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Spring Arbor University School of Education Lesson Plan Essential Elements Title: La Familia Part I (The Family) Subject:

Spanish (World Languages) Grade Level: 4th Grade Time Allotted: 50 minutes Materials Required: Crayons/Colored Pencils/Scissors (Art Kit) Family Character Cut-Outs Family Vocabulary Cards Vocabulary Pocket Chart _____________________________________________________________________________________ Michigan Curriculum Framework: 2.1.N.F.a Describe family structures and the role of friends within a community or culture in which the language is spoken. Objective(s):
I can describe the members of my family to my class in Spanish. Yo puedo describir los miembros de mi familia a los estudiantes en Espaol.

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Time Essential Elements Allotted 4 min. 1. Anticipatory Set: Could I share with you a little bit more about me? I would like to tell you about my family through my family characters. (Teacher shares about family members using terms like; mother, father, aunt, . . . etc). 1 min. 2. State Purpose and Objective(s) of Lesson:
Over the next three days, we will be learning the vocabulary and Spanish terms to describe our family members so that you can share them with the class and write about them to your Pen Pal. Today, we will be learning the vocabulary to describe our family members in Spanish, reviewing phrases like tengo (I have) and llamarse (to call oneself), and making our family characters.

40 min.

5 min.

3. Plan for Instruction: Vocabulary Review of Spanish Family terms Verbs tener, vivir Teacher models own family characters in Spanish language and checks for students understanding. Students create Family Characters (Arts) and write term on back. Example: mi madre = my mother (This can be taken home to finish decorating or coloring as Homework). Students will share with a buddy about their family in Spanish using the verbs tengo/llamarse 4. Differentiation Considerations (accommodations): For students who need more assistance, the teacher can have example lines written on the board that they can copy the format and simply put the Spanish Vocabulary Card from the Vocabulary Pocket Chart for when they speak. For students who finish quickly, they can practice writing sentences using the vocabulary and phrases learned about family. 5. Assessment: The teacher will check for learning through informal formative assessment when they ask for students to share about family structures in the beginning of the lesson. Teacher will also informally formative assess by walking around student work areas and observing that they understand directions to make characters and put terms on the back in both Spanish and English. Formal formative assessment will be taken on the second day when students use these characters and terms to describe to a classmate. Formal Summative assessment will be given on the third day by checking for student understanding in a letter to their Pen Pal. 6. Closure: Today, we learned a little bit more about how to describe our families in Spanish using verbs like tener/llamarse. Is there anyone that would like to share in front of the class using their family characters? (Teacher allows student examples and praises use of the terms and verbs in Spanish that are attempted) Remember that tomorrow you will need to have your Family Characters and we will add more sentences to describe our family.

Example of Family Character Cut-Outs

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Examples for Vocabulary Pocket Chart

Family Vocabulary
la abuela the grandmother el abuelo the grandfather la madre the mother el padre the father el hermano the brother la hermana the sister el hermanastro the half brother la hermanastra the half sister el to the uncle la ta the aunt el primo the cousin (boy) la prima the cousin (girl) el beb the baby el perro the dog el gato the cat el pez the fish

Adjectives to describe Family aburrido(a) boring alto(a) tall bajo(a) short bueno(a) good curioso(a) curious delgado(a) thin dulce sweet fuerte strong gordo(a) fat grande big guapo(a) pretty hermoso(a) beautiful honesto(a) honest interesante interesting joven young pequeo(a) small perezoso(a) lazy tranquilo(a) calm viejo(a) old *Remind students that the adjectives must fit in both number and gender with the word it is describing.

Verb examples to conjugate: tener(tengo) to have(I have) llamarse (me llamo, se llama) to call oneself (I call myself, he/she calls himself/herself)

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