Warm Quarterly-Jan 2014

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Please contact WARM if you would like more information about events, volunteering, or our current needs. Our contact info is on Pg 2: Upcoming Events: ~WARM House for Women & Children Grand Opening3/2014 (1035 Fairfax Avenue, Date/Time TBD) ~Thermal Shelter Volunteer Appreciation Dinner 4/2014(Location, Date, & Time TBD) . Volunteer Opportunities: ~ Christian Overnight Volunteers are needed for the Thermal Shelter during the week of March 24-30. ~Christian Thermal Shelter Volunteers are always welcomed to help host churches, WARM staff, and love on our guests! ~ Christian Backup overnight volunteers and van drivers are needed. ~ Female Christian Mentors are needed for our mothers that will reside at the WARM House for Women & Children. Current Needs: ~ We are always in need of personal care items for our guests such as toiletries, towels, shampoo, soap, etc. ~ We are launching our Capital Campaign to raise an additional $150,000 for the purchase of our WARM House for Women & Children property. Please contact us if you can help!

January 2014 (Q1/14) Volume 1, Issue 1

WARM is excited to welcome 2014 and the growth of our organization! 2013 has been an amazing year with lots of changes. As an organization, we have had the opportunity to see God work in a mighty way. Some of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us during 2013 include: The Board of Directors proudly named Bob Carroll as WARM's Executive Director. Bob, a former member of the Board of Directors, has been an instrumental part of WARM's start and growth. He has a heart for WARM's mission and brings lots of business, direct/social services, and ministry experience to our organization. We've also welcomed 2 new additions to our management team. Chaplain David Emery, Director of Community Services and Debra Burns, Director of Development and Client Services joined WARM during the end of 2013. Both directors bring an array of experience and training in business management, homeless services, direct services and other areas that will help WARM continue to pursue our mission and better serve our guests. Our rotating shelter is in the midst of its 3rd season. This season, with Bob and David's directing, has been a great success. Currently, we average 80-100 overnight stays each week by serving up to 20 guests per night. Each guest receives a breakfast, dinner, ministry, and a warm bed each night. At times we are able to offer personal hygiene products, clothes, entertainment, and other services. We have increased our church host network, streamlined services, and begun building a stronger program for our 2014-15 season. The WARM House for Women & Children, located at 1035 Fairfax Avenue, will soon offer temporary housing, supportive services, and Christian mentors to homeless mothers with children in Waynesboro. The home is slated to open in Feb. 2014 and will serve up to 4 families at any given time. The mothers and their children will reside at the home for up to six months while working to regain their independence with the help of WARM staff, area social services organizations, church support networks, and a Christ-centered atmosphere.


"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you invited me in; I needed clothes and you clothed me; I was sick and you looked after me; I was in prison and you came to visit me...Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." -Matt. 25:35-40

To put it in its most simple form: The work of WARM would not be successful without our partner churches, volunteers, and financial supporters. Thank you to each and every church, person, and business that has contributed to Waynesboros homeless services. We look forward to many years of greatness with you all!


Volume 1, Issue 1-Page 2

The Directors Corner

What does your home mean to you? Does it mean more than the physical bricks and mortar? Can you imagine not having a bed to sleep in; a place to temporarily forget about the demands of work; and a space to just relax and exhale? Unfortunately, these are not questions that many Virginians can ask themselves. For many, having a stable home is an inconceivable dream. Over 43% of those without this dream include homeless families with children. WARMs newest venture, our house for women and children, will address this area of need for families in our community. The WARM House for Women & Children will provide local mothers and children with temporary housing; time to save money for future housing costs; the opportunity to regain their selfsufficiency; and resources to transition into their own homes. Please keep our ministry in prayer as we begin to reach homeless families with the love of Jesus and hope for their future. Feel free to contact us if you would like to contribute to or learn more about our WARM House for Women & Children. WARM 1035 FAIRFAX AVENUE P.O. BOX 1494 WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 Phone (804) 869-0669 Bob Carroll, Executive Dir. Fax Coming Soon E-mail [email protected]

About Our Organization

The primary purpose of Waynesboro Area Refuge Ministry (WARM) is to provide Christ-centered emergency and temporary shelter to individuals and families who lack the financial resources to maintain stable housing. WARM currently provides winter shelter to homeless adults and will soon provide temporary housing, supportive services, and Christian mentors to homeless women with children in Waynesboro, Va.
Churches, social services and the community coming together to serve the homeless.


Were coming to the web! Keep an eye out for us at: www.warmwaynesboro.org

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