Disc Bloom Notes

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Discussion - Blooms Taxonomy Give a brief review of the material - you have to start off assuming theyve read

the material or else they wont (if you give it to them, they wont read it ahead of time) Six levels of hierarchy Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating

Lower-order learning

Higher-order learning

Have the students break up into groups ! use the multi-media presenter to display some of the instructors slides ! Have the students break up into groups and use the huddle boards (if in BH B10) or paper to write down one sample question or activity related to these slides or some aspect of BIOS 100 ! Each group should then give some examples of their questions and the rest of the class discuss them " Are they good questions? " Do they meet the assessment goals of the question (i.e. to they test material at the evaluation level, or is simply a memorization question?) MCAT & Myths ! Present the following questions to the students and have them prepare answers to the following questions (feel free to substitute your own): " Why are introductory biology classes currently under scrutiny by both educators and scientists? " Are the MCAT exam and students preparing for this really to blame for this scrutiny? " Do the data support the idea that the MCAT exam is largely a factual recall exam? Why or why not? " Do you think that biology classes with mostly factual recall questions are better than those which assess at high level learning? Why or why not?

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