Operating System Commands

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Operating System Commands

Command Description attrib cd chdir cls cmd control copy date defrag del dir diskcopy edit erase exit findstr format ftp help label md mem mkdir move path Display and change file attributes. Changes directories. Changes directories. Clears the screen. Opens the command interpreter. Open Control Panel icons from the MS DOS prompt. Copy one or more files to an alternate location. !ie" or change the systems date. #e arrange the hard dis$ dri%e to help "ith loading programs. Deletes one or more files. &ist the contents of one or more directory. Copy the contents of one dis$ and place them on another dis$. !ie" and edit files. Erase files from computer. Exit from the command interpreter. Searches for a string of text "ithin a file. Command to erase and prepare a dis$ dri%e. Command to connect and operate on a 'TP ser%er. Display a listing of commands and brief explanation. Change the label of a dis$ dri%e. Command to create a ne" directory. Display memory on system. Command to create a ne" directory. !ie" and modify the computers path location.

Type External Internal Internal Internal External External External Internal Internal External Internal Internal External External Internal Internal External External External External External Internal External Internal Internal

command Opens the command interpreter.

Mo%e one or more files from one directory to another directory. Internal

print prompt rd ren rename rmdir time tree type ver vol

Prints data to a printer port. !ie" and change the MS DOS prompt. #emo%es an empty directory. #enames a file or directory. #enames a file or directory. #emo%es an empty directory. !ie" or modify the system time. !ie" a %isual tree of the hard dis$ dri%e. Display the contents of a file. Display the %ersion information. Displays the %olume information about the designated dri%e.

External Internal Internal Internal Internal Internal External Internal External Internal Internal Internal

shutdown Shutdo"n the computer from the MS DOS prompt.

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