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Comparison and Contrast

between Upward and

Downward Communication.
Group Number:9
Group members:
A brief Introduction:

Downward communication:
 It is passing information to the subordinate. It increases
efficiency by synchronizing organizational
procedures and can ensure that all are working towards
the same goal.
Upward communication :

 It originates from lower level of employment hierarchy.

This communication focus that everybody is capable of
generating thoughts and ideas resulting into
organizational progress. It increases motivation and
make employees feel valued.

Comparison on the basis of type:
Types of Downward communication includes:

 Job description
 Appraisals or evaluation
 Organizational policy
 Organizational system

Types of upward communication includes:

 Suggestion schemes
 Feedback forum or survey
 Grievance Procedures
 Employees Manager discussion

Comparison on the basis of its flow of
Downward communication:

 It flow’s from the top level management to low

level management through the middle level

Upward communication:
 It is the flow of communication which originates
from low level management to high level
management through middle level management.

Comparison on the basis of its Motive:
Downward communication:

 Downward Communication, the means by which

goals are transmitted and influence is exerted on

Upward communication:
 Upward Communication is the means by which

managers collect from employees the data needed

to make sound decisions.”
Downward communication:

 When your boss shares information with you, it’s

downward communication, because your boss, as
your supervisor, is communicating with you as an

Upward communication:
 Conversely, when you give your supervisor
feedback about a new system or patron, it’s
upward communication.

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