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Student Name: Brian Foudy

ID Number: G00275766

Subject: Materials Technology Wood Pupil Year Group: 1st Year No. of Lessons: 12

List of Topics: Veneering and Marquetry No. of Pupils: 22

Length Of Lessons: Single: 40 minutes, Double: 80 minutes.



Time of Lesson: Monday: Friday:

10:20-11:00 9:35-10:45


The first year class have very little experience and knowledge in this subject so far in the year. They had participated in tasters up until Halloween and have only been introduced to Materials Technology Wood thus far in the year. This means that the students will have a very limited knowledge in Materials Technology Wood, with previous knowledge coming from siblings or parents or they themselves may have worked in the woodwork industry. In all, I will be presented with a class that has an even knowledge base of the subject and will have an almost clean slate to work from.

My co-operating teacher has informed me that the students will learn about Health and Safety in the classroom before the Christmas break and will have been given an introduction into a number of hand tools in the classroom. These tools include; ruler, marking gauges, try square, tenon saw and chisel. The students will have learnt the uses and application of these tools from the teacher and will have carried out simple cuts and trenches. Topics students have covered to date: o Health and Safety o Wood o Forestry o Joint Making: Cross Halving joint

My co-operating teacher has asked me to cover Veneering and Marquetry with this group of students.

I have been told that this class although only in the subject a number of weeks have expressed particular interest in the subject and are very enthusiastic to get practical work done. The downside of this however, as I have been informed, is the class are not particularly interested in theory work and find it very difficult to stay focused and become disruptive in the theory classes. I will have to strike a balance between theory and practical classes in order to keep the students interested, but also reach the learning outcomes for every class.


For the six weeks of my teaching practice my co-operating teacher has asked me to cover the topic of Veneering and Marquetry and complete a practical project with the students under this heading.

For the first lesson I will introduce the students into the subject of Materials Technology Wood and give them a backround of what I will be covering in the six weeks. Throughout this lesson and the first week I will begin to learn the students names and start to build a working relationship with the students. This will be done through fun yet challenging activities that will test the students but also bring about enjoyment in the subject. I will have to let the students see that I am an authoritive figure within the classroom yet firm and approachable.

The students will be taught about Veneering and Marquetry. This is a very interesting topic that enables me to involve as much practical work as possible with my theory classes. I feel that this will provide for very interesting and enjoyable lessons. Through use of activities and group work, the students discover learning will be tested on the different methods and cutting processes involved in this topic. The students, I feel, will be extremely interested as they put theory into practice through project and group work.

Through learning the topic of Veneering and Marquetry, I believe that students will gain appreciation for the use of wood and its scarcity within the world today. Veneering was created as a furniture making process and also to decorate pieces due to the fact there were timber shortages. By the end of the topic, I hope the students will become aware of waste management when using timber and will have the presence of mind in future to use veneering and marquetry to cut down waste.

As Veneering and Marquetry involve the use of a scalpel and fine cutting methods, I will have to continuously reinforce health and safety within the classroom. With this topic, the students hand skills will be put to the test as it involves very neat and accurate cutting with a sharp blade. The use of these tools and cutting processes will be very helpful with the development of the students motor skills. I will have

to utilise every class for the six weeks in order for the students to understand the topic fully before I leave.

As is stated in the MTW syllabus, I believe that after my six weeks of teaching practice, this group of students will display appreciation for the character of wood and other materials through appropriate selection and processing. This statement will be reiterated through the students learning of the topics of Veneering and Marquetry.

At the end of each lesson the students will have to conduct a quick and efficient tidy up of the classroom so that the room is always neat and clean. This will get students into the habit of cleaning up after themselves and learn the importance of hygiene in the classroom.


The aims of this scheme are to: Create a positive working environment within the classroom. Build on students previous skills and knowledge in Material Wood Technology. Provide pupils with knowledge of interpretation and communication of ideas and spatial information. To encourage the students to think cognitively and develop in-depth skills in the subject of MTW. Develop a fun environment that students can express their creativity and individuality through means of class and project work. Obtain a healthy multicultural setting where students work together to achieve goals. Foster an innovative and imaginative atmosphere. Acquire an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each student and how to fully utilise the skills and innovation of each student in order to advance their learning. Constantly encourage and use positive reinforcement to get the best out of every student. Make students aware of the uses of veneering and marquetry in todays world and the different methods and processes involved in the production of each. To arouse a range of controlled skills through working with wood and other materials. Progress the students into working in a clean safe environment by means of a routine tidy up at the end of each class.


Learning Outcomes (LOs) At the end of this lesson the students will be enabled to Recognise, carry out to a high skill and complete the topic of Veneering and Marquetry. Comprehend when and where veneering and marquetry are used in the classroom and in todays world. Use marquetry equipment e.g. scalpel to a high standard. Work together in teams bringing ideas together efficiently. Utilize the different methods of veneering and marquetry in the class project. Productively complete classwork on time and to a high standard. Critically assess their work. Carry out a quick, efficient clean up.

Assessment of LOs (Note: each LO has an assessment. Include a variety of types.)

Meticulous supervision, positive reinforcement through questioning and activities.

Quiz/Revision on veneering.

Observation of the students. Group work and presentations by group. Class project. Vigilant supervision and guidance so all students complete classwork in time. Correction of classwork and homework. Have students give opinion on their own work. Observation of tidy up. Make sure there is clean room at end of every class.


Numeracy and Literacy will be addressed in many ways within this scheme. Numeracy Numeracy will be addressed throughout the topic of Veneering and Marquetry. During the project work, the students will be restricted to design their project within certain measurements. The students will have to tackle this problem by using a ruler to draw out the parameters in which they must abide by. The students will also be continuously told to use millimeters and shown where on their ruler these measurements are. Literacy As the students are learning a new topic, there will be quite a large amount of new vocabulary for them to learn such as marquetry and rotary. I will have to write each new word on the board and explain clearly what it means. I will also use crossword puzzles to help students with new vocabulary as I found from my previous teaching practice that it was a very effective tool in teaching new words. The students will also be taught a number of stages on how to complete a veneering project. These stages will have to be made very clear and precise in order for students to remember all of them properly.

Differentiation will be addressed in many ways within this scheme. Many classes across the country can be labelled as a multicultural classroom, this class is no different. Within this class there are ten out of twenty two students who are foreign nationals. This means that, as a teacher, I will have to be very clear and easy to understand when talking within the classroom as English may not be these students first language. Within this classroom there five girls from a class of twenty two. Due to gender socialization, girls may be pushed in the direction of subjects such as Home Economics or Art. It will be my job, as the teacher, to encourage the girls and promote an enjoyment within the topic. I may have to mix the boys and girls within the class in order for the group to mix, participate and engage themselves in the lessons effectively. As a couple of students within the classroom are faced with the dealing with the challenges of EBD (Emotional/Behavioral Disorders) I will have to come up with a number of strategies in order to promote a comfortable learning environment for them. Students with EBD are faced with the following problems: An inability to learn that cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory or health factors. An inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and teachers. Inappropriate types of behaviour or feelings under normal circumstances. A general pervasive mood of unhappiness or depression. A tendency to develop physical symptoms or fears associated with personal or school factors.

Ways of dealing with EBD are as follows: o Specifically identify the behavior which needs to be changed. o Create a baseline of the observed behavior. o Closely examine the information in the baseline and evaluate what has been observed and documented o Develop short and long term goals for the student. In the plan create a reward system to be used. Such as: give student a check mark for every 15 minutes behavior is appropriate. When the student receives 8 checks they may have 10 minutes of computer time.

o Reevaluate the plan for effectiveness. Has the behavior reduced occurrence in a variety of settings? o Make modifications in the behavior plan to reinforce the desired outcome. All these recommendations will be taken into consideration, but first, I will need to talk to my co-operating teacher into more detail on how to deal with differentiation within the classroom and what they are finding effective.



WEEK LESSON CONTENT Single Class Introduce myself to class. Reinforce co-operating teachers rules and routines of the classroom. Show students Cube within a cube and ask to figure out how it was made. This is used to promote cognitive thinking within the classroom. Introduce topic of veneering and marquetry by showing the students samples and asking if they have ever seen veneering within the classroom or world today. Present the tidy up sheet to students and facilitate cleaning up of classroom and orderly exit of class. This is to get students into routine of keeping the room safe and tidy. Double Class Set Induction Recap on the rules and routines by questioning students and observing entrance and exit. Reintroduce veneering topic to students. Bring students to top desk and use questioning to tease out what was taught previous day. E.g. name methods of veneering and marquetry that are used in the world. Reseat students. Introduce students to the timber used in veneering and the cutting processes involved through PowerPoint slides. RESOURCES

Roll call on student portal. Rules and Routines Poster. Cube within a cube. Veneering sample pieces. Marquetry pieces. Chalk and Blackboard. Tidy up sheet.

Roll call on student portal. Rules and Routines Poster. Veneering sample pieces. Marquetry pieces. Video on veneer manufacture. A4 Sheets. Power point slideshow. Chalk and Blackboard. Tidy up sheet.

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Announce class project. Ask students to design their marquetry board as homework. Recap and orderly exit. Single Class Set induction. Use quiz sheets with students on introduction to Veneering, reinforcing previous learning. Continue from previous day on timber used in Veneer and cutting processes. Use video in order to cover all learning types within the classroom especially the visual learners. Instruct students to graphically represent each method and processes within their copies to help with graphicacy within the classroom. Tidy up and orderly exit. Double Class Set induction. Collect design sheets from students. Recap on types of veneer and cutting methods through questioning. Class practical. Bring class to top desk and show students the tool safety when using the scalpel and cutting processes. Present class with simple shapes and ask to complete using processes just shown. Tidy up, recap on tool safety and orderly exit. Single Class Set induction. Recap on tool safety. Use questioning using scenarios to get students thinking cognitively Continue with simple shapes and have students complete this by end of class. Recap on lesson and orderly exit.

Roll call on student portal. Activity: quiz sheets. Veneering sample pieces. Video on veneer cutting. Powerpoint slideshow. Chalk and Blackboard. Tidy up sheet.

Roll call on student portal. PowerPoint on types of veneer. Blackboard. Simple shapes hand-out. Scalpels. Rulers. Cutting boards. A4 plastic pockets. Tidy up sheet.

Roll call on student portal. Simple shapes hand-out. Scalpels. Cutting boards. A4 plastic pockets. Tidy up sheet.

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Double class Set induction. Revise safety with using marquetry tools as it has been a few days since students have last witnessed this. For practical, Hand out the design sheets for the class project marquetry board. Class demo on tool safety and cutting processes involved. Inspect students completing class project. The complex designs will challenge students to develop their marquetry skills and also help them prepare for their class project. Introduce veneer matching methods. Recap and orderly exit. Single class Set induction. Recap on veneer matching methods through use of an activity sheet where students have to sketch out methods. This will help reinforce the students previous learning and also help them graphically represent this learning. Continue with class project from previous day. Inspect students completing class project. Tidy up and orderly exit. Double class Set induction. Recap on veneer matching methods through questioning. Continue class project. Keep note of students progress especially those who are struggling and those who are quickly completing project. Recap and orderly exit.

Roll call on student portal. Veneer pieces and groundwork board. Students design sheets. Scalpel. Steel Ruler. Cutting board. Tidy up sheet.

Roll call on student portal. Sketching activity sheets on veneer matching methods. Video on stages of veneering. Veneer pieces. Scalpels. Cutting boards. Tidy up sheet.

Roll call on student portal. Video on stages of veneering. Veneer pieces. Scalpels. Cutting boards Tidy up sheet.

Single class Set induction. Class test on each segment of the veneering and marquetry topic. This test will act as a way of examining the students knowledge on the topic but also as an indicator of what the students know and understand on the topic. Exhibit the techniques involved in applying a finish on veneer through use of sample pieces and class demo. Recap and orderly exit. Double class Set induction. Recap on finishing veneer through use of an activity sheet. Continue class project. For students that are nearing completion of class project, assist in the finishing of project. Hand out exam results to students. Tidy up and orderly exit. Roll call on student portal. Class test sheets. Sample veneer pieces. Lacquer. Different grades of sand paper. Rag. Brush. Clean-up items. Tidy up sheet.

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Roll call on student portal. Recap sheets on finishing. Video on stages of veneering. Veneer pieces. Groundwork. Scalpels. Finishing materials. Cutting boards. Tidy up sheet.


Single class Set induction. Class project marquetry board. Students should be nearing the completion of the class project. Continuously walk around classroom and examine students progress. For those students who are finished project, ask to assist in peer teaching their fellow students in order to help them complete. Finishing up of project. Help students apply a finish to their project. Leave projects in a safe place for drying. Tidy up and orderly exit.

Roll call on student portal. Video on stages of veneering. Veneer pieces. Groundwork. Scalpels. Finishing materials. Cutting boards. Different grades of sand paper. Tidy up sheet.

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Double class Set induction. Recap on topic of veneering and marquetry. Presentation of Marquetry boards. Display two best projects and award a prize to each student. Recap on six weeks and orderly exit.

Roll call on student portal Video on stages of veneering. Veneer pieces. Groundwork. Scalpels. Cutting boards. Tidy up sheet.

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