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Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.

Release Notes

Version Number: V7.2 July 2010

Copyright (c) 2010 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Aspen PIMS, Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer, Aspen Olefins Scheduler, Aspen Report Writer, Aspen Refinery Report and the Aspen leaf logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Burlington, MA. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. This document is a guide for using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the application of the results obtained. Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THIS DOCUMENTATION, ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Aspen Technology, Inc. 200 Wheeler Road Burlington, MA 01803-5501 USA Phone: (1) (781) 221-6400 Toll Free: (1) (888) 996-7100 URL:

About These Release Notes .....................................................................................6 Related Documentation .....................................................................................6 New Features ..........................................................................................................7 Aspen PIMS .....................................................................................................7 New Matrix Generator .............................................................................7 Multi-Start.............................................................................................7 Adapter Interfaces..................................................................................7 XNLP Solver...........................................................................................7 Extended Tags .......................................................................................8 Matrix Comparison .................................................................................8 Penalty Structures..................................................................................8 New Correlations....................................................................................8 Warning Messages..................................................................................8 Dialog Box Modifications .........................................................................8 Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Olefins Scheduler and Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer ...................................................................................................... 10 Interface Changes ................................................................................ 10 Keywords ............................................................................................ 10 Dialog Box Modifications ....................................................................... 11 Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer.................. 12 Interface Changes ................................................................................ 12 Keywords ............................................................................................ 12 Aspen Petroleum Scheduler ............................................................................. 13 Keywords ............................................................................................ 13 Dialog Box Modifications ....................................................................... 13 Data Tables ......................................................................................... 13 ABML Correlations ................................................................................ 13 New Automation Object ........................................................................ 14 Aspen Olefins Scheduler.................................................................................. 15 New Automation Object ........................................................................ 15 Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer ............................................................... 16 Trends ................................................................................................ 16 New Automation Object ........................................................................ 16 Dialog Box Modifications ....................................................................... 16 Aspen Refinery Report .................................................................................... 17 Aspen Report Writer ....................................................................................... 17 Software Fixes ......................................................................................................19 Fixed Defects................................................................................................. 19 Aspen PIMS V7.2............................................................................................ 19 Aspen Petroleum Scheduler V7.2...................................................................... 22

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain 7.2 Release Notes


Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer V7.2........................................................ 23 Aspen Olefins Scheduler V7.2 .......................................................................... 23 Known Issues........................................................................................................25 Aspen PIMS ................................................................................................... 25 Aspen Petroleum Scheduler ............................................................................. 25


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain 7.2 Release Notes

About These Release Notes

These Release Notes describe the Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain (PSC) V7.2 family of products which includes Aspen PIMS, Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Olefins Scheduler, Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer and Aspen Report Writer. This document includes: New features Software fixes Known Issues

Related Documentation
In addition to these Release Notes, AspenTech provides the following documentation for the Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 family of products. These documents are available from the aspenONE Documentation Disc: Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Installation Guide Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain Integration User Guide Aspen PIMS Help Aspen Petroleum Scheduler Help Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer Help Aspen Olefins Scheduler Help Aspen Report Writer Help

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

New Features

This section describes the new features in the Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain family of products. Note: The V7.2 release of PSC products is primarily a defect fix release. Resolution of many of these defects added new functionality. New features associated with these changes are highlighted here as well as in the Software Fixes chapter.

Aspen PIMS
The new features and enhancements listed below apply to Aspen PIMS.

New Matrix Generator

The New Matrix Generator released in V7.1 was made more robust and is now capable of running more types of models. ABML CARB correlations have been expanded and enhanced for working with the new XLP matrix generator.

This feature has been enhanced and now allows selection of starting points. In addition, improvements have been made to work more effectively for more types of models.

Adapter Interfaces
Worked was performed to improve interfaces for blend events and SupplyItems.

XNLP Solver
Enhancements were made to reduce execution time and to increase the likelihood of finding global optimum.

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Extended Tags
Converting to and working with extended tags has been made easier by allowing users the option to run existing short tag model in extended tag mode without changing the tag internally using the Preserve Original Tags option.

Matrix Comparison
Matrix Comparison reports can now be viewed directly from within PIMS.

Penalty Structures
Penalty structures for specifications that span plants and periods have been implemented.

New Correlations
Amended CARB3 correlations have been implemented in Advanced Optimization (AO).

Warning Messages
The following Warning Message has been added to the system: Global BLNSPEC Entry at XXX and YYY Ignored due to the local setting SMALL Row XXX in Table ROWS has Non-Empty Entries in Conflicting Columns
Unsupported input database table XXX skipped TABLE XXX does not exist in the model. The updates will be ignored for CASE YYY

In addition, numerous warning and error message details have been added to the online help documentation. Refer to the warning and error message overview pages in the online help for specifics.

Dialog Box Modifications

The following dialog boxes have been changed: General Model Settings Miscellaneous Tab The Preserve Original Tags option has been added which allows you to retain the original tags even though you have indicated to use Extended Tags. General Program Options Execution Tab The New Close Model upon PIMS Exit option has been added which allows you to close your model prior to exiting PIMS. This prevents the model from automatically loading when you relaunch the application. XNLP Settings Advanced Tab

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

The Calculate Holding Costs based on Closing Inventory option allows you to include holding costs associated with target inventory levels into your calculation, thus reflecting the actual or full costs of holding the inventory. This option is only available for XLP. Reporting Dialog Box Outputs Tab A new tab, Outputs, has been added to the Reporting dialog box that allows you to indicate how output files are handled. In addition to two new output options, the Save Case MPS Files and Create MPSBCD File options, from the Execution dialog boxes, have been re-located to this new tab. XSLP Settings Advanced 2 Tab The Relax Quality Bounds option has been added and is used to relax bounds on quality variables, from their upper and lower bounds, during optimization.

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Petroleum Scheduler, Aspen Olefins Scheduler and Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer
The new features listed below apply to Petroleum Scheduler, Olefins Scheduler and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer.

Interface Changes
Status Bar The status bar display has been enhanced to display optimizer and simulator status, as applicable. New Zoom Features The following zoom buttons have been added to the Event interface: Undo last horizontal zoom. Only available if horizontal zoom was applied to the Gantt or trend screen. Undo last vertical zoom. Only available if vertical zoom was applied to the Gantt screen. Reset Horizontal Zoom. Returns Gantt and trend screens to original horizontal positions. Reset Vertical Zoom. Returns Gantt screen to original vertical position. Returns to 100%. Returns the Gantt and trend screens to their original display sizes. Only available if zoom was applied.

The following keywords have been added to the CONFIG table. Refer to the online help for details associated with each of the keywords. AUDITINV_UPDATE_VALUE_ON_POP_SIM_VALUES allows you to copy SIM values into the VALUE fields each time Populate Sim Values, found on the Audit Inventories dialog box, is clicked. CLIP_CRUDE_RUN_EVENT indicates overlapping crude run events associated with the same unit will be clipped based on presence of unit parameters; those with unit parameters will be clipped and those without will not. If set to N, crude run events will never be clipped. EXCEL_IGNORE_REMOTE_REQ when opening other Excel workbooks, prevents these workbooks from attaching to the Excel session that is already opened by PS, MBO or Olefins. Eliminates problems where addins in the workbook you are trying to launch wont load or preventing the AspenTech application from accessing the correct workbook in the shared Excel session.


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

PUBZEROVOLTANK allows you to publish zero volume properties. USEADAPTER allows you to indicate use of ODM adapters for integration. USE_LOG_UTC allows you to use UTC timestamp on events, schedule, model log and crudes to allow users to spread across multiple time zones.

Dialog Box Modifications

The following dialog boxes have been changed: Trend List Dialog Box You can now reorder trend list charts, designate the location of Y-axis values and display multiple trends on the same chart using the Trend List dialog box. Settings Dialog Box Blending Tab The Exclude Heels option has been added that allows you to indicate if heels are to be excluded from all new blend events. Model Settings Tab Several Audit Inventory Options, which impact the Audit Inventories dialog box, have been added that affect how simulation information is displayed and where property values will come from when populating filter fields.

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


Aspen Petroleum Scheduler and Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer

The new features listed below apply to both Petroleum Scheduler and Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer.

Interface Changes
Event Toolbar Memory Cache On and Off buttons have been added to the Event toolbar to assist with memory and simulation performance issues. Refinery Report button has been added to the toolbar to enable access to the new Excel add-in reporting wizard. Trend List button has been added that allows you to access the Trend List dialog box from the toolbar.

The following keywords have been added to the CONFIG table: OMITHEELPUBLISH indicates if heels are excluded, what product tank properties are set to in the AB_TANK_QUALITIES table during publishing.


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Petroleum Scheduler

The new features listed below apply to Petroleum Scheduler.

The following keywords have been added to the CONFIG table: PUB_BIAS_RESULTS has been added that allows bias results to be published to the _BIASRESULTS table. MINCRDPCTPUBLISH; if crude composition is less than this value, the crude composition will not be published and the other compositions are renormalized.

Dialog Box Modifications

The following dialog boxes have been changed: Audit Inventories Dialog Box Tank Tab The Hide Crude Composition option has been added to the Tanks tab that allows you to view or hide tank composition information.

Data Tables
The following data tables have been added or modified:

_BIASRESULTS stores bias and unbias values. ORION_MGR_EVENT_IMPORT new field SECPIPELINE_ID has been added that allows you to indicate a second pipeline for material to flow through before arriving at the destination tank with importing crude receipt and pipeline shipments.

ABML Correlations
The following correlations have been added: Nitrogen Oxides (Amended CARB3) Nitrogen Oxides with non-Ethanol as Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Nitrogen Oxides without Ethanol as the Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Slack Potency-Weighted Toxics (CARB3) Potency-Weighted Toxics without Ethanol as Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Potency-weighted Toxics without Ethanol as the Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Slack Total Hydrocarbon (CARB3) Total Hydrocarbon without Ethanol as Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Total Hydrocarbon without Ethanol as the Oxygenate (Amended CARB3) Slack

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


New Automation Object

A new automation object, Orion.OrionAutoUDT, has been added and includes the following methods: AddStrmsToMix ClearPipelineBatchVars GetNrPipelineBatches GetPipelineBatchBySeq InitMixStrms InitPropList MixStrms MixStrmsRFG

Modifications The following automation changes were made for V7.2. Properties (Orion.EventItem) Rate when associated with EventUDT is represented as quantity per Day. Rate associated with EventsColl can be represented as quantity per Day or per Hour as specified by the Options property.


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Olefins Scheduler

The new features listed below apply to Olefins Scheduler.

New Automation Object

A new automation object, Olefins.OlefinsAutoUDT, has been added and includes the following methods: AddStrmsToMix InitMixStrms InitPropList MixStrms MixStrmsRFG

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer

The new features listed below apply to MBO.

You can now trend component run downs.

New Automation Object

A new automation object, OrionMBO.OrionAutoUDT, has been added. This object has the following methods: AddStrmsToMix InitMixStrms InitPropList MixStrms MixStrmsRFG

Dialog Box Modifications

The following dialog boxes have been changed: Blend Details Dialog Box Colors have been added that visually indicate min and max values.


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Refinery Report

Aspen Refinery Report is a new Excel add-in which allows you to use a wizard interface to quickly create report templates, generate custom reports or export table data. This new feature is the first version and will continue to be enhanced in future releases.

Aspen Report Writer

This section describes the new features available in Aspen Report Writer. CQ00328219 Function Wizard for ATDSSort() has been created to sort arrays from 3 different fields. CQ00328221 Function Wizard for ATDSSubTotal() has been created to SubTotal Sort Arrays from 3 different fields

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


Software Fixes

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 includes a significant number of software fixes that further improve the product. Because of the number of defects fixed is large, the sections below contain a select subset of all defect fixes. If you are interested in a particular defect that you do not see listed here or want to see a more comprehensive list, contact your Support representative. The sections below summarize the fixed defects, highlighting particular areas of interest.

Fixed Defects Aspen PIMS V7.2

This section describes the most significant software fixes to Aspen PIMS.
CQ Number CQ00379467 Description Model that runs with XNLP fails when loading with new matrix generator on table ABML Significant unexplainable differences between XLP and XNLP PIMS-AO model with external furnace model attached does not function correctly in the new MG PIMS Multi-Start Multi-Start feature was enhanced to improve its selection of starting points and made more robust to work effectively for more types of models. Resolution New matrix generator was made much more robust and capable of running more types of models.




Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


CQ Number CQ00318719

Description Model that runs in PIMS does not run when converted to PIMS-EE PIMS Adapter - Blend Event Activities missing in the published message PIMS Adapter - SupplyItems is not published XNLP Solver gets lower OBJFN and takes more time than DR with specific PPIMS model

Resolution Conversions of Excel-based models to PIMS-EE were improved to remove problems. PIMS Adapter interfaces improved for blend events and SupplyItems


CQ00379173 CQ00368332

XNLP solver improvements implemented to reduce execution time and to improve likelihood of finding global optimum. Problems with Case Comparison report have been resolved Issues when using >4 processor cores have been resolved. System now properly uses all allowable processor cores. ABML CARB correlations have been expanded and enhanced for working with the new XLP matrix generator. Fixed many discrepancies between the old matrix generator and the new XLP matrix generator. Presolve problems with XPress solver have been reduced. Occasional erratic performance of V7.1 GUI has been reduced. Global Optimization-Multi-Start chart has resolved issues with axis scaling Penalty structures for specifications that span plants and periods have been implemented. Objective function errors when using VPRICE in XPIMS models have been resolved. XNLP model issues for some models have been resolved. Problems when converting tables to Extended Tags for CASE and EXPERT have been resolved.

CQ00391781 CQ00388203

Case Comparison Problems Not all cases submitted to optimizer on case stack using multiple cores with new matrix generator. ABML Correlation CARB3M does not work with new matrix generator Error in validation.




Model is unbounded with Presolve on and takes 2 hours with presolve off GUI issue with overlapping windows GOMS Chart Minimum Y-Axis Minimum Setting No penalty structures for plant/period spanning specifications. VPRICE XPIMS has Period Length multiplied two times into Objective Function Local Optima plus not reasonable infeas soln plus not solv with xnlp Tables Case/Expert not Converted to Extended TAGs by: Save Model to Extended Tag Format Menu Item

CQ00356645 CQ00365052






Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

CQ Number CQ00369571

Description Preserve Orig Tag (Do Not Alias) if using Extended Tags On

Resolution Made converting to and working with extended tags easier by allowing users the option to run existing short tag models in extended tag mode without changing the tag internally by selecting the "Preserve Original Tag" option. Loss of descriptions for material transfers when converting to PIMS-EE has been fixed. Spreadsheet Gear has been incorporated into PIMS to speed up input of Excel data. This is especially noticeable when using the new XLP matrix generator. Generation of .xlr files and retention of .fil files have been made optional. Amended CARB3 correlations have been implemented in AO T50 slack property variables have been implemented. PIMS now checks for open files and warns the user when starting execution. The Compare Model dialog now shows full paths in the combo box. A Program Option has been added to Close the Model upon exiting PIMS.


PIMS EE Desc Column for Material Transfers View Is Blank Performance of Excel Worksheet I/O unacceptable in new XLP PIMS Matrix Generator Eliminate (or make optional) the very large files generated at run time (.xlr & .fil) Expose amended CARB3 T50 slack in PIMS Check for open files when starting PIMS execution Compare Model dialog cannot show the full path in the combo Box Add a Program Option to Close Model upon exiting PIMS



CQ00383699 CQ00401541 CQ00388428



Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


Aspen Petroleum Scheduler V7.2

This section describes the most significant software fixes to Aspen Petroleum Scheduler.
CQ Number CQ00368342 CQ00368343 CQ00395621 Description Events read too slow PublishFromSets should perform immediately Usability Defects in the Audit Inventory Dialog Resolution Added option to use temp tables to speed up event read Modified PublishFromSets to finish before returning Added additional property filtering options. Prior settings are remembered. Speed improvement on populate sim value. Flag differences in the sim and plant values Register PS/MBO automation interface to the running object table allowing you to select the particular instance of Orion/MBO to attach to. Improve the look of Event view Added additional automation function to automate audit inventory dialog Can now import Secondary Pipeline Automation functions for the Archive model Multiple trends can now appear on same plot Added Config setting to use UTC timestamp on events, schedule, model log and crudes to allow users to spread across multiple time zones


Uniquely identify each open instance of Petroleum Scheduler in Running Object Table to choose which one to access through Automation Gantt Label unreadable and link gantt bars aren't off set Add automation function to simplify the audit inventory dialog Allow Event Import to support multiple pipelines Archive model utility cannot be automated. Trends default to 1000, dont show up Log tables and events table doesn't support time zone

CQ00401258 CQ00391366

CQ00400053 CQ00392358 CQ00358967 CQ00362669


Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer V7.2

This section describes the most significant software fixes to Aspen Refinery Multi-Blend Optimizer.
CQ Number CQ00287659 Description MBO v5.2.29 - Model > Beginning Inventories - Dialog Difficult to Use Resolution Enhancement to the Beginning inventory dialog

Aspen Olefins Scheduler V7.2

This section describes the most significant software fixes to Aspen Olefins Scheduler.
CQ Number CQ00396001 Description Multiple Event Editor is incorrect for Furnace Bank Run events. Resolution Multi-Event Editor dialog box has been enhanced to handle Furnace Bank run events.

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes


Known Issues

Below are the known issues associated with Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 products.

Aspen PIMS
Below are issues specific to V7.2 PIMS AO on a 64-bit operating system After installation, for PIMS AO, utilizing parallel processing, to run correctly under a 64-bit operating system, you will need to modify the PATH environment variable from: <drive>:\Program Files\MPICH2\bin to the following: <drive>:\Program Files (x86)\MPICH2\bin

Aspen Petroleum Scheduler

Below are issues specific to V7.2 Character tags sent to unit.xls and automation functions will no longer be padded to four (4) characters with spaces. This is in preparation for long tag support in V7.3. The consequence is that Excel lookups using VLOOKUP/HLOOKUP/MATCH, where strings are matched, should now be trimmed. Also please check your orinvb.dll for similar string matching issues. Crude run events associated with a crude unit that has parameters will be clipped so that no two (2) events will overlap. This is necessary because only one set of parameters can be active at any given time. If the crude unit does not have parameters, these events will not be clipped. Set the CONFIG setting CLIP_CRUDE_RUN_EVENT to N to suppress clipping regardless of whether the unit has parameters. The default is Y.

Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes



Aspen Petroleum Supply Chain V7.2 Release Notes

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