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What happen to our body if we dont drink enough water?

By Tin

The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 85% our brain is over 80% the human liver is amazing 96% water, muscles 75% and cells 90%. It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy in the average of a person that is 15% drop in body fluids causing death! The children Your body replaces lots of water you think. We need to drink lots of mineral water not soft drink to let our body stay healthy


The adult body is 55% to 75% of water that mean 2/3 of water. It is about 40 or 50 quarters of water The humans survived depended on how much we drink to have energy and oxygen When the human got embryo, they need to drink more than 8O% of water. The childrens got 75% of water. Drink lots of mineral water not soft drink We need to drink water to get H2o and to breath Water makes up more than half of your body weight and a person can't survive for more than a few days without it.

Water loos
The adult lost nearly (12 cups) of water every day. . Children lose 1/2 cup to 1 cup a day from the soles of sour feet. Other 2 to 4 is our breathing. . If WE DONT DRINK LOTS OF WATER, it could join into stomach pain, ulcers, back pain, low energy, mental confusion you lost your direction and your mouth could bleed because your mouth to dry

Close together about average daily intakes of fluids in litre per day:

Infants 06 months 0.7 Infants 712 months 0.9 Children 13 years 1.0 Children 48 years 1.2 Girls 913 years 1.4 Boys 913 years 1.6 Girls 1418 years 1.6 Boys 1418 years 1.9 Women 2.1 Men 2.6.

How much is enough

The person that non active needed to drink half of waters per pound of a body per day. That is ten 8 ounce glasses, if you weight, it is 160 pounds An active, athletic person needs 2/3 ounce per pound which is 13-14 8 ounce glasses a day If you do more exercise, the more you need to drink water. Do not drink more than 4 glasses within any given hour. It is not how much do you drink but how big or you, how active or you and how hot outside.

Adding water to your routine

Dont drink lots of soft drink but drink lots of water and drink some fresh fruit If you thirsty, drink some soft drink but dont drink lots of soft drink. Drink at least 2 bottle of Aquafina or another.

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