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I group
Name: ___________________________________________

1. Put the verbs in the correct form : Present Simple or Present Continuous
1. Julia is very good at languages. She ________________ (speak) four languages very well.
2. Hurry up! Everybody _________________ (wait) for you.
3. We usually ______________ (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we __________________
(not / grow) any.
4. Robert is in London at the moment. He ________________ (stay) at the Park Hotel. He
__________________ (always / stay) there when he is in London.
5. The Moon __________________(go) round the Earth.
2. Put the verbs in the correct form : Past Simple or Past Continuous
1. Jane _______________ (wait) for me when I _______________ (arrive).
2. How fast _________________ (you / drive) when the accident _________________(happen) ?
3. John __________________ (take) a photograph of me while I ___________________(not / look).
4. I _________________ (walk) along the street when suddenly I _______________ (hear) footsteps
behind me.
5. When I _______________ (be) young, I ________________ (want) to be a pilot.
3. Make questions
1. He was digging in the garden all day yesterday.


2. She lost her keys last night. __________________________________________________?

3. My parents were in Paris last month. ____________________________________________________?
4. The car stopped in the street ten minutes ago . _________________________________________?
5. They were angry because they didn't get good marks . _____________________________________?

4. Agree or disagree. Write true sentences

1. I can't understand Maths.


2. I'm fourteen.


3. I don't like chocolate.


4. I didn't write a letter yesterday.


5. I enjoy travelling.


5. Put a question tag on the end of these sentences

1. I'm too nervous, _____________?
2. You won't be late, ______________?
3. Sue doesn't know Ann, ______________?
4. He can speak German, ______________?
5. Tom has lost my book, ______________?
6. Your aunt wrote you a letter, ________________?
6. Complete the sentences with these words
practical, famous, pedestrian, logical, event , theatre, exhibition
1. No cars are allowed here. Its a _______________ area.
2. The main sporting _____________ in the spring is a national athletics competition.
3. He likes making things and is very _______________.
4. Shes got a _______________mind and is good at Maths.
5. She wants to be a _____________ dancer.
6. Theres an _________________ of paintings by local artists in the art gallery.
7. The street ______________ is very entertaining. There are musicians, actors, magicians and jugglers.
7. Complete the sentences with MUST, CAN'T or COULD
1. People are leaving in the middle of the film. It _________ be really boring.
2. The police are looking for the thieves. They ___________ be hidden in that old building.
3. They're vegetarians. They ___________ like eating meat.
4. He has a strange accent. He ___________ be South African.
5. They live in a small flat. They ____________ be rich.

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