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1 r dev khagam l rcanam 1.

y di ny sa

asya r suddha akti namonta m l mah mantrasya p yvindriy dhi h yi mitr ditya aye nama | uihcandase nama | bhogada ek ra bha raka p hasthitia ekav ra k me var ga nilay yai ekal lalit mah bha rak yai devat yai nama ||

ai b ja | kl akti | sau k laka | p duk siddhau viniyoga || 2. Karany sa

- hr - aguh bhy m nama| (use both the index fingers and run

them on both the thumbs)

- hr - tarjan bhy nama| (use both the thumbs and run them on both

the index fingers)

hr - madhyam bhy nama| (both the thumbs on the middle fingers) - hr - an mik bhy nama| (both the thumbs on the ring fingers) - hr - kanih k bhy nama| (both the thumbs on the little

- hr - karatalakaraph bhy nama| (open both the palms;

run the opened palms of the right hand on the front and back sides of the left palm and repeat the same for the other palm)

2 3. Hrday di ny sa
hr - hrday ya nama | (open index, middle and ring fingers of the right

hand and place them on the heart chakra)

hr - irase sv h| (open middle and ring fingers of the right hand and

touch the top of the forehead)

- sau - ikh yai vaa | (open the right thumb and touch the back of the head.

This is the point where tuft is kept)

ya hu | (cross both the hands and run the fully opened palms - ai - kavac

from shoulders to finger tips)

- kl - netratray ya vaua | (open the index, middle and ring fingers of

the right hand; touch both the eyes using index and ring fingers and touch the point between the two eyebrows ( j cakra) with the middle finger.
- sau - astr ya pha || bh rbhuvassuvaromiti digbandha ||

4. Dhy nam

t d a p duk yugma m pnoti tava bhaktim n| yad kramaa m trea ka tribhuvanakrama 5. Pa cap j
- - -

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