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Cover Letter Template - Applicant Without Relevant Work Experience This cover letter template has been provided

by Use this template if you are applying for a job that you have experience working in. For more tips on what to include on your cover letter, check out our How to Write a Cover Letter page. Don't forget to delete this paragraph before submitting your application!

Your Name 10 Station Street Islamabad 44000 Mob: XXXX XXX XXX Email: [email protected] Has im !"an #ersonnel Mana$er Mosam En$neerin$ %0 &ittle Street &!H'(E )4000 1 *une %01+ ,ear Mr Has imI am "ritin$ to appl. /or t e position o/ !dministrati0e !ssistant at Mosam En$ineerin$- as ad0ertised in t e on 10 1ebruar. %01+. I am 0er. /amiliar "it .our product line 2I a0e been usin$ .our s ampoo /or t e past t ree .ears3. I a0e a ran$e o/ administrati0e s4ills and experience to matc t e position .ou describe- includin$: Hands5on experience "it a ran$e o/ o//ice pro$rams includin$ Microso/t 6ord and Excel- and t e abilit. to learn ne" applications "it con/idence and ease. Experience in "or4in$ in an o//ice en0ironment $ained t rou$ m. i$ sc ool "or4 experience pro$rams 2e.$.- reception- /ilin$- mail mana$ement-$- maintainin$ mana$er7s sc edules- boo4in$ /li$ ts and accommodation and diar. mana$ement3. 8 e abilit. to learn ne" tas4s and adapt m. s4ills to a ran$e o/ "or4 situations 2I "as con/identl. boo4in$ /li$ ts and accommodation and or$anisin$ m. mana$er7s bus. diar. a/ter onl. /i0e minutes7 instruction3. Impeccable attention to detail and t e abilit. to complete tas4s 9uic4l. and e//icientl. 2e.$.- reor$anisin$ computerised /ilin$ s.stems in al/ t e time allotted b. m. mana$er3. I am pleased to o//er t ese s4ills and abilities to a business t at pro0ides products t at I not onl. use re$ularl.- but also /ull. endorse. I am con/ident t at I "ould be able to promote .our products to ne" and current customers t rou$ e0er. aspect o/ t e "or4 and tas4s t at I underta4e. Enclosed is m. resume /or .our re0ie". I loo4 /or"ard to meetin$ "it .ou to discuss t is position /urt er. Yours sincerel.Your Name


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