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Cameron Fagundes


Anticipated Spring !"# $achelor of Science% Sports $usiness &anagement

To obtain a position that will allow me to utilize the skills that I have already developed while obtains new ones.

'(A) *.* on a +.! scale ,ean-s .ist /all !" RELATED EXPERIENCE Miracle League-San Diego San ,iego% CA &ar. !!01Apr. !"" Player Assistance (Buddy) 2 'uide children with developmental disabilities as they play baseball. 2 (repare the baseball field by setting up e3uipment before the game. 2 4ang promotional banners to recognize sponsors.
5ct. !""1Apr. !"

S ! Loui" Ban#i " $NA%L -Minor League %oc&e' Tea() St. .ouis% &5 Game-Day Operations Volunteer 2 Set up and take down everything that is needed to put on a home game on a given day 2 (ut on shows in between periods 6Chuck a (uck% &usical Chairs% Sled 7ace8 including getting the participants 2 (erform raffles each game 2 9ork the ticket office 2 (ut together the merchandise table and deal with any clients that come 2 5ccasionally% I have worked the penalty bo:% goal light% security and filmed games NAIA Men*" Ba"&e +all Tourna(en ;ansas City% &5 Event Operations Volunteer 2 9ork the promotion booth and promote events that happen during the tournament 2 9ork the sales booth by selling tournament merchandise such as programs% shirts% hats and other miscellaneous items 2 9ork at the information booth giving info about events during the tournament and the tournament itself. Also% answer any 3uestions that need to be addressed and direct guests to places of need NCAA Men*" Ba"&e +all Tourna(en Regional St. .ouis% &5 Media Volunteer 2 7un papers and memos to and from media and stats booths% before and after the game and at halftime 2 Assist in Coach and Team interviews) 5 4old and distribute microphones for those asking 3uestions 5 4elp interpret names during interviews for 3uotes given to media 2 (repare and deliver media guides to the media rooms 2 Take down play by play monitors after the final game

&arch !"

&arch !"

S ! Loui" Ra("

St. .ouis% &5

Sept. !" 1,ec. !"

Game Day Assistant 2 ,istribute promotional items to fans that had a specific voucher 2 Assist in set up of special events for fans where they met e: and current players and e:ecutives of the team 2 <scort guests onto field for different promotions 2 'ive directions to fans to places throughout <dwards =ones ,ome 2 Taking action if a guests re3uested item is not available o 'etting that item from another item and personally delivering it to them 5btaining their info in order to mail them the item N%RA Mi#,e" Na ional" -a e,a' Mo or".or " Par& <ast St. .ouis. Ill Event Operations Volunteer 2 Assist in setting up and taking down >I( areas for the day-s activities 2 (repare >I( areas for the ne:t day 2 &aintain cleanliness throughout the day 2 Assist in autograph events 6setting up% maintaining lines? crowd control% escorting guests8 2 (rovided assistance to fans in getting to their seats Mar'/ille Uni/er"i ' 0re" ling Tea( St. .ouis% &5 Intern (Public elations! Mar"etin#) 2 Create media guide for upcoming season 2 Apdate items on the team-s website 2 (romote teams to the surrounding community and generate a growing attendance 2 Commentate at duals and tournaments Mi""ouri Valle' 0! Ba"&e +all Tourna(en St. .ouis% &5 Media Volunteer 2 Assisted in distribution of media info 6bo: scores% line ups% flip cards% programs% etc.8 during appropriate times throughout each game 2 (repared info packets for the media after each game 2 Attended post 1game interviews and provided post1game 3uotes to the media from coaches and players ESPN Ra#io-San Diego San ,iego% CA Intern &arket informational events for the &r. Credit Show /ind venues% sponsors% partners Collaborate with other intern of necessary adaptations to get the best result San Diego 1oo San ,iego% CA /ood Services Clerk? Catering Assistant 5rganize inventory Assist guest in purchases of food and other retail items &ake and prepare ;ettle ;orn 5pen and close stand $us tables% serve food% prepare and take down dining areas and greet guests while catering

September !"

@ov. !" 1/eb. !"*



&ay1Aug. !"*

&ay1August !"*

=uly B1Aug. + !"*

Sou 2ern Cali3ornia O.en Carlsbad% CA &edia Center >olunteer &ake copies of schedules% draw sheets% and other press materials for media Send and receive fa:es Assist media in anything that need throughout the day regarding the event Apdate match Scoreboards /acilitate in passing out media materials 7unning media materials between locations onsite Attend post match interviews and assist in obtaining info S ! Loui" Car#inal" St. .ouis%

Sept. 01 (resent

&5 Intern 6&useum ,ept.8 (erform condition reports and new location reports on items in the museum Assist in impending move into new museum location Apdate inventory on Trinket City in $usch Stadium hallways o Including) taking pictures% cataloging it into system and I,ing items (hotograph items as needed) Cerseys% hats% bats% etc. Assist in taking !"" 9orld Series trophy for fan events before playoff games &iscellaneous Cobs as needed
@ovember B1D !"*

-a(e 4ace Sale" Training +' Ro+ Cornille" Trained in program to learn results centered selling (erformed sales calls on behalf of the St. .ouis Cardinals .eaving voicemails when needed

St. .ouis% &5

@ov. !""1Apr. !"

Mar'/ille Uni/er"i ' 4ir" Year A#/i"or' Boar# St. .ouis% &5 Board Member 2 &eet once a month with faculty and staff and figure out what we can do to make the first year at &aryville go smooth for all first year students Mar'/ille Uni/er"i '-Sain " Na ion Orientation $eader 2 Assist incoming and perspective students at events 2 'ive campus tours when needed 2 <scort participants to areas for different programs 2 Answer 3uestion as needed and in E and A portions St. .ouis% &5

&ar. !" 1(resent

Aug. !" 1(resent

Mar'/ille Sc2ool o3 Bu"ine"" St. .ouis% &5 %tudent &or"er 2 Assist in proCects given by administrative assistants% dean% or professors 2 Scan student proCects and convert them to (,/ format 2 (repare e:cel wok sheets of e:ecutives in business of sport 2 Conduct interviews of professors for newsletter 2 5ther miscellaneous tasks 2 ;eeping a sense of cleanliness throughout my shift

,ec. !""1 (resent

Mar'/ille Uni/er"i ' Pac& Lea#er" St. .ouis% &5 'our Guide! Admission Asst. 2 'ive tours around &aryville Aniversity to prospective students and parents 2 (ut on events for progressive students and prospective parents to attend o (ut on student sessions Talk and e:plain about different aspects of &aryville to students and parents Answer 3uestions from students and parents o 'ive tours at the end of all events Mar'/ille Bu"ine"" Organi5a ion St. .ouis% &5 &ember? Co1 Social &edia Coordinator 2 Attend meetings giving input on new developments on organizations products and events 2 Controlling content of &$5 twitter page) o (romoting our product o Creating awareness throughout campus o 'enerating awareness for events

Sept. !"*1(resent


@ovember !"" =anuary -" F-"* April !"*

.uncheon with &.$ Agent =ohn $oggs Catching up with the Cardinals Informational session with St. .ouis $lues <:ecutives on Ticket sales% Corporate sponsorship% and media marketing Session on Selling in the $usiness of Sport by speaker 7ob /asoldt of the St. .ouis Cardinals Session on Ticketing in the @/. by speaker &att =arvis of the St. .ouis 7ams Session on the Ticket &aster System by &ike &iloshewski of Ticket &aster

September !"*

@ovember !"* ,ecember !"*

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