedy pro n znamen jdlo veern. $oledn jdlo, i kdy je vydatn%, se naz#v lunch 7v#raz dinner dnes o"vykle oznauje o" d jen v idiomatick%m spojen school dinner:. A tedy "udete hovo!it s rodil#m mluvm, drte se uveden%ho pravidla . p!ekldejte 0o" d1 jako lunch a pozvete'li ho to dinner, oekvejte ho veer. Kapamatujte si, e v#razem supper se mn lehk vee!e.

1or! * $ve known John since the second form of primary school. 7T8 1 Llovo form se v ?ritnii vztahuje jen na /koly druh%ho stupn < na prvnm stupni mluvme o class. Ive known John since the second class of primary school. 1eter must be in the si(th form % he told me hes writing his 9school: leaving e(ams this year. 2 6 Americe se 0t!da1 !ekne grade. 4onnies ten and in fourth grade.

+<ood. for not(ing * $ tried gargling,!ut it was good for nothing. 7:8 * 7ater we learned that our protest was for nothing. 7:8 * $ts for nothing to !e a teacher. 7:8 1 2eskou frzi 0k niemu1 p!ekldaj 2e/i asto jako goodfor nothing ne"o jednodu/e for nothing. 6 anglitin se v/ak tyto vaz"y vyskytuj pouze v urit#ch situacch. oodfor nothing znamen 0neuiten#1, 0k niemu1 a o"vykle se pouv jen v souvislosti s lidmi. "es dirty and lazy and good for nothing. "is sons a good.for.nothing fool. Dor nothing znamen "uS 0zdarma1, ne"o 0k niemu*nadarmo1< v tomto druh%m smyslu je v/ak pouit omezeno jen na n kolik idiomatick#ch spojen. "e said hed fi( it for nothing. All that work#All those preparations for nothing; Dor nothing se nez!dka o"jevuje ve v tch zporn#ch a znamen pak 0ne "ez p!iny1. It was not for nothing that he was called a traitor. 2 Eejvhodn ji lze esk% 0k niemu1 p!eloit v#razy useless, no good, ineffective, unsuccessful ne"o r(zn#mi slovesn#mi vaz"ami. U tried gargling, "ut it +as no good*it didn-t help. 'hat tool is useless. =ater we learned that our protest had made no difference#had had no effect#had been unsuccessful. 'heres no point in#Its not worth being a teacher.

<enitive 7benitiv8 1 0>stn1 genitiv * $ go to my grandmother every weekend. * *ometimes they came to us for the evening. Fvedete'li ve v t oso"u ne"o jej jm%no k oznaen msta, kde "ydl, nezapomeBte pout p!ivlastBovac pd. E kdy se k n mu dodv i slovo place 7m%n asto house, flat atd.8. Le zjmenem p!ivlastBovacm n kter# z v#/e uveden#ch v#raz( uv%st muste. I go to my grandmothers 9house: every weekend. )e can go back to Johns 9place: after the film. Sometimes they came to our place for the evening. )hy dont we hold the meeting at your place! 2 6az"a dvojho genitivu * )e was discussing a pro!lem with a friend of him. EezapomeBte, e ve vaz" dvojho genitivu m zjmeno ne"o podstatn% jm%no po p!edloce of tvar p!ivlastBovacho pdu. "e was discussing a problem with a friend of his. )hat happened to that canoe of 'onys! 3 ,eden 7z n kolika8, ne"o jedin#P * $ got this from my fathers friend. ?ez konte9tu spojen my fathers friend naznauje, e otec m jen jednoho p!tele. 3dy v/ak tomu tak nen, je nutn% pout dvoj genitiv ne"o n jakou jinou vaz"u. I got this from a friend of my fathers. I got this from one of my fathers friends. G 6az"a s p!edlokou of p!ed vedlej/ v tou vztanou * *he inherited the house of her grandmother. ,de'li o ivou "ytost a chcete'li !ct, e tato "ytost n co vlastn, muste pout sask# genitiv. 3dy v/ak nsleduje "le urujc vedlej/ v ta, uijte vaz"u s p!edlokou of.

She inherited her grandmothers house. She inherited the house of that aunt 9who: she nursed for ten years. 5 $!ivlastBovac pd vlastnch jmen * That wasnt in the original *hakespeares text. * $m learning a *chu!erts song. * $ts a still taken from some 2ellinis film. $!ed p!ivlastBovacm pdem vlastnch jmen v jednotn%m sle nestoj ani leny, ani jak%koli jin% vymezujc v#razy 7zjmena, p!davn jm%na, slovky8. 'hat wasnt in Shakespeares original te(t. Im learning a song by Schubert. Its a still taken from one of Dellinis films. 6 6lastn jm%na jako st pojmenovn * $t was staged in the Tyls Theatre. ,estlie je n jak instituce pojmenovan po v#znan% oso" , p!ivlastBovac pd se neuv. It was staged in the 'yl 'heatre. "e works at the 0anting Institute.

<erund or infinitive 7berundium ne"o infinitiv8 L n kter#mi slovesy a p!davn#mi jm%ny se poj infinitiv i gerundium. ,e v/ak t!e"a dvat pozor na v#znamov% rozdly. Eejv t/ pote p(so" cizinc(m tyto v#razy5 1 Afraid Knamen'li 0"t se n co ud lat1, lze o"vykle pout o"ou forem. Shes afraid to walk#of walking home in the dark. 6yjad!uje'li v/ak 0"t se, e . . .1 ne"o 0"t se, a"y ne . . .1, je mon% jen gerundium. Shes afraid of falling off bridges. I came in on tiptoe as I was afraid of waking him. 2 o on * )e welcomed the guests and went on introducing the speaker. o on + gerundium znamen pokraovat v provd n% innosti. 4espite the interruptions, he went on talking. o on + infinitiv znamen p!ejt k innosti jin%. "e welcomed the guests and went on to introduce the speaker. 3 =ike a dislike * $ like leaving my desk neat and tidy when $ finish work. 7a8 * *he really dislikes to do the dishes. 7"8 a ,estlie sloveso to like znamen 0mt poitek z n eho*rd n co d lat1, m(e po n m nsledovat gerundium i infinitiv 7zvl/t v americk% anglitin 8. $okud v/ak like znamen 0povazovat n co za sprvn%1, je t!e"a ut infinitiv. She likes cooking#to cook 3hinese meals. I like to leave my desk neat and tidy when I finish work. Yozdl mezi gerundiem a infinitivem je i v zporn#ch v tch a souvis do jist% mry s uveden#m rozdlem ve v tch kladn#ch< I dont like to do it o"vykle znamen, e to ned lm 7protoe to nepovauji za sprvn%8, zatmco I dont like doing it znamen, e to d lm, i kdy se mi to nel". Lrovnejte5 I didnt like to disturb him, so I went away. I didnt like disturbing him, but I had to have an answer right away. 6iz t% TI:. " Lloveso dislike se poj pouze s gerundiem. She really dislikes doing the dishes. 4 1refer % viz TZZ. 5 <emember

* $ remem!er to have seen him as a !oy. $amatovat*vzpomnat si na sv% ponn ne"o na n co, co se p!hodilo, vyjad!uje remember + gerundium. I remember seeing him when I was a boy. <emember + infinitiv znamen pamatovat*nezapomenout na to, co je*"ylo pot!e"a ud lat. Are you sure youll remember to buy some wine! 6 Stop * 0hen $ was =- $ stopped to go to that school. $!estat n co d lat, ustat v innosti vyjad!uje stop + gerundium. )hen I was A> I stopped going to that school. Stop + infinitiv znamen p!eru/it innost s =elem podniknout n co jin%ho. "e stopped to light his cigarette. 7 'ry 'ry + gerundium znamen ud lat n co na zkou/ku, a"ychom zjistili, co se stane. If youre too fat, why dont you try &ogging every day! 'ry + infinitiv znamen zkusit doshnout n eho o"tn%ho. I tried to pass the e(am, but it was hopeless. Lrovnejte5 "es been trying to get a &ob for months % he even tried advertising in the newspapers. 8 )atch, see, hear, observe berundium po t chto slovesech naznauje, e jsme "yli sv dky d je, kter# u pro"hal, kdy jsme jej zaali sledovat. I watched him eating his lunch, and it was horrible. She saw him entering the house. As I passed the house, I heard her singing. Unfinitiv 7pozor . "ez to;: naopak naznauje, e jsme "yli sv dky cel%ho d je. I watched him eat his lunch and then order a second one. She saw him enter the house and go upstairs. I once heard 2aria 3allas sing in Tosca. Unfinitiv s to pouvme po slovesech see, observe a hear v trpn%m rod . "e was heard to say she was a fool.

<ifted# talented * )es very talented for languages. ifted a talented se pouvaj jako p!vlastek p!ed podstatn#mi jm%ny ne"o ve jmenn%m p!sudku s p!edlokou in. ifted se tak% o"jevuje s p!edlokou with a talented s p!edlokou at 7zvl/t nsleduje'li gerundium8. 1eters a gifted#talented linguist. Im afraid hes not very talented#gifted in dealing tactfully with the authorities. "es gifted with a great feelingfor languages. "es very talented at learning foreign languages. 2asto se tak% vyskytuj podstatn jm%na gift, talent a flair. "e has a great gift#talent#flair for languages.

1 1
<ive a put * 1ould you give the groceries somewhere else, please' * 9ive the goose into the oven. * )e told me to give the ,umper into the washing machine. $!edvn n jak%ho p!edm tu n komu vyjad!ujeme slovesem give, a p!emst n p!edm tu v prostoru slovesem put. 3ould you put the groceries somewhere else, please!

1ut the goose in the oven. "e told me to put the &umper in the washing machine.

1 2
<lad6 =>d "e glad * $d !e glad if you could come. * $d !e glad if you didnt ride your !ike in the town. Id be glad se pouv ve v tch typu Id be glad to help you 7Yd "ych vm pomohl8. 0?yl "ych rd1 nelze p!ekldat jako Id be glad. Anglick% ekvivalenty v ty 0?yl "ych rd, kdy"ys p!i/el1 jsou5 Id be pleased if you could come. Id like you to come. Id appreciate it if you could come. ,e'li vedlej/ v ta zporn, pouv se asto vaz"a Id rather. Id rather you didnt ride your bike in town.

1 3
<round * $n the room next door, several people were sitting on the ground. round oznauje v anglitin povrch zem < 0zem1 jako podlaha uvnit! "udovy je floor. In the room ne(t door, several people were sitting on the floor.

1 4
?ad "etter * $f you,re going to the party, youd !etter to !ring a !ottle of wine. 7T8 * $d !etter !e happy than rich. 7:8 * oud !etter NtoO have gone there. 7I8 1 Lpojen had better se poj s infinitivem "ez to. If youre going to the party, youd better bring a bottle of wine. 2 $amatujte si, e toto spojen vyjad!uje, e n jak innost "y "yla lep/ ne jin< znamen tot% co should#ought to + infinitiv. Its ten oclock . youd better go to bed, Johnny. Eejasnosti kolem t%to vaz"y vedou asto k zm n se spojenm would rather. Id rather be happy than rich. 3 6az"a had better C minul# infinitiv v anglitin nee9istuje. /ou should have gone there.

1 5
?alf * $n the half of the l4th century, plague devastated ?urope. 7T8 * <ur car !roke down in the half of our ,ourney to &rague. 7T8 * A half an hour passed !efore he returned. 7:8 * )e drank half of a !ottle of milk. 7I8 * The head talked to us for one and a half hourS 7J8 * )e comes to visit us every half a year. 7\8 1 Doslovn# p!eklad esk#ch v#raz( 0na polovin 1 a 0v polovin 1 nen mon#. Y(zn% situace vyaduj r(zn% formulace. In the middle of the A+th century, plague devastated 8urope. 2idway through the A+th century, plague devastated 8urope. In the mid.A+th century, plague devastated 8urope. Hur car broke down halfway to 1rague. )e had gone halfway to 1rague when our car broke down. "alfway through his studies he decided to drop out.

At the halfway point in the match, the score is E@ +. 2 Eeurit# len se p!ed half v t/inou nepouv. )alf an hour passed "efore he returned. 'heres half a chicken in the fridge. 3 3dy umstme half p!ed podstatn% jm%no, m(eme 7ale nemusme8 pout p!edloku of? nikdy ji v/ak nepouvme ve spojen s mrami, vhami a v#razy loaf, bottle, glass apod. Co one knows where 1eter is half 9of: the time. Its only half a mile from here. 'hey must weigh more than half a kilo. "e drank half a bottle of milk. "alf a loaf is better than none. 4 $!ed oso"nm zjmenem se of vdycky pouv. I e(pect about half of them will pass. 5 6#raz one and a halfse poj s podstatn#m jm%nem v mnon%m sle. 'he head talked to us for one and a half hours; 6 6#raz half a year se v anglitin vyskytuje jen z!dkakdy< msto n j !kme si( months. "e comes to visit us every si( months.

1 6
?and$ * Ask John F hes very handy. 6e v#znamu 0/ikovn#1, 0zrun#1 mus "#t handy "le ureno. Shes very handy with a pair of scissors. "e doesnt seem to be very handy round the house, does he! 6 jin#ch p!padech je nutn% hledat jin% zp(so"y vyjd!en. Ask John % hes very good with his hands. Ask John % he can fi(#mend#repair anything. Ask John % hes good at repairs#practical&obs like that.

1 7
?app$ a luc-$ * The age is avery lucky periodin ones life. * 6onday is my happy day. "appy znamen 0napln n radost*/t stm1, 0svrchovan spokojen#1, 0/4astn#1. 'he age is a very happy period in ones life. =ucky znamen 0majc*p!in/ejc /t st1, 0zp(so"en# /4astnou nhodou1. 2onday is my lucky day. $ond l je m(j /4astn# den. It was a lucky choice#chance. ?yla to /4astn nhoda. Lrovnejte5 Shes a happy child % Ive never seen her cry. Shes a lucky child % the lorry &ust missed her by inches.

1 8
* )appy end * ?veryone en,oys films with a happy end. 3upodivu tento zdnliv anglick# v#raz nen vlastn docela sprvn#5 ti, jejich rodn#m jazykem je anglitina, !kaj happy ending. 8veryone en&oys films with a happy ending#that end happily.

1 9
?ard a (ardl$ * 0e had to work hardly all day. Eezapomnejte, e hard znamen nejen 0t k#1, ale i 0t zce1. It was a hard&ob % we had to work hard all day. "ardly znamen 0st 1, 0t ko1. 'here was hardly anyone at the party. I learnt hardly anything from that lecture.

?ave a "e * )e has a!out @A years of age. 7T8 * Today we have Tuesday. 7:8 * The concert had a great success. 7I8 * The conference had a high level. 7I8 * Their car has !lue colour. 7I8 * ?verything has its reason. 7I8 * 0hat point does it have' 7I8 6 mnoha p!padech, kdy e/tina pouv sloveso 0mt1, anglitina m sloveso to be. 1 >ry, teplota, v k The room is appro9imately four metres "y five metres. Its only K degrees above zero. "es about K, years old#of age. 7viz M8 2 Dny 'oday is 'uesday. 'omorrow is his birthday. 3 Y(zn podstatn jm%na a"straktn 7ve v tch s neoso"nm podm tem8 'he concert was a great success. 'he standard of the contributions at the conference was very high. 7viz TIH8 'heir car is blue. 7viz JT8 'heres a reason for everything. )hats the point of it!

?ave to * )e had to come at six, and its almost half past six now. Toto je velmi ast chy"a, zp(so"en doslovn#m p!ekladem esk%ho 0m l n co ud lat1, kter% o"vykle vyjad!uje, e se n co m lo stt, ale nestalo. 6 takov%m p!pad je t!e"a !ct should#ought to#was to have 9done: ne"o was#were supposed to 9do:. "e should have come at si(, and its almost half past si( now. I was supposed to hand in my essay today, but it isnt finished.

?ello Anglian se na okamik zaraz, kdy p!i rozlouen od 2echa sly/ )ell, hello. Tuto neo"vykle roz/!enou chy"u maj na sv dom ue"nice, kter% uvd j hello jako ekvivalent esk%ho 0ahoj1. Kapomnaj v/ak dodat, e na rozdl od 0ahoj1 se hello uv jen p!i setkn.

?o""$ Llovo hobby se v anglitin nevyskytuje tak asto, jak se e/t mluv domnvaj< pouv se toti v u/m v#znamu ne 0konek1 v e/tin . 6 t/inou oznauje n jakou poklidnou innost, jako t!e"a s"rn znmek, model!stv, zahradnien, malovn ne"o hru na n jak# nstroj, nikoli v/ak sport, cestovn, zjem o literaturu, hud"u atd. Kde Anglian% mluv o pastimes, recreations, je/t ast ji o leisure9.time: activities ne"o prost interests. 2y husbands pastimes#recreations are golf, playing the bagpipes, and trout fishing. )hat sort of leisure activities are you interested in! 2y interests include photography and bird watching.

?our * Teachers in 1zechoslovakia teach l3 hours a week. Llovo hour oznauje jednotku asu 7\H minut8. )odina vyuovac je class, lesson ne"o period. 'eachers in 3zechoslovakia have#teach A- classes#lessons a week. After our history period we have a break. Ea vysok#ch /kolch se p!edn/km a semn!(m o"ecn !k classes? hovo!me'li konkr%tn ji, a seminar, a lecture, a class. 'his term we have +> classes a week. I dont feel like going to my historical grammar lecture#seminar. 'here were only two of us at the practical 8nglish class yesterday.

?ouse * 0e live in a rather large old family house. 7T8 * There are forty flats in this house. 7:8 1 Llovo house oznauje p!"ytek pro jednu rodinu< proto anglitina v#raz * family house nepot!e"uje a rodili mluv jej nepouvaj. )e live in a rather large old house. ,e'li t!e"a, lze up!esnit, o jak# d(m se jedn. Its almost impossible to buy a detached house these days. 'his neighbourhood is mostly made up ofsemidetached houses. 'erraced houses have become very popular lately. Americk anglitina nem dn# zvl/tn v#raz pro samostatn# rodinn# d(m 7"rt. detached house:? dvojdomek 7"rit. semidetached house: je double 9house:? !adov# d(m 7"rit. terraced house: se !ekne row house, a kdy je modern, town house. 2 ?yty jsou v 0o"ytn#ch domech1 . blocks offlats, v americk% anglitin apartment houses#buildings. 'here are forty flats in our block. U tady lze up!esnit, jde'li o sttn "yt 9councilflat:, o "yt v soukrom%m vlastnictv 9privately.ownedflat: ne"o o drustevn "yt 9cooperative flat:.

*)ow . . . called' * )ow is itB(sestQenice(called in ?nglish' Lpojen *)ow is it called v anglitin nee9istuje. Fvaj se jin% frze5 )hats the 8nglish for 7sestSenice!7 )hats 7sestSenice7 in 8nglish! "ow do you say 7sestSenice7 in 8nglish! Drite'li v ruce n jak# p!edm t ne"o ukazujete'li na n j, m(ete ut this#that. )hats this#that called in 8nglish!

)hat do you call this#that in 8nglish!

*)ow . . . like' * )ow is the weather like in 1anada' 3dy se ptme na povahu ne"o charakteristck% vlastnosti lid ne"o v c, pouijeme vaz"u what . . . like. )hat is the weather like in 3anada! I dont know what the situation will look#be like in a months time.

?o% long * )ow long are you in 1zechoslovakia' Fveden v ta nen sprvn a zanechv posluchae na pochy"ch, jde'li o do"u v 2eskoslovensku u strvenou, ne"o o po"yt teprve zanajc. $odle situace se ptejte5 "ow long have you been in 3zechoslovakia! ,ak dlouho u jste v 2eskoslovenskuP "ow long are you going to be#will you be in 3zechoslovakia! ,ak dlouho "udete v 2eskoslovenskuP "ow long are you in 3zechoslovakia for! Ea jak dlouho jste v 2eskoslovenskuP

9ic a 9ical * )e studied the classic languages. 7Ta8 * $t was written in an essayistic style. 7:8 * The town hall is not very interesting from an architectonic point of view. 7:8 &el !ada anglick#ch p!davn#ch jmen m koncovku .ic ne"o .ical. ?ohuel nee9istuje dn% o"ecn platn% pravidlo, je "y pomohlo rozhodnout, kterou z o"ou eventualit v dan%m p!pad zvolit. F n kter#ch p!davn#ch jmen se vyskytuj o"a tvary 7nap!. geometricWalX, strategicWalX: % a asto se stv, e jeden z nich se z jazyka pomalu vytrc, a je proto m%n " n# ne tvar druh#. 6e v t/in pripad( v/ak e9istuje pouze tvar jeden 9aesthetic, nikoli *aesthetical, ale mechanical, a nkoli *mechanicO. &hcete'li mt jistotu, vyhledejte p!davn% jm%no ve spolehliv%m slovnku. Dvejte ov/em pozor na tyto dva p!pady5 a8 kdy e9istuj o"a tvary p!davn%ho jm%na, ale v#znamov se li/< "8 kdy esk% p!davn% jm%no s koncovkou 0'ick#1 nem v anglitin odpovdajc v#raz s koncovkou .ic ne"o .ical. 1 Eej" n j/ p!davn jm%na majc o"a tvary, ale li/c se v#znamov , jsou5 a classic % v/eo"ecn znm#, typick#, osv den#, klasick# 7'he way how7 is a classic mistake made by 3zechs speaking 8nglish. It was a classic case of mistaken identity. 3lassical 7n kdy psan% s velk#m psmenem8 se vztahuje ke kultu!e antick%ho ^ecka a ^ma ne"o k dl(m o"do" klasicismu TZ. a TM. stolet. 3lassical music v t/inou oznauje jakoukol vnou hud"u, p!edev/m z o"do" p!ed :H. stoletm. "e studied the 3lassical languages#3lassics. "e prefers classical music to pop music. " economic % t#kajc se ekonomie 7ekonomick#8 ne"o ekonomiky zem 7nrodohospod!sk#*hospod!sk#8 the economic state of the nation economic theory E kdy tak% znamen 0v#nosn#, p!in/ejc zisk1 an economic rent economical % /etrn#, hospodrn#, =sporn# an economical car an economical housekeeper c electric % pohn n# elektrick#m proudem, vyr" jc elektrick# proud an electric train#light bulb#clock#iron#generator Ale pozor . !kme electrical appliances#apparatus. 8lectrical se pouv ve v/ech ostatnch p!padech.

an electrical engineer electrical energy the electrical industry d "istoric oznauje udlosti, kter% jsou meznky v d jinch< msta a "udovy pojc se s tmto p!davn#m jm%nem sehrly d(leitou =lohu v minulosti ane"o jsou historicky a esteticky cenn%. a historic battle#occasion 'his is the historic railway carriage where the peace treaty was signed. 'here was a beautiful street lined with historic buildings. historical % za"#vajc se v deck#m zkoumnm historie< erpajc ltku z minulosti< skuten v minulosti e9istujc 7jako opak k fiktivnmu8 historical research a historical novel <obin "ood was probably not a historical figure. 2 &el !ada p!davn#ch jmen zakonen#ch na 0'ick#1 nem v anglitin tvarov odpovdajc ekvivalenty. It was written in an style#a style resembling that of an essay. E kdy se zase setkme s tvarov odpovdajcmi prot j/ky, kter% se v/ak z!dkakdy pouvaj< nap!. architectonic je v#raz ist technick# a " n se nevyskytuje. ;"vykle pouvme p!davn% jm%no architectural ne"o p!slovce architecturally. 'he town hall is not very in teresting architecturally. 3dy mte pochy"nosti, podvejte se rad ji do slovnku..

=f a %(et(er * They had to choose if to take him or leave him!ehind. 7Ta8 * Jane telephoned me, whether B if $d !e going to the party. 7T"8 * 0rite to him if its true. 7T"8 * 0e should make the !est of our lives. $f we are a!le to do this depends on our characters. 7:8 1 Eep!m !e a $!m% otzky "ez tzacho v#razu na zatku p!evdme do nep!m% !ei pomoc ifne"o whether. I dont know if#whether I should accept the offer. ,sou'li uvedeny dv eventuality, whether je " n j/, p!edev/m ve spisovn% anglitin . "e wants to know whether#if youre coming or going. 1lease inform us whether you wish your subscription to be renewed or cancelled. $o infinitivech a p!edlokch se pouv whether, nikoli if. 'heres still the $uestion of whether he should be allowed to come. 'hey had to choose whether to take him or leave him behind. " >luvme'li o n kom, kdo ptral po informacch dopisem, telefonicky, atd., nesta vytvo!it vaz"u jen ze slovesa vyjad!ujcho, jak#m zp(so"em "yly informace zji/4ovny 7write, phone atd.8 a z p!edm tn% v ty s if#whether, ale je pot!e"a p!ipojit n jak% sloveso zji/4ovac . nap!. to ask, to find out, to learn. )rite to him and ask him if#whether its true. ,ane telephoned me and +an ted to kno+ if*+hether U-d "e going to the party. 2 6 p!padech, kdy nejde o nep!mou !e, pouvme whether. )e should make the best ofour lives. )hether we are able to do this depends on our characters.

=!agination * 6y imagiination of an ideal home is as fol$ows. * 0hats your imagination of your future ,o!' 6#znam podstatn%ho jm%na imagination viz ZZ. 6 uveden#ch p!kladech je t!e"a ut v#raz idea ne"o parafrzovat slovesem picture. 2y idea of an ideal home is as follows. "ow do you picture your future &ob!

=t 1 It a this * The whole family F it means my uncle, grandparents, parents, !rother and myself F went out to lunch. * $ was rather disappointed with the play. $t was mainly due to the !ad acting. * )e had lost his wallet, and !ecause of it he couldnt pay for a hotel room. $!i dopln n, vysv tlen ne"o shrnut se it vztahuje pouze na neoso"n podstatn% jm%no, kter% se vyskytuje v p!edchoz sti promluvy, zatmco this#that na cel% sd len ne"o jeho st. Lrovnejte5 "e asked her to go to a film. She found it funny. 7Oilm ji po"avil.8 "e asked her to go to a film. She found this funny. 7$o"avil ji tm, e ji pozval.8 Eesprvn% it se asto vyskytuje v p!ekladu vaz"y 0to znamen1 a ve v tch s because ne"o due to. 'he whole family % that means my uncle, grandparents, parents, brother and myself % went out to lunch. I was rather disappointed with the play. 'his was mainly due to the bad acting. "e had lost his wallet, and because of this he couldnt pay for a hotel room. 2 It is * *everal things appeal to tourists. $t is the castle, the museum and the old cathedral. 0,e to . . .1 se asto o"jevuje na zatku v t, ve kter#ch 2e/i vyjmenovvaj !adu v c. Eap!klad5 Divk(m se na festivalu l" p!edev/m italsk% filmy. ,e to t!e"a c, a a K. Turisty tam p!itahuje mnoho v c. ,e to nap!klad hrad, muzeum a star katedrla. E kter% divadeln sou"ory hostuj v Divadle na provzku. ,e to Divadlo c, )aDivadlo a tak% ciz sou"ory. 6 anglitin takov% v ty p!pravn#m it is nezanaj. 6yskytuj se v nich v/ak v#razy especially, including, among them atd. 'he festival.goers are particularly enthusiastic about Italian films, especially 5, / and Y. 2any things there appeal to tourists, among them the castle, the museum and the old cathedral. Several theatre companies have appeared as guests at 4ivadlo na provFzku, including 4ivadlo 5 and "a4ivadlo as well as foreign companies. 3 Ead"yten% it * 0hats missing in the !ook, its any sense of reality. * To improve the situation, its not a matter of only a few years. * 0hether he comes or not, its up to him. Eezapomnejte, e v souv tch tohoto typu p!e"raj =lohu podm tu v ty podm tn% zanajc spojkami that, whether, if, infinitivem ne"o zjmeny jako who, what, which, where, a proto je it v !dc v t nad"yten%. )hats missing in the book is any sense of reality. 'o improve the situation is not a matter of only a few years. )hether he comes or not is up to him.

,ust 7prv 8 * 0hy do you like ,ust these foods' 7:8 * 0hy were ,ust these regions chosen for national parks' 7:8 * The situation wont change. F $ disagree. $ think its ,ust we who are responsi!le for changing things. 7:8 * As a !oy $ kept a diary, and ,ust thanks to this $ learned how to express myself clearly. 7:8 1 ,e'li 0prv *zrovna1 ve v t ve funkci p!slovce, lze je do anglitiny p!eloit v#razem &ust.

4no%n * That man over there is a known painter. 7l8 * *he !egan her speech with a known #uotation. 7:8 1 ;znaen lid 6 neutrlnm v#znamu se known pouv jen v p!sudku. 2ark 'wain is 9well.:known to readers all over the world. $!ed podstatn#m jm%nem m known pon kud jin# smysl< oznauje toti oso"u, o kter% je znmo, e se za"#v podez!elou, asto protizkonnou innost. 'he police say the assassination was the work of a known terrorist. 6 neutrlnm smyslu pouvme p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem p!vlastek well.known. 'hat man over there is a well.known painter. 2 ;znaen v c $!ed podstatn#m jm%nem vyjad!uje slovo known n co 7asto nep!jemn%ho8, co "ylo dokzno ne"o se v/eo"ecn uznv . a known truth, a known fact. Its a known fact that hes engaged in arms smuggling. 3dy chceme vyjd!it, e n co je znmo mnoha lidem, je nejlep/ !ct well.known ne"o familiar. She began her speech with a well.known#familiar $uotation.

@ast * $n the last timeByears prices have risen very sharply. * $ havent !een there in the last time. Lpojen * in the last timeByearsB monthsBweeks atd. se v anglitin nevyskytuj. >sto nich pouvejte vaz"y in recent years#months#weeks? in the past#last few years#months#weeks? in the past#last couple of years#months#weeks 7hovorov 0pr1, tj. p!i"lin dva5 viz JM8< in the last#past year#month#week or two? recently. In the past few years, prices have risen sharply. I havent been there recently. 'he situation in that part of the world seems to have improved in recent months.

@ast a ta-e * <ur holiday took ten days. * )ow long will it last for me to get to &rague' 2e/i asto zam Buj slovesa last a take, protoe o" se mohou do e/tiny p!ekldat slovesem 0trvat1. Kkladn rozdly jsou patrn% z nsledujcho vysv tlen. =ast znamen 0trvat1, 0vydret1, 0nezkazit se*z(stat neporu/en#1. $odm tem m(e "#t oso"a, v c, innost ne"o stav. Hur holiday lasted ten days. 'hese apples will last over the winter. "er anger wont last much longer. Llovesem take vyjad!ujeme, jak dlouho trv n co ud lat. $odm tem m(e "#t oso"a, v c, innost ne"o neoso"n, zstupn% it. She takes all day to do her makeup. 'he preparations took a lot of time. It will take us five minutes to get there. 6 n kter#ch p!padech se pouit t chto sloves p!ekr#v, p!edev/m jde'li o innost. Kapamatujte si, e slovesem last sp/e konstatujeme, zatmco take naznauje oso"n =ast, tj. as, kter# lov k pot!e"uje k vykonn n eho urit%ho. Lrovnejte5

'he e(am lasted longer than I had e(pected. 'he e(am took 9me: longer than I had e(pected. 'he trip to Pienna lasts three hours. 'he trip to Pienna will take 9you: three hours.

@a&$ * Tommys lazy to clean his room. 3dy o n kom tvrdme, e je ln# n co ud lat, musme !ct is too lazy to do st. 'ommys too lazy to clean his room.

@earn a stud$ * This evening $ have to learn for my exam in 2rench. 7:8 * 0hat are you doing' F 7earning. 7:8 * The 9erman class ended, and next we had to learn maths. 7I8 * oull have to learn very hard to pass the grammar exam. 7G8 * John seems to !e learning well at school. 7J8 $ouvat sprvn slovesa learn a study nen vdy jednoduch%. $ov/echn lze rozli/ovat tato slovesa takto5 Study vyjad!uje proces osvojovn znalost tenm, poslechem ne"o pozorovnm, tj. uen se, zatmco learn naznauje v#sledek tohoto procesu, tj. skutenost, e jsme jist% znalosti na"yli . nauen se. Yozdl je patrn# z nsledujcho p!kladu5 Ive been studying this lesson for two hours, and I think Ive finally learned it. ,e/t je t!e"a v/ak uv%st n kolik podro"nost. 1 Lloveso learn se t%m ! vdy poj s p!edm tem, a to "uS vyjd!en#m, ne"o nevyjd!en#m, av/ak z konte9tu z!ejm#m. Im trying to learn these irregular verbs. 4o you think hell ever be able to ride a bicycle! % Hh, hell learn. $ouze v#jimen lze learn pout v o"ecn%m smyslu i "ez p!edm tu. In the first year of its life, a child learns very $uickly. 9/ou#)e: =ive and learn. 2lov k se po!d u. Takov% uit je v/ak vzcn%< v p!evn% v t/in p!pad(, kdy neuvdme, co se ume, musme pout sloveso study. 2 Study se vyskytuje s p!edm tem i "ez n ho. 'his evening I have to study my Drench grammar#for my Drench e(am. )hat are you doing! % Studying. Tak% m(e znamenat studovat 7n co8 na univerzit ne"o na gymnziu. I plan to study 9history: at university ne(t year. 6 hovorov% anglitin sloveso study v tomto v#znamu asto nahrazujeme slovesem do. Are you doing any languages! Eaopak k vyjd!en, e se n co ume mimo rmec studia na /kole, pouijeme sloveso learn. Id like to learn Drench someday. 3 )ovo!me'li o osvojen ltky z vyuovan%ho p!edm tu, pouvme sloveso do. 'he erman class ended, and ne(t we had to do maths. 4 6e v tch "ez p!m%ho p!edm tu se asto msto study pouije work, zvl/t ve smyslu 0piln se uit1. /oull have to work 9very hard: to pass the grammar e(am. 'hey have to work too hard at Janets school. 5 6 anglitin nepouvme vaz"u * study wellB!adly. 6olme jin% formulace. Johns doing well#badly 9at university:. Johns making good#no progress 9at school:.

Johns a good#bad student#pupil. Johns got good results 9at school:.

@et * 6um wouldnt let me to play with those !oys. 7l8 . * 7et him aloneS 7:8 * Tell 8avid to let the window open when he goes home. 7:8 1 $o let nsleduje infinitiv "ez to. 2um wouldnt let me play with those boys. Nze zde pout i o n co m%n hovorov% sloveso allow, kter% se poj s infinitivem s to. 2um wouldnt allow me to play with those boys. 2 Eezam Bujte let 7nechat . dovolit8 s leave 7nechat . ponechat8. =eave him alone; 'ell 4avid to leave the window open when he goes home.

@evel * )is ?nglish is on a very low level. * The amateur theatres in "rno are on a high level. * The fair offers an opportunity of seeing what the level of the engineering industry is like. 6#raz level ve smyslu =rovn kvality ne"o msta na e"!ku =sp ch( pouvme s genitivn p!edlokou of a s p!davn#m jm%nem jako p!vlastkem ne"o ve jmenn%m p!sudku urujcm kvalitu p!edm tu hovoru. 'he level of insight in the novel is remarkably high. "is reviews reveal a high level of intelligence. 'he level of his 8nglish is very low. Eeuvedeme'li v#slovn , o =roveB eho se jedn, je vhodn% pout slovo standard ne"o r(zn% opisy. 'he amateur theatres in 0rno have achieved very high standards. "is 8nglish is very bad. 'he fair offers an opportunity of seeing how advanced the engineering industry is.

@ife * To achieve this would !e my life success. * )e knew at once that she was his life partner. * They are too young, and lack life experience. * $t was his life chance. =ife se jako p!vlastek p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem vyskytuje jen z!dka, vlastn jen v n kolika ustlen#ch idiomatick#ch spojench . nap!. life work, life story, life cycle@ "e considered it his life work to bring peace to the two communities. ,inak kad# p!pad vyaduje sv(j zvl/tn zp(so" vyjd!en. 'o achieve this would be the greatest success#triumph of my life. She#2usic was the love of his life. "e knew at once that she would be his partner for life. 'hey are too young and ine(perienced. It was the chance of a lifetime for him.

@i-e * )e had to admit that he liked !etter "udapest. 7l8 * $ very like this type of room. 7:8 6e v tch se slovesem like a s p!slovcem "le je urujcm se ve slovosledu velmi asto vyskytuj dv zkladn chy"y. 1 6e spojen like . . . better je t!e"a umstit p!edm t mezi like a p!slu/n% p!slovce. "e had to admit that he liked 0udapest better. She likes the kind of coffee you can get at the market better. ,e'li p!edm t p!li/ rozshl#, je mnohdy l%pe pout sloveso prefer. She prefers the kind of coffee you can get at the market. 2 &hcete'li !ci, e se n komu n co velice l", p!elote 0velice1 anglick#m very much a umst te je na konec v ty. I like this type of room very much. 6 m%n hovorov%m projevu, a je'li p!edm t opravdu rozshl#, je mon% klst very much p!ed like. I very much like singing songs I learned from my mother when I was a child. . 6iz t% MM.

@oo- 76ypadat8 * The situation looked desperately. 7l8 * $ have no idea how his flat looks like. 7:8 * The !ook descri!es how it will look after a war. 7:8 * $ wondered what the party would look like. 7:8 * )e looked like dead. 7Ia8 * Trees in !lossom look like covered with snow. 7I"8 1 2esk%mu 0vypadat C p!slovce1 odpovd anglick% look C p!davn% jm%no. 'he situation looked desperate. "e looked very unhappy when I last saw him. 2 6 anglitin se tzac how pouv se slovesem look pouze z!dka. 6 tomto spojen se vyskytuje asi jen v jedin% situaci . kdy chceme zjistit n nzor na o"leen, nov vymalovan# pokoj ap. Eap!klad kdy si v o"chod zkou/me nov% /aty, s velkou pravd podo"nost se o"rtme na sv%ho spolenka s dotazem5 )ell, how does it look! ne"o "ow do I look! A v odpov di "ude op t p!davn% jm%no5 )onderful; ne"o 9/ou look: Pery elegant. 6 ostatnch p!padech pouijeme what . . . look like 7viz llX8. I have no idea what his flat looks like. 3dy v/ak chceme zjistit vce ne pouze to, jak n kdo ne"o n co vypad, kdy se ptme na povahu, charakteristick% rysy, pak pouijeme msto look sloveso be. 'he book describes what it will be like after a war. I wondered what the party would be like. )hats it like in your family at 3hristmas time! 3 =ook like se nepoj s p!davn#m jm%nem< o"vykle nsleduje jmenn vaz"a5 "e looked like a complete fool. a Tam, kde v e/tin po 0vypad jako1 nsleduje zpodstatn l% p!davn% jm%no, v anglitin stoj look s p!davn#m jm%nem. "e looked dead#alive#blind. " Tam, kde e/tina pouije vaz"u 0vypad, jako "y*jako kdy"y1, anglitina m vedlej/ v tu s as if#though 7viz :H8. "e looked as if he was dead. 'rees in blossom look as if they were covered with snow.

@oo- 7$odvat se8 * $ have to look what the time is first. * Just let me look if they have any lemons. 6 tomto p!pad nem(e "#t po slovese look vedlej/ v ta. Yodil# mluv pouije jin% sloveso . see . ne"o zcela hovorov look and see. I have to see what the time is first. Just let me 9look and: see if they have any lemons.

@oo- for%ard to * $m looking forward to see &rague. Kapamatujte si, e anglick# ekvivalent esk%ho 0t /it se na1 zn look forward to? to je tedy p!edloka a mus po n proto nsledovat podstatn% jm%no ne"o gerundium, nikoli infinitiv. Im looking forward to 9seeing: 1rague.

2a-e * They made me to do it. 6e smyslu 0p!inutit1, 0p!im t1 se sloveso make poj v inn%m rod vdy s infinitivem "ez to. 'hey made me do it. "e loves making us learn lists of phrasal verbs. $o slovesu force, kter% je v#razov pon kud siln j/, pouvme to. 'hey forced me to do it. 6 trpn%m rod v/ak maj o" slovesa infinitiv s to. I was made#forced to do it.

2an * ?very man is said to have dreams at night. 7G8 * These things differ from man to man. 7G8 * $m the kind of man who always gets nervous at exams. 7=sty eny8 7G8 * 6an always finds things to complain a!out. 7G8 1 Eezapomnejte, e nejast j/ v#znam podstatn%ho jm%na man v anglitin je 0mu1. Fv se v jednotn%m i mnon%m sle. E kdy zd(razBuje munost 7asi jako esk% slovo 0chlap18. 'heres a man out there who wants to speak to you. Some men never trust their wives. 4ont cry like that % be a man. 2 >luv'li se o much o"ecn , je mon% pout podstatn% jm%no man v jednotn%m sle a "ez lenu. 2an is more warlike than woman. Dnes v/ak zn takov v ta znan archaicky, a proto rad ji uvme mnon% slo. 2en are more warlike than women. 3 $odstatn% jm%no man v jednotn%m sle a "ez lenu se d tak% pout k oznaen cel%ho lidstva. 2an seems well along the road to total self.destruction. Av/ak i tato v ta p(so" dnes zastarale< zn mnohem p!irozen ji, nahradme'li man v#razy mankind ne"o humanity. "umanity#2ankind is well along the road to total self.destruction. 4 A konen man m(e tak% znamenat lidskou "ytost o"ecn 5 0lov k . lid%1. 2an proposes, od disposes. 2lov k mn, pn"(h m n.

All men must die. 6 tomto smyslu se slovo man pouv o"vykle v mnon%m sle< v jednotn%m sle je najdeme ponejvce ve rench. 6 o"ou p!padech dnes v/ak p(so" pon kud archaicky a nen p!li/ " n%. 6 jednotn%m sle dochz asto k zm n se slovem man d0mu1, a proto o"yejn volme jin# zp(so" vyjd!en . nap!. person, individual ne"o everyone. . 8veryone#8very individual is said to have dreams at night. 'hese things differ from person to person. Tyto v#razy jsou neodmysliteln% p!edev/m tam, kde o so" vypovd ena. Im the kind of person who always gets nervous at e(ams. 6e v/eo"ecn mn n#ch tvrzench a prohl/ench se vesm s pouv mnon% slo people. It used to be thought that people would never be able to fly to the moon. 1eople always find things to complain about. Ltrun !eeno5 nejlep/ je omezit uvn podstatn%ho jm%na man na p!pady, kdy opravdu znamen 0mu1, nikoli 0lov k1 ne"o 0lidstvo1 ne"o 0lid%1 v/eo"ecn .

2ar* 0hat mark of toothpaste do you use' 7l8 * *he gave me a cap with the Adidas mark on it. 7:8 1 06#ro"n znaka1 se anglicky ne!ekne mark. >luvme'li o dro"n%m spot!e"nm z"o, jeho podstatou nen dn# mechanismus, uijeme slovo brand. )hat brand of toothpaste do you use! 'heres a new brand of whisky on the market. Knaka stroj( ne"o p!stroj( je make. "e cant decide what make of car#video recorder to buy. 6 o"ou t chto p!padech lze v hovorov% anglitin ut v#razy kind ne"o sort< jejich o"ecnost v/ak m(e v%st k nejasnosti 7nap!. kind of car znamen 0znaka1 i 0druh1 auta . kom"i, ka"riolet atd.8. 2 ]m"l%m firmy ne"o organizace je logo. She gave me a cap with the Adidas logo on it.

2arr$ a divorce * Apparently John married with Jane in the end. 7l8 * )enry H$$$ divorced from 1atherine in l544. 7l8 * 7ast week they !ecame married. 7:8 * )e plans to divorce and then marry Jane. 7:8 * )is daughter NgotO married NinOto $taly. 7I8 1 3e sloves(m marry a divorce se p!edm t nep!ipojuje p!edlokou. Apparently John married Jane in the end. "enry PIII divorced 3atherine in AE++. Trpn# tvar a p!davn% jm%no married se v/ak " n poj s p!edlokou to, divorced s p!edlokou from. Apparently hes married to Jane. "enry PIII was divorced from 3atherine in AE++. 2 Llovesa marry a divorce se vyskytuj i "ez p!edm tu. 2y old Aunt Anne never married. I told you theyd decide to divorce. Dnes v/ak v anglitin p!evld tendence pouvat spojen get married a je/t ast ji get divorced#a divorce. 2y old Aunt Anne never got married. I told you theyd decide to get a divorce#get divorced. >me'li na mysli svate"n o"!ad ne"o rozvodov% !zen, uijeme vaz"u get married a get divorced.

=ast week they got married. I think theyre getting divorced ne(t month. 3 6 anglitin nem(eme !ct, e se n kdo provd ne"o oen do ciz zem . ,estlie je z konte9tu jasn%, e oso"a, o kter% mluvme, ji ve vlasti neije, sta uv%st nrodnost jejho partnera. "is daughter married an Italian. ,inak se musme vyjd!it p!esn ji. "is daughter has moved away % she married an Italian. 1etr married an 8nglish girl and theyre living in =ondon now.

2ean * 0hat do you think of the teachers at the language school' F 0ell, $ mean some of them should !e replaced. * $ dont know if $ll pass or not. 0hat do you mean' 2ean nelze pouvat ve smyslu 0myslet si1, 0"#t toho nzoru1< zde je na mst sloveso think. )hat do you think of the teachers at the language school! ' )ell, I think some of them should be replaced. I dont know if Ill pass or not. )hat do you think! Kmatek zp(so"uj pravd podo"n v ty typu I dont know what you mean by that 7Eevm, co tm mysl/*mn/8, ve kter#ch mean znamen 0chtt !ct1, 0mt na mysli1.

2o!ent * $n that moment $ couldnt say a word. 7l8 * )e managed to escape in the last moment. 7l8 * $n the moment when he saw her, he forgot everything else. 7:8 1 6e spojench 0v tom okamiku1, 0v posledn chvli1 ap. pouv anglitina p!edloku at. At that moment, I couldnt say a word. "e managed to escape at the last moment. 2 Anglick# ekvivalent esk% vaz"y 0v okamiku, kdy1 je the moment. 'he moment he saw her, he forgot everything else.

2one$ 7$enze8 * The meal cost twenty crowns and sixty NhellersO. 7l8 1 6elk ?ritnie ,ednotn% slo slova pence je penny< o"a v#razy jsou " n nahrazovny zkratkou p @pi5A. lp one p#penny Jp five p#pence :X l*: p and a half p#pence ,edn'li se o o"nosy sestvajc z li"er a cel#ch penc, psmeno p se v psan% form vypou/t a stejn tak slovo p#pence v projevu mluven%m. >ezi li"rami a pencemi se neuv spojka and. :.XJ two pounds seventy.five. Takto se uvd j i o"nosy v ciz m n . 'he meal cost twenty crowns si(ty. 6 p!vlastku p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem se slovka poj s m novou jednotkou v jednotn%m sle . pound a penny#pence 7ne"o " n p8. a ten.pound note a >,.p postal order 2 FLA

Lumy men/ ne jeden dolar lze pst dv ma zp(so"y5 zp(so" ten je v o"ou p!padech stejn#. :Mc eH.:M twenty.nine cents F o"nos( v t/ch ne jeden dolar lze ut slova dollars a cents se sluovacm and uprost!ed. 'he sale made a total profit of ZA-B.>E 9one hundred and ninety.four dollars and si(ty.five cents:. Eejast ji se v/ak v#razy dollars, and a cents vynechvaj =pln . 'hatll be ZK>.E* fifty.eight:. ,ako p!vlastky se o"nosy uvd j s m nov#mi jednotkami v jednotn%m sle. a ten.dollar bill a +,.cent stamp

2onu!ent * 0e showed the visitors the historic monuments of "rno. 7J8 * The oldest 1zech literary monuments are in the *trahov museum. 7J8 $od esk#m slovem 0pamtky1 se rozum j pam tihodnosti . um leck dla ne"o jin% staro"ylosti, pamtnky atd. Anglitina podo"n% slovo nem. $ouv konkr%tn j/ v#razov% prost!edky. 1 2emorial % p!edm t umst n# na ve!ejn%m mst k uct n pamtky oso"y, udlosti atd.< pomnk, pamtnk. 'he village war memorial was flanked by two lime trees. 'he memorial to him took the form of a small pla$ue on the house where he was born. 2 2onument m stejn# v#znam jako memorial, asto v/ak oznauje v t/ o"jekty . sochy, o"elisky, sloupy, "udovy. 'he "uss monument in the Hld 'own S$uare was dedicated in A-AE. E kdy se pouv v p!enesen%m smyslu. 'he creation of the new state was his greatest monument. Ancient monument je oficiln v#raz oznaujc velmi starou stavitelskou pamtku 7ne"o jej trosky8, kterou je t!e"a pro jej staro"ylost ne"o krsu zachovat. Ancient monuments such as Stonehenge must be rigorously protected. 3 "istoric building je jakkoli star "udova, kter je pozoruhodn z hlediska historick%ho ne"o architektonick%ho. 2ost of the historic buildings in the town centre were destroyed in the war. 4 <elic se poj s p!edlokou of a znamen poz(statek z n jak%ho d!v j/ho o"do" 7sv dek minulosti8. 'his shield is a relic of the "ussite wars#of the 2iddle Ages. 5 6 ostatnch p!padech lze v#raz 0pamtka1 p!ekldat t!e"a takto5 )e showed the visitors the historic sights#historic buildings and monuments in 0rno. 'he oldest 3zech literary documents are in the Strahov museum.

2ost * The most of the films we saw were very !oring. 7l8 * The most people !reak their Cew ears resolutions. 7l, :8 * 6ost of ?nglishmen seem to en,oy #ueueing. 7l8 * $ en,oy most of classical music. 7l8 * 6ost of people $ met were very helpful. 7:8 1 6e v#znamu 0v t/ina1 lze ut v#razy most of i most< p!ed dn#m z nich ov/em nem(e stt urit# len. ?ezprost!edn po most of se nesm klst podstatn% ani p!davn% jm%no< je zapot!e" vsunout len, sask# genitiv, p!ivlastBovac ne"o ukazovac zjmeno ne"o pout oso"n zjmeno. 2ost of the films we saw were very boring. I dont like most of Johns friends. 'hey en&oyed most of their holidays in 0ulgaria.

2ost of us refused to believe it. $!mo za most v/ak podstatn% ne"o p!davn% jm%no stt m(e. 2ost people break their Cew /ears resolutions. 2ost 8nglishmen seem to en&oy $ueueing. I en&oy most classical music. 2 2ost of znamen v t/ st "le uren% v ci, skupiny atd. 7vysloven% ne"o p!edpokldan%8< most C podstatn% jm%no znamen v t/inu n jak% kategorie v/eo"ecn . Yozdl je nejz!eteln j/ u podstatn%ho jm%na people . zd se, e prv tady d laj 2e/i chy"y nejast ji. 2ost of the people I met were very helpful. 2ost people break their Cew /ears resolutions. Lrovnejte tak% tyto dal/ v ty. 2ost of the students at the party were freshers. 2ost students still live with their parents.

2uc(# !an$# a lot * Johns uncle has much money. 7l8 * There was a lot of people at the party. 7l8 * 0eve had much more pro!lems in the last few weeks. 7I8 * )e isnt very much interested in young peoples pro!lems. 7G8 1 6 hovorov% anglitin se v kladn#ch v tch much prakticky nevyskytuje a many jen z!dkakdy< msto nich uvme a lot, lots of, plenty of. Johns uncle has a lot of money. I got a lot of#lots of answers to my advertisement. I answered a lot of the $uestions properly, but not the last two. "es been giving us plenty of trouble lately. 2uch a many se o"jevuj p!edev/m v otzkch a zporn#ch v tch, ale i tady se dnes u " n uvaj v#razy a lot of a lots of 7pouze v otzkch8. )ere there many#a lot of#lots of people at the party! 'here wasnt much#a #lot of milk left. Eedejte se m#lit rozdln#mi tvary a lot of a lots of. nejsou to tvary jednotn%ho a mnon%ho sla. ;"a je mono ut s jednotn#m i mnon#m slem. Lloveso se !d slem uveden%ho podstatn%ho jm%na ne"o zjmena. 'here were a lot of people at the party. A lot of us were pleased to see him leave. 4ont worry % theres lots of time. 2 6 nehovorov%m projevu se much a many je/t hojn vyskytuj< i tady jsou v/ak " n jin spojen . a great deal of C jednotn% slo a a large number of C mnon% slo. "e spent a great deal of his time marking essays. 'here still remain a large number of unanswered $uestions in the whole affair. 3 6 hovorov%m i nehovorov%m projevu se v kladn#ch v tch pouvaj much a many po v#razech too, so, as a very. 'heres too much talk, and not enough action. So many people came that we ran out of food. Dind out as much as you can. I en&oyed the evening very much. Dvejte prosm tak% pozor na much more a many more. 2esk% spojen 0mnohem vce1, pouvan% s jednotn#m i mnon#m slem, zp(so"uje, e 2e/i zapomnaj na zkladn rozdl mezi much a many 9much se uv s nepoitateln#mi a many s poitateln#mi podstatn#mi jm%ny8. )eve had many more problems in the last few weeks. 'heres much more interest in sociology now than there used to be.

4 3dy very "le uruje p!davn% jm%no ne"o p!est trpn%, kter% m funkci p!davn%ho jm%na 7tj. kdy vyjad!uje sp/e stav ne"o vlastnost ne skuten# d j8, much se neuv. "e isnt very interested in young peoples problems. I was very disappointed by the film. 'hey werent very educated.

2uc( !ore * )e arrived much more later. * $ts much more easier to go !y taxi . ,e p!ekvapujc, jak asto se tato chy"a o"jevuje. $!ed p!davn#mi jm%ny a p!slovci, jejich komparativ se tvo! pomoc more, se toto p!slovce samoz!ejm v dan%m spojen ut mus. "es much more interesting than his brother. $ozor v/ak na p!davn jm%na a p!slovce, jejich komparativ tvo! p!pona .er. $!ed n more neklademe. "e arrived much later. Its much easier to go by ta(i.

2ust a (ave to * $ must laugh when $ think a!out it now. 7l8 * $ hadnt to change any more money. 7l8 * 0hat a marvellous offer F he has to !e very generous. 7:8 * +omantic music had to shock its first listeners. 7:8 * )e mustnt have !een pleased when he heard the news. 7:8 * 0ed !etter wait for the others. They must arrive any moment. 7:8 $ro"l%m( se slovesem must je neuv !iteln mnoho a jsou opravdu r(znorod%, t!e"a u jen proto, e se uv v americk% anglitin pon kud jinak ne v "ritsk%. Americk# zp(so" pouit se v/ak v "ritsk% anglitin stle vce roz/i!uje, a proto se zam !me pouze na p!pady, kdy esk anglitina uv tvary, kter% nejsou p!ijateln% ani v "ritsk%, ani v americk% anglitin . 3onkr%tn jde o situace, kdy se zam Buje must a have to a kdy se uvaj nesprvn% minul% tvary. ;"te sten pramen z opomenut rozdlu mezi must znamenajcm nutnost a must vypl#vajcm z logick%ho zv ru. Lloveso se toti pouv v kad%m z o"ou p!pad( jinak. 1 Eutnost, povinnost Lloveso must znamen zpravidla nutnost ne"o povinnost poci4ovanou mluvm. ,de'li o zvazek ne"o nutnost zp(so"enou vn j/mi okolnostmi 7na!zenm, p!edchozm sli"em, pot!e"ou zskat informace, situac samotnou atd.8, pouijeme have to. Kapamatujte si, e otzky s must zji/4uj p!n ne"o zm ry tzan%ho. Some day I must ask him why he did it. Im sorry, but I must insist on an answer. /ou can go there, but you must be home by si(. Johns the e(pert. )ell have to ask him how it works. I have to laugh when I think about it now. 2ust you leave so early! % Im afraid we have to. 2y mothers looking after Jimmy, and we told her wed be back by twelve. 6e v tch zporn#ch vyjad!uj esk% 0nemusm1 tvary dont need to, neednt a dont have to. Tvarem mustnt 7nesm/8 n co zakazujeme. "e doesnt need to work % his fathers rich. /ou mustnt tell your mother about this. 2ust se pouv, jen kdy se jedn o povinnost ne"o nutnost v p!tomnost ne"o v "udoucnosti. Kvazky minul% vyjad!uje tvar had to a v zporu didnt have#need to ne"o neednt C minul# infinitiv. ;"a zporn% tvary vyjad!uj, e n co ne"ylo nutn%. Tvar didnt have#need to je mono ut v p!pad , e n co se stalo i

nestalo, zatmco vaz"a neednt have C minul# infinitiv naznauje, e k jist% udlosti do/lo. I had to go and see my aunt yesterday. She had to pay back all the money she had lost. I didnt have#need to change any more money, because John said hed pay for everything. I didnt have#need to change any more money, but I thought I should, &ust in case I saw something I wanted to buy. 76 mluven%m projevu se intonan zd(razBuje have#need.: I neednt have changed any more money, because in the end I didnt spend any of it. 2 Dedukce 3dy jsme si n m jisti, protoe to logicky vypl#v ze situace, pouijeme must 7odpovd zhru"a esk% vaz" 0muset1 .C sloveso ne"o 0urit 1 C sloveso8. /ou must be crazy to want to marry her; )hat a marvellous offer % he must be very generous. I always know what I want. % 'hat must be nice. 6 zporn#ch v tch a otzkch se pouvaj tvary cant a can, odpovdajc esk%mu 07ne8moci1. /ou cant be serious; "e cant be asking >,,, crowns for that terrible drawing; )here on earth can they be! $ro minulost se pouv must s minul#m infinitivem 7v otzkch a v zporu can#could a cant*couldnt s minul#m infinitivem8. <omantic music must have shocked its first listeners. )here can#could he have gone! "e cant#couldnt have been pleased when he heard the news. $ro "udoucnost uijte spojen sure#certain C infinitiv. )ed better wait for the others. 'heyre sure#certain to arrive any moment.

2ust sa$6 = !ust sa$ * And what a!out &eter' F $ must say hes crazy. * $ must say it was wonderful of him to help me. * $ must say that my grandfather is very old. 6az"a I must say nen v souasn% anglitin " n. Fv se vlastn jen ve smyslu 0musm p!iznat1< v tomto v#znamu se vyskytuje i v e/tin . "ow did you like AmadeusP . )ell, I must say I was rather disappointed. I must say I e(pected him to be more intelligent. Av/ak v situacch, kdy esk% 0musm !ct1 zesiluje v#znam pron/en%ho, anglitina si vypomh vhodnou intonac ne"o v#razy jako completely, really atd. And what about 1eter! % "es completely crazy. It was really wonderful of him to help me. Fije'li 2ech 0musm !ct1, kdy chce n co vysv tlit p!edem, Anglian !ekne I should say 9first:. I should say first that my grandfather is very old.

2utual * The two sides had a very fruitful mutual exchange of ideas. * They strengthened their mutual friendship. $!davn% jm%no mutual 7vzjemn#8 pouvaj 2e/i asto nadm rn . ,e'li z konte9tu z!ejm%, e jde o innost o"oustrannou, mutual vynechejte. . 'he two sides had a very fruitful e(change of ideas. 'hey strengthened their friendship.

0a!es of fa!ous people 7,m%na znm#ch oso"8 Yodil%ho mluvho po"av, kdy vid jm%na psan nsledujcm zp(so"em5 &. 7ne"o dokonce &h.8 Dickens, >. Thatcher ne"o N. $asteur. Kdaj se mu hol a neoso"n, jako na n jak% =!edn listin . ,e v/ak t!e"a podotknout, ze v o"lasti pouvn jmen nelze vymezit p!esn pravidla a =zus je tud znan komplikovan#. Eicm%n a "udete chtt pst ne"o mluvit o znm#ch oso"nostech, m ly "y vm pomoci tyto pokyny a vysv tlen. 1 Qijc oso"y a 6e!ejn initel% $omineme zde " n% spojen jmen s funkc, kterou jejich nositel% zastvaj, nap!. 1resident <eagan ne"o 1rime 2inister 'hatcher. ; t chto lidech mluvme jako o 2r <eagan, 2rs 'hatcher, 2r orbachov. &el jm%na . <onald <eagan, 2argaret 'hatcher, 2ikhail orbachov % se pouvaj m%n asto 7ast ji jen ve spojen s funkc . the 0ritish 1rime 2inister, 2argaret 'hatcher? the Soviet leader, 2ikhail orbachov % v novin!sk%m stylu8. " Fm lci, v dci ? n se uvd j cel jm%na . David )ockney, Ted )ughes, >argaret At+ood. 6 del/ch lncch v/ak p(so" neustl% opakovn neo"ratn , a proto se asto uvaj pouh p!jmen . )ockney, )ughes, At+ood. F en to nen tak " n% jako u mu( a v o"!adn j/m projevu se n kdy setkvme s oznaenm 2iss, 2rs ne"o 2s % 2iss Atwood, 2rs =essing, 2s reer 7viz J.l8. 2 Kem!el% oso"y a >ui F ve!ejn#ch initel(, um lc( a v dc( uvdme pouh p!jmen Disraeli, >ar9, Dickens, Yem"randt, Dar+in. Lamoz!ejm , kdy se zmiBujeme o t chto oso"ch v te9tu poprv% ne"o jen letmo, m(eme uv%st cel% jm%no. Eikdy v/ak neuvme inicily 7ale viz I dole8 a p!i dal/ zmnce u uvdme jen p!jmen. " Qeny ,e zvykem uvd t cel jm%na . Olorence Eightingale, Undira bhandi, ,ane Austen, 6irginia _oolf. 3 Yozhodl'li se um lec ne"o v dec pouvat p!ed sv#m p!jmenm jen inicily, jeho p!n respektujeme a !kme nap!. &. $. Lno+, D. ). Na+rence, O. Lcott Oitzgerald. ?ohuel pravidla v t%to o"lasti nemme . je prost t!e"a znt zvyklosti. Tyto zvyklosti jsou tak vit%, e mlokter# i vysoce vzd lan# Anglian v, co vlastn se nap!. ve jm%n ]. >. Oorster za inicilami ]. >. skr#v. &el% jm%no ]d+ard >organ Oorster "y na n j p(so"ilo velmi nezvykle.

0a!es of pu"lic places 7,m%na "udov, instituc8 * $ll meet you at the )otel 1ontinental. ,m%na "udov a instituc, nap!. hotel(, kin, divadel a restaurac, maj v anglitin tuto formu5 urit# len C vlastn jm%no C "udova*instituce. Ill meet you at the 3ontinental "otel. 'heyre showing &losely ;"served Trains at the Svratka cinema. the 1etr 0ezruG 'heatre Kapamatujte si5 je'li z konte9tu z!ejm%, o jak# podnik jde, slova hotel, cinema atd. asto vynechvme. =ets have dinner at the 3ontinental#Parna# olden 1heasant. 'heres a film festival on at the <adost.

0ature * The nature was always her main source of inspiration. 7l8 * $ll !e spending my holidays somewhere in the nature. 7:8 * )e en,oys spending his weekends in nature. 7:8 * 0e should do everything we can to protect the nature. 7:8

* They have a cottage set in very !eautiful nature. 7:8 * 0hats the nature like in 1anada' 7:8 * $ like nature. 7:8 Eesprvn% pouvn tohoto v#razu je jednou z nejtypit j/ch chy". 2e/i miluj p!rodu a asto o n hovo!. ?ohuel anglick% slovo nature se v#znamov kryje s esk#m 0p!roda1 jen v jednom ze dvou nej" n j/ch v#znam(. 1 6 souvislosti se sv tem kolem ns nature znamen hmotn# sv t se v/emi jevy, zkony a silami p(so"cmi v n m zm ny. ,de tedy o a"straktn pojem, a nature se proto uv "ez lenu. ;"as se p/e s velk#m psmenem. Cature#'he natural world#'he world of nature was always her main source of inspiration. It is popularly believed that Cature is cruel and competitive. It was enough for her &ust to en&oy the beauties of nature 9i. e. the scenery:. 2 3dy v/ak hovo!me o p!rod , kter ns o"klopuje . o polch, loukch, lesch a horch ', pouvme jin% v#razy< pravd podo"n nejast ji country a countryside< monost je ov/em vce. Ill be spending my holidays somewhere in the countryside. "e en&oys spending his weekends in the country. )e should do everything we can to protect the countryside. 'hey have a cottage set in very beautiful natural surroundings. )hats the scenery#countryside like in 3anada! I en&oy going for walks in the country#countryside#woods 9and fields:. Ive always been attracted to the 9great: outdoors. After a week in the city, its great to be out in the open air. I like the out.of.doors.

0ear# near"$ * 0e went to the near town of T:!or. 7l8 * There are no ski slopes near!y &rague. 7:8 1 $!davn jm%na Cear i nearby mohou mt funkci p!davn#ch jmen< nearby se pouv ve smyslu skuten% krtk% vzdlenosti, near ve smyslu a"straktn j/m. )e went to the nearby town of 'Fbor. Something terrible is going to happen in the near future. 'heres a lot of snow on the near slope of the mountain. 7Kde near znamen 0"li/1 jako opak ke 0vzdlen j/mu1.8 2 $!edloky Cearby nelze pout jako p!edloku< naopak near, nearer a nearest se ve funkci p!edloky vyskytuj< je v/ak " n j/ k tvar(m druh%ho a t!etho stupn p!idvat to. 'here are no ski slopes near 1rague. /oure nearer 9to: the door than me. 'he town nearest 9to: here is Svratka. 6 r(zn#ch idiomatick#ch o"ratech a ve spojen s gerundiem se to p!ipojuje i k prvnmu stupni near. )hen he learned he had failed, he was near to tears. She came very near to calling me a liar.

0egation 7Kpor8 >noho chy" d laj 2e/i v zporu. ,sou to v t/inou chy"y, kter% jsou v#sledkem nedostaten% znalosti pravidel tvo!en zporn#ch v t. ;"jevuj se zvl/t ve t!ech o"lastech. 1 $!edsunut# zpor

a Llovesa think, believe, suppose, want, imagine ap. * $ think he wont come. * $ want him not to go there. * John seems not to !e very !right. 6 souv tch, jejich hlavn v ty o"sahuj slovesa jako think, believe, suppose, want, imagine, se projevuje siln tendence p!esouvat zpor na zatek souv t, tzn. ke slovesu v hlavn v t . I dont think hell come. I dont want him to go there. She didnt suppose they would believe her. 3dy se seem a appear poj s infinitivem, m(e "#t zporn# "uS urit# slovesn# tvar, ne"o infinitiv. 6 hovorov%m projevu je zporn# o"vykle urit# slovesn# tvar. John doesnt seem to be very bright. 'hey didnt appear to be en&oying themselves. 'hey appeared not to be en&oying themselves. " 3ad#*v/ichni C zporn% sloveso * ?very!ody doesnt agree with me. * *ome teachers cant understand that everyone isnt interested in their su!,ects. * Thats why all the people didnt arrive in time. &hcete'li anglicky !ct, e ne v/ichni n co ud lali, je t!e"a p!esunout zpor k podm tu< zporn# tedy mus "#t podm t. Cot everybody agrees with me. Some teachers cant understand that not everyone is interested in their sub&ects. 'hats why not all the people arrived in time. 2 Kdvo!il% dosti o informace * )asnt "ill come yet' * )avent you got a copy of 3atc( 22' * 8ont you know where the museum is' * 0ouldnt you like to go to a film tonight' * $d like to ask you whether you couldnt lend me your lecture notes. Kdvo!il% dosti o informace se v e/tin mnohdy formuluj jako zporn% otzky p!m% ne"o nep!m%. 6 anglitin je =inek zporn#ch otzek =pln jin#5 jsou emocionln pod"arven%, vyjad!uj toti p!ekvapen, nezdvo!ilost, kritiku ap. "asnt 0ill come yet! "e said hed be here by si(. "avent you got a copy of &atch ::P I thought Jane said you had. 4ont you know where the museum is! ood heavens % youve lived here for ten years; &hcete'li "#t v anglitin zdvo!il, sta, kdy pouijete kladnou otzku. "as 0ill come yet! "ave you got a copy of &atch ::! 4o you 9happen to: know where the museum is! )ould you like to go to a film tonight! Id like to ask you whether you could lend me your lecture notes. 3 3rtk% odpov di "as anyone seen it! % *6e not. Is there a cinema where you live! % *$n my village not. $amatujte si, e v krtk#ch odpov dch v#/e zmn n%ho typu, odpovdajcch na konkr%tn otzku zporn#m 0ne1 se strun#m up!esn nm, anglick% not nestoj na konci v ty. 6zorce takov#ch odpov d jsou Cot. . .9no: a Co, not . . . "as anyone seen it! % Cot me. Is there a cinema where you live! % Co, not in my village.#Cot in my village, 9no:. 0ut theres one about E km away. 4 $!itakn 'heres no real 3hristmas spirit any more, is there! % * es. F $ wish there were.

'hat play wasnt very successful. % * es Nit wasntO. 6elmi asto se stv, e 2e/i, souhlas'li se zporn#m prohl/enm oso"y, s n hovo!, reaguj kladn#m yes, jako kdy"y !kali /es, youre right. 6 anglitin je t!e"a odpov d t zporn , no@ Co, there isnt#wasnt atd. 'heres no real 3hristmas spirit any more, is there! % Co. I wish there were. 'hat play wasnt very successful. % Co 9it wasnt:.

0e;t# t(e ne;t * $ll !e in &rague the next week. 7la8 1 2as a 6 p!tomnosti Ce(t se pouv "ez urit%ho lenu, kdy se vztahuje na t#den, m sc atd. nsledujc po skonen tohoto, tj. prv pro"hajcho t#dne, m sce atd. Ill be in 1rague ne(t week. Ce(t months meeting will be held on AB August. 6 p!pad , e v#razy week, month atd. vyjad!uj p!esn# asov# =sek 7sedm dn, t!icet dn atd.8, je nutn% pouit len. Eap!. dnes je t!e"a lJ.ervna5 Im very busy now, but ne(t month I should be free. 7tj. v ervenci8 Im sorry % Ill be very busy for the ne(t month. 7tj. do poloviny ervence8 " 6 minulosti a "udoucnosti stoj p!ed ne(t vdy len. "is aunt came to visit him and the ne(t week was hell. Ill be spending the first week of September in 0rno, and the ne(t week in Hlomouc. 2 $o!ad ,estlie ne(t znamen dal/ v !ad , pouv se se lenem. I cant come to the ne(t meeting. 'he ne(t tram should be ours.

0o !ore * This dress is so old its no more fashiona!le. * $ll no more stay here. * There is no more any need to go there. Co more v souasn% anglitin pouvme, kdy hovo!me o mnostv ne"o m!e n eho. =ets have no more talk about $uitting. "es no more an actor than you are. 'heres no more tea left. 6 souvislosti s asem p(so" dnes no more archaicky, a proto je nahrazujeme hovorov#m not . . . any more ne"o not . . . any longer ne"o spisovn j/m no longer. 'his dress is so old that it isnt fashionable any more. I wont stay here any more#longer. 'here is no longer any need to go there.

0or * )e knows nothing a!out ?ngland nor the ?nglish. Cor m(e stt na zatku v t, mezi v tami v souv t sou!adn%m ne"o na zatku strun#ch souhlasn#ch reakc ve form zporu 7v hovorov% anglitin 8. Cone of these crimes should be forgotten. Cor should those who committed them be allowed to go unpunished.

"e didnt talk very much, nor did he smile a great deal. I couldnt find the restaurant. % Cor could we. 6e v#znamu 0ani . . . ani1 se nor o"vykle poj se spojkou neither. Ceither 8ngland nor the 8nglish interest him. Ive seen neither him nor his wife since then. 6 p!pad , e tuto vaz"u nelze pout, sta pouh% or. "e knows nothing about 8ngland or the 8nglish.

0ot to * $ watched the others not to miss anything. 6 kladn#ch v tch =elov#ch stoj infinitiv s to, in order to ne"o so as to. 6 zporn#ch v tch se " n pouv pouze in order not to ne"o so as not to. Im saving my money 9so as: to#in order to buy a car. I watched the others so as#in order not to miss anything.

0u!"ers 7$oet8 1 * 0e are four. * )ow many were you at the party' Fvdme'li poet lid ve skupin , uvme vaz"u there are#were atd. 'here are four of us. "ow many of you were there at the party! ,en v otzkch zji/4ujcch poet =astnk( n jak% "ezprost!edn akce se m(eme ptt "ow many are we . . .' "ow many are we for dinner! % Si(. 2 * They have a three.years.old collie. * )es going for a ten.kilometres walk. 6 platnosti p!davn#ch jmen maj jednotky m r, vah a asu 7ve spojen s slovkami8 tvary jednotn%ho sla. 'hey have a three.year.old collie. "es going for a ten.kilometre walk. 2asov% =daje mohou mt i tvary p!ivlastBovacho pdu. a months salary two hours delay three days &ourney E kdy dochz ke sm /ovn tvar( p!davn#ch jmen a p!ivlastBovacho pdu, a proto se o"as o"jevuje neurit# len p!ed p!ivlastBovacm pdem v mnon%m sle5 * a three days ,ourney . Takov spojen nejsou zcela sprvn a rad ji se jim vyh#"ejte.

Af Kvl/t ve dvou p!padech se v esk% anglitin vynechv of tam, kde je nutno ho ut. 1 * )e invited some his friends to a party . * )ave you seen any your cousins recently' * *ome 6others friends live a!road. * <ne my friend was here for 1hristmas. $!mo po zjmenech neurit#ch 7nap!. some, any8, ukazovacch 7nap!. this, that8, slovkch a p!davn#ch jm%nech 7nap!. the only, another8 nemohou stt ani p!ivlastBovac zjmena, ani tvary p!ivlastBovacho pdu. $!ipojujeme je p!edlokou of ne"o pouvme vaz"u dvojho genitivu.

"e invited some of his friends#some friends of his to a party. "ave you seen any of your cousins recently! 'wo of our friends#'wo friends of ours were killed in an accident. Some of 2others friends#Some friends of 2others live abroad. Kapamatujte si, e podstatn% jm%no po one of je v mnon%m sle. Hne of my friends was here for 3hristmas. 2 * The city &rague is an important cultural centre. f 0e took them to see the castle &erTte,n. 6lastn jm%na stojc za podstatn#mi jm%ny city, town, castle, village atd. se p!ipojuj p!edlokou of. 'he city of 1rague is an important cultural centre. )e took them to see the castle of 1ernOte&n. 6iz t% :\X.

Affer * $f someone had offered NtoO me to !uy my car, $d have agreed immediately. * *he offered me to get a lovely kitten. * $ offered *usan to do it, !ut she refused. Esleduje'li po slovese offer oso"a, j "yla na"dka uin na, m(e "#t ve v t vyjd!ena p!edm tem nep!m#m. 'hey offered him LA,,, for the stamp. Eep!m# p!edm t se po slovese offer vypou/t, kdy nsleduje infinitivn vaz"a. Ta mus o"sahovat n jakou zmnku o oso" , j "yla na"dka uin na, a to ve form oso"nho ne"o p!ivlastBovacho zjmena. If someone had offered to buy my car, Id have agreed immediately. She offered to get me a lovely kitten#to get a lovely kitten for me. I offered to do it for Susan, but she refused.

Affice * )e held some important offices in the next few years. * An office like that gives you a lot of power. 6e v#znamu 0=!ad*funkce1 se anglick% slovo office uv dv ma zp(so"y. 6 prvnm p!pad se poj s p!edlokou of . the office of 1resident#4ean. 6 druh%m se vyskytuje v ustlen#ch spojench se slovesy to hold#enter#leave#be out of office a povauje se za a"straktum. Eejo"vyklej/ ekvivalenty esk#ch slov 0=!ad*funkce1 jsou position, post a hovorov &ob. "e held some important positions in the ne(t few years. A post#&ob like that gives you a lot of power.

Ald9fas(ioned e;pressions 7Kastaral% v#razy8 ,azyk se neustle m n a vyvj5 vznikaj nov slova a jin zanikaj. Ee uveden% v#razy se doposud v jazyce vyskytuj, ale v t/ina z nich u p(so" zastarale . dnes je sly/me jen od star/ch lid. 6y rad ji pouvejte slova, kter tyto v#razy vytlauj. 1 0athe Nid% dnes " n pouvaj sp/e sloveso swim ne bathe. 0athe v/ak stle je/t p!ev v mnoha sloeninch, zejm%na v bathing cap 7koupac epice8, bathing suit 7dmsk% plavky . tak% swimsuit8, sunbathe 7opalovat se8 ap. 2 3ostume Louasn# v#raz pro 0dmsk# kost#m1 je suit. 03alhotov# kost#m1 je trouser suit.

3 Drock Dnes se o"vykle pouv slovo dress. ,e'li to nutn%, poj se s n kter#mi p!davn#mi jm%ny . a light dress ne"o a summer dress. 4 ay $ozorR Toto slovo v souasn% hovorov% anglitin znamen 0homose9uln1, a proto se mu rad ji vyh#"ejte. 3dy"yste nap!. !ekli =ast night I went to a really gay party, mohli "yste ve sv#ch spolencch vyvolat myln% p!edstavy. $!esn% synonymum slova 0vesel#1 se "ohuel v anglitin nenajde. 6#raz merry, stojc sv#m v#znamem nej"le, je pon kud zastaral# a asto m ertovn# ndech. >sto n j lze pout t!e"a lively, happy ne"o cheerful. I went to a very lively party last night. She has a happy disposition. 06esel# lov k1 "y mohl "#t a cheerful person ne"o someone 9whos: full of fun a 0vesel spolenost1 "y mohla "#t a fun.loving crowd ne"o a lively group. 5 1H $od zkratkou 1H dnes t%m ! v/ichni Anglian% rozum j 0po/tovn sprvu1, nikoli 0hlavn po/tu1. 7$o reorganizaci star%ho po/tovnho syst%mu a jeho sten%m p!echodu do soukrom#ch rukou v/ak p(so" i tato zkratka pon kud zastarale< dnes se " n pouv v#raz the 1ost Hffice.8 Eejl%pe "ude mluvit o 0hlavn po/t 1 jako o the main post office ne"o the central post office. 6 Rnderdone ^ekneme'li o jdle 7tedy i o mase8, e je underdone, mnme tm, e je nedova!en%, nedopeen%, tj. polosyrov%< opak je overdone. 3dy chceme !ct, e maso je narychlo osmaen% atd., pouijeme v#raz rare. Ea otzku "ow would you like your meat#steak! odpovdme <are, 2edium.rare, 2edium ne"o )ell done. 7 RCH ? n zkratka nzvu the Rnited Cations 9Hrganization: je dnes RC.

Ance * $ hope to return there once. 7l8 * <nce we pursued them, once we were pursued. 7:8 1 Hnce 7jednou, jedenkrt8 pouvejte, jen kdy hovo!te o minulosti' ve v#znamu 0kdysi1. I asked him once why he had married her. 6ypovdte'li o "udoucnosti, uvejte v#razy someday, sometime, a kdy mte na mysli jen jedinou p!leitost, one day. I hope to return there sometime#someday#one day. 4o you think people will live on the moon someday#sometime! 2 2esk% spojen 0jednou . . . jednou1 lze p!eloit vaz"ou sometimes . . . sometimes ne"o sometimes . . at other times. Sometimes we pursued them, sometimes we were pursued. Sometimes hes happy, at other times hes sad.

Ane * 0e !ought the house from one old lady . 6#raz 0jeden1 ve smyslu 0n jak#1 p!ekldejte neurit#m lenem. )e bought the house from an old lady. $ouze chcete'li zd(raznit, e jde jen o jednoho zstupce skupiny, uijte one. ive me one reason why you need such an e(pensive sweater. Hne old lady wanted to go home, but the rest were $uite happy to stay.

9one:9"od$ * ?very!ody of us would like to go to ?ngland someday. * *omeone of my relations was there too. * *ome!ody of you should go to the shop. * Any!ody of you could have done it. * Co!ody of us was at the funeral. * Cot every!ody of these people is intelligent. $o zjmenech koncch 'one#.body nikdy nestoj p!edloka of. L druh#m pdem pouvme jin zjmena a asto vaz"y v mnon%m sle. 8very one of us would like to go to 8ngland someday. )e would all like to go to 8ngland someday. All of us would like to go to 8ngland someday. Hne of my relations was there too. Hne of you should go to the shop. Any 9one: of you could have done it. Cone of us was#were at the funeral. Cot all of these people are intelligent.

Ane B (e * <ne never knows what difficulties he is going to meet with. Llovo one 7kdokoli vetn mluvho8, kter% odpovd esk%mu 0lov k1, nen v hovorov%m jazyce p!li/ " n% a ast ji je sly/et v ?ritnii ne v Americe. 6 o"ou zemch ho pouvaj p!edev/m lid% d"ajc na sv(j jazykov# projev . tj. v t/inou vzd lan p!slu/nci st!ednch a vy//ch vrstev o"yvatelstva. ,e tu nicm%n jeden zkladn rozdl. 3dy ?rit pouije one, pouije tak% p!ivlastBovac ones a zvratn% oneself Amerian dv p!ednost v#raz(m he, him, his a himself. Hne never knows what difficulties one is going to meet with. Hne is always asking oneself what one would do in a situation like that. 6 Americe i v ?ritnii se " n setkvme i s hovorovou formou you, yourself atd. /ou never know what difficulties youre going to meet with.

Anl$ )e was there only three hours. Fveden v ta je sice 0sprvn1, ale lov k ji usly/ jen mlokdy. $odle star/ch gramatick#ch p!ruek stoj p!slovce only p!ed tm v tn#m lenem, ke kter%mu se vztahuje 7podo"n jako esk% 0jen18. 6e skutenosti je dnes jeho p!irozen% postaven 7jak v mluven%m, tak v psan%m projevu8 p!ed slovesy v#znamov#mi, po slovese to be a po modlnch slovesech . jako u p!slovc always, often ap. )hen will it be ready! % od only knows. "e was only there three hours. Ive only seen her twice. 6 p!pad , e "y mohlo dojt k nedorozum n, lze only ve v t p!emstit. 6 mluven%m projevu je v/ak takov# posun !dk#, protoe p!zvuk a intonace nedorozum n vyluuj, a v psemn%m projevu srozumitelnost zaji/4uje o"vykle konte9t. ,edinou v#jimku tvo! p!pady, kdy only zd(razBuje oso"n podm t. Hnly John would give an answer like that. Av/ak i tady, zvl/t v hovorov%m projevu, dochz k posunu uitm vaz"y the only . . . C vedlej/ v ta vztan. Johns the only person who would give an answer like that.

Tuto vaz"u lze pout i ve v tch, kter% pouh% only in dvojznan#mi. Eap!. z v ty She only went to the theatre last night nen jasn%, zdali se only vztahuje k v#razu theatre ne"o last night. Dvojznanosti se lze vyhnout takto5 'he theatre was the only place 9that: she went to last night. =ast night was the only time 9that: she went to the theatre.

Ar * 8uring the summer we picked mushrooms, went swimming or made day.trips. * $ was startled to find 6ilan 1athedral in 6ilan or the 1olosseum in +ome. Eezapomnejte, e v e/tin se 0ne"o1 pouv ve smyslu sluovacm 7"ez rky8 ne"o vyluovacm 7s rkou8. Anglick% or odpovd esk%mu 0ne"o1 vyluovacmu a and sluovacmu. 4uring the summer we picked mushrooms, went swimming and made day.trips. I was startled to find 2ilan 3athedral in 2ilan and the 3olosseum in <ome.

Arder6 in order * $ have to make some order in my papers. 7l8 * ou should put your room in order. 7l8 * The heater isnt in order. 7:8 Fm t sprvn pouvat tento v#raz nen tak docela jednoduch%. 6 anglitin , pov/echn !eeno, se slovo order, a zvl/t pak v#raz in order, nevyskytuj tak asto jako v e/tin 0po!dek1 a 0v po!dku1. 2asto je nahrazujeme idiomatit j/mi o"raty. 1 $okud order vyjad!uje stav, kdy v/e je jasn a logicky uspo!dno, o"jevuje se " n ve frzch jako to put something in order, to be in order a to bring order to something. I have to put my papers in order. Is your passport#Are your documents all in order! I wonder if anyone will ever be able to bring order to this chaos. K!dkakdy se s nm v/ak setkvme v p!padech, kdy jde o =klid ne"o o i/t n. Tady se o"vykle pouv sloveso tidy 9up:. /ou should tidy up your room. 2 ;"raty in order a out of order tak% vyjad!uj, e n jak# mechanismus funguje ne"o nefunguje. U tak se v/ak in order p!li/ asto nevyskytuje a v zporn#ch v tch prakticky nee9istuje 7zde rad ji pouijme out of order8. ,eho =lohu p!e"r sloveso work. 'he heater is out of order#isnt working. )hen do you e(pect your phone will be working again! 3 2e/tina m mnoho idiomatick#ch o"rat(, kter% se v#razem in order nedaj p!eloit< nap!. 0E co tady nen v po!dku.1 Somethings funny#wrong here ne"o 'heres something odd#suspicious here. T% kdy se jedn o zdravotn stav n jak% oso"y . 0Een v po!dku.1 "es not well. $amatujte si tedy, e ne p!elote v#raz 0v po!dku1 do anglitiny, muste rozvit, o jak# p!pad jde.

Ar so * $t was a party for professional people F doctors, teachers or so. * ou can get sandwiches, drinks or so there. * )e didnt do it out of sno!!ishness or so. 6 esk% anglitin se n kdy zam Buje or so a and so on. Hr so znamen 0p!i"lin 1, 0asi1 a pouv se jen, kdy uvdme =daje, kter% se daj vyjd!it kvantitativn . vzdlenost, v k, vhu, pen n stku apod. )e walked fifteen miles or so.

"es twenty.five or so. Itll probably cost ten pounds or so. 0A podo"n 1 se p!ekld anglick#m and so on ne"o velmi asto n jakou p!esn j/ formulac. It was a party for professional people % doctors, teachers and so on#and people like that. /ou can get sandwiches, drinks and things like that#and similar things there. "e didnt do it out of snobbishness or anything 9like that:.

At(er * $n the even the street looks other again. 7l8 * $t was a completely other person. 7l8 * $f 1olum!us hadnt discovered America, the world would !e other. 7l8 * $t is hard to say what one would do in the others situation. 7:8 * )es the kind of person who is always telling the other what to do. 7:8 1 $!davn% jm%no other znamen p!edev/m 0z"#vajc*ostatn1, 0druz1 a 0dal/1. "e can run faster than the other boys in his class. 2ike spoke better than the other people present. Are there any other $uestions! 6e smyslu 0jin# d ne stejn#1 se nepouv p!li/ asto5 vyskytuje se jen p!ed podstatn#mi jm%ny v mnon%m sle a nepoitateln#mi. Im not interested in other peoples problems. 'hey wont take dollars % they want some other money. 6 jin%m postaven je nejl%pe pout v#raz different. In the evening the street looks different again. It was a completely different person. If 3olumbus hadnt discovered America, the world would be different. 2 6 o"ecn%m smyslu p!ekldejte 0ten druh#*n kdo jin#1, 0ti druz* ostatn1 jako another person, someone else ne"o others. It is hard to say what one would do in another persons#someone elses situation. "es the kind of person whos always telling others what to do.

A%n * ?ach town has own traditions. * $d like to live in own flat. $!ed p!davn#m jm%nem own mus stt p!ivlastBovac zjmeno ne"o p!ivlastBovac pd podstatn%ho jm%na. 8ach town has its own traditions. Id like to live in a flat of my own. 2arys own mother thinks shes crazy. It was the committees own decision. Lamostatn% own se vyskytuje jen v novinov#ch titulcch.

Carticiples6 used as adjectives 7$!est ve funkci p!vlastku shodn%ho8 * 0hat sort of animals did the interviewed vet specialize in' 7l8 * The standing man is a well.known writer. 7l8 * The removed li#uid weighed 45 grams. 7l8 * Cow let us return to the mentionedB discussed point. 7l, :8

* This is a discussed #uestion nowadays. 7:8 ;tzka, zdali se p!est m(e pouvat jako p!vlastek p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem ne"o ne, je sloit a doposud ne zcela pro"dan a zodpov zen, a proto zde nelze podat vyerpvajc v#klad. Kapamatujte si alespoB tyto dva pokyny5 1 $!est stojc p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem o"vykle vyjad!uje stlej/ vlastnost a m sp/e funkci p!davn%ho jm%na ne slovesn%ho p!est5 an interesting story, a broken promise. 3de tomu tak nen, je t!e"a ut vedlej/ v tu vztanou ne"o umstit p!est a za podstatn% jm%no jako zkrcenou vztanou v tu. )hat sort of animals did the vet who was interviewed specialize in! 'he man who is standing is a well.known writer. 'he li$uid 9that was: removed weighed +E grams. Cow let us return to the point mentioned above#under discussion. 2 $!ed podstatn#m jm%nem mohou stt minul p!est, pouze jsou'li urena p!slovci. Cow let us return to the above.mentioned point. 'his is a widely#often discussed $uestion nowadays. It was a well thought out plan.

Carticiples6 present and past 7$!tomn% a minul% p!est8 * $m !oring, !ecause theres nothing to do. F sloves typu interest, bore atd. esk anglitina nez!dka zam Buje p!est minul% s p!estm p!tomn#m. Kapamatujte si dv jednoduch pravidla5 &hcete'li !ci, jak# dojem na vs n co ud lalo ne"o jak# nzor na n co mte, pouijte p!est minul% 9.ed:. Im bored, because theres nothing to do. 'heyre no longer very interested in e(perimental theatre. )ovo!te'li o n kom ne"o o n em, co je zajmav%, nudn%, atd., pouijte p!est p!tomn% 'he play was very boring. 'hey dont think e(perimental theatre is very interesting any more. Dal/ " n% dvojice p!est jsou5 )ell, even if you werent surprised by the ending of the story, I found it surprising. )hy are you so e(cited! % 0ecause I &ust heard some very e(citing news. 'ry not to be so depressed % though I agree its certainly depressing to fail ones final e(ams. Hf course Im annoyed. /ou would be too, if you e(perienced such annoying behaviour. )hy are you so amused! I certainly didnt find Johns story amusing.

Cass an e;a! * $m going to pass my 9erman exam on 2riday. 1ass an e(am znamen 0o"stt u zkou/ky1. $!edem sice m(ete doufat, e u zkou/ky projdete, ale s jistotou nikdy nem(ete !ct, e se vm to poda!. 0D lat zkou/ku1 se do anglitiny p!ekld frz take#sit an e(am, hovorov do an e(am. Im going to take#sit#do my erman e(am on Driday.

Ca$ * )ave you paid your new TH set yet' * 0hos going to pay for the !ill' 1ay for se pouv, kdy p!edm tem je v c, za ni platte. "ave you paid for your new 'P set yet!

/oull have to pay for whatever you break. =ets leave. % 0ut I havent paid for my lunch yet. 1ay 7"ez p!edloky8 se pouv, kdy p!edm tem je oso"a ne"o pen n o"nos. )hos going to pay the bill 9for lunch:! 3ould you pay the waiter, please! /ou paid far too much 9for that suit:. Kapamatujte si, e v na"dce, e za n koho zaplatte jdlo ne"o pit, se " n pouv sloveso buy ne"o get. =ets go to a restaurant for a change % Ill buy you lunch. 3an I buy#get you a drink!

Cer cent * A!out -A per cent children are unplanned. 7l8 * The drink consists of 5A per cent of ,uice and 5A per cent of vodka. 7l8 * )ow many per centNsO of the specimens were defective' 7:8 * A large per cent of the population was in favour of the treaty. 7:8 1 )ovo!me'li o procentech stejnorod%ho celku, je nutn% p!ipojit p!edloku of. About >, per cent of children are unplanned. 3dy mluvme o procentu r(zn#ch ltek, lid atd. tvo!cch dohromady r(znorod# celek, p!edloka of se nepouv. 'he drink consists of E, per cent &uice and E, per cent vodka. 2 6#raz per cent se o"jevuje jen po slovkch, jinak je vhodn% pout percentage. )hat percentage of the specimens was defective! % About E per cent. A large percentage of the population was in favour of the treaty.

Ciece * $d like some envelopes, please. F )ow many' F Ten pieces. * Theyve set aside some money for !uying videos. Theres enough for three pieces. * $ts a very exclusive shop. They make a!out five pieces of a certain dress, and no more. ,sou'li p!edm ty 7nap!. kupovan%8 vyjd!eny poitateln#mi podstatn#mi jm%ny, nenahrazuje je anglitina po slovkch udvajcch jejich mnostv v#razem piece9s:. $oet sm dostauje. Id like some envelopes, please. % "ow many! % 'en, please. 'heyve set aside some money for buying videos. 'heres enough for three of them. ?le uren% p!edm ty po slovkch r(zn#m zp(so"em opisujeme. Its a very e(clusive shop. 'hey make about five dresses in a certain style#model, and no more. F nepoitateln#ch podstatn#ch jmen lze samoz!ejm slovo piece pout. Id like some toast % two pieces, please. 6iz t% JZ.

Clace * $ll have to find a larger flat F $ dont have enough place here. 1lace je st prostoru vhodn pro umst n n eho*n koho ne"o vyhrazen n emu*n komu. . )heres the best place to put the desk! et back to your place 9in the $ueue:. <oom ne"o space je prostor, kter# lze n jak zaplnit< tak% m(e znamenat prostor postaujc n komu*n emu. Ill have to find a larger flat % I dont have enough room#space here.

=eave more room#space between you and the car in front. 'here isnt enough#much room#space for my books here. 'he piano takes up a lot of space#room.

Cla$ * 1hess is a play that has never interested me. 7l8 * 0here did you learn to play piano' 7:8 * Jane wants to play in our 1hristmas revue. 7:8 * )is main interest is playing theatre. 7:8 * 0e decided to play a drama !y 0ilde. 7:8 * $ thought the actors played very well last night. 7:8 1 $odstatn% jm%no $odstatn% jm%no play znamen 0divadeln hra15 Shakespeares plays, a play by 0eckett. 0)ra1 7sportovn, karetn, d tsk ap.8 se anglicky !ekne game@ baseball, poker, hopscotch 7ne"e, peklo, rj8 jsou games. 3hess is a game that has never interested me. 2 Lloveso 1lay vyjad!uje innost sportovc(, hr(, d t ne"o hude"nk(5 to play football, bridge, hide and seek 7na schovvanou8, Smetanas piano pieces. >luvte'li o h!e na n jak# nstroj, nezapomnejte, e je nutn% ut urit# len. )here did you learn to play the piano! 2innost herc( vyjad!uje sloveso act. Jane wants to act in our 3hristmas revue. "is main interest is 9in: acting. 6 souvislosti s divadlem se play pouv v p!pad , e hovo!me o roli, kterou herec hraje. ,e v/ak mon% pout i act. "is ambition is to play#act 9the role#part of: =ear. 0)rt1 ve smyslu 0uv%st hru1 vyjad!uje anglick# v#raz put on. )e decided to put on a drama#play by )ilde. >sto stylisticky nep!li/ vhodn%ho act po v#razech actor ne"o actress pouvejte sloveso be. I thought the actors were very good last night.

Clease * 1ould you pass the salt' 7l8 * &lease will you pass these out. 7l8 * 1an $ ask you something' F &lease. 7:8 2e/i si v t/inou neuv domuj, e jejich anglitina m o"as ndech nezdvo!ilosti. Kapomnaj toti, e rodil# Anglian n kdy pouv zdvo!ilostn sl(vko please . 0prosm1 . v jin#ch situacch a ast ji, ne je zvykem v e/tin , a jindy je nahrazuje v#razy odli/n#mi. 1 1lease se vyskytuje zvl/t ve t!ech p!padech. a8 3dy zdvo!ilou dost vyjd!me otzkou ne"o v tou oznamovac, na konec o"vykle dodme slovo please. 3ould you pass 9me: the salt, please! )ill you pass these out, please! 9Id like: A cup of tea, please. "8 3dy chceme, a"y n/ rozkaz p(so"il zdvo!ile, m(eme umstit slovo please nejen na konec, ale tak% na zatek v ty. Ask him to come at nine, please. 1lease tell your mother to come and see me.

c8 3dy p!ijmme na"dku, o"vykle odpovdme /es, please ne"o 1lease. )ould you like another beer! % 1lease#/es, please. Kapamatujte si, e 'hank you se pouv ve stejn%m v#znamu. )ould you care for a second helping! % 'hank you. . 2 Llovo 0prosm1 m v e/tin velmi /irok% uplatn n. ;"jevuje se asto, kdy 2ech kladn reaguje na podn o pomoc, radu ne"o informaci, kdy n co na"z ne"o n emu nerozum. 6 anglitin v/ak takov% univerzln slovo nee9istuje. Esledujc p!klady ukazuj situace, ve kter#ch se slovo 0prosm1 o"jevuje nejast ji, a uvd j mon% anglick% ekvivalenty. Hf course 7d'li ns n kdo o dovolen na n co se zeptat ne"o chce'li po ns n co8. 3an I ask you something! % Hf course. 3ould you spare me another cigarette, please! % Hf course. "ere#'here you are? americk anglitina t% 'here you go 7kdy n komu n co podvme8. 3ould I borrow your pencil for a moment, please! % "ere you are. After you 7kdy n koho pou/tme p!ed se"e p!i vstupu do mstnosti ap.8. Sorry! 1ardon! I beg your pardon! 7o"!adn j/8, )hat! 7hovorov%8< americk anglitina t% 1ardon me! 1lease! 7kdy nesly/me ne"o nerozumme8. See you at Jims party. % Sorry#)hat! % I said, 7See you at Jims party.7 "is field is heuristics. % 1ardon! Ea pod kovn za mal% =sluhy a dro"nosti o"vykle reagujeme jen =sm vem. ,de'li o n co d(leit j/ho, m(eme !ct Cot at all ne"o Its a pleasure 7o"!adn j/8 ne"o 'hats 9$uite: all right 7hovorov%8< Amerian% !kaj /oure welcome. "eres the book I promised you. % 'hanks. % 7dn odpov S8 'hanks so much for doing the shopping for me % it was a great help. . 'hats all right. lad I could help. A konen situace, kdy n koho p!mo vyz#vme, a"y n co ud lal. 91lease: "ave#'ake a seat. 91lease: 3ome in.

Colice * The police is looking for him in connection with the ro!!ery. 1olice znamen 0policejn s"or1 a uv se se slovesem v mnon%m sle. 'he police are looking for him in connection with the robbery. ,ednotliv lenov% s"oru jsou policemen, pouze v n kter#ch spojench police. 'hree policemen were in&ured in the riots. 'hey turned the corner and found themselves facing two mounted police. 7policisty na koni8

Colic$# politics * $m not very interested in policy. Eezam Bujte v#razy politics a policy. Llovo politics znamen zp(so" sprvy sttu, uren formy a o"sahu innosti sttu a asto tak% =ast na sttnch zleitostech ne"o i prci v mstnch sprvnch orgnech. Im not very interested in politics. "e plans to do a course in politics. John wants to go into politics. 1olicy je politick linie, diplomacie, taktika v n jak% sf%!e innosti, nap!. politick% ne"o hospod!sk%. I dont like the governments educational policies#foreign policy. Its company policy to move managers every three years. >(e tak% oznaovat zp(so" chovn jednotlivce. Its not my policy to lend large sums of money to people I work with.

Cossessive pronouns 7$!ivlastBovac zjmena8 * )e kicked me in my leg. 7l8 * 0hat drives me crazy is her way in which she laughs. 7:8 6e dvou p!padech se pouvaj v esk% anglitin p!ivlastBovac zjmena nad"yten . 1 Fe"nice zd(razBuj, e p!ivlastBovac zjmena je t!e"a pout, mluv'li se o stech t la 72y tooth aches. . 0?ol m zu".8< asi proto je 2e/i asto pouvaj i tam, kde p!m# p!edm t z!eteln naznauje, o t lo jde. "e kicked me in the leg. 2 Ani v p!padech, kdy podm t jasn vyjad!uje, o zp(so"y, !e, vtipy atd. jde, se p!ivlastBovac zjmena nemaj uvat. )hat drives me crazy is the way 9in which: she laughs.

Cossi"ilit$# opportunit$# c(ance * $s there any possi!ility to control Cature' 7T8 * 6y hus!and had to stay home and look after the children, !ecause we had no other possi!ilities. 7:8 * 0e had the possi!ility to go to ?ngland. 7I8 * Theyre discussing the possi!ilities how to spend *aturday evening. 7J8 * They had the possi!ility to arrange accommodation for us. 7\8 $!edev/m je t!e"a o"jasnit dv skutenosti. Ka prv% . anglick% possibility se na rozdl od esk%ho 0monost1 nepoj s infinitivem, n#"r s p!edlokou of C gerundiem. Ka druh% . possibility m mnohem u/ uplatn n ne 0monost1 a vyskytuje se mnohem m%n ne dal/ anglick% v#razy podo"n%ho v#znamu, chance a opportunity. Esledujc p!ehled vs seznm s p!ijateln#mi i nep!ijateln#mi zp(so"y p!ekldn v#razu 0monost1. 1 >te'li na mysli situaci, kdy n co je*nen provediteln%*reln%, lze pout possibility. Is there any possibility of controlling Cature! 2 6e v#znamu 0n co, co je*nen mon%1 m(ete pout slovo possibility 7o"vykle v jednotn%m sle8, ale nezapomnejte, e vaz"a to have a possibility je velice neo"vykl a e "yste se j rad ji m li vyh#"at. 2y husband had to stay home and look after the children, because there was no other possibility. 3 6 p!pad , e jde o n co 0na/t st provediteln%*mon%1 7d p!leitost8, pouijte opportunity ne"o chance C infinitiv ne"o C of C gerundium. )e had the opportunity to go#of going to 8ngland. I didnt get any chance to speak to him. It was our last opportunity to buy#of buying petrol before the frontier. I wish I had your opportunities#chances in life. 4 ,de'li o 0stupeB pravd podo"nosti1, pouijte slova chance ne"o possibility 7" n ve vaz" there is8. 6 o"ou p!padech nsleduje "uS p!edloka of C gerundium, ne"o vedlej/ v ta s that. 'heres no chance#possibility of that happening. Is there any chance#possibility that youll be able to see him! 6 p!tomn%m ase je tato vaz"a neutrln< nijak toti nenaznauje, jestli k udlosti do/lo*dojde ne"o ne. 'heres a strong possibility that he wasnt there. 'heres a chance#possibility that Ill be getting a &ob in 1rague. >inul# as v t/inou napovd, e k udlosti nedo/lo. 'here was a possibility of his going to Drance, but in the end he didnt get the necessary permission. 5 3dy jde o 0mon# zp(so", jak n co prov%st1, p!ekldejte nejrad ji anglick#m possible way9s: C gerundium ne"o how + infinitiv. 'heyre discussing the possible ways of spending Saturday evening. 'heyre discussing how to spend Saturday evening.

6 A konen 0mt monost1 ve v#znamu 0moci1 p!ekldejte vaz"ou be able to. 'hey were able to arrange accommodation for us.

Cractical# practicall$ * Theres no practical chance of our meeting him in &aris. * $ dont practically know anything a!out it. 6 hovorov% e/tin lze pouvat v#razy 0praktick#*prakticky1 ve smyslu 0faktick#*fakticky1, 0skuten#*skuten 1, 0reln#1. 6 anglitin v podo"n%m p!pad !kme real#really. 'heres no real chance of our meeting him in 1aris. I dont really know anything about it.

Crefer * 0ould you like to go to a film' F Co, $ NwouldO prefer watching television. 7l8 * $ prefer 2rench than 9erman. 7:8 1 $o slovese prefer se pouv infinitiv i gerundium. berundiem vyjd!me skutenost, e n emu dvme p!ednost stle. I en&oy reading plays, but I prefer seeing them put on in a theatre. Unfinitiv pouijeme, pouze chceme'li !ci, e je nm n co milej/ v dan%m okamiku. )ould you like to go to a film! % Co. I 9would: prefer to watch television. 2 $!i srovnn dvou oso", innost, v c atd. pouvme p!edloku to. I prefer Drench to erman. "e prefers talking about doing things to actually doing them. $!ipojme'li ke slovesu prefer infinitiv, m(eme dal/ st v ty uv%st spojenm rather than< lze v n potom pout infinitiv "ez to ne"o gerundium. Shed prefer to go to 0ulgaria now rather than wait#waiting till summer. Id prefer to buy some books rather than spend#spending the money on records.

Crepositions %it( certain %ords 7$!edloky pojc se s urit#mi slovy8 Akoli kad p!edloka m sv(j v#znam, nee9istuj pravidla, kter "y urovala, jak% p!edloky se poj s urit#mi slovy. Eez"#v ne uit se tato spojen tak, jako se ute samostatn slovka. 6 nsledujcm seznamu najdete nej" n j/ vaz"y, v nich se chy"uje. admire in 7nikoli *onO )hat I admire in cats is their independence. at the#this#that age 7nikoli *inO "e got married at the age of si(teen. At that age I was still very naive. arrive at#in 7nikoli *toO )e arrived at the station &ust as the train was leaving. 'heyll arrive in 1rague this evening. characteristic of 7nikoli *forO Small whitewashed cottages are characteristic of this part of the country. complain about 7nikoli *onO 'he teacher has been complaining about your behaviour again. "e complained about the treatment he was given. condition on . . . condition 7nikoli *underO

Ill do it on 9the: condition that you help me. "e agreed, on one condition@ well have to double his pay. in#under . . . conditions It was impossible to work in#under those conditions. consist consist of 7nikoli *inO F skldat se, sestvat, "#t sloen z "is diet consists of nothing but rice and vegetables. consist in % spovat, zleet v 'rue freedom consists in the absence of force. 4emocracy consists in the free participation of all people in public life. count on 7nikoli *withO "e says hell come, but I wouldnt count on it. Kapamatujte si, e tato frze se v anglitin nepouv tak asto jako jej o"do"a v e/tin . Anglian povauje za znan nezdvo!il%, sly/'li jako reakc na sv(j sli", e n co ud l, otzku Cow, can we count on that! Domnv se toti, e sli", kter# dal, je dostatenou zrukou, e sv%mu slovu dostoj. critical of7nikoli *toO "es very critical of his friends. deal deal with % za"#vat se m, pojednvat o, vypo!dat se s 'his book deals with the 2unich crisis. "ow shall we deal with any troublemakers! deal in % prodvat, o"chodovat s "is uncle dealt in old books. decide on 7nikoli *forO )hich restaurant did you decide on! die die of a disease 7nikoli *fromO 0oth his parents died of cancer. die from wounds, in&uries atd. "e died from in&uries received in the accident. direction in the direction of 7nikoli *for BtoO F sm rem k, do She set out in the direction of the station. the direction to#for % sm r do, k Is this the right direction to#for 1rague! divide into 7nikoli *inO 'he country can be divided into si( geographical zones. "e divided the money into two e$ual parts. Eezapomnejte v/ak, e se !k divide in two#half. 'hey divided the melon in two#half. end end in 7nikoli *!yO . skonit m 7o situacch8 'he marriage soon ended in 9a: divorce. end with % ukonit posledn st 7o programu ap.8 'he meal ended with dessert. 'he ball ended at midnight with a waltz. e(amination in#on 7nikoli *fromO e(amination in % zkou/ka z p!edm tu*o"oru "e failed his e(am in Drench#his Drench e(am. e(amination on % dl zkou/ka z p!edm tu 'omorrow I have my e(amination on 3haucer#nineteenth.century political theory.

e(cept 9for: 7nikoli *ofO 8veryone has arrived e(cept 9for: Jane. 6iz t% ZG. good at 7nikoli *inO Im not very good at chess#singing. $odo"n bad at, clever at, skilful at, terrible at atd. increase increase in 7nikoli *ofO F zv#/en, r(st eho 'here has been a steady increase in real incomes over the past ten years. increase of7nikoli *inO F s =dajem o velikosti p!r(stku 'heyre demanding an increase of five per cent in the pay offer. keen on 7nikoli *ofO Im not very keen on having visitors. leave for 7nikoli *toO She left for work only a few minutes ago. look look in 7nikoli *intoO F hledat informaci ve slovnku, asopisu, atd. I looked in the dictionary, but I couldnt find the word. look in9to: a mirror % ale pozor5 look at oneself in a mirror Just look at yourself in the mirror % youre e(hausted; look at 7nikoli *onO F zam!it pohledem kam, podvat se na "e looked $uickly at his watch, and raced off. look forward to 7nikoli *onO Im really looking forward to 3hristmas. 6iz t% lIJ. love lovefor 7nikoli *ofO F lska, p!chylnost k jin% oso" "is love for his parents was astonishingly strong. love of. lska k emu, pot /en z eho, zjem o co /our love of comfort will be your undoing some day. Some people never develop a love of music. ,estlie je nklonnost velmi siln a lov k do jist% mry personifikuje neiv# p!edm t sv% lsky, je mon% !ci tak% for. "is love of#for the countryside could be seen in all his paintings. move move to 7nikoli *intoO F p!est hovat se kam )ere moving to Narlovy Pary#the country#a new flat. move in 7into, nsleduje'li p!sloven% uren msta8 . nast hovat se kam As soon as the repairs are finished, well move in. Someone has moved into the house ne(t door. near to 7nikoli *of ne"o *fromO 6iz lJI. open open to 7nikoli *forO F kdy podstatn% jm%no po p!edloce oznauje ve!ejnost 'he chateau is now open to the public. open for % s =dajem asov#m ne"o s udnm =elu, cle )ere open for business starting tomorrow. 'he chateau is only open 9for: three hours a day. operate on 7nikoli s p!m#m p!edm tem8 'heyre operating on him tomorrow for cancer. opinion

have a good#bad#high#low opinion of 7nikoli *onO She doesnt have a very high opinion of him. opinion of 7nikoli *onO F celkov# postoj ke komu*emu )hats your opinion of him! % "es a fool. Ive changed my opinion of the history te(tbook. Cow it seems pretty good to me. opinions on#about 7nikoli *of ne"o *toO F nzor na koho*co, podro"n j/ anal#za )hat are your opinions on#about the affair! opposite opposite 7nikoli *ofO F lec, stojc naproti emu Hur house is opposite the swimming pool. opposite to % protikladn#, zcela odli/n# "is views are diametrically opposite to mine. the opposite of /oure &ust the opposite of your brother. participant#participate in 7nikoli *of ne"o *fromO "e doesnt want to participate in the competition. 'here were fifty participants in the tennis championship. pay % viz lXX. per cent % viz lXZ. possibility of 7nikoli *toO 6iz lZ\. prefer . . . to 7nikoli *thanO 6iz lZZ. prevent sb from doing st 7nikoli *to doO 'hey prevented me from asking that $uestion. reason for 7nikoli *ofO )hat are the reasons for the teams defeat! relation9s:, relationship % viz :Hl. remind sb of st#sb 7nikoli *remind s! stB s!O 'heir house reminds me of a small chateau. 6iz t% :HI. rise rise in 7nikoli *ofO F r(st, zv#/en eho 'here was a sudden rise in the temperature overnight. rise of. zv#/en s =dajem o velikosti p!r(stku, kari%ra, vzestup koho*eho =ast month there was a rise of K per cent in inflation. Dew people foresaw the sudden rise of "itler# ermany in the A-+,s. sense of 7nikoli *forO F smysl, cit, pochopen pro John has a strong sense of honour, but unfortunately no sense of humour. shout at#to 7nikoli *onO shout at % k!iet, !vt na n koho 'hey got angry, and started shouting at each other. shout to % hlasit zavolat na n koho 2other shouted to us to come for dinner. sight sight of 7nikoli *onO 'he mere sight of it will shock you. at first sight 7nikoli *on NtheO first sightO At first sight the cottage seemed to be very small. solution to 7nikoli *ofO 'heyre still searching for a solution to the problem.

6iz t% ::I. spend spend time#occasions#energy atd. a8 C gerundium . n kdy se poj s p!edlokou in, ast ji v/ak stoj "ez p!edloky 7nikdy s p!edlokou *!yO I spend a lot of time 9in: studying. "8 C podstatn% jm%no vyjad!ujc innost . poj se s p!edlokou in 7nikoli *!yO )e spent the evening in conversation. c8 C jin podstatn jm%na . poj se s p!edlokou on /oull have to spend a lot of time on that essay. spend money on 7nikoli *forO "e spends a lot of money on clothes. surprised at#by 7nikoli *of ne"o *fromO I was very surprised at#by his behaviour. think of 7nikoli *onO F myslet na zjmy koho I hate people who only think of themselves. tolerant of 7nikoli *toO It is a mark of civilization to be tolerant of the views of others. typical of 7nikoli *forO Its typical of him to tell a lie like that. Slivovitz is typical of eastern 2oravia. visitor to 7nikoli *ofO Pisitors to 1rague always admire the 3harles 0ridge.

Crepositions6 !isused 7Eesprvn pouvan% p!edloky8 $od vlivem mate!/tiny pouvaj 2e/i celou !adu p!edloek nesprvn . Eejo"vyklej/ chy"y jsou tyto5 *according to in my opinion 7podle m 8 In my opinion, hes wrong. 6iz t% l. *after F viz Z. *against for an illness 7proti nemoci8 'he doctor gave me some pills for my cough. *at in#about a person 7na n kom . l"it se n co< u n koho . cenit si n eho8 )hat I like most in#about him is his complete honesty. with a person 7u n koho . d lat zkou/ku, pohovor8 'omorrow I have my Drench e(am with 4r [rFmek. *!y on foot 7p /ky8< je t!e"a poznamenat, e tento v#raz nen v anglitin zdaleka tak " n# jako sloveso to walk. Its close enough for us to go on foot#to walk. *from by an author#composer, etc. 7od autora, skladatele atd.8 2y favourite play by 0eckett is _aiting for bodot. for some reason 7z n jak%ho d(vodu8 Dor some reason, I didnt believe him. of a group of people#things 7z lid*v c8

Hf those I met, the most intelligent was 1atrick. )e spent the very worst of our holidays in 0rno. *in on the radio#'P 9v rozhlase*televizi8 "e said hed heard it on the radio. 'heres an interesting programme on 'P tonight. *on at a place 7na n jak%m mst . nikoli v/ak na povrchu, vrcholu atd.8 John was waiting at the tram stop. 'hey spent every weekend at their cottage. )e had a terrible 8nglish teacher at grammar school. =ast summer I spent a lot of time at the lake. in a picture 7na o"raze8 'ell me what you can see in the picture. in a field 7na poli8 'he balloon came down in a field. *under below zero 7pod nulou8 'his morning it was five below 9zero: outside. below sea level 7pod mo!skou hladinou8 4eath Palley is *B metres below sea level.

Crepositions6 not used 76#razy "ez p!edloek8 1 6#razy "ez p!edloek abroad 7nikoli *inBto a!roadO Abroad se jako odpov S na otzky 03de . . .P1 ne"o 03am . . .P1 7tj. v cizin , do ciziny8 nepoj s p!edlokou< jako odpov S na otzku 0;dkud . . .P1 7tj. z ciziny8 se v/ak poj s p!edlokou from. 'heyve often been#gone abroad. )hens he coming home from abroad! believe 7nikoli *!elieve toO 0elieve se poj s p!m#m p!edm tem. 4ont believe anyone over thirty. 7heslo hnut hippies v \H. letech8 /ou can never believe him. continue 7nikoli *continue in8 continue + gerundium ne"o C infinitiv 'hroughout the disturbance, he continued speaking#to speak. continue 9with: + podstatn% jm%no 4espite his illness, he continued 9with: his studies. help 7nikoli *help toO "elp se poj s p!m#m p!edm tem. 8veryone was eager to help the victims of the flood. pick pick 7nikoli *pick upO F s"rat r(zn% plody*hou"y, trhat ovoce atd. 8arly in the morning we set off to pick mushrooms#raspberries. pick up % zvednout, zdvihnout 7co "ylo na zemi ne"o spadlo na zem8 1ick up your pen, 'ed % someone will step on it. stop 6e smyslu 0p!estat s n m1 se stop poj se jmenn#m p!edm tem ne"o gerundiem, nikoli s p!edlokou with. Tam, kde e/tina m(e vyjd!it konkr%tn innost pouh#m podstatn#m jm%nem, anglitina o"vykle uije gerundium.

Johnny; Stop that; I stopped playing tennis when I was eighteen. "es stopped going to school#attending classes. 6iz t% MM. suit 7nikoli *suit toO Ceither of those ties suits you. 2 At se vynechv 7o"zvl/t v =stnm projevu8 v otzce at what time! )hat time does the train arrive! 3 In se o"vykle vynechv 7zvl/t v =stnm projevu, ne tak asto v psemn%m8 ve spojen 9in: the same way, 9in: this way, 9in: another way atd. 4o it the same way he did it. )hy dont you try it another way! It is possible in this way to reconstruct what life in ancient 1ompeii was like. 4 6 o"ratech jako five times a day, BK hours a week, >, kilometres an hour se msto p!edloky pouv neurit# len. )e have +> periods of lectures a week. I read about three books a month. She visits her grandmother four or five times a year.

Cresent perfect 7$!edp!tomn# as8 Eauit se sprvn pouvat p!edp!tomn# as nen snadn%. )lavn je t!e"a mt na pam ti, e rodil mluv ho povauj za as p!tomn# a pouvaj ho k vyjd!en d j( ne"o popisu situac, kter% podle jejich mn n n jak s p!tomnost souvisej. ,de'li o d j zapoat# v minulosti a pokraujc do p!tomnosti ne"o o situaci p!etrvvajc do souasnosti, pro"l%my v t/inou nevznikaj. 2asto je v/ak t k% rozpoznat, kdy lze pout p!edp!tomn# as k popisu d j( a situac u ukonen#ch. 1 D je a situace zasahujc do p!tomnosti * *hes !een living there all her life. Tady studenti mnoho pot nemvaj< p!sloven uren asu jako so far, lately, since, all my life, always atd. jasn naznauj, e se jedn o o"do", kter% je/t neskonilo, a e je proto t!e"a pout as p!edp!tomn#. Ltejn tak v ty "ez p!sloven%ho uren asu vyjad!ujc d je, je doposud neskonily, "#vaj "ez pro"l%m(. Ive read eight novels since last week. Shes been working on the pro&ect for two years. Ive always been a fan of his. "ow often have you tried to speak to her! Ive read several articles on the sub&ect. $ot v/ak n kdy spov v nejistot , kdy zvolit pr(" hov# a kdy nepr(" hov# tvar. Kapamatujte si, e pr(" hov forma vyjad!uje sp/e p!echodn% situace a d je a forma prost situace a d je trvalej/ho rzu. Shes lived there all her life. Johns been living with his girlfriend for the past two months. ,indy prost# tvar p!edp!tomn%ho asu naznauje, e n jak# d j prv skonil, zatmco pr(" hov# tvar zd(razBuje pokraovn innosti. Ive done my homework, and now I have to practise the piano. Ive been doing my homework for three hours, and I still have my history revision to do. 2 D je a situace ukonen% v minulost * +ecently $ve !een involved in an accident. * $ve spoken to her a!out it today. * $ve seen an interesting play !efore 1hristmas. 6 t%to o"lasti nastvaj nesnze< n kdy je toti nesnadn% rozpoznat, kdy d j minul# zasahuje do p!tomnosti. $!edp!tomn# as se hojn pouv p!i podvn zprv v rozhlase, televizi a tisku, v dopisech

a rozhovorech . zde podtrhuje skutenost, e nedvn% udlosti pro ns prv teS maj d(leitost. 'he =iberals have won the election. 1eter has had a nervous breakdown. I cant go dancing because Ive sprained my ankle. Jane has given me a marvellous new recipe. $!edp!tomn# as tak% naznauje, e n co, co se p!ihodilo v minulosti, se m(e opakovat v p!tomnosti, a dokonce i v "udoucnosti, ne"o e to, co jsme zaili, v ns z(stalo jako zku/enost ne"o znalost. "ave you seen that film! Ive seen it seven times; Ive seen a lot of the world. ?le neuren% asov% v#razy 7znamenajc kteroukoli do"u a do nyn j/ka8 jako ever, yet, never, already, before, recently o"vykle rovn vyaduj pouit p!edp!tomn%ho asu. Ive been here before. "ave you spoken to him yet! 'heyve never met him. Shes already seen it. Co one has seen him recently. $opisujeme'li v/ak jednorzov# ukonen# d j, s p!slovcem recently pouijeme prost# as minul#. I was involved in an accident recently. Ani s p!esn#mi =daji asov#mi 7nap!. today, this week, this morning: p!edp!tomn# as asto nepouvme, hovo!me'li o jednorzov#ch ukonen#ch udlostech. Lrovnejte nsledujc v ty. Ive spoken to her about it several times. I spoke to her about it today. L p!sloven#m urenm asu pro minulost 9yesterday, when . . ., in A->E atd.8 se p!edp!tomn# as nepouv. I saw an interesting play before 3hristmas. Lrovnejte5 I was in 8ngland twice as a young man. Ive been to 8ngland twice. Eepouv se, ani kdy mme na mysli p!esn vymezenou do"u v minulosti, kterou ve v t neuvedeme. "ave you been to H(ford! 7tj. n kdy8 )ere you in H(ford! 7nap!. p!i loBsk% nv/t v v ?ritnii8

Crogra!!e * $ have a full programme tomorrow. 7l8 * )ave you got the page with the TH programme' 7:8 * $s there anything interesting on the cinema programme' 7:8 * *ee whats on the other programme. 7I8 1 ,estlie slovo programme znamen p!edem stanoven# rozvrh povinnost ne"o innost 7nap!. seznam mst a oso", kter% je t!e"a nav/tvit8, anglick# mluv ho pouije, hlavn jde'li o oficiln nv/t vy, jednn, konference ap. "eres the programme for the first day of your stay in 1rague. 6 kadodenn konverzaci se v tomto v#znamu slovo programme vyskytuje jen v otzce )hats on your#the programme today! Eaznauje familirnost a m(e mt i ertovn ironick% za"arven 70&opak mme dnes na po!aduP18< uv se jen o"as mezi p!teli. $roto je vhodn j/ vy"rat jinou formulaci. )hat are you doing#planning to do today! )hat have you got to do today! "ave you got anything on#planned today! Im very busy tomorrow. 2 6 o"lasti kultury, sportu, atd. slovo programme znamen5 a8 ti/t n# program 7ve form letku ne"o "rourky8 s informacemi o p!edstaven, koncertu ne"o

sportovnm utkn< I arrived at the theatre too late to buy a programme. "8 jednotliv vysln v rozhlase ne"o televizi< )hats your favourite radio programme! I saw a fascinating programme about whales on 'P last night. c8 koncert, estrdu ap. sestvajc z n kolika st< 'heres $uite an interesting programme of light music at the concert tonight. Shes giving a programme of songs by Schubert and 2ahler. 2esk% slovo 0program1 m ov/em je/t /ir/ uplatn n5 " n se nap!klad uv ve smyslu 0p!ehled po!adu vysln1, 0odpoledn*veern televizn program1 ne"o 0programy kin1. ;dpovdajc ekvivalent k n mu v anglitin nee9istuje< je t!e"a ho parafrzovat. 4o you have the page with the 9list of: 'P programmes! "ave you got the 'P#radio guide! )heres the 9'P: programme guide! 'heres nothing worth watching on 'P tonight. Are they showing any interesting films this week! Are there any interesting films on tonight! 3 0$rogram1 ve smyslu 0televizn kanl1 se p!ekld v#razem channel. See whats on the other channel.

Cro!ise * *he promised me to check it. * 0e were promised to see a lot of interesting museums. Lloveso promise lze pout s infinitivem. She promised to check it. 3dy je v/ak ve v t zmnka o oso" , kter% "ylo n co p!isl"eno, neklade se zjmeno ne"o podstatn% jm%no tuto oso"u vyjad!ujc p!mo za urit# slovesn# tvar, ale a za infinitiv, a to s p!edlokou for. Tak% lze pout vedlej/ v tu s that. She promised to check it for me. She promised me that she would check it. )e were promised that we would see#be shown a lot of interesting museums.

Cs$c(ic+al. * The kinds of dreams you have at night depend on your psychical state. 7l8 1 Eejuvan j/ anglick% slovo znamenajc 0du/evn1 jako opak 0t lesn%ho1 je mental. 'he kinds of dreams you have at night depend on your mental state. 1sychic se sice n kdy pouv ve stejn%m smyslu, ale jen v l%ka!sk%m argonu< to, co "y psychiatr mohl oznait jako psychic disorders, "y v t/ina lid nazvala mental disorders ne"o mental problems. 2 1sychic9al: se dnes v " n% anglitin pouv sp/e v souvislosti s nevysv tlen#mi a pouze n kter#m lidem vrozen#mi schopnostmi, jako p!edpovdn "udoucnosti, ten my/lenek ap. 'hat girl seems to have unusually well.developed psychic powers. 'heyre putting a lot of money into psychic9al: research these days.

Cunctuation 7Unterpunkce8 ; anglick% interpunkci u toho "ylo hodn napsno, a proto se n/ v#klad omez jen na p!pady, kdy se 2e/i dopou/t j chy" nejast ji ne"o kdy se anglick pravidla li/ od esk#ch. E kdy chy"n interpunkce sice v#znam nezm n, ale na okamik rodil%ho mluvho uvede do rozpak(. ,indy v/ak zp(so"uje zmatek

a nedorozum n. 1 $!stavek * Joans aunt, 6rs 0inter came to see us yesterday. * All three of them F the doctor, the lawyer and the priest were killed. $!stavek mus "#t odd len rkou ne"o pomlkou z o"ou stran. Joans aunt, 2rs )inter, came to see us yesterday. All three of them % the doctor, the lawyer and the priest . were killed. 2 6suvka * )is !oss $ might add, was drunk. * )e had, surprisingly enough seen a lot of the world. * Co one unfortunately escaped. 6suvky stojc mezi stmi slovesn%ho tvaru, mezi podm tem a slovesem ne"o mezi slovesem a doplBkem se odd luj rkami. "is boss, I might add, was drunk. "e had, surprisingly enough, seen a lot of the world. Co one, unfortunately, escaped. 3 6edlej/ v ta p!edm tn 2rky se nep/ p!ed vedlej/mi v tami p!edm tn#mi 7tj. p!ed that, what, why, where, when, if atd.8. 'hey thought that it would be a good idea. She says that youre wrong. Its hard to know which one was the best. Dather forgot where he had put it. 'ell him what he should do ne(t. Anne wants to know if youre ready. 4 6ymezovac v ta vztan 2rky se vynechvaj u vztan#ch v t vymezovacch 7tj. u v t, kter% nelze vynechat "ez poru/en smyslu hlavn v ty8. Lrovnejte5 All the students who knew about it went there. 7Vli tam jen n kte! studenti . v/ichni ti, kte! o tom v d li.8 All the students, who knew about it, went there. 7Vli tam v/ichni studenti< v/ichni o tom v d li.8 'he 1resident, who came in ne(t, looked angry. 'he man who came in ne(t looked angry. 5 Louv t sou!adn% * All westerns are very similar, however people still seem to like them. 7a, d8 * $t was very !oring, $ had to share the room with a man who slept all the time. 7", d8 * <ne of my friends has a peculiar ho!!y, he loves to #uarrel with every!ody. 7"8 * At first $ didnt like it, in fact $ must confess $ hated it. 7c8 * $ dont keep a diary, thats why $ find it hard to deal with this su!,ect. 7d8 * The s#uare is nothing special, it is like other s#uares. 7e8 * <ne part of the courtyard is covered with a lawn, there are some trees and several !enches. 7e8 ,edna z nej" n j/ch chy" je spojovn dvou gramaticky nezvisl#ch v t rkou. 6 e/tin to mon% je, v anglitin nikoli. $ro"l%mu se vyhneme, kdy jednotliv% v ty odd lme tekou. It was very boring. I had to share the room with a man who slept all the time. 6#sledkem je v/ak kostr"at# neelegantn styl. ,e proto l%pe vy"rat si jin% monosti. a 6 ty lze spojit st!ednkem< p!edev/m ty, kter% o"sahuj n kter% z nsledujcch spojovacch v#raz(5 first9ly:, second9ly:, third9ly:, finally, last9ly: in the first#second place, ne(t furthermore, moreover, in addition, what is more similarly, in the same way, e$ually therefore, thus, in conclusion in other words, for e(ample, for instance

conse$uently rather on the other hand, alternatively on the contrary, in contrast, in comparison besides however, nevertheless, still, in spite of that meanwhile 6 anglitin se tyto v#razy naz#vaj con&uncts< Anglian je nepovauje za spojky, zatmco 2ech prot j/ky n kter#ch z nich za!azuje pod spojky sou!adic. Eejl%pe "ude tyto v#razy si zapamatovat, a navc mt do"r# slovnk. All )esterns are very similar? however, people still seem to like them. " 6 ty mohou "#t spojeny dvojtekou, jestlie druh v ta vysv tluje v tu prvn. It was very boring@ I had to share the room with a man who slept all the time. Hne of my friends has a peculiar hobby@ he loves to $uarrel with everybody. c &hceme'li doshnout dojmu mluven%ho projevu, lze je spojit i pomlkou. At first I didnt like it % in fact, I must confess I hated it. d ,e/t vhodn j/ je spojit v ty n jakou spojkou up!esBujc vzjemn# vztah t chto v t. It was very boring, since I had to share a room with a man who slept all the time. I dont keep a diary, and thats why I find it hard to deal with this sub&ect. Although all westerns are very similar, people still seem to like them. e 3onen lze v ty parafrzovat. 'he s$uare resembles other s$uares and is nothing special. Hne part of the courtyard has a lawn dotted with trees and bushes, and several benches. . 6 6 ta rozd len na dva samostatn stojc celky, z nich v jednom nen vyjd!en p!sudek. * The story was made into a film in l3@>, not long after it was written. And again in l3G5, !y a 2rench company. * The !ackground of the painting is very !eautiful. Cothing specific, !ut a kind of mistiness. L v tami tohoto typu se sice v anglitin o"as setkme, ale nejsou tak " n% jako podo"n% v ty v e/tin , jak se v poslednch letech prosazuj zvl/t v esk% modern pr[ze. 6 anglitin si v ty tohoto typu m(e dovolit pouvat jen ten, kdo m pro jazyk opravdov# cit< jinak m ten! dojem, e jazyk te9tu je neo"ratn# a nep!irozen#. Lituace je jin, jde'li o rozhovor . zde se mohou podo"n% v ty pouvat v souladu s rytmem " n% mluvy. oing my way! Anyone there! 6 jin#ch p!padech "y se takov%to v ty nem ly o"jevovat. &hy"n% pouit se d ve v t/in p!pad( napravit spojenm v t vhodn#m interpunknm znam%nkem. 'he story was made into a film in A-KJ, not long after it was written, and again in A-*E, by a Drench company. 'he background of the painting is very beautiful@ nothing specific, but a kind of mistiness.

Cut a ta-e * *he tried to put down the pot from the shelf. * 0ould you like to put off your shoes' $amatujte si, e sloveso put znamen 0dt1 ve smyslu 0klst, umstit1 a take 0vzt, "rt1 7odn kud8. She tried to take the pot down from the shelf. )ould you like to take off your shoes! =ets take off all the old wallpaper and put a fresh coat of paint on the windows and doors. 2esk% uivatele anglitiny mate, e v n kter#ch p!padech anglitina p!ipou/t o" slovesa. 6#" r je urovn hlediskem mluvho. 3ould you take the cat out, please! 7;dnes ji odsud zvnit!ku, kde teS je.8 3ould you put the cat out, please! 7Dej ji ven, kde z(stane po jistou do"u, t!e"a p!es noc.8

Duarter * 0hat #uarter of "rno do you live in' $odstatn% jm%no $uarter se ve v#znamu 0st 7velk%ho8 m sta1 uv pouze z!dkakdy< oznauj se jm jen n kter% historick% sti ne"o tvrti m st mimo ?ritnii, charakteristick% v#skytem urit#ch vrstev o"yvatelstva 7student(, um lc( ap.85 an artists $uarter, the =atin \uarter 9in 1aris:. ,inak se uv cel !ada dal/ch v#raz(. ? n se pouvaj slova area a neighbourhood 7je o"vykle oznauj tvr4, kde lid% "ydl . v rodinn#ch domcch, vilch a inovnch domech . a asto se poj s v#razem udvajcm jej charakter8. 'his is a working.class area. I live in a very $uiet neighbourhood, one made up mostly of detached houses. 2asto se vyskytuje tak% slovo district. 'he main shopping#business district isnt far from here. Amsterdam is famous for its red.light district. 6elice o"ecn lze !ci5 )hat part of 9the: town do you live in! &hcete'li uv%st, jak se st esk%ho m sta jmenuje, pouijte jen esk% jm%no tvrti, a "ude'li to nutn%, podejte "li/ vysv tlen. I live in 9the district#part of town known as: MernF 1ole#JirFskova Gtvr].

Eat(er * )es rather hard.working than intelligent. 7:8 * $t was rather a hotel than a !oarding house. 7:8 * )es good at maths, !ut hes rather interested in physics. 7I8 * 0ould you advise him to marry her' F $d rather tell him not to. 7I8 * *hes not stupid. $d rather say shes naive. 7I8 * John would rather know it. 7I8 * 0hen $ want to know whats going on in the world, $ rather listen to the radio. 7I8 * )es looking for a new ,o!, !ut not !ecause the pay is !ad. $ts rather !ecause he doesnt get along with his !oss. 7I8 * )ere the word means rather (re#uest(. 7I8 Anglick% slovo rather p(so" 2ech(m znan% o"te< p!edev/m proto, e je povauj za univerzln ekvivalent esk%ho 0sp/e1, kter% v/ak v mnoha p!padech takto p!ekldat nen mon%. ,sou zvl/t dva p!pady, kdy se rather pouv p!i srovnvn. 1 6 platnosti p!slovce vyjad!ujcho p!ednost dvanou n emu p!ed n m jin#m se rather vyskytuje ve spojen would rather. Tato vaz"a se poj s infinitivem "ez to a znamen 0rad ji "ych*"ys*"y*"ychom*"yste1. Lrovnvac than po n nemus nsledovat, kdy v/ak nsleduje, nestoj "ezprost!edn za rather. )ould you rather go to the 'atras or to "ungary this year! Id rather go there by train than by bus. 4o you think 1eter will lend you his bike! % Id rather ask 2ike. Shall we go to 1rague tomorrow! % Id rather go on Driday. 6e v tch vyjad!ujcch, e n kdo "y "yl rad ji, a"y n kdo jin# ud lal to a ono, stoj jeden podm t p!ed a druh# po rather. Lloveso nsledujc po druh%m podm tu je v minul%m tvaru a vztahuje se na p!tomnost ne"o "udoucnost. Id rather you rang her up yourself. Shall we go to 1rague tomorrow! % Id rather we went on Driday. 2 6 platnosti p!slovce vyjad!ujcho v t/ prosp /nost ne"o pravd podo"nost se rather vyskytuje ve vaz" rather than. .Toto spojen nachzme ve v tch o"sahujcch paralely 7dv podstatn ne"o dv

p!davn jm%na atd.8. <ather a than v tomto p!pad mus stt vedle se"e. 2ike ought to speak to the head waiter rather than John. I think Ill phone rather than write. "es hard.working rather than intelligent. It was a hotel rather than a boarding house. 6 situacch vyjd!en#ch dv ma poslednmi v tami, v nich jsou k so" p!irovnvny dv v ci, je t% mon% ut vaz"u more 9. . .: than. "es more hard.working than intelligent. Its more a hotel than a boarding house. It was what he said more than what he did that bothered me. 3 6 ostatnch p!padech, kdy 0sp/e1 m funkci spojovac, rather pout nelze. $odle konte9tu je t!e"a hledat jin% zp(so"y vyjd!en. E kdy 0sp/e1 vyjad!uje, e jde o oso"n nzor 7hypot%zu8 . tady lze p!ekldat spojenm Id say, I think atd. ne"o vaz"ami s more. "es good at maths, but Id say hes more interested in physics. "es good at maths, but he seems 9to me: to be more interested in physics. )ould you advise him to marry her! % I think Id tell him not to. "es looking for a new &ob, but not because the pay is bad. Its more because he doesnt get along with his boss. Shes not stupid. Id say shes more naive. ,indy 0sp/e1 znamen pravd podo"nost ne"o v t/ mru p!esnosti. John would be more likely to know her. )ould you advise him to marry her! % Id probably tell him not to. )hen I want to know whats going on in the world, Im more likely to listen to the radio. "ere the word means something more like 7re$uest7.

Eefle;ive ver"s 7Kvratn slovesa8 * They werent a!le to concentrate themselves Non the examO. * $d like to apologize myself for !eing late. * 6any of the shops are specialized in ?astern imports. * The shop is opened at 3 and is closed at -. * They planned three trips, !ut only one was realized. * $magine to yourself what might happen. Eikdy nen jist%, e zvratn%mu slovesu v e/tin odpovd zvratn% sloveso v anglitin ne"o e je lze p!eloit trpn#m tvarem. Eesprvn se pouvaj hlavn slovesa concentrate, apologize, specialize, open, realize a imagine. 'hey werent able to concentrate 9on the e(am:. Id like to apologize for being late. 2any of the shops specialize in 8astern imports. 'he shop opens at - and closes at >. 'hey planned three trips, but only one was actually held#actually took place. Imagine what might happen. 6iz t% TX.

2 1
Eelation * )is relation to his father isnt good. 7:8 * The relation !etween parents and children is very important. 7:8 * Johns relation to his studies has got worse. 7I8 * *he has no relation to maths. 7I8

* Almost everyone has some relation to culture. 7I8 1 ,ako 0vzjemn spojitost*vztah1 se v#raz relation " n pouv, mluvme'li o v cech ne"o d jch< ve stejn%m smyslu je asto mono ut i slovo relationship. $!edloky s t mito v#razy " n uvan% jsou to a between. "is pay bears no relation to the amount of work he does. Is there any relationship between these two words#events! 2 3dy hovo!me o vztazch mezi lidmi ne"o zem mi, pouvme v#razy relations ne"o relationship a p!edloky with a between. "is relations with his father aren-t good. 'he relationship between parents and children#'he parent.child relationship is very important. Jim and 2ary have a good#close relationship. Hur main aim is to improve 9the: relations between the two blocs. 6e stejn%m konte9tu se tak% " n vyskytuj frze be on good#bad terms with somebody a 9not: get along with somebody#each other. 'heyre not on good terms with their boss. She doesnt get along with her teachers. 2y parents dont get along 9with each other:. 3 3dy mluvme o vztahu n koho k n emu neivotn%mu, !kme nap!.5 Johns attitude to his studies#&ob has got worse. Shes not interested in maths. Almost everyone has some interest in culture.

2 2
Eelative clauses 76ztan% v ty8 * 0ho wants to leave can go. 7T8 * )e who was caught smoking paid a fine. 7T8 * $ can get you everything what you want. 7:8 * *he gave him all what she had. 7:8 1 6ztan% zjmeno mus zpravidla stt za podstatn#m jm%nem ne"o zjmenem, k n mu se jm uvd n vedlej/ v ta vztahuje< proto nem(e v ta zanat vztan#m zjmenem who. "e je sice zjmeno, ale vaz"a he who dnes p(so" archaicky< vyskytuje se jen v p!slovcch, rench, apod. 7"e who hasitates is lost.8 >sto nevhodn#ch who a he who se " n pouv whoever ne"o vaz"a anyone#everyone#the people#those who. Anyone#8veryone who wants to leave can go. 'hose who were caught smoking paid a fine. )hoever was caught smoking paid a fine. 2 )hat m(e mt funkci vztan%ho zjmena jen v p!pad , e znamen 0to, co1. $!edchz'li ho v/ak v#razy typu everything, something, anything, nothing, all atd., nesm se jako vztan% zjmeno pout. $o t chto v#razech uvejte vztan% zjmeno that ne"o je prost vynechvejte. I can get you everything 9that: you want. She gave him all 9that: she had. 'hats something 9that: Ive always wanted to know. 6iz t% lM\.

2 3
Ee!e!"er * The film remem!ers me of ?ig( 0oon. 7l8 * As $ remem!er, you asked the same #uestion yesterday. 7:8 * As $ remem!er, &eter left yesterday at four. 7:8 1 K nevysv tliteln%ho d(vodu si 2e/i asto pletou slovesa remember 7vzpomnat si, pamatovat si8 a

remind 7p!ipomnat8. 'he film reminds me of )igh Eoon. 2 Orzi * as $ remem!er anglitina nezn< snad zde dochz k zm n se sprvn#m as far as I 9can: remember % 0pokud si vzpomnm1. 3dy si Anglian vzpomn na pr(" h n eho, co se stalo, pouije I remember + gerundium 7viz MM8. I remember you#your asking the same $uestion yesterday. 6zpomn'li na pouhou skutenost, e se n co stalo, sloveso remember jednodu/e vynech. 1eter left yesterday at four.

2 4
Eeported speec( 7Eep!m !e8 Eep!m !e p(so" nemal% pote, zvl/t proto, e vyaduje pouit souslednosti as(. ;"ecn pravidla jsou znm< zde se "udeme za"#vat jen n kolika p!pady, v nich se chy"y vyskytuj nejast ji. 1 $amatujte si, e sloveso hlavn v ty v minul%m ne"o p!edminul%m ase zpravidla vyaduje pouit souslednosti as( ve vedlej/ v t . K gramatik a ue"nic se dovdte, e tvar slovesa ve vedlej/ v t z(stv stejn#, kdy se skutenost doposud nezm nila. alileo showed that the earth goes round the sun. Een to v/ak docela pravda. Krovna tak p!irozen a p!inejmen/m stejn tak " n je v ta5 alileo showed that the earth went round the sun. Kvl/t v hovorov% anglitin se v#razn projevuje tendence pravidla souslednosti asov% d(sledn uplatBovat. Im only A*. % She told me that she was only I*. 2y names 4oreen. % )hat did you say your name was! 2 $!slovce msta, asu a ukazovac zjmeno this * Jim told me on 0ednesday that hed return the !ook tomorrow, and now its *aturday. ,estlie se p!slovce asu a msta vztahuj k okamiku a mstu promluvy, je nutn% v nep!m% !ei je pozm nit. 7?eze zm ny z(stvaj, je'li sd len reprodukovno na stejn%m mst ne"o okamit ne"o ve stejn%m asov%m o"do" . this week#year atd.8 Jim told me on )ednesday that hed return the book the ne(t day, and its now Saturday. Eejd(leit j/ v#razy podl%hajc zm nm jsou5 here there now then this that yesterday the day before tomorrow the ne(t#following day, the day after last week the week before ne(t week the ne(t#following week, the week after ago before 7Ill meet you here, on this corner, tomorrow.7 "e said hed meet me there, on that corner, the following day. 6I spoke to him last week, and Ill be seeing him again ne(t week.7 "e claimed hed spoken to him the week before, and would be seeing him again the ne(t#following week. 6I saw him some time ago.7 She told me shed seen him some time before. 3 6 ty "ez uvd cho slovesa * )e said it would !e a very interesting tour. 2irst, we will visit the Cational 9allery . . . * And so we agreed to ask him. "ut who will do it' $!i vyprv n o minul#ch udlostech se asto vyskytuj v#roky a otzky "ez uvd cho slovesa. U v takov#ch v tch je pot!e"a dodrovat pravidla souslednosti as(. "e said it would be a very interesting tour. Dirst, we would visit the Cational allery . . .

And so we agreed to ask him. 0ut who would do it! 4 Eep!m% otzky a Llovosled * )e wanted to know how long had $ !een there. * $ wonder what does he want to say . * $ts hard to realize why did he do it. Eezapomnejte, e slovosled v nep!m#ch otzkch je jin# ne v otzkch p!m#ch a e se zde neuv pomocn% do. $lat toti pravidlo, e k inverzi nedochz, stoj'li v#razy how, what, why atd. uprost!ed v ty ve funkci p!slovc vztan#ch. "e wanted to know how long I had been there. I wonder what he wants to say. Its hard to realize why he did it. " 6ypou/t n p!edloek * That was a perfect example how not to !ehave. * 0e were faced with the pro!lem when to go there. * The #uestion what to do is !othering me. * 0as there any decision how to proceed' 6 nep!m#ch otzkch se asto vynechvaj p!edloky p!ed v#razy who, which, where, when, why, whether a how, a to hlavn po " n#ch slovesech typu tell, ask, say atd. Lrovnejte5 'ell me about the party. 'ell me what the party was like. 6 jin#ch p!padech lze p!edloku pout i vynechat. Lrovnejte5 It depends on the time. It depends 9on: whether you want us to come. $o urit#ch v#razech v/ak p!edloku vypustit nelze. Kapamatujte si alespoB tato podstatn jm%na5 e(ample, problem, $uestion, decision. 'hat was a perfect e(ample of how not to behave. )e were faced with the problem of when to go there. 'he $uestion of what to do is bothering me. )as there any decision on how to proceed! $ravidla, kter#mi "yste se mohli !dit ve v/ech p!padech, v/ak "ohuel nee9istuj. $om(e vm jen do"r# slovnk a do"r znalost anglitiny.

2 5
Eepresent * The +oman coins represent an important part of the collection. * This represents a further example of waste in industry . * ?xports represent a large share of the total production. * This change has represented a great saving in time and la!our. * This !uilding represents @ million crowns. Yozvaujte, ne pouijete sloveso represent. 6 anglitin znamen 0znzorBovat1, 0p!edstavovat1, 0zastupovat1. 'his painting represents the 3hurch triumphant. 8ach dot on the map represents A,,,,, inhabitants. "es going to represent us at the staff meeting. 6e smyslu 0"#t n m1, 0tvo!it1, 0znamenat1, 7nikoli v/ak 0mt hodnotu18 se sloveso represent o"as vyskytuje, hlavn ale v novin!sk%m argonu. $roto je vhodn j/ uvat jin slovesa ne"o r(zn frazeologick spojen. 'he <oman coins form an important part of the collection. 'his is a further e(ample of waste in industry. 8(ports account for#make up a large share of the total production.

'his change has meant a great saving in time and labour. 'he building cost#is worth K million crowns.

2 6
Eepresentative 1 $odstatn% jm%no * )es one of our !est hockey representatives. 6 anglitin znamen podstatn% jm%no representative 0zstupce1 ne"o 0p!edstavitel1. <epresentatives from thirty countries came to the conference. Allen insberg was one of the leading representatives of the 0eat generation. 6e sportu je t!e"a vyjad!ovat se p!esn ji. "es one of the best players on our Hlympic#national hockey team. "e played 9tennis: for 3zechoslovakia 9in the 4avis 3up:. She represented her country at the Hlympics in gymnastics. 2 $!davn% jm%no * $t used to !e a representative restaurant. * Theyve turned it into a representative s#uare. $!davn% jm%no representative 9of: znamen 0=m rn , dostaten reprezentujc r(zn% sloky1, 0reprezentativn1. 0p!znan#1. "is views arent representative of those of the students as a whole. 'his is a representative selection of Seiferts poems. 6e smyslu 0vhodn# k reprezentaci1 pouv rodil# mluv jin% v#razy. It used to be a very good#really first.class restaurant. 'heyve turned the s$uare into a real showcase. 'hey welcomed him in the official#reception rooms of 1rague 3astle.

2 7
*Eests 7K"ytky8 * <ver there you can see the rests of the fortifications. 7l8 * The rests of the supplies were taken to the !arracks. 7:8 * <n the wall there were the restsBremainders of old wallpaper. 7I8 * 0here are the rests of the cheese' 7I8 * &ut the rests of the food in the fridgeU we can use them to make lunch tomorrow. 7I8 Eej" n j/ v#znam slova rest je 0z"ytek1 ne"o 0z"#vajc15 the rest of the house, the rest of the time, the rest of the people. 0K"ytek1 se v/ak ned vdycky anglicky vyjd!it slovem rest a tvar frests, kter#m se tak asto p!ekld esk% slovo 0z"ytky1, v anglitin v tomto v#znamu nee9istuje. 1 )ovo!me'li o z"ytcch n eho, co se sten rozpadlo ne"o "ylo znieno, !kme remains ne"o remnants. Hver there you can see the remains of the fortifications. Hn the table there were the remnants of a huge dinner. 6#raz remnant lze pout i p!i p!ekladu 0z"ytek ltky1. Shes very clever % she makes all her dresses out of remnants. 2 2esk% 0z"ytky1 jsou n kdy prost jen 0z"ytek1 . the rest. 'he rest of the supplies were taken to the barracks. 3 Llovo 0z"ytky1 se v/ak ned vdy p!ekldat pouze v#/e uveden#mi zp(so"y. >nohdy je nutn% pout jin% v#razy. Hn the wall there were bits#scraps of old wallpaper. )heres the cheese that was left over! 1ut the leftovers 7z"ytky jdla8 in the fridge? we can use them to make lunch tomorrow.

2 8
Eetire!ent * 6y uncles in retirement Nfor two monthsO. $odstatn% jm%no retirement znamen 0odchod do d(chodu1 ne"o 0o"do" po odchodu do d(chodu1. 'he firm organized a big celebration for 'om on the occasion of his retirement. Im looking forward to doing a lot of fishing during my retirement. 2esk% 0"#t v d(chodu1 ne"o 0jt do d(chodu*penze1 se do anglitiny p!ekld vaz"ou to be retired ne"o to retire. 2y uncle is retired#has retired. 2y uncle has been retired for two months. Im looking forward to doing a lot of fishing after I retire#have retired#when Im retired.

2 9
Eig(t * )e was corrupt in the right sense of the word. * )e was the right cause of the difficulties. <ight znamen 0prav#1, ve smyslu 0sprvn#1, 0pat!in#1, 0vhodn#1, 0nleit#15 come at the right time, the right man for the &ob, to use a word in its right sense. 6 p!pad , e 0prav#1 znamen 0skuten#1, tj. 0jak# v podstat je1, pouijte anglick% v#razy real ne"o true. "e was corrupt in the real#true sense of the word. "e was the real cause of the difficulties. 'hat is the real#true state of things. /ou should call his behaviour by its true name % cowardice.

/alar$ * The evening at the restaurant cost me my whole salary . 7l8 1 6#znamov je t!e"a rozli/ovat v#razy salary a wages. Oyzicky pracujc dostvaj wages, du/evn pracovnci 7=!ednci, l%ka!i, prvnci, uitel%, v dci ap.8 . salaries. Lyst%m mezd v/ak nen jednotn#5 wages mohou "#t hodinov%, denn, t#denn 7nej" n j/8 ne"o =kolov% . o"vykle se vyplcej v hotovosti< salaries 7t#denn, m sn, a n kdy i ron8 se o"vykle poukazuj p!mo na "ankovn konto zam stnanc(. $roto kdy mluvte o sv%m platu, vyjad!ujte se p!esn . 'he evening cost me a#my whole months salary#two weeks wages. 'he evening cost me as much as I make in a month. 2 Eejo"ecn j/ a tak% nej" n j/ v#raz oznaujc penze, kter% lov k za svou prci dostane, je pay. 'he evening cost me a whole months pay. )hats the pay like on a &ob like that! Im going to ask for a rise*amer. raise in my pay. 'heyve gone on strike for higher pay. 3 Anglian% jsou, pokud se t#e jejich plat(, diskr%tn j/ a "ude tedy nejl%pe p!mo se neptat, kolik vyd lvaj. E kte! z nich "y se toti mohli ctit dotazem nemile zaskoeni.

/a$ a tell * 1an you say us something a!out the course' 7l8 * $ was said that it would !e possi!le. 7l8 * $t seems to me that he wasnt saying the truth. 7:8 * *he said him hello. 7I8 1 2e/i v t/inou znaj zkladn rozdl mezi say a tell5 po tell o"vykle nsleduje nep!m# p!edm t 7oso"n8, zatmco say se pouv o"vykle "ez oso"nho p!edm tu.

3an you tell us something about the course! 3an you say something about the course! 2asto v/ak zapomnaj, e ve v tch s oso"nm p!edm tem, kter% "yly p!evedeny do trpn%ho rodu, sloveso tell z(stv. I was told that it would be possible. 2 6 anglitin se ov/em vyskytuje i n kolik zvl/tnch o"rat(, ve kter#ch se sloveso tell m(e pout "ez oso"nho p!edm tu. Eej" n j/ jsou tell 9sb: the truth#a lie? tell 9sb: a &oke#a story? tell the time. It seems to me that he wasnt telling the truth. 3 ]9istuje i n kolik v#jimen#ch o"rat(, ve kter#ch se sloveso say m(e pouvat s oso"nm p!edm tem 7pozor5 vdy p!ed nm stoj p!edloka to8. Eejo"vyklej/ jsou say hello#goodbye#good morning atd. a say something. . She said hello to him. 'hat name doesnt say anything to me. 4 $o slovese say mohou nsledovat v#razy jako a word, a sentence, an idea, a phrase, a name atd.< nikoli v/ak po slovese tell. )ed like you to say a word or two 9to us: about your visit to 8ngland. )ed like you to tell us something about your visit to 8ngland. 5 6 p!m% !ei je mon% pout sloveso tell jen tehdy, je'li pron/en pokyn ne"o informace. Say se d pout ve v/ech p!padech< to znamen, e se n kdy o"jevuje s oso"nm p!edm tem 7p!edev/m u krtk#ch pozdrav( a otzek, kde nelze pout tell:. I said to#told my wife, 7 o and see whos at the door.7 She said to#told me, 6'his is what it looks like7 She said 6"appy birthday;7 to her husband, and kissed him on the cheek. I said to her, 6)here on earth have you been!7

/cience# scientist# scientific * <ur ?nglish professor is an internationally famous scientist. 7l8 * )e teaches in the 8epartment of the *cience of Art. 7l8 * 0ere holding a scientific conference on modern heart surgery techni#ues next year. 7:8 * The scientific research of the department centres on the development of economic models. 7:8 1 $odstatn% jm%no science a jeho odvozeniny scientific a scientist nemaj tak /irok% uplatn n jako esk% v#razy 0v da1, 0v dec1, 0v deck#1< pouvaj se toti p!edev/m ve sf%!e v d p!rodnch 7chemie, fyziky, "iologie, matematiky atd.8, n kdy tak% ve sf%!e v d spoleensk#ch, nap!. psychologie, sociologie a o"as lingvistiky< ne v/ak v o"orech jako filologie, literatura, d jiny, um n, hud"a. Tady pouvme v#razy scholar a scholarly. Hur 8nglish professor is an internationally famous scholar. )e get a few scientific &ournals such as the Lcientific American, but no scholarly &ournals. 6 anglitin nen a"straktum, kter% "y odpovdalo esk%mu 0humanitn v da1 ve spojench jako 0hude"n v da1, 0v da o um n1 atd. 6 podo"n#ch p!padech vynechvejte science. "e teaches in the 4epartment of Dine Arts. 2 Kapamatujte si, e v mnoha p!padech, kdy konte9t jasn naznauje, e jde o v deck# v#zkum, zasedn ap., nen t!e"a slovo scientific v("ec pouvat. )ere holding a conference on modern heart surgery techni$ues ne(t year. 'he research of the department centres on the development of economic models.

/elf9conscious * )es sure to succeed F hes very self.conscious. Eezam Bujte v#razy self'confident 7se"ejist#, se"ev dom#8 a self'conscious 7nejist#, majc nep!jemn#

pocit, e je st!edem pozornosti, zaraen#, nesv(j8. "es sure to succeed % hes very self.confident. "ell never make a good actor % hes too self.conscious in public.

/everal * <nly several people were willing to go. * $ only saw him several times. 6az"u * only several anglitina nezn. Anglian toti v#razem several rozum sp/e vce ne m%n do potu. Llovo only tomuto chpn odporuje. Lprvn vaz"a je only a few. . Hnly a few people were willing to go. I only saw him a few times. Yozdl mezi o" ma v#razy je patrn# z tohoto p!kladu5 Several of my friends know 8nglish, but only a few of them speak it well.

/(e:(e ,e pravda, e n kter% neiv% p!edm ty mohou "#t v anglitin ensk%ho rodu 7lod , zem , m sc, atd.8, ale s tmto jevem se setkvme jen v oficilnch politick#ch projevech a novinov#ch lncch . i v nich dnes p(so" pon kud archaicky a r%toricky. 6 hovorov% anglitin m(e "#t ensk%ho rodu vlastn auto ne"o loS5 u domcch zv!at rozhoduje pohlav 9she#he8. &elkov jde o velice idiomatickou a oso"n zleitost. 6 dn%m z vyjmenovan#ch p!pad( v/ak nen nutn% ensk# 7pop!. musk#8 rod pouvat, a proto "ude nejl%pe dret se osv den%ho it, s v#jimkou ps(, koek a jin#ch zv!at chovan#ch pro pot /en.

/(ortl$ * )e spoke shortly a!out what he had seen. 7l8 * $ spend a lot of time ,ogging, swimming, playing tennis F shortly, doing some kind of physical activity . 7:8 1 $!slovce shortly znamen 0"rzy1, 0nedaleko*kousek 7za81 ne"o 0stroze*=sen 1. Ill see him shortly. 'urn to the left shortly beyond the hospital. She replied shortly that there was no time for such nonsense. Tak% m(e znamenat 0krtce*strun 1, ale jen kdy se poj s n jak#m jin#m p!slovcem, nap!. clearly, succinctly, atd. I want you to e(plain your plan shortly and succinctly. ,inak ve stejn%m smyslu " n uvme v#raz briefly. "e spoke briefly about what he had seen. 2 &hystme'li se n co shrnout n kolika slovy, !ekneme in short 70zkrtka*krtce !eeno18. I spend a lot of time &ogging, swimming, playing tennis . in short, doing some kind of physical activity.

/ide6 An t(e ot(er side * $ts rather expensive, !ut on the other side it should last along time. ;"rat on the other side pouijeme, jen kdy chceme vyjd!it, e jde o n jak% skuten% msto na zemi ne"o v prostoru, protilehl% k jin%mu mstu. "e caught sight of her standing on the other side of the room. Toto spojen lze tak% pout v p!enesen%m smyslu. Hn the other side of the issue stood the property owners and ta(.payers. ,inak, kdy uvdme jin%, odli/n% hledisko, !ekneme on the other hand.

Its rather e(pensive, but on the other hand it should last a long time.

/ignificant * This is one of the most significant museums in the country. * )e is one of the most significant contemporary film directors. $!davn% jm%no significant m t!i hlavn v#znamy5 a8 majc urit# v#znam, v#mluvn#5 a significant smile#look? "8 znan# 7co do velikosti, =inku8 . o"vykle v souvislost se zm nami vzhledem k p!edchozmu stavu5 a significant rise in crime#the population? c8 d(leit#, v#znamn#5 a significant contribution to knowledge, a significant study on some sub&ect. 6 t!etm v#znamu se t%m ! nikdy nepouv p!i charakterizaci lid ne"o instituc. ? n% jsou v#razy important, leading, great atd. 'his is one of the most important museums in the country. "e is one of the leading#greatest contemporary film directors.

* /i!ilar as * 6y hus!and should have similar interests as $ have. * These ceremonies have similar functions as folk traditions. Anglicky sice !kme the same . . . as, ale * similar . . . as nepouvme. Lprvn vaz"a je similar to. Kapamatujte si, e similar m(e stt p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem i za nm. 2y husband should have interests similar to mine. 'hese ceremonies have similar functions to those of folk traditions.

/ince %(en * *ince when has he !een &rime 6inister' Since when sice znamen 0odkdy1, ale vyskytuje se zejm%na v otzkch sarkasticky za"arven#ch. Since when have you been such an e(pert on grammar! ,e proto vhodn j/ ptt se how long ne"o n jak#m jin#m zp(so"em. "ow long has he been 1rime 2inister! . About five years#Since A-*,. "ow long is it since he became 1rime 2inister! % About five years. )hen was he made#)hen did be become 1rime 2inister! . In A-*,.

/o * <ur maths teacher is so nice a man. 7l8 * )ow is it possi!le for so stupid people to have good ,o!s' 7l8 * )es not so intelligent to understand it. 7:8 * $ havent got so much money to go to ugoslavia. 7:8 * $ was so lucky to get the kind of !oots $ was looking for. 7:8 * $f you work four hours, so you get lAA crowns. 7I8 * 0hen $ was in &rague, so $ visited the Cational 6useum. 7I8 * $m hungry. F *o eat something. 7G8 * 0hoever is so stupid and steals must !e punished. 7J8 * Anyone who is so clever and guesses the answer will get a prize. 7J8 1a So se vyskytuje p!ed p!davn#m jm%nem, kter% stoj samostatn ne"o po kter%m nsleduje vedlej/ v ta s that. Ive never met anyone who was so nice.

"e was so clever that he won a scholarship. " $oj'li se p!davn% jm%no s podstatn#m, je mon% v knin anglitin pout spojen so C p!davn% jm%no C a#an C podstatn% jm%no C vedlej/ v ta s that. "e was so good an athlete that he won the university pentathlon. >nohem " n j/ je v/ak v dan%m p!pad vaz"a such + a#an + p!davn% jm%no C podstatn% jm%no, a kdy nensleduje vedlej/ v ta s that, pak pouvme v#hradn tuto vaz"u 7viz :II8. "e was such a good athlete that he won the university pentathlon. Hur maths teacher is such a nice man; L podstatn#mi jm%ny v mnon%m sle se pouv such. "ow is it possible for such stupid people to have good &obs! 2 6e vaz" p!davn% jm%no C infinitiv zd(razBuje so v hovorov% anglitin p!davn% jm%no. ,eho neutrln j/m prot j/kem ve stejn% vaz" je very. 2e/tina v tomto p!pad pouv zjmenn% ukazovac p!slovce 0tak1 ne"o ukazovac zjmena 0takov#1 a 0ten1. I was very#so lucky to get them; > l jsem to*takov% /t st, e jsem je sehnalR 6e v#znamu 0natolik1, 0tolik1, 0dost . . . a"y1 se v/ak so nevyskytuje. Tady se jako zesilujc v#raz pouv p!slovce enough. "es not intelligent enough to understand it. I havent got enough money to go to /ugoslavia. I was lucky enough to get the kind of boots I was looking for. 3 So jako spojka d(sledkov znamen 0a proto1, 0tedy1. 0tud1, 0take1. "e didnt do his homework, so he couldnt answer the $uestion. I had no money, so I had to walk. $od vlivem mate!/tiny pouvaj 2e/i so stejn jako esk% navazovac 0tak1. Tato chy"a se o"jevuje velmi asto a unik pozornosti i t ch, kte! jinak mluv anglicky velmi do"!e. 6 anglitin v podo"n#ch situacch v("ec nectme pot!e"u navazovac stice pouvat. If you work four hours, you get A,, crowns. )hen I was in 1rague, I visited the Cational 2useum. ,en v souv tch se spojkou if o"as klademe pro zd(razn n na zatek !dc v ty navazovac then. If you want it, then get it yourself. 4 So ve funkci navazovac stice p!ed rozkazovac v tou se vyskytuje v anglitin americk#ch Qid( 7vlivem jidi/8. /oure feeling sad! So go to a movie or something; K va/ich =st "y ov/em zn lo v podo"n%m konte9tu nep!irozen < msto n j pouvejte well, well then a then. Im hungry. % )ell 9then:, eat something. /oure feeling sad! 'hen go to a film or something. 5 6az"u *so V pFGdavnH j!Hno V and V sloveso anglitina nezn< pouv spojen p!davn% jm%no C enough C infinitiv. )hoever is stupid enough to steal must be punished. Anyone who is clever enough to guess the answer will get a prize.

/o9called * The pace of the so.called scientific and technological revolution is speeding up. 7:8 * )e comes from so.called *lov:cko. 7:8 1 So.called se vyskytuje ve dvou v#znamech. a Eejast ji se pouv pejorativn < naznauje toti, e mluv je p!esv den o nesprvnosti uvd n%ho jm%na ne"o oznaen. 3dy tedy !kte, e n jak# politik je a so.called friend of democracy, !kte vlastn , e podle va/eho mn n je nep!telem demokracie. A so.called communications e(pert je n kdo, o kom jste p!esv deni, e ve sv%m o"oru nijak nevynik, atd. " >nohem !ideji se pouv s v#razy, o nich se mluv domnv, e ten!i ne"o posluchai nejsou

znm%< jde zvl/t o novotvary. 6 psan%m projevu jsou tyto v#razy asto v uvozovkch. 'he guerillas belonged to the so.called 6Shining 1ath7 movement. 'he government have decided to introduce a so.called 6family bonus7. 6/imn te si, e v#raz so.called nen v uveden#ch v tch nutn#< rad ji ho vynechejte. 2 0Takzvan#1 se v e/tin " n o"jevuje i p!ed znm#mi pojmenovnmi a znamen 0to, co je o"ecn naz#vno1. 6 anglitin se so.called v tomto 0neutrlnm1 smyslu neuv< nen'li z pojmenovn jasn%, o jde, lze p!ipojit strun% vysv tlen. 'he pace of the scientific and technological revolution is speeding up. "e comes from the region of 9southern: 2oravia known as SlovFcko.

/olve# solution * $n his latest !ook he solves the pro!lem of family relationships. * 0eve !een solving this pro!lem for twenty years. * They spent the evening solving some of their pro!lems. * 0e cannot solve this difficulty in any other way . Anglian% maj mnohdy dojem, e ve sloit#ch ivotnch situacch si 2e/i ponaj daleko o"ratn ji ne Anglian% sami. Tuto klamnou p!edstavu vyvolv ast# v#skyt slovesa solve v esk% anglitin . Solve znamen 0vy!e/it1, nikoli 0!e/it1 a poj se s podstatn#mi jm%ny problems 7pro"l%my8, crises 7krize8, puzzles 7r%"usy, hlavolamy8, riddles 7hdanky8, enigmas 7zhady8, e$uations 7rovnice v matematice8. L v#razy $uestions 7otzky8, difficulties 7pote, o"te8 a situations 7situace8 se o"vykle nepouv. T%m ! ve v/ech p!padech lze pout v#raz deal with< e9istuj v/ak i jin% prost!edky. In his latest book he deals with#is concerned with the problem of family relationships. )eve been trying to solve#working on this problem for twenty years. 'hey spent the evening discussing#trying to solve#trying to find a solution to some of their problems. )e cannot resolve#settle this difficulty in any other way.

*/o!e"od$ * . . so!e"od$ * *ome!ody is interested in sports, some!ody in cultural activities. 6az"a * some!ody . . . some!ody v anglitin nee9istuje. ;"vykle se pouv srovnvac spojen some + podstatn% jm%no C . . . others. Some people are interested in sports, others in cultural activities. ,e'li p!evedeno do jednotn%ho sla 7pozor na zm nu slovesaR8, zskv hypotetick# charakter. Hne person may be interested in sports, another in cultural activities. Hne person may be able to survive, while another would be helpless in such a situation.

/o!eti!es * $ must visit the Cational 9allery sometimes when $m in &rague. Eezam Bujte sometimes a sometime. Sometimes znamen 0o"as1 a naznauje opakovn 7nep!li/ ast%8 v minulosti, p!tomnosti ne"o 7!ideji8 v "udoucnosti. 'hey used to go to the circus sometimes when they were kids. "e sometimes en&oys smoking a cigar. )e hope youll come back to see us sometimes after youve moved away. Sometime znamen 0n kdy*jednou1 v "le neuren% do" v "udoucnosti ne"o minulosti. I must visit the Cational allery sometime when Im in 1rague. "e must have been born sometime in the A-K,s.

/oon * &eople with part.time ,o!s can get home soon in the afternoon. 3dy 0"rzo1 znamen 0za krtkou do"u1, je jeho anglick#m prot j/kem soon@ See you soon. 0?rzo1 ve v#znamu 0asn 1 p!ekldejte v#razem early. 1eople with part.time &obs can get home early in the afternoon.

/ort:t$pe:-ind of * $ dont en,oy this sort of activitiesB people. $o spojench sort#kind#type of mus nsledovat podstatn% jm%no v jednotn%m sle. 6#/e uvedenou chy"nou vaz"u "y rodil# mluv nepouil, a hovorov vaz"a these#those sort of + podstatn% jm%no v mnon%m sle se o"vykle nepokld za sprvnou. I dont en&oy this sort of activity#that sort of person. Trvte'li v/ak na mnon%m sle, pozm Bte slovosled ne"o pouijte vaz"u like this#that. I dont en&oy activities of that#this sort. I dont en&oy people like that.

/pecific * This mushroom has a specific smell. * 0e had a history teacher who used some very specific teaching methods. $!davn% jm%no specific znamen 0p!esn#1, 0podro"n#1 ne"o 0zvl/tn1. Id like a specific answer@ yes or no; 'here is a specific procedure to be followed in case of emergency. 6 e/tin pouvan% p!davn% jm%no 0specifick#1 70oso"it#1, 0charakteristick#1, 0sv%rzn#18 p!ekldejte anglick#m distinctive ne"o m%n " n#m a jen v urit#ch situacch se vyskytujcm personal ne"o individual 7p!znan# pro uritou oso"u8. 'his mushroom has a distinctive smell. )e had a history teacher who used some highly personal#individual teaching methods.

/port 1 6y"rat sloveso hodc se k podstatn%mu jm%nu sport je pon kud svzeln%. o in for je zastaral% a v souasn% anglitin se asto nevyskytuje. E kte! lid% pouvaj sloveso play ne"o m%n hovorov% practise< jin je zase nepovazuj za vhodn%. Eejl%pe asi "ude vyhovovat sloveso do< ve spojen s nepoitateln#m podstatn#m jm%nem sport po v#razech some, any, much, a little atd. p(so" zcela idiomaticky, ale jako sloveso s velmi /irok#m v#znamov#m uplatn nm se o"jevuje i v p!padech, kdy se sport pouv jako podstatn% jm%no poitateln%. 4o you do any sport! )e did $uite a lot of sport at my school. )hat sports do you do! 2 $okud jde o jednotliv% sporty, je n kolik monost. 1lay se hod k mov#m hrm . play tennis#cricket. 4o se pouv v souvislosti s gymnastikou, r(zn#mi m%n " n#mi typy zpasu, n kter#mi disciplnami, jako je skok o tyi, skok vysok# atd., a tak% s lya!sk#mi disciplnami . do gymnastics? do &udo? do pole vaulting#high &umping? do skiing. E kter% m%n o"vykl% disciplny lehk% atletiky se poj sp/e s to be ne"o n jak#m jin#m vhodn#m slovesem . Im a shot.putter? I throw the &avelin. A konen 5 !kme I run, I swim, I ski, I wrestle#bo(.

/ta$ * $ had to stay in the #ueue for three hours. * 0hen you work in a shop, you have to stay all day. K n jak%ho neznm%ho d(vodu zam Buj se o"as v esk% anglitin slovesa stand 7stt8 a stay 7z(stat8. I had to stand in the $ueue for three hours. )hen you work in a shop, you have to stand all day.

/till * 0hen its cold, you have to still move. 7l8 * The police still asked me if $ had seen her. 7l8 * 0enceslas *#uare is still full of people. 7:8 * 0hen you live in the country you still have a lot to do. 7:8 ,e p!ekvapujc, jak asto 2e/i p!ekldaj v#raz 0stle1 anglick#m still. >on proto, e v n kter#ch situacch still znamen 0stle je/t 1. "es still working. Ltle je/t pracuje. "es still not at home. Ltle je/t nen doma. 6 dal/ch p!padech je v/ak t!e"a najt jin# zp(so" vyjd!en. 1 3dy 0stle1 znamen 0ustavin 1, 0znovu a znovu1, pouvme v#razy keep 9on:, go on, continue ne"o m%n asto again and again. )hen its cold, you have to keep 9on: moving. 'he police asked me again and again#kept on asking me if I had seen her. )e continued to insist#insisting that he was right. 2 3dy 0stle1 znamen 0po!d1, 0vdycky1, pouvme v#razy always, all the time. )enceslas S$uare is always full of people. )hen you live in the country, you have a lot to do all the time.

/ucceed * After several hours of !om!ardment, they succeeded to capture the fort. * $ wonder if well succeed to get tickets for the film' Lloveso succeed se nepoj s infinitivem, n#"r s gerundiem. ,e v/ak t!e"a podotknout, e ve spisovn% anglitin se vyskytuje ve stejn%m v#znamu a stejn tak asto manage C infinitiv. 6 hovorov% anglitin je toto sloveso mnohem " n j/ ne succeed. After several hours of bombardment, they succeeded in capturing#managed to capture the fort. I wonder if well manage to get tickets for the film!

/uc( * <utside the cottage there w as such a strange light. 7l8 * They always #uarrel when discussing such #uestions. 7:8 * $ dont like such ice cream. 7:8 * *uch a man should know !etter than to drive while drunk. 7:8 * $ have such a #uestion. 7:8 * $ keep having such a dream. 7:8 * 0e cant put on such plays which re#uire a lot of money . 7I8 * Theyre a!le to create such an atmosphere in which everyone feels at home. 7I8 * )es such a person who would ro! his own mother. 7I8

1 &hceme'li v hovorov% anglitin zeslit v#znam p!davn%ho jm%na ve spojen p!davn% jm%no C podstatn% jm%no, klademe p!ed n j such. 6elmi tak% zle na intonaci 7zd(raznme p!davn% jm%no8. "es such a stupid man; 6 psemn%m projevu se tato vaz"a vyskytuje jen vzcn < o"vykle je pot!e"a doplnit ji vysv tlujc vedlej/ v tou s that. "es such a stupid man that he thinks they speak Swiss in Switzerland. ,inak such " n vynechvme ne"o pouvme ve v#znamu 0takov#1 p!slovce very. Hutside the cottage there was a 9very: strange light. 2 Kesilujc such 9a: se vyskytuje tak% p!ed podstatn#m jm%nem stojcm "ez p!davn%ho jm%na, ale jen v hovorov% anglitin , a lze ho pout pouze s podstatn#mi jm%ny, kter vyjad!uj dojmy, pocity, chvlu, kritiku ap. Such v tomto p!pad znamen 0takov#1, 0velk#1, 0o"rovsk#1, 0nesmrn#1 atd. John is such an idiot; )e had such fun at the party; Ive got such a headache; ,inak p(so" such 9a: "le urujc podstatn% jm%no velmi knin . >sto n j se pouvaj spojen like this#that ne"o this#sort#kind of 7viz ::X8. 'hey always $uarrel when discussing $uestions like that. I dont like this kind of ice cream. 6 p!pad , e podstatn% jm%no oznauje oso"u, je mon% nahradit this#that stojc za like p!slu/n#m oso"nm zjmenem. A man like him should know better than to drive while drunk. 6 jin%m smyslu ne 0velik#1, 0nesmrn#1 ap. se such p!ed podstatn#mi jm%ny nevyskytuje. $odstatn% jm%no se v takov%m p!pad poj jen se lenem ne"o s "le urujcm p!davn#m jm%nem. I have a $uestion. I keep having a strange#weird#funny dream. 3 Such m(e jen velmi z!dka kvalifikovat podstatn% jm%no, po n m nsleduje vztan v ta. Takov% pouit nachzme jen v n kter#ch oficilnch sd lench, kde po podstatn%m jm%n nsleduje as. Such applicants as wish to enrol for a longer period must state their reasons in writing. 6 " n%m mluven%m i psemn%m projevu se v#razu such v t%to funkci vyh#"ejte. 0Tak1 prost nep!ekldejte. )e cant put on plays which re$uire a lot of money. 'heyre able to create an atmosphere in which everyone feels at home. $ro zeslen v#znamu m(ete ut tak% spojen the kind#sort#type of 7viz ::X8. "es the kind of person whod rob his own mother.

/uggest * )e suggested the students to work harder. 7l8 * 9eorge suggests you to go and see a doctor. 7l8 * 8avid suggested to go to the theatre. 7:8 6az"a 0p!edm t C infinitiv1 se po slovese suggest nepouv. 1 Suggest se nejast ji poj s nep!m#m p!edm tem C vedlej/ v tou s that . . . should. "e suggested to the students that they should work harder. 6 americk% anglitin a ve spisovn% "ritsk% anglitin se m(e should vynechat . z(stv tzv. konjunktiv. 'he bank manager suggested to the couple that they take out another loan. Eep!m# p!edm t ve form oso"nho zjmena lze rovn vynechat. eorge suggests 9that: you 9should: go and see a doctor. I suggest we 9should: leave right now. 2 $o slovese suggest m(e stt tak% gerundium 7m%n " n%8< hlavn ve v tch s nevyjd!en#m oso"nm p!edm tem 7z konte9tu vysvt, komu je nvrh uren8.

4avid suggested going to the theatre.

/uppose * Theres no point in ringing up John. $ suppose hes not at home. Suppose a think se n kdy mohou v#znamov kr#t, zvl/t ve spojen I suppose#think so. )ill 2ary be going to the concert! % /es, I think#suppose so. Suppose v/ak v t/inou "#v n jak emocionln pod"arveno. 2asto t!e"a vyjad!uje neochotu ze strany mluvho. Are you going to the film! % /es, I suppose so? there doesnt seem to be anything else to do. 3an I stay out till midnight tonight, 4ad! . )ell, I suppose itll be all right. I think you should start studying for that e(am now. ^ /es, I suppose I should. ,indy je zase mn no kriticky ne"o sarkasticky 7odpovd esk%mu 0p!edpokldat1 pron/en%mu stejn#m t[nem8. And what about eorge! I suppose he was late again. I saw you talking to Dred. I suppose he told you how sorry he was for ruining your party last night. A tedy "udete chtt pout sloveso suppose v neutrlnm v#znamu, rad ji ho nahraSte slovesem think. 'heres no point in ringing up John. I dont think hes at home.

*9'ec(nic+s.# tec(nique# tec(nical * There have !een great developments in technicsBtechni#ueNsO in the twentieth century. Llovo * technicNsO anglitina nezn. A techni$ue je metoda, postup . ve v d , um n, sportu atd., p!i provd n, tvo!en n eho urit%ho. "e has developed a new techni$ue for transplanting kidneys. 'he use of flashbacks is an old techni$ue in the novel. 0eckers backhand techni$ue is formidable. 'he government has found a new techni$ue for s$ueezing money out of the ta(payers. 'echnology je cel !ada v deckotechnick#ch metod a postup(, z nich sestv v#ro"n proces. Tento v#raz lze pout jak o"ecn , tak i v u/m v#znamu. 'here have been great developments in technology in the twentieth century. 'heyre introducing completely new technology in the factory. Kapamatujte si spojen the scientific and technological revolution.

'elling t(e ti!e 7Fdvn asu8 * $ll meet you at eight oclock p.m. 7T8 * $t s eight to four. 7:8 * 0hat s the time' F $t will !e nine. 7I8 1 3dy pouijeme ve v t v#raz oclock 7pouze s celou hodinou8, a.m. a p.m. u nedodvme. ;dd len se vyskytuj, spolen nikoli. Tyto dv zkratky se, popravd !eeno, v mluven% anglitin asto nepouvaj< v t/inou se s nimi setkvme jen v psemn%m projevu. Ill meet you at eight oclock. 'he rocket will be launched tomorrow at E.+* p.m. ,e'li z!ejm%, o jakou denn do"u se jedn, udvme jen as. =ectures begin at A,. ,e'li t!e"a vyjd!it p!esn , o kterou denn do"u jde, !kme in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening a at night. >luvme'li o dne/ku, in the nahradme zjmenem this. Ill meet you at five 9oclock: this afternoon. Johnny wakes up every day at four 9oclock: in the morning; 'he last news bulletin is at eleven 9oclock: at night.

2 6 p!pad , e poet uvd n#ch minut nen d liteln# p ti, slovo minutes nelze vynechat. ,inak to zle na mluvm. Its eight minutes to four. 'he train arrives at ten 9minutes: past si(. 2Isto fifteen, thirty a forty.five minutes pouvme v#razy 9a: $uarter past, halfpast a 9a: $uarter to. 2len a se v hovorov% anglitin asto vypou/t. "e came at about a $uarter past si(. Its halfpast three. 'he film starts at $uarter to eight. $ozor . v#raz past se dnes v hovorov% "ritsk% anglitin ve spojen halfpast " n vynechv, co m(e v%st k nedorozum n5 Ill pick you up at half si( 7tj. v p(l sedm%8. 2asto je tak% sly/et Its *.AE 9eight fifteen:, *.+, 9eight thirty: a *.BE 9eight forty.five: a v posledn do" , kdy se t%m ! v/ude " n uvaj digitln hodiny a hodinky, se prosazuje stejn# zp(so" p!i udvn jak%hokoli asu5 Its -.BJ 9nine 3 3dy chceme !ct, e u je skoro sedm ap., pouijeme p!slovce almost. )hats the time! % Its almost nine 9oclock:. >inulo'li prv sedm ap., pouijeme v#raz 9&ust: after. Its after seven % were going to be late. 'he time! Its &ust after -.A,. 4 6 anglosask#ch zemch nen zvykem vyjad!ovat hodiny po poledni slovkami TI':G< v hovorov% anglitin se s t mito p!pady nesetkvme. 6yskytuj se pouze v oficilnch hl/ench, v jzdnch !dech atd. 6 t/inou se uvd nap!ed hodina a potom minuty . "ez jak%koli p!edloky. 'he time now is A*.K+ 9eighteen twenty.three: and here is the 0ritish news. /oull have to change at <eading to the AE.KE 9fifteen twenty.five: for H(ford. Ea ??& a jin#ch stanicch je tak% mono sly/et It is si( hours 9 reenwich 2ean 'ime:? d(vodem je pravd podo"n snaha o jasnost a p!esnost. 6 jin#ch situacch se v/ak tento jev nevyskytuje.

'e!peratures 7Teploty8 * )e had 43 last night. 7T8 * There were @A degrees this morning. 7:8 1 Nid% >luvme'li o teplot pacienta, nesta jako v e/tin uv%st jen stupn < je t!e"a pout i slovo temperature. $ouze v odpov di na otzku o"sahujc slovo temperature lze uv%st jen stupn . "is temperature was +- last night. "e had a temperature of +- last night. )hats his temperature! % +-.> 9thirty.nine point si(:. 2 $oas )ovo!me'li o teplot venku, pouvme jako podm t it ne"o the temperature a slovo degrees asto vynechvme. 'he temperature this morning was K, 9degrees:. Its +E in the shade. F teplot, kter% se pohy"uj "lzko nuly, asto vynechvme slovo zero. Its E above#below 9zero: outside. 6iz t% TTH.

'ens * There were tens of cars in front of the theatre. 2eskou slovku 0destky1 7lid, knek atd.8 p!ekldejte do anglitiny idiomatick#m v#razem dozens. 'here were dozens of cars in front of the theatre. 'ens se pouv s slovkami thousands, millions atd.

'ens of millions of pounds have been wasted on that pro&ect.

'erritor$ * There are RR museums in the territory of *lovakia. * +ain is expected tomorrow in the whole territory of 6oravia. * )e is doing research into the history of money in the territory of 1zechos$ovakia. Llovo territory se nevyskytuje v anglitin tak asto jako jeho ekvivalent 7=zem8 v e/tin . ;"vykle oznauje sttn =zem ne"o neznm% =zem a v t/inou se poj s p!davn#m jm%nem. 'hat island lies within 3anadian territory. Ahead of them lay undiscovered#une(plored territory. Tam, kde slovo territory nen v#znamov nijak d(leit%, vynechte je. 'here are BB museums in Slovakia. <ain is e(pected tomorrow in#over the whole of 2oravia. <ain is e(pected tomorrow throughout 2oravia. &hcete'li naznait, e dotyn% =zem d!ve nee9istovalo ne"o e "ylo pojmenovno jinak, pouijte frzi what is now. "e is doing research into the history of money in#within what is now 3zechoslovakia.

'(an-s 1 'hanks 7pod kovn8 * 0ould you like some more potatoes' F Thanks, yes. * Another !eer' F Thank you, no. * )ows your leg' F Thanks, fine. 6#razy 'hank you a hovorov j/ 'hanks se mohou pout ve stejn%m smyslu jako 9/es: 1lease % tedy p!ijmte'li na"dku. )ould you like some more potatoes! % 'hank you#'hanks. 3dy na"dku odmtte, !ekn te Co, thank you#thanks. Another beer! % Co, thank you#thanks. 6 odpov di na zdvo!il# dotaz 7o"vykle na zdrav8 umst te thank you ne"o thanks a na konec. "ows your leg! % Dine, thanks. Is your husband any better! % /es, $uite a bit better, thank you. 2 * Thanks 9od * Thanks 9od you got here in time. 'hanks je podstatn% jm%no v mnon%m sle a jako takov% se nepoj s p!m#m p!edm tem. Nze v/ak po n m pout p!edloku . nap!. ve vaz" thanks to 7asto v ironck%m t[nu8. 'hanks to 1aul, we arrived half an hour late. &hy"n% * Thanks 9od tedy nahraSte sprvn#m 'hank od. 'hank od you got here in time.

'(eatre * $ go to the theatre at least twice a month. $-m very fond of opera. ,e pravda, e do divadla se chod na inohry, opery, "alet, operety i muzikly, av/ak theatre spojuje anglick# mluv p!edev/m s inohrou. Tato asociace je u n ho tak siln, e z v ty I was at the theatre last night okamit usoud, e /lo o n jakou hru. $roto "ude asi nejl%pe hned zpotku !ci, o jak% p!edstaven /lo. I go to the opera#ballet twice a month. I usually go to see two or three operettas a year. =ast night we went to the JanFGek Hpera "ouse.

'heatregoer je tedy lov k, kter# se zajm o inohru< milovnka jin#ch forem z"avy oznaujeme jako .lover, hovorov fan ne"o, je'li i znalec, buff. "es a great opera.lover. Im a ballet fan#opera buff.

'(ere * $n 7ondon are many interesting sights. 7T8 * 0hen $ got to the swimming pool, there were already a lot of kids. 7:8 * The only disadvantage was that we were too many. 7I8 * There are !eing !uilt more new housing estates than ever !efore. 7G8 * $ looked out of the window and there was passing !y a car. 7G8 2e/i asto zpol s vaz"ou there is#are. 3rom chy" zp(so"en#ch nedostatenou nformovanost o zkladnch situacch, v nich anglitina pouv it is ne"o there is#are, se asto vyskytuj ty!i p!pady nesprvn vynechan%ho ne"o /patn uit%ho there. 1 ,e pravda, e there se v n kter#ch p!padech vynechat m(e. At the top of the hill 9there: stood a lookout. L tmto jevem se setkvme hlavn v literatu!e . tam, kde p!sloven% uren msta stoj p!ed slovesem. $ouit t%to vaz"y v/ak vyaduje jist% zku/enosti, a proto se rad ji drte osv den%ho there. In =ondon there are many interesting sights. 2 Lituaci zt uje skutenost, e vedle uvd jcho there e9istuje tak% p!slovce there 7tam8< dvoj there ve v t cizince mate, a proto se asto stane, e druh% there nesprvn vynechaj. )hen I got to the swimming pool, there were already a lot of kids there. 3 Fvdme'li poet lid ve skupin , musme tak% pout vaz"u there are 7viz lJM8. 'he only disadvantage was that there were too many of us. 4 6az"a there + be + p!est C podstatn% jm%no nen v anglitin p!ijateln< msto n pouvejte spojen there + be + podstatn% jm%no C p!est ne"o v tu "ez uvd cho there. 'here are more new housing estates being built now than ever before. 2ore new housing estates are being built now than ever before. I looked out of the window, and there was a car passing by. I looked out of the window, and a car was passing by.

'(in* $s 6ary coming to the party tomorrow' F $ think NthatO yes. 7T8 * 0ill Alan !e there' F es F at least $ think. 7T8 * 8o you feel like going to the pu!' F Co, $ think not. 7:8 1 Kapamatujte si, e kladn odpov S 0>yslm, e ano1 v anglitin zn I think so. Is 2ary coming to the party tomorrow! % I think so. )ill Alan be there! % /es % at least I think so. 2 ? n zporn odpov S je I dont think so? I think not je knin a dnes u p(so" zastarale. 4o you feel like going to the pub! % Co, I dont think so.

'i!e * $t isnt availa!le in this time. 7T8 * $n that time she was still a very pretty girl. 7T8 * $ didnt like him in that time, and $ dont like him now. 7T8 * $ wasnt eating very well, for $ had no ,o! in this time. 7T8 * $t was for the first time $ ate an avocado. 7:8 1 ;"rat * in this time se v anglitin nepouv.

>me'li na mysli souasnost 7v souasn%*t%to do" 8, nask#taj se tyto monosti5 at present, at the present time a nowadays 7stavme'li proti so" p!tomnost a minulost8. It isnt available at present#at the present time. Its hard to find an honest man nowadays. 3dy vypovdme o minulosti, pouvme v#razy at that time a then 7stavme'li proti so" minulost a p!tomnost8 ne"o at the time 7kdy se na/e v#pov S omezuje pouze na minulost8. At that time she was still a very pretty girl. I didnt like him then, and I dont like him now. I wasnt eating very well, for I had no &ob at the time. 2 &hceme'li !ci,. e n kdo n co ud lal poprv%, podruh% atd., m(eme zat v tu "uS podm tem, ne"o zjmeny it#this#that 7v tomto p!pad nepouijeme p!edloku for a as v druh% sti souv t posouvme o jeden stupeB do minulosti8. I ate an avocado for the first time then. 'hat was the first time 9that: I had eaten an avocado. Lrovnejte dvojice v t5 "es in 0rno for the first time. 'his is the first time 9that: he has been to 0rno. Ill be seeing 1ostSi_iny for the fifth time tonight. 'onight itll be the fifth time Ill have seen 1ostSi_iny. $r(" hov# as se ve v tch zanajcch zjmeny it#this m n na prost#. "es taking a girl to a dance for the first time. 'his is the first time hes taken a girl to a dance. $!edp!tomn# as se nem n< v ty s o"ratem the last time tak% ne. "e has &ust announced his engagement for the third time. 'his is the third time that he has announced his engagement. I went there for the last time in A-*K. Cineteen eighty.two was the last time I went there.

'o * *he wanted to go to the Mokoschka exhi!ition to &ragueB to the Cational 9allery. * )e went to meet them to the station. 6e v tch vypovdajcch o cest n kam se vedle se"e o"as vyskytnou dv p!sloven uren, a to p!sloven% uren msta a =elu5 &ht la jet na v#stavu ;. 3okoschky 7=el8 do $rahy*do Erodn gal%rie 7msto8. L p!edlokami to se p!sloven% uren msta poj, jen stoj'li p!ed p!sloven#m urenm =elu. 6 opan%m p!pad se pouv s p!edlokami at#in. She wanted to go to 1rague#to the Cational allery to the Nokoschka e(hibition. She wanted to go to the Nokoschka e(hibition in 1rague#at the Cational allery. Ltejn#m zp(so"em se !d i pouvn p!edloek p!ed p!sloven#m urenm msta v souv tch, kde p!sloven% uren =elu nahrazuje vedlej/ =elov v ta infinitivn. "e went to the station to meet them. . "e went to meet them at the station. Druh v ta z uveden#ch dvojic je idiomatit j/.

'ouris!# tourist * The Tatras are ideal for tourism. * They spent their holiday clearing old tourist paths. 6 anglitin , tak jako v nej/ir/m slova smyslu v e/tin , oznauje tourist 7turista8 n koho, kdo o dovolen% nav/tv urit msta za =elem poznn p!rodnch krs, um leck#ch a historick#ch pamtek a mnohdy i kv(li osv en a z"av . Tato innost se naz#v tourism. Ltejn# v#raz se pouv i pro 0pr(mysl1, kter# turist(m umoBuje a usnadBuje cestovn a v/e s nm spojen%.

1rague is full of tourists in the summer. In some countries tourism is one of the main sources of income. 6 u/m slova smyslu oznauje esk# v#raz 0turista1 n koho, kdo p stuje p / turistiku. Takov# turista je hiker a innost, kter% se v nuje, je hiking ne"o going for hikes. 'he 'atras are ideal for hiking#going for hikes. 'hey spent their holidays clearing old hiking paths#trails. "es a real hiker % he has no trouble doing forty kilometres a day. >%n nronou formu p / turistiky lze nazvat rambling#goingfor rambles a lov ka, jen se j za"#v, rambler. )hy dont you &oin the <amblers Association! I dont take very much e(ercise, but I do en&oy rambling#going for a ramble in the woods near 0rno.

'rue# trut( * To tell NtheO true, $ dont like him. * )e asked me whether it was really truth that John was dead. Eezam Bujte podstatn% jm%no truth 7o"vykle s urit#m lenem the: s pSIdavn`m &mUnem true. 'o tell the truth, I dont like him. "e asked me whether it was really true that John was dead.

'r$ * $d like to try this !louse, please. 0Kkusit si n co1 7na se"e8 se p!ekld anglick#m try something on. Id like to try on this blouse, please.

'urn of t(e centur$ * A new style in clothes came into fashion at the turn of the lGth and l3th centuries. Kapamatujte si, e anglick% spojen at the turn of the . . .th century se na rozdl od esk%ho 0na p!elomu . . .t%ho a . . .t%ho stolet1 uv pouze s jednm stoletm a znamen vlastn 0na zatku . . .t%ho stolet1. A new style in clothes came into fashion at the turn of the A-th century. 2any old buildings were demolished at#around the turn of the century 7tj. kolem roku lMHH8.

Inderstanding * <ur teacher had an understanding for our pro!lems. * $ hope my hus!and will have an understanding for my weaknesses. * 8o non.smokers ever have any understanding for smokers' Orze to have an understanding ve smyslu 0mt porozum n1 v anglitin nee9istuje. Knt do"!e podstatu n eho ne"o povahu n koho je mon% vyjd!it slovesem understand. Hur teacher understood our problems. 0>t porozum n1 ve smyslu 0tolerovat1 p!ekldejte vaz"ou to be tolerant of ne"o slovesem to tolerate. I hope my husband will tolerate#be tolerant of my weaknesses. 0>t pochopen1 ve smyslu 0mt kladn# postoj, sten schvalovat1 lze nejl%pe p!eloit spojenm to have sympathy for. 4o non.smokers ever have any sympathy for smokers!

Inli-e * Jnlike 8. ). 7awrence, Hirgiria 0oolfs novels employ the stream of consciiousness techni#ue. 7T8 * Jnlike in the l3th century, "ritain in the @Ath century has !een a declining power. 7:8

1 $amatujte si, e p!edm t po p!edloce unlike mus "#t paralelou podm tu v dal/ sti v ty. Rnlike 4. ". =awrence, Pirginia )oolf employs the stream of consciousness techni$ue in her novels. Pirginia )oolfs novels#'he novels of Pirginia )oolf, unlike those of 4. ". =awrence, employ the stream of consciousness techni$ue. 2 $ouit dal/ p!edloky po unlike se nepokld za sprvn%. Ld len se o"vykle vyjad!uje jinak. 0ritains position in the twentieth century is unlike that in the nineteenth, for it has become a declining power. In the twentieth century, 0ritain has lost the position it held in the nineteenth century, and become a declining power.

Intil a "$ * $ have to have it finished until the end of the week. >noz e/t mluv p!esn nev d, jak# je rozdl mezi by a until. Rntil pouijeme, kdy hovo!me o pro"hajcm d ji ne"o souasn%m stavu, kter# " u de pok rao vat do jist%ho okamiku v "udoucnosti. Im staying in 1rague until Saturday. 0y se o"jevuje ve v tch vypovdajcch o inn o st i, kter skon, ne"o o ud lo st i, kter pro" hne v urit%m okamiku v "udoucnosti ne"o v o"do" p!ed tmto okamikem. I have to have it finished by the end of the week. 6 kladn% v t lze v dan% situaci pouit jen jednu z o"ou eventualit, kdeto v zporn% v t je mon% pout o" . ov/em s podstatn#m v#znamov#m rozdlem. 'he translation wont be ready until the end of the month. Ten p!eklad "ude hotov a koncem m sce. 'he translation wont be ready by the end of the month. Ten p!eklad ne"ude hotov do konce m sce.

Ise * $ts no use of !eing angry. * $s there any use to try the exam tomorrow' 6 t%to vaz" se use poj s gerundiem "ez p!edloky. 6edle tradinho it se dnes v "ritsk% anglitin prosazuje there. Its no use being angry. Is there any use trying the e(am tomorrow!

Ised to 7C infinitiv8 * $ use to get up early. 7T8 * *he was used to keep a diary. 7T8 * $ would know an old gypsy woman who lived near us. 7:a8 * $ used to take piano lessons for five years. 7:"8 * That reminds me of something that happened when $ was younger. $ would get up every morning at six to go . . . 7:c8 1 $amatujte si, e vaz"a used to + infinitiv se pouv pouze pro vyjd!en opakovan#ch d j( v minulosti 7nikoli v p!tomnosti8 a e p!ed n nestoj sloveso to be. Eedodrovn tohoto pravidla vede asto k zm n s vaz"ou be#get used to + gerundium 7viz :J\8. I get up early. She used to keep a diary. ;tzka se v hovorov% anglitin tvo! pomoc slovesn%ho tvaru did#didnt. 4idnt you use to live in Hlomouc! Oorma used#usednt to se tak% vyskytuje, ale p(so" dnes zastarale a knin . 2 >luvme'li o d!v j/ch zvycch a nvycch, m(eme pouit v#razy used to i would. ,e v/ak t!e"a pamatovat si toto5

a 6az"a used to se poj se slovesy vyjad!ujcmi situaci 9know, like, understand atd.8, stav 7 to be ill: i innost 7work, walk atd.8. )ould se pouv jen se slovesy innosti. )hen I was a student I used to#would cram for every e(am. I used to know an old gypsy woman who lived near us. " ,e'li ve v t uvedena do"a, po kterou n co pro"halo ne"o trvalo 9for . . . years#days atd.8, ne"o !k'li se, kolikrt se n co stalo, nepouvme ani used to, ani would. I took piano lessons for five years. I used to see her three times a month, and I saw her about twenty times altogether. c 6#et minul#ch opakovan#ch d j( nezanme v tou s would, n#"r s used to. 'hat reminds me of something that happened when I was younger. I used to get up every morning at si( to go fishing. I would#used to creep $uietly out of the house . . .

)e:<et used to 7C podstatn% jm%no ne"o gerundium8 * 2oreigners arent used to drink !eer like 1zechs. 7T8 * $ wasnt used to eat dinner so late. 7T8 * "ill' <h, hes used to smoking everywhere. 7I8 1 $o spojen be#get used to 7"#t zvykl#, zvyknout si8 mus stt podstatn% jm%no ne"o gerundium< spojen se pouv ve v/ech asech. Doreigners arent used to drinking beer like 3zechs. I wasnt used to eating dinner so late. /oull soon get used to your new &ob. 6 minulosti, kdy opakovan innost o"as znamen i n co, co jsme "yli zvykl d lat, je mon zm na s vaz"ou used to. In the past I was used to reading a novel a day#I used to read a novel a day, but nowadays they no longer seem to interest me. E kdy se ov/em stv, e n co opakovan d lme, a p!esto si na to nezvykneme. $osuSte nsledujc v tu. After the accident his face was a mess, and even though I used to see him every day, I never got used to it. 2 6az"a be used to oznauje stav, kter# je v#sledkem innosti vyjd!en% vaz"ou get used to. She was used to 9hearing: the noise from the pub ne(t door. She had got used to 9hearing: the noise from the pub ne(t door. 3 2e/i o"as nesprvn pouvaj vaz"u be used to doing v p!tomn%m ase. 3 vyjd!en opakovan%ho d je v p!tomnosti sta prost# as p!tomn#. 0ill! Hh, he smokes everywhere. 3dy chcete zd(raznit, e jste na n co zvykl, poslou vm p!slovce usually. I dont know about you, but I usually go to bed early. 6az"a be used to doing 7v kladn#ch v tch8 se v p!tomn%m ase m(e ut, ale "#v jist#m zp(so"em pod"arvena. ;"vykle ji pouijeme v situaci, kdy nvyk je n jak ohroen. 'heyre introducing new regulations concerning places where you can smoke cigarettes. 0ill will be furious % hes used to smoking everywhere. )ould you like coffee with your meal! % )ell, Im used to having tea, actually. )ere used to going to a lot of concerts, but now that the ticket prices have been doubled, I dont know what were going to do. Tak% se pouv 7asto v zporu8 p!i omluvch ne"o odmtnut na"zen%ho. )ould you like another whisky! % Co thanks, Im &ust not used to drinking. I dont think I could guide them round 0rno. Im not used to speaking 8nglish with foreigners. Touto vaz"ou lze rovn naznait, e jste zvykl d lat n co nep!jemn%ho ne"o o"tn%ho. Im used to getting up early. All my life Ive been used to working on night shifts.

Isuall$# * asBthan usually * As usually, he arrived late. * *he came later than usually. ]vergreenem mezi echismy je * asBthan usually. $ozor . anglitina v tomto spojen pouv p!davn% jm%no, nikoli p!slovce 7jde vlastn o zkrcen% as#than is#was usual8. As usual, he arrived late. She came later than usual.

Jer"s + adjectives 7Llovesa pojc se s p!davn#mi jm%ny8 * *he looked very !eautifully. * The next morning $ felt horri!ly. L n kter#mi slovesy vyjad!ujcmi stav 7a nikoli d j8 . slovesy sponov#mi . pouvme msto p!slovc p!davn jm%na< charakterizujeme jimi toti podm t, ne jeho innost. Eej" n j/ slovesa tohoto typu jsou look, feel, sound, taste a smell. She looked very beautiful. 'he ne(t morning I felt horrible. 'hat proposal sounds ridiculous. I was surprised to find that it tasted so sweet. After being closed for a year, the flat smelled awful. Kapamatujte si, e spojen look well a feel well pouvme, kdy hovo!me o zdravotnm stavu. "es looking well after his operation. I dont feel well. ,e mi /patn .

Jer"s after direct speec( 7Fvd c slovesa po p!m% !ei8 * ("ut he really loves you,( $ tried to persuade her. * ($ forgot to do something,( wondered the professor. * (This is no time for ,oking,( he raised his voice. * ( ou did it'( $ was surprised. $!m !e podv n projev tak, jak "yl pronesen. Eej" n j/ uvd c slovesa po p!m% !ei jsou say a think. 6 literatu!e se asto vyskytuj synonyma t chto sloves, kter dodvaj v tm r(zn% za"arven5 ask, shout, snarl, whisper, reply atd. 2e/tina je "ohat j/5 krom v#raz( pro r(zn% zp(so"y promluvy pouv celou !adu dal/ch sloves 7nap!. mrait se, usmvat se, chlu"it se, "rnit se, zlo"it se8. Anglitina vyjad!uje informace, je esk slovesa tohoto typu poskytuj, jinak. 70ut he really loves you,7 I said, trying to persuade her. 7I forgot to do something,7 thought the professor to himself. 7'his is no time for &oking,7 he said, raising his voice. 7/ou did it!7 I asked in surprise.

Jer$ * )e was corrupt in the very sense of the word. 7:8 * )e was the very cause of the difficulties. 7:8 1 6e funkci p!davn%ho jm%na se very klade p!ed podstatn% jm%no, jeho v#znam zesiluje< pouv se takto v mnoha situacch, ale " n se vyskytuje pouze ve dvou5 a8 3dy n kdo 7n co8, koho hledte ne"o o kom hovo!te, se nhle o"jev na sc%n ne"o se stane po n jak% do" op t p!edm tem konverzace. Ah; 9/oure: 'he very man I wanted to speak to. $rv *Krovna s te"ou . . . 'hats the very record Ive been trying to find for weeks.

)e were discussing that very sub&ect only five minutes ago. 6e stejn%m smyslu lze pouit i &ust. /oure &ust the man . . .? 'hats &ust the record#sub&ect . . . "8 &hcete'li vyjd!it mez, hranici . 0a p!mo u*na1 apod. 7na sam%m kraji, v sam%m srdci atd.8. 'heir cottage is at the very end of the road. "e was at the very peak of his career when he was assassinated. 'he hotel is in the very centre of the town. Fit p!davn%ho jm%na very v ostatnch p!padech je ist idiomatick% a t ko zvldnuteln%< "ude proto asi nejl%pe pouvat very jen ve v#/e uveden#ch situacch. 2 Km na esk%ho p!slovce 0prv 1 s p!davn#m jm%nem 0prav#1 vede n kdy k nesprvn%mu p!ekladu p!davn%ho jm%na 0prav#1 anglick#m p!slovcem very. Lprvn# p!eklad v#/e uveden#ch chy"n#ch v t viz :HM.

Jisit * 6y mother visited primary school in *lovakia. 7T8 * $ en,oy visiting ciinemas and theatres. 7T8 * 7ast week we had a visit from 9reece. 7:8 1 Lloveso Lloveso to visit znamen strvit n jakou do"u na jist%m mst za =elem n co si prohl%dnout 7jako turista8 ne"o u n koho krtce po"#t 7jako host8. 'hey visited seven countries in si( days. 2ake sure you visit the brewery when youre in 1lzea. )ere going to visit my cousin at 8aster. )ovo!te'li o instituci, do kter% pravideln chodte, pouijte sloveso to attend ne"o hovorov j/ to go to? to go to pouvejte i v souvislosti s msty, kter nav/t vujete jen o"as. 2y mother attended#went to primary school in Slovakia. I en&oy going to cinemas and theatres. "es got enough money to be able to go to a restaurant every day. Kapamatujte si, e nv/t vnci divadla nejsou visitors, ale the audience ne"o the public. 'he audience are re$uested not to leave the theatre before the end of the performance. 'ickets are available to the public#'he public can buy tickets two weeks in advance. Ev/t vnky v#stavy, muzea, veletrhu a r(zn#ch atrakc m(ete nazvat visitors. 'here were A,,, ,,, visitors to the 73hinese Art7 e(hibition. 2 $odstatn% jm%no A visit znamen p!chod k n komu s clem krtce u n j po"#t ne"o p!chod n kam za =elem n co si prohl%dnout. )e should pay Rncle 2ark a visit. 'hey had a visit from the police. "ow did you like your visit to Drance! ;so"a, kter vs p!ijde nav/tvit, nen a visit, ale a visitor. =ast week we had a visitor from reece.

Joluntar$ %or* ?veryone is expected to do some voluntary work in the course of the year. 7T8 * The swimming pool was constructed through the voluntary work of the citizens of &oli;ka. 7T8 * &eople can earn money either from their regular ,o! or from some voluntary work. 7:8 1 Poluntary work oznauje neplacenou prci vykonvanou lidmi ze svo"odn% v(le< pouv se v/ak jen v souvislosti s do"roinn#mi organizacemi, vykonvajcmi o"ecn prosp /nou innost 7p%e o p!estrl%, chud%, sirotky atd.8. She does a lot of voluntary work for the <ed 3ross and H(fam.

$rce pro jin% instituce, p!tele ap. je volunteer work ne"o voluntary labour? tyto v#razy lze parafrzovat pomoc slovesa to volunteer ne"o utm podstatn%ho jm%na a volunteer. 8veryone is e(pected to volunteer for some work in the course of the year. 8veryone is e(pected to do some volunteer work in the course of the year. )e need some volunteers to help finish the football field. 'he swimming pool was constructed with the help of the voluntary labour of the citizens of 1oliGka. 2 Dal/ vysv tlen k nesprvn%mu pouit voluntary work jako ekvivalentu esk%ho v#razu 0"rigda1 viz IM.

Ka$# travel# journe$ * <ur way to ?ngland was filled with adventure. 7:8 * )e was very tired after his long travel!y sea to ?urope. 7:8 * 0hat kind of ,ourney did you have' 7:8 * )ow long does the way to &rague take' 7:8 * 0e set out on our return way at six. 7G8 * <ur way to $ndia went through Afghanistan. 7J8 * )is way to school hadnt !een easy. 7\8 * The way here took two hours. 7\8 $okud jde o cestovn, anglitina m k dispozici n kolik v#raz( podo"n%ho v#znamu, je v t/inou odpovdaj esk%mu slovu 0cesta1. 6 r(zn#ch situacch maj proto 2e/i s vol"ou sprvn%ho v#razu pote. Esledujc v#klad vm poslou jako vodtko k pochopen zkladnch v#znamov#ch rozdl(. 1 Eeja"straktn j/ a nejo"ecn j/ ze v/ech v#raz( je asi travel? p!ekld se jm esk% 0cestovn*cesty1, p!edev/m do zahrani. After several years of travel abroad, he returned to 8ngland. )e hope to visit Syria during our travels. 2 Journey znamen konkr%tn del/ cestu z msta na msto 7v t/inou po sou/i8< asto "#v n jak "le kvalifikovna. Hur &ourney to 8ngland was filled with adventure. It was a tiring &ourney 9from 1rague to 0ratislava:. )hat was the#your&ourney like! Poyage oznauje cestu po mo!, cruise z"avn plav"u a flight cestu vzduchem. "e was very tired after his long voyage to 8urope. )ere going on a cruise in the 3aribbean this year. 'he flight to 2ontreal took us about eight hours. >luvte'li o krat/ch vzdlenostech, m(ete pout slovo trip ane"o "#t p!esn j/ a vy"rat si podle situace v#raz drive 7cesta*jzda autem8, train.ride, bus.ride atd. )hat was the drive#flight#trip like! "ow was the trip! % )ell, its a long drive, and Im pretty tired. "ow long does the bus.ride to 1rague take! Its a three.hour train ride#Its three hours by train to Hstrava. 3 'rip velice asto oznauje cestu jako celek, tj. nejen cestu na msto uren, ale i po"yt tam a nvrat, zvl/t cestu rekrean 7urenou p!edev/m pro turisty8. 6 prvn z nsledujcch v t si v/imn te v#znamov%ho rozdlu mezi v#razy &ourney a trip. Hur trip to reece was wonderful % e(cept for the &ourney there, when the train was packed and we had to stand for two nights. Dor#Hn his birthday they made a day.trip to the seaside. Hn their trip to 8urope they plan to visit ten countries. 6 n kter#ch p!padech trip znamen i cestu za urit#m clem. Hne of my teeth is beginning to hurt. I suppose Ill have to make a trip to the dentists. 2y husbands away for three days on a business trip.

4 )ay m n kolik v#znam(. a8 the 7. . .8 +ay znamen sprvnou silnici, stezku atd., kterou je pot!e"a jet*jt, mme'li se dostat tam, kam chceme5 )heres the way out! I think weve lost our way. Is this the 9right: way to the station! "8 oznauje vzdlenost, kterou je t!e"a urazit5 'he museum is a long wayfrom here. c8 ve frzi on ones#the way 9to: vyjad!uje pohy" sm rem n kam5 Im on my way to the shops. )e set out on our#the way back at si(. d8 pouv se ve spojen all the way@ )e sang songs all the way to 1rague. 5 <oute je plnovan ne"o znm trasa. Hur route to India went through Afghanistan. 6 ,de'li o krtk% vzdlenosti 7nap!. ve m st 8 a mluvme'li o"ecn , asto uvme msto podstatn#ch jmen tvary slovesa get. It hadnt been easy for him to get to school. It took two hours to get here.# etting here took two hours.

* 0ay how * This is the way how to do it. 7T8 * They simply don>t know the way how to organize anything so complicated. 7T8 * There s no way how to prove that he stole the money. 7:8 * 7istening to tapes is the !est way how to improve your ?nglish. 7:8 * )ere are the ways how to get there. 7:8 * $ dont like the ways how he does it. 7I8 * This is her way of how to convey the character of her hero. 7I8 ;"rat * way how se stal u t%m ! neodmyslitelnou soust esk% anglitiny a je sly/et z =st kdekoho . od univerzitnch profesor( a po =pln% zatenky. 6 anglitin v/ak "ohuel nee9istuje. ;"a v#razy, how i way, se " n pouvaj odd len < dohromady nikoli. 6#" r vhodn%ho v#razu ne"o vaz"y zvis na okolnostech. )ay9s: se nejast ji vyskytuje ve t!ech situacch5 1 6 p!pad , e zp(so" nen nijak "le uren, lze pout spojen how + infinitiv 7" n j/8 ne"o the way C infinitiv. 'his is how#the way to do it. 'hey simply dont know how#the way to organize anything so complicated. 2 $!edchzej'li way9s: v#razy a, no, any, only, best, last atd. ne"o slovky ne"o stoj'li tvar mnon%ho sla the ways samostatn , pouvme vaz"u way9s: C infinitiv ne"o way9s: + of C gerundium. 'heres no way to prove#of proving that he stole the money. =istening to tapes is the best way to improve#of improving your 8nglish. Ive discovered three ways to solve#of solving the puzzle. "ere are the ways to get#of getting there. 3 3dy hovo!me o zp(so"u, jak#m si pon urit oso"a, mme t!i monosti5 the way + that C vedlej/ v ta< how + vedlej/ v ta< p!ivlastBovac zjmeno C way9s: C of C gerundium. I dont like the way 9that: he does it. I dont like how he does it. I dont like his way of doing it. 'his is her way of conveying the character of her hero. 'his is the way 9that: she conveys the character of her hero.

'his is how she conveys the character of her hero.

K(at a"out# (o% a"out * 0hat a!out to take a shower' ;"raty what about a how about se nepoj s infinitivem, ale s podstatn#m jm%nem ne"o gerundiem. )hat about 9taking: a shower! "ow about trying it on! )hat about John! 4o you think hed be interested!

K(en * 0hen you want to go to the theatre this evening, you-ll have to do your homework now. * 8on-t forget to put on coal. 0hen the fire goes out you-ll have to relight it. 6 hovorov% e/tin se 0kdy1 pouv i ve v#znamu podmnkov%m 7ve smyslu spojky 0jestlie18< toto 0kdy1 nep!ekldejte anglick#m when, ale if. If you want to go to the theatre this evening, youll have to do your homework now. 4ont forget to put on coal. If thefire goes out youll have to re.light it.

K(ole * 0e toured the whole $taly. * Theyre spending the whole August in the country. )hole nelze pout p!ed vlastnmi jm%ny. 6hodn% v#razy jsou all#the whole of. )e toured the whole of Italy. 'heyre spending all ofAugust in the country.

K($ +not. + infinitive * 0hy to put it there' * 0hy not to go to &oland this summer' &izinci asto zapomnaj, e po tzacm p!slovci why stoj v uveden#ch v tch infinitiv "ez to. K kladn% otzky vypl#v, e zmn n% ponn nen nutn%, n kdy dokonce, e nem smysl. )hy put it there! Kporn otzka vyjad!uje nvrh. )hy not go to 1oland this summer! Kpornou otzku lze formulovat i jinak. )hy dont you#we go to 1oland this summer! Kapamatujte si, e o"a typy zporn#ch otzek se mohou pout jako zdvo!il v#zva, a jsou vlastn o"do"ou " n%ho )ould you like to . . .' )hy not come to my place for dinner tonight! )hy dont you come to my place for dinner tonight! )hy dont we go for#have a drink!.

Kord order 7Llovosled8 1 Anglick v ta m pom rn ustlen# slovosled . podm t, p!sudek, p!edm t a p!sloven uren, kter jsou n kdy vkldan do v ty podle znan komplikovan#ch pravidel. Kd(razBuje'li Anglian n kterou st v ty, nem n slovosled tak asto jako 2ech. Tm nen t!e"a se znepokojovat. Qdan# =inek vyvol v mluven% anglitin v t/inou jen pat!in# p!zvuk a intonace< v psemn%m projevu je z konte9tu o"vykle z!ejm%, na kter# len ve v t je kladen d(raz.

Anglitina p!irozen disponuje r(zn#mi jin#mi prost!edky, jimi m(e zd(razBovat urit% sti v ty. Eejd(leit j/ jsou patrn vaz"y It is#was . . . that a )hat . . . is#was. I saw "arry at the cinema last week. It was "arry that I saw at the cinema last week. It was last week that I saw "arry at the cinema. It was at the cinema that I saw "arry last week. I want to know who did it. )hat I want to know is who did it. $!li/ ast% pouvn t chto spojen "y v/ak neprosp lo p!irozenosti anglick%ho projevu5 " n# slovosled o"vykle =pln postauje. 2 Unverze * $ want to know who is he. * $n no case you are to answer the phone. * <nly then $ !egan to understand. * (And thats final,( stated he. * 2rom around the corner the sound of a guitar came. E kdy je v/ak nutn% slovosled anglick% v ty pozm nit< v t/inou se to d je inverz . tj. umst nm slovesa p!ed podm t. E kter% p!pady inverze jsou v hovorov% anglitn zcela " n%, a to v otzkch, po v#razech neither, nor a so 9Ceither did I? Cor could he? So is my mother:, po here a there 7inverze se omezuje na v ty s jmenn#m podm tem5 "ere comes your father % and there goes your brother;:. Eejast ji se v/ak inverze vyskytuje v psan%m projevu. 2e/i zpol s potemi p!edev/m v t chto p!padech5 Eep!m% otzky 7vz :HG.G8. I want to know who he is. $!sloven uren zporn%ho v#znamu. ,sou'li na zatku v ty, je t!e"a zm nit slovosled. Rnder no circumstances will there be a ta( increase this year. "ardly had she begun to speak when he interrupted her. Hnly C p!sloven uren Ltoj'li na zatku v ty, m n slovosled. Hnly then did I begin to understand. Hnly after some time had passed did he open his eyes. 6 ty uvd jc p!mou !e ,estlie uvd c v ta stoj za p!mou !e, je mon% umstit sloveso p!ed podm t 7pokud je vyjd!en# podstatn#m jm%nem< jinak je to mon% pouze u slovesa say:. 7 et out of here;7 screamed John#John screamed. 7And thats final,7 he stated. 7Im not giving it to anyone,7 he said#said he. $!sloven uren msta ,sou'li na zatku v ty, m n se jej slovosled tak, e se p!esune sloveso p!ed podm t "ez pouit pomocn%ho do#did. Drom around the corner came the sound of a guitar. Hn the floor lay a man of about forty, obviously dead. 3 $!davn% jm%no na zatku v ty * $mportant is that everyone should !e present. * $nteresting is also his auto!iography. 6 e/tin se zcela " n vyskytuje p!davn% jm%no na zatku v ty. ,de p!edev/m o p!davn jm%na 0zajmav#1 a 0d(leit#1< ale i mnoh jin mohou mt stejn% postaven. 6 anglitin lze rovn zat v tu p!davn#m jm%nem< takov v ta je v/ak zpravidla pouze soust del/ho v tn%ho celku. Interesting in this connection is the fact that he was not originally trained as an actor. Fm t odhadnout, kdy je p!edsazen p!davn%ho jm%na vhodn%, vyaduje zku/enost a opravdov# cit pro jazyk< jinak zn cel v ta nep!irozen . ?ezpen j/ je dret se star#ch osv den#ch metod.

It is important that everyone should be present. 'he important thing is for everyone to be present. Another interesting work is his autobiography. 4 A good e(ample of this we can find in 3hapter K. Tento typ v ty se o"jevuje jen v psan%m projevu< je v/ak o"vyklej/ pout trpnou vaz"u a takto p!irozen umstit p!edm t na zatek v ty. A good e(ample of this can#is to be found in 3hapter K.

Kor-place * 6y workplace is very pleasant. )orkplace a place of work jsou spisovn%, =!edn v#razy5 'he government wishes to increase the use of Drench in the workplace. 6 hovorov% anglitin se v/ak uv cel !ada jin#ch prost!edk(. 'he place where I work is very pleasant. I dont like 9it: where I work. 7Safety on the &ob#at work7 is a slogan you often see. I dont like the atmosphere at work any more.

Kort( * $ts worth to visit the Cational 6useum. 7T8 * $ think that !ook is worth reading it. 7T8 1 $o slov worth m(e nsledovat sloveso ve form gerundia 7nikoli infinitivu8 ne"o podstatn% jm%no a zjmeno. 6 o"ou p!padech je mon% pout dva typy podm tu5 a8 p!pravn% it Its worth visiting the Cational 2useum. Its not worth trying to convince her. Its worth doing it. I think its worth reading that book. "e says its worth the effort. "8 podstatn% jm%no ne"o zjmeno 6/imn te si, e v nsledujcch v tch se podm tem stv vlastn p!edm t gerundia. 'he Cational 2useum is worth visiting. Shes not worth trying to convince. Its worth doing. I think that book is worth reading. 'his essays not worth the paper its written on. 2 Orze Its 9not: worth it se vztahuje k cel% p!edchzejc v t . Arent you going to repair your veranda! % Its not worth it % the wood is completely rotten. Id like to buy a video, but I dont know if its worth it. $ov/imn te si, kolika zp(so"y lze odpov d t na nsledujc otzku 7v prvnch dvou p!kladech je podm tem p!pravn% it, ve t!etm zastupuje zjmeno it podm t 0Nimondov# ,oe18. 4o you think I should go and see Nimondov# ,oeP Hh yes, its definitely worth it. Hh yes, its definitely worth seeing it. Hh yes, its definitely worth seeing.

Kritten6 lt is:%as %ritten * $n the text!ook it-s written that you have to use a infinitive here. * $n the newspaper there was written that the terrorists came from 7e!anon. Fveden% p!eklady esk%ho 0p/e*psalo se1 jsou zcela neanglick%. 6 ty tohoto typu zanaj o"vykle zjmenem it a uv se v nich msto slovesa write v trpn%m rod sloveso say v rod inn%m. It says in the te(tbook that you have to use an infinitive here. It said in the newspaper that the terrorists came from =ebanon.

Lears 7l%ta8 'he refurbishing of the building was completed in the year A-E>. "e attended university in the years A->>.A-JA. 2any social changes took place in the *,s of the A-th century. 6#/e uveden% v ty jsou sice 0sprvn%1, ale asto se nepouvaj. Lpojen in the year p!ed letopotem p(so" velmi formln a zastarale. 'he refurbishing of the building was completed in A-E>. "e attended university from A->> to A-JA#between A->> and A-JA. )ovo!'li se o urit#ch l%tech n jak%ho stolet, je v anglitin " n% uv%st stolet p!ed p!slu/n#mi l%ty. 2any social changes took place in the A**,s.

Lout( * outh doesnt know how to !ehave today. 7T8 * That film isnt suita!le for youth. 7T8 1 ,ako podstatn% jm%no hromadn% se youth poj se slovesem v jednotn%m i mnon%m sle a oznauje mlad% lidi . v tomto v#znamu se v/ak vyskytuje jen s urit#m lenem a s "l/m vymezenm s p!edlokou of. 'he youth of today doesnt#dont know how to behave. Dnes v/ak youth v podo"n#ch spojench p(so" knin a pon kud pomp%zn < v " n% anglitin pouvme v#raz young people. /oung people today dont know how to behave. 'hat film isnt suitable for young people. 2 ,ako podstatn% jm%no poitateln% znamen youth 0mladk1. ,eho v#skyt se omezuje na =!edn a novinov% zprvy a asto m hanliv% za"arven5 'he police have arrested two youths in connection with the robbery. 6 hovorov% anglitin "ychom !ekli young man. 3 ? n se podstatn% jm%no youth pouv jen ve smyslu 0mld1. ,ako takov% je nepoitateln% a asto se poj s p!ivlastBovacm zjmenem. Un my youth U +as often very ill.

=* CodstatnO j!Hna 1* J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 a8 T* Do you really think this is a good 7place, room8 for the "ookcaseP There doesn-t seem to "e much 7place, room8 here, does thereP :. )ave you met my ne+ 7"oss, chief8P I. Are there many out'of'school 7actions, activities8 planned for this +eekP G. 7Actions, activities8 are more important than +ords. J. _hy 7are, is8 the police looking for himP \. aou-re +et, ,ohn5 you should change your 7clothes, dress8. X. _rite your address on the 7"ackside, "ack8 of the envelope. Z. The eggs fell on the 7floor, ground8 +hen U +as putting them in the fridge. M. _alking isn-t easy +hen there is t+o feet of sno+ on the 7floor, ground8. TH. The police 7are, is8 under the >inistry of the Unterior. TT. $ull yourself together and "e a 7man, person8. T:. >y friend Larah has finally "een allotted a flat< it-s in a 7"lock of flats, house8 in a `uiet 7`uarter, neigh"ourhood8. TI. ]ngineering is one of the "asic 7"ranches, fields8 of industry. TG. Uf you-re interested in literary 7documents, monuments8, you should visit the local museum. TJ. Uf the +eather-s fine tomorro+, +e-re hoping to go out into the 7country, nature8. T\. Net-s have a 7game, play8 of cards no+. ' Eo, +e-d "etter study5 you kno+ +hat a lot of 7faults, mistakes8 you made in yesterday-s test. TX. Un the 7game, play8 last night, the actors +ore the 7clothes, dress8 of a hundred years ago. "8 T. )is son plans to go into 7policy, politics8. :. Ut-s the firm-s 7policy, politics8 to accept only `ualified e9perts in the 7"ranch, field8. I. There-s a strong 7chance, opportunity, possi"ility8 that he +on-t come. G. The man +ho compiled the dictionary +as an accomplished 7scientist, scholar8. J. Ut-s vital for every 7scientist, scholar8 to keep up +ith the latest advances in 7techni`ue, technology8. \. The 7relation, relationship8 7"et+een, of8 +ages and prices is not very good at present. X. The 7level, standard8 of living has risen thanks to modern 7techni`ue, technology8. Z. U-ve "een there 7dozens, tens8 of times. M. 7Dozens, tens8 of thousands of people still suffer from starvation. TH. >y +ife and U +ent to the 7opera house, theatre8 last night5 +e sa+ a super" performance of 4on iovanni. TT. Did you have many 7visits, visitors8 on ?o9ing DayP T:. 7)iking, tourism8 is one of the main sources of income in Austria, +ith the num"er of 7hikers, tourists8 increasing year "y year. TI. U +ent for a short 7hike, ram"le8 in the large park on the outskirts of to+n. TG. There-s a cheap 7hiking, tourist8 hotel near the har"our. TJ. There are so many 7hikers, ram"lers, tourists8 on the 7hiking, tourist, ram"ling8 paths in the )igh Tatras that they look like $rague streets. T\. Us this the 7journey, +ay8 outP TX. Did you go to 6enice on your 7journeys, travels, trips8P TZ. The shortest 7journey, route, travel8 from ?rno to ;lomouc is via $rost jov. TM. )e likes to take his kids for car 7drives, journeys, rides8. 2 J$"erte sprOvnH doplnQnG vQt6 T. Don-t forget to take an um"rella 7a* for the case< "* in case8 it should rain. :. They painted the room 7a* "eige< "* in "eige colour8. I. 7a* The most of< "* >ost8 people earn more money than me. G. There-s nothing like spending a +eekend 7a* in nature< "* outdoors< c* out of doors8. J. Lhe spends 7a* most of< "* most8 her time gossiping. \. U +as interested in 7a* the most< "* most of the8 pro"lems discussed there. X. )e never 7a* makes order in< "* tidies up8 his room. Z. _ould you like some melons tooP ' aes, give me 7a* t+o, please< "* t+o pieces, please8. M. U-m afraid U +on-t 7a* have the possi"ility< "* "e a"le8 to get that "ook for you. TH. The fridge isn-t 7a* in order< "* +orking8< you should call the maintenance man. TT. Us there any possi"ility 7a* of finding< "* to find8 a cure for cancerP T:. U +ish U had 7a* the possi"ility< "* the opportunity8 to study in ;9ford. TI. _here does your father +orkP ' >y fatherP )e-s "een 7a* in pension< "* retired8 for t+o years no+. TG. _hy do you +ant to do thatP ' 7a* There-s< "* U have8 no other possi"ility. TJ. The disease has spread over 7a* the +hole territory< "* the +hole8 of &zechoslovakia. T\. 7a*aoung people are< "* aouth is8 al+ays full of enthusiasm. TX. 7a* >y relation to my parents is< "* >y relations +ith my parents are< c* >y relationship +ith my parents is8 very important for me. 3 7oplRte do vQt t$to vPra&$ ve sprOvnH! tvaru6 a: college, couple, director, hall, head, hostel, manager, pair, principal@ T. Niving in a . . . is more fun for students than living +ith their parents. :. >r and >rs $arker are a happy

. . . I. The . . . of the school decided against his deputy-s proposal. G. >y son studies at the . . . of Agriculture. J. Nook at that . . . dancing5 aren-t they incredi"leR \. >r ,ones +as appointed . . . of the language school. X. The . . . ordered an e9tra rehearsal of the play. Z. Uf your students +ork in . . ., they get more opportunity to speak. M. ;nly the . . . of the firm can decide that. TH. Loon after moving to the FLA, he "ecame the . . . of a small elementary school. b: environs, environment, fantasy, idea, imagination, nature, scenery, surroundings@ T. U don-t like zoos< the animals aren-t in their natural . . . there. :. aou-ll find a solution if you use a little . . . I. ]ach of us is responsi"le for "ettering the `uality of the . . . G. 3eep to reality and forget those . . . of yoursR J. aou-ve no . . . ho+ +orried >other +as a"out you. \. Uf you have to concentrate, you need `uiet . . . X. They kno+ everything a"out the . . . of Nondon. Z. Eever underestimate the po+ers of . . . M. U love the "eautiful . . . of the ]nglish Nake District. c: brand, class, custom, form, grade, habit, hour, lesson, make, period@ l. American children start attending the first . . . of elementary school +hen they-re si9 or seven. :. Tom has a . . . of "iting his nails +hen he-s trying to concentrate. I. )o+ long are your +orking . . .P G. >ike and U have kno+n each other since the first . . . of grammar school ' or did +e meet in the last . . . of primary schoolP J. )e travelled to Africa to study tri"al . . . \. This term U teach t+enty five . . . a +eek. ' That-s `uite a lot, "ut as a university student, U have nearly forty . . . a +eek. X. A ne+ . . . of "eer has come onto the market. Z. Ut +as her . . . to drink a cup of coffee first thing after coming to her office. M. This +atch never keeps good time< U +ish U-d "ought a different . . . TH. U liked my "iology . . . at secondary school. d: area, district, leftovers, neighbourhood, office, pay, position, post, $uarter, remains, rest, salary, wages@ T. >y parents live in a pleasant . . . :. Did you o"tain the . . . you applied forP I. Did you also go to see the . . . of the bothic castleP G. The FL $resident enters . . . in ,anuary. )e holds a very important . . . J. There-s a ne+ shopping . . . in the to+n, and even an artists- . . . ' it used to "e a +orking'class . . . \. _hat are your +eekly . . .P X. ,ohn-s ]nglish and the . . . of them are _elsh. Z. U-ve "ought a cookery "ook +ith recipes for dishes prepared from . . . M. Teachers aren-t satisfied +ith their . . . TH. &lear a+ay the . . . of dinner, +ould youP e: drive, &ourney, ride, techni$ue, technology, travel, trip, true, the truth, voluntary labour#work, volunteer work, voyage, way@ T. aou must al+ays tell . . . :. . . . +as needed to clear the heaps of sno+ from the streets. I. That actress is incredi"ly "eautiful. ' . . ., "ut can she actP G. Us it . . . that most of us +ill "e put out of +ork "y the ne+ . . .P J. &an you sho+ me the . . . to the station, pleaseP \. )e-s developed a ne+ . . . for "lo+ing glass. X. U don-t like long train . . ., "ut U `uite enjoy long sea . . . Z. Lhe doesn-t go out to +ork, so she has lots of time to devote to . . . for various charities. M. )e came home after years of foreign . . . TH. _hat-re you doing tomorro+P ' U-m going to make a day . . . to the country, and U think ,ohn-s planning to go for a . . . in his ne+ car. 4 CFelo5te6 a8 T. ,eden m(j spoluk dostal k vnoc(m kolo, mamiR :. ?yl tam jeden m(j kolega z ronku a jedna kolegyn m% sestry z kancel!e. I. Tohle je ,ana< "ydlm s n na koleji. G. 6, e j slu/ modr "arva< proto o"vykle nos /aty modr% "arvy. J. Dovolte, a"ych vm p!edstavil sv%ho kolegu, doktora >illse. \. ?yli jsme s Danem nerozlun dvojice. X. 6 p!pad poru roz"ijte sklo a pouijte hasic p!stroj. Z. $ojSme si zaplavat na p!ehradu. M. Eem(e/ jt na verek v t chto /atech, Tome. lH. &ht l "ych ti p!edstavit jednoho sv%ho znm%ho. ,e to m(j znm# z vojny. TT. Ea slovensk#ch !ekch je mnoho p!ehrad, ale Vrava je nejv t/ p!ehradn jezero v 2LLY. T:. ?yl jsem v l%t na Bov% "rigd . ' Ea/e /kola jela na chmelovou "rigdu. ' A j jsem "yl na "rigd na sttnm statku v na/ vesnici. TI. >yslm, e to nen jenom jeho chy"a, e d l v p!ekladech tolik chy". TG. Autora t% psn neznm, ale vm, kdo je autorem toho lnku. TJ. ,e to nad jn# mladk, eP "8 T. ?ude nm stait p(l "ochnku chle"aP :. 3 m#m konk(m pat! nv/t vy divadla a tanec. I. Anglie

zvt zila nad Oranci v polovin TZ. stolet. G. 6 polovin zpasu "ylo sk[re \5T. J. ,eho p!edn/ka o v#voji druh( m la vysokou =roveB. \. Tys prv ten lov k, kter%ho pot!e"uji, ,anoR X. Tady v okol je spousta rodinn#ch domk( ' jsou to samostatn% domky a dvojdomky< nejsou tu v/ak dn% !adov% domy. Z. 6 t% rodin n co nen v po!dku. M. >iluje p!rodu5 rd v p!rod trv dovolenou a v !, ze p!rodu je t!e"a chrnit. TH. Een v po!dku, m l "y jt k doktorovi. TT. 3olik zavazadel jsi m la s se"ouP ' Dv , jako o"vykle. T:. 3olik nov#ch stroj( nm poslaliP ' $ t kus(. TI. Kajm/ se o historick% pamtkyP ' Ano< u jsem vid l >endl(v pomnk, n kolik zajmav#ch architektonick#ch pamtek a n jak% pamtky z 6elk% >oravy v muzeu. TG. Ev/t vnci veletrhu maj k dispozici !adu restaurac a "ufet(. TJ. Ev/t vnci divadel a koncert( si mohou zakoupit lstky v p!edprodeji. c8 T. Lporty vdycky m ly v m%m ivot d(leit% msto. )raje/ n jak% sportovn hry i tyP :. >/ n co na programu na dne/n veerP I. >stn kino m na programu zajmav# film. G. Ktra mm na"it# program. J. Eajdi, prosm t , program televize. \. ?ydli v m stsk% tvrti, kter% se !k Oifejdy. X. T // se do penzeP ' Ano< doufm, e si p!etu v/ecky knihy, na kter% jsem nikdy nem l as, a "udu v penzi. Z. 3olik univerzit je na =zem 2ech a >oravyP M. Takov# druh mi9%r( se u ns neprodv. lH. ,ezd/ asto na slue"n cestyP TT. Ea cel%m =zem sttu je nedostatek vody. T:. >arie nem do"r# vztah ke sv% tchyni. TI. >luvil o tom celou cestu do prce. TG. ^msk% legie nikdy nedo"yly =zem dne/nho Lkotska. TJ. ,ak se ti l"ilo na cestch a kde jsi v/ude "ylP ' Fd lal jsem si se znm#mi cestu lod po Lt!edomo! a cestou do Utlie jsme se zastavili v Yakousku, a"ychom si prohl%dli p!rodu na =pat Alp. ==* CFGdavnO j!Hna 1 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 a8 T. This "ook is something completely 7else, different8 ' and it-s +ritten much "etter than 7usual, usually8. :. U live near the place +here U +ork, +hich is very 7comforta"le, convenient8. I. U like this armchair5 it-s really 7comforta"le, convenient8. G. Ut-s very 7comforta"le, convenient8 to have the larder ne9t to the kitchen. J. $oor ,ack comes from a 7drunk, drunken8 home5 "oth his parents +ere 7drunks, drunkards, alcoholics8. \. Lhe says she hates 7drunk, drunken, alcoholic8 parties ' "ut U sa+ her at one yesterday, and she seemed a little 7drunk, drunken8 herself. "8 T. 7economic, economical8 theory :. 7electric, electrical8 appliances I. 7economic, economical8 +ife G. 7electric, electrical8 current J. 7classic, classical8 e9ample of something \. 7historic, historical8 events X. 7classic, classical8 education Z. 7electric, electrical8 clock M. 7historic, historical8 "uilding TH 7economic, economical8 car TT. 7classic, classical8 music T:. 7electric, electrical8 industry c8 T. ]dmund )alley +as a 7kno+n, +ell'kno+n8 astronomer. :. Lhe-s 7kno+n, +ell'kno+n8 as an interpreter of ?recht. I. Ut +as such a 7happy, lucky8 moment +hen U sa+ my daughter "eing married. G. _e +ere 7happy, lucky8 to escape injury in that accident. J. ,udy-s 7much, much more8 prettier and 7much, much more8 intelligent than her sister. \. Are there any forests 7near, near of8 your to+nP X. _here did you put the letterP ' Un a 7near, near"y8 letter"o9. Z. Don-t go 7near, near to8 the edgeR ,ust as far as the tree 7nearest, nearest to8 it. M. They hope to find a cure for leukemia in the 7near, near"y8 future. TH. Taking a ta9i is our only 7practical, real8 chance of getting there on time. TT. A techni`ue is a method for doing some 7distinctive, specific8 thing. T:. )e uses some highly 7personal, specific8 idioms. TI. They caught sight of the 7distinctive, specific8 stripes of a ze"ra "e'hind the tree. 2 7oplRte6 a8 vPra&$ o&naSujGcG svQtovH stran$ s pFGponou .ern ne"o "e& nG6 l. Oinland lies in . . . ]urope. :. Did you enjoy your holiday in . . . bermanyP I. . . . 6irginia is one of the FL states. G. . . . ]ngland is not as attractive as . . . ]ngland. J. ;strava is the administrative centre of the * * * >oravian Yegion. "8 pFGdavnH j!Hno mutual, -de je to nutnH6 T. The . . . e9change of ideas +as fruitful for "oth sides. :. The &ouncil for . . . ]conomic Assistance is an organization of socialist countries. I. ?rno Fniversity and the Fniversity of Needs have carried out . . . e9changes of students for years. G. The t+o countries agreed on . . . cooperation in the field of astrophysics.

c8 pFGdavnH j!Hno scientific, -de je to nutnH6 T. )e had a good . . . education, specializing in "iology and chemistry. :. The thermometer and the microscope are . . . instruments. I. Are you taking part in that . . . conference on the use of lasers in surgeryP G. Ut is no longer possi"le to em"race all . . . kno+ledge no+adays5 you can only "e an e9pert in your o+n . . . field. J. )e-s involved in a . . . research project into the causes of AUDL. d: actual, common, current, favourite, ordinary, popular, pressing, topical, usual@ l. _hat do you like a"out $attyP Lhe seems `uite . . . to me. :. Lhall +e meet at the . . . timeP I.The `uestion of improvements in teaching methods has "ecome very . . . G. Do you like his last playP ' Eo, it-s very . . . , nothing special. J. Ut +as an interesting discussion a"out some . . . pro"lems. \. Ooot"all is very . . . in this country, "ut my . . .game is tennis. X. ]nglish is the . . . language of the ?ritish, Americans and Australians. Z. That-s only theory5 things are different in . . . practice. M. >y "rother-s very . . . +ith girls. TH. Apple trees are very . . . in many parts of the +orld. e: actual, mental, real, right, psychic9al:, self.confident, self.conscious, true@ T. . . . patients are treated in . . . hospitals. :. _hy don-t you call things "y their . . . namesP I. . . . research deals +ith such phenomena as reading other people-s thoughts. G. U-d like to kno+ +hat the . . . state of things is. J. U +onder +hat the . . . reason for her a"sence isP \. Ut-s an . . . fact ' U haven-t invented it. X. This is the . . . moment to tell him. Z. )e-s al+ays sure he-s . . ., sure he-ll succeed ' a very . . . chap. M. U don-t like speaking in pu"lic . U-m rather . . . f8 urSitP Slen# -de je to nutnH6 T. &ould you come and see me . . . ne9t +eekP :. Uf U miss . . . ne9t train, U-ll have to spend the night here. I. U finished my studies in TM\\5 . . . ne9t year U started teaching at the language school. G. _here shall +e go . . . ne9t yearP To ?ulgaria againP J. U +on-t "e in to+n for . . . ne9t month. 3 TdUra&nQte vPra&$ tiVtQnH -ur&Gvou po!ocG sprOvnH(o e-vivalentu Ses-H(o ##ta-ovPW6 T. Do you like music! :. Ut-s a nuisance. I. U-d never "uy a car. G. Ut-s a beautiful day today. J. Lhe-s a conceited girl, and thinks every"ody adores her. \. )e has strange ideas. X. aou can-t use words; 4 CFelo5te6 T. ?ydl v takov%m malink%m domeku. :. Ea cest dom( potkala n kolik opil#ch nmo!nk( vracejcch se na loS. I. Tohle auto je n co jin%ho, n co docela jin%hoR G. Tv(j syn je pr# velice nadan# na jazyky. ' Ano, ale je ln# se uit. J. Tom je nadan# fyzik, ale nem "ohuel velk% nadn pro organizaci prce. \. $oslednch pr let pracuje v m%m odd len. X. >anel si o so" mysli, e dovede zrun zachzet se v/emi nstroji, ale ve skutenosti nen moc /ikovn#< doufm, e syn "ude /ikovn j/ na domc prce. Z. ,e to auto"iografie ' o"sahuje autor(v ivotn p!" h. M. Eepot!e"uji tvoje rady . s m#mi ivotnmi zku/enostmi si s tm pro"l%mem poradm sm. TH. ,estli tu knihu dotu do konce, tak to "ude m(j celoivotn =sp ch. TT. Een to skv l% "ydlit ve vlastnm "yt P T:. Tohle je "eznad jn situace. ' Take je prakticky konec, eP TI. ,e to v#znamn# eskoslovensk# v dec'lingvista. TG. Tom je ten prav# lov k pro tu funkci. TJ. $rv s te"ou jsem cht la mluvit, Anno. T\. ]instein "yl jednm z nejv#znamn j/ch v dc( :H. stolet. TX. Ta restaurace je p!mo v centru m sta. TZ. Tohle je prv ten dopis, kter# jsem cel# minul# t#den hledalR ===* CFGslovce 1 J$"erte sprOvnH doplnQnG vQt6 T. _ould you rather 7a* have< "* to have< c* +e had8 lunch no+ or 7a* +ait< "* to +ait< c* +aited8 for the othersP :. U-d call her eyes 7a* rather greenish< "* greenish rather8 than "lue. I. Lhe 7a* keeps asking< "* still asks8 me to sell that picture to her. G. 7a* )o+ many are you< "* )o+ many of you are there8 in one officeP J. 7a* Un $rague are< "* Un $rague there are8 plenty of cinemas and theatres. 2 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 T. Lhe jumped +hen he 7at once, suddenly8 called out her name. :. )e e9plained the pro"lem, and 7at once, all at once8 everything seemed clear. I. Dan can speak Yussian and $olish< 7"esides, in addition8,

he-s a"le to make himself understood in )ungarian. G. )er house stands 7alone, lonely8 on a hill, 7a long +ay, far8 from the to+n, ' Usn-t she rather 7alone, lonely8 thereP J. U-m too "usy to go out tonight< and 7"esides, in addition8, U-m not fond of musicals. \. Lusan says she isn-t very pretty, "ut U think she-s 7enough, rather, `uite8 attractive. X. aou-ll have to +ork 7hard, hardly8 if you +ant to keep your jo". And come to +ork 7earlier, sooner85 you-re 7hard, hardly8 ever here "y eight. Z. )e 7once, sometimes8 kne+ her, "ut they-re 7no longer, no more8 friends. M. Tell me 7"riefly, shortly8 +hat happened. TH. >r ?iggs +ill "e "ack 7in short, shortly8 ' you can +ait for him here. TT. They +ere shouting, singing, clapping their hands ' 7in short, shortly8, "ehaving like a lot of fools. T:. The postman came 7earlier, sooner8 than 7usual, usually8, and U +as still in "ed. 3 7oplRte do vQt t$to vPra&$6 a: aloud, away, especially, gone, hard, hardly, loudly, particularly, in particular@ T. Us there any "randy in the "ottleP ' Eo, it-s all . . . :. Don-t laugh so . . . I. U-m sorry U +as . . . +hen you phoned yesterday. G. U . . . noticed the colour of her hair. J. Yead >ike-s letter . . . so that +e can all hear it. \. Lomeone knocked . . . at the door. X. ]ven though he tries . . . U don-t think he-ll succeed. . Ut-s . . . to say, isn-t itP Z. ,ohnP )e-s . . . the person to ask. M. Ltudents . . . +ill +elcome the ne+ reference "ook of ]nglish usage. "8 sprOvnH anglic-H e-vivalent$ Ses-H(o ##vU"ecW6 T. Do you kno+ anything . . . a"out that accidentP :. _hat . . . can he meanP I. U-m interested in painting and in the arts . . . G. Nast night U hardly slept . . . J. Ut-s . . . the most thrilling crime story U-ve ever read. \. _hat . . . use can that machine haveP X. U don-t kno+ anything . . . about physics. c8 a long way, distant, far, away, -de je to !o5nH6 T. >y house is a ten'minute +alk . . . from here. :. )o+ . . . is it to the Eational TheatreP B Ut-s . . . from here5 too . . . to +alk. I. Those t+o girls are . . . relatives. G. Lhe +as . . . from pleased +hen she sa+ him. J. The rail+ay stationP Ut-s a"out a kilometre . . . \. Ut-s so . . . that +e-ll have to take a ta9i to get there. X. _e live . . . from the centre of the to+n5 it-s a"out lH km . . . from here to our house. d: first, firstly, at first, first of all@ T . . . . every"ody +as against my proposal, "ut later they came to support it. :. . . . U-d like to thank you for your kind help. I. )e thought . . . it +as nothing serious, "ut suddenly the machine stopped +orking. G. . . . , you-ll have to tell Oather< second, you-ll have to return the money. J. . . . U prepared a cup of tea and then U sat do+n and rested. e8 so na &aSOte- dru(H vQt$# -de je to !o5nH6 T. _hen she told me a"out it, . . . U got angry. :. U +as tired and +orried at the time, . . . U got angry very easily. I. Lhe asked me to arrange it, . . . U did. G. Uf it-s really necessary, . . . U-ll do it. J. )e neglected his studies, . . . he failed all his e9ams. \. ]very"ody +as "usy, . . . U had to go there myself. X. Uf you like it so much, . . . you can keep it. Z. Uf you insist, . . . U-ll go there. f: early, once, one day, so, so much, someday, sometimes, sometime, soon, such, such a@ T. _e should meet and have a good chat . . . :. . . . he used to come on Laturdays, * . . on Lundays. I. >illie-s . . . s+eet little "a"yR And she-s . . . goodR G. The palace +as "uilt . . . around TXHH. J. Do you kno+ $eterP ' aes, U met him . . . in $rague. \. Ut seems to me . . . that he-s mad. X. _hen +ill you take your holidayP ' . . . in Leptem"er. Z. The train +as a fe+ minutes . . . , +asn-t itP M. )e loved her . . . that he lost interest in everything else. TH. U . . . realized +hat he +as like. TT. U-m afraid U-ll have to "e going . . . ' YeallyP _hy are you leaving so . . .P 4 CFelo5te6 a8 T. >luvte prosm nahlas, /patn sly/m. :. 3onen m pov z, co se staloR I. Eajednou si uv domil v/echny d(sledky toho, co ud lal. G. ,e to hlun# lov k5 hlasit mluv a hlasit se sm je a n kdy dokonce nahlas mysl. J. Fniverzita m t!i "udovy< krom toho m je/t knihovnu a t locvinu. \. $ochy"uji, e

ten d(m dostav do konce m sce. X. Eem(e/ m nutitR Eeud lm toR Kkrtka ' neR Z. > li "ychom si o tom podiskutovat5 je to dost zajmav# pro"l%m. M. Tato prce je vhodn o"zvl/t pro studenty. TH. ,e ns na tu prci p!li/ mlo. "8 T. ,en ty mi m(e/ pomociR :. Yad ji si "eru dovolenou v zim ne v l%t . I. Ltihla jsem napsat jenom dva dopisy. G. Ty lye "udou sp/ ve sklep ne na p(d . J. ,enom jsem se na to cht l podvatR \. ,enom j jsem se na to cht l podvat. X. Tom m sice do"r% v#sledky ve fyzice a matematice, ale sp/e ho p!itahuje hud"a. Z. Yadil "ys mu, a"y to msto vzalP ' Eo, sp/e "ych mu !ekl, a"y si hledal n co jin%ho. M. ,estli jsi tak chytr# a v/, jak to ud lat, tak to ud lej sm. TH. Ltle je/t pracuje/P ' Ano, protoe m lid% stle vyru/uj. =J* TOj!ena 1 J$"erte sprOvnH vPra&$6 T. 7All, every"ody8 7are, is8 here5 +e can start. :. 7All, everything8 you-ve said is true, "ut . . . I. aou needn-t hurry . there 7are, is8 lots of time. G. There 7+as, +ere8 a lot of pro"lems to discuss. J. 7Lome"ody, one person8 may like to read poems, 7another, some"ody8 may prefer adventure stories. \. U hear you-ve "ought a ne+ house. 7)o+, +hat8 does it look likeP X. Eot 7all, every"ody8 of them are +illing to help. Z. &all 7one, someone8 of them in. M. 7Eo"ody, none8 of the students failed the e9am. TH. 7Any, any"ody8 of them should "e a"le to do it. TT. U don-t kno+ +hat U-d do in 7another person-s, the other-s8 place, "ut U kno+ +hat U-ll do no+. 2 7oplRte6 a: a few, a little, only a few#little, not many, not much, several@ T. . . . cities are as "eautiful as $rague. :. aou can have another cup of tea if you +ant ' there-s still . . . left in the pot. I. U kno+ +hat to e9pect from him ' U-ve dealt +ith him . . . times "efore. G. _e +on-t starve5 there-re . . . eggs in the fridge, and . . . milk. J. There-s . . . time left. \. )e made . . . trips to Nondon last year, "ut only . . . of them +ere successful. b: a great deal of, a large number of, a lot#lots of, plenty of, many, much, very@ T. There +as . . . food at the party ' . . . more than the . . . guests could eat. :. U don-t like to take . . . things +ith me +hen U travel, "ut my +ife al+ays takes . . . ' so . . . that U have to put some of them in my suitcase. I. Lhe says she +as . . . disappointed "y the performance. G. . . . more visitors came than +e-d e9pected. J. )is "oy has "een giving him . . . trou"le. ' That-s "ecause he gives him too . . . money. c8 pFGsluVnH oso"nG ne"o pFivlastRovacG &Oj!eno6 T. Throughout . . . history, Orance has "een a centre of culture. :. >y hus"and-s crazy a"out his ne+ car5 he-s forever talking a"out . . . I. Tim-s "ought a yacht, and he says . . . is lovely. G. _hat a pretty cat. _hat-s . . . nameP ' _ell, U +anted to call . . . >innie, "ut in the end +e decided on $rincess. J. Don-t "e afraid of Yover< . . . +on-t "ite you. d: it, that, this@ T. >other gave me a little dog for my "irthday. . . . +as the most "eautiful present U ever got. :. )e didn-t return the "ook in time. . . . made me angry. I. >y +ife +ants to invite all the kids ' . . . means ,ohn, Lusan, ,ane and Tim . to the party. ' ;h, , . . +ill make them happy. G. U-ve fallen ill, and "ecause of . . . U can-t join them for the trip. 3 CFelo5te6 T. 6/ichni jsme tam ne/li, akoli ns v/echny pozvali. :. ^ekl jsi to v/em enm, kter% pracuj ve va/em odd lenP I. Lkoro dn studenti v na/ skupin nekou!. G. ,ak# je ten film, co dvaj v ;deonuP J. Netos se festivalu z=astnilo mnoho zahraninch sou"or(< "yly to nap!. sou"ory z Utlie, Orancie a $ortugalska. \. >m mnoho konk(. ,e to nap!. p / turistika a sporty. X. &o pot!e"uje/, to je d(kladn# od'poinek. Z. ,enom n kolik lid tomu pro"l%mu rozum.

J* /lovesa 1 7oplRte to, -de je tFe"a6 T. Lhall +e let her . . . "uy itP :. Allo+ me . . . introduce myself. I. Lhe made her hus"and . . . give her all the money he earned. G. _e +ere made . . . learn the poem "y heart. J. U-ll force him . . . continue his studiesR \. Eo"ody made you . . . "uy it. 2 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 a8 T. Lhe 7comes, goes8 every +eek to give me a hand +ith the +ashing. Ut takes a long time to 7come, get8 here, so U really 7appreciate, respect8 her help. :. U 7consulted, discussed8 your offer +ith my hus"and and he advised 7me to, to8 accept it. I. 7&onsult, discuss8 an encyclopedia . you-re sure to find it there. G. 7bive, put8 the coat in the +ardro"e. J. _hy do you 7give, put8 so much salt in everythingP \. The performance 7had, +as8 a great success. X. >y garden 7has, is8 ZH metres "y \H metres. Z. aou 7are, have8 right. M. >ark started to 7learn, study8 at university last year and he seems to "e 7doing, learning8 +ell there. TH. U-m going to 7pass, sit8 that e9am, "ut U-ll have to 7learn, study, +ork8 very hard indeed. TT. Their research project 7deals +ith, solves8 methodological pro"lems. T:. U-ve 7dealt +ith, solved8 the puzzleR "8 T. aou look 7charming, charmingly8 in that hat. :. Usn-t she luckyR Lhe-s married 7to, +ith8 such a handsome man. ' ;hP _hen did she 7"ecome, get8 marriedP I. _hen +ill he 7pass, sit, take8 that e9amP G. &an U 7"uy, pay8 you a drink, ?o"P J. _ho-s going to 7act, play8 the role of &laudiusP \. They-re going to 7play, put on8 a comedy "y Lha+. X. Do you think he-ll "e +illing to 7act, play8 in my ne+ comedyP Z. U-d prefer 7discussing, to discuss8 the pro"lem at once. M. 7As, as far as8 U can remem"er, Ored returned the "ook on Oriday. TH. Yoyalties 7account for, represent8 a large share of his income. TT. )is latest novel 7is, represents8 the clima9 of his creative +ork. 3 J$"erte sprOvnH doplnQnG vQt6 a8 T. )is mother advised 7a*that he should5 "* him to< c* him that he should8 hand in his notice. :. U advise 7a* +aiting a day or t+o< "* to +ait8. I. Do you enjoy 7a* dancing< "* to dance8 +ith himP G. a* U very like it. "* U like it very much. J. 7a* U-d "etter< "* U-d rather8 listen to some music than +atch that silly T6 sho+. \. 7a* U-d "etter< "* U-d rather8 read that article5 the teacher might ask us a"out it tomorro+. X. )o+ long 7a* are you< "* have you "een8 hereP Z. )o+ long 7a* is your aunt< "* is your aunt going to "e8 in $ragueP M. Did she 7a* marry< "* get married8 ,ack in the endP ' Lhe did, "ut she 7a* +as soon divorced from< "* soon divorced +ith8 him. TH. Do they really +ant to 7a* divorce< "* get a divorce< c* get divorced8P "8 T. U promise 7a* you to return the car< "* to return your car8 in good condition. :. aou promised me 7a* to tell< "* that you-d tell8 her. I. )e promised 7a* to repair< "* that he-d repair8 the T6 set as soon as possi"le. G. ,ane 7a* said< "* told me8, 1_hat a fine dayR1 J. The chairman suggested 7a* discussing< "* to discuss8 the pro"lem immediately. \. )er "oss suggested 7a* her to< "* that she8 start to prepare for her $hD. X. Us everything readyP ' U think 7a* that yes< "* so8. Z. Do you think the Todds +ill comeP ' U 7a* think not< "* don-t think so8. 4 7oplRte do vQt tato slovesa ve sprOvnH! tvaru6 a: admire, appreciate, award, become, come, respect, reward@ T. U greatly . . . everything you-ve done for me. :. U . . . his sense of humour. I. aou can-t . . . the +ork of that composer if you don-t understand modern music. G. _e should . . . him for +orking so hard. J. _ho +as . . . the Eo"el $eace $rize this yearP \. )e . . . rich and famous. X. The ne+ teacher soon . . . to "e popular +ith his students. b: can, could, might, may@ T. Lome"ody-s coming5 it . . . "e your "rother. :. That * * * and * * * not "e true. I. _inter . . . "e very severe in this region. G. U +onder +here the "oys areP ' They . . . "e out playing tennis. J. ;ur teacher . . . get very angry +hen +e don-t do our home+ork. \. ;h, don-t +orry ' something like that . . . happen to any"ody.

c: come, get, go, mean, think@ T. _ait a minute ' U-m . . . as soon as U tie my shoelace. :. aou leave at eleven. _hen +ill you . . . to NondonP I. U should "e . . . no+, or U +on-t . . . "ack home "efore midnight. G. U . . . he +as right. J. U-m not sure +hat you . . . "y that. \. Do you . . . he-ll manage to . . . there in timeP d: cry, cry out, shout@ T. U . . . +ith pain +hen U "urnt my finger. :. There-s no need to . . .5 U-m not deaf. I. Don-t start . . . at me. G. The +oman . . . for help. J. Ltop . . . and tell me +hat happened. \. 0>otherR1 she . . . , "ut could say no more. e: e(pect, wait 9for:, let, leave@ T. _e-re . . . him at any moment. :. U had to . . . at the doctor-s for an hour. I. Ann-s going on maternity . . .5 she-s . . . a "a"y. G. U-ll . . . you at X. J. U-m . . . you to finish your talk. \. The door +as . . . open. X. _hy don-t you . . . me aloneP Z. aou shouldn-t . . . your children play in the street. f: must, can, can bt, have to@ T. . . . you really go thereP ' U-m afraid U . . .5 U promised to come and help them +ith the packing. :. Lhe . . . kno+ all a"out it ' "ut +ho . . . have told herP I. U . . . stop smoking and drinking so much. G. All children . . . start going to school at the age of si9. J. aou . . . have "een shocked +hen you sa+ him. \. Tell me it-s not true ' it . . . "e trueR )e . . . have "een killed, he . . . "e aliveR g: put, remember, remind, take@ T. . . . your chair and . . . it near the fire. :. _hat does this picture . . . you ofP I. )e . . . off his shoes and . . . on his slippers. G. Did you see his cottageP Ut . . . me of a small chateauR J. $lease . . . to s+itch off the light +hen you leave. h: say, stand, stay, tell@ T. _hy are you . . .P Do sit do+n. :. Does the name . . . anything to youP I. U +as . . . to +ait here. G. _here-s that "lue vaseP Ut used to . . . in the corner. J. Are you . . . at a hotel or +ith friendsP 5 /pojte podstatnO j!Hna se sloves$ do a make6 T. a noise :. one-s "est I. one-s*the shopping G. a mistake J. e9ercises \. trou"le X. progress Z. home+ork M. up one-s mind TH. one-s hair TT. money T:. tea TI. one-s "ed TG. s" a favour TJ. a summary 6 CFelo5te6 a8 T. Yadm, a"y se to zkusilo je/t jednou. ' A j vm radm, a"yste toho nechali. :. , k t% stran nepat!m. I. Tato kniha pat! k m#m o"l"en#m. G. Ea sch(zi se vysoce hodnotil tv(j organizan talent. J. Ten nov# film "yl vysoce hodnocen doma i v zahrani. \. >ohu !ci, e u tomu rozumm. X. &o zp(so"ilo, e se choval tak po/etileP Z. gnava p(so" to, e se lid% nedok soust!edit na prci. M. ,eho nezdvo!il% chovn zp(so"ilo, e se mu lid% vyh#"ali. TH. 3dy se pro"udil, ctil se jako znovuzrozen#. TT. &os je/t m la ud latP "8 T. Dnes mme T:. ledna. ' Ano, otec m narozeniny. :. ,ak dlouho u jsou tu ty knihyP > l "ys je dt do knihovny. I. 6elmi se mi l"il ten kost#m, kter# m la vera ]va na so" . G. ;n vdycky vypad, jako "y "yl nastydl#. J. Kaplatil u /nkoviP ' Ee< je/t jsme se nerozhodli, kdo ten o" d zaplat. \. )raje nejen na klavr, ale i na housle. X. 6erej/ p!edstaven "ylo dost sla"%5 herci nehrli do"!e. Z. Ten mrak mn p!ipomn letcho draka. M. Dval ses u na televizn programP 6 Z hodin je zajmav# program o Anglii. TH. T k# pr(mysl p!edstavuje zklad nrodnho hospod!stv. TT. ,ak se ti ho poda!ilo p!esv ditP T:. $oda!ilo se jim zskat tu p(jkuP TI. ,ak#mi sporty se za"#v/P TG. Eavrhl nm, a"ychom s nm spolupracovali na jeho v#zkumn%m =kolu. TJ. Tehdy jsem navrhl, a"y se sch(ze odloila na p!/t t#den. T\. 3do zastupuje va/i katedru na tom kongresuP

J=* CFedlo5-$ 1 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 T. )e inherited the house 7after, from8 his father. :. 7As, like8 me, you have opinions similar 7as, to8 ,ohn-s. I. Ut-s an e9am 7as, like8 the old b&] A level. G. _hat can you see 7in, on8 the pictureP J. 7Oor, from8 some reason, he didn-t +ant to meet me. \. 7According to, in8 my opinion, these are the "est pills 7against, for8 a cough like that. X. _hat do you see 7at, in8 her, U +onderP Z. Ut-s too far to go there 7"y, on8 foot5 +ait for me 7at, on8 the "us stop. M. There +as an e9cellent film 7in, on8 T6 last night ' a film version of a novel 7from, "y8 braham breene. TH. $aul-s the youngest 7from, of8 them, isn-t heP TT. The temperature dropped to :J degrees 7"elo+, under8 zero last night. 2 7oplRte6 a8 at, in, -de je to nutnH Si !o5nH6 T. . . . the moment she heard the ne+s she fainted. :. They-ll "e here . . . any moment. I. U-ll give it "ack to you . . . the end of the +eek. G. . . . the end, she decided to accept the offer. J. . . . the end of her stay there she +as completely "ored. b: as, like@ T. U still speak . . . a foreigner, U-m afraid. :. Lpeaking . . . your teacher, U should +arn you not to miss so many classes. I. Tom is good at mathematics, . . . his elder "rother used to "e. G. aou shouldn-t use your knife . . . a tin'opener. J. This novel, . . . all his "ooks, is a crime story. \. The tale is a comic one, . . . are all his stories. X. Do it . . . this. c: by, until@ T. U usually +ork . . . G in the afternoon. As a rule U-m "ack home . . . half past four. :. Do you think you-ll "e a"le to repair the camera . . . ne9t TuesdayP I. U-ll "e +orking on this project . . . the end of the summer. U hope to have it finished . . . the "eginning of Leptem"er. G. &an U keep the "ook . . . >ondayP ' ;f course5 U +on-t need it . . . Tuesday noon. J. ]verything has to "e tidied up . . . the time they come "ack. d: besides, e(cept, e(cept for@ T. U ans+ered all the `uestions . . . the last one. :. Lam and ]d have promised to come, "ut +ho-ll come . . . themP I. The street +as empty . . . a fe+ pedestrians. G. There +ere some "ooks lying on the ta"le< . . . the "ooks, there +ere also some little "o9es there. J. All of us passed the e9am . . . &harles. \. )e told us everything a"out the concert . . . +here it +ould "e. e8 of, -de je to nutnH6 T. A"out TH percent . . . the +orkers +ere un`ualified. :. The alloy consists . . . IH per cent . . . copper and XH per cent . . . zinc. I. U-m going to "uy some . . . those apples. G. )ave you visited the castle . . . 3arl/tejnP And the capital . . . $ragueP J. >y ]nglish pen friend lives in the city . . . ]9eter. \. )ave you heard from any . . . your cousinsP X. There are some . . . people standing over there< let-s go and ask one . . . them. Z. U-ve "een +orking on it the +hole . . . >ay. M. U-ve seen the +hole . . . ]urope. f8 about, for, of, with, -de je to nutnH6 T. )ave you paid . . . the electricity "illP :. _ho took care . . . the children +hile she +as in hospitalP I. )e doesn-t care . . . that sort of music. G. U have to pay . . . the plum"er . . . the +ork he-s done. J. Do U pay . . . the goods hereP \. aou should care . . . +hat other people think, you kno+. X. ?e careful . . . that knifeR Z. _ould you care . . . a drop of "randyP g: at, in, for, of, on, to, -de je to !o5nH6 T. arrive . . . the station :. arrive . . . Nondon I. "e critical . . . one-s hus"and G. "e good . . . tennis J. an increase . . . ta9es \. an increase . . . TH per cent X. . . . condition 7that8 Z. "e keen . . . playing golf M. his love . . . his +ife, . . . his country, and . . . his profession TH. "e open . . . the pu"lic . . . eight hours a day TT. vie+s opposite . . . mine T:. participate . . . the discussion TI. a rise . . . +ages TG. the sudden rise . . .

a movie star TJ. . . . first sight T\. spend a lot of time . . . house+ork TX. "e tolerant . . . other people TZ. consist . . . several parts TM. features characteristic . . . a painter-s techni`ue :H. a visit . . . Utaly h: for, in, into, from, of, on, to@ T. go in the direction * * * the park :. the right direction * * * _enceslas L`uare I. divide the cake * * * si9 e`ual parts G. divide the cake * * * t+o J. end * * * a fiasco \. e9am * * * geography X. e9am * * * the FL economy Z. leave * * * $aris M. look * * * a reference "ook TH. look * * * a mirror TT. his opinion . . . that film T:. reasons . . . her failure TI. participants . . . the competition TG. prefer vegeta"les . . . meat TJ. sense . . . humour T\. the first sight . . . land TX. spend money . . . food TZ. a possi"le solution . . . the puzzle TM. think . . . s"-s +ork :H. typical . . . her to do that :T. die . . . tu"erculosis ::. die . . . injuries 3 /pojte t$to vQt$ v souvQtG6 Pzor@ U +ent to $rague. U +ent to a conference. I went to a conference in 1rague. T. They +ent to the gallery. They +ent to a >nes e9hi"ition. :. )e came to Nondon airport. )e came to meet them last +eek. I. They +ent to the brand )otel. They +ent to a "all. G. Did you go to southern >oraviaP Did you go to any +ine cellarsP 4 CFelo5te6 T. Doufm, e ?ill u m po zkou/ce. :. ,ed tam podo"n jdla jako u ns. I. 3dy jsem si na to po t#dnech vzpomn l, u "ylo pozd n co s tm d lat. G. 3dy jsem tam p!i/el, "yli u po vee!i. J. &o na n m o"divuje/P \. ; em ten lnek pojednvP X. >ohu s tm potat, e p!ijdeP Z. $ro co ses rozhodlaP M. L m o"chodujP TH. Yozd l to ja"lko nap(l. TT. $odvej se na se"e do zrcadla. T:. bravesovi se p!est hovali do ]9eteru< nast huji se do jejich "#val%ho "ytu. ' 3dy se nast huje/P TI. E/ d(m je naproti kostelu. TG. Fitel "y nem l na ky k!iet. TJ. 6yzkou/ej si ty "oty. J==* /poj-$ 1 7oplRte do vQt t$to spoj-$6 a: if, in case, whether@ T. aou-ll soon collapse . . . you +ork so late every night. :. )e asked . . . you-d manage to finish it "y Oriday. I. U repeated the instructions once more . . . they hadn-t understood me. G. They discussed . . . to accept his offer or not. J. Take some money +ith you . . . you have to pay for the dinner. \. U-ll do my "est. . . . U succeed or fail is another `uestion. b: as, as if#though, though, when, if@ T. U dropped the glass . . . U +as standing up. :. U-d have helped them even . . . they hadn-t asked me to. I. ]ven . . . he didn-t kno+ any"ody at the party, he +as enjoying himself. G. U told him a"out it . . . U met him last night. J. Lhe +as lovely . . . she +as fifteen. \. Ut looks . . . +e-ll miss our train. ' aou-ll certainly miss it . . . you don-t hurry up. X. . . . you finish the test, you can go home. 2 CFelo5te6 T. ; dovolen% jsme se chodili koupat, hrli volej"al ne"o pracovali v lese. :. 3dy zapomenete doma pas, nepust vs p!es hranice. I. Dejte nm laskav v d t, zda se z=astnte konference. G. 6ypad/, jako "ys t!i noci nespal. J. $rodvali r(zn% ovoce, jako ja"lka, pomerane, "anny. J===* Ja&"$ 1 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 T. U-m looking for+ard to seeing Fncle ,ohn and Aunt >ary, "ut as 7for, regards, to8 &ousin ,im, U-d rather he stayed at home. :. aou-re "etter prepared than 7usual, usually8. I. U 7must, should8 say first that there may "e some trou"le +ith the transport. G. _hat 7per cent, percentage8 of ]nglish people speak &zech, U +onderP J. The package tour seems very attractive< on the other 7hand, side8, it-s rather e9pensive. \. U have a lot of 7sympathy, understanding8 for his vie+s, "ut U don-t share them. X. 7Thank, thanks8 bod you-re finally hereR Z. )e 7used, +as used8 to come and see us every +eekend. M. U 7used to, +ould8 have t+o dogs +hen U lived in a house. TH. _hen U studied at university, U 7used to, +ould8 go to the reading room very often. U 7used to, +ould8 sit near the fountain that 7used to, +ould8 stand in the

middle of the room and . . . TT. _hen U +as in ?ritain, U couldn-t 7"e, get8 used to 7sleep, sleeping8 under "lankets instead of duvets. 2 J$"erte sprOvnH doplnQnG vQt6 T. The suitcase is too heavy for you 7a* to carry< "* to carry it8. :. U-m sure he didn-t refuse out of laziness 7a* or anything< "* or so8. I. 7a* According to me< "* Un my opinion8, you should `uit. G. 7a* Lince +hen< "* )o+ long8 has he "een +aitingP J. 7a* According to her opinion< "* According to her8, 7a* they-re all lying< "* they all are lying8. \. There-s no use 7a* to +orry< "* +orrying8 a"out things you can-t do anything a"out. X. U must find a +ay 7a* ho+ to convince< "* to convince< c* of convincing8 him. Z. )e says he doesn-t like 7a* his +ife-s +ay of preparing "eef< "* the +ay ho+ his +ife prepares "eef< c* the +ay that his +ife prepares "eef8. M. $hone him 7a* +hether< "* and ask +hether8 he kno+s a"out it. TH. 7a* _hy not give< "* _hy not to give< c* _hy don-t you give8 your +ife some perfumeP TT. 7a* _hat a"out to have< "* )o+ a"out having< c* _hat a"out8 a nice cup of teaP T:. Us the car +orth 7a* to repairP "* repairing< c* repairing it8P 3 7oplRte do vQt a bit, a bit of, no#any longer, no#any more, rather@ T. )e-s . . . a fool< U don-t like him . . . :. That-s a . . . complicated pro"lem. I. U don-t +ear that dress . . . G. U-ve got . . . `uestions. J. U can-t +ait . . . \. )e-s . . . a"le to read it than U am. X. )is novels don-t appeal to readers . . . 4 CFelo5te6 a8 T. $odle m%ho nzoru nem/ pravdu. :. Kase nen hotov# o" d ' jako o"vykleR I. ,eho sestra je hezk, ne"o l%pe !eeno zajmav. G. ,e zvl/tn5 ani trochu se nepodo" jin#m. J. ,e p!li/ star#, ne a"y se za n ho provdala. \. Lm!ili se a zkusili spolu zase t, ale ne"ylo to k niemu< nakonec se rozvedli. X. Een to k niemu po!d se jenom hdat. Z. Ten n( je k niemu. M. Ee"ylo to "ez p!iny, e dostal nejv t/ pr%mie. TH. Katelefonovala mi, jestli p!ijdu. TT. $ro to odkldatP $ro to neprodiskutovat hnedP T:. Ltoj to m sto za nv/t vuP "8 T. Dv p!ednost p!" h(m se /4astn#m koncem. :. $ro sis vy"rala prv tenhle klo"oukP I. $rv v l%t se tu nejl%pe "ydl. G. ?yl "yste tak hodn# a pomohl m s tm kufremP J. $rv on to m nejvc zapot!e". \. Eezajmaj ho sporty ani tance. X. Eeposlal telegram ani nenapsal. Z. ,e/t jsem ten film nevid l. ' , tak% ne. M. Eathl "udk na /estou, a"y nezaspal. TH. 3oupil jsem tu chatu od jednoho znm%ho. TT. 2lov k nikdy nev, kdy to m(e pot!e"ovat. T:. Eeud lala to z hlouposti ne"o tak, ale z nepozornosti. c8 T. Eevm, jak se mm rozhodnout5 na jedn% stran "y se mi ta prce l"ila, ale na druh% stran "ych dostval m%n pen z ne teS. :. ;"raz takzvan%ho ducha "yl ve skutenosti jenom trikov# snmek. I. $rodv ovoce na takzvan%m Keln%m rynku. G. > sto zaalo r(st na p!elomu TZ. a TM. stolet. J. $ro takov% lidi nemm dn% pochopen. \. ,e v#"orn# uitel5 m porozum n pro nesnze sv#ch k(. X. Ea rozdl od Ln movny lord( zasedaj v Doln sn movn volen zstupci lidu. Z. Eem smysl n co mu vysv tlovat. M. ,ezdval jsi hodn autostopemP TH. ]9istuje mnoho zp(so"(, jak si zlep/it znalost anglitiny. TT. &o a"ychom se vrtiliP =X* 1 J$"erte sprOvnP vPra&6 a8 T. &an you come at four 7hours, o-clock8 7in the afternoon, p.m.8P :. Ut +as in 7the Lhakespeare, Lhakespeare-s8 Theatre in Ltratford that U sa+ "amlet for the first time. I. Ored says he-s invited a friend of 7him, his8 for dinner. G. U-ve got 7an, some8 important information for you. J. 7_hat-re, +hat-s8 the ne+sP \. )is proposal sounds 7sensi"le, sensi"ly8, doesn-t itP X. The meat smells 7terri"le, terri"ly8 ' thro+ it a+ayR Z. U don-t feel 7good, +ell8 this morning ' in fact U feel 7horri"le, horri"ly8. U shouldn-t have drunk that +ine last night ' "ut it tasted so 7delicious, deliciously8. "8 T. )e took me "y 7my, the8 arm. :. _hat U admire is 7his, the8 +ay he-s a"le to e9plain things. I. Ten pounds 7don-t, doesn-t8 "uy as much as 7it, they8 used to. G. All raised their 7hand, hands8 to sho+ they agreed. J. An important condition for getting a good jo" 7is, are8 good recommendations. \. )is father died 7at, in8 the age of ninety'one. X. 7$ick, pick up8 that cigarette packet. Z. The stra+"erries should "e 7picked, picked up8 as soon as possi"le. M. There-s nothing 7that, +hat8 U can refuse you.

2 J$"erte sprOvnH doplnQnG vQt6 a8 T. 7a*Ut-s t+o to< "* Ut-s t+o minutes to< c* Ut-s almost< d* Ut +ill "e8 five. :. That-s 7a* the hand"ag of the lady +ho +as sitting ne9t to me< "* the lady +ho +as sitting ne9t to me-s hand"ag8. I. U-ve seen many 7a* of Lha+-s plays< "* Lha+-s plays8. G. _hat can 7a* you< "* +e8 see in $icture ;neP ' 7a* U< "* _e< c* aou8 can see a living room. J. They-ve "een going out together for 7a* a longer period of time< "* a rather long time8. \. )as he informed you a"out his decision 7a* +hat university< "* on +hat university8 he-s going to study atP X. )o+ many 7a* of you +ere there< "* +ere you8 at the party last nightP ' 7a* _e +ere ten< "* There +ere ten of us8. "8 T. Lhe 7a* apologized< "* e9cused herself< c* said she +as sorry8 for not "eing a"le to come. :. ?o" 7a* e9cused his coming late< "* e9cused himself< c* apologized his coming late8 "y saying he-d missed his usual train. I. U-m sorry 7a* not to "ring< "* for not "ringing< c* that U haven-t "rought< d* not to have "rought8 you the "ook last +eek. G. 7a* Lorry to distur"< "* Lorry for distur"ing< c* ]9cuse my distur"ing8 you, >r &hapman, "ut could you spare me a minuteP J. ,ohn 7a* apologized< "* e9cused< c* e9cused himself8 to his friends and opened the letters. \. U +onder if U could 7a* "e e9cused< "* e9cuse myself< c* apologize8 from attending that classP X. $lease 7a* e9cuse me to the teacher< "* apologize me to the teacher< c* tell the teacher U-m sorry8 U can-t come. c8 T. &an you descri"e 7a* me the "uilding< "* the "uilding to me8P :. _ill you e9plain 7a* me, "* to me8 ho+ to handle the machineP I. _hen did they operate 7a* her< "* on her8P G. U +as prevented 7a* from giving< "* to give8 my opinion 7a* of< "* on8 ho+ to deal +ith the pro"lem. J. Lhe spends a great deal of her time at +ork 7a* "y telephoning< "* in telephoning< c* telephoning8. \. 7a* _ho< "* _hoever< c* Anyone +ho8 +itnessed the accident is asked to get in touch +ith the police. d8 T. U 7a* didn-t +ant< "* +anted8 him 7a* not to do it< "* to do it8. :. 7a* ]very"ody< "* Eot every"ody8 7a* doesn-t like< "* likes8 pop music. I. 7a* Do< "* Don-t8 you kno+ if +e can go there no+P ' 7a* Eo+ not< "* Eo, not no+8. G. aou 7a* seem not< "* don-t seem8 to realize +hat-s going on. J. There-s no cream left, is thereP ' 7a* Eo< "* aes8, it-s all gone. \. aoga teaches you ho+ to 7a* concentrate< "* concentrate yourself8. X. _hat field 7a* is she specialized in< "* does she specialize in8P 3 7oplRte Slen$# -de je to nutnH6 T. That +as . . . e9perience U-ll. remem"er till my dying day. :. The evening +as . . . great fun. I. U need . . . ne+ e`uipment for my office. G. U +as surprised to find that Lally had . . . good kno+ledge of maths. J. U met ,oan yesterday and +e had . . . good gossip. \. _hat you-re saying is . . . nonsense, U-m afraid. X. _asn-t that . . . e9tremely good luckR Z. And no+ . . . toast to brandfather. M. Us it . . . hard +ork to mo+ the grassP 4 7oplRte t$to vPra&$6 a8 course, dinner, dish, food, lunch, meal@ T. Are you sure you-ve "ought all the . . . +e-ll need over the +eek'endP :. )o+ many . . . does &hristmas . . . consist of in your familyP I. _e have our main . . ., . . ., at a"out T:.IH. G. &ould you give me the recipe for that . . . you prepared yesterdayP J. Did you enjoy your . . .P "8 T. annoyed, annoying, surprised, surprising@ Usn-t it . . . to have to +ait for such a long time. aou can hardly "e . . . U-m . . . ' ?ut it-s . . . the manager isn-t here yet. :. bored, boring, interested, interesting@ Are you . . . in cy"erneticsP ' aes, it-s a very . . . su"ject. ' _ell, U-m . . . +ith it. Un fact U can-t think of anything more . . . I. depressed, depressing@ _hat are you so . . . a"outP ' U-ve just received some very . . . ne+s. G. amused, amusing@ Ut +as . . . to +atch him, sitting there +ith an . . . smile on his lips. J. e(cited, e(citing@ _asn-t it an . . . situationR U +as so . . . U could hardly say a +ordR 5 7oplRte c($"QjGcG interpun-SnG &na!Hn-a6 T. U never kno+ +here my spectacles are. :. Doctor Lmith the head of the department is a very nice man. I. >rs ?lake +ho lives ne9t door is rather fond of gossip. G. The +oman +ho +as sitting in front of me turned round and said something. J. )e "elieves that he kno+s everything he is ho+ever very "adly informed. \. They had oddly enough earned `uite a lot of money. X. )is first novel 'he Dlat "e'came a "est'seller. Z. >other +ants to kno+ if you-ll come "ack "e'fore t+elve. M. The breens +ill "e here in ten minutes mean+hile +e can have some coffee. TH. )e-d like to visit Orance a"ove all he +ants to see the

chateaus of the Noire. 6 Cou5ijte gerundiu!# popFGpadQ gerundiu! s pFedlo5-ou# infinitiv ne"o o"a tvar$6 T. Are you afraid 7s+im8 in deep +aterP :. U once tried 7learn8 ,apanese. I. U dislike 7drink8 alcohol of all sorts. G. Lhe +ent on 7+ork8 though the other clerks had already left. J. Do you like 7go8 to "allsP \. Lhe-s terri"ly afraid 7slip8 and 7"reak8 her leg. X. U-d like 7try8 7get8 up earlier. Z. U still remem"er 7read8 that poem for the first time. M. >rs La+yer stopped 7speak8 a"out her daughter and +ent on 7talk8 a"out her son. TH. Lhe likes 7+ash8 up "efore going to "ed. TT. Yemem"er 7"uy8 some "read on your +ay home. T:. U heard my parents 7talk8 as U passed their "edroom. TI. Ltop 7tease8 your "rother, ?illyR TG. )ave you ever +atched our "asket"all team 7play8P TJ. U stopped 7adjust8 the mirror on my motor"ike. 7 7ejte slovesa v &Ovor-Oc( do sprOvnH(o tvaru6 T. U 7meet8 ,ane last +eek and U 7not see8 her since. ' U 7see8 her to'day. :. )o+ long you 7+ork8 hereP ' T+enty'five years ' ever since U 7graduate8 from &harles Fniversity. I. They already 7discuss8 that `uestion for an hour. G. )o+ often you 7try8 to get a scholarshipP ' Leveral times < in fact, U 7try8 to get one ever since U 7start8 studying here. J. ,ohn can-t join you on that trip5 he 7catch8 a "ad cold. \. aou 7read8 any "ooks "y berald DurrellP X. U 7not see8 a single good film recently. ' U 7see8 a "rilliant one recently ' "ut +hat 7"e8 its nameP Z. aou ever 7"e8 to OranceP ' aes, U 7"e8 there as a student. ' aou 7visit8 >arseilles thenP 8 CFelo5te6 a8 T. Kanm pracovat v X.TJ. :. F "udou ty!i hodiny a ty je/t nejsi hotovR I. ,e to dvacetiminutov prochzka. G. >aj t!inctiletou dceru. J. $!ijela k nm jedna moje teta. \. &ht l "y si najt msto v tomto =stavu. X. 6ezme/ d ti k Kuzan P $o!d verek pro svoji nete!. Z. &ht l v d t, jak dlouho u tu sedme. M. >luvili jsme o tom, e si koupme novou praku. Ale kam j postavmeP TH. 3olk je vs v kancel!iP . ,sme t!i. "8 T. Vly jsme s na/ maminkou nakupovat. :. >(j znm# z Anglie "yl p!ekvapen#, jak je u ns levn m stsk doprava. I. 6 na/ rodin se v/ichni mme rdi. G. Ea/e m sto "y se ti urit l"ilo< p!ijeS k nm ' m(e/ u ns p!espat. J. 6 na/em stolet ud lala technika velk% pokroky. \. Ydi s "ratrem jezdme na ned li do hor. X. F se zase nos krat/ sukn P Z. >n se l%pe l" vy// mui. M. $rosm t , omluv m ztra v kursu. TH. ,,Ale to je v po!dku,1 usmval se d deek. TT. ,,Eic jsem neud lal, na mou du/i,1 "rnil se ,im. c8 T. 3des ty klepy se"ralaP :. 3olik m/ =kol(, OredeP ' T!5 z matematiky, ru/tiny a o"anky. I. 3am v/ecky ty nkupy dmeP G. Ty tvoje rady nejsou tak do"r%, jak si mon mysl/. ' Ale jednu do"rou radu ti je/t dm. J. >oje nejo"l"en j/ jdlo jsou /pagety. \. >ohu dostat je/t jednu topinkuP X. >te zku/enosti s takov#mi pacientyP Z. E/ d deek je na sv l%ta je/t v do"r% form . M. ^ekls o tom "ratroviP TH. 6era m p!ijel nav/tvit otec. ^ekl mi, e matka churav. ,,>atka ek, e co nejd!v p!ijede/,1 dodal. d8 T. ,eho velk#m konkem jsou sporty. :. ?udu pot!e"ovat je/t sto korun. I. >noho lidi p! t% nehod p!i/lo o ivot. G. F tady ekm do"r#ch dvacet minut. J. 6rtili se a o p(lnociR \. D(leit% je, a"ys vdycky v d l, co chce/ d lat. X. 6elk loiska hn d%ho uhl najdeme na severu 2ech. Z. ,e to poprv%, co n co takov%ho sly/m. M. 3do "y nem l rd d tR TH. Eeznm nikoho, kdo "y t% pro"lematice rozum l l%pe ne ty. e8 T. 6era veer m l skoro t!icet dev t. ' A jakou teplotu m teSP T!icet osm jedna. :. Dnes rno "yly jenom asi :. stupn pod nulou. I. Ltudium na univerzit ukonil v devatenct. G. 3dy skonila vlka, "ylo mu deset let. J. 3olik je va/emu synoviP ' Vestadvacet. ' 6 tom v ku "y u m l "#t enat#. \. ?a"ika tehdy "yla /thl osmnctilet dvka. X. ;tec je prv v zahrani. Z. 3dy m l p!ijtP M. $ro to po!d d lat takhleP TH. 3do to v, a4 zvedne ruku. f8 T. Kd se, e se ne"av/. :. >yslm, e se tam nedostaneme vas. I. 3ad# nem tolik pen z jako ty. G. >m za to, e tu zkou/ku neud l. J. >us/ se na svou prci soust!edit. \. ,en t!i ze v/ech plnovan#ch akc se realizovaly. X. 6 na/em kursu jsou lid% mnoha profes, nap!. inen#!i, dokto!i, uitel%, ta9k!i, =!ednci atd. Z. >oj o"l"en "snci jsou nap!. 3eats, T. L. ]liot, Ted )ughes atd.

4@NM 48 3J=M80N2
=* CodstatnO j!Hna 1a. T. place, room :. "oss I. activities G. actions J. are \. clothes X. "ack Z. floor M. ground TH. are TT. man T:. "lock of flats, neigh"ourhood TI. "ranches TG. documents TJ. country T\. game, mistakes TX. play, dress*clothes. 1". T. politics :. policy, field I. chance*possi"ility G. scholar J. scientist, technology \. relation*relationship, "et+een X. standard, technology Z. dozens M. tens TH. opera house TT. visitors T:. tourism, tourists TI. ram"le TG. tourist TJ. hikers*ram"lers, hiking T\. +ay TX. travels TZ. route TM. drives*rides 2 T. " :. a I. " G. "*c J. a \. " X. " Z. a M. " TH. " TT. a T:. " TI. " TG. a TJ. " T\. a TX. "*c 3a. T. hall*hostel :. couple I. head G. &ollege J. couple*pair \. principal X. director Z. pairs M. head*manager*director TH. principal 3". T. surroundings :. imagination I. environment G. fantasies J. idea \. surroundings X. environs*surroundings Z. nature M. scenery 3c. T. grade :. ha"it I. hours G. form, class J. customs \. periods*classes*lessons, classes X. "rand Z. custom*ha"it M. make TH. lessons*classes 3d. T. neigh"ourhood :. post*position I. remains G. office, position J. district, `uarter, area \. +ages J. rest Z. leftovers M. pay*salaries TH. remains 3e. T. the truth :. voluntary la"our +. true G. true, technology J. +ay \. techni`ue X. journeys, voyages Z. voluntary +ork M. travel TH. trip, drive*ride 4a. T. A "oy in my class +as given*got a "ike for &hristmas, >um. :. A student*one of the students in my year and a girl*one of the girls my sister +orks +ith*from my sister-s office +ere there. I. This is ,ane< U share a room +ith her at the hostel*the halls 7of residence8. G. Lhe kno+s "lue suits her< that-s +hy she-s usually dressed in "lue* +ears "lue dresses. J. Allo+ me to *Net me introduce my colleague* a colleague of mine, Dr >ills, 7to you.8. \. Dan and U +ere an insepara"le pair. X. Un case of fire "reak the glass and use the fire e9tinguisher. Z. Net-s go s+imming at the reservoir. M. aou can-t go to the party in those clothes, Tom. TH. U-d like to introduce a friend to you. )e-s someone U met*kne+ in the army. TT. There are lots of reservoirs on Llovak rivers, "ut Vrava is the largest lake*reservoir in &zechoslovakia. T:. U +as helping +ith the harvest in summer. ' >y school +ent hop'picking. ' And U had a summer jo" on a state farm in my village. TI. U don-t think it-s entirely his fault 7that8 he makes so many mistakes in translations. TG. U don-t kno+ +ho composed that song, "ut U kno+ the author of the article*+ho +rote the article. TJ. )e-s a promising young man, isn-t heP 4". T. _ill half a loaf of "read "e enough for usP :. >y interests include theatregoing and dancing. * Theatregoing and dancing are among my interests*pastimes* leisure activities. I. ]ngland defeated Orance in the middle of the*in the mid'eighteenth century. G. At the half+ay point in the match, the score +as \5l. J. )is lecture on the evolution of species +as of a very high standard. \. aou-re just the* the very person U need, ,ane. X. There-re a lot of houses in this area ' they-re detached and semidetached houses< there-re no terraced houses here, though. Z. There-s something +rong*odd in that family. M. )e loves the out'of' doors*outdoors< he likes spending his holidays in the country and "elieves it-s necessary to protect the countryside* environment. TH. )e-s not +ell5 he should see a doctor. TT. )o+ many pieces of luggage did you take +ith youP ' T+o 7pieces8, as usual. T:. )o+ many ne+ machines have they sent usP ' Oive. TI. Are you interested in historic sights*"uildings and monumentsP ' aes< U-ve 7already8 seen the >endel monument*memorial, a fe+ architecturally interesting historic "uildings and some relics of breat >oravia in the museum. TG. A num"er of restaurants and snack "ars are availa"le for visitors to the fair. TJ. The pu"lic can "ook*"uy tickets in advance*at the advance "ooking office. 4c. T. Lports have al+ays had an important place in my life. Do you do any sport tooP :. )ave you got anything on tonightP *Are you doing anything tonightP I. The local cinema is sho+ing an interesting film.

G. U-m a+fully "usy tomorro+. J. &an you find the T6 guide* programme guide*the list of T6 programmes for me, pleaseP \. )e lives in the district*part of to+n kno+ as*called Oifejdy. X. Are you looking for+ard to your retirement*"eing retiredP ' aes< U hope to read all the "ooks U-ve never had time to read "efore +hen U retire* U-m retired. Z. )o+ many universities are there in ?ohemia and >oraviaP M. That kind of "lender isn-t sold in this country. TH. Do you often go on "usiness tripsP TT. There-s a shortage of +ater throughout*over the +hole of the country. T:. >ary isn-t on good terms*doesn-t get along +ith her mother'in'la+. TI. )e spoke a"out it all the +ay to +ork. TG. The Yoman legions never con`uered +hat is no+ Lcotland. TJ. )o+ did you enjoy your travels and +hat places did you see*visitP ' U +ent on a cruise round the >editerranean +ith some friends of mine, and on the +ay to Utaly +e stopped in Austria to see the scenery*countryside at the foot of the Alps. ==* CFGdavnO j!Hna 1a. T. different, usual :. convenient I. comforta"le G. convenient J. drunken, drunkards*alcoholics \. drunken, drunk 1". T. economic :. electrical I. economical G. electric J. classic \. historic*historical X. classical Z. electric M. historic TH. economical TT. classical T:. electrical 1c. T. +ell'kno+n :. kno+n*+ell'kno+n I. happy G. lucky J. much, much more \. near X. near"y Z. near, nearest to M. near TH. real TT. specific T:. personal TI. distinctive 2a. T. northern :. ]ast*_est I. _est G. southern, northern J. Eorth 2". T. ' :. mutual I.' G. . 2c. T. scientific :. scientific I.' G.' J.' 2d. T. ordinary*common :. usual I. topical G. ordinary J. current* pressing*topical \. popular, favourite X. common Z. actual M. popular 2e. T. mental, mental :. true*real I. psychic7al8 G. real*actual J. real*true*actual \. actual X. right Z. right, self'confident M. self'conscious 2f. T. ' :. the I. the G.' J. the 3 T. this*that sort of music :. such a nuisance I. a car like that G. such a "eautiful day J. such a conceited girl \. very*such strange ideas X. +ords like that 4 T. They live in a tiny 7little8 house. :. ;n her +ay home, she met several drunk7en8 sailors returning to their ship. I. This car is something else, something completely*totally differentR G. aour son is said to have a great gift*talent for languages. ' aes, "ut he-s too lazy to +ork. J. Tom-s a gifted*talented physicist, "ut unfortunately he isn-t very talented*gifted in organizing 7his8 +ork. \. )e-s "een +orking* +orked in my department for the last*past couple of years. X. >y hus"and thinks he-s handy +ith all sorts of tools, "ut he really isn-t very good +ith his hands*good at practical jo"s*repairs< U hope my son +ill "e handier round the house. Z. Ut-s an auto"iography ' it contains the +riter-s life story. M. U don-t need your advice ' +ith my e9perience in*of life, U-ll "e a"le to deal +ith the pro"lem myself. TH. Uf U finish 7reading8 this "ook, it-ll "e the greatest success*triumph of my life. TT. Usn-t it marvellous to "e living in a flat of one-s o+n*one-s o+n flatP T:. Ut-s a hopeless situation. ' That-s really the end, then, isn-t itP TI. )e-s a leading*important &zechoslovakian linguist* scholar in linguistics' TG. Tom-s the right man for the jo". TJ. aou-re the very person*+oman U +anted to speak to, Ann. T\. ]instein +as one of the leading*greatest scientists of the t+entieth century. TX. The restaurant-s in the very centre*right in the centre of the to+n. TZ. This is the very letter U +as looking for all last +eek. ===* CFGslovce 1 T. a*c, a*c :. " I. a G. " J. " 2 T. suddenly :. all at once I. in addition G. alone, a long +ay, lonely J. "esides \. rather*`uite X. hard, earlier, hardly Z. once, no longer M. "riefly TH. shortly TT. in short T:. earlier, usual 3a. T. gone :. loudly I. a+ay*gone G. particularly*especially J. aloud \. loudly X. hard, hard Z. hardly M. in particular 3". T. at all :. on earth I. in general G. at all J. "y far \. possi"le X. at all

3c. T. ':. far, a long +ay, far I. distant G. far J. a+ay \. far X. a long +ay,' 3d. T. at first :. first of all*first7ly8 I. at first G. first7ly8 J. first Ie8 l.' :. so I. so G.' J. so \. so X.' Z.' 3f. T. one day*someday*sometime :. sometimes, sometimes I. such a, so G. sometime J. once \. sometimes X. sometime Z. early M. so much TH. soon TT. soon, early*soon 4a. T. 7_ill*_ould you8 speak up, pleaseP U-m hard of hearing. :. Ut-s time you told me +hat happened. I. Luddenly he realized the full conse`uences of +hat he-d done. G. )e-s a noisy man5 he talks and laughs loudly and sometimes he even thinks aloud. J. The university has three "uildings5 in addition, it has a li"rary and a gymnasium. \. U dou"t +hether they-ll have the house "uilt "y the end of the month. X. aou can-t make meR U +on-t do itR Un short ' noR Z. _e should discuss it5 it-s a rather*`uite an interesting pro"lem. M. This +ork*jo" is suita"le for students in particular. TH. There-re too fe+ of us to do that jo". G"8 T. aou-re the only one +ho can help me.*;nly you can help me. :. U prefer taking my holidays in +inter rather than in summer. I. U only managed to +rite*type t+o letters. G. The skis are more likely to "e in the cellar than in the loft. J. U only +anted to look at itR \. U +as the only one +ho +anted to look at it. X. Ut-s true Tom has good results in physics and mathematics, "ut U-d say*U think he-s more attracted to music. Z. _ould you advise him to take the jo"P ' _ell, U-d pro"a"ly tell him to look for something else. M. Uf you-re clever enough to kno+ ho+ to do it, then do it yourself. TH. Are you still +orkingP ' aes, "ecause people keep on interrupting me 7all the time8. =J* TOj!ena 1 T. every"ody, is :. all*everything I. is G. +ere J. one person, another \. +hat J. all *. one M. none TH. any TT. another person-s 2a. T. only a fe+*not many :. a little I. several*a fe+ G. a fe+*several, a little J. not much*only a little \. several, a fe+ 2". T. lots of*a lot of*plenty of*a great deal of, much, many :. many*a large num"er of*a lot of, a lot, many I. very G. many J. plenty of*a lot of*lots of, much 2c. T. its :. it I. it G. its, her J. he 2d. T. it :. that I. that, that G. this 3 T. Eot all of us +ent*_e didn-t all go there though +e +ere all invited. :. )ave you told all the +omen 7+orking8 in your departmentP I. )ardly any students in my group smoke.*Almost all the students in my group are non'smokers. G. _hat-s the film that-s on at the ;deon likeP J. A lot of foreign companies took part in the festival this year, among them companies from Utaly, Orance and $ortugal. \. U-ve got a lot of interests< they include hiking and sports. X. _hat you need is a complete rest. Z. ;nly a fe+ people understand this pro"lem. J* /lovesa 1 T. ' :. to I. ' G. to J. to \.' 2a. T. comes, get, appreciate :. discussed, me to I. consult G. put J. put \. +as X. is Z. are M. study, doing TH. sit, study*+ork TT. deals +ith T:. solved 2". T. charming :. to, get I. sit*take G. "uy J. act*play \. put on X. act Z. to discuss M. as far as TH. account for TT. is 3a. T. "*c :. a I. a G. " J. " \. a X. " Z. " M. a, a TH. "*c 3". T. " :. " I. a*" G. a J. a \. " X. " Z. " 4a. T. appreciate :. admire*respect I. appreciate G. re+ard J. a+arded \. "ecame X. came 4". T. may*might :. may, may I. can G. may J. can \. could 4c. T. coming :. get I. going, get G. think J. mean \. think, get 4d. T. cried out :. shout I. shouting G. cried out*shouted J. crying \. cried 7out8 4e. T. e9pecting :. +ait I. leave, e9pecting G. e9pect J. +aiting for \. left X. leave Z. let 4f. l. must, have to :. must, can I. must G. have to J. must*can-t \. can-t, can-t, must

4g. l. take, put :. remind I. took, put G. reminds J. remem"er 4(. T. standing :. say I. told G. stand J. staying 5 do ' :, I, J, Z, TH, TG< make ' T, G, \, X, M, TT, T:, TI, TJ 6a. T. U advise trying it once more. ' And U advise you to give 7it8 up. :. U don-t "elong to that party. I. This "ook is one of my favourites. G. At the meeting they spoke highly of*praised your talent for organization. J. The ne+ film +as +ell'received*praised*regarded very highly "oth at home and a"road. \. U understand it no+. X. _hat made him "ehave so foolishlyP Z. Tiredness results in people "eing una"le to concentrate on their +ork. M. )is impolite "ehaviour made people avoid him*caused people to avoid him. TH. _hen he +oke up, he felt as if he +as*had "een "orn again*re"orn. TT. _hat else +ere you supposed to do*should you have doneP 6". T. Today-s T: ,anuary. ' aes, it-s Oather-s*my father-s "irthday. :. )o+ long have the "ooks "een hereP aou should put them in7to8 the "ookcase. I. U liked the suit ]va +as +earing yesterday very much. G. )e al+ays looks as if he had a cold. J. )as he paid the +aiterP ' Eo. _e haven-t decided yet +ho-s going to pay for the lunch. \. )e* Lhe plays not only the piano, "ut also the violin. X. aesterday-s performance +as rather +eak5 the actors +eren-t very good. Z. The cloud reminds me of a flying dragon. M. )ave you had a look at the T6 guideP There-s an interesting programme on ]ngland on at eight. TH. )eavy industry forms the "asis of the national economy. TT. )o+ did you manage to persuade himP T:. Did they manage to get*succeed in getting the loanP TI. _hat sports do you doP TG. )e suggested 7to us8 that +e should cooperate +ith him on his research project. TJ. U suggested then putting the meeting off till the ne9t*follo+ing +eek. T\. _ho-s representing your department at that congressP J=* CFedlo5-$ 1 T. from :. like, to I. like G. in J. for \. in, for X. in Z. on, at M. on, "y TH. of TT. "elo+ 2a. T.':. 7at8 I. at G. in J. at 2". T. like :. as I. as*like 9hovor.: G. as J. like \. as X. like 2c. T. until, "y :. "y I. until, "y G. until, until J. "y 2d. T. e9cept 7for8 :. "esides I. e9cept for G. "esides J. e9cept 7for8 \. e9cept 7for8 2e. T. of :. of, ',' I. of G. of, ' J. of \. of X. ', of Z. of M. of 2f.T.':. of I. for G. ', for J. for \. a"out X. +ith Z. for 2g. l. at :. in I. of G. at J. in \. of X. on Z. on M. for, of*for, of TH. to, 7for8 TT. to T:. in TI. in TG. of TJ. at T\. on TX. of TZ. of TM. of :H. to 2(. T. of :. for*to I. into G. in J. in \. in X. on Z. for M. in*for TH. in*into TT. of T:. for TI. in TG. to TJ. of T\. of TX. on TZ. to TM. of :H. of :T. of ::. from 3 T. They +ent to a >nes e9hi"ition at the gallery. :. )e came to meet them at Nondon airport last +eek. I. They +ent to a "all at*in the brand )otel. G. Did you go to any +ine cellars in southern >oraviaP 4 T. U hope ?ill has 7already8 done his e9am. :. They eat foods there similar to those eaten*+e eat in this country. I. _hen U remem"ered it +eeks later, it +as too late to do anything a"out it. G. _hen U got there, they-d already had*finished their dinner. J. _hat do you admire in himP \. _hat does the article deal +ithP X. &an U count on him*his comingP Z. _hat did you decide onP M. _hat do they deal inP TH. Divide the apple in half*t+o. TT. Nook at yourself in the mirror. T:. The braveses have moved to ]9eter< U-m going to move into their former flat. ' _hen are you going to move inP TI. >y*;ur house*The house U*+e live in is opposite the church. TG. A teacher shouldn-t shout at his pupils. TJ. Try the shoes on. J==* /poj-$ 1a. T. if :. if*+hether I. in case G. +hether J. in case \. +hether 1". T. as*+hen :. if I. though G. +hen J. +hen \. as if*though, if X. +hen 2 T. ;n our holidays +e +ent s+imming, played volley"all and +orked n the forest. :. Uf you leave your passport at home, you +on-t "e allo+ed to cross the frontier. I. $lease let us kno+*inform us +hether you

are planning to participate in the conference. G. aou look as if you hadn-t slept for three nights. J. They +ere selling various kinds of fruit such as apples, oranges and "ananas. J===* Ja&"$ 1 T. for :. usual I. should G. percentage J. hand \. sympathy X. thank Z. used M. used to TH. used to, used to*+ould, used to TT. get, sleeping 2 T. a :. a I. " G. " J. ", a \. " X. "*c Z. a*c M. " TH. a*c TT. "*c T:. " 3 T. a "it of*rather, a "it :. rather I. any longer*more G. no more J. any longer \. no more X. any longer*more 4a. T. Un my vie+*opinion, you-re +rong. :. Nunch isn-t ready again ' as usualR I. )is sister-s pretty ' or rather, interesting. G. )e-s special5 not a "it like other people. J. )e-s too old for her to marry. \. They made it up and tried living together again, "ut it didn-t +ork* +as no good*made no difference5 they got divorced in the end. X. There-s no point in endless `uarrelling. Z. The knife-s useless. M. Ut +asn-t for nothing that he got the "iggest "onus. TH. Lhe phoned me and asked if*+hether U +as coming. TT. _hy put it offP _hy not discuss*_hy don-t +e discuss it immediatelyP T:. Us the to+n +orth visiting*Us it +orth visiting that to+nP 4". T. )e* Lhe prefers stories +ith a happy ending. :. _hy have you chosen this particular hatP I. Lummer-s the time +hen living here is most pleasant. G. &ould you please help me +ith the suitcaseP J. )e-s the one that needs it most. \. )e-s not interested in sports or in dancing. X. )e didn-t send a telegram, nor did he +rite*or +rite either. Z. U haven-t seen the film. ' Eeither*Eor have U. M. )e set the alarm clock for si9 so as not to oversleep. TH. U "ought the cottage from a friend*a man U kno+. TT. aou never kno+*;ne never kno+s +hen you*one may need it. T:. Lhe didn-t do it out of stupidity or anything 7like that8, "ut out of carelessness. 4c. T. U don-t kno+ ho+ to decide5 on the one hand, U-d like the jo", "ut on the other 7hand8, U-d get less money than no+. :. The picture of the so'called 1ghost1 +as in fact nothing "ut a trick photo. I. Lhe sells fruit in the 7market kno+n as8 Keln# rynek. G. The city started to gro+ at the turn of the nineteenth century. J. U have no sympathy for people of that kind*like that. \. )e-s an e9cellent teacher5 he understands his pupils- trou"les. X. Fnlike the Nords, the &ommons consists of elected representatives of the people. Z. There-s no point in*use e9plaining anything to him. M. Did you use to hitchhike very muchP TH. There-re many +ays of improving*to improve one-s kno+ledge of ]nglish. TT. )o+*_hat a"out going "ackP =X* 1a. l. o-clock*', in the afternoon :. the Lhakespeare I. his G. some J. +hat-s \. sensi"le X. terri"le Z. +ell, horri"le, delicious 1". T. the :. the I. doesn-t, it G. hands J. is \. at X. pick up Z. picked M. that 2a. T. "*c :. a I. a G. a, c J. " \. " X. a, " 2". T. a*c :. a*" I. "*d G. a*c J. c \. a X. c 2c. T. " :. " I. " G. a, " J. "*c \. "*c 2d. l. a*", " :. ", " I. a, " G. " J. a \. a X. " 3 T. an :. ' I.' G. a J. a \.' X.' Z. a M.' 4a. T. food :. courses, lunch*dinner I. meal, lunch G. dish J. meal*dinner*lunch 4". T. annoying, surprised, annoyed, surprising :. interested, interesting, "ored, "oring I. depressed, depressing G. amusing, amused* amusing J. e9citing, e9cited 5 T.':. Doctor Lmith, the head of the department, is a very nice man. I. >rs ?lake, +ho lives ne9t door, is rather fond of gossip. G.'J. )e "elieves that he kno+s everything< he is, ho+ever, very "adly in'formed. \. They had, oddly enough, earned `uite a lot of money. X. )is first novel, 'he Dlat, "ecame a "est'seller. Z.'

M. The breens +ill "e here in ten minutes< mean+hile, +e can have some coffee. TH. )e-d like to visit Orance<*' a"ove all, he +ants to see the chateaus of the Noire. 6 T. to s+im*of s+imming :. to learn I. drinking G. +orking J. to go*going \. of slipping, "reaking X. to try, getting Z. reading M. speaking, to talk TH. to +ash TT. to "uy T:. talking TI. teasing TG. play TJ. to adjust 7 T. met, haven-t seen, sa+ :. have you +orked*"een +orking, graduated I. have already "een discussing G. have you tried, have "een trying, started J. has caught \. have you read X. haven-t seen, sa+, +as Z. have you ever "een, +as, did you visit 8a. T. U start +ork at 7a8 `uarter past seven*seven fifteen. :. Ut-s al'most four and you-re not ready yetR I. Ut-s t+enty minutes-*a t+enty'minute +alk. G. They have a TI'year'old daughter. J. An aunt of mine*;ne of my aunts came to our place*came to see us. \. )e-d like to find a jo" at that institute. X. Are you going to take the children to Lusan-s 7place8P Lhe-s giving a party for a niece of hers*her niece. Z. )e +anted to kno+ ho+ long +e-d "een sitting here. M. _e spoke a"out "uying a ne+ +ashing machine. ?ut +here +ould +e put itP TH. )o+ many of you are there in the officeP ' There are three of us*Three. 8". T. >y mother*>other and U +ent shopping.*U +ent shopping +ith >other*my mother. :. A friend 7of mine8 from ]ngland +as surprised to see ho+ cheap 7the8 pu"lic transport in &zechoslovakia*this country +as*is. I. _e all like each other in my family. G. aou-d "e sure to like my home to+n5 come and see me ' you can sleep at my* our place. J. Technology has made great advances*progress in this* the present*the t+entieth century. \. >y "rother and U like going to the mountains at +eekends. X. Are +omen +earing fairly short skirts againP Z. U prefer tallish men. M. $lease tell the teacher U-m sorry U can-t come to the lesson tomorro+.* $lease ask the teacher to e9cuse me from attending the lesson tomorro+*to e9cuse me for not "eing a"le to come*not coming to the lesson tomorro+. TH. 1?ut that-s all right,1 said brandfather +ith a smile. TT. 1U didn-t do*haven-t done anything, honestR1 said ,im, defensively. 8c. T. _here did you pick up that gossipP :. )o+ much home+ork have you got, OredP ' Three lots5 in maths, Yussian and civics. I. _here shall +e put all the shoppingP G. That advice of yours isn-t as good as you may think. ' ?ut U-ll give you one more piece of good advice. J. Lpaghetti is my favourite food. \. &an U have another piece of toastP X. )ave you 7had8 any e9perience +ith patients like thatP Z. >y grandfather*father*father'in'la+ is still fit for his age. M. )ave you told your "rother 7a"out it8P TH. aesterday Oather*my father came to see me. )e told me >other*my mother +as a little un+ell. 1>other*aour mother e9pects you to come as soon as possi"le,1 he added. 8d. T. )is great interest is sports.*Lports are his great interest. :. U-ll need another THH cro+ns. I. >any people lost their lives in that accident. G. U-ve "een +aiting here a good t+enty minutes. J. They didn-t get "ack*return till midnight.*They only got "ack at midnight. \. The important thing*_hat-s important is that you should al+ays kno+ +hat you +ant to do. X. Narge deposits of "ro+n coal can "e found in the north of ?ohemia. Z. This is the first time U-ve heard any'thing like that. M. _ho doesn-t like childrenP TH. U don-t kno+ anyone +ho understands the pro"lems "etter than you. 8e. T. )is temperature +as almost thirty'nine last night. ' And +hat is it no+P ' Thirty'eight point one. :. Ut*The temperature +as only a"out : 7degrees8 "elo+ 7zero8 this morning. I. )e finished his university studies at 7the age of8 nineteen. G. )e +as ten 7years old*of age8 +hen the +ar ended. J. )o+ old is your sonP ' T+enty'si9. ' )e should "e married at that age. \. >y grandmother +as then a slim eighteen'year' old 7girl8*girl of eighteen*girl eighteen years old. X. >y father is a"road at present*no+. Z. _hen +as he supposed to comeP M. _hy do it this +ay all the timeP TH. Those +ho kno+ 7it8 should raise their hands.*_hoever kno+s 7it8 should raise his hand. 8f T. aou don-t seem to "e enjoying yourself. :. U don-t think +e-ll get there in time. I. Eot everyone has as much money as you. G. U don-t suppose he-ll pass the e9am. J. aou must concentrate on your +ork. \. ;nly three out of all the activities that had "een planned actually took place*+e8e actually held. X. $eople from*+ith various occupations can "e found in my class, among them engineers, doctors, teachers, ta9i' drivers and clerks. Z. Three of my favourite poets are 3eats, T. L. ]liot and Ted )ughes.

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