Eve Application Letter

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October 07, 2013

GLORIA J. BALBOA, MD, MPH, MHA, CEO, CESO III Regional Director IV Center for Health Development- ega!pi Cit"

Thru: (NAME) #rovincial Health $eam ea%er-DOH-CHD &lba", ega!pi Cit"

Dear 'a%am( I ta)e m" plea!*re in e+ploring the po!!ibilit" of offering m" !ervice! to "o*r e!teeme% in!tit*tion a! Regi!tere% ,*r!e! for Health -nhancement an% ocal .ervice! (RN HEALS-5) *n%er Department of Health/ I receive% a %egree in 0achelor of .cience in ,*r!ing from one of the re!pecte% -!tate College in the #rovince of &lba" at 0icol 1niver!it" $abaco Camp*! $abaco Cit" la!t 2002 an% 3a! able to complete the re4*ire% Relate% earning -+perience!/ I too) the ,*r!e icen!*re -+amination la!t 5*l" 2002 in ega!pi Cit" an% pa!!e% the !ai% e+amination/ I am pre!entl" 3or)ing a! a private n*r!e at &rcena! Home Care here in manila, I am energetic an% har%3or)ing 3ith the abilit" to a%apt to an" 3or)ing environment ea!il", have e+cellent comm*nication an% %emon!tration !)ill!/ 6o* 3ill fin% m" a%%itional 4*alification! in m" re!*me/ I 3o*l% li)e to %evelop an% enhance more of m" !)ill! a! a profe!!ional n*r!e in "o*r in!tit*tion/ It ha! come to m" reali7ation that it 3o*l% prove more helpf*l in m" career if I8ll tr" to e+plore other challenging 3or) opport*nitie!, 3here I co*l% be better able to *tili7e m" !)ill! an% abilitie!, an% at the !ame time 3elcome a novel learning proce!!/ $hi! 3ill be po!!ible if I 3ill enter in "o*r pre!tigio*! in!tit*tion/ I am hoping that m" e+perience! 3ith "o*r in!tit*tion 3ill !hape me to a more re!pon!ible an% !ervice- oriente% profe!!ional/ Here3ith attache% a cop" of m" re!*me an% other !*pporting %oc*ment! for "o*r )in% per*!al/ It i! m" fervent pra"er an% hope that thi! application letter 3o*l% merit "o*r )in% con!i%eration an% I am 3illing to !*bmit m"!elf for an% Intervie3 in "o*r convenient time, "o* can contact me at m" cellphone n*mber an" time/ $han) "o* ver" m*ch/

Re!pectf*ll" "o*r!, Sherryl E e G. !l"re# RM, RN $' ,*mber( 090:199;092 $,$ ,*mber( 0909;:72<<7

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